E16PH Placement
E16PH Placement
E16PH Placement
Graduates 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 6 3 2 3
Percent of Graduates
- - - - - 100% 100% 100% 33% 0% 67%
with Placement Info
Placement information is captured by the TGS Career Outcomes Database using graduate responses from the Exit Survey and Survey
of Earned Doctorates, and updated with the help of faculty and staff after each graduation. The database is intended to capture all first
placement information, as well as subsequent placements since graduation. This summary presents the placement information TGS has
captured on graduates' first placements, including temporary positions.
In Summer Quarter 2015, TGS began a transition to a new Career Outcomes Database. Position types and sectors may not necessarily
align with placement categories from previous years. These new sectors help to more accurately track career placements outside of the
traditional academic path.
Category Definitions
Refers to the primary purpose of the organization (e.g. an engineer working for an energy
Career Sector/Industry
company would indicate "Energy & Sustainability," not "Engineering").
Refers to the day-to-day work of the graduate (e.g. working in Information Technology at a
Position Type
law firm).
15% 15%