To cite this article: Teruyuki Hidaka, Hiroshi Anai, Hiroshi Sakaguchi, Satoru Sueyoshi,
Toshihiro Tanaka, Kiyosei Yamamoto, Kengo Morimoto, Hideyuki Nishiofuku, Shinsaku Maeda,
Takeshi Nagata & Kimihiko Kichikawa (2020): Efficacy of combined bland embolization and
chemoembolization for huge (≥10 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma, Minimally Invasive Therapy &
Allied Technologies, DOI: 10.1080/13645706.2020.1725580
CONTACT Teruyuki Hidaka [email protected] Nara Medical University – Radiology, 840 Shijo-cho Kashihara City Nara, Kashihara 634-8522, Japan
ß 2020 Society of Medical Innovation and Technology
following criteria: (i) HCC with a diameter of The clinical diagnosis of HCC was based on imaging
10 cm, without infiltrative type tumor (in the gross studies including contrast-enhanced computed tomog-
classification of HCC that was accepted by the Liver raphy (CECT) with bolus contrast injection. A lesion
Cancer Study Group of Japan (LCSGJ) [10]) that that was seen as a hypervascular nodule in the arterial
spread to the whole liver; (ii) no previous treatment phase and as a relatively low density on the portal ven-
for HCC; and (iii) no major portal vein tumor throm- ous phase was diagnosed as HCC. Ten patients (47.6%)
bus extending into the first portal branch (i.e., Vp3 or had a solitary tumor, and another eleven (52.4%) had
4 of the general rules for the clinical and pathological multiple tumors. The mean diameter of the largest
study of primary liver cancer stated by the LCSGJ). tumor was 12.3 ± 2.2 (range, 10–16) cm.
The following conditions were also considered contra- Three patients had portal venous invasion (Vp1:
indications to embolization: severe thrombocytopenia invasion distal to the second order branches of the
(platelet count <30,000/mL), hyperbilirubinemia portal vein, but not of the second order branches, or
(serum bilirubin >3 mg/dL), and severe hepatic dys- Vp2: invasion of second order branches of the portal
function (Child-Pugh class C). The characteristics vein) [10], and another three patients had invasion to
and disease profiles of the 21 patients are shown in the inferior vena cava (Vv3) [10]. Extrahepatic meta-
Table 1. There were 19 men and two women, with an stases were observed in three patients (thoracic spine,
average age of 65.2 years (range, 47–89 years). All lumbar spine, and right adrenal gland). According to
patients had underlying cirrhosis that was related to the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging
hepatitis C virus in 11 patients and hepatitis B virus classification [11], eight patients had stage A tumors,
in six patients (with both in one patient). The liver six had stage B, and seven had stage C. These seven
function of 20 patients (95.2%) was classified as patients with BCLC-C had been enrolled in this com-
Child-Pugh A, and one (4.8%) was Child-Pugh B.
bined therapy, because all of them were thought to
have huge intrahepatic masses as the most critical fac-
tor affecting their prognosis, and we believed that
Table 1. Patient and disease profiles (n ¼ 21).
control of the huge tumor could contribute to
Characteristic Value (%)
improving their prognosis despite the presence of
Male 19 (90.5) extrahepatic lesions or vascular invasion. Serum
Female 2 (9.5) alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels exceeded the upper
Age (year)
Mean 65.2 normal limit (20 ng/mL) in 14 patients (median:
Range 47–89 29,285 ng/mL, range: 23.8–89,273 ng/mL). The serum
Cause of liver disease
HBV 5 (23.8) protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-
HCV 10 (47.6) II (PIVKA-II), also known as des-gamma-carboxy
HBV þ HCV 1 (4.8)
Others 5 (23.8) prothrombin (DCP) [12], level exceeded the upper
Child-Pugh score normal limit (40 mAU/mL) in 20 patients (median:
A 20 (95.2)
B 1 (4.8) 13,811 mAU/mL, range: 529–297,300 mAU/mL).
Tumor size (cm)
Mean 12.3
Range 10–16 Concept of combined therapy
No. of tumors
1 10 (47.6) Bland GS-TAE was performed first to reduce tumor
2 5 (23.8)
3 1 (4.8) volume to decrease the volume of Lipiodol at the fol-
>4 5 (23.8) lowing Lip-TACE. Lip-TACE was then performed to
Vascular invasion
No 15 (71.4) the remaining viable tumor within about three weeks
Vp1 1 (4.8) after bland GS-TAE, waiting for improvement of liver
Vp2 2 (9.5)
Vv3 3 (14.3) function, if residual tumor was confirmed by CECT
Metastasis one to two weeks after GS-TAE. The end point of
No 18 (85.7)
Yes 3 (14.3) treatment was the disappearance of tumor enhance-
BCLC staging ment after bland GS-TAE or subsequent Lip-TACE.
A 8 (38.1)
B 6 (28.6)
C 7 (33.3)
Methods of combined therapy
HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; Vp1: invasion distal
to the second order branches of the portal vein; Vp2: invasion
of the second order branches of the portal vein; Vv3: invasion of
Bland GS-TAE was performed using a catheter with a
the inferior vena cava; BCLC: Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer. long, tapered tip (5.5-and 4.5- Fr or 5-and 4- Fr outer
diameters of the shaft and tip, respectively) placed Tumor thrombus in the portal vein or inferior vena
into the right and/or left hepatic artery. Then, 2-mm cava and distant metastases were controlled by
GS particles soaked in contrast medium were injected. radiotherapy.
The end point of bland GS-TAE was complete
occlusion or stagnation of arterial flow in the feed-
ing artery.
Inside the embolized tumor, a non-enhanced low Early tumor response was assessed by CECT at one to
density area suggested a necrotic area on CECT. An two weeks after bland GS-TAE, and tumor response
enhanced high-density area was defined as remaining to combined therapy was assessed by CECT three
viable tumor. Subsequent Lip-TACE to the remaining months after combined therapy, according to the
viable tumor was planned about three weeks after modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid
bland GS-TAE. However, when deterioration of a Tumors (mRECIST) [13]. Overall survival was also
patient’s condition and/or liver functions or markedly assessed. Univariate analysis to identify predictors of
effective CT findings were seen, the time of subse- survival was performed by the Kaplan–Meier method
quent Lip-TACE exceeded three weeks. and compared by the log-rank test. Fourteen variables
Subsequent Lip-TACE was performed using a were assessed, including sex, age, presence of hepatitis
microcatheter placed as selectively as possible to the B (HBV), presence of hepatitis C (HCV), Child–Pugh
tumor-supplying arterial branches. Lipiodol mixed score, tumor size, number of tumors, vascular inva-
with epirubicin (Farmorbicin; Pfizer, Tokyo, Japan) sion, metastases, AFP, PIVKA II, BCLC staging,
was used with the dosages determined based on the extrahepatic collateral vessels, and tumor response to
remaining viable tumor size and liver function, with combined therapy. All statistical analyses were per-
up to 10 ml of Lipiodol and 60 mg of epirubicin formed using SPSS statistics 21.0 (IBM Japan,
[3,5,6]. Lipiodol emulsion was prepared by pumping Tokyo, Japan).
the mixture 20–30 times using a three-way stopcock, Adverse events of bland GS-TAE and Lip-TACE
mixing Lipiodol inside one syringe with a small were evaluated by the Common Terminology Criteria
amount of nonionic contrast medium and saline- for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 3.0 [14].
dissolved epirubicin inside another syringe [6]. Then,
1-mm GS particles were injected until the occlusion
or stagnation of the feeding artery. Lip-TACE was
repeated until complete tumor response was obtained GS-TAE was technically successful in all patients.
in the whole intrahepatic tumor. Two patients (9.5%) achieved complete tumor necro-
sis by bland GS-TAE alone as the planned procedure,
and these patients therefore did not receive the subse-
Follow-up after combined therapy and additional
quent Lip-TACE. They underwent Lip-TACE for local
treatments for recurrences and
recurrence after 229 and 446 days, respectively. The
extrahepatic metastases
remaining 19 patients underwent combined therapy
All patients were sequentially followed using clinical involving bland GS-TAE and Lip-TACE. Of these 19
data such as AFP and PIVKA-II and diagnostic patients, 16 had one session of Lip-TACE for treat-
imaging such as CECT, contrast-enhanced magnetic ment of all intrahepatic tumors, two patients had two
resonance imaging, and enhanced ultrasound at sessions of Lip-TACE, and one patient had three ses-
three-month intervals. When local tumor recurrence sions of Lip-TACE. The mean amounts of drug per
and/or new tumors were observed, they were treated session in combined therapy were Lipiodol 7.5 (2–10)
by Lip-TACE or local ablation therapy such as radio- mL and epirubicin 45.0 (20–60) mg. The mean inter-
frequency ablation (RFA) as soon as possible. val between bland GS-TAE and the first Lip-TACE
Repeated Lip-TACE was performed by superselective was 24.8 (8–50) days.
techniques for target vessels including various collat- Six of seven patients with BCLC-C had radiation
erals as the extrahepatic blood supply. Local ablation therapy for the extrahepatic lesions and/or vascular
therapy was indicated for patients when it seemed invasion after this combined therapy.
more suitable because of poor vascularity or small Follow-up duration after this combined therapy
tumor recurrence. When intrahepatic viable tumors was from 4.8 to 84.3 months (mean: 33.8 ± 24.0,
became disseminated and uncontrollable by Lip- median: 32.6 months). Nineteen patients had
TACE, arterial infusion chemotherapy was indicated. already died (from 4.8 to 84.3 (mean: 33.8 ± 24.0,
Figure 1. A 65-year-old man with HCC of 10 cm in diameter. (a) Contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) shows a large hypervascular tumor
in the right lobe. (b) Common hepatic arteriogram shows a large tumor with hypervascular tumor vessels. Selective right hepatic
arterial bland GS-TAE was performed, and 20 days later Lip-TACE was performed to the tiny residual tumor vessels. (c) CT obtained
6 months after Lip-TACE shows markedly reduced tumor size and disappearance of tumor enhancement. Tumor response was
assessed as complete response.
median: 32.6) months) by the year 2014 when the Survival and factors affecting survival
survey was conducted, and the remaining two
Cumulative overall survival rates at one, two, three,
patients were alive. The causes of death of the 19
and five years were 76.2% (95% confidence interval
patients were hepatic failure in seven, advanced
(CI), 58.0–94.4%), 66.7% (95% CI, 46.5–86.9%), 42.9%
cancer in nine, intestinal bleeding in one, and
(95% CI, 21.7–64.1%), and 25.0% (95% CI,
pneumonia in two patients.
5.2–44.8%), respectively, and median survival time
A representative case is shown in Figure 1(a–c).
(MST) was 2.7 years (95% CI 1.8–3.6 years) (Table 2,
Figure 2). Determinants of cumulative survival rates
are shown in Table 2. Child–Pugh score (Child A
Tumor response
group vs. a single Child B case, p < 0.001), BCLC
Early tumor response assessed by CECT after bland staging (stage A vs. stage B or C, p ¼ 0.039), and
GS-TAE showed complete response (CR) in two tumor response to combined therapy (CR vs. not CR,
patients and partial response (PR) in 19 patients. p ¼ 0.006) were significantly related to survival. The
Tumor response assessed by CECT 3 months after other factors were not significantly related to survival.
combined therapy showed that eight patients (38.1%)
had achieved CR, 12 patients (57.1%) had achieved
Adverse events of combined therapy
PR, and one patient (4.8%) had achieved stable dis-
ease (SD). No patients showed progressive disease Severe adverse events after bland GS-TAE were seen
(PD). The response rate was 95.2% (20/21). in two of 21 patients. The one with acute cholecystitis
21 patients, and continued for an average of 3.0 days However, the ordinary method of Lip-TACE for
(0–16 days). Other minor adverse events such as nau- huge HCC (>10cm), larger than the cases reported
sea and slight abdominal pain resolved with conserva- by Miyayama, has not yet been established, because
tive therapies. the dose of Lipiodol required for adequate emboliza-
tion to the entire huge tumor must be much greater
and must exceed 10 ml. As mentioned, administra-
Discussion tion of such a large dose of Lipiodol may cause
Recently, although advances in diagnostic imaging severe complications. Therefore, the rationale of our
techniques and the widespread application of screen- combined therapy is that, as the first step, TAE is
ing programs for high-risk groups have facilitated the performed with only 2-mm gelatin sponge particles,
detection of small HCC, HCCs with a diameter of which may not induce severe complications related
10 cm are still occasionally discovered in clinical to Lipiodol, and an anticancer agent, which can
practice. In the 18th follow-up survey of primary liver obtain tumor volume reduction. The 2-mm gelatin
cancer in Japan, huge HCC (10 cm) was reported to sponge particles may be distributed predominantly
account for 5.7% of all HCCs in Japan [15]. Though into the larger feeding arteries and may have less
surgical resection seems to be the best therapy for effect on the tiny peribiliary vessels, and serious
huge HCCs (10 cm) [16–20], curative resection has adverse events such as acute tumor lysis syndrome,
been performed for only limited numbers of patients abscess, and biloma may be avoided. Then, as the
because of tumor extension, multicentricity, and the second step, Lip-TACE mixed with an anticancer
presence of liver cirrhosis. agent could be performed for the residual viable
TACE has been accepted as effective treatment for portion without such a large volume of Lipiodol to
inoperable advanced HCC to prolong survival [1]. In obtain a good therapeutic result. If residual tumor
paticular, selective or superselective Lip-TACE has remained after the first step, GS-TAE, we would per-
been promising as an effective and safe locoregional form repeated Lip-TACE as the second step in
treatment for small HCC. The criteria in many some cases.
The tumor response assessed by CECT three
Japanese institutions for the dose of Lipiodol used for
months after combined therapy was CR in eight
selective or superselective TACE state that the average
patients (38.1%) (including two patients with CR as
dose (mL) of Lipiodol is roughly equal to the tumor
the early tumor response to bland GS-TAE), and PR
diameter (cm) to obtain a good therapeutic effect
in 12 patients (57.1%). On the basis of these results,
[4–7]. However, more than such a predicted amount
our combined therapy involving bland GS-TAE fol-
of Lipiodol is needed for large HCC, since a tumor
lowed by Lip-TACE seems to show good results.
with a diameter of 10 cm has a volume of 500 ml. On
Min [22] reported in a comparative study that
the other hand, use of a large amount of Lipiodol
the one-, three- and five-year overall survival rates
(>10 ml) may cause the following complications. of surgical treatment and TACE were 73.8%, 54.8%,
Chung [8] reported that the use of >20 ml of and 39.8% vs. 37.8%, 16.3%, and 9.7%, respectively,
Lipiodol causes pulmonary oily embolism after Lip- and after propensity score matching, the surgery
TACE for HCC, and Sakamoto [9] also reported acute group showed higher one- and three-year overall
tumor lysis syndrome caused by Lip-TACE in a survival rates than the TACE group (69.7% and
patient with a large HCC, in whom 10 ml of Lipiodol 51.7% vs. 40.2% and 18.5%, respectively). Despite
were given once, and 15 ml were given once. Poon the present series involving various types of huge
[21] reported that patients who have inoperable HCC HCCs, some of which were not indicated for surgi-
>10 cm and poor liver function (serum albumin cal resection, the cumulative overall survival rates of
<35 g/L) may not be suitable candidates for TACE 76.2%, 42.9%, and 25.0% at one, three, and five
treatment using lipiodol of up to 30 ml because of a years, respectively, are considered much higher
high mortality rate (20%). Although a large volume of and acceptable.
Lipiodol is needed in Lip-TACE for large HCC, According to reports of the surgical resection of
Miyayama [7] reported that stepwise Lip-TACE, huge HCCs (10 cm), significant prognostic factors
which can reduce the volume of Lipiodol per one varied and included solitary tumor [16–19], vascular
chemoembolization session to avoid the complications invasion [17,19,20], absence of portal vein tumor
related to too much volume of Lipiodol, could be thrombus [16,18], serum AFP level [17,19], absence of
effective for large HCC. tumor rupture, and curative surgery [18], among
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