5 Schemas
5 Schemas
5 Schemas
Figure: Schemas
There are three main database schema types namely view, logical, physical
database schema which define different parts of the schema:
Physical Schema- The physical database schema represents how the actual
data is stored on disk storage. That is the actual code that will be used to create
the structure of your database.
Logical schema- A logical database schema represents how the data is
organized in tables. It explains how attributes from tables are linked to each
other.For creating a logical schema, we use ER Model technique.
View Schema - the view schema describes the database design at view level
which describes how the user interacts with the database
Advantages of Database Schemas:
1. A database schema can be easily transferred to another user.
2. It enables the transfer of database objects between schemas.
3. Data can be managed independent of physical storage.
Contains the data Does not contain any data of its own
Instance of a database is defined as the data or collection of information stored
in a database at a particular moment of time.
● Data changes frequently in the case of an instance.
● Whenever a new record or data is added in the database, data will be
● It contains a snapshot of the database.
DataModels define the variable declaration in a table that belongs to a
particular database. The value of variables which are defined at a particular
moment of time are called instances.