Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln made excellent decisions in the Civil War. He guided his nation from being torn apart by conflict. He reacted quickly when the War was
suddenly sprung upon him. His blockade of the southern ports weakened the south by stopping its income from trade and his immediate expansion of
the Union Army gave the north a powerful...show more content...
The first federally controlled paper money was issued in 1861, establishing a secure standard of money, one not threatened by failure in any way. To
the settlers were granted 65 hectares of public land by the Homestead Act, free of charge, beginning in
1862, enhancing the growth of the United States and bringing more people to create a thriving population. President Lincoln's policies also promoted
national unity and communication. The transcontinental telegraph, first of its kind, was completed in 1861. It connected all of eastern United States
with California and allowed a speedy way of communicating across a country.
Free mail delivery in the cities of the United States was allowed in 1863, promoting communication between the people. Finally, there was the
Emancipation Proclamation on the first day of the year 1863. It released all the slaves in the states that were still in rebellion. Though it did not have
much real effect at the time, it pointed a way to a brighter future. President Abraham Lincoln handled the end of the war admirably. He put the nation
back together and did not punish the south as wanted by some. His plan of reconstruction was accepted and the slaves were all freed, showing the rest
of the world a virtuous country. He admitted that his reconstruction was not perfect, but convinced his people to accept it and work on it over letting
their sister states leave and banishing the hope of a unified
Abraham Lincoln was a man who was best known for bold standing against the difficult problems of his day. Issues such as slavery, negro social and
political rights, and saving the Union in a nation based on the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln had many strength as well as flaws. He considered
himself a common man and was not interested in his ancestry. Lincoln was a self educated man, who had never had a full year of schooling in his life.
But, the 16th President of the United States became "a casualty of conflict".
Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. He was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1816, the Lincoln's moved from
Kentucky to across the Ohio River to Indiana. His father left...show more content...
As soon as Lincoln was legally able to leave his fathers house he did.
In March 1832, Lincoln announced himself a candidate for the state legislature. Lincoln was twenty–three and had settled in New Salem, where he was
a clerk in a small country store. He was a young man with limited formal education and no government working experience. He campaigned well, but
in the end the votes were counted and Lincoln ran eighth out of thirteen candidates. In 1834 he entered his second race for the state legislature.
Lincoln received 1376 votes, placing him the second highest candidate and was elected. In 1840, Lincoln decided not to run for re–election.
In 1842 he married Mary Todd. They were noted as being a remarkable couple.
He was tall, thin, and self–conscious, and she was average height, fashionably overweight, with radiant eyes, and a turned up nose. In 1850s,
Lincoln was the most sought–after attorneys in Illinois. He had the reputation as lawyer's lawyer. He earned the respect of his colleagues. Yet
Lincoln never used the law for personal gain. Lincoln was honest in real life as in legend. He was even know by his enemies a incorruptible.
In 1858 Lincoln attempted to get a seat in the Senate. His opponent was
Stephen Douglas. Douglas and Lincoln rebutted each other speeches, turning into a challenge by Lincoln that was known as the Lincoln Douglas
Lincoln made his now famous House Divided
Abraham Lincoln set an example of leadership and honesty and that is what other presidents tried to be like. He left a good legacy and outline of
what a good president was because when Obama started his campaign he used Lincoln for a model. He actually gave orders during the war because he
used Morse code on the telegraph to communicate with his
Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble beginnings who, though self–taught, rose to greatness through the many leadership qualities that he possessed.
Quality traits that Lincoln possessed were honesty, integrity and a great devotion towards the rights of the people. It was probably through his
impoverished upbringing that he formed such a bond with common folks. Lincoln was able to show the country that an ordinary person, with strong
character and integrity, was capable of inspiring others to greatness. His ability to communicate through dynamic speeches was inspirational to a
country so badly in need of someone to return the country to the unity that it had once had. His commitment to the rights of individuals was a
cornerstone of his...show more content...
Being able to listen to the opinions and then being able to make a decision is a key ingredient to being a great leader (Wadhwa, 2012).
Another great leadership ability that Lincoln possessed was his ability to appoint the right people for the right jobs in his Cabinet. Even though they
were some of the greatest minds of his time, some of his Cabinet members were also some of his biggest political adversaries. Through his great
leadership, he was able to assemble this group and to pull them together to make it work. Lincoln also had the ability to make a mistake, learn from it
and then move on, creating an environment of learning in his administration. Also, when the administration was successful, Lincoln was willing to
share the credit with his administration, not taking all the credit for himself. This ability can be a great motivator, since it gives people a sense of
accomplishment (Moreton, 2008). Lincoln's ability to control his emotions was another great trait that he possessed. Even though Lincoln was known
for treating those he worked with fairly, when he was driven to frustration or anger, he would often channel his emotions by writing what he referred
to as "hot letters" to the person he was agitated with, but would keep it after writing it. When Lincoln did lose his temper, he would usually not hold a
grudge against the individual (Moreton, 2008).
The last leadership
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is the sixteenth president of the United States of America. His unique appeal and his impact on our nation has
made him arguably one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen. I am going to inform you more about Lincoln's childhood, his early
career, his presidency, and the Civil War in which he played a big part. Abraham Lincoln came from such a simple beginning to one of America's
greatest heroes. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Kentucky. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Lincoln.
Abraham had two siblings, an older sister and a younger brother who died in infancy. His family was forced to move from Kentucky to Indiana in
1817. His family settled on public land where they had shelter, hunted game, and farmed a little bit of land. Abe's father eventually bought the land. In
1818, when Abraham was just nine years old his mother died of milk sickness. Abraham's father eventually married again in 1819 to Sarah Bush
Johnston. Sarah was very strong and affectionate, Abe...show more content...
After this passed, Abraham's views on politics were once again awakened. Lincoln entered the Republican party in 1856. Lincoln decided to try
running to be the U.S. Senator after the Supreme Court decided to give African Americans zero rights. He faced the current Senator Stephan Douglas.
They had several debates in different cities. "As the debate over the states' rights intensified Lincoln became more involved in politics" (Johnson 268).
Lincoln did not win the nomination, but it boosted his status as a politician. He later decided to run against Douglas to become the 16th president of the
United States. On November 6, 1860 Lincoln became the president of the United States. On April 12, 1861, Lincoln prepared for his biggest test yet as
the president. The Civil War had begun. (Abraham http://www.biography.com) (Johnson 268) (Infoplease
For over 150 years, American historians have portrayed Abraham Lincoln as a visionary and ethical leader. Indeed, his opposition to slavery and
push for emancipation perhaps made him the statesman best suited to lead the nation during its most tragic time in history. No other U.S. President
had ever, or has since, faced the dilemma of leading the country in the midst of an intense Civil War. The purpose of this essay is to show how
Lincoln was both a visionary and ethical leader and why that is relevant to me. First, this paper will explain how Lincoln's transformational leadership
approach of inspirational motivation synthesized with his effective use of change management. Second, this paper will explain how Lincoln's critical
thinking skills impacted his ethical decision making. Finally, this paper will explain how these concepts are relevant to my leadership. Now I will
discuss why Abraham Lincoln was a visionary leader.
Visionary Leader President Lincoln was indeed a visionary leader as evidenced by his relentless pursuit of political office. He had a precise vision of
where he wanted to lead the country with the desired end state of a unified sovereign nation. His persistence in this vision is evident by him enduring
several embarrassing political defeats along the way to becoming the sixteenth President of the United States. Lincoln was a political leader who was
"engaged with the deepest moral fundamentals of the nation" (Miller, 2002). These fundamentals
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the U.S (1861–1865) who brought the Union to victory in the Civil War.
Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. His father was Thomas Lincoln and his mother was Nancy Hanks, both were pioneer farmers.
When Abraham Lincoln was two they moved to nearby Knob Creek, Indiana. The following year his mother died. In 1819 Abraham Lincoln's father
married Sarah Bush Johnston, a kind widow who gained Abraham Lincoln's friendship. Abraham Lincoln grew up to be a tall, gangling boy who could
handle himself. He also showed intellectual promises, even though he had little formal education. In 1831 he moved again to Macon County, Illinois
and finally he got a job on a cargo ship sailing down the...show more content...
In 1846 he was elected to the Congress based on his criticism of the Mexican War and his plan for no slavery in the District of Columbia. In 1849 he
returned home to Springfield to peruse his profession. But in 1854 he became alarmed at Stephen Douglas's Kansas–Nebraska Act, so he again became
politically active. This clearly told Lincoln's views, he favored the Missouri Compromise, which stated that no more new territory's, could have slaves
in them. In 1858 with the newly found Republican Party he ran against Douglas. He met Douglas in a series of debates that were nationally
recognized. But he lost the election to Douglas. In 1860 the Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency. The Democrats were split,
they had two candidates Douglas and Brinkridge because of this Lincoln was able to easily win the Presidency.
Immediately after the election 6 southern states succeeded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. When Lincoln took office
in 1861 five southern states were still neutral, but when the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston the Union called for volunteers. When
Lincoln did this the other 5 southern states joined the Confederacy. In 1861 Lincoln was under great pressure to find a General who could win
against the Confederacy. He chose George Mcclellan but he was defeated several times in Virginia. The Confederacy began to win the war. In 1862 he
turned to John Pope to win the war but he to fell short even
The Civil War was a war between the union, and confederate states in the United States that occurred from 1861–1865. Many people believed that the
Civil War was about slavery and southern states right to defend their states' rights. The confederates were fighting for their liberty and independence
under the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, who they felt was a tyrant. However, the union, was fighting to preserve their territory, that was created by
their founding fathers from chaos and dismemberment. President Jefferson Davis believed that the civil war was based on the confederate rights to
secede from the union. Jefferson also felt that Abraham Lincoln was to blamed for the start of the civil war, since he was against slavery. Lincoln's
intended goal was to preserve the union, he claimed slavery was not the reason. "If I could save the union without freeing any slave I would do it,
and if I could save it by freeing all slaves I would do it, and if I could slave it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that (Shi
&Tindall, 2015, pg.465)". Lincoln told everyone that if the southern states were to return to the union that slavery would still exist. However, many
people believed that Lincoln wasn't being truthful.
Geographical Regions
During this time frame The United States consisted of three geographic regions, the north, south, and the west. There was a lot of competition between
these regions, the question of whether slavery should be
Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809, to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. Thomas had been apprenticed as
a carpenter after the death of his father and the passing of the family property to his eldest brother as required under the system of primogeniture.
Thorough dint of hard work or with funds from his family, Thomas acquired enough money to purchase a farm, but his ownership was soon challenged.
Kentucky had been surveyed in such a primitive manner that boundaries were never certain. After having the titles of two other farm parcels challenged,
Thomas tired of Kentucky and in 1816 moved his family to southern Indiana. The federal government had surveyed Indiana in a manner that insured
sound titles....show more content...
Dispossession and penury were not uncommon.
The Lincolns crossed the Ohio River and homesteaded near Little Pigeon Creek in Perry County, Indiana. Their family consisted of Thomas and
Nancy, young Abraham, and his older sister Sarah. In a biographical sketch written in 1859, Lincoln recalled the scene: "We reached our new
home about the time the State came into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods."
Abraham was put to clearing timber so the land could be farmed. "A. though very young, was large of his age, and had an axe put into his hands
at once; and from that till within his twenty third year, he was almost constantly handling that most useful instrument –– less, of course, in plowing and
harvesting seasons."
Lincoln endured a youth of rough conditions, of mind–numbing and muscle–straining manual labor, of prolonged physical exertion that gave him a
physique so lean and muscular that doctors performing his post–assassination autopsy remarked upon it.
The perils of frontier life were brought home to the Lincolns in 1818 when the "milk sickness" visited southern Indiana. This illness spread
through the milk of cows that had ingested the white snakeroot plant, and its symptoms included nausea, paralysis and eventual death. Nancy Hanks
Lincoln was taken ill with it and died on October 5, 1818. Thomas Lincoln fashioned a crude coffin for her and Abraham, at the age
The Life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 to Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. He grew up in Hodgenville,
Kentucky, and lived out in the wilderness. He was brought up doing chores, and had a special talent of using an axe at a young age. Upon attending
an ABC school, Abraham learned how to read, write, and solve arithmetic problems. He and his family constantly had problems with the milk sick
disease, which was the cause of the death of Abraham's mother. One of Abraham's first jobs as a young...show more content...
Upon returning to his former job as a layer upon the end of his political term, he was able to become a master at the occupation. Around 1854,
Abraham began to research the Kansas–Nebraska Act, for he was held an opposing viewpoint of what is stated. He believed the Act did not address
how important it was that slavery be abolished, for it allowed people in these two territories to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery
within their borders. Right after this, Lincoln began involving himself in more debates about slavery, while at the same time trying to get into a
political position. He was finally granted his wish to become president on November 6, 1860 defeating Douglas, John Bell, and John C. Breckinridge.
Re–elected in for the next four years after this term had ended, he was all the while serving during the Civil War. His view on the war was that he
hoped to create a plan to join the nation together, and give the South more right to the slaves. Eventually the Civil War's end was exactly how he had
wanted to terminate, with General Lee surrendering to General Grant in Virginia. The death of President Lincoln was tragic, and was soon following
this victorious end of the war. Upon a third re–election as U.S. President, he angered many people who did not like the way he served their country.
John Wilkes Booth was one of
Abraham Lincoln is a hero to all Americans for he preserved our Union and abolished slavery. Lincoln combined the forces of strength, courage, will,
and morality to guide America through a time marked by complete social upheaval and Civil War. Lincoln entered the White House burdened by an
oppressive set of domestic issues; the most pressing was the rift between the North and South. Before Lincoln's inauguration, the Union was
dissolving, and he was left with only one choice, to preserve America and to make war against the South. On a scale of one to ten, ten being the
highest, Lincoln and his administration would rank as an eight. Lincoln's presidency was unique, for it was the only one that endured a Civil War that
tore and...show more content...
As Doris Kearns Goodwin so aptly says in her Pulitzer Prize winning book Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln chose
deep political rivals such as Salmon P. Chase, William H. Seward, and Edward Bates, for the cabinet positions of Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary
of War, and Attorney General, respectively (Goodwin). All of these men ran against Lincoln in the 1860 Republican Party Presidential primary, and
berated Lincoln with political and personal attacks. They strongly disagreed with his approaches to many integral issues, yet Lincoln appointed them
all due to their political genius and their intense loyalty to the Union. Throughout his administration, Lincoln sought advice on a wide variety of
matters, where his cabinet had opinions that dissented from his own. For example, the eventual acquisition of Alaska through the proposal by William
H. Seward was only possible under President Johnson because of Lincoln's strong objections to the plan. Lincoln greatly respected the opinions of his
cabinet members and chose them because of their intelligent opposition to his views. Lincoln's first challenge was to rebuke the South Carolina
Ordinances for Secession; he effectively accomplished this. South Carolina claimed that the American government was acting as a destructive agency,
which gave the people the right to change or eliminate it and create a new government. The secessionist fire–eaters of South Carolina
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President ofthe United States of America, serving from 1860 to 1865 (Wilson, 1). From humble upbringings to
becoming the most powerful man in America, "Honest Abe" is known today as a great and influential person whose message echoes in American
politics as well as American ethics. Lincoln is almost always voted the best or near–best President among historians (Wilson, 1). He helped mend the
rift between the Union and the Confederacy, reuniting and reconstructing America and leading the way for his successors to tum this land ofthe free
and home of the brave into the powerhouse it is today (Fetzer, 310). From his log cabin childhood to his tragic death, Abraham Lincoln was a great man
whose legend lives on...show more content...
From humble upbringings to becoming the most powerful man in America, "Honest Abe" is known today as a great and influential person whose
message echoes in American politics as well as American ethics. Lincoln is almost always voted the best or near–best President among historians
(Wilson, 1). He helped mend the rift between the Union and the Confederacy, reuniting and reconstructing America and leading the way for his
successors to turn this land ofthe free and home of the brave into the powerhouse it is today (Fetzer, 310). From his log cabin childhood to his tragic
death, Abraham Lincoln was a great man whose legend lives on today.
Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 to Thomas and Nancy Hawks Lincoln (Fetzer, 311, 312). He had an older sister, Sarah, and a brother,
Thomas, who died in infancy (Fetzer, 3 I 2). On the farm that Abraham was born, the family spent only two years (Fetzer, 312). They then moved to
a farm ten miles away on Knob Creek (Fetzer, 312). It was in Knob Creek where Sarah and Abraham first went to school, learning reading; writing,
and arithmetic in a log schoolhouse (Fetzer, 312). Abraham had less than one year of formal schooling, though (Fetzer, 313). He was mainly
self–educated, and even made his own textbooks (Fetzer, 313). In 1816, Thomas decided to move the family again (Fetzer, 312). They moved to
southwestern Indiana, where Thomas
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln presidential outline I. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 and died on April 15, 1865 II. State:
Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky, and ran for president in Illinois. III. Educational and Occupational background: Abrahams step mother,
Sarah, encouraged Abraham to read. It was while growing into manhood that he received his formal education (an estimated total of 18 months) a
few days or weeks at a time. Reading material was in short supply in the Indiana wilderness. Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to
borrow a book. Occupationally: he was a lawyer and a former representative and president of the United...show more content...
It was a series of battles fought in the Western Theater of the American Civil War throughout north Georgia and the area around Atlanta during summer
of 1864. In July, the Confederate president replaced Johnston with the more hostile John Hood, who began challenging the Union Army in a series of
damaging frontal assaults. Hood's army was eventually besieged in Atlanta and the city fell in September speeding up the end of the war. J. Battle of
Wilderness (1864) – 10. The battle started the ball rolling for the entire wilderness campaign, Grant's entire offensive. It was also the first stand
between Grant and Lee. They then became known as the fathers of the wilderness campaign. K. End of the American civil war (1865) – 11. The
Confederacy was defeated, slavery was abolished, and the difficult Reconstruction process of restoring unity and guaranteeing rights to the freed
slaves began. X. Major Economic Issue(s): A. Morrill tariff: The Morrill Tariff of 1861 was a high protective tariff in the United States, adopted in
March of 1861, during the administration of James Buchanan, he was a Democrat. It was a key element of the new Republican Party, and it attracted
mostly industrialists and factory workers because it was a rapid industrial growth by limiting competition from lower–wage industries in Europe. It had
been opposed by cotton planters, but they had mostly left the United States Congress when it was finally passed B. National bank act (1863) –
Many Americans believed that the election of 1860 would decide the fate of the Union. The Democratic Party was the only party in the national scope.
The convention in Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 split the Democratic Party. Stephen Douglas wanted his party's presidential nomination, but he
could not afford to alienate northern voters by accepting the southern position on the territories. However, "Southern Democrats insisted on recognition
of their rights, as the Dred Scott decision had defined them and they moved to block Douglas's nomination"( Bialy, 2007, p. 383). Douglas obtained a
majority for his version of the platform, delegates from the South walked out of the convention. After compromise efforts the Democrats presented two
...show more content...
Victory was won in the Electoral College for Lincoln. This election firmly established the Republicans who held presidency for 60 of the next 100
years. He helped form the new Republican Party, drawing on remnants of the old Whig, Free Soil, Liberty and Democratic parties. The core issue of the
Republican Party, and Lincoln was over the extension of slavery. Abolitionists and supporters of free soil in the North worked to keep the Republicans
from compromising on their territorial stand. In the South, proslavery advocates and secessionists gathered public opinion and demanded that state
conventions assemble to consider secession. Lincoln made the decision not to soften his party's position on the territories. Lincoln wrote of the
necessity of maintaining the bond of faith between voter and candidate and "of declining to set "the minority over the majority". Although many
conservatives Republicans, eastern businessmen, and former Whigs were adamant to stop the expansion of the peculiar institution" (Bialy, 2007,
p.384). Senator John J. Crittenden of Kentucky tried to put together a late–hour compromise. Hoping to avoid disunion, Crittenden proposed that the
two sections divided the territories between them at latitude 36Вє30. The southerners would agree to this proposal only if the Republicans did, too,
they wanted no less and knew that extremist in the South would demand more. Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, the abolisher of slavery, the African American's President; he shocked the world when came up with plan to end the war. That was
to take the South's biggest asset, their greatest workhouse the Black community. The South were superior at agriculture without having to it touch.
Then on the other hand you have the North that is big in factories and don't want to lose any jobs. So Lincoln had a lot going against him he still
pushed for the Emancipation Proclamation. The time period when everyone was fighting each other lincoln wanted something that would end the fight
for good, something to bring this war–torn nation at peace. The amendment is to take away the heart and soul of the South so they have no reason to
fight. At the time the Democrats were mainly in the South, while the Republicans are in the North where they don't need slave because they work
complex mechanic jobs. President Lincoln was entering his second term and wanted the bill to pass before the election stared back up. With some
other states already have secede from the Union with some...show more content...
The greatest race were Africains that were slaves since the 1600's most of them became slave as trades for goods and prisoner of war. "80 was the
approximate percentage of enslaved Africans among the total number of people who embarked for the Americas between 1500 and 1820. 12.5 million:
The approximate number of enslaved Africans transported to the Americas between 1500 and 1866. 35,000: The maximum number of enslaved
Africans brought to the area that was or would be the United States in any single year between 1619 and 1865." It was crazy how people can be so
cruel to each other just because they believe that they are higher up than someone with no scientific evidence that you are better. But the men and
women that cared for us fought for equal freedom for all men to be
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16Th President of America. He was the first republican that was elected as President. He ran for senate
two times and lost both. When he was in office he was mostly occupied with the states that broke away from the Union,who was named the
Confederate States of America. The first to break away was South Carolina followed by 6 other states before the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln. And
then four more at the beginning of the Civil War,Battle of Fort Sumter. Lincoln was inaugurated into office in March of 1861. Lincoln was one of the
reasons the pro–slavery states broke away, they where afraid that Lincoln was going to ban slavery because Lincoln was an anti–slavery person....show
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Lincoln had made the Emancipation Proclamation,which banned slavery to the CSA(Confederate States of America)that didn't come back to the Union
by Jan 1, 1863. It also named the states it applied to. But it didn't name the boarder states of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland and Delaware because
those states did not actually declare secession so they didn't free any slaves in those states at the time. They also didn't name Tennessee because it was
mostly back to the Union by then. Most slaves where not let go immediately but the Act freed thousands of slaves.
Lincoln thought people would think that the Emancipation Proclamation would be only temporary due to the war and be soon forgotten. So what
Abraham did is he made the 13Th Amendment. The 13Th Amendment stated that slavery was illegal to all states, and also that it is illegal to make
people work against their will to benefit themselves,which is called involuntary servitude.
The C.S.A collapsed when generals Robert E.Lee and Joesph E. Johnston surrendered their armies over to the Union. Later the Union soldiers captured
Jefferson Davis(The Confederate President) on May of 1865. At almost the end of the war Lincoln had a very reasonable view on what the nation
The Life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809, in Nolin Creek , Kentucky. His father was Thomas Lincoln from
virginia born january 6, 1778,and Nancy Hanks born February 5, 1784, they were married June 12, 1806. He developed into a tall angular man had
developed terrific stenghth he could hold an ax by the handle and raising his arm to horizontal hold the ax out straight. He was quick whited and liked
to mimic often–imitating preachers and...show more content...
Lincoln decided to take a turn to politics and in 1832 declared himself a candidate for the office of State Legislature. His platform was internal
improvements, better educational facilities, and a law to limit interest rates. Governor John Reynolds called for volunteers for the state militia to
fight Black Hawk, the war leader to the Sauks and Foxed, who were dissatisfied with the land allotted them (Black Hawk War of 1832). His job as
a shopkeeper was coming to an end, he enlisted for thirty days, borrowed a horse and suppplied his own gun and ammunition. His company
consisted mainly of friends. He was elected captain they became part of mounted brigade. After the enlistment was over most of his men left for
home. Lincoln enlisted for twenty days additional service a a private in the mounted company of Elijah Iles. The command was largely made up of
former colonels, captains, lieutenants, and Lieutenant Robert Anderson, later to command Fort Sumter. After his enlistment was expired, he chose to
enlist again this time in a spy battalion. All told he was in the service for about eighty days was paid $125.00 and saw no fighting. Going home after
the service, he started campaigning for the legislature in earnest. He would go out, talk and work along side the voters. His first major speech was
improving the navigation
Abraham Lincoln has been studied more than any other in American history. In fact, over 15,000 different books have been written about our 16th
president. Throughout the pages of these books, President Lincoln is affectionately referred to by many different names, such as the Railsplitter,
Honest Abe, and the Great Emancipator. A vast majority of these written works honor Lincoln as one of our greatest presidents. Not everyone feels that
way, however. Charles Adams, in his book, When in the Course of Human Events, is determined to right the wrongs of his "force–fed Lincoln
adoration from early school days on into university history courses." He goes on to call Lincoln a dictator and rips apart the Gettysburg Address, all in
an attempt to...show more content...
In the Gospel of Mark, King Herod grants his step–daughter one wish and she requests the head of John the Baptist. The cartoon shows Lincoln sitting
on a throne, granting a request for the head of Liberty. Both of these political cartoons were meant to show what the cartoonists believed to be Lincoln's
disregard for the Constitution and the laws of the United States in how he used his power as president during the Civil War. The validity of those
beliefs is an ongoing debate, one which will likely continue for as long as there are historians to study the issue. There are many acts issued by
President Lincoln viewed as unconstitutional. Could the president issue a call for the militia in time of war? Was the naval blockade of the
Confederacy legal? Did a president have authority to suspend habeas corpus in time of war? Was the Emancipation Proclamation constitutional? The
first act of Lincoln's to be criticized is his proclamation on 15 April 1861 following the attack on Fort Sumter in which he called for seventy–five
thousand militia. He viewed the southern states as the aggressors and he could not sit idly by while they took over nearly all federal property in the
south. Much of this property had been seized even prior to Lincoln's inauguration. Confederates viewed the Federal government as simply landlords of
the property, rather than accept the premise that it was owned by the United States. Most northern publications and many in the south as well,