Frequencynoisefund 1
Frequencynoisefund 1
Frequencynoisefund 1
Abstract— Lasers and especially semiconductor lasers (SCLs) can possess similar features. Henry [22] showed that frequency
are playing a major role in advanced technological and scientific noise and lineshape in SCLs can come from the same origin,
tasks ranging from sensing, fundamental investigations in quan- such as spontaneous emission. Although it has been realized
tum optics and communications. The demand for ever-increasing
accuracy and communication rates has driven these applications that there exists a strong connection between the frequency
to employ phase modulation and coherent detection. The main noise and lineshape, a simple and rigorous mathematical
laser attribute that comes into play is its coherence which is usu- treatment of such a relation has not been available.
ally quantified by either the Schawlow-Townes (S-T) linewidth, In this paper, we derive a general relation between the
the spectral width of the laser field, or the power spectral frequency noise PSD and the spectral lineshape of the laser
density (PSD) function of the laser frequency fluctuation. In this
paper, we present a derivation of a general and direct relationship light. The validity of the theoretical result is established
between these two coherence measures. We refer to the result as experimentally. The result suggests methods of noise control
the Central Relation. The relation applies independently of the yet to be demonstrated.
physical origin of the noise. Experiments are described which
demonstrate the validity of the Central Relation and at the same
time suggest new methods of controlling frequency noise at base II. M ATHEMATICAL D ERIVATION
band by optical filtering. The electric field of laser light can be expressed as
Index Terms— Laser theory, laser noise, laser applications.
E = E 0 ei{ω0 t +ψ(t )} (1)
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Notice that if we integrate over the whole laser lineshape The second term on the left side in equation (13) contains a
function, we get the total “power” of the laser light, namely sinc function and using the relation (10), we take the lower
+∞ limit of integration at π f 2υ = π 2
SE (ω)dω = E 02 (6) +∞
2π −∞ Sυ ( f )
d f = η(υ) (14)
so that the function η(υ) is equal to the total power contained υ f2
outside the integrated frequency range of width 4πυ straddling
The physical meaning of (14) is more apparent in a form,
the central laser frequency ω0 . The function η(υ) can be
which results from a differentiation of both sides with respect
expressed as
−2πυ+ω0 to υ
1 1
η(υ) = 2 { SE (ω)dω Sυ (υ) 1
E 0 2π −∞ = 2 {SE (ω0 + 2πυ) + S E (ω0 − 2πυ)} (15)
+∞ υ2 E0
+ SE (ω)dω} (7) where the differential form of η(υ) can be derived from
2π 2πυ+ω0
equation (7).
and it vanishes as υ approaches infinity.
Equation (15) constitutes a general relation between the
The use of (2) and (3) in (5) leads to
2πυ+ω0 +∞ frequency noise PSD Sυ (υ) and the lineshape function SE (ω)
1 of the laser light. We will refer to it as the Central Relation.
dω ei(ω0 −ω)τ
2π −2πυ+ω0 −∞ It shows that at high frequencies υ there is a one-to-one
+∞ 2 (π f τ ) correspondence between the frequency noise and the lineshape
−2 Sυ ( f ) sin df
×e 0 f2 dτ = 1 − η(υ) (8) function. Empirically, frequencies which are more than ten
times the linewidth (full width half maximum (FWHM)) of the
integrating over the angular frequencyωleads to
+∞ optical lineshape can be considered as sufficiently high for the
2υ sinc(2πτ υ) Central Relation to apply; such a rule of thumb is confirmed
−∞ by the experiments described in the following sections. Notice
+∞ 2 (π f τ )
that we have made no assumptions regarding the physical
−2 Sυ ( f ) sin df
×e 0 f2 dτ = 1 − η(υ) (9) origin of the frequency noise.
We use the following mathematical relations to deal with sinc It is worth pointing out that the left side of equation (15) is
functions essentially the phase noise PSD of the laser. The meaning of
equation (15) can be interpreted as following. The frequency
sinc(2πτ υ) = W (2πτ υ)as υ → ∞ noise at a high base band frequency affects the lineshape at
πf πf the same frequency offset with respect to the optical central
sinc( ) = W( )asυ → ∞ (10)
2υ 2υ frequency. If the lineshape is symmetrical about the central
where W (x) is equal to 1 when |x| ≤ π 2 and vanishes frequency, which is true for laser lineshape, then any feature in
otherwise. The upper equation is valid as both 2υsinc(2πτ υ) the phase noise PSD at high frequency will appear identically
and 2υW (2πτ υ) are asymptotically identical to the δ(τ ) in the lineshape and vice versa. To the best of our knowledge,
function. The lower equation is simply the Fourier transform and after a considerable search, we have not found a result
of the upper one. similar to (15) in the published literature.
Using the definition of W (x) we can limit the range of
integration in (9) to − 4υ 1
≤ τ ≤ 4υ 1
rewrite it as
1 +∞ 2 A well-known special case involving the relation between
4υ −2 Sυ ( f ) sin (π2 f τ ) d f
2υ e 0 f dτ = 1 − η(υ) laser frequency noise PSD and lineshape is that of the quantum
− 4υ limit of spontaneous emission described above. In that case,
Since the integrand is an even function of τ SE (ω) is known to be a Lorentzian. Here, we show that it
1 2 obeys the Central Relation (15).
4υ −2 +∞ Sυ ( f ) sin (π f τ ) d f
4υ e 0 f2 dτ = 1 − η(υ) (11) Assume the FWHM of the Lorentzian lineshape is h, then
0 the value of the single-band frequency noise PSD is [24]
For sufficiently large υ, the time variable τ in (11) remains
small over the entire integration range so that we can Taylor- Sυ (υ) =
expand the exponential part and keep only the leading term π
1 +∞ which makes the left-hand side of (15)
4υ sin2 (π f τ )
4υ {1 − 2 Sυ ( f ) d f }dτ h
0 0 f2
= 1 − η(υ) (12) πυ 2
Integrating over τ leads to The Lorentzian lineshape SE (ω) can be expressed as
Sυ ( f ) πf 2π E 02 h
{1 − sinc( )}d f = η(υ) (13) SE (ω) =
0 f 2 2υ (ω − ω0 )2 + (πh)2
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