Proposal of A Workflow For Data Dri
Proposal of A Workflow For Data Dri
Proposal of A Workflow For Data Dri
DOI: 10.35784/bud-arch.2905
Received: 22.04.2022; Revised: 16.06.2022;
Accepted: 27.06.2022; Available online: 31.08.2022
Abstract: The development of BIM technology, its dissemination and the resulting
standardisation are visible globally. This technology gives access to data created during the
design process, enabling their schedule, modification and analysis. The use of data is a common
point with data-driven design which, in the context of this paper, is a design approach where
data is the primary source of information that affects the design.
Considering the characteristics of modern office buildings and their layout, a workflow
using data-driven design and BIM software was created. It makes the process more efficient
in terms of the time needed for selected tasks as well as the use, transfer and management of
The paper presents solutions that standardise the input data of the type and number
of rooms meeting the tenant’s needs. Based on the data from the spreadsheet, using scripts,
elements representing the area and other parameters of rooms are created. After the arrange-
ment of the spaces, the creation of walls and rooms, the data is automatically transferred to
the parameters of the rooms. The furniture is automatically placed using equipment standard
spreadsheet data. To ensure the verification of the project’s compliance with the requirements,
a script was created which graphically shows the fulfilment of the conditions.
Keywords: BIM, space plan, data-driven design, office, automation
1. Introduction
Data-driven design is a broad term used in various fields. In the context of this paper,
it is understood as a design approach where data is the primary source of information that
affects the design. The final layout can be treated as data visualisation that has been put into the
constraints of the architectural floor plan. In the case of projects performed in BIM (Building
Information Modelling) technology, a 3D model is a source of schedules, calculations, analysis
and other uses of information represented by geometry and parameters.
6 Emilia Maria Dudzińska
Both data-driven design and BIM technology can find applications in office layout
design performed by designers and architects. The process can be more efficient in terms of
the time needed for the design, management, use and transfer of the information. The use of
BIM technology is growing fast in Poland, especially for high-rise office buildings. There
are crucial aspects like repeatability, the high cost of removing collisions, the complexity of
cross-industry elements, and their coordination for those buildings. Based on the information
provided by the persons developing the project in BIM technology, such an approach reduces
the costs of material take-off, architectural design and commercialisation of the building [1].
With the introduction of BIM technology, there are activities related to the standardisation
of file elements and the entire process [2]. Countries in the process of introducing the mentioned
technology at various levels, including national levels, use the knowledge and standards (e.g.
PN-EN ISO 19650-2:2019 [3]) developed in other countries or international documents. At the
same time, along with the introduction of new software, companies develop standards which
facilitate the learning path for employees and are optimal solutions on the company’s scale.
Although there is no precise data, observations of the domestic market show that the
use of BIM in interior design is lower than in architectural objects. This may be related to
the division of phases and different stakeholders (interior designs do not have to be a part of
the building permit design), lower cost of possible collisions and additional work required.
However, in the field of office buildings and considering their characteristics, BIM for space
planning can contribute to a more efficient design process [4]. This paper presents the exemplary
data-driven workflow approach for office space planning using BIM technology.
• automation of the creation of elements based on tabular data allowing for the prelim-
inary arrangement of rooms
• automation of information transfer from elements to rooms
• automation of the placement of equipment elements based on the spreadsheet
• automatic legends, colour schemes, and annotate elements creation
• working verification of requirements with the use of the schedules in BIM software
• verification of requirements between the design in BIM software and the input data
in the spreadsheet
The order of discussed phases and the scripts used is shown in Fig. 1.
In addition to the workflow goals mentioned above, there are additional advantages to
using BIM software. During the project’s development, a 3D model is created that allows
a person who does not have contact with architectural drawings to better understand the
design intention. The model can also be used later in the concept design and its visualisation.
The space plan developed in the BIM software allows for the efficient generation of material
take-off and the initial valuation of the arrangement [8].
The process presented in this paper is discussed on the example of spreadsheets made in
Excel (.xlsx format), a project made in Revit version 2022 (.rfa format) and scripts developed
by the author in Dynamo Core version, Dynamo Revit (.dyn format).
Fig. 1. Diagram showing the sequence of steps and scripts used. Items shown with a gray background are
made by the tenant and with a white background by the architect. Source: own study
Proposal of a workflow for data-driven design in combination with BIM technology… 9
3.1. Standardisation of input data
In order to correctly describe the input data for the companys’ structure space budget
of 10 companies from branches of technology, IT, software development, banking, trade,
publishing, innovation and state-owned companies were analysed. A spreadsheet was
created based on this data, covering the most expanded structure. The columns are as
presented in Table 1: Zone, Department, Room Name, Room Count, Room Area, Desks
Count Per Room, Total Number of Desks (the product of Room Count and Desks Count
Per Room), Neighborhood and Comments. As there is no consistent form of space budget
submission to the architects, the spreadsheet’s purpose is to standardise the tenant’s
information format.
The tenant can omit rooms required by norms or the area where the value is unknown.
The architect should analyse the requirements and fill in the missing elements in such cases. It
is a good practice to colour-mark elements introduced by given units and the columns, which
are the product of the function operations. In the context of this paper, the spreadsheet is named
“Requirements.” Supplemented by the architect, this table can be verified and approved by
the tenant. It reduces the chance of incorrect input and is a source of information on which
the total area provided for the tenant can be checked.
The standardisation of the data form is the first step to introduce data-driven design and
to enable their use in the project performed in BIM technology.
Table 1. Part of exemplary requirements table in line with guidelines for script usage. Source: own study
Room Desks Total
Room Area Count Nr of Neigh-
Zone Department Room Name Count [m2] Per Room Desks bourhood Comments
Management Management 1 50 2 2 n/a n/a
Management Management Office 3 20 1 3 n/a n/a
Work Zone ABC Office 3 20 1 3 n/a n/a
Work Zone ABC Open Space 1 240 30 30 to DEF n/a
Work Zone DEF Office 2 20 1 2 n/a n/a
Work Zone GHI Open Space 1 320 40 40 n/a n/a
Two on
Support Support Copy Point 4 5 0 0 n/a
each level
The columns of Room Type and Level are added and should be filled in by the architect.
Room Type information is needed to apply the colour scheme in the later phase. Level distri-
bution is treated as a design phase in which it is possible to verify whether the distribution of
the rooms does not exceed the total area of the
Table 2. Part of an exemplary “Data” table in line with guidelines for script usage. Source: own study
Room Desks Total
Room Room Area Count Nr of Room Neigh-
Zone Department Name Count [m2] Per Room Desks Type Level -bourhood Comments
Copy Copy Two on
Support Support 2 5 0 0 L01 n/a
Point Point each level
Copy Copy Two on
Support Support 2 5 0 0 L02 n/a
Point Point each level
It should be noted that this is a manual data distribution process that is prone to mistakes.
The verification of the “Requirements” table against the “Data” table takes place at a later phase.
Fig. 2. Exemplary result of the script showing elements in lines of departments with color filter applied.
Source: own study
The objective of the first script is to create 3D elements representing each room.
This phase enables to assess rooms’ location and relation without creating elements such
as walls or furniture. A cuboid element with a category of the generic model was created
to represent the room. The instance parameters of width, depth, comments, zone, depart-
ment, name, neighbourhood, room type and the number of desks were embedded. The area
Proposal of a workflow for data-driven design in combination with BIM technology… 11
parameter was calculated based on the cuboid base, which is a product of width and depth.
A parameter of the desired area was included to represent the input data. The cuboids in 2D
floor plans are rectangles. This approach is an example of data-driven design using BIM
technology, where the data is the primary source of information for automated element
creation.The script was created in Dynamo, “a visual programming tool” [9], working as
a plug-in for Revit software. The input data is drawn from the spreadsheet, so its uniform
structure is essential. The script creates rows which represent the number of departments
on the level. The coordinates of cuboids’ centres are determined using a Python script. It is
based on the number of departments (the Y coordinate) and the distance between the two
following elements with a margin of separation included (the X coordinate). The data from
the spreadsheet is divided into lists and assigned to responding cuboids using dictionaries
and values at key. The data is filtered for each level separately due to the design process,
where initial assumptions are verified after the arrangement of each level. It requires the
user to choose the level before each script run, the spreadsheet location, the cuboid family,
and its depth. The depth results from the buildings’ layout and the location of the designed
communication. In this phase, it is assumed that it is coherent for all the instances but
can be later changed appropriately for each element. For architects with no programming
knowledge or capability, it is possible to use Dynamo Player, which enables the use of the
script from the project level. In the view of each level, colour filters that are based on the
cuboid’s Room Name parameter are applied.
The result is the set of cuboids representing each room, arranged in lines of depart-
ments as presented in Fig. 2. The architect can move elements and align them to the core,
façade or others. It is possible to change the dimension of each element separately, keeping
the parameters of the desired area in the cuboid’s properties. As buildings can be of different
shapes, cuboids are data visualisation units and should be treated as such. The final room
can be of different shapes. Rooms with work desks are created first, as access to natural
sunlight is a critical limiting factor. Open space areas can be divided into more elements to
avoid multiple rows of benches that are adverse both from acoustic and well-being points
of view. To do this, rooms with other functions can be treated as dividing units. Cuboids
representing open space are copied, and the number of desks and the desired area is reduced,
keeping the sums coherent with input data.
Fig. 3. Exemplary control schedule with visible differences in actual and desired area. Source: own study
12 Emilia Maria Dudzińska
Fig. 4. Distribution of elements representing areas and other parameters on the floor plan. Source: own study
Using the advantages of BIM technology, control schedules based on the project file
can be created. It enables working verification of potential mistakes like copying elements or
running a script more times than needed. An exemplary control schedule with visible differ-
ences in the actual and desired area is presented in Fig. 3.
The first script helps assess the possibilities of arrangements faster than the regular
workflow and places the required number of workplaces. It allows for avoiding the time-con-
suming input of redundant information. The room distribution cannot be verified based only
on spreadsheet calculations. There are factors such as the length of façade with natural sunlight
access, connection points for interior walls and façade, and the number of enclosed rooms with
workstations. They are resultants of the floor plan, company’s structure, and affect arrange-
ment options directly. The example of cuboids’ distribution is presented in Fig. 4. Once the
elements are distributed and space budget needs are met, walls are created.
Fig. 5. Space plan with rooms’ parameters transferred by Script 2 from cuboid’s location. Source: own study
A second script limits the error possibilities of inaccurate data rewriting from cuboids
to rooms. It also reduces the time needed for this task. The script detects the centre point of
the cuboids and the perimeter of rooms on the given level. If the point is within the room’s
perimeter, properties of the name, department, the number of desks and others are transferred.
The level filtering is applied to avoid heavy calculations and have greater control over the
drawing. The floor plan with rooms’ properties transferred from cuboids is presented in Fig. 5.
the data calculated in the project file. Importantly, these parameters are calculated and verified
in the context of all levels in the project.
This process results in a verification board (Fig. 6) presenting graphically (colour mark-
ing) and numerically the fulfilment of the requirements in the context of the number of rooms
and desks count. It is required to maintain consistent nomenclature in the process, taking
spelling errors into account. In the case of entering data manually, this requirement is an
additional factor that verifies the accuracy of the nomenclature.
The verification board presents the link between data and a space plan, which is a set of
not only elements but also information within the BIM model.
Fig. 6. Example of a verification board based on the “Requirements” spreadsheet and data included in the
project file. Items that meet the requirements are marked in green, and those that do not meet them
are marked in red. Source: own study
Fig. 7. Example of furniture placed in the floor plan by script. Source: own study
4. Conclusion
BIM technology is present in the design of architecture and structure of office buildings
in Poland. In order to take advantage of the possibilities it offers, it is also beneficial to intro-
duce it in space plans, which are now often made in CAD programs and with no developed
standards adapted to the characteristics of such projects. Data-driven design in the office spaces
can find a wide application because, in this phase of the process, the designer’s primary task
is to apply the numerical requirements of the tenant’s desired structure of employment on the
building’s floor plan. This approach structures the process and gives access to data reflecting
the design with BIM technology.
Considering the characteristics of office spaces and the repeatability of elements discussed
in the paper, it is possible to standardise the form of data transfer and automate design tasks.
The first phase is to standardise the form of communicating the input requirements. The
spreadsheet “Requirements” is filled in by the tenant, then verified and supplemented by the
architect. It is the subject of an additional approval process that minimises the possibility of
mistakes in the interpretation and completeness of the data. The second phase is editing the
spreadsheet, dividing the rooms into levels and verifying the sum of areas against the area of
a given level. Then elements representing the rooms are created using a script and information
from the created spreadsheet. It allows for the initial arrangement of rooms and verification
of their placement on a given level. Once walls and rooms are created, a script is used to
automate the process of data transfer from cuboids to rooms. The next step is to verify that the
input requirements are met. A board is created using the script and annotation elements that
graphically show the positions that do not meet the assumptions. In this phase, corrections to
the number of rooms and desks are made. Once all the rooms are located, the equipment is
automatically placed using a script and the information included in the spreadsheet.
16 Emilia Maria Dudzińska
Thanks to these steps, it is possible to structure the space plan creation process. The
introduction of additional verification phases helps to avoid making significant modifications
such as changes in available levels in an advanced design phase. Automation of selected tasks
optimises (reduces) the time needed to perform them.
The presented process can be extended with more verifications and automation, which will
be the subject of further research. In the context of future solutions, it is also worth noting the
possibility of using generative design, which will provide the possibility of creating multiple
variants and further optimisation [10].
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