Public Display of Affection
Public Display of Affection
Public Display of Affection
Abstract: Public display of affection has been a taboo in India. It is interesting to know the student’s attitude on PDA,
However, with changing trends and westernization the thinking whether they approve of it or not. Despite few studies about this
and perspective of people toward PDA is changing. It is interesting topic, further studies could focus on a larger population and a
to know the attitude of students towards PDA.
variety of culture to be able to generalize or discriminate. This
This study can be used to know the attitude of students, and to
compare the results with other studies performed across various study could counter the belief that students are too conservative
parts of the world and among various age groups. A cross- and it would be a disgrace if couples are seen exchanging
sectional study was performed on students in Khammam, affection in public places.
Telangana. Self-structured questionnaire was prepared and data The output of this study may also be utilized by people who
collection was done. want to determine the attitude of people on PDA, also as a
Majority of the students think display of affection in public is reference if they want to improve a study or create a new one.
OK within limits and it helps in keeping the relationship long
lasting. The results of the survey may also be used to generalize a
sample population and determine which factors affect their
Keywords: public display of affection perception, as well as to retrieve samples from different parts of
the world to compare attitudes across cultures.
1. Introduction
In recent times, a substantial amount of research has 2. Methodology
examined sexual behavior and especially sexual behavior A cross-sectional study was performed on a sample of 200
associated with drug use and intoxication. There is a body of interns of Mamata medical and dental college, from 5th May,
research that examines why and how such behavior occurs; yet 2019 to 10th May 2019.
there seems to be less research that examines the prevalence of A self-structured questionnaire with the title “views of
such behavior within college environment. People from more students on public display of affection” was prepared. The
liberated countries might find PDA’S normal but those from questionnaire included demographic data of the participants
more religious and conservative nations might trigger negative like age, gender, year of study. The participants name was not
reactions [1]. included in the demographic data, to minimize the ability to
Romantic actions make someone think of love and involve identify a particular individual’s responses. The questionnaire
doing things to show that you love someone. The actions was pre-tested and necessary modifications were done and
included in this factor does not involve intimate actions but finalized before data collection. Consent is taken from study
gestures that are a sign of love [2]. objects prior to the study.
Affectionate is defined as the feeling of liking or caring for Permission was taken from the Head of the department of
someone [Webster-Merriam dictionary]. Affectionate gestures Public Health Dentistry to conduct the study.
can serve as routes to object attachment and can generate All the interns in the Mamata Medical College, present
emotional attachment. It is also defined as a disposition or rare between the dates 5th May, 2019 to 10th May, 2019 were
state of mind that is associated with a feeling or type of love [2]. included in the study.
Physical affection in romantic relationships has rarely been The interns in the Mamata Medical College who were absent
studied, despite its potential contribution to the relationship between the dates 5th May,2019 to 10th May,2019 and the
quality. This study focuses on students approval and students who were not willing to participate in the study were
disapproval on certain behaviors done or displayed by couples excluded.
in public places. Statistical analysis was done by using SPSS25.Descriptive
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 264
Volume-2, Issue-10, October-2019 | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
statistics were performed. Chi square test was used to find the of Public Display of Affection.
association among categorical variables. PDA-How much is too much according to you?