Invoice 20048790 11.06.2023
Invoice 20048790 11.06.2023
Invoice 20048790 11.06.2023
Eurocard Centre
Herald Park
Invoice Tel: 0344 880 2468
Email: [email protected]
Vat No: 186 7756 46
Robert Koziel t/a R.K.Joinery Account No. 17089 Product Summary Quantity Net Amount £ VAT Rate VAT Amount £ Gross Amount £
7 Kilmorlich Invoice Date 11/06/2023
CAIRNDOW Invoice Due Date 19/06/2023 Diesel 62.93 69.17 20% 13.83 83.00
PA26 8BA Monthly Card Charge 2.00 2.00 20% 0.40 2.40
Invoice No. 20048790
Payment Method Direct Debit Total Invoice Amount 71.17 14.23 85.40
Transaction Detail
Date Time Mileage Registration Station Name Network Product Quantity PPL Net Amount £
09/06/2023 08:10 1 DU63XOA Cot House Services Jet Diesel 62.93 109.91 69.17
Card No. 1592-CARD 1 Card Total 69.17
The total balance due will be collected by Direct Debit on or immediately after 19/06/2023
Please note that our terms and conditions can be found at In accordance with our terms and conditions, any dispute in relation to this invoice must be raised within 30 calendar days of the date of invoice. After such period, the invoice amount
shall be deemed to have been agreed by you. Our Customer Services team are here to help you on 0344 880 2468 alternatively email us at [email protected]
UK Fuels Limited is part of Radius Payment Solutions
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