New IOGP Assessment Contractor Questionnaire - Mode 2 HM - SW
New IOGP Assessment Contractor Questionnaire - Mode 2 HM - SW
New IOGP Assessment Contractor Questionnaire - Mode 2 HM - SW
Managers are responsible for all HSE issues and shall ensure that all
employees have job descriptions and that these descriptions are
clearly communicated. They are also required to show visible
2 commitment, leadership and involvement.
How do managers ensure commitment from the workforce to perform
activities in accordance with company policies, standards and objectives, Managers shall demonstrate visible commitment to HSE and
provide the necessary resources to develop and maintain an
and in compliance with external requirements? active workforce
How does the contractor ensure learning from internal and external
sources and promote continuous risk reduction and performance
Standards shall be defined for all HSE and all business activities
which present a significant risk to our personnel and
Management shall ensure that these standards and specifications
c) are maintained at all times.
Provide evidence of accountability and commitment at all levels of the Attached Evdence is seen in attached safety meetinng and fire drill
Commitment and d) organization. herewith. attendance.
Is there a code of conduct in place to establish behavioural, ethical and Code Of
e) compliance obligations for employees? If yes, please provide a copy Conduct YES as attached
3 What are your arrangements for advising employees of changes in the Changes in policy are communicated via E-mails, memos and
policies or standards? presentations through safety meeting to staff
HSE Policies, and
standards. c)1 How do you identify new industry standards or regulatory requirements New industry standards are identify via training,seminars and
that may be applicable to your activities? also in the process of renewing statutory permits/certificates.
2 Describe the process used for producing, updating and disseminating This is done via E-mails, memos and presentations through
standards. safety meeting to staff
3 Are your company standards aligned with IOGP/industry guidelines or We are in complaince with IOGP/Industry guidelines. -
recommended practices? If yes, state which. DPR, OSP and other statuory requirement.
Describe process for review of applicable regulations and standards at
4 the local,national, regional and international levels to ensure Policies and Renewable of Statutory document, training and Seminars
Standards are aligned and remain up-to-date. attendant
5 Where do you define the company standards you require your contractors
to meet? This is defined in the Contractor Management Procedure.
6 How do you ensure these standards are met and verified? Through Audit verifications
Does your company have HSE objectives which include measurable
a) success criteria based on continuous improvement; maintaining
standards; or compliance with policy, regulatory or other requirements?If SWT HSE
the answer is yes, please attach a copy. Manual YES. See Objectives in HSE attached document
c) What initiatives or campaigns have been developed at an appropriate Staff are awarded with gift items for the best performance in
level of the company to meet short and long-term strategic objectives? safety issues/contributions
a) How do you ensure that the PSOs defined address applicable aspects of Annual Management Assessment, review and update of PSO to
your business activities throughout their life cycle? ensure continual relevance to company business.
Are there different entities operating on the same facilities (including joint
b) venture partnerships) and have PSO been harmonized to ensure a
consistent message and application? If yes, please provide an outline of
harmonization. NO
Policies,Standards and c) Describe the process used to review PSOs, including how these are SWT HSE AUDIT SWT Internal Audit Processes is used to review the PSO by the
Objectives (PSO) documented and approved by a competent authority. Please provide an Guideline HSE Team and sent to appropriate management for approval
example. Procedure and implementation.
How does your organization gather and consolidate feedback on PSO SWT Internal Audit Processes is used to review the PSO by the
d) applicability and effectiveness and use this to identify shortfalls against HSE Team and sent to appropriate management for approval
expectations? and implementation.
e) Describe the process used to risk-assess and approve an exemption or Management System is employed where Risk Assessment and
deviation from an HSE MS requirement and how you ensure the approval Control process is reviewed, presented to upper
is by an appropriate level of management. line management for approval
3 Organization, resoureces and capability
c) How do you ensure people in roles identified as HSE critical can be There is a Train the Trainer procedure, intended to equip
replaced e.g. due to retirement, transfer or leaving the role for other all employee to perform basic HSE role.
reasons? All HSE personnel are fully and well trained to handle any HSE task.
d) What mechanisms and programmes for joint participation and We have Accident and Incident Reporting Procedure and Non
management consultation within the workforce do you have? Conformity Control Procedure to mention a few.
a) What recruitment, deployment, career development, retention and
succession plans are in place? Coaching and training.
4 Employees to ensure they have adequate knowledge of basic industrial Periodically we carry out audit and inspection on the Employees
Resources and capability
HSE? for competency/Capability
Employees to ensure they have been instructed and have received
5 information on any specific risk factors and risks arising out of the nature
of their activities e.g. job and site orientations? We conduct regular supervision and training
Describe the process used to periodically review and update HSE training
c) e.g. to meet HSE objectives and applicable legal or other HSE Planned HSE audit, appraisals and inspections of personal are
requirements. carried out regularly to ensure competency.
d) Where HSE training is given in-house, please describe the content and Content and duration is dependant on what training is been
duration of courses. done.
e) What tools to do you use to identify and access HSE specific resources,
skills and knowledge? On the job training and assessment
c) What measures are in place to review individual’s or team’s capability and Bi-annual performation appraisal technique is used to close up
address temporary any gaps? any gaps
a) What system is in place to allocate appropriate and sufficient internal and
external resources to meet HSE objectives? Evaluation system
b) Does your company have a contractor management process or system? Existing staff knowledge is updated through Trainings and
If yes, provide an outline of the process. workshops. See attached training plan
c) 1 How do you asses the HSE capability and capacity internally, and if
external resources are needed, of your suppliers and contractors? Bi-annual Performance Appraisal, Audit and inspection.
2 What programmes have you put in place to enhance opportunities for Advertising through company website and community
local sourcing of people, goods and services? relationship.
How do you ensure that plans are established amongst suppliers and
d) contractors,for personnel identification in HSE critical roles and how they
can be replaced if they retire, transfer or leave their role for other
Allocation of internal and reasons? Contractors and Suppliers are audited, appraised and evaluated.
external resources
e) Do you provide HSE specific training, tools and initiatives to improve the
risk awareness and performance of suppliers and contractors who
provide goods and services? If yes, please provide an outline. Yes. The content is captured in vendors and contractor meeting.
g) 1 How do you agree upon the interfaces and other bridging mechanisms for
activities involving multiple parties using different management systems? There is an assessment and agreement for preferred system.
How do you identify alignment and relevant gaps (including roles,
responsibilities and actions) in the different management systems of the Employee periodic Performance appraisal and audit base
2 participants? on objective
4 Stakeholders and customers
4.1 By the Business we do and the people that influence the
a) 1 How do you identify Stakeholders, including local communities? business
2 How are relationships established throughout the activities life cycle? Intermittent meeting and interface with concerned stakeholders.
3 Which significant stakeholder groups does your company have? Board of Trustee, Shareholders and Local Communities
4 What is your company’s local community engagement plan and strategy? Holding periodic meeting to foster peace and development.
What processes does your company have to assess, manage and
engage with customers and other stakeholders regarding life cycle risks Proper documentation of customer business activities for
and opportunities associated with the company’s products, assets and monitoring and assessment. Audit of customers business to
Stakeholders and
b) 1 activities? mitigate and manage arising issue.
Describe how compliance with regulatory requirements is part of these By obtaining the necessary statutory documents required for
2 processes. our operations
What mechanisms are in place to document, evaluate and address Attach
stakeholder and customer expectations and feedback, including concerns herewith
c) and grievances? HSE- MS HSE-MS document specifies the processes involved.
What kind of relationships has your company established with
d) 1 stakeholders and customers? Business and cordial relationship.
2 Describe how communication and engagement is performed? By official memo, emails and calls.
5 Risk assessment and control
How does your company ensure no operation is performed without a Every job done must be document and reports written in which
2 specific risk assessment? every step taken to achive the job is written down.
Health risk factors and Briefly describe the resources available to support those accountable and
impact 2 responsible for managing health issues? PPE, HMO and Regular HSE Training course
What systems are in place to control health risk and monitor the
e) 1 effectiveness of these controls/barriers? Regular awareness, Training and Audit, Fitness to work
Is regular workplace exposure monitoring for individual workers part of
2 these systems? YES. Fitness to Work
How does the contractor ensure that required restitution time is provided Definition of work hour stated during onboarding of personnel.
and that extensive use of overtime does not become a working Fatigue Management Plan
3 environment burden for its employees? in the employment.
How does the contractor evaluate the health risks presented by use,
4 transport and disposal of chemicals? N/A
What are the preferred methods for undertaking risk assessments to
a) effectively identify, assess and treat risks related to personal and process
safety incidents and damage to assets and/or company value to an Required prevention and mitigation measures shall be
acceptable level? implemented and then verified.JSA &Risk Register
e) 1 What systems are in place to control personal and process safety risks
and monitor the effectiveness of these controls/barriers? Audit, Awareness, training and appraisal
What systems are in place to control environmental risk and monitor the
e) 1 effectiveness of these controls/barriers? Audit, Awareness, training and appraisal
How do document and report the usage of chemicals, including new
2 chemicals? N/A
Security risk factors and Do you have specific objectives, policies and programmes on specific
impact security threats and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and
c) voluntary codes of practice? YES. Security Policy and Security Plan.
d)1 Who is accountable and responsible for managing security risk? All Staff
Briefly describe the resources available to support those accountable and PPE, HMO and Regular HSE Training course.
2 responsible for managing security issues? Third Party Security. Mopol.
What systems are in place to control security risk and monitor the Audit, Awareness, training and appraisal.
e) effectiveness of these controls/barriers? Effective Access control, CCTV
What are the preferred methods for undertaking risk assessments to
effectively identify, assess and treat risks related to social impact (social
responsibility to employees, the local community and other stakeholders) Required prevention and mitigation measures shall be
a) to an acceptable level? implemented and then verified.
What is the organization’s rationale for managing social risk and
b) determining risk acceptability? To make sure that jobs are done safely without any incident.
What systems are in place to control social responsibility risk and monitor
f) the effectiveness of these controls/barriers? N/A. Community, Social Responsibility Plan.
6 Asset design and integrity
6.1 How is base line information and the results of risk assessments used as
input to asset design, selection and integrity decisions?
Which criteria, specifications and standards are defined to address risks
b) and verify conformity throughout the life cycle of facilities, equipment and
Which procedures does your company have to ensure facilities and/or
c) 1 equipment are operated within defined design and operating limits at all
2 How does your company confirm that interfaces/handovers are By the enforement of the use and implementation of our
established? handover procudure on every shift. Ans. Job Completion Certificate
2 benefitting from learning opportunities and good practices within the A common information system shall be used for recording
organization,your industry, and from other public sources? incidents and building risk profiles for good practise as expected.
implementation of appropriate remedial actions (with application of
3 Management of Change processes as appropriate) to address
event/incident causes, strengthen risk controls/barriers and prevent Every incident or accident report is shared amonghest staff in
recurrence? meetings as saftey moment to prevent recurrence
4 verification of closure of actions or plans? This is achived through audit. Ans Fellow up action
d) How does your company communicate the learning from monitoring and
reporting processes? Communication is through safeting meeting and emials
9.2 How does your company report, record, classify and investigate Incidents,
a) events and non-conformities (with actual and/or potential consequences) Recommendations of the review committee shall be
to determine direct and underlying causes? documented and disseminated throughout South Western
Does your company have established some sort of voluntary public
b) reporting?
If yes, please specify. NO. Ans
HSE performance 2 How often does your company review HSE KPIs to ensure they provide
meaningful information? Monthly
2 Do you have a written procedure for HSE auditing? If yes, please attach a
copy. YES, as attached
The HSE manager and his HSE team members and other top
b) management members conduct the HSE audits. The audit team is
Who is involved in conducting HSE audits? How is the audit team made up of HSE Team, Management, Supervisor and external
selected to provide specific expertise and independence from the auditors. The qualification required is high level of experience with
Assurance activities being audited? What qualifications are required for auditors? responsiblity and Intergrity.
process,including audits
How are HSE audits scheduled and what scope of auditing is covered?
c) e.g. internal,regulatory compliance, supplier/contractor, HSE
management system implementation. Periodically. All of above mentioned. Internal audits
e) How does your company track that audits are executed as per plan, with
timely implementation of action items? Through reports and Management review meetings
Certification of HSE-MS South Western has the certifications from NUPRC for the services
we offer which are but not limited to Well completions,
Cementing, Coiled tubing/Slickline, Surface well testing,
Please provide information on third party verification or any certification DST/TCP services etc. The HSE cordinator/Manager is also
which you have received from certification bodies. NEBOSH Certified and has undergone ISO 9000:200 QMS course.
Additional Features The HSE Cordinator sits on other Safety Committee boards and
of HSE-MS brings valuable information. The HSE cordinator and MD/CEO have a
close working relationship with Loss Control Service departments of
the insurance company and the insurance agency. The agency and the
Does your organization (globally, regionally or locally) have any HSE carrier are involved multiple times per year in trainings and
features or arrangements not described elsewhere in your response to evaluations. A Market Probe Study is performed every 18 months to
the questionnaire? identify issues of the safety culture.