Assignment 7 Memorandum and Business Letter
Assignment 7 Memorandum and Business Letter
Assignment 7 Memorandum and Business Letter
Class : BS 1C
Date : 25 October 2021
Assignment 7 : Memorandum and Business Letter
Due to (P) some recent shipping issues (O), the Board (S) has decided to update (V) part of
our shipping procedure (O). Whenever (CJ) an order (S) is ready (V) to ship (C), please (I)
leave (V) that order's shipping form (O) in my office mailbox (Adv.), and (Conj.) I (S) will
return (V) it (O) to your station once I confirm everything is correct (C-Adv.). Although
(Conj.) this change (S) will slow down (V) our process (O) a little (C), it will hopefully
prevent further errors (C).
If (Conj.) you (S) have (V) any questions (O), please feel welcome to (C) stop (V) by my
office (Adv.). Thank you (V) all (O) for everything you do (C). Your hard work (S) is
appreciated (V).
Memorandum (Sentence Analysis)
Adj: Adjective V: Verb Adv: Adverb
S: Subject C: Complement P: Preposition
O: Object Conj: I: Imperative
This letter (S) is (V) to inform you (C) that (Conj.) as of January 1, 2023 (Adv.), we (S) will
no longer be using (V) your cleaning services (O) for our hotel chain (C). Please (I) accept
(V) this letter (O) as the official advanced notification specified in our contract (C).
We (S) are terminating (V) our contract (O) due to (Conj.) a major change (O) in our
business strategy (C). Although (Conj.) I (S) am pleased (V) with Crystal Cleaning's service
(C), this change (O) is necessary (Adj.) for us in light of the direction we are moving in (C).
We (S) recognize (V) that (Conj.) you have been our go-to cleaning company for the past
three years (C). We (S) appreciate (V) your high standards and attention (O) to detail (C). We
(S) expect to maintain (V) the bar your organization has set (O) as we move forward(C).
Thank (V) you (O), and (Conj.) if (Conj.) you (S) have (V) any questions regarding this
contract termination letter (O), please call (V) me (O) at 518-505-5587 (C).
Business Letter (Sentence Analysis)
Adj: Adjective
S: Subject
O: Object
V: Verb
C: Complement
Adv: Adverb
P: Preposition
I: Imperative
Name : Indira Fitria
NIM : 2104411089
Class : BS 1C
Date : 25 October 2021
Assignment 7 : Memorandum and Business Letter
Please prepared (V) a report last marketing materials (O), that meeting (S) will be held (V) Body (Isi)
on february 29, 2013 (Adv.of time)
Ahmad Sembiring
Bejon Sender
Jl.Gelora No.09 address
20 Oktober 2009
Mrs. Juwita
The Human Resource Manager,
Garment Company Receiver’address
No.9 Jl. Kacir
Bojong 12452
With this letter (A) we (S) intend to introduce (V) our company PT. Go Garment (O), to Mrs The
Human Resource Manager of PT. Shabby Clothes on Jl. Kacir No. 9 Bojong (C). We are a Body of lette
company (S) engaged (V) in the manufacture (O) of garment products (A) and produce stuff for
promotional purposes or agencies, schools, up to brand products and department stores (C).
Therefore, according to (V) the information we collect (O), PT Shabby Clothes is a Garment
company (S) that is (Conj) growing (V) rapidly (A) and will construct (V) another building and
production shops (O). In relation to that (C), we (S) made (V) an offer (O) for ordering and
delivery of materials in our core garment (C). Complimentary c
We (S) hope (V) this offer (O) can be realized (V) in the form of cooperation so as to benefit
both parties (C). If the company you (O) are interested (V) we (S) are ready to further talks (C).
Thus we (S) submit (V) this letter of offer (O), for your attention and (Conj) cooperation (C), we
(S) extend (V) many thanks (C).
Siginiture Signiture
Bejon Sender’s
Name : Dilla Nurul Khafidah
NIM : 2104411071
Class : BS 1C
Date : 25 October 2021
Assignment 7 : Memorandum and Business Letter
To : All employees
From : Ridho, General Manager Memo head
Date : May 8th, 2017
Subject : Regular Meeting
We (subject) will hold (verb) regular meeting (object) on May, 14th 2017 (adverb of time). Is
not similar to previous (adjective) agenda since (object) there is urgent matter to discuss (verb)
with all of the team (subject).
That (conjungtion) is why please (imperative) allocate the time (adverb), and prepare (verb)
all the necessary (adjective) materials (noun) as what we (subject) usually (adverb) do in
regular meeting (noun). In the end (conjungtion) of the session (noun), there will (adverb) be
additional (adjective) information (noun) that (conjungtion) I (subject) will share (noun).
General Manager
Megatama Corporation
Sudirman Street, no. 10 Sender’s Address
Tiongkok, Beijing, zip code: 13410 Telp: 0216789
I (subject) am writing (verb) you concerning (subject) a recent (adjective) purchase (noun) of
promotional (adjective) items (noun). Approximately (adverb) two weeks ago, on May 1
(adverb on time), I (subject) ordered (verb) a total of 500 promotional (adjective) items
(noun) for Megatama Company (object) via the Promotional (adjective) items (noun) webpage.
I (subject) received (verb) an email notification within three hours (adverb) confirming the
receipt (noun) of payment (noun) via credit card (noun) and (conjungtion) the prompt shipment
(object) of promotional items (noun). Your (subject) website indicated (noun), shipments
should (verb) reach (noun) their destination within 3-5 business days (adverb) of being sent, but
(conjunction) I (subject) am eagerly awaiting to receive (verb) the promotional items (noun).
Do you (subject) have (verb) any (adjective) information (noun) on what may (verb) have
happened with (preposition) shipment or where (adverb, conjunction) the shipment is located
I (subject) have worked (verb) with (preposition) name of company (noun) before
(preposition) and (conjungtion) have confidence (noun) in your (subject) product lines and
(conjungtion) excellent (adjective) customer service (subject). The shipment of promotional
(object) items (noun) must arrive soon (verb), and (conjungtion) I (subject) hoped you
(subject) might (verb) be able to provide (verb) me (subject) with an idea (noun) of when
(adverb, conjuction) I (subject) can receive (verb) them (pronoun) in our office (subject).
Thank (verb) you in advance for assistance (noun) you (subject) may provide (verb) regarding
the purchase (noun). Thank (verb) you.
General Manager
Telp: 0213456789