Human and Social Biology SBA

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Name of Candidate: Travis Nelson

Candidate #

School:Buff Bay High School


Date of Submission



Statement of the Problem


 Limitation
 Data collection procedure
 Questionnaire

Presentation of Data

Analysis and Interpretation of Data





What is the effect of improper garbage collection/disposal in the community of Mount Oakley is
the topic the researcher has chosen to conduct this School Based Assessment. Mount Oakley is
located 5 minutes away from the Town square of Port Antonio, located in Jamaica, which has an
approximation of 120 households.

Being a resident of the Mount Oakley community of the past 5 years it has been
observed that garbage collection/ disposal has been improper and caused some major issues to
residents in the community. This School Based Assessment has been conducted to find out the
effect of it.


The main objective of this research is to find proper ways for the collection\disposal of grabge

A lot of community are complaing about the lack of improper gargbe disposal gargbes are been

Burn which is causing air poultion when disposing of garbage that contains harmful chemicals
such as bleach,acid or oil it important that it is disposed of in approved containers and labeled
correctly. Paper plastics and other materials that are burned can contaminate the air when they
are burned.Over time the chimicals can build up in the ozone layer.If they contain toxic
chemicals like dioxin they can reach the air that people breath and cause a public health
risk.Garbage that is disposed of improperly can also begin to release methane gases. According
to the engery information administration, these gases are greenhouse gasses that can destroy the
earths ozone layer and contribute to significant climate changes or gobal warming humans are
not the only ones affected by improper garbage disposal-animals are too conservation
international notes that garbage dumping and discharging raw or untreated sewage can threaten
maine life and animals who come in contact with the water.When waste forms a cluster or algal
bloom,the area can suffocate and contamination not only destroys their habitat it can also affect
human consumption as fish and shellfish that where feasting off of contaminated areas reach
fisherman and are caught for human consumption.old fishing lures,plastic bottles ,rope,
Styrofoam cigarette butts and fishing lines can be consumed by marine animals leading to the
death of millions each year according to conservation internation.


The improper garbage collection/disposal in the community


The improper garbage disposal has affected me an my community

For a longtime and proper garbage disposal can be done to prevent

Improper garbage collection\disposal.

To investigate the topic, the researcher has chosen to use a virtual format (google forms) in
which to gather information for the investigation.
This investigation has revealed several limitations some of which include:
 Not all residents have access to a gadget or the internet
 There was no face-to-face interaction due to the Covid-19 pandemic and social
distancing, so response could not have been pursuing as it was hoped to be.
 Several forms were not submitted before the time required.


Mount Oakley community of 120 households. It was calculated that a sample of 20% was
necessary for the investigation to be accurate and successfulto how effective is the garbage
collection/disposal system in the community. (20% of 120=24)

A sum of 24 twenty-four (24) google forms were created in preparation for residents.
The researcher then contacted residents that they were able to, created a WhatsApp group with
not all but most of the residents in the community. The residents were then required to send their
email address to the WhatsApp group. The forms were sent to their emails 12 noon that day and
were expected the be submitted before 12 noon the following day. A span of 24 hours was given
for the forms to be submitted.

1. Sex:
o Male
o Female

2. How long have you been residing in the community?

o A few months
o 1-5 years
o 6-10 years
o 11 years and over

3. Where do you dispose your garbage when collectors do not collect it for a long period of
o Carryto the dump myself
o Place it in an empty lot or drain
o Discard in unofficial dumps

4. How regularly is your garbage collected?

o Once a week
o 2-4 days a week
o 5-7 days a week
o Once every month

5. What do you believe is the cause of improper garbage collection/disposal?

o The size of the community cause collectors to not collect our garbage
o Because of the pandemic collectors are afraid to collect our garbage
o Collectors do not have a proper location of which to dispose the garbage’s

6. Which of the following containers do you place your garbage in?

o Plastic garbage bags

o Carboard boxes
o Garbage bins
o Barrels

7. Is your garbage frequently attacked by any animals, while waiting to be collected?

o Yes
o No

8. How have improper garbage collection/disposal affected you?

o Health related
o It has been stressful
o It caused my home and yard to be filthy
o I have had trouble coping emotionally

9. Are there enough dumpsters and bins in the area?

o Yes
o No

10. Where do you keep your garbage until collection day?

o In my backyard
o At the front of my house in a plastic bag
o Tie on tree
o In my garage

11. Do animals carry garbage in your yard that is not yours?

o Yes
o No

12. What can be done to prevent improper garbage collection/disposal?

o Collectors should collect garbage more frequently, on time and be given an
efficient disposal area
o There should be more garbage bins and dumpster in the area
o There should be measures taught about proper collection/disposal of garbage
o Individuals should use more appropriate disposal containers

Figure 1

What is the cause of improper garbage
The size of our community
cause collectors to not collect
our garabage
17% 11%
Collectors do not have a proper
location of which to dispose of
the garbage
Beause of the pandemic col-
lectors are afraid to collect


Figure 1 above shows that 72% of the respondents believes that the main cause of improper
garbage collection/disposal is collectors do not have a proper location of which to dispose the
garbage, 17% suggested its because of the pandemic collectors are afraid to collect their garbage,
another 11% stated it could be the size of the community causing collectors to not collect their

Figure 2

Figure 2: How have improper garbage collection/

disposal affected you?
Health Related It have been stressful
It caused my home and yard to be filthy I have had trouble coping emotionally
Health Stress Filth Emotional coping difficultes

Figure 2 above shows that majority of the respondents (62%) state that improper garbage
collection/disposal has cause their home and yard to be filthy, 20% says it has been stressful,
10% have had trouble coping emotionally, 8% health related issues.

Table1What can be done to prevent improper garbage collection/disposal?

Preventation Percentage %

Collectors should collect garbage more 70%
frequently, on time and be given an efficient
disposal area
There should be more garbage bins and 15%
dumpster in the area
Individuals should use more appropriate 13%
garbage containers
There should be measures taught about proper 2%

Table 1 indicates that a significant 70% of respondents claims that collectors should collect
garbage more frequently, on time and be given an efficient disposal area and that could prevent
improper garbage collection/disposal, 15% There should be more garbage bins and dumpster in
the area, 13%Individuals should use more appropriate garbage containers and the remaining 2%
There should be measures taught about proper collection/disposal.

Figure 3

How regularly is your garbage collected?




Once a week 5-7 days a week 2-4 days a week once every month

Figure 3 reveals how regularly garbage are collected as regard to the respondents, once a month
55%, 5-7 days a week 6%, 2-4 days a week 4%, once a week 35%.

Figure 4

Where do you dispose your garbage when col-
lectors do not collect it for a long period of






Carry to the dump myself Discard in unofficial Place it in an empty lot or
dumps drain

Carry to dump myself Unofficial dumps Place in empty lot or drains

Figure 4 disclose where residents dispose their garbage when it has not been collected for a long
period of time, 10% carry to dump themselves, 60% discard in unofficial dumps and the other 30
% place in empty lots or drains.

Table 2 Where do you keep your garbage until collection day?

Responses Percentage% for response
In my back yard 25%
At the front of my house in a plastic bag 55%
Tie on tree 15%
In my garage 5%

Table 2 shows where residents keep their garbage until collection day. In my backyard 25%, At
the front of my house in a plastic bag 55%, In my basement 15%, In my garage 5%.

Figure 5

Figure 5 shows if residents garbage’s are attacked by any animals while waiting to be collected,
a significant 95% claims yes and the reaming 5% stated no.

Figure 6

Which of the f ollowing container s do

you place your gar bage in?
Barrels Garbage bins Carboard boxes Plastic garbage bags


Garbage bins

Carboard boxes

Plastic garabge bags

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Figure 6 declares which containers residents place their garbage in majority (57%) place in
plastic garbage bags, carboard boxes 20%, garbage bins 15%, barrels 8%.


There was unanimous agreement by residents in the community that the main cause of improper
garbage collection/disposal is collectors do not have a proper location of which to dispose of the
garbage and garbage are not collected frequently or on time. This leads residents with no other
alternative but to dispose of it themselves. However,there is another issue because many resident
disposes of their garbage in unofficial dumps and this could be bad for the environment.
Waiting on their garbage’s to be collected residents place it in plastic bags at the front of their
yards with the expectation of it to be collected in 1-2 days. It was confirmed that most resident’s
garbage are collected once every month and that it why its is frequently attacked by animals
while waiting to be collectedand other residents are complaining that their home and yard are
filthy because the animals are scattering the strayed garbage’s.



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