Terms of Reference - LTA Clean Energy Expert

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Post Title: Expert in Decentralized Energy Finance and Enterprise

Expected number of Consultants:
Multiple consultants (up to 6)
Agency/Project Name:
UNCDF / IDE Energy

Country of Assignment: Home-based, with possible travel to countries

where UNCDF works.

Contract Type: Framework Agreement for the Services of an

Individual Contractor Engaged on ‘On-Call’ Basis

Post type and Level: International Consultant(s)

Languages Required: English (mandatory); Knowledge of French will be a

requirement for consultants who will work for
Central and West Africa
Starting Date (date when the awarded
candidate is expected to start): 1 February 2023

Duration of Initial Contract: Up to 200 days per person per year

Expected Duration of Assignment: Up to 1 year, with the possibility of extension for up

to 2 more years.



The UN Capital Development Fund makes public and private finance work for the poor in the world’s 46 least
developed countries (LDCs). UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources,
especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and support local economic development.

UNCDF’s financing models work through three channels: (1) inclusive digital economies, which connects individuals,
households, and small businesses with financial eco-systems that catalyze participation in the local economy, and
provide tools to climb out of poverty and manage financial lives; (2) local transformative finance, which capacitates
localities through fiscal decentralization, innovative municipal finance, and structured project finance to drive local
economic expansion and sustainable development; and (3) investment finance, which provides catalytic financial
structuring, de-risking, and capital deployment to drive SDG impact and domestic resource mobilization.

The work of UNCDF will be: (a) To support countries to achieve three strategic game-changers: (i) Catalyze capital; (ii)
Strengthen market systems and financing mechanisms; (iii) Accelerate inclusive, diversified, green economic
transformation; (b) Through the use of capital and development triggers, i.e., financing, investment and development
support; (c) Applied across five priority areas comprising two well-established flagship areas of inclusive digital
economies and local transformative finance and three emerging areas of women’s economic empowerment; climate,
energy and nature asset finance; and sustainable food systems finance.

UNCDF will increase resilience in LDCs by supporting an energy transition agenda that emphasizes decentralized,
renewable and clean energy projects and products that drive green growth. Net-zero emissions energy solutions that
expand energy access and value addition are key elements of this approach. UNCDF promotes access to finance across
energy value chains, from customer to enterprise to larger investments. UNCDF helps fill the energy SME financing gap
through use of its financial instruments. It increasingly supports both solar and improved cooking business models with
digital and other technologies to increase their bankability and to reach excluded populations. By 2025, UNCDF aims to
support investments that allow 6 million people in at least 10 countries to access and benefit from clean energy.
UNCDF investments will also contribute to wider energy market development, with an increased focus on productive
use and local economic resilience and with strong connections to other key sectors.

UNCDF has adopted four pillars to improving the energy access market. An (1) investment component (in collaboration
with UNCDF’s BRIDGE Facility and other off-balance sheet funds); (2) providing technical and business advisory support
to help enterprises investment-ready, as well as general advice and linkages to non-financial resources such as experts
and business development opportunities during the life of the partnership; (3) knowledge and learning through
customer insights research and Think-Shops to discuss trending market topics; and (4) policy advocacy, global
communication campaigns and partnerships with strategic partners, including the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association
and Clean Cooking Alliance, to jointly support the strengthening of decentralized energy markets and links to the wider
climate finance ecosystem so that business models can thrive and scale.

UNCDF’s vision for energy access, transition, efficiency and productive use is to dramatically expand financing in the
decentralized energy market. To make this happen UNCDF partners with governments, investors, financial institutions,
energy service providers and energy supply chain enterprises – providing financial solutions and advice – to test
innovative and scalable business models in varying market conditions. The use of digital technologies and innovative
finance solutions play essential roles in strengthening decentralized energy markets, particularly in reaching remote
and marginalized client segments, and to understand the demand-side of and impact in these markets.

UNCDF’s energy access market development work is active in Africa, Asia and Pacific Region. UNCDF is implementing
key interventions in countries to promote decentralized energy solutions (including a range of decentralized solar
solutions, modern clean tools and fuels for cooking, mini-grid/hydro, and advanced biogas/biomass solutions) and
selectively deploys these depending on market needs and where UNCDF can add most value:

 Support financial service providers on energy (and other utility) lending and financing, through risk capital
(grants, loans and guarantees—as per UNCDF’s investment continuum) and technical assistance;
 Support energy service companies and other energy supply chain enterprises (generation, distribution, usage)
to pilot new business models, expand into new geographies or to test innovative partnerships with financial
institutions (local and international) through catalytic funding;
 Support energy (and other utility) enterprises (including MSMEs), and energy supply chain enterprises (as off-
takers or suppliers—for example fuel suppliers), which have viable business models to achieve market
breakthroughs and scale, including for vulnerable last-mile consumers. An important element here will be
investment support (with colleagues from the UNCDF BRIDGE Facility) through risk capital (grants, loans and
 Support enterprises with investment readiness preparations, including business planning, financial projections,
feasibility studies, market scoping and baseline studies.
 Provide other forms of Technical Assistance and institutional capability development, to prepare these for
semi-commercial/commercial financing (debt, equity) and make them bankable/investment ready;
 Support the development of guaranteed mechanism and credit enhancement tools to micro-finance and other

financial institutions lending to MSMEs, in close collaboration with colleagues from the UNCDF BRIDGE Facility;
 Support the development of innovative digital services and financing solutions (e.g. business models using
PAYG technology, alternative credit scoring, smart subsidies, mobile banking, value stacking) to enable
upscaling and reaching more vulnerable people. This would also include making connections to sectors such as
agriculture, forestry, WASH, and various service industries including mobility/logistics.
 Support the crowding in of (commercial) financial service providers (national and international) by de-risking
transactions with energy and related enterprises ( e.g. via guarantees or loans) and support innovative finance
solutions to increase wider financing flows into the sector (including but not limited to carbon finance, Results-
Based Financing schemes, nature solutions services financing, impact/outcome financing, receivables finance,
application of blockchain and D-RECs and setting up of SPVs for energy financing).;
 Engage closely with government, strategic partners and regional/global initiatives, including those from UN
Energy, SEforALL, CAFI, REDD+, GEF, GCF, UNDP and the wider UN System. This will also include industry
associations/networks such as the Clean Cooking Alliance and the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association and
various donor and impact investment initiatives. These partnerships aim to influence high-level dialogue and
policies that help create an enabling environment for low-income energy markets to flourish and for both
public and private financing flows to increase.
 Strengthen capacities of private sector industry associations, such as national solar energy or clean cooking
associations, to enable them act as an effective intermediary between individual energy companies,
government and influence policy discussions.
 Strengthen market diagnostic capabilities, supply chain tracking, unit economics analysis, resource and
payments flows tracking, and Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) frameworks--enhanced by digital
technology (including block-chain)--to access new sources of climate finance.

Information on the Contract Modality:

UNCDF would like to enter into a non-exclusive Framework Agreement, also known as Long-Term Agreement (LTA),
with a roster of consultants that will perform the services described in this TOR on a need-basis. In UNCDF, an LTA is a
framework agreement by and between UNCDF and a company or individual where the latter may, at any time within
the duration of the LTA, be required to render the agreed services at agreed and fixed unit prices. An LTA can be valid
for a minimum period of 12 months, with potential extension for up to two (2) additional years, depending on
satisfactory performance of the individual / company.

Where a request for service arises, UNCDF can engage the individual holding an LTA through a “call-off” process of the
LTA. Every call-off shall have specific tasks, scope of services and outputs to be delivered within a specific period. For
this work, the call-off shall be formalized through the issuance of a Purchase Order, attaching thereto the TOR, and any
other document relevant to the call-off. Financial commitments will only be established each time a Purchase Order for
the specific services/TOR for Individual Contractor is issued.

The LTA shall have a cumulative ceiling amount that may accrue during the life of the LTA, but said amount shall remain
as an upper limit, and must not and cannot be interpreted nor understood as either a financial commitment or
guarantee of business . It is important to note that, under an LTA, UNCDF does not guarantee that any specific quantity
of services shall be made during the term of this agreement. The LTA is not a financial obligation nor commitment from


UNCDF IDE Energy is looking to enter into a Framework Agreement, also known as Long-Term Agreement (LTA), with
up to six (6) Consultant(s), to contribute to UNCDF’s financing for decentralized energy and technical assistance in
Africa, Asia and the Pacific. This LTA requires fluency in written and spoken English and French languages in the case of
West and Central Africa.

Specific areas of work include:

• Funding and investment launch activities in selected countries: The objective is to launch inception and
preparatory activities in new markets. This includes market scoping, needs assessments and financing gap
analysis of decentralized energy enterprises, and stakeholder constituency building with government and local
funders to tailor UNCDF tools, support and financing approaches to the context of local markets.

• Fund and pipeline development and partner management: The objective is to be part of the local fund
management teams responsible for the evaluation and selection of enterprises and financial institutions who
require financing and are identified through a competitive selection process. The enterprises selected by the
fund management team are then referred to an independent investment committee (or in the case of the
BRIDGE Facility, the Impact and Investment Committee) to be considered for funding.

 Business and finance technical assistance: The objective is to provide technical assistance to enterprises within
the UNCDF portfolio. The aim of technical assistance overall is to improve implementation of funded projects,
review business operations strategies, financial management, planning and projections, and to prepare
companies for scale up and for investment readiness as to crowd in external funders via business development
services and advisory support.

• Brokering investment partnerships and exploring further financing streams (such as climate finance): The
objective is to work closely with external funders (local and international) to complement UNCDF’s financing
instruments (loans, guarantees and grantsto de-risk investments) in addition to bringing visibility to a pipeline
of investible enterprises. This aims to enable enterprises to attract investment to further scale up expansion
and for investors to access clean and renewable energy investment opportunities previously deemed too risky.

• Knowledge management and results sharing: The objective is to contribute good practice in clean energy
investment and technical assistance. This could involve presenting at events and/or putting together policy
advocacy and global communication pieces on lessons learned from our market development activities. This
also includes providing feedback to improve UNCDF’s tools and methodologies for selecting partners and
implementing technical assistance.


Theme 1: Fund and Investment launch activities in selected countries

Key work areas include:
 Completing market mapping and scoping assessments and diagnostic including meetings with stakeholders
and needs assessments for energy enterprises, pipeline scoping and financing gap estimations,
 Designing competitive process (challenge fund or other competitive call process; competitive incubation
programme) for financing (performance grants or other instruments) guiding documents, including Call for
Expression of Interest/Request for Proposal documents appropriate for market situations (including
process, eligibility and scoring criteria and overall management framework);
 Disseminating calls among key institutions/people to generate high submission rates;
 Organising group and one-on-one sessions with potential applicants to improve the quality of individual
business and financial proposals and encourage organizational interest;
 Organizing information sessions in different regions to promote and market the financing mechanisms on
the ground
 Leading incubation workshops and other inception activities to provide early feedback direct technical
assistance to enterprises interested in applying for support from UNCDF.

Theme 2: Pipeline Development for Investment and Partner Management

Key work areas include:

 Systematically reviewing long and short-list business and financial proposals submitted, and assess
proposal eligibility;
 Conducting due diligence on potential partners; drafting due diligence report with specific
recommendations on how UNCDF can best support the institution;
 Aligning innovative and appropriate UNCDF finance instruments for prospective investee partners through
appropriate capital and revenue stack.Advising the Investment Committee (IC) or UNCDF Impact and
Investment Committee through analytical documentation and presentation during the IC so that IC
members can make informed investment decisions;
 Facilitating the negotiation of financing agreements (grants, loans, guarantees or other) and roadmaps
with selected partners and other funding providers, including setting up performance indicators,
milestones and payment schedules.
 Monitoring performance of partners as per financing agreement.

Theme 3: Technical Assistance

Key work areas include:

 Pre-investment technical assistance to enterprises’ submission to the competitive funding processes;
 Evaluation of company reports (KPI and narratives) to assess progress against roadmaps and agreement
milestones and to global reporting platforms (such as PAYGo PERFORM);
 Implementing additional needs assessments and spot checks with enterprises to strengthen monitoring
and evaluation capabilities;
 Providing support for institutional strengthening of enterprises, including financial management, planning
and projection capabilities;
 Preparing plans for direct technical assistance implementation;
 Implementing technical assistance over a set period of time as determined by roadmaps/business plans;
 Monitoring and reporting on progress of technical assistance for enterprise milestone checks;
 Executing investment readiness technical assistance to help enterprises prepare for external investment as
part of pathway to sustainability.

Theme 4: Brokering investment partnerships

Key work areas include:
• Working closely with BRIDGE Facility colleagues, where relevant, to ensure a common approach to
investment, as according UNCDF’s Investment Continuum, with the aim to de-risk investment
opportunities for other investors;
• Guiding the financing evaluation of enterprises and carrying out due diligence assessments;
• Work with external funders to structure appropriate blended finance arrangements in different markets;
• Alerting partners to funding opportunities, including from UNCDF and strategic partners.

Theme 5: Knowledge management and results sharing

Key work areas will include:
• Documenting and synthesizing key lessons/insights from engaging with various stakeholders throughout
the business opportunity identification, strategy development, partner selection, investment cycle and
collaboration stages.
• Refining partner selection tools and financing agreements for risk capital & technical assistance;
• Contributing to the development of user tool-kits focused on decentralized energy/utility access financing;
• Providing inputs to other energy access related activities and tools (e.g. M&E tools).
• Presenting findings and analysis in good communication presentations (written/social media and other
including representing UNCDF at conferences and in webinars) with a wider aim to contribute to policy
advocacy and global communication campaigns;
• Linking research and results to wider climate finance and nature-based solutions global knowledge;
• Market diagnostics, impact and demand surveys;
• Updating enterprise progress reports for internal and donor reporting.


Contract duration: The Framework Agreement shall be signed for 12 months, with possibility of extension for up to 2
more years based on consultant(s)’ satisfactory performance and project needs.

Number of consultants: Up to six consultants under LTA.

Number of working days: Up to 200 working days per person per year

Duty station: Home-based, with travels to countries where UNCDF operates

The schedule of travel will be negotiated with the consultant(s) according to the requirements of each programme.

Travel: Travel costs associated to the assignment will be advanced by the consultants, and paid on a reimbursable
basis, and following the UNDP/UNCDF rules and regulations which states that consultants shall only be paid the most
direct and most economical ticket, as will be quoted by the official UN travel agency.  Any amount in excess of the
said quotation, such as class and airline preference of the consultant, shall be borne by the consultant and the daily
living allowance will be paid as per UN Rate.


The consultant(s) will deliver the following final products:

Indicated Deliverables Theme 1:

• Market scoping and or data diagnostics report and enterprise needs assessments;
• pipeline database of prospective companies;
• minutes from stakeholder meetings;
• guidelines for fund launch and implementation plan;
• mission reports from information sessions and incubation workshops

Indicated Deliverables Theme 2:

• Company evaluations;
• due diligence reports;
• summary portfolio reports and presentations for the investment committee;
• Financial analysis and projections;
• Performance based agreements and company roadmaps.

Indicated Deliverables Theme 3:

• Draft application submissions and pre-investment TA meeting minutes;
• TA needs assessments and evaluations;
• Business and financial planning guidelines, advisory notes;
• TA implementation plans;
• TA monitoring reports

Indicated Deliverables Theme 4:

• Company investment evaluations and due diligence reports;
• notes from meetings with external funders (including term sheet analysis);
• documentation of deal and financial structuring.

Indicated Deliverables Theme 5:

• Analytical reports (including big data, demand side studies and overall market diagnostics);
• Short communication and advocacy articles;
• Enhanced partner selection and portfolio monitoring tools;
• Mission reports;
• Enterprise progress reports for donors

Areas of Support and Standard Operating Procedures

UNCDF reserves the right to assign the TOR deliverables and to distribute the assignment to up to six consultants, as
UNCDF may deem appropriate to their qualifications. A Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - on how each of the
consultants will be called upon and for what type of work- shall be developed for this purpose. The SOPs shall take into
consideration the following :

Geographically, UNCDF is broadly looking for:

 Two consultants to support the East and Southern Africa region (e.g. Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia,
Zambia, Malawi)
 Three consultants to support West and Central Africa (e.g. DR Congo, Burkina Faso, Madagascar)
 One consultant to support Asia/Pacific (e.g. Myanmar, Cambodia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Timor-Leste,
Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands).

All consultants must have proficiency in written and spoken English, with the three consultants supporting West and
Central Africa projects requiring additional proficiency in written and spoken French.

Consultant’s profile 1:  Country strategy and/or market scoping
Fund Management development
&Investment launch  Challenge fund/call design
activities in selected English
 Challenge fund /call implementation All
countries and Pipeline (plus French for West
 Investment pipeline management tools
Development for and Central Africa)
Investment and Partner  Specialization in clean cooking, solar PV
Management and other decentralized energy solutions
 Investment appraisals, due diligence
 Financial modelling for investment
Consultant’s profile 2: TA  Business plan development TA to energy English
and Brokering investment All
and financial service providers (plus French for West
partnerships  Setting up risk-sharing and Central Africa)
instruments/structures with other
investors/financial institutions

 Fundraising proposal and/or project

document development
 Specialization in clean cooking solutions or
solar solutions.
Consultant’s profile 3:  Market diagnostics and impact English
Knowledge management All
measurement (plus French for West
and results sharing  Specialization in energy projects funded by and Central Africa)
global/ regional climate/environment
funds and linking to Climate Finance
 Advocacy and communications


The consultant(s) will work under the direct supervision of UNCDF IDE Energy Lead and in close collaboration with
other relevant colleagues and experts.

The consultant(s) will have weekly communication with relevant staff via email and skype, for coordination and
guidance purposes, ensuring consultants’ output quality and targets.

The Consultant(s) is responsible for providing his/her own laptop during the course of his/her engagement with

This contract is under a framework agreement that will work on a call-off mechanism. The consultant will be ‘called’
upon to deliver a specific set of deliverables under a TOR and a purchasing order, indicating the total number of days
required to complete the services. The contractor shall submit the invoices specifying the outputs delivered and the
Certificate of Payment form for the approval of UNCDF.

The following supporting documents will serve as conditions for payments to an Individual Contractor(s): (i) submission
of an invoice and Certificate of Payment (COP); and (ii) review, approval and written acceptance of each deliverable by
the IDE Energy Lead and/or any other staff designated by IDE Energy Lead.

UNCDF shall closely monitor the performance of the Individual Contractors, and such monitoring shall include the
detailed tracking of cumulative payments ensuring that they do not exceed the approved limit of the LTA. Final
payment shall require a signed performance evaluation of the consultant.

If the consultants fail to meet performance requirements detailed above, s/he will receive in first instance, a
communication requesting an improvement in performance. Continued failure to meet performance requirements
may result in termination of the call-off PO, the non-utilization of the LTA, until its expiration, and eventually non-
extension of the LTA.



 Masters level qualifications in business, finance, economics, energy, (electrical) engineering or related fields;


• Minimum 7 years hands-on experience supporting development of decentralized energy markets or other
• Minimum 5 years’ experience advising or implementing energy business models that incorporate financing,
digital services and/or access to finance for vulnerable people, including household/business level solutions as
well as larger SME and community-based solutions (years of experience can overlap with other categories);
• Minimum t 3 years’ experience in designing and implementing challenge funds and/or other competitive
financing instruments (e.g. RBF programmes or credit risk guarantee facilities) (years of experience can overlap
with other categories);
• Minimum t 3 years’ experience providing technical assistance to financial service providers and/or energy
enterprises, particularly in developing the segment of business targeting vulnerable people (years of
experience can overlap with other categories);
• Minimum t 2 year of work experience in the geographical zones as specified above.


 Proficiency in written and spoken English is required. Knowledge of French is required for consultants who will
work for Central and West Africa


Corporate Competencies:
 Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards and acts in accordance with the
Standards of Conduct for international civil servants;
 Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNCDF;
 Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
 Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:
 Able to conduct market research, business plan development and/or institutional due diligence, such as on
energy enterprises and financial institutions;
 Able to support business models that include linkages between energy access and access to finance;
 Understands how financial service providers and/or small to medium scale enterprises serving last-mile market
segments operate;
 Understands incubation and investments needs of decentralized energy and other utility enterprises and
service companies and how these lead to further market development;
 Understands blended finance and how to operationalize financing instruments such as results-based financing,
impact investing, the use of smart subsidies, and/or carbon financing;
 Strong quantitative and financial abilities, such as making financial projections and analyzing financial
statements, terms sheet analysis, financial structuring;
 Strong analytical writing skills; experienced in producing concise, executive level reports and presentations,
training modules and materials;
 Good interpersonal skills and experience in working effectively in a multi-cultural environment, with sensitivity
to diverse opinion;
 Strong communications skills in speaking, writing, as well as presenting materials in variety of media.


Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their
qualifications. Proposers who shall not submit below mentioned documents will not be considered for further

Failure to submit all the below mentioned documents will result in rejection of the application.

 A one-page cover letter responding to the competency criteria, indicating why the candidate considers
himself/herself suitable for the required consultancy as well as stating the earliest availability.
 Detailed updated CV or P11, with at least three references’ contact details (telephone number, e-mail
address); Link to P11 form.

The following document is to be sent by email to [email protected]

 Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability and Financial Proposal (do not upload
your financial proposal online.) The financial proposal should be emailed separately to
[email protected] with the subject line: Financial Proposal: Expert in Decentralized Energy
Finance and Enterprise Development. When applying for this consultancy position, please apply with your
official name as shown in the government issued identification document (e.g. passport and/or driver license).
Contract award is subject to this verification;


Applications will be rated on both technical and financial submissions. The following selection method will be used:
Highest rated proposal using the combined scoring method, which assigns the weight distribution between the
technical and financial proposals. The overall combined score will be 100 points, where weight distribution shall be
70% technical (30% desk review + 40% interview) and 30% financial.

Step I: Screening

Applications will be screened and only applicants meeting the following minimum criteria will progress to the
pool for shortlisting:


• Masters level qualifications in business, finance, economics, energy, (electrical)

engineering/technical/manufacturing, or related fields;

• Minimum 7 years hands-on experience supporting market-based development of decentralized
• Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of French would be required for consultants who will work
for Central and West Africa

Step II: Shortlisting by Desk Review: (100 Points)

UNCDF will conduct a desk review to produce a shortlist of candidates and technically evaluate candidates as

• Minimum 5 years’ experience advising or implementing energy/utility business models that incorporate
digital or other access to finance services for vulnerable people, including household/business level
solutions as well as larger SME and community based solutions (years of experience can overlap with other
categories); (30 points)
• Minimum 3 years’ experience in designing and implementing challenge funds and/or other financial
instruments for energy enterprises (e.g. credit risk guarantee facilities) (years of experience can overlap
with other categories); (30 points)
• Minimum 3 years’ experience providing technical (financial or operational/institutional) assistance to
financial service providers and/or energy enterprises, particularly in developing the segment of business
targeting vulnerable people (years of experience can overlap with other categories); (30 points)
• Minimum year of work experience in one or more of the countries/regions mentioned above a plus. (10

Only applicants scoring the highest in the desk review and achieving minimum 70 points shall be invited for an

Step III. Interview (100 points):

A competency-based Interview shall be conducted with the top 8 shortlisted candidates who will be tested on the

 Relevant experience
 Sector, technical and financing Knowledge
 Analytical capacity
 Communication Skills

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% on the total of Steps II Desk Review +III Interview will be considered as
technically qualified and will be reviewed further for financial evaluation.

Step IV: Financial Evaluation:

The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal:

Lowest priced proposal/price of the proposal being evaluated x 30%.

The top candidates that achieved the highest cumulative score will be recommended for award of LTA, upon approval
of the appropriate Procurement Review Committee. UNCDF reserves the right to increase or decrease this number
depending on the quality of the applications that will be received.


The award of the LTA will consists of six individual consultants whose offers have been evaluated and determined (i)
Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and (ii) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted
technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when traveling to certain
countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security
directives set forth under dss.un.org. If the consultant is over 65 years old, UNCDF reserves the right to require full
medical certification and clearance from the consultant’s physician prior to commencing the travel.

Both individual consultants and individuals employed by a company or institution are welcome to apply. Any individual
employed by a company or institution who would like to submit an offer in response to a Procurement Notice for IC
must do so in their individual capacity (providing a CV so that their qualifications may be judged accordingly). If the
company or institution that employs them will charge a management fee, the said amount must be incorporated in the
financial proposal that the individual will submit. No further changes to reflect additional costs shall be accommodated
by UNCDF at the point of awarding the LTA.

Women candidates or women-owned businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. UNCDF is committed to achieving
workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups
and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest

Please include all documents into one file while submitting your application.


UNDP’s Individual Consultant’s General Terms and Conditions are provided here (which :




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