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Technical Specification

Transport and Main Roads Specifications

MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners
November 2020
© The State of Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads) 2020.


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Transport and Main Roads Specifications, November 2020


1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
2 Definition of terms .........................................................................................................................1
3 Referenced documents .................................................................................................................2
4 Standard test methods ..................................................................................................................3
5 Quality system requirements .......................................................................................................4
5.1 Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones .................................................................................. 4
6 Fasteners ........................................................................................................................................4
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Structural bolt assemblies (Commercial Bolts) ............................................................................... 4
6.2.1 Bolts Property Class 4.6 .................................................................................................4
6.2.2 Bolt Assemblies Class 8.8 and 10.9 ...............................................................................5
6.2.3 Alternative assembly type manufactured and supplied to EN 14399 .............................5
6.2.4 Proprietary fasteners ......................................................................................................5
6.3 Manufactured bolts ......................................................................................................................... 6
6.3.1 General ...........................................................................................................................6
6.3.2 Double ended stud bolt ..................................................................................................6
6.3.3 Threaded rod bolt ...........................................................................................................8
6.4 Anchor cages .................................................................................................................................. 9
6.5 Variation to the Australian Standard ............................................................................................... 9
6.5.1 Material Test Certificates – Property Class 4.6 ..............................................................9
6.5.2 MRTS278 Assembly Test ............................................................................................ 10
6.6 Traceability of materials ................................................................................................................ 11
7 Approval of fastener documentation ........................................................................................ 13
8 Delivery, storage and installation ............................................................................................. 14
Appendix A: Test requirements for Property Class 4.6 Bolts, Class 5 nuts ................................. 15
Appendix B: Test Method, MRTS278 Assembly Test ...................................................................... 16
Appendix C: Proof Load and Ultimate Tensile Load ....................................................................... 19

Transport and Main Roads Specifications, November 2020 i

Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

1 Introduction
This Technical Specification applies to the supply of the following structural fasteners up to a size

• structural bolt assemblies, and

• manufactured bolts.

Bolt sizes in excess of M39 shall be supplied and tested in accordance with a Project Specific
Technical Specification.

This new Technical Specification has incorporated the information provided in Technical Note
TN66 Commercial and Fabricated Bolts and Nuts.

For steelwork fabrication refer to MRTS78 Fabrication of Structural Steelwork.

This Technical Specification shall be read in conjunction with MRTS01 Introduction to Technical
Specifications, MRTS50 Specific Quality System Requirements and other Technical Specifications as

The use of commentary text, such as this, is covered by Clause 16 of MRTS01 Introduction to
Technical Specifications.

This Technical Specification forms part of the Transport and Main Roads Specifications Manual.

2 Definition of terms
The terms used in this Technical Specification shall be as defined in Clause 2 of MRTS01 Introduction
to Technical Specifications.

In addition, terms listed in Table 2 are applicable to this Technical Specification.

Table 2 – Definition of terms

Term Definition
Approved Approved by the Administrator (this may be on the advice from
Structures Construction Materials unit)
Bolt Assembly Comprises bolt, washers and nut
bolts A bolt with a forged hexagonal head and a portion of its length
business days Monday to Friday and excluding public holidays
Commercial Bolts Purpose made bolts readily available
Contractor Unless noted otherwise, the entity responsible for procuring and using
the fasteners. The use of this term does not diminish the responsibility of
the Principal Contractor to ensure all works are in accordance with the
Contract, nor does it make any comment on the form of agreement
between the various parties involved in the contract

Transport and Main Roads Specifications, November 2020 1

Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Term Definition
designer The Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ)
responsible for the design of the component
Director (SCM) The Director of Structures Construction Materials
double ended stud A bolt without a forged hexagonal head – and threaded at either end in
accordance AS 2528 Bolts, studbolts and nuts for flanges and other high
and low temperature applications
Engineering Drawings RPEQ certified design drawings as detailed in the Project Contract
fastener Components used to connect structural members together as shown on
the Engineering Drawings. For example, bolts, screws, nuts and
heat(s) The heat number provided by the manufacturer during production.
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
K class The type of relationship classification between the torque applied and
the resulting tension
manufactured bolts Where a commercial bolt is not available, refer to Clause 6.2 for details
manufacturer The entity responsible for the processing and the production of the
manufacturing lot Product manufactured from the same heat and processed over a
continuous period of time with production controls
NATA National Association of Testing Authorities
order The number of fasteners purchased which determines the number of
MRTS278 Assembly Test required – refer to Clause
Product Grade Dimensional tolerances of the fastener, Grade A, B, C, with Grade A the
most precise and C the least.
Property Class Numeric code to indicate the ratio of tensile to yield strength, for
example, Property Class 4.6 bolt has a nominal tensile strength of
600 MPa, with a Yield of 240MPa (0.6 x 4 x 100 MPa)
proprietary fasteners Fasteners designed and manufactured to the manufacturer's in-house
standards with no equivalent Australian Standards
SCM Structures Construction Materials
screws A bolt which is fully threaded along its length
threaded rod Rods threaded along the entire length
MRTS278 Assembly Test Transport and Main Roads specific assembly test, refer to Clause 5 and
Clause 6.3.2
WPS Welding Procedure Specification

3 Referenced documents
Table 3 lists documents referenced in this Technical Specification.

Table 3 – Referenced documents

Reference Title
AS 1111.1 ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws – Product grade C, Part 1: Bolts
AS 1111.2 ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws – Product grade C, Part 2: Screws

Transport and Main Roads Specifications, November 2020 2

Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Reference Title
AS 1112.3 ISO metric hexagon nuts, Part 3: Product grade C
AS 1237.1 Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes,
Part 1: General plan
AS 1237.2 Tolerances for fasteners, Part 2: Washers for bolts, screws and nuts –
Product grades A, C and F
AS 1275 Metric screw threads for fasteners
AS 1444 Wrought alloy steels – Standard, hardenability (H) series and hardened
and tempered to designated mechanical properties
AS 1817.1 Metallic materials – Vickers hardness test - Test methods
AS 1897 Fasteners – Electroplated coatings
AS 2528 Bolts, studbolts and nuts for flanges and other high and low temperature
AS 4291.1 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel,
Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
AS 5100.1 Bridge design, Part 1: Scope and general principles
AS/NZS 1214 Hot-dip galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners (ISO metric coarse
thread series)
AS/NZS 1252.1 High-strength steel fastener assemblies for structural engineering -
Bolts, nuts and washers, Part 1: Technical requirements
AS/NZS 1252.2 High-strength steel fastener assemblies for structural engineering -
Bolts, nuts and washers, Part 2: Verification testing for bolt assemblies
AS/NZS 3679.1 Structural Steel, Part 1: Hot rolled bars and sections
AS/NZS 4291.2 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel,
Part 2: Nuts with specified properties classes – Coarse thread and fine
pitch thread
AS/NZS 5131 Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection
EN 10204 Metallic Products: Types of Inspection Documents
EN 14399 High Strength Structural Bolt Assemblies for preloaded bolts
MRTS01 Introduction to Technical Specifications
MRTS50 Specific Quality System Requirements
MRTS71 Reinforcing Steel
MRTS78 Fabrication of Structural Steelwork
- Registration Scheme: Product Index for Bridges and Other Structures

4 Standard test methods

As required by this Technical Specification the following verification tests stated in Table 4 shall be

All tests for the purpose of compliance are to be performed and reported by a National Association of
Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited (or International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)
registered equivalent) laboratory, whose scope of accreditation encompasses the test method used.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Table 4 – Standard test methods

Property to be Tested Method No.

Dimensions AS/NZS 1252.2, Table 2.1
Mechanical Characteristics AS/NZS 1252.2, Table 2.2, and
Appendix A of this Technical Specification
MRTS278 Assembly Test Appendix B of this Technical Specification

5 Quality system requirements

5.1 Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones
General requirements for Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones are specified in Clause 5.2 of
MRTS01 Introduction to Technical Specifications.

The Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones applicable to this Technical Specification are
summarised in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 – Hold Points, Witness Points and Milestones

Clause Hold Point Witness Point Milestone

6.5.2 1. Selecting of bolts by the Notification of fastener
administrator for assembly supplier and dates for
testing selecting bolts
(5 business days)
7 1. Approval of fasteners Submission of documents
(10 business days)

6 Fasteners
6.1 General
Fasteners shall be supplied in accordance with the current version of the applicable standard and
comply with Clause 8.2 of AS/NZS 5131.

Unless noted otherwise on the Engineering Drawings, all fasteners shall be hot-dipped galvanised in
accordance with AS/NZS 1214 or electroplated in accordance with AS 1897.

Welding of fasteners is not permitted. In exceptional circumstances, the welding of fasteners shall only
occur with the use of specialist Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). Such procedures shall be
qualified subject to destructive testing agreed in advance with the department's Director of Structures
Construction Material (SCM). This may include tensile, bend and impact testing.

The practice of manufacturing bolts by welding nuts to the end of a threaded rod or round bar is not

Bolts and screws of Property Class 12.9 shall not be used.

6.2 Structural bolt assemblies (Commercial Bolts)

6.2.1 Bolts Property Class 4.6

Property Class 4.6 bolt assemblies and associated items shall comply with Clause 6.5 and the
following Australian Standards.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Table 6.2.1 – Relevant Australian Standard for Property Class 4.6

Assembly Bolt Nut Washer

Commercial Bolts AS 1111.1 for bolts AS 1112.3 AS 1237.1
Property Class 4.6 AS 1111.2 for screws Property Class 5 AS 1237.2
Property Class 4.6

6.2.2 Bolt Assemblies Class 8.8 and 10.9

Property Class 8.8 and 10.9 bolt assemblies and associated items shall comply with Clause 6.5 and
the following Australian Standards.

Table 6.2.2 – Relevant Australian Standard for Property Class 8.8 and 10.9

Assembly Bolt Nut Washer

High Strength AS/NZS 1252.1 AS/NZS 1252.1 AS/NZS 1252.1
Structural Assemblies Property Class 8.8 Property Class 8
Property Class 8.8
High Strength AS 4291.1 Property AS/NZS 4291.2 AS/NZS 1252.1
Structural Assemblies Class 10.9 Property Class 10
Property Class 10.9

Bolts of Property Class 8.8 and 10.9 shall be verified in accordance with AS/NZS 1252.2, and product
conformity shall be prepared in accordance with Clause 3.2 of AS/NZS 1252.2.

Where it is not possible to provide conformity documentation in accordance with AS/NZS 1252.2, the
Contractor shall source and supply bolts to Clause 6.2.3 of this Technical Specification.

6.2.3 Alternative assembly type manufactured and supplied to EN 14399

Property Class K2 8.8 HR bolt assemblies complying with the requirements of EN 14399 are exempt
from the AS/NZS 1252.2 verification testing, and MRTS278 Assembly Test provided that:

a) The order is fully traceable as detailed in Clause 6.6, and

b) The following quality assurance documentation is supplied:

i. European Conformity (CE) Certificate

ii. Factory Production Control (FPC) Inspection Certificate

iii. Declaration of Performance (DoP), and

iv. Type 3.1 Inspection certificate to EN 10204 verifying compliance to the relevant
specification and any surface coating applied.

6.2.4 Proprietary fasteners

Proprietary fasteners shall be an Approved Transport and Main Roads product. The product approval
shall be sought through the Product Index for Bridges and other Structures.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

In addition to the requirements of the Product Index for Bridges and other Structures, as a minimum
the following information shall be provided:

• intended purpose and suitable materials to join, and

• service life of the component and corresponding environments including testing and case

6.3 Manufactured bolts

6.3.1 General

Bolts over the following lengths are not commercially available:

• M12 x 200 mm

• M16 x 700 mm

• M20 x 800 mm

• M24 x 750 mm

• M30 x 725 mm, and

• M36 x 600 mm

If the design requires a bolt which is not commercially available (a commercial bolt) there may be a
need to assemble a bolt from threaded bar to suit. The bolts outlined in the clauses below have been
deemed as an acceptable alternative provided they are fully detailed on the Engineering Drawings and
the designer has based all capacity calculations on Ac, the minor diameter area of the bolt, as defined
in AS 1275.

If the designer has based the capacity calculations on the nominal plain shank area of the bolt, that
is the unthreaded portion, then substituting this for a threaded bar is not equivalent due to the
reduced shear area (Ac) in the threaded section. In this instance, a double ended stud bolt is more
appropriate, refer to Clause 6.3.2.

6.3.2 Double ended stud bolt Manufacture – Property Class 8.8

To manufacture a double ended stud in lieu of a Property Class 8.8 bolt the following shall be

• The shank of the bolt shall be fabricated from material which is equivalent to a Property
Class 8.8 bolt in terms of chemical composition and tensile properties.

• A thread is placed on one end of the bar to suit the thread length specified on the Engineering
Drawings. The dimensional requirements of the thread shall comply with AS 1275.

• A shorter thread is placed on the other end to suit two Property Class 8 nuts. The dimensional
requirements of the thread shall comply with AS 1275.

• The bolt is hot-dip galvanised after threading.

• After hot-dip galvanising the threads shall be cleaned so the nut is free running.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

• A galvanised Property Class 8 nut and structural washer is placed on the longer threaded end,

• Two galvanised Property Class 8 nuts are placed on the end with the shorter thread, refer to

An example of the material which could be used is Grade 4140-T round bar to AS 1444.

The second Property Class 8 nut on the short thread end acts as a ‘locking’ nut to prevent the top
bolt from turning.

Figure – Manufactured double ended stud Manufacture – Property Class 4.6

To manufacture a double ended stud in lieu of a Property Class 4.6 bolt the following shall be

• The shank of the bolt shall be fabricated from material which is equivalent to a Property
Class 4.6 bolt in terms of chemical composition and mechanical properties.

• A thread is placed on one end of the bar to suit the thread length specified on the Engineering
Drawings. The dimensional requirements of the thread must comply with AS 1275.

• A shorter thread is placed on the other end to suit two Property Class 5 nuts. The dimensional
requirements of the thread must comply with AS 1275.

• The bolt is hot-dip galvanised after threading.

• After hot-dip galvanising the threads shall be cleaned so the nut is free running.

• A galvanised Property Class 5 nut and washer is placed on the longer threaded end, and

• Two galvanised Property Class 5 nuts are placed on the end with the shorter thread, refer to

An example of the material which could be used is a Grade 300 round bar to AS/NZS 3679.1.

The second Property Class 5 nut on the short thread end acts as a ‘locking’ nut to prevent the top
bolt from turning.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Figure – Manufactured double ended stud Testing

The testing of the bolts may be carried out on a shorter length sample. The manufactured bolt and
testing sample shall be fabricated from the same material heat and manufacturing process. Assembly
testing shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 6.5.2.

6.3.3 Threaded rod bolt Manufacture – Property Class 8.8

To manufacture a threaded rod bolt in lieu of a Property Class 8.8 bolt the following shall be

• Purchase hot-dip galvanised threaded rod to ISO-965, refer to Clause 6.5.1 for the Material
Test Certificate requirements.

• Cut a threaded rod to the length specified on the Engineering Drawings.

• Paint the cut face with a zinc rich primer in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s

• A galvanised Property Class 8 nut and structural washer is placed at the end of the threaded
rod with the uncut face, and

• Two Property Class 8 nuts are placed at the end of the threaded rod with the cut face, refer to

Where the bolt is cast in, only the original galvanised finished face, the uncut face, can be exposed.
Where both ends of the bolt are exposed, cutting of the bar is prohibited.

For a threaded rod a maximum of two bolts shall be manufactured out of any one length. Any
remaining threaded rod material shall be discarded.

The second Property Class 8 nut on the short threaded end acts as a ‘locking’ nut to prevent the
top bolt from turning.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Figure – Threaded rod double ended stud Testing

The testing of the bolts may be carried out on a shorter length sample. The manufactured bolt and
testing sample shall be fabricated from the same material heat and manufacturing process. Assembly
testing shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 6.5.2.

6.4 Anchor cages

This clause applies where reinforcement is threaded and used with a nut to form holding down bolts
(anchor cages). An order for anchor cages shall be split into maximum batches of 500 individual
threaded reinforcement bars. If the anchor cage contains four (4) threaded reinforcement bars, then
each batch shall contain a maximum of 125 anchor cages. Each batch shall be subject to Assembly
tests in accordance with Clause 6.5.2. Testing as an assembly is to confirm the thread and nut

The reinforcement shall be supplied in accordance with MRTS71 Reinforcing Steel.

The nuts and washer shall be supplied in accordance with this Technical Specification.

The purpose of this clause is to ensure the consistency and quality of the threading, so
reinforcement may be from different heats.

6.5 Variation to the Australian Standard

The following clauses of this Technical Specification apply to all fasteners that are supplied to
Transport and Main Roads projects and are additional requirements to the Australian Standards.

6.5.1 Material Test Certificates – Property Class 4.6

For Property Class 4.6 bolt assemblies, the Australian Standard does not specify a Material Test
Certificate to be supplied. To satisfy the requirements of this Technical Specification, testing by a
NATA accredited (or ILAC registered equivalent) laboratory on a sample from each heat number shall
be undertaken. The endorsed report shall state as a minimum the following:

• applicable laboratory accreditation number

• chemical composition in accordance with AS 4291.1, and

• mechanical properties – refer to Appendix A.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

6.5.2 MRTS278 Assembly Test

Samples for testing shall be selected in the presence of the Administrator. Witness Point 1 This may
be undertaken at the bolt supplier’s premises. No fewer than five business days Milestone prior to
selecting bolts for the MRTS278 Assembly Test, the Contractor shall provide the following to the

a) proposed supplier

b) dates available for selecting assemblies

c) order reference number, if applicable, and

d) bolt sizes and quantities for selection.

Testing fasteners as an assembly, that is a bolt and nut combination from the products being
supplied to the project, ensures there will be minimal issues during installation and have been
manufactured correctly.

One of the purposes behind development of the MRTS278 Assembly Test was to ensure the thread
of the bolt and the thread of the nut do not strip during tensioning.

Another purpose was to ensure the commercially available bolts had been produced in accordance
with the Australian Standards. The bolt shown in Figure 6.5.2 failed during assembly testing. The
head of the bolt stripped off the shank under the test load. A failure of this type during the tightening
process on site could endanger lives.

Figure 6.5.2 – Failed bolt Number of test samples

The number of bolt and nut assemblies to be Transport and Main Roads assembly tested is based on
the number of each size purchased in an order. Table is the minimum number of test samples
needed for a specific order. If the order is made up from a number of different heats, the rate of
sampling is per heat – refer to the commentary for examples. For certain products the order size shall
be agreed in advance with the Director (SCM).

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Table – Number of test samples to be selected

Order size Minimum number of assemblies to be tested

1 to 10 2
11 to 50 3
51 to 500 4
501 to 35,000 8
35,001 and above 16

A bolt order for M24 x 200 contains 50 bolt assemblies and is supplied from 2 heat numbers, the
total number to be tested is based on the totals within that heat. For example, if 25 bolt assemblies
were provided from Heat A, and 25 provided from Heat B, 3 assemblies from each heat would
require testing, a total of 6 tests. If 10 bolt assemblies were provided from Heat A and 40 from
Heat B, 5 tests in total would be required, 2 from Heat A and 3 from Heat B. Acceptance criteria

All assemblies selected for testing shall pass. If an assembly fails, the Administrator shall be notified
and provided with the relevant heats from the failed assemblies. These heats shall be removed from
the order and replaced. The replacement assemblies shall be sampled and tested in accordance with
this Technical Specification.

6.6 Traceability of materials

The fasteners shall be supplied in a box or packaging which states a unique identifier. This identifier
shall be traceable to both the Material Test Certificate and the NATA-endorsed report for the
MRTS278 Assembly Test, where applicable.

Fasteners without traceability shall be rejected and replaced with ones with traceability.

The label shown in Figure 6.6(a) shows an example of the traceability of a box of structural
assemblies. The heat number in this figure below is also found on the corresponding Material Test
Certificate, Figure 6.6(b) and NATA-endorsed MRTS278 Assembly Test report, Figure 6.6(c).

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Figure 6.6(a) – Assembly box for traceability

Figure 6.6(b) – Example Material Test Certificate

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Figure 6.6(c) – Example Assembly Test Report

7 Approval of fastener documentation

Any fasteners which are M10 and below do not need to be supplied with a Material Test Certificate or
MRTS278 Assembly Test report.

Any proposed changes to the Property Class as shown on the Engineering Drawings shall be agreed
in writing with the designer prior to the supply of fasteners.

The supply of holding downs bolts for gantries shall Property Class 4.6 to comply with the
requirements under Clause 23.3 of AS 5100.1, and as such cannot be changed to a higher Property

No fewer than ten business days Milestone prior to their intended use in the works, the Contractor
shall supply the following fastener documentation to the Administrator:

For bolt assemblies supplied to Clause 6.2.1 or Clause 6.2.2:

a) Material Test Certificate in accordance with AS/NZS 1252.1 and AS/NZS 1252.2, or
Clause 6.5.1, and

b) MRTS278 Assembly Test, as applicable, refer to Clause 6.5.2.

For EN bolt assemblies supplied to Clause 6.2.3:

a) documentation outlined in Clause 6.2.3.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

For manufactured bolt assemblies supplied to Clause 6.3:

a) Material Test Certificate for the parent material which complies with AS 4291.1

b) Material Test Certificate for the nuts which complies with AS/NZS 4291.2

c) Material Test Certificate for the washer which complies with Appendix A or AS/NZS 1252.1,

d) MRTS278 Assembly Test, refer to Clause 6.5.2.

Fasteners supplied with a third-party certification shall be assessed by the Director (SCM) on a case
by case basis.

The use of the fasteners shall not commence until the Administrator has reviewed and Approved the
above documentation. Hold Point 1

Third-Party certification can be undertaken by an independent party for product conformity

assessment. The certifying body shall be acceptable to Transport and Main Roads. The certification
will be carried out on the manufacturer of the raw material.

Material Test Certificates are still required to prove traceability.

Transport and Main Roads (SCM) unit can assist with the review of this documentation if the
Administrator is unsure of the technical requirements. A copy of the Engineering Drawings is
required to undertake this review.

8 Delivery, storage and installation

Fasteners shall be delivered in accordance with Clause 1.9.6 of AS/NZS 1252.1.

Fasteners shall be stored as complete assemblies in sealed weatherproof containers with a suitable
referencing system that includes traceability. A Bolt Assembly shall not be interchanged with parts
from another manufacturing lot.

The fasteners shall be stored clear of the ground and protected from damage.

Fasteners not stored in accordance with this Clause may be rejected. The Contractor shall resupply
the fasteners at no cost to the Principal.

Unlubricated bolt threads shall be coated with a stick wax prior to assembling the nut, in accordance
with the stick wax manufacturer's instructions.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Appendix A: Test requirements for Property Class 4.6 Bolts, Class 5 nuts
Minimum level of testing for the mechanical properties of Property Class 4.6 Bolts and Class 5 nuts
shall be:

Part Mechanical Property Test Reference Standard

and Clause
Bolt Rm Minimum tensile strength Tensile test under wedge AS 4291.1, Clause 9.1
loading for bolts of
length > 2.5d
Tensile test AS 4291.1, Clause 9.2
% elongation after fracture Tensile test AS 4291.1, Clause 9.3
Sp,nom Stress under proof Proof load test AS 4291.1, Clause 9.6
Hardness Hardness test AS 4291.1, Clause 9.9
Nut Stress under proof load Proof load test AS/NZS 4291.2, Clause 9.1
Hardness Hardness test AS/NZS 4291.2, Clause 9.2

Washers for Property Class 4.6 bolts and nuts shall be supplied in accordance with AS 1237. Washers
shall have a hardness of 100 HV and tested in accordance with AS 1817.1.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Appendix B: Test Method, MRTS278 Assembly Test

1 Source

This method applies to the principles of AS/NZS 1252.2 and AS 4291.1.

2 Scope

This method describes the testing procedure to ensure the supplied bolt and the supplied nut work as
required as an assembly.

3 Application

The bolts shall be sampled in accordance with Table of Clause The testing shall apply
to all fasteners outlined in this Technical Specification.

4 Apparatus

The following apparatus are required for this testing:

• high strength mandrel

• testing jig, and

• a calibrated device for measuring elongation of the sample

5 Materials

Fastener samples in accordance with Clause 6.5.2 of this Technical Specification.

6 Testing Procedure

Procedure A – Proof Load Test

A.1 Prepare the ends of the sample as per Detail X of Figure 5, Clause 9.6.4 of AS 4291.1.

A.2 Measure the sample length.

A.3 Place sample into an appropriate test jig as per Figure 5, Clause 9.6.4 of AS 4291.1.

A.4 Apply the proof load for Procedure A, outlined in Appendix C, at a uniform rate.

A.5 Hold the load for a period of 15 seconds as per Clause 9.6.5 of AS 4291.1.

A.6 Release the load.

A.7 Remove the sample from the test jig.

A.8 Verify if the nut is free running up and down the thread of the bolt or manufactured bolt as
applicable. Nut shall be rotated by hand.

A.9 Measure the sample length.

A.10 Record the variation in length.

A.11 Report a pass, fail or to be tested to Procedure B.

Pass – change in length is not greater than ±12.5 µm from the original length and the nut is free
running along the length of the thread. If the sample passes the test continue to Procedure C.

Fail – the nut does not run freely at Step A.8.

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Continue to Procedure B – change in length is greater than ±12.5 µm from the original length and the
nut is free running along the length of the thread.

Procedure B – Proof Load Test

B.1 Place sample into an appropriate test jig as per Figure 5, Clause 9.6.4 of AS 4291.1.

B.2 Apply the proof load for Procedure B, outlined in Appendix C, at a uniform rate.

B.3 Hold the load for a period of 15 seconds as per Clause 9.6.5 of AS 4291.1.

B.4 Release the load.

B.5 Remove the sample from the test jig.

B.6 Verify if the nut is free running up and down the thread of the bolt or manufactured bolt as
applicable. Nut shall be rotated by hand.

B.7 Measure the sample length.

B.8 Record the variation in length.

B.9 Report a pass or fail.

Pass – change in length is not greater than ±12.5 µm from the length after Procedure A and the nut is
free running along the length of the thread. If the sample passes the test continue to Procedure C.

Fail – change in length is greater than ±12.5 µm from the length after Procedure A and / or the nut
does not run freely at Step B.6.

Procedure C – Minimum Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) Load Test Procedure

C.1 Place sample into an appropriate test jig.

C.2 Apply the minimum UTS load for Procedure C, outlined in Appendix C, at a uniform rate.

C.3 Hold the load for a period of 15 seconds.

C.4 Release the load.

C.5 Remove the sample from the test jig.

C.6 Verify if the nut is free running up and down the thread of the bolt or manufactured bolt as
applicable. Nut shall be rotated by hand.

C.7 Report a pass or fail.

Pass – the nut is free running along the length of the thread at Step C.6.

Fail – the nut does not run freely at Step C.6.

7 Reporting

The report produced by the testing facility shall include:

• assembly size, length and Property Class

• date of testing

• name, position, signature and date of the person authorising the report

• heat number of all assembly components

• number of assemblies tested and number in the order

Transport and Main Roads Specifications, November 2020 17

Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

• results of Procedure A, for each assembly tested

• results of Procedure B, where applicable for each assembly tested

• results of Procedure C, for each assembly tested

• NATA signatory, and

• conclusion.

Transport and Main Roads Specifications, November 2020 18

Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

Appendix C: Proof Load and Ultimate Tensile Load

C1 Class 4.6 Bolts

Class 4.6 bolts and nuts (coarse thread) the test loads shall be:

Table C1 – Proof and ultimate loads for Class 4.6 bolts

Proof Load of Bolt Proof Load of Bolt Minimum Ultimate

(kN) +3% Tensile
M12 19 19.6 33.7
M16 35.3 36.4 62.8
M20 55.1 56.8 98
M22 68.2 70.2 121
M24 79.4 81.8 141
M27 103 106.1 184
M30 126 129.8 224
M33 156 160.7 278
M36 184 189.5 327
M39 220 226.6 390
Reference – AS 4291.1 – Table 5 – Proof loads – ISO metric coarse pitch thread
Reference – AS 4291.1 – Table 4 – Minimum ultimate tensile loads – ISO metric coarse pitch thread

C2 Class 8.8 Bolts

Property Class 8.8 (coarse thread) shall conform to the following table:

Table C2 – Proof and ultimate loads for Class 8.8 bolts

Proof Load of Bolt Proof Load of Bolt Minimum Ultimate

(kN) +3% Tensile
M12 50.7 52.2 70
M16 94.8 97.6 130
M20 147 151.4 203
M22 182 187.5 252
M24 212 218.4 293
M27 275 283.3 381
M30 337 347.1 466
M33 416 428.5 576
M36 490 504.7 678
M39 586 603.6 810
Reference – AS 4291.1 – Table 5 – Proof loads – ISO metric coarse pitch thread
Reference – AS 4291.1 – Table 4 – Minimum ultimate tensile loads – ISO metric coarse pitch thread

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Technical Specification, MRTS278 Supply of Structural Fasteners

C3 Class 10.9 Bolts

Property Class 10.9 (coarse thread) shall conform to the following table:

Table C3 – Proof and ultimate loads for Class 10.9 bolts

Proof Load of Bolt Proof Load of Bolt Minimum Ultimate

(kN) +3% Tensile
M12 70 72.1 87.7
M16 130 133.9 163
M20 203 209.1 255
M22 252 259.6 315
M24 293 301.8 367
M27 381 392.4 477
M30 466 480.0 583
M33 576 593.3 722
M36 678 698.3 850
M39 810 834.3 1020
Reference – AS 4291.1 – Table 5 – Proof loads – ISO metric coarse pitch thread
Reference – AS 4291.1 – Table 4 – Minimum ultimate tensile loads – ISO metric coarse pitch thread

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