Clinical Utility of Kshara in Shalyatantra

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 2, March-April 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Clinical Utility of Kshara in Shalyatantra

PG Scholar, 2Associate Professor, 3Associate Professor,
1, 2, 3
Department of Shalya Tantra, Shree Vijay Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College,
Ilkal, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: DR.

Ksharasutra is an important ayurveda therapy which offers minimal MAHANTESH GOUDAR | DR. ASMA
invasion for the management of parasurgical and surgical health | DR. CHANDRAKANT. M. BUDNI
problems. The word meaning of “Kshara’’ (ksharanatat ksharanadwa "Clinical Utility of Kshara in
ksharaha)1 they are capable of melting away or destroying the tissues. Shalyatantra"
Published in
Kshara sutra is considered as safe and economic therapy for the
International Journal
treatment of anorectal disorders such as arsha (Hemorrhoids), of Trend in
Bhagandhar, and gudabramsha. Ksharasutra is applied for the Scientific Research
treatment of pathological conditions like sentinel piles, pilonidal and Development
sinus, warts, rectal polyps. In the wound management it is mainly (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD53942
used for shodhana (debridement), ushna and teekshna properties of 6470, Volume-7 |
kshara are helpful in the management. Kshara is superior among the Issue-2, April 2023, pp.117-119, URL:
shastra anushastra because it does functions like chedana, bhedana,
and Lekhana.2
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: Kshara, Ksharana, Anushastra, Shastra International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Sushruta Samhita is main text of ayurveda surgical that due to katurasa, kshara is injurious to Hridaya,
practice and it encompasses several approaches based kasha, chakshu, ojas and shukra.
on the logical reasoning and evidence-based practices
Acharya Charaka has mentioned two types of kshara
to cure different surgical and parasurgical problems.
preparation. In vimanasthana1st chapter definition,
Arsha which are considered as asthamahagadha (3-6)
general properties and adverse effects of kshara are
can also be managed using modalities of ayurveda
mentioned 9. Apart from that in surgical description
shalyachikitsa. The shalya chikitsa can be used to also Charaka has considered it as one of the 3 types of
treat the anorectal disorders by using the bheshaja treatment in shastra pranidhana 10. In Harita Samhita
chikitsa, kshara karma, agni karma and shastra karma. kshara karma is included in the 8 important types of
Ayurvedic classics described kshara as a substance, treatment.
which removes the vitiated material from the skin and
flesh, helps to detoxify the dosha, dhatu and mala. Chakradatta also told ksharasutra using in
Kshara therapy offers vrana shodhana, ropana Bhagandhara. Acharya sushruta has narrated kshara
properties which helps to purify and heals wounds as an Anushastra, upayantra, Agropaharaniya and one
respectively.(7-8). Excessive use of kshara leads to of the upakrama of vrana. When the kshara is
pumsatvaupaghata. administered by an ignorant physician can harm the
body like agni, shastra or even leads to death itself.
Literature review While the same administered by an intelligent and
Charaka said kshara helps in digestion but excessive well skilled physician can prove potent enough to
use cause impairment of vision. Vaghabata described subside all serious and most troublesome disease
rapidly in which it is indicated.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Yadavji trikamji has described a separate chapter on taken in bowl and applied over pile mass or any
kshara Kalpana. Kshara can reduce the chances of other selected area. It is kept until the color
post-surgical infections due to its alkaline nature. changes to pakwajambhuphalavarna.
Types of kshara11 Paschat karma:
Applied kshara is wiped with distilled water
followed by nimbuswarasa. The procedure can be
Paneeya kshara Pratisaraneeya
repeated for 2 to 3 times according to indication
Based on origin
and severity of disease. If required the procedure
1) Vanaspatya 1) Mrudu
can be repeated for 2 nd or 3 rd sitting at interval
2) Pranija 2) Madhyama
of 21 days.
3) Khanija 3) Teekshna
1. Paneeyakshara: It can be used in the diseases Indication of kshara in arsha
like Gulma, Garavisha, Udararoga, Agnisanga, Mruduprasutaavagadanuchyaucchritani ksharena
Ajeerna, Arochaka, Anaha, Ashmari, Soft, spread out, deep rooted &elevated type of
Abhyantaravidradhi, krimi,Arsha, Vilambaka, kshara. \
Vidradhi, Alasaka 12.
Method of kshara application (Ksharapaatana
Contraindications: It is harmful in persons with vidhi)
Rakta pitta, Jwara, Pitta prakruti, Bala, Vruddha, Kshara application was done locally on the pile
Bhrama, Mada, Moorcha, Timira. mass as per the classical technique called
“Ksharapatanavidhi”.It was conducted according
Prateesaraniya kshara 13
to the principles of tridosha karma.
The kshara for external application have been advised
to be used in Kushta, Dadru, Mandala, Kilasa, Operative procedure
Bhagandhara, Arbhuda, Arsha, Dushtavrana, 1. Patient was laid down in lithotomy position.
Naadivrana, Charmakeela, Tilakalaka, Nyachha, 2. Perineal part cleaned with aspetic solutions.
Vyanga, Mashaka, bahyavidradhi.
3. Then the lubricated arshoyantra / proctoscope in
This has also been advised to used as alternative to the anal canal.
shashtra, in the saptamukharogas (diseases of oral
cavity like upajihvika, adhijivhika upakusha, 4. Kshara is applied on internal pile mass.
dantavaidharbha, 3 types of rohini. 5. Applied kshara was kept for 2 minutes,or wait for
Application of prateesaraniya kshara hundred matra kala ( 1- 2 minutes)
The patient should be examined, rubbed and 6. After application of kshara,the pile mass changed
scratched the diseased part, the kshara should be to the color of Jambhuphalavarna appearance.
applied by shalaka, then one should wait up to 7. Then it is washed with Nimbu swarasa.
vaakashatamaatra (count up to one hundred)
8. Apply madhu and ghrita to overcome gudadaha
Procedure of kshara karma: (burning sensation) yashtimadhu ghrita can also
Poorvakarma: A patient who is considered fit for be applied.
procedure is prepared accordingly. Patient are 9. Pichu with Anutaila or Mahanarayana taila can
counseled and give explanation about the procedure also be used.
in order to make them aware about the procedure in
order to make them aware about the process of Method of application:
treatment. Wound was washed with triphala kwatha for one
whole day, after that proper cleaning was done.
Agropaharaneeya: Before starting the procedure Excision of growth was done. Later apamaarga kshara
material required such as pratisaraneeya kshara, was locally applied under local anesthesia, washed
nimbu swarasa, sptula, proctoscope, changeri with sterile gauze and jatyadi taila.
ghrita/Jatyadi ghrita.
Pradhana karma: 1. Laghu ahara allowed by evening.
Patient is taken on the operation table in 2. Avagaha sweda (sitz bath) with panchavalkala
lithotomy position. kwatha for 8 hourly.
The part was paintained with antiseptic solution Application of kshara in bhagandhara
after this, local anesthesia is given and manual Teekshna prateesaraniya kshara can be applied in
anal dilatation is done. Prateesaraneeya kshara is case of fistula in ano or pillonidal sinus.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD53942 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 118
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Operative procedure prateesaraneeya kshara in the management of
A. After achieving local anesthesia with lignocaine ardhara arshas with special reference to
2%, a copper probe is inserted from external histopathological examination, International
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B. Partial fistulectomy is done.
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Conclusion histopathological examination, International
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD53942 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 119

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