Commercial Building Requirement
Commercial Building Requirement
Commercial Building Requirement
This handout summarizes the requirements for a complete plan submittal for new commercial and industrial
buildings, including additions to those existing buildings. Current code regulations require building permits when
buildings or structures are constructed, altered, repaired, moved, converted, or demolished before commencing
any work.
• Only plans prepared by a California licensed professional (architect or engineer) will be acceptable for
new commercial projects.
• Civil site plans must be stamped and signed by a registered civil engineer upon approval
Additional Requirements
Applicants shall make separate submittals directly to other local utility companies and county agencies as
APCD (Air Pollution Control District)
YCEH (Yolo County Environmental Health)
SRCSD (Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District)
Separate plan submittal and permits are required for site installation of swimming pools, spas, and
Dimensioned floor plan identifying room uses; furniture / assembly seating layout
Door / Window / Interior Signage / Room Finish Schedules
Area analysis based on type of construction, occupancy classification, number of stories or yards;
specify method of designed occupancy (separated or non-separated uses)
Type and amount of combustibles, if any
Identify fire-rated elements (fire walls, fire barriers, corridors, shafts); “listing” (i.e., UL, Gypsum Assoc.,
CBC) / details of rated assemblies; protection of penetrations in rated assemblies; fire extinguisher
Means of egress plan / exiting plan (identify exits, stairways, exit passageways); travel distance from all
remote spaces – both exit access travel distances and common-path-of-travel distances.
Exterior Finish Materials Schedule
Building height; building address
Roofing material; pitch; equipment; roof access
Roof drains; roof drain calculations; vents
Prefabricated truss calculations must be submitted with plans. Show complete roof/floor layout with
truss I.D.# and manufacturer’s name; truss splice detail, connections, plate sizes; gable
bracing/bridge; stamped and signed calculations with single line truss diagram with all
vertical/lateral loads, including bearing points coordinated with framing plan.
Structural notes to include design data and material requirements
Foundation plan
Foundation details for slab, footings, piers, grade beam, holdowns, wall anchoring
Floor framing plan showing size / spacing / direction of framing
Shear Wall Schedule
Roof framing plan showing size / spacing / direction of framing
Community Development Department | Building Division
1110 West Capitol Ave., West Sacramento, CA 95691 ● (916) 617-4645 ●
Stair / handrail / guardrail / deck location and framing support details
Building cross-sections
Interior access features detailed; clearances / mounting heights; restrooms / door signage
Roof equipment attachment details
Casework, shelving, and storage racks; support details
2022 California Building Code (based on 2021 International Building Code)
2022 California Green Building Standards Code
Community Development Department | Building Division
1110 West Capitol Ave., West Sacramento, CA 95691 ● (916) 617-4645 ●
Wind Speed:
Wind Exposure Recommended factor: See Chapters 26-30 of ASCE 7 (2022 CBC, Volume 2, Section
1609 Wind Loads)
o Exposure C should be used unless exposure B can be justified: 1) by a recognized engineering
study; and 2) additional documentation in the form of aerial photos or topography maps may be
required when determined by the Building Official
Seismic Design Parameters:
Climate Zone: 12
Due to the complexity of permit fees for new construction, it is recommended that you contact the
Building and Engineering counter to review all applicable costs such as development fees, building fees,
school district fees, etc. Construction data such as total valuation, site valuation, R/W valuation,
itemized square footage areas, and type of construction are required for a complete fee assessment.
General requirements:
indicates information has been provided
Refer to Division I, Section 2.01 for general requirements and Division I, Section 2.02
Sheet Size: 24” X 36”
Scale: Horizontal 1 inch = 40 feet; vertical 1 inch = 4 feet, minimum.
Submit two sets of plans: Two hard copies and One PDF for engineering review