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Uses of Various Dielectrics in Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) - A Critical Review

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Uses of Various Dielectrics in Electro Discharge

Machining (EDM) – A Critical Review
Shatarupa Biswas1*, Manidipto Mukherjee2
1 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT, Silchar- CAMM, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur-713209,
788010, Assam, India West Bengal, India

Abstract:- Electro discharge machining (EDM) is a non- oil, deionized water, etc.) are used. The responses are
conventional machining process, in this process does not material removal rate (MRR), surface roughness (SR), tool
require any mechanical contact between the electrode wear rate (TWR), recast layer thickness (RLT), etc. As the
and the workpiece. Usually, the dielectric fluids are used dielectric medium, liquid (such as kerosene, EDM oil,
to create a connection to the electrode and the vegetable oil, etc.) and gaseous (such as oxygen, helium,
workpiece. Generally, fluids (kerosene, EDM oil, etc.) can be used [7]. If the liquid dielectric medium is used,
gasoline, deionized water, etc.) and gases (oxygen, then the EDM process is called wet EDM machining, and
helium, etc.) are used as dielectric in the EDM process, likewise gaseous substances are used as dielectric for dry
which serves as electrical insulators and semiconductor EDM machining. It has been observed from the previous
between electrode and workpiece. Also, the fluids literature review that wet EDM is capable for giving batter
remove the dust particles from the machining surfaces of MRR compared to dry EDM [8]. Mostly dielectric fluids
the workpiece. However, the liquid medium is widely (such as kerosene, EDM oil, jatropha curcas oil) are used for
used in the EDM process. On the other hand, the gaseous wet EDM machining. However, kerosene and deionized
dielectric is also often used to fill in any specific need. water are widely used in EDM process [9][10][11][12]. The
Nowadays, mixed dielectric fluids are very commonly present study reviewed the advantages dielectric medium
used for machining purposes, because of some lack of (liquid and gas) and mixed dielectric fluids on responses
efficiency with plane dielectric fluid. In this study, it is with different materials. Also reviewed the improvement of
shown the advantages of several dielectric mediums responses on input parameters.
(liquid and gas) in the EDM process for different
materials. Furthermore, it also reviewed how to improve II. MAIN TEXT
output parameters with respect to input parameters with
the help of various types of mixed dielectric fluids. Generally, Three Types Of EDM Are Used In Mordern
Industries [13][14], These Are
Keywords:- Electrical discharge machining, Dielectric
fluids, Dielectric gases, Input parameters, Output  Die sink EDM
parameters.  WEDM
 Micro EDM
A. Types of EDM
In the year 1770, Joseph Priestley, the english physicist
first discovered the erosive effect of the EDM process. After  Die Sink EDM:-
that, Russian scientists B.R Lazarenko and N. I Lazarenko in Nowadays die sinking EDM is widely used in many
the year of 1940 discovered the EDM process [1]. After that, sectors of modern industry [15]. Many works on this form of
scientists from the Soviet Union developed the EDM EDM are already underway [16][17][18][19]. Die sink EDM
machine in the year of 1967 [2]. EDM is not a traditional is also referred to as cavity-type EDM. The electrode and
method [3], which is basically used for machininh of hard workpiece are submerged in the dielectric fluid when the
metals (like Ni based super alloys, Titanium, Hastelloy, etc.) machining operation is underway (Fig. 1). The workpiece
and which would be very difficult to machine in the and electrode both are connected to an appropriate power
conventional method (like lathe, planning, etc.) [4][5]. Also, supply (DC). Dielectric fluids break down into positive and
EDM works with electric conductive materials (like negative ions while the power supply is on. Metal ions are
aluminum, copper, etc.), although the methods are proposed released from the workpiece during the process, and
for ceramics [4]. However, EDM can be cut in pre-hardened electrons are released from the electrode and created sparks
steel with complicated shapes or cavities. Furthermore, between them. During the sparking, the temperature
machining performance of EDM is depends on diferent increased up to 8000°C-12000°C, for this reason, metals are
input parameters such as pulse time (on and off), current, eroded from the surfaces.
voltage, etc. [6], also dielectric fluids (like kerosene, EDM

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
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Fig 1 Block Diagram of Die Sink EDM

 Wire Cut EDM (WEDM):-

WEDM is commonly used for complex structure cutting [13][14][20][21]. WEDM is also known as spark EDM. A thin wire
(such as copper, zinc, molybdenum, etc.) is broadly used as a cutting tool. The diameter of the wire varies 0.1-0.3 mm. In this
process, a maximum 300 mm thick workpiece can be cut. In this method does not require high cutting forces to remove the
material. Furthermore, WEDM process is burr-free and does not require any mechanical contact between the workpiece and the
cutting tool. Generally, the WEDM system has five-axis motions i.e., x, y, z, u and v. The first two axes (x and y) practically used
for the movement of machine bed. The z-axis is used for controlling the motion of the wire. Mainly the last two-axes (u and v) are
used to create the taper shape. Fig. 2, shows the schematic representation of WEDM method.

Fig 2 Block Diagram of WEDM

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Micro(µ)- EDM
Micro (µ)-EDM has been able to be used to generate complex microstructures [22][23]. It can cut different types of small
shapes (diameter less than 200μm) [24]. It also machined micro-cavities (stress-free) on electrically conductive and
semiconducting materials. In µ-EDM, the anode is connected to the workpiece and the electrode is connected to the cathode.
Dielectric fluids are used between the workpiece and electrode, as a result, sparks are created. The µ-EDM can be divided into
four groups (μ-die sink EDM, μ-EDM drilling, μ-milling EDM & μ-wire EDM milling), based on the types of tools and
kinematics of tools. Fig. 3 shows the schematic representation of the µ-EDM method.

Fig 3 Block Diagram of µ-EDM

B. Important parameters of the EDM process

EDM process typically depends on many input and output parameters. Fig. 4 displays different types of EDM parameters.
Input parameters have to be selected for starting EDM machining to get better outcomes. The sub-sections are accompanied by a
brief overview of the most relevant input parameters and output parameters used in the EDM process.

Fig 4 Major parameters of EDM process

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Input Parameters  Tool wear rate (TWR): The errotion of cutting tools (due
to machining of the EDM process) is called tool wear
 The Input Parameters are Described below:- rate (TWR). TWR is calculated using Eq. (3) [27].

 Pulse on time (ton): Pulse on time (ton) is the total TW =

volumetric removal of the tool weight
wtb −wta
duration of discharge time between the tool and total machining time ρ×tm

workpiece. A longer ton will rise the discharge energy. Its

measuring unit is a microsecond (µs). Where wtb =weight of tool before machining and wta =
 Pulse-off time (toff): Pulse-off time (toff) is the non- weight of the tool after machining. ρ=density of the tool and
discharge time between the tool and the workpiece. Its tm =machining time.
measureing unit is microsecond (µs)
 Voltage (V): During machining, discharge voltage (V) is  Wire Wear ratio (WWR): The wire wear ratio (WWR) is
influenced by the dielectric strength. A larger V will rise defined as the wire weight loss to the wire's initial
the discharge energy weight (IWW) and after the final weight (WWL). The
 Current (I): It is the measurement of the quantity of help of the following Eq. (4) WWR can be calculated
electrical charges flowing between the electrode and [28].
workpiece and its measuring unit is amp (A).
 Discharge Energy (D): When the material is removed WWR = IWW
then electrical energy is available between the tool and
the workpiece. It can be measured with the help of the  Surface quality (SQ): The specimen's surface quality
following Eq. (1) [25] and its measuring unit is Joule (J). (SQ) is one of the desired responses required after EDM
machining. SQ is dependent on the texture and the
Discharge Energy(D) undulation of the surfaces of workpiece. SQ is also
called workpiece topographic property. The SQ depends
∫0 𝑑 v × i × dt ≅ v × i × t 𝑑 (1) on the types of dielectric fluid used for the EDM process
Where td is discharge time, i is discharge current, and v  Surface roughness (SR): Surface roughness (SR) is a
is discharge voltage. deviation from its ideal form along the direction of the
normal vector of an actual surface. If such deviations are
 Electrode Polarity: The connection between workpiece large, the surface will be rough; if it is minor, the surface
and electrode is either positive (+) or negative (-), is will be smooth [18][31].
called polarity which is based on the necessity of work.  Heat-affected zone (HAZ): The heat-affected zone
 Discharge gap distance: This is the maximum distance (HAZ) means, the area of the workpiece that is affected
between the anode and cathode. It is affected by voltage due to the heat generated during the time of machining
and dielectric strength. [32][33].
 Dielectric: The dielectric makes sparks and acts as a  Recast layer thickness (RLT): A sudden rise in localized
semiconductor that can be produced electrical heat in the time machining melts the cutting surfaces to
discharges. Even the dielectric cools the tool and an extent followed by rapid quenching due to the
workpiece and removes the debris from the cutting presence of dielectric fluid. The uncleaned debrish
surface. The dielectric may be in liquid or gaseous form. produces a layer that resembles the cast state and is
 Flushing method: Flushing is the method of cleansing known as RLT [17][34]
material debris during machining time and provides fresh
dielectric fluid inside the discharge gap C. Dielectric Medium
For EDM purposes two types of the dielectric medium
 Response or Output Parameters may be used. One type is liquid, and another type is gaseous.
Various responses are described below. The dielectric acts as a semiconductor and insulator between
the tool and the workpiece to promote a stable and
 Material removal rate (MRR): The volumetric removal controlled spark gap when ionization occurred. In the
of material per unit of time can be described as material machining operation, it also eliminates the dust content from
removal rate (MRR). MRR is closely related to dielectric the cutting surface. Therefore, the basic functions of
fluid [12][26]. The MRR calculation can be taken by the dielectric fluids are insulation, ionization, cooling, and waste
following Eq. (2) [27]. particle removal [35]. Mostly dielectric is used as a liquid
medium and it has certain properties, i.e., high flash point,
volume of the material removal wsb − wsa low viscosity, light-colored, and rust-resistant. It increases
MRR= time of machining
= ρ×tm
the life of the tools, improves efficiency, and enhances
surface texture consistency.
Where wsb denotes the workpiece weight before
machining and wsa is the workpiece weight after machining.  Some Dielectric Fluids are Described below –
ρ is the density of the workpiece and tm is the machining Kerosene is readily available, and it is a very
time. economical oil compared to other dielectric oils, [36].
Kerosene is also named paraffin or coal oil. The key

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
properties of kerosene are, it has no cetane number, less properties [11][12]. Previous researchers used kerosene as a
lubricity, large delays in the ignition. The kerosene dielectric fluid in their experiment with various
flashpoint lies between 37°C to 65°C, and its auto-ignition is work materials, and sometimes kerosene, combined with
220°C. Kerosene is a mixture of hydrocarbons (ranging some powder, emulsion, and surfactant shown in Table 1
from 6 to 16), with several carbon particles and it becomes a and Table 2 shows the uses of kerosene with mixed powder
very natural dielectric fluid for the aforementioned and emulsion for the EDM process.

Table 1 Use of Kerosene as a Dielectric Fluid on EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Jeswani (1981) [37] High carbon steel Copper It is showed when the pulse energy range is high (72–
288 MJ) then MRR is also high.
Chen et. al. (1999) [38] Ti–6A1–4V Copper It is found that after machining, the crack density is
lower and the depth of the white layer is thicker. But a
carbide is formed on the surfaces of the workpiece.
Bai and Koo (2006) [39] Super alloy Haynes Al–Mo composite It is shown that the maximum hardness value is 1086
230 (85% Al,15% HK. When used positive polarity then SR (2.62 μm)
Mo) gives a better result.
Wu et. al. (2009) [40] SKD 61steel Copper It is discovered the SR is improved by 60%.
Bhattacharya et. H11, HCHCr, AISI Graphite, W-Cu, It is observed that I and Ton are the main input
al.(2013) [41] 1045 Brass parameters for finding MRR.
Mehta, (2015) [12] Inconel 718 Copper In this study, it is shown that the percentage of the
difference between the actual value and predicted value
of MRR lies between 0.38 - 2.38%.
Valaki et. al.(2016) [42] P20+ plastic mold Copper It is found that the values of MRR (29.21 mm3/min) is
steel maxed when I value is 18 A, Ton value is 200 μs, Toff
value is 20 μs, V value is 50V. But SR (4.89 μm) is min
when I value is 3 A, Ton value is 200 μs, Toff value is 20
μs, V value is 50 V. MH is (339 HV) max when the I
value is 9 A, Ton value is 11 μs, Toff value is 20 μs, V
value is 50 V.
Singh and Sharma Cobalt-bonded Copper It is observed that the values of MRR are improved and
(2016) [43] tungsten carbide TWR values are also improved.
Niamat et. al. (2017) Al 6061 T6 alloy Copper It is discovered that the value of MRR is maximum,
[27] (302.47 mm3/min) when increased I (12 A) and Ton (45
μs), TWR is minimum (0.56 mm3/min) when I value is 6
A, Ton is 45 μs respectively. when Ton and I value
increased then shows more cracks and micro holes.
Li et. al. (2018) [44] Inconel 738 Hollow brass In this study, it is shown that the machining time is
much longer and a thin recast layer (4.8 μm) is formed.
Pellegrini and Ravasio AISI 319L and Ti- Tungsten carbide It is shown that kerosene with a WC electrode is not
(2020) [45] 6Al-4V (WC) and brass, suitable for corresponding to the brass electrode and
kerosene is created pollution effects that are not suitable
for nature.
Ishfaq et. al. (2020) [46] Ti-6Al-4V copper, brass, It is found maximum MRR (4.62 mm3/min) in kerosene
aluminum is obtained with the aluminum electrode.
Ming et. al. (2022) [47] SKD 11 W, Cu, Cu-W, It is observed MRR is 15 % higher than vegetable oil.

Table 2 Use of Kerosene With Mixed of Powder/Emulsion/Surfactant on EDM

Author and Year Material Mixing agent Electrode Finding
Jeswani (1981) [37] Mild steel Graphite powder Copper It is shown that when the ionization and
deionization are changed the liquid then created
more spark discharges per unit of time. Then
MRR is increased by 60% and TWR is increased
by 15%.
Pecas and Henriques AISI H13 Silicon powder Copper In this study, it is observed that the polishing
(2003) [15] time has a greater effect on decreasing the SR.
Kansal et. al. (2005) HCHCr die Graphite powder Copper Here shows the improvement of MRR (40%)
[6] steel and reduction of TWR (50%) and SR (38%)

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Wu et. al. (2009) [40] SKD 61steel Surfactant Copper In this study, it is shown that the thin recast layer
produced using dielectric fluids and MRR is
40% improved.
Liu et. al.(2010) [48] AISI 1045 Emulsion (distilled Red copper In this literature, it is shown that some deep
water + emulsified oil craters and micro-cracks are formed on the
+ machine oil) surfaces of workpieces.
Bhaumik and Maity AISI 304 SiC powder Tungsten It discovered that the MRR is improved, when I
(2017) [49] carbide is 4 A, Ton is 150 μs, V 65 V, the duty cycle is
65% and powder concentration is 10g/l.
Ishfaq et. al. (2020) Ti-6Al-4V Graphene Copper, It is showed MRR is higher when the graphene-
[46] brass, based dielectric is used (7.60 mm3/min), which
aluminum is 64.5% more than plain dielectric.
Malhotra et.al. (2020) Aluminum SiC powder Copper It is found MRR is 45% better and the TWR is
[50] 7075 15% lower than the gas EDM process.

 Water The water density is 4°C (1gm/cm3), and the specific

Water is a very common dielectric fluid. gravity is 1. In general, two types of water are used for the
Approximately 70% of the earth's surface is filled by water, EDM process. The first one is natural water, and the second
therefore, it is readily accessible and low-cost. Two parts of one is water with deionization. However, normal tap water
hydrogen and one part of oxygen (H2O) are combined and is mixed with many chemicals, therefore needed to kill
the generated form is come out. The water is tasteless and bacteria and other microorganisms. But deionized water is a
odorless at room temperature and is almost colorless. The form of liquid that eliminates all its ions, and it is free of
main properties of water are described below- charge. It's not a substance made from hydrocarbons. For
that reason, water does not produce any kind of
 It has an attraction to polar molecules. environmental pollution [48]. Previous experiments in EDM
 Specific heat is high. with different work materials are shown in Table 3 using
 Heat vaporization is high. water as a dielectric fluid and powder-mixed water (acts as a
 The density is low. dielectric fluid) shown in Table 4. Often different types of
powder (such as aluminum powder, sic powder, silicon
powder, and graphite powder) and emulsions are used with
plain dielectric fluid to get a better result.

Table 3 Use of Deionized Water as a Dielectric Fluid on WEDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Jeswani (1981) [51] High carbon steel Copper In this study, it is observed that a higher MRR (75%) and a
lower wear ratio and the surface finish are better.
Erden and Temel (1982) Steel Copper, brass It is discovered that the machining with Ton (400 - 1500 µs)
[52] improved the performance of MRR and TWR.
Jilani and Pandey (1984) Low carbon steel Copper, brass In this study, it is observed that the performance of EDM
[53] by using distilled water, tap water, and a mixture of 25%
tap and 75% distilled water respectively. But tap water
shows zero electrode wear.
Chen et. al. (1999) [38] Ti–6A1–4V Copper In this literature, it is observed that the MRR is max (2
mm3/min) and crack density is high & the depth of the
white layer is thin. Some oxide is formed on the surfaces of
the workpiece.
Bai and Koo (2006) [39] Haynes 230 Al –Mo In this study, it is shown that the positive polarity contains
composite (85% a mixture of NiAl, AlCr2, Al5Cr, and Al2O3 phases.
AL,15% MO)
Kao et. al. (2007) [54] AISI 6061 Brass It is found that wet EDM has better flushing capability than
dry EDM.
Dhakar et. al. (2016) [55] HSS T2 grade Copper It is found that the inter-electrode gap, generates more heat
energy and not created any RLT.
Uhlmann et. al. (2016) Si3N4-TiN ceramic Cemented It is shown that erosion time is high, lower electrode
[56] carbide relative wire, and low RLT
Niamat et. al. (2017) [27] AL 6061, T6 alloy Copper It is found that MRR is maximum (112.963 mm3/min)
when I is 12 A, Ton is 30 μs and TWR is minimum when
(0.52 mm3/min) I is 6 A, Ton is 30 μs respectively.
Pellegrini and Ravasio AISI 319L, Ti-6Al- Tungsten It is observed water gives the lowest environmental impact.
(2020) [45] 4V carbide (WC),

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 4 Use of Water Mixed With Powder/Emulsion on EDM
Author & Year Material Mixing agent Electrode Finding
Masuzawa and SK4 die steel Solution of polyethylene Copper It is discovered that the MRR is improved,
Tanaka (1983) [57] glycol 200, 600 and produces a good surface finish, and
minimum RLT.
Syed and Kuppan W300 die Aluminum powder Copper Here it is observed that the RLT is decreased
(2013) [58] steel with the powder concentration at every
current level and when using negative
Liu et. al.(2013) [59] Mold steel Oil emulsion Copper In this study, MRR and SR were significantly
8407 (with 95% confidence) influenced by I. Both
MRR and TWR decrease when increasing the
Zhang et al (2014) Mould steel Oil emulsion Steel needle In this study, it is shown that MRR is
[8] 8407 increased.
Li et. al. (2018) [44] Inconel 738 Oil emulsion Hollow In this literature, it is found that the value of
brass RLT is 5.2 μm.

 Hydrocarbon Oil
Hydrocarbon oil is a commodity found in petroleum. It contained hydrogen and carbon, has a high flashing point. Previously
hydrocarbon oil is used as dielectric fluid which is shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Use of Hydrocarbon Oil as a Dielectric Fluid on EDM

Author & Year Material Electrode Finding
Rahang and Patowari Aluminum P/M green compacts In this study, it is shown that low I and low Ton caused
(2015) [60] (Copper and tungsten small damage to the masking edge with low thermal
powders mesh) energy within a short duration. Then the quality of SR is
not good.

 Jatropha Oil
Jatropha seeds are very rich in oil (40%) which includes 4.2% ash content with minerals, like Ca, Mg, K, and Na. The oil has
high levels of unsaturated fatty acids particularly oleic (44.7%) and linoleic (32.8%) [61]. Jatropha oil can be used in diesel
generators and engines straight after removal. Previous studies of jatropha oil in the EDM process are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Use of Jatropha Oil as a Dielectric Fluid On EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Valaki et. al. (2016) [42] P20+ plastic mold Copper In this literature, it is found that when I is 18 A, Ton is 200
steel μs, Toff is 20 μs, and V is 50 V then shows max MRR 53.33
(mm3/min). When SR is minimum 3.66 (μm) and MH (354
HV) is max then I is 9 A, Ton is 11 μs, Toff is 20 μs, and V is
50 V respectively.
Das et. al. (2019) [62] Ti-6Al-4V Copper In this article, it is shown that MRR is improved by 15%
compared to other dielectric fluids.

 EDM Oil between the tool and specimen. In general, EDM oil is
available in the market in three grades (grades 2-4)
EDM oil is highly refined oil with outstanding which are used according to the EDM criteria. Nowadays
oxidation resistance, it helps to reduce the incidence of oil is becoming very famous [63][64] because of its
oxidation of products. The oil has no color and odors and advantages and availability. Earlier using EDM oil with
has a high flash point that helps to minimize the risk of different material is shown in Table 7 and EDM Oil
fire during the machining process. EDM oil is a low mixed with powder/surfactant are shown in Table 8.
viscose fluid, providing good flow through the spark gap

Table 7 Use of EDM Oil as a Dielectric Fluid on EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Yu et. al. (2004) [7] Cemented Carbide Copper tungsten It is shown that the required machining time is less.
Pradhan and Biswas AISI D2 Copper It is shown that pulse current was the most principal
(2011) [65] factor for finding MRR.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Pradhan and Biswas AISI D2 Copper In this literature, it is shown that the RLT is straightly
(2012) [66] proportional to the I. But SCD is inversely proportional
to the I.
Bhattacharya et. H11, HCHCr, AISI Graphite, W-Cu, It is found that for H11, SR is 3.93 μm, MH is 1026
al.(2013) [41] 1045 Brass HVN, for HCHCr, SR is 3.69 μm, MH is 961 HVN, for
AISI 1045, SR is 2.2 μm, MH is 1006 HVN.
Sahu et. al. (2013) [65] AISI D2 Brass In this study, shows when I and Ton are increased then
RLT also increases. When Ton decreases, higher
numbers of holes and micro-cracks are detected in the
Dewangan and Biswas AISI P20 Copper In this study, MRR is affected by Tup and Tw. IEG
(2013) [67] (inner electrode gap) does not affect MRR.
Dhakar et. al. (2016) HSS T2 grade Copper In this study, observed that the surface of a material is
[55] rough, and MRR is high (3.58 mm3/min).
Upadhyay et. al.(2016) Inconel 601 Copper It is discovered that SCD and RLT both are straightly
[68] related to the input parameters, like I, Ton, V, and duty
Rahul et. al. (2016) [69] Inconel (601, 625, Graphite It is discovered that Inconel specimens can also be
718, and 825) measured (RLT) as an important machining
performance feature for finding optimal values of input
Mohanty and Mohanty D2 steel Direct metal laser In this study, it is discovered that a Taguchi method is
(2017) [70] sintered (DMLS) effective for calculating the optimum parameter.
Mishra et. al.(2018) Inconel 625 Copper It is observed that when Ton increase then increased SR,
[71] SCD, and RLT.
Beravala and Pandey AISI 304 Copper It is shown the RLT is lesser and SR is higher compared
(2019) [72] to other dielectrics

Table 8 Use of EDM Oil Mixed with Surfactant and Powder on EDM
Author and Year Work Material Mixing agent Electrode Finding
Kolli and Kumar Ti-6Al-4V Surfactant, Copper In this study, it is observed MRR is maximum
(2015) [73] Graphite powder (5.9367 mm3/min) when this dielectric is used.

 Vegetable Oil
Vegetable oils were extracted from seeds, like rapeseed, soybean, corn, sunflower, and peanut. These kinds of oils are also
becoming very popular with EDM because of their advantages and availability [74]. Table 9 displays previous research on
vegetable oil.

Table 9 Use of Vegetable Oil as a Dielectric Fluid on EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Valaki and Rathod (2015) M238 HH grade cold Copper In this study, it is shown that waste vegetable oil is used as
[75] worked plastic mold an alternative to hydrocarbon-based oil (like kerosene).
steel MRR, TWR all values can be improved.
Ming et. al. (2022) [47] SKD 11 W, Cu, Cu- It is observed SR is better than kerosene oil and vegetable
W, graphite oil is more sustainable.

 Glycerine
Glycerine’s trade name is glycerol, which is not pure. It has 95% glycerol, which is a basic compound of polyol. This has no
color and no sense of smell, is sweet-tasting and non-toxic, it is a viscous liquid. The chemical formula is C3H8O3 with 92.09382
g/mol molar mass and 1.26 g/cm3 density. The name given to IUPAC is propane-1,2,3-triol and the temperature to melt is 17.8°C.
Table 10 displays previous studies of glycerine in the EDM process.

Table 10 Use of Glycerin as a Dielectric Fluid on EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Dhakar et. al. (2016) [55] HSS T2 grade copper In the literature, it is shown that the value of MRR (8.99
mm3/min) in near-dry EDM, three-times higher than others
(water and EDM oil).
Yadav et. al. (2019) [76] Molybdenum based Hollow It is observed I was the significant parameter for MRR and
HSS copper SR. The highest MRR is 24.45 mm3/min.

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Nowadays, dielectric gas also plays a critical role in various EDM processes [77][78]. However, gaseous mediums are
usually less dangerous than dielectric liquids, as they do not interfere with the human body and do not produce dangerous vapors
[79]. The commonly used dielectric gases in the EDM process are listed briefly below.

 Oxygen
Oxygen is a common component of air. Two oxygen molecules are chemically bound to form an oxygen atom at normal
temperature and pressure. It has no taste, no color, and no odor. On the periodic table, it is a member of the chalcogen group. Its
atomic no is 8, atomic mass is 15.999 u, bond energy is 498 kJ/mol, the boiling point is 183°C, and melting point is 218.8°C.
Table 11 shows previous studies on oxygen, in the EDM process.

Table 11 Use of Oxygen as a Dielectric Gas in EDM Drilling

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Tao et al (2008) [77] NA Copper, It is found that when MRR is increased then exothermal
Graphite oxidation occurs.
Liqing and Yingjie Quenched 45-carbon Copper tube It was found that the oxygen-air mixture when used then
(2013) [80] steel improved MRR (1.4 mm3/min).

Beravala and Pandey AISI 304 Copper It is observed the MRR was increased with an increase of I,
(2018) [81] duty cycle, air pressure, and magnetic flux density while
decreasing with an increase in Ton.
Pellegrini and Ravasio AISI 319L and Ti-6Al- Tungsten It is discovered that oxygen offers betters output for other
(2020) [45] 4V carbide dielectric gases.
(WC), brass,

 Nitrogen
The Nitrogen’s symbol is 'N,' the number of atoms is 7 and the weight of the atom is 14.01u. It has no color and odor,
condensed to -195.8°C. The element is made out of N2 molecules, so the bond energy of 226 kilocalories/mole, is only surpassed
by the carbon monoxide (256 kilocalories/mole). Table 12 displays earlier studies of the EDM process with nitrogen gas
Table 12 Use Of Nitrogen as a Dielectric Gas on Micro EDM and EDM.
Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Zou et al (2018) [78] Brass H62 Tungsten In this study, it is shown that the discharge distance NPJ
(Nitrogen plasma jet) is greater than NJ (Nitrogen jet) but
smaller than DIW (Deionized water).
Liqing and Yingjie (2013) Quenched 45-carbon Copper It is found that for dry medium MRR value is 0.10
[80] steel tube mm3/min.

 Helium
The Helium’s symbol is 'He', and the atomic number is 2. Its position is first in the periodic table among the noble gas group.
Helium has no color, no odor, and no taste, and transforms to liquid at -268.9°C(-452°F). Helium’s boiling point is -268.9°C(-
452°F), atomic number is 2, atomic mass is 4.0026 u, and melting point is 272.2°C. However, Helium’s boiling point is the lowest
of all elements. Former experiments with Helium in the EDM process are shown in Table 13.

Table 13 Use Of Helium as a Dielectric Gas on EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Govindan et al (2011) SS304 Copper It is found that a higher heat capacity of gaseous dielectric,
[82] reduces sparking action. The rotation speed of the tool is the
main portion to increase in MRR (0.0192 mm3/min).

 Argon
Argon is the third noble gas in the periodic table. It has the same solubility as oxygen, and it is 2.5 times more water-soluble
than nitrogen. This gas is available in liquid and gaseous form and it is colorless and odourless. It’s atomic no 18, atomic weight
39.948 u, bond energy 4.73 ± 0.04 kJ/mol, boiling point -185.8°C, and melting point -189.4°C. Previous research with argon is
described in Table 14.

Table 14 Use Of Argon as a Dielectric Gas on EDM

Author and Year Material Electrode Finding
Singh et. al. (2016) [83] The high chromium, Copper single- It is discovered in the process of AAEDM (Air Assisted
High carbon die-steel hole tubular, EDM), the values of SR (3.78 µm) and % of TWR (1.45
perforated mm3/min) are lesser than AGAEDM (Argon-Gas-
electrode Assisted EDM) process. The MRR (22.03 mm3/min) is

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
more than AGAEDM and conventional Rotary EDM
Liqing and Yingjie Quenched 45-carbon Copper tube In this literature, it is found that for dry medium MRR
(2013) [80] steel value is 0.10 mm3/min.
Malhotra et.al. (2020) Aluminum 7075 Copper It is found MRR is 75% higher compared to liquid
[50] dielectric and TWR is lower by 25 %
Beravala and Pandey AISI 304 Copper It showed surface crack was reduced by 72% and RLT
(2019) [72] reduced by 43%.

It is clear from the above study, various types of dielectric fluids and gases are used to improve the responses for the EDM
process. The effect of the dielectric medium on various responses is illustrated in detail below (Table 15), Also the findings are
also graphically represented in Fig. 5a-c.

Table 15 Used Deionized Water in WEDM

Material KERF (mm) MRR (mm3/min) SR (μm)
AISI 304 ---- ---- 2.14 [84]
AISI 6061 0.26 [85] 11.35 [86] 1.77 [84]
Al 0.28 [87] ---- 3.60 [85]
Copper ---- 2.28 [88] ----
Inconel 718 0.60 [20] 1.85 [21] ----
Ni Ti Alloy 0.47 [89] ---- 2.47 [89]
Ti Grade5 Alloy 0.43 [30] ---- 2.20 [30]
Ti Grade6 Alloy 0.30 [90] 2.51 [90] 1.99 [90]

Fig 5 Materials plot for WEDM process vs (a) KERF, (b) MRR, (c) SR
Previous research on the Die sinking EDM method with different dielectric fluids and materials to determine the values of
responses (TWR, RLT, SR, and MRR) as shown in Table 16-20 and graphically illustrated in Fig. 6-10.

Table 16 Used Several Dielectric Fluids For Finding TWR (mm3/min) on EDM Process
Mould HCHCr die TI-6AL-4V
Fluids WC AISI 304 AISI P20 D2 Steel Inconel 718
Steel 8407 Steel Grade5
Kerosene 0.68[43]
Water 0.58[43]
EDM Oil 0.33[43] 0.01[91] 4.61[70]
Water Based 0.30[59]
Kerosene 0.01[92]
Parafin Oil 2.65[93]

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Fig 6 TWR vs Dielectric fluids plot for various materials

Table 17 Used Several Dielectric Fluids For Finding RLT (μm) on EDM Process
Dielectric Fluids W300 Die TI-6AL-4V
Inconel738 AISI D2 Inconel 625 Inconel 601
Steel Grade5
Kerosene 4.80[94]
EDM Oil 6.19[66] 13.75[71] 14.63[68]
Water Based 5.20[94] 17.14[58]
EDM Oil Based 13.26[73]

Fig 7 RLT vs Dielectric Fluids Plot Various Materials

Table 18 Used Several Dielectric Fluids for Finding SR (μm) on EDM Process

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Fig 8 SR vs Dielectric fluids plot various materials

Table 19 Used Several Dielectric Fluids for Finding MRR (mm3/min) on EDM Process

Fig 9 MRR vs Dielectric Fluids Plot Various Materials

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 20 Used Several Dielectric Gases For Finding MRR (mm /min) on EDM Process
Dielectric Gases
Quenched 45-carbon steel SS304
Oxygen 1.40[98]
Helium 0.02[19]
Nitrogen 0.10[98]
Air 0.30[98]
Argon 0.10[98]

Fig 10 MRR vs Dielectric Gases Plot Various Materials


It is observed from a previous study, EDM's machining efficiency is closely related to the type of dielectric fluid. Table 21-
26 shows the various responses of their class values like high, medium, and low against dielectric fluids for different materials. A
range of values is also mentioned for those classes.

Table 21 Performance of various Dielectric Fluids on Several Materials for MRR (mm3/min)

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 22 Performance of various Dielectric Fluids on Several Materials For SR (µm)

Table 23 Performance of various Dielectric Fluids on Several Materials For RLT (µm)
Dielectric Fluids
AISI D2 Inconel 625 Inconel 601 Ti Alloy Gr5 Inconel 738 W300 Die Steel
Kerosene M
Water Based M H
EDM Oil Based H
Note: The range of RLT (µm): High(H) >10; Medium(M): 10 to 2; Low(L) <2

Table 24 Performance of various Dielectric Fluids on Several Materials For TWR (mm3/min)
Mould Steel HCHCr die TI-6AL-4V AISI D2 Inconel
Fluids WC AISI 304
8407 steel Grade5 P20 Steel 718
Kerosene M
Water M
Water Based M
Kerosene Based L L
EDM Oil Based M
Paraffin Oil H
Note: The range of TWR (mm3/min): High (H) >1.00; Medium (M): 1.00 to 0.30; Low (L) <0.30

Table 25 Performance of various Dielectric Gases on Several Materials For MRR (mm3/min).
Dielectric gases
Quenched 45-carbon steel SS304
Oxygen H
Helium L
Nitrogen L
Air L
Argon L
Note: The range of MRR (mm3/min): High (H) >1.50; Medium(M):1.50 to 1.00 Low (L) <1.00

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 26 Performance of Dielectric Fluid (deionized water) on Several Materials for KERF (mm), MRR (mm3/min), SR (μm) on
WEDM Process.
Materials KERF (mm) MRR (mm3/min) SR(μm)
AISI 304 M
AISI 6061 L H L
Al L H
Copper M
Inconel 718 H L
Ni-Ti Alloy M M
Ti Grade5 Alloy M M
Ti Grade6 Alloy M M L
Note: The range of KERF (mm): High (H) >0.5; Medium (M): 0.50 to 0.30; Low(L) <0.30
The range of MRR (mm3/min): High (H) >5; Medium (M): 5 to 2; Low (L) <2
The range of SR (μm): High (H) >3; Medium (M): 3 to 2; Low (L) <2

 From the above observation it is clear to find MRR, used  When surfactant or graphite powder is mixed with EDM
pure kerosene for three different materials (P20 mold oil for measuring MRR, RLT, and TWR for Ti alloy
steel, WC, Ti alloy grade) there MRR rate is respectively grade 5 shows L, H, and M rates respectively. But P20
M, L, M. But for SR when the same dielectric fluid is Mould steel shows L rate for measuring SR.
used for P20 mold steel and H11, shows the rate is M  Only neem oil and canola oil show M rate for finding
and for another two metals i.e., Ti alloy grade5 and MRR and SR in the EDM process.
Supper alloy230 provides H rate. When kerosene is used  Inconel 718 shows M, H, and H rates for determining
for HCHCr, SHD 61 steel, AISI 1045, shows L rate. For MRR, SR, and TWR in the EDM process when paraffin
measuring others' responses (RLT, TWR) use of similar oil is used as a dielectric fluid.
dielectric fluid for the materials of Inconel 718, WC,  Especially in dry EDM when used different gases like
Al6061 T6 is shown as M rate. oxygen, nitrogen, air, and argon for determining MRR,
 When kerosene is mixed with aluminum powder, then quenched 45 carbon steel shows H, L, L, L rates
graphite powder, emulsion, and surfactants offer better respectively for different gases. But helium gas shows L
outcomes. For HCHCr and AISI 304, MRR shows M, rate for SS304.
and L rates respectively. On the other hand, finding  On WEDM, deionized water is used as a dielectric fluid
TWR (same materials) shows L rate. But for finding SR, for finding output parameters. For measuring KERF with
shows L, and M rates respectively. Only SKD 61 showed AISI 6061, Aluminium, Inconel 718, Ni-Ti alloy, and Ti
L rate for finding SR. alloy grades shows L, L, H, M, M, and M rate
 Pure water used as a dielectric fluid for AISI 6061 and respectively. But for calculating the MRR of AISI 6061,
WC to determine MRR, shows H and L rates Copper, Inconel 718, and Ti alloy grade shows H, M, L,
respectively. But for WC, the TWR shows M rate. For and M rate respectively. For SR, of AISI 304, AISI
AISI 6061, MRR and EWR are shows M rates. For 6061, Aluminium, Ni-Ti alloy, and Ti alloy grade shows
Supper alloy230 is shown M rate to determine SR. M, L, H, M, M, and L rate respectively.
 Sometimes the water is mixed with an oil emulsion or
aluminum powder for a better outcome. For Mould steel IV. CONCLUSION
8407, MRR, SR, and TWR are show H, M, M rates.
Inconel 738 and W300 offers M and H rates for It is observed from the overall study that dielectric
evaluating RLT fluid and gas played an important role in finding various
 When used Jatropha oil as a dielectric fluid for P20 mold responses. For measuring MRR, TWR, SR, RLT, and
steel and Ti alloy grade 5, shows H and M rates KERF, dielectric fluids alone may not perform best.
respectively. But measuring SR on the same materials Therefore, different types of powder (graphite, aluminum,
shows M and H rates. silicon, surfactant, etc.) may be mixed with a dielectric fluid
 Pure EDM oil when used as dielectric fluid for finding to obtain the best result. The following observations can be
MRR on the materials AISI P20 steel and Ti alloy drawn:
grade5, shows L rate for all, but for AISI D2 steel and
Inconel 625 shows H rate. For finding the same Inconel  To achieve maximum MRR, pure deionized water is
(718, 601, 625), shows M rate. When measuring SR for used for AI 6061. However, water mixed with powder
HCHCr, AISID2 steel, Inconel (718, 601, 625), Ti alloy offers the best result for machining Mould steel 8407.
grade 5, H11, shows M rate. Only Inconel 625 shows H Moreover, Jatropha oil shows a higher value of MRR for
rate and AISI 1045 shows L rate for SR. For measuring P20 mold steel. Also, pure EDM oil shows a great
RLT, Inconel (625 and 601) shows H rate and M rate for performance for AISI D2 steel and Inconel 625
AISI D2. But for TWR, Inconel (625, 718, 601, 825) machining.
shows L rate.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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