Core Faults in Large Generators
Core Faults in Large Generators
Core Faults in Large Generators
32 3,461
2 authors, including:
P.J. Tavner
Durham University
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Abstract: A core fault is a failure in the laminated core of a large electrical machine. Such faults are
relatively rare but when they occur, the value of the machine and its importance mean that the
investigation of the failure assumes a high priority. On many occasions the details of such failures
assume major commercial significance, therefore failure investigations have, of necessity, to be
handled in a confidential manner, touching as they do on the design, manufacture, operation and
insurance of large electrical plant. There has therefore been no published literature on core faults.
However, the scientific principles of the mechanisms at work have been studied in considerable
detail and papers published on those principles in the international literature. This paper brings
together that literature and those scientific principles, giving details of the underlying design,
constructional and operational factors which affect these faults. New evidence is presented of the
underlying factors which allow core faults to initiate and grow. The paper will allow engineers to
analyse such faults, draw rational conclusions on the causes for each occasion and devise suitable
repair/rebuild strategies applicable to that situation.
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1427
stator core stator core
back building bar
stator core
frame member
stator core
frame member
Fig. 2 Laminated stator core of a 500 MW, 2 pole hydrogen-
cooled turbogenerator under construction
Clearly showing the segmental core construction, axial cooling ducts in
the coreplate, keybars and stator frame
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1429
completed the work of [14] but applied it for design there is now adequate knowledge available in the public
purposes to practical turbogenerators. domain.
By 1983 Sutton [26] had developed a low-voltage alternative This paper attempts to rectify this omission by drawing
to the core ring flux test for detecting incipient core faults in the information together, presenting the results of new
large machine cores. This paper reported a device developed research and setting out the main causes and effects of core
by the CEGB and known as El CID, the Electromagnetic faults.
Core Imperfection Detector. The technique has become
widely used by manufacturers and operators as a quality 2 Design principles
control check on laminated stator cores on completion of
manufacture and in service. The following quantities are important to the design of an
Beckley in 2002 has traced in [27] the development of electrical machine and there is a fundamental relationship
modern electrical steels, explaining the benefits of various between them:
insulation coatings and thicknesses on the performance of a
Electrical loading, axial linear current density at the air
stacked core and describes the action of a core fault. Finally
in 2004 Mogi [28] has demonstrated a direct experimental gap, in A/mm;
method for measuring the rotational loss in a core with butt Magnetic loading, air gap flux density, in Tesla;
joints. Mechanical loading, rotor peripheral velocity, in m/s;
Thermal loading, temperature rise, in K.
1.4 This paper
The published work has traced many, but not all the Electrical design is a compromise between the electrical
factors that can initiate a fault, but there have been only and magnetic loading, allowing the maximum transfer of
two papers, Oberretl [9] and Anderson [19], describing power through electrical and mechanical components. The
mechanisms occurring in real core faults. This is in part resultant design incurs losses in machine components
because of the commercial confidentiality surrounding impacting on the thermal loading, relieved by cooling in
failures and the sensitivity of the information involved but the radial or axial ducts at the thermally stressed areas. The
Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Type of Air cooled Air cooled Air cooled H2-cooled Air cooled H2O and Air cooled Air cooled H2O and
Machine Induction Induction Turbogen- Turbogen- Hydroge- H2-cooled Hydroge- Hydroge- H2-cooled
Motor Motor erator erator nerator Turbogen- nerator nerator Turbogen-
erator erator
Stator winding Air Indirect Air Indirect Air Indirect H2 Indirect Air Indirect H2O Direct Air Indirect H2O Direct H2O Direct
Stator core Air Direct Air Direct Air Direct H2 Direct Air Direct H2 Direct Air Direct Air Direct H2 Direct
Rotor Cooling Air Direct Air Direct Air Direct H2 Direct Air Direct H2 Direct Air Direct Air Direct H2 Direct
S [MVA] 7.11 12.56 125 108.6 100 294.1 100 355.5 1111
P [MW] 6.14 10.75 100 92.3 91 250 90 320 1000
Poles 4 4 2 2 32 2 88 14 2
Rev/min 1790 1770 3000 3000 187.5 3600 68.2 428.6 3000
Core Length, 628 874 4450 2800 2500 3700 1280 2960 7200
Rotor Diameter, 742 988 890 924 6482 1034 12 968 4934 1200
Mechanical 69.5 91.6 139.8 145.1 63.6 194.9 46.3 110.7 188.5
Loading, Rotor
Velocity [m/s]
U [kV] 6.8 13.8 11 13.8 15 15.75 15.75 22 24
Magnetic 0.9 0.63 0.94 0.83 0.99 0.98 1.05 1.12 1
Loading, Air
Gap Flux
Density [Trms]
I [A] 604 538 6560 4543 3850 10 782 3666 9329 26 729
Power per unit 9.8 12.3 22.5 33.0 36.4 67.6 70.3 108.1 138.9
Core Length
Electric 93.0 97.0 116.3 146.8 58.6 155.7 62.5 96.2 255.3
A [A/mm]
Current Density, 3.9 3.1 2.8 3.8 3.2 5.8 3.7 5.3 11.1
h [A/mm2]
1430 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005
compromise achieved defines the rating of the machine in 1.75
MVA. recommended V/Hz
Table 1 is a comparison of the loadings of nine large IEC 34.4 test
rotating electrical machines, with ratings from 7 to
IEEE 115 test
1100 MVA, a range of over three decades. Figure 3 shows
a graphical comparison of these machines in order of 1.50
ascending power per unit core length kW/mm.
PU flux
loading variable
10 1.00
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
induction motor
air cooled
induction motor
air cooled
air cooled
air cooled
H2O & H2-
air cooled
air cooled
H2O & H2- 3.5
loss, W/kg
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1431
11.1 A/mm2, is over 50% higher than any other machine in Operational factors
Table 1. The measurements of [23] showed that the leakage Overfluxing incident.
flux at the core end of a practical machine increased in
Pole slipping or other severe transient operation of the
direct proportion to the stator current, thereby increasing
the flow of stator frame currents. generator.
Readers can conclude from Table 1, Fig. 3 and the above Foreign bodies shorting coreplates, arising from within
that: the machine due to wear and tear, introduced during
Loadings are not necessarily proportional to rating.
Machines of low rating can have high electrical, 3.3 Shape
mechanical or magnetic loadings and vice versa. The initiation zone of the core fault is a circular defect
Magnetic loading ranges are limited by saturation and between coreplates, in the r–y plane. The defect may be
probably do not indicate the propensity for a core fault embedded in the core or at the core surface, in which case it
to grow but operation of the machine above the curve in will be part-circular. Figure 5a shows typical damage in a
Fig. 4a is very likely to initiate a core fault and Fig. 4b core fault at the heart of a core where:
shows how that could happen close to butt joints in a
large core. Limiting the magnetic loading to 1 T will limit
the risk of core fault but this limit may have to be
exceeded in larger machines.
Mechanical loading ranges are large and generally in step
with electric loadings and do not affect core fault
initiation or growth.
Electric loading ranges are large, depending on cooling,
and machines with higher electric loadings will have a
greater propensity for core faults to grow, once initiated,
and need to be designed to reduce this risk. Limiting the
electric loading to 100 A/mm will limit the risk of core
fault growth but again this limit has to be exceeded for
larger machines. In such cases it is necessary pay
attention to coreplate insulation quality and cooling
intensity to reduce core fault risk.
A critical factor in the propensity of a core to suffer from
core faults could be power per unit Core Length, in
kWmm. This will be discussed further.
3 Core fault theory and results
3.2 Initiation
A core fault initiates when coreplates become electrically
connected together by mechanical or electrical action caused
by one or a combination of the following:
Constructional defects
Burrs on the coreplate, [27].
Inadequate insulation of the coreplate.
Incorrect construction of the core.
Fig. 5 Core fault in turbogenerator
Introduction of foreign bodies, particularly metallic, a Photograph of a coreplate at the centre of a core fault in a 500 MW
into the core during construction, shorting coreplates. hydrogencooled turbogenerator
Note the 4 cm diameter cavity where melting has removed material,
Thermal factors and the radial nature of the thermal damage to the coreplate insulation
b Flux plot generated using the MEGA FE package showing the field
Local hot spot in the core. pattern surrounding a core fault developed by Mechanism I, Yoke
Restricted cooling in one place in the core. Flux Diversion
1432 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005
Each coreplate was in intimate electrical contact with its Mechanism I or Yoke Flux Diversion at the site of the
neighbour, fault. Circulating current in the core fault itself opposes
Current could flow axially between coreplates, the main core flux, diverting it around the fault. The
return current circuit is within the ellipsoid-shaped cavity
Current flow caused coreplates to overheat,
itself. In this case the circulating current only links the
Coreplate insulation had suffered thermal damage in a flux crossing the core fault. A flux plot of a circular cavity
circular zone, with Mechanism I at work is shown in Fig. 5b.
Coreplates had buckled due to local thermal expansion, Mechanism II or Yoke Flux Linking between the core
Coreplates had locally melted at the centre of the fault fault and the core frame. Current flows axially in the fault
then radially from the fault through coreplates to the
This damage actually centred on a circular axial cooling frame, flowing axially in the frame itself, see Fig. 6. In this
duct and was believed to be initiated by debris in that case the circulating current links the main flux in the
duct. However, the heating and subsequent melting has machine yoke.
enlarged the cavity exhibiting the circular form character-
istic of most core faults. At the two axial tips of the The latter mechanism is the most powerful because it has
fault cavity, see Fig. 6, the circulating current is concen- the potential to develop a higher driving emf. The balance
trated. The fault expands axially until it meets an between the two mechanisms will be discussed in the
impenetrable barrier. The circular shape is dictated by Appendix.
effective cooling of the laminated core, which limits radial A core fault grows in an axial direction, driven by the need
growth of the fault. There will be a high temperature at the for the fault to increase coupling with the main core yoke
centre of a fault but there is a substantial variation in flux. Radial growth is limited by the effective cooling of the
temperature radially away from it. This is exemplified by the core. Axial growth is not limited by radial ventilation ducts,
colour changes observed in the coreplate insulation around since conducting steel duct spacers bridge these ducts,
the fault shown in Fig. 5a. The high temperatures in a core allowing the fault current to pass across. There is evidence
fault can cause local melting of the coreplate, in which case on some faults that the duct spacers focus the fault current,
the cylindrical defect becomes a cavity as in Fig. 5a. The forcing it axially through the spacer at particularly
initiation zone thus expands, radially and axially, to form a favourable radial positions near the tooth root on coreplate
narrow ellipsoid cylinder-shaped defect, see Fig. 6. Core butt-joints. Interestingly the use of spacers with insulating
faults are rarely regularly shaped, however, they can be properties would limit the growth of core faults in machines
approximated to this ellipsoid model, allowing some with ducted cores. The authors have no knowledge of this
analysis. approach in large machines. The spacer property of concern
to the designer is mechanical strength and this would be
expensive to achieve with insulating materials.
stator endwinding If the core is in contact with the core back, a tell-tale
indicator of damage within the core will be arcing and
rotor stator
3 sparking activity on the core back, most noticeably at the
1 ends of core fault where the return fault current has bridged
the contact between core and frame. At this point the
contact may be good but will vary with torque reaction and
load, opening and closing with each half cycle of the mains
frequency, resulting in the arcing activity observed. The
building bar fault circuit is almost entirely in structural or electrical steel,
the resistivity of which is high (30–55 mS).
In Mechanism I, in the local region round the surface of the
ellipsoid cavity the skin effect could be fully developed and
the currents inductance-limited as they circulate. The skin
Ro-Ri depth in the core fault will alter when melting occurs and
core fault
the steel rises above the Curie Temperature, in which case
yoke core fault skin depth increases, fault resistance falls and losses fall. In
RI axial Mechanism II the skin effect is not necessarily fully-
ventilation developed, therefore the fault current is generally resistance-
ducts limited.
fault current mechanism II fault current mechanism I
yoke flux linkage yoke flux diversion In either case, Mechanisms I or II, the fault current has
tooth relatively little effect on the driving flux, like the resistance-
limited circuit described by Stoll [31], and this is an
Fig. 6 Section through a laminated core important reason for the destructive power of a core fault,
Showing extended core fault and Mechanisms I and II for the
since, once initiated and growing, an increasing fault current
extension of the fault
does not significantly reduce the driving flux provided by
the main excitation on the rotor of the machine. The fault
current is in effect a single shorted turn, the main excitation
remaining unaffected until the fault links a major propor-
3.4 Growth mechanisms tion of the main flux.
Once a core fault is initiated irreparable damage does not The most serious damage a core could sustain would be if
occur until the fault grows. Growth is a complex interplay coreplates were shorted at the core bore, at the stator tooth
of electromagnetic, thermal, material and constructional tip or slot bottom for example, and the coreplates were in
factors. There are two principal growth mechanisms for a contact at the core back. This would permit the fault
core fault, as shown in Fig. 6, defined by the circulating current to link the complete flux threading the core yoke on
current in the fault: each cycle. Such surface defects are fairly common but in
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1433
the authors’ experience rarely seem to develop into full core 4.2 Results
faults. Damaging core faults generally occur some way into The results show that in the core of a 500 MW
the core, radially from the slot bottom. turbogenerator carrying a flux of density 1.5 Trms, a fault
of the size shown in Fig. 5a, 4 cm diameter, with each
3.5 Predicted results coreplate in intimate contact with its neighbour, would
The interplay of electromagnetic, thermal and construc- carry the following currents and losses:
tional factors in a core fault cannot be fully described in
mathematical terms, however, a limited analysis has been Mechanism I, Yoke Flux Diversion, could circulate
presented in the Appendix, to give an indication of the 1004 Arms in the fault. This dissipates 33 kW/mm or
major factors at work. It should be noted that the power 17 kW/kg in the core, less than a quarter of the power per
depends upon the length of the fault, as follows: unit Core Length for a machine of this size, see Table 1.
Eð‘Þ ¼ IZð‘Þ Mechanism II, Yoke Flux Linking, could circulate
11541 Arms in the fault. This dissipates an enormous
where Zð‘Þ ¼ Rð‘Þ þ jX ð‘Þ
Eð‘Þ ð1Þ
Zð‘Þ 100 00 000
P ¼ I Rð‘Þ 10 00 000
power, w/kg
10 000
specific resistances will rise but this is neglected in these
calculations. The results from (7), (10) and (11), for 1 mm 1000
axial length of fault in a core with the details of Table 2,
have been plotted out in Fig. 7 for core faults of varying 100
radius, Rc, and the losses normalised to W/kg by assuming
that the loss is distributed uniformly over the coreplate 10
material inside Rc. This allows the loss density to be
compared to the background core loss density predicted for 1
the coreplate. 0 10 20 30 40 50
radius of fault, Rc, mm
Rating and Type of Machine S 588 MVA, H2O and H2-cooled Turbogenerator
Core outer radius Ro 139 cm
Slot bottom radius Ri 82 cm
Frequency f 50 Hz
Angular frequency o 314 rad/s
Flux density in the core back yoke, see Table 1 for the magnetic Brms 1.5 T rms
loading, which is the flux density in the air gap
Radius of the core fault Rc Initiating at 1 mm and growing to 20 cm
Resistivity of the coreplate r 51 mS
Permeability of the coreplate mr 4300 as given by the B–H curve until the temperature
exceeds the Curie point of 4001C, at that point it will fall to 1
Radial heat transfer coefficient of coreplate k 60 W/m1C
Density of the coreplate material s 7.86 g/mm3
Skin depth in steel of permeability4300 d 0.94 mm
Skin depth in conducting material of permeability 1 d0 42.71 mm
Temperature of the core background Tb 1001C
Temperature of coreplate at melting Ti 11001C
1434 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005
281 kW/mm or 148 kW/kg in the core, more than twice
the power per unit Core Length for this size of machine.
This amounts to more than 28 MW in a 10 cm long fault.
In any core fault each of these three factors will play a Fig. 8 Plot of eddy currents in the plane of lamination segments at
greater or lesser part. However, it is very unusual for cores the quadrature axis
to fail in the catastrophic way described by the last point, Taken from Mecrow et al. The common site for core faults, at the
junction between segments, near the slot bottom, is highlighted
suggesting that the Mechanism II is not normally effective.
The authors have seen only one incident, exemplified by
Fig. 1, where the catastrophic damage observed and the
rapidity with which the faults grew, suggested that Yoke
Flux Linking was the primary mechanism. A reason for close to the terminals of the affected machine. This lead
Mechanism II being ineffective is likely to be the presence of to considerable investigation of the possibility that
high resistance contacts at the core back, dramatically transient flux conditions could initiate core faults and [15]
reducing the currents flowing in that fault circuit. Indeed showed that pole slipping on a machine does give rise to
any core constructed with keybars insulated from the substantial internal axial flux between coreplates, causing
coreplates or the frame cannot develop Mechanism II higher interlaminar voltages [17], which could lead to
unless that insulation is bridged. However, when the coreplate breakdown. The following is drawn from that
Mechanism II is operative the resultant core fault damage experience.
is large, fast and catastrophic.
4.4.2 Interlaminar voltages and break-
4.3 Thermal factors down: Coreplate insulation breakdown and spot welds
Since the 1920s engineers have known that the end region of between coreplates are observable after most core faults.
the stator core has higher losses and consequentially a They occur between coreplates, which prior to breakdown
higher operating temperature varying with load power were seemingly well-insulated and it is striking that:
factor [3]. The authors have seen a number of core faults
The worst spot welds occur between coreplates with
initiated in the core end region, close to butt joints near to
core slot bottoms where flux densities are highest. This nominally the best insulation.
suggests that thermal factors are an important initiating Spot welds seem capable of penetrating a number of
mechanism. Losses have been shown to rise close to a butt coreplates at one time.
joint [4, 12] and later work on electrical factors [17] has It has been shown experimentally on a sample ring core
shown that planar eddy currents increase close to a butt in keybars from a machine, that if current is passed
joint at the slot bottom near a core end, exemplified by the between adjacent keybars, agitation of the keybars causes
calculated laminar eddy current patterns shown in Fig. 8 interlaminar breakdowns even on the opposite side of the
taken from [25]. This is emphasised by the results in Fig. 4b, core.
taken from [12, 28], especially extrapolating the measured
results of Mogi. Reference [29] has suggested that such
elevated losses near butt joints could be due to local The core is behaving like a large parallel-plate capacitor,
buckling in the core and high friction at the site due to intermittently shorted by the keybars. At the site of the
vibration, although the authors have seen no examples of breakdown the insulation between coreplates is punctured
this in their experience on turbogenerators. and local melting takes place. Langmuir reported some of
the features of arcs in hydrogen including the enhanced heat
4.4 Electrical factors transfer produced by atomic disassociation [30]. Unusual
interlaminar breakdowns have occurred in hydrogen,
4.4.1 General: In the UK a number of core faults on described in [19], where the breakdown arc has migrated
large turbogenerators were associated with transient faults some distance over the coreplate surface, driven by the
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1435
4.5 Material factors
4.5.1 Cooling gasses: Large machines use air or
hydrogen as a cooling gas, which may have a profound
effect upon the growth of a core fault.
When carrying out postfault investigations it is noticeable
that air-cooled machines show a much higher degree
of carbonisation and fire damage than hydrogen-cooled
machines, because of the presence of oxygen. Oxygen
in cooling air oxidises any intermittent contacts made
between coreplates or at the interface between the core
and the keybars, reducing fault currents below predicted
In hydrogen-cooled machines monatomic hydrogen
may have a role in the arcing processes of a core fault
because when monatomic hydrogen reaches a coreplate
surface recombination takes place dumping of energy into
the coreplate. The effect on small interlaminar breakdowns
is that dissociation takes energy out of the arc dissipating
it into neighbouring surfaces without causing further
damage [30]. It is likely that with energetic arcing in
the confined space of an axial vent duct, monatomic
hydrogen could be a vehicle for core fault growth.
Progressive breakdown of interlaminar insulation may not
be necessary to expand a core fault in a hydrogen-cooled
machine, plasma containing monatomic hydrogen in a
vent duct may do the job equally well. In addition a
hydrogen-cooled machine does not oxidise coreplate and
core back contact points so fault currents can reach
predicted values.
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1437
20 Anderson, A.F., Bedford, T., and Craddock, A.F.: ‘Transient leakage Ref. [32] shows that the current density, J, must be
flux in small universal motors’, Proc. IEE, 1981, 128, (Pt B) (5), p. 254 distributed sinusoidally around the cavity to preserve a
21 Platt, R., Kerr, L.C., and Anderson, A.F.: ‘Measuring flux and
interlaminar voltage in turbine generator end regions’. IEE EMDA uniform flux density, B0 oB, across the cavity. The
Conf., London , 13–15 July 1982, Conf. Pubn. 213, pp. 201–205 relationship between the sinusoidally distributed current
22 Tavner, P.J., and Penman, J.: ‘Currents flowing in the stator-core of sheet around the cavity and the circumferential flux density,
large electrical machines’, Proc. IEE, 1983, 130, (Pt C) (6), pp. 273–277
23 Hilliar, R.A., Jackson, R.J., Ward, D.A., and Bennett, R.B.: B, incident on the cavity is:
‘Measurements of the currents flowing in the stator frame of a 500
MW turbogenerator’, Proc. IEE, Jan. 1986, 133,(Pt C) (1), pp. 16–25 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
24 Bratoljic, T.: ‘Currents induced in the inner stator frame of large u(
m Jrms d t d 4
turbogenerators by the end-zone field’, Trans. IEEE, Dec. 1986, EC-1,
(4), pp. 108–114
Brms ¼ 0 1 þ 02 ð3Þ
2 R2c d
25 Mecrow, B., Jack, A.G., and Cross, S.: ‘Electromagnetic design of
turbogenerator stator end regions’, Proc. IEE, Nov. 1989, 136, (Pt C)
(6), pp. 361–372
26 Sutton, J.: ‘El CID:An easier way to test stator cores’, Electr. Rev.,
1980, 207, (1) 2 Brms 1
27 Beckley, P.: ‘Electrical steels for rotating machines’ (Peter Peregrinus, ‘ Jrms ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
v( )ffi ð4Þ
2002) d m0 u u 4
28 Mogi, H., Kaido., C., Minematsu, E., Hanzawa, K., Nakahara, A., t 1þ 0 d
Takahashi, K., Ide, K., Kaneda, J., Hattori, K., and Watanabe, T.:
‘Core losses in turbine generators: segment core evaluated by torque R2c d2
method’. Proc. 16th ICEM, Cracow, Poland, April 2004, pp. 13–14
29 Lehoczky, K.N.: ‘Relationship between stator core buckling, core
losses, vibration and local over-temperatures’, IEEE Trans. Eng.
Convers., March 1988, 3, (1), pp. 56–63
pffiffiffi Brms 1
30 Langmuir, I.: ‘Flames of atomic hydrogen’, Ind. Eng. Chem., 1927, 19, v(ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
(6, 667), pp. 141–158
and I1rms ¼ 2 2Rc
m0 u )ffi ð5Þ
u 4
31 Stoll, R.L.: ‘The Analysis of eddy currents’ (Clarendon Press, Oxford,
1974), p. 61 t 1 þ d0
32 Moullin, E.B.: ‘Principles of electromagnetism’ (Oxford University R2c d2
press, 1955), p. 91
33 Tavner, P.J., Ward, D.A., and Gaydon, B.: ‘Monitoring generators
and large motors’, Proc. IEE, 1986, 133, (Pt B), pp. 169–180 The power P1 in the current flow, per unit length of the
cavity can be calculated by integrating around the cavity
8 Appendix theory giving:
8.1 Parameters of core fault cavity 1
The core fault cavity to be investigated in this paper will be P1 ¼ rp2 Jrms
Rc d ð6Þ
in a large, 500 MW, two-pole, hydrogen-cooled, turbogen- 2
erator and the parameters used are given in Table 2, they
are identical to those used in [17] a machine between the
rating of items 8 and 9 in Table 1. In the following sections Rc Brms 2 1
‘ P1 ¼ 2p r 2 ( ) W =m ð7Þ
the electromagnetic and thermal analytical factors are d m0 d4
considered. 1 þ 02
R2c d
8.2 Electromagnetic factors
8.2.1 Mechanism I, yoke flux diversion: Con-
sider the fault shown in Fig. 6, the intention is to calculate P1 p2 r
‘ R1eff ¼ 2
¼ Ohms=m ð8Þ
the current which could flow axially between coreplates Irms 4d Rc
around that fault under various conditions of fault size and
skin depth of the currents concerned.
Currents will flow axially between connected coreplates at
the surface of the fault driven by the pulsating circumfer- 8.2.2 Mechanism II, yoke flux linking: The
ential component of the core back flux density, B, see fault current is not restricted to the cavity but also flows
Moullin [32]. Assume the fault is circular with a radius, Rc, radially to the core frame and links the main yoke flux of
and that the axial currents flow in the permeable core the machine, as shown in Fig. 6. In which case the emf
material. The degree of connection will depend upon the developed by the greater flux linked by the circuit will
state of the fault, initially it may not be an intimate circulate a much larger fault current than calculated in the
connection and the skin depth may not be fully developed. preceeding Section. This larger current will be superimposed
However, as the fault develops the coreplates will become on the current described above.
intimately connected and eddy currents, limited in a skin- The fault current flows in a circuit with an impedance, Z‘ ,
depth, d, will flow axially between them. As the fault consisting of an inductive reactance, L‘ , due to its self-
progresses the connection improves, the temperature rises, inductance with the main core, in series with a resistance,
local core melting occurs and a cavity forms. In this case the R‘ , for the fault cavity, see Fig. 6. For the purposes of this
coreplate temperature will rise above the Curie point and analysis the resistance of the coreplate radial paths, the
the skin depth, d, will increase to the value for non- contact resistances at the core back and the resistance of the
permeable material of the same conductivity, d0, and the frame members are neglected:
resistance will reduce. Where: qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2
2r Z‘ ¼ R‘ þ o2 L2‘
d¼ ð1Þ
om0 mr
where the resistance R2 is the axial resistance if the cavity
2r r‘
d0 ¼ ð2Þ R‘ ¼
om0 2pRc d
1438 IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005
where the inductance L‘ , is the self inductance of the circuit oðRo Ri ÞB2rms
shown in Fig. 3 P2 ¼ ( )
4Rc Ro Ri 2
Ro Ri ‘mo mr rd 1 þ
L‘ ¼ d Ro þ Ri
Ro þ Ri p !
8pr Rc ðRo Ri Þ2 Brms 2
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ‘P2 ¼ 2
u( 2 ) mr d3 m0
u r‘ Ro Ri ‘mo mr 2
‘ Z‘ ¼ t þ o 1
2pRc d Ro þ Ri p ( ) W =m
4Rc ðRo Ri Þ 2 ð10Þ
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi d ð Ro þ Ri Þ
u( )
r‘ u t 4Rc Ro Ri 2
Z‘ ¼ 1þ
2pRc d d Ro þ Ri
IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 152, No. 6, November 2005 1439