The Quest For Peace and Reconciliation in Pakistan A Historical and Contemporary Analysis

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

The Quest for peace and reconciliation in

Pakistan: A Historical and contemporary
Jawaria Ashraf

For many years, war has been a problem in establishing the conditions required for
Pakistan. Terrorist attacks, insurgencies, and peace to flourish. These tactics will need to
civil conflicts have all occurred in the be applied in Pakistan in a thorough and
nation. This has caused a significant lot of persistent manner. But if they are successful,
instability and bloodshed. Promoting peace they may contribute to the nation's future
and reconciliation in areas where there are prosperity and peace.
frequent conflicts is a difficult task. Conflict Keywords: Pakistan, conversation,
can result from a variety of circumstances, mediation, development, peace,
and no one solution will always be effective. reconciliation, and conflict.
To encourage peace and reconciliation, there
are a variety of tactics that may be 1. Introduction
employed. Building trust and understanding History of Peace and Conflict: A technique
between participants in a dispute is a crucial involving acts connected to conflict
tactic. Dialogue, which is a process of resolution and peacemaking (Ibeanu, 2006).
communication between the parties, may be Peace is commonly thought to comprise a
used to accomplish this. Conflict may be number of elements that create good
resolved by developing solutions that are conditions for human life (Jeong, 2000).
acceptable to all sides via dialogue and Peace is more than just the absence of
identifying its underlying causes. Promoting violence. According to Galtung (1967),
justice and accountability is a crucial peace is also a relationship that exists when
additional tactic. This entails making sure there is no direct physical violence or when
that those who commit acts of violence are basic human needs are met. The human
held accountable and that the victims are situation revolves around justice and
given compensation. It also entails tackling harmonious cooperation with the
the underlying causes of injustice and environment (Author, 2022).
inequality, both of which can fuel conflict. Conflict is a state of discord caused by
Finally, it's critical to encourage growth in actual or perceived differences in needs,
areas where there are frequent conflicts. values, and interests. When two or more
This entails enhancing chances for parties believe their interests are
employment, healthcare, and education. The incompatible, they may express antagonism
chance of future violence can be lowered against one another, act in a way that limits
through development by fostering a more the ability of the other parties to pursue their
wealthy and stable society. Peace and own interests, or both (Sandole and van der
reconciliation are not assured by the above- Merwe, 1995; Fadhili and Rom, 2010).
mentioned tactics. They can, however, aid in
Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

Protracted and complicated disputes abound with the "conflict." Violence has a
in Pakistan. The majority of Pakistan's significant impact on young people (aged
problems are the result of social and "between 15 and 24"), who are among the
economic power dynamics that are world's poorest and most vulnerable.
compounded by internal and external Conflict costs and the financial burden of
entities with competing agendas. They are prevention are not allocated equally among
thus internal to the state and are the result of the affected parties.
difficulties that have not been resolved since Loss of human life and livestock,
the country's formation, necessitating destruction of public infrastructure, factory
political and economic solutions. Others buildings, and machinery, damage to
have regional and international connections. residential housing, vehicles, and other
There were riots that injured thousands of personal property, budgetary appropriations
people shortly following Pakistan's for wartime expenses, upkeep of law and
announcement. This was the first important order, and equipment replacement costs are
clash. Even before the country was created, among the direct losses. Conflicts harmed
Hindus, Muslims, and the subcontinent's both foreign and domestic physical
British masters fought for several years. investments. The expenditures of population
Since its inception in 1947, Pakistan has had displacement and physical and mental health
a wide spectrum of conflicts, many of which treatment would be enormous. Disability has
have taken the form of linguistic, ethnic, and a negative influence on earning potential,
sectarian violence. Bangladesh was formed tourism, and decreased hotel occupancy,
as a consequence of another conflict, this among other things.
time nationalist in origin, that divided
Pakistan's eastern part in 1971. Nationalism The Future of Peacebuilding in Conflict-
has been on the rise in Baluchistan since the Ridden Communities: In today's linked
province earned independence. They've world, many communities throughout the
become more obvious over time, and they've world are still dealing with long-standing
now reached deadly proportions. hostilities and socioeconomic divisions. In
this context, the compelling need to promote
The Direct and Indirect Costs of Conflict peace and reconciliation is a major problem
in Pakistan: Pakistan has experienced high for politicians, academics, and practitioners
levels of violence related to sectarianism, alike. The purpose of this research study is
ethnicity, global and domestic politics, to investigate effective techniques and
domestic abuse, drugs, and other criminal interventions that can promote peace and
activities in almost all regions, but reconciliation among conflict-affected
particularly in the Federally Administered communities.
Tribal Areas (FATA), the Provincially The effects of prolonged community
Administered Tribal Areas (PATA), Khyber disputes are far-reaching and severe,
Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Baluchistan, Karachi, impacting not only the individuals directly
Lahore, and other urban centers. There are engaged but also the region's general social
considerable financial and societal fabric and growth. In such circumstances,
consequences associated with violence. the need for transformational approaches
War is having a devastating social and that address the root causes of conflict and
economic impact. Because prevention is foster long-term peace becomes critical.
preferable to treatment, it will almost This article aims to give an in-depth
certainly be less than the costs associated examination of the numerous reasons that

Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

contribute to conflict within communities, as

well as the obstacles that stand in the way of 2. Literature Review
peace and reconciliation. We hope to Although widespread violence remained a
discover viable tactics and interventions that possibility, and governments worried about
have proven beneficial in encouraging their own security, as Robert Jervis warned
peaceful cohabitation and reconciliation in in his 1991 paper "The Future of World
conflict-ridden communities by reviewing Politics," the nature of violence would
existing literature, case studies, and surely shift from what it had been.
empirical evidence. International security studies, according to
Hermann et al. (1999), are necessary to
The challenge of Peace and Reconciliation generate a new and greater understanding of
in Conflict-Ridden Communities: the reasons of widespread violence, the
Pakistan has suffered greatly as it has been instruments that may be employed, and the
in the forefront of sectarian and terrorist ways that could be used to reduce violence.
wars. The use of religious tone and color Given the destructive impact of violent
obscures the ethical, intellectual, and conflict on people's lives, the development
emotional bases that produce and encourage cooperation community must renew its
societal turmoil and bloodshed. Even though commitment to peace and prevention
Zarb-e-Azb officially ended terrorism, the (OECD, 2001). As a result, cultivating the
philosophical desire to use force against the skill to resolve disagreements and sustain
government remains. The argument in favor interpersonal harmony is critical. Clenched
of utilizing soft techniques plainly illustrates hands make constructive interaction with
that, as long as militancy's aggressive others impossible. Based on socioeconomic
attitude remains, power and armed resources and demographic discourse, it is critical to
cannot stop the scourge of militancy (Gill, establish an understanding of conflict,
Mustafa, & Rizwan, 2020). Religious violence, and its roots and consequences in
extremism in Pakistan is created and fueled Pakistan.
by a confluence of capitalist, colonial, Throughout the first 10 years of the twenty-
international, domestic, and local elements first century, Pakistan served as the harsh yet
(Khan, 2015). realistic face of "collateral damage" in the
In Pakistan, violence and Islamic militancy war conducted by the United States and its
have been serious problems, producing local coalition partners. After 9/11, the battle lines
and international turmoil. People utilize in Pakistan were clearly delineated. Pervez
radicalization as a method to adopt exciting Musharraf was asked whether he supported
and risky forms of thinking, with views that or opposed America. While Pakistan's
need emotional exchanges to accomplish overseas devotion placed it in the 'good'
political or ideological aims. The extremism camp in the eyes of the West, it created an
that takes or supports an irrational and impossible scenario at home (Lall 2010: 99).
exciting stance on a subject may result Despite the fact that cross-cultural
(Rathore & Basit, 2010). Religious interactions between nation-states are
extremism or Islamic militancy, according to cynically used to destabilize the other
Sial and Anjum (2010), demonstrates that country or nations, sometimes politically
Islam is a system with a lot of concepts and and sometimes economically, Pakistan's
activities that appear to be anti-intellectual, internal disputes and domestic problems are
anti-modern, anti-liberal, and anti- primarily the result of state institution
democratic. collapse. Non-state terrorist organizations

Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

play an important role in Pakistan's domestic Kuram, Para Chinar, Dera Ismail Khan, and
war. There is a risk that non-state actors southern Punjab. Suicide bombings, attacks
(Islamic extremists) are linked to Pakistan or on essential infrastructure such as banks,
operating on Pakistani territory without schools, and railway tracks, as well as
consequence. attacks on gas pipelines, are examples of
Pakistan is on the verge of becoming a domestic terrorism. International actions
fragile state as a result of present include strikes on high-profile targets in
government policies, which are only making Pakistan, including as the President, Prime
it weaker. Many of its internal problems are Minister, Marriott Hotel, Sri Lankan cricket
the product of its disastrous economy, which team, Army GHQ, PNS Mehran Base, police
has been exacerbated by a number of stations, drone attacks, and FC training sites.
dishonest regimes. As a result of its unstable These behaviors are promoted by state
economic success, the country must deal agents as a tool of state policy (Irshad 2011:
with the impending impact of American 227).The country's multi-layered instability,
donations as well as the increased risk of its brought on by different terrorist and militant
"own" interest in Central and South Asia. organizations, has a complex and
The Baluchistan issue is one of Pakistan's overwhelming influence. The Talibanization
most serious domestic irritants. Notably, the movement has had a negative impact on
ethnic conflict in Baluchistan is known for Pakistan's history.
'kill-and-dump' techniques. Following 9/11, the battle invaded Pakistani
Tensions have been felt in Quetta, Karachi, territory in the second stage, when US forces
the southern region of Punjab, and followed Taliban fugitives into FATA tribal
Baluchistan as a result of sectarian violence. lands, notably the Swat region. In 2007, the
Sectarian exclusivity politics are also third phase began with the Jamia Hafsa
gaining traction in Pakistan. Killing in the incident and Pakistani Army operations in
name of numerous religious sects has begun FATA, which resulted in an increase in
to become a trend. Similar to sectarianism, casualties in the region. A new generation of
ethnic divisions in the country bring more suicide bombers has arisen in the country,
harm than good. Pakistan advertises itself as increasing the frequency of such attacks.
a "multi-ethnic" country, although in fact,
this ethnic variety is rarely acknowledged. Theories of Peace and Conflict Peace
Punjabis' domination over other ethnic building Theory: Following Galtung's use
groups has been a perennial concern. The of the term "peacebuilding," Lederach
situation has deteriorated as a result of the (1997) is credited with developing this
Baloch people's frustrating reality, the theoretical framework (Gawerc, 2006).
rejection of Sindhi identity, and the tribal Peace building, according to Sandole
areas' neglect. (2010), is a dynamic approach and
Pakistan is dealing with both domestic and framework for cultivating goodwill through
international terrorism, which may be third-party contacts in which numerous
further classified into two forms. There is a actors carry out distinct activities
combined threat of religious extremism and concurrently or at different times. To "stop
ethnic strife. The primary source of actual the house from catching fire," proactive
security risk is "within." Outlawed groups peace building requires third-party
with considerable racial and religious interveners to attempt and carry out an
prejudice foment internal terror. This sort of intervention before a conflict starts
terrorism is prevalent in areas such as (Sandole, 2010, p. 13). Comprehensive

Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

peace building is commonly used in regional conceptual foundations for distributive,

and global governance to address the root punitive, and restorative justice.
causes of conflict, from prevention to
resolution and transformation. Conflict Theory Realist Theory:
Maqoma (2020) defended communitarians According to Faleti (2006), realism, as the
by claiming that the imposition of a negative theory is also known, has its origins in
ethnicity on Africans is the outcome of classical political thinking, which tried to
Western concepts of unrestricted individual assign the cause of conflict to human
autonomy, which are now used to define an nature's predisposition toward selfishness
African. Africans are generally characterized and the pursuit of power for oneself. The
as communal people with a worldview based concept emphasizes the state's (state-
on "communal thinking and values of centrism), national interests, and power in
generosity, compassion, benevolence, influencing global politics and order. Carr
tolerance, kindness, and goodwill that bring (1939) and Morgenthau (1948) established
people closer together in order to achieve a the theory to explain state conduct and a
common good of the community, whether a variety of policy possibilities for an
single family or an entire country" analytical response to the exercise of state
(Maqoma, 2020: 1-2) power in foreign policy and diplomatic
studies. Waltz (1979) and Donnelly (2005)
Theory of Justice: provided additional contributions to the
Rawls (1971; 1999) presented a moral realist theoretical stance on understanding
theory of justice and stated that peace is internal interactions.
conditional and guided by a shared public According to Faleti (2006), this theory has
sense of justice by emphasizing equality and significantly helped to rationalize the
fairness in the allocation of goods for a well- militarization of international relations, the
ordered society. It is a fair choice paradigm arms race, and ultimately elevating power
in which individuals may choose just, and the state to the status of a philosophy
equitable, and libertarian principles that are with substantial implications for global
acceptable to both sides in their social conflict. This theory also gives a conceptual
interactions. and analytical explanation of why countries
Since Aristotle said that natural justice exists have armies and, in certain cases, want to
and thrives in natural law, philosophy of obtain nuclear weapons, even if simply for
justice and legal theory have been closely deterrence. According to Slaughter (2019),
intertwined. According to Rawls (1999), the the authority of states and the mechanisms
principles of justice inherent in the theory by which they can act to guarantee their
guarantee the rights emerging from these security and national interests are at the
principles and the social institutions heart of realist international relations theory.
designed to defend and develop them as A realist analysis found that powerful states'
social justice or formal justice. Rawls' actions condition and hinder global
theory of justice, according to Dutta (2017), cooperation and governance (Slaughter,
maintains that a good society is defined by a 2019).
number of qualities, the first of which is
justice. Justice is the foundation of society, 3. Method:
and all political and legislative measures This study employs a qualitative,
should be taken to satisfy its norms. PCR descriptive-explanatory methodology. This
and legal experts agree on the theory's approach is utilized to get more precise and

Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

thorough data on a study issue. According to Address the underlying causes of conflict.
Moleong (2013), qualitative research is Addressing challenges such as poverty,
defined as a study that uses the environment inequality, and a lack of opportunity is part
to explain events that happen and are caused of this.
by involvement. Encouragecommunicationand understanding
among diverse communities. This can be
4. Conclusion: accomplished through education, cultural
Conflict and violence are key issues interaction, and other types of participation.
confronting Pakistan today. These Increase trust and collaboration among
difficulties have a detrimental influence on various groups. This may be accomplished
the country's human and economic growth. through collaborative initiatives, common
Several projects have been launched in goals, and other types of collaboration.
recent years to address these concerns, but Local peacebuilding activities should be
much more needs to be done. supported. This involves giving groups
Pakistan's core causes of conflict and working to promote peace and reconciliation
violence are complicated and multifaceted. funds, training, and other resources.
Poverty and inequality, sectarianism, Hold those responsible for the violence
political instability, and terrorism are among accountable. This involves ensuring that
them. Addressing these root causes will abusers are held accountable and victims are
require a comprehensive approach that compensated.
includes social, economic, political, and These are only a handful of the strategies for
security dimensions. dealing with conflict and violence in
In Pakistan, there are several approaches to Pakistan. It is critical to remember that there
fighting conflict and violence. Addressing is no one answer and that a multifaceted
the core causes of conflict, encouraging approach is required. We can achieve
discussion and understanding among various progress toward a more peaceful and fair
groups, establishing trust and collaboration Pakistan by addressing the core causes of
among diverse groups, supporting local conflict, fostering conversation and
peace building initiatives, and holding those understanding, establishing trust and
responsible for violence accountable are collaboration, supporting local
among these. peacebuilding efforts, and holding those
There is no simple answer to Pakistan's responsible for violence accountable.
conflict and violence problems. We can, There are numerous particular interventions
however, make progress toward a more that have been demonstrated to be beneficial
peaceful and just Pakistan by addressing the in promoting peace and reconciliation in
core causes of conflict, fostering conflict-ridden communities, in addition to
conversation and understanding, developing these generic strategies. Among these are:
trust and collaboration, supporting local early warning and early action: This entails
peace building efforts, and holding those recognizing potential disputes and
responsible for violence accountable. preventing them from escalating.
Mediation and conflict resolution entail
bringing conflicting parties together and
5. Recommendations: assisting them in reaching a mutually
Ways to combat the issues of conflict and acceptable solution.Truth and reconciliation
violence in Pakistan: commissions are entrusted with examining
past human rights violations and

Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

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