Lived Experiences of Former Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Beneficiaires

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Volume: 6
Pages: 880-889
Document ID: 2022PEMJ382
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874
Manuscript Accepted: 2022-1-12
Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Lived Experiences of Former Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program Beneficiaries

Sergio Mahinay, Jr.*, Aileen Escote, Sinclaire Signacion,
Cherilyn Grace Yano, Jeny Goniabo, Erica Padilla, Sienna Dyne Antipuesto, Maulid Macapendig
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human development measure of the national
government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor. The purpose of this
program is to alleviate people’s poverty. This study investigated and delved deeper in understanding
the lived experiences of five (5) former 4Ps beneficiaries. They were identified using purposive-
criterion sampling. Furthermore, this phenomenological study aimed at finding out the challenges
they encountered in relation to the implementation of 4Ps, how they dealt with these difficulties, and
their perception, reflection, and realization. The data were gathered through individual in-depth
interview with the aid of a validated semi- structured interview guide as a tool. Using recording,
transcribing and thematic analysis, the results revealed that the lived experiences of the beneficiaries
are generally characterized with financial instability and government support. It was also found out
that participants encountered challenges such as insufficiency of funds and difficulty in securing
requirements in relation to the implementation of 4Ps. It was also discovered that they were able to
overcome these challenges through viewing difficulties as motivating factors and prioritizing needs.
Lastly, this study gave emphasis on the participants’ reflections and realizations which included
showing gratitude amidst challenges, acknowledging that success comes to those who work for it and
valuing education.

Keywords: 4Ps, phenomenology, lived experiences, college graduate, financial instability, challenges,
reflection, and realization

Introduction experienced in the implementation of health as well as

providing education to the beneficiaries, other certain
Poverty has always plagued the lives of many issues develop as a result of the respondents' opinions
individuals throughout history and space. Various according to Quimson's research (2020), the 4Ps
alternatives have been attempted and rejected as beneficiaries had trouble getting to the bank due to the
people continue to seek sustainable methods to
barangay distance where they had their financial grants
mitigate the consequences of poverty. Government
withdrawn. Some recognized limitations, such as the
programs provide money and financial help to low-
need to use their ATMs as collateral, and not all
income families in exchange for investments in their
beneficiaries are aware of the program's requirements
children's human capital, such as regular school
and concept (Dulliyao, 2019). Beneficiaries' parents
attendance and basic preventive health care. The
are also having financial difficulties. According to
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program is one of these
Balacuit Jr.'s research (2018), and according to
programs (4Ps). The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Balacuit Jr.'s research (2018), the top three most
Program (4Ps) The 4s or Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program is a social program that involves monetary common implementation issues were mentioned The
and nonmonetary transfers or grants to the poor or following were the 4Ps: parent-beneficiaries rely on
poorest families provided that families who have the government financial support is no longer
school-age children meet certain requirements that are available; cash transfers are not available. Pawning of
geared toward improving their capacities (Cecchini & cash cards occurred over time, and the 4Ps were
Madariaga, 2011). Its foremost objective was to give frequently observed. Student-grantees were treated
cash to families living in extreme poverty in exchange unfairly. Numerous evaluations of CCTs, many based
for some education and healthcare commitments. on experimental designs, find positive short-term
According to the primer of the Department of Social impacts. These include current poverty alleviation,
Welfare and Development (DSWD), the 4Ps is the some improved nutrition and health for young
national government’s poverty-reduction and social children, and increased school attainment for older
development strategy. It provides cash transfers to children (Fiszbein & Schady 2009).
impoverished households to help improve their health, There were no studies conducted that focused on the
nutrition, and education (Reyes et al., 2014). life experiences of the beneficiaries in our locality
because most of the studies focused on the parent's
Apart from it, beneficial effects and difficulties recipient's experiences. Limited research explores

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

more profoundly the lived experiences of beneficiaries Lived Experiences of the 4Ps Beneficiaries
who had graduated. Thus, this study focuses on the
4Ps recipients who overcome life conditions and excel Financial Distress
in their present academic endeavors. This study would
be a tool for understanding the reality of being a According to the definition of financial distress used in
government subsidy recipient and how its objectives this study, financial distress happens when a person
are reflected based on their lived experiences. cannot earn money due to a large amount of debt and
Moreover, this study could be a basis for measuring liabilities. It typically occurs when a person finds it
the effectiveness of the given program concerning the difficult or impossible to meet their financial
different aspects of the lives of the former recipients. obligations to their school and other basic needs
sources. A person who experiences it typically has
Research Questions lower morale and more stress as a result of the
increased likelihood that they will have lower
This study was conducted to explore a deeper spirituality, poorer academic performance, and poorer
understanding of the lived experiences of former 4Ps attendance, which may occasionally force them to drop
beneficiaries who become professionals. Specifically, out of school.
this study was guided by the following questions:
Before the beneficiaries joined the 4Ps, they were
1. What are the lived experiences of the participants as struggling financially and were unable to meet their
4Ps beneficiaries? obligations, particularly when it came to their
2. What are the challenges or difficulties encountered involvement in school-related projects, activities, and
by the participants in relation to the implementation of contributions. It is apparent that over the years of
the 4Ps? living in poverty, both the families of the students and
3. How do participants deal with the challenges or the students themselves experienced financial
difficulties in relation to 4Ps? hardship. Numerous studies have shown that financial
4. What is the perception/reflection/realization of the distress has a significant impact on the person
participants about the 4Ps? experiencing it. Andrews and Wilding (2004) found
that financial stressors were positively associated with
increased anxiety and depression levels among college
Literature Review students in the United Kingdom. In the case of co-
researchers who were in the school setting, it was not
far that needs not provided could leave a feeling of
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)
inferiority and take a toll on a student's role in class;
such that financial stress had also been linked to
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, also
academic performance according to Joo et al. (2008).
known as 4Ps, is the name of the Conditional Cash
Maturana and Nickerson (2018), studied the effects of
Transfer (CCT) Program in the Philippines that aims to
financial distress on workers' productivity using data
help the poorest families in the area. The family’s
from the public school system in Texas, which allowed
economic status can be determined by factors like the to exploit of within-teacher variation and to control a
household’s level of education, asset ownership, type student's economic environment. The study showed
of housing, family livelihood, and access to water and that student performance decreases by 6.5% following
sanitary facilities. The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino a declaration of bankruptcy by the student's teacher.
Program (4Ps) is a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) The effect of financial distress increases with the
program to beneficiary families if they follow its complexity of the task. Sturgeon, et al. (2017), studied
conditionalities. Just like other CCT programs, the stressful financial and interpersonal events. Findings
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program aims at revealed that structural equation modeling analyses
reducing and alleviating existing poverty by present significant relations among financial stress,
supplementing the income of the poor to address their interpersonal stress, and psychological distress and
current consumption poverty, especially in the well-being. Psychological well-being mediated the
education and health of their family members while association between financial stress and incapability.
making them follow certain conditionalities that can
boost their human development investment and ensure Psychological Distress
its compliance so that they can have more
opportunities in breaking the intergenerational cycle of Psychological Distress is a general term used to
poverty in the long run (Fernandez & Olfindo, 2011) describe unpleasant feelings or emotions that impact

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the level of functioning. In other words, the disruption the study is parallel with the Philippines Conditional
of daily tasks is caused by psychological discomfort. Cash Transfer Program Impact Evaluation of
Distress from the mind can lead to poor self-, other-, Worldbank (2013), which showed that Pantawid
and environmental perceptions. Psychological distress Pamilya has a strong impact of meeting its objective of
manifests as sadness, worry, disinterest, and signs of keeping poor children in school and in terms of
mental disease. A few causes of psychological distress increasing investments for the future of the children or
are sickness, starting a new job, being bullied, and the program impact on targeted socio-economic
unfavorable school experiences. (Williams, 2019). indicators, it was revealed that program is meeting the
Lerutla (2000) defined psychological distress as the objective of increasing poor households’ investments
emotional condition that one feels when it is necessary in their children, as evidenced by the shift in spending
to cope with upsetting, frustrating, or harmful patterns of poor households.
situations such as those felt by the co-researchers
during their interaction with teachers or classmates. Compliance of Requirements
They emphasize that we are social beings, and much of
what we are is a product of our relationships with Compliance of requirements for 4ps program are the
others. Psychological distress is described as the guidelines for compliance with the regulations
maladaptive behavior observed in relationships, which applicable to the specific type of assistance used by the
is caused by unsatisfactory relationships of the past or beneficiaries. This are the valid papers of information
present. Different studies also support the findings of coming from the beneficiaries and other conditions
the study that an individual may suffer psychological that the 4Ps beneficiaries needs to comply in order to
distress due to the low income of parents which is one be one of its grantees of the said program. Their
of the qualifications for becoming a 4Ps member. compliance is checked and verified by the DSWD
during the reporting period prior to the release of the
Financial Security p aym ent. N o n - co m p lian ce to any of the
conditionalities also mean non-inclusion on the list of
Financial security refers to the peace of mind you feel eligible beneficiaries for that month. Continued non-
when you are not worried about your income is compliance (third offense) will result in termination of
enough to cover your expenses. It also means that you payments and suspension from the program
have enough money saved to cover emergencies and (Fernandez & Olfindo, 2011).
your future financial goals. If one is financially secure,
stress levels go down, leaving one free to focus on Proper Cash Management
other issues (Quicken, 2019). Beneficiaries of the 4Ps
were able to pay for their tuition and other fees for Proper cash management is the process of collecting
class and academic activities. The majority of and managing cash flows. Cash management can be
beneficiaries always desired to access school important for both individuals and companies. In
necessities, which they only did once they were business, it is a key component of a company's
awarded 4Ps. It only revealed that the 4Ps program had financial stability. For individuals, cash is also
a beneficial impact on the beneficiaries' financial essential for financial stability while also usually
situation. As a result, the recipients' confidence and considered as part of a total wealth portfolio. (Kenton
social skills improved as they were able to access the 2021)
same financial resources as other students.
Issues and Concerns in the Social Cash Transfer
The principles, understandings, and attitudes guiding Program Implementation
each person's present and future life were "learned"
through these active meaning-making processes as Highlights of the issues and problems towards the
they independently chose the parts of each lived program implementation as pointed out by the grantees
experience, they thought were worthwhile learning. It are as follows: rank 1, inclusion error; rank 2,
is clear that the 4Ps program's beneficiaries are putting exclusion error; as rank 3, political accommodation.
the social capital theory to use. The cash transfer When asked how these problems are solved responses
program can be viewed as a type of social protection are rank 1, no action; rank 2, meeting; rank 3, LGU
strategy that uses the social capital theory as a visit. 56.34% of the respondents claimed that they
foundation to reduce poverty and vulnerability. As a were aware of the Grievance Redress System however
result, for the program to be implemented effectively, 1 0 0 % ag ree th at th ey do not a c c e s s the
relationships between the government and the system/committee. On the issues of inclusion error,
community must be built (Ressler, 2008). The result of 31.58% identified the person by giving the names

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

while 68.42% responded "confidential". On the issue beneficiaries. However, problems in getting the
of political accommodation, 9.6% responded on assistance, financial literacy, not all beneficiaries are
affirmative and 71.43% of them name the person the qualified based on the criteria of the program and
other 28.57% responded "confidential". some of the beneficiaries do not understand the
concept of 4Ps were also encountered in the
These findings were further reinforced by the result of implementation of 4Ps.
the consultative meetings with the Municipal Link
Officers. Eight out of ten (8/10) agreed that there was Also, one of the issues encountered by the
a problem in the supply side such as lack of vitamins beneficiaries is financial instability and inadequacy.
& medicines. However, only two out of eight (2/8) Struggles brought by limited resources is the act of
disclosed that deworming stopped because of lack of facing difficulties because of limited resources.
medicine & lack of Day Care Centers. Six out of eight Limited resources is a basic condition of nature which
(6/8) answered that they brought the issue during means that the quantities of available labor, capital,
Stakeholder’s (Tatsulok) Meeting. To probe that land and entrepreneurship used for the production of
inclusion error, exist, a separate survey questionnaire goods and services are finite. It means that the
was administered to the MLOs. The following reasons economy has only so many resources that can be used
for de-listing of eligible family are: non-compliance; at any given time to produce goods and services. The
no 0-14 aged children in the household; out-migration connection between environmental scarcity and civil
or long absence; government employee; working violence is indirect but important. Environmental
abroad. Further inclusion/exclusion error is also scarcity is never the sole cause of conflict, but it is
attributed to political influence. Findings revealed that often an aggravating or contributing factor. Future
the leakage is still happening in spite of the structure efforts at conflict prevention and resolution should
set by the government. The large scope involved take the role that environmental scarcity plays into
voluminous transactions, and its operation covers account, and appropriate interventions to prevent
several sectors which are administratively complex to demand-, supply-, and structurally-induced scarcity
handle (Arulpragasam, et al. 2011). During fielding of should be pursued. (Bingham Kennedy, Jr.) Difficulty
questionnaires, the issues of long absence and out- living within the means, to “live within your means”
migration remain unresolved. Further interviews means that what you spend each month is less or at
showed 10% inclusion error which is lower than the least equal in each month. For many, people, it’s a lot
national inclusion error rate of 15.12% (DSWD Status easier said than done (Latoya Irby). Once you start
Report 4th Qtr, 2012). living within your means and are able to pay your bills
with the money you have, you can start coming up
Aside from the positive impacts and its problems with ways to live below your means. This means that
encountered on the implementation of health and you have money left at the end of the month after you
education to the beneficiaries, some other problems pay all of your bills. You can accelerate your savings
also arise as the result of the assessment of the and build wealth by living below your means.
respondents. According to the study of Quimson
(2020), the 4Ps beneficiaries encountered difficulty in The research mentioned above shows that the
the barangay distance to the bank where they withdrew proposed study has parallels to other commonly
their cash grants. Some identified constraints such as utilized approaches, which is useful information for
using their ATMs as collateral and not all beneficiaries proponents. The related study is beneficial because it
do not understand the program’s concept (Dulliyao, supports and validates the current study. The related
2019). Parent beneficiaries are also struggling with study that was mentioned above talks about the
financial literacy especially in allocating budget for following: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
food, education, hospitalization or medicine, and (4Ps), Lived Experiences of the Beneficiaries, The
savings (Once et al, 2019). And in the study of Impact of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps),
Balacuit Jr., (2018), mentioned that the top three and The Issues and Concerns in the Social Cash
prevalent problems met in the implementation of 4Ps Transfer Program Implementation. The study focused
were the following: parent-beneficiaries depend on the on the characteristics of 4Ps, the impact of 4Ps on
government financial assistance and do not work specific beneficiaries, and the issues and concerns
anymore; cash transfer is not downloaded on time associated with program implementation. In general,
resulted to pawning of cash cards, and it is oftentimes the related study shows the 4Ps, which supports the
observed that 4Ps student-grantees were discriminated. present study and gives credibility. There were no
The studies show that in terms of health and education, studies conducted that focused on the life experiences
the 4Ps was able to serve its purpose to the of the beneficiaries in our locality because most of the

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

studies focused on the parent's recipient's experiences. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps).
Limited research explores more profound the lived
experiences of beneficiaries who had graduated. Thus, Procedure
this study focuses on the 4Ps recipients who overcome
life conditions and excel in their present academic In gathering the data, the researchers seek approval
en d eav o rs. This study would be a tool in from the Dean of the College of education by giving a
understanding the reality of being a government letter of consent to conduct the study. The data for this
subsidy recipient and how its objectives are reflected research were collected using an in-depth interview
based on their lived experiences. Moreover, this study (IDI). This requires an interview with a single
could be a basis for measuring the effectiveness of the individual with a duration that may last depending on
given program concerning the different aspects of the the subject matter and the context. The participants
lives of the former recipients. were asked about their lived experiences as former 4Ps
beneficiaries, the struggles and challenges they
encountered, and the perceptions and realizations they
Methodology have gained. In gathering the data, the researcher
asked a written consent from the participants that they
This qualitative study utilized a phenomenological came part of the study, then the interview was
approach. This approach is appropriate since conducted during their availability so as not to disturb
phenomenological study describes the common them from their work. Their names were not
meaning for several individuals of their lived mentioned as part of their confidentiality and privacy.
experiences of a concept or a phenomenon. Qualitative In this way, they are comfortable expressing and
research investigates the quality of relationships, sharing their experiences that are related to the study.
activities, situations, or materials (Frankel, Wallen, & To ensure the transcription is correct, valid, and
Hyun, 2012). This is also an approach for exploring reliable, the researcher met again the participants so
and understanding the meaning shared by an that they could review and validate the interview
individual or a group part of a social phenomenon transcript. The researcher informed them that they are
(Creswell, 2012). Qualitative inquiries focus on free to delete or improve something on the interview
participants’ perceptions and experiences and on the transcript. Then, at last, the researcher requested them
process that is occurring and the outcome. Thus, this to affix their signature in the interview transcript and
design is more effective in featuring the lived the themes that the researcher generated.
experiences of former 4Ps student-beneficiaries.
Ethical Considerations
In the above procedure, the welfare of participants of
The study utilized five research participants. However, this study will be considered at all stages of this
the researchers maximized ten participants, but only research. Ethical principles linked to scholarly
five of them are present according to their time discovery through autonomy, beneficence, and justice
vacancy, availability, and locality. Specifically, they will help promote trustworthiness of process and will
are those who graduated from a four-year course and guide the researchers’ subjective efforts throughout
former 4Ps beneficiaries. every aspect of study. To establish autonomy, the
researchers will give informed consent to the
Instruments of the Study participants. Participants will receive and acknowledge
by signature a document that explains both the scope
This study utilized a semi-structured interview guide of the study and outlines avenues available to them
which consisted of open-ended questions. It was should they ever feel harmed by the process. The
divided into three different parts including preliminary participants had the freedom to withdraw, and we did
or getting to know the participants' profile, main not force them to participate in our study. To establish
questions about their lived experiences as a former beneficence, in conducting interviews, questions that
beneficiaries; and wrap-up questions. Specific are asked, only the needed information will be asked,
questions relevant to the development of the study no personal questions, no human rights are violated,
were asked of the research participants. The questions and research being conducted has no hidden agenda.
were comprised of initial questions that were asked The researchers make sure that no one acts in a way
and follow-up questions. Each question was aligned that is harmful to society or an individual.
with the statement of the problem. These questions
revolved around their lived experiences in terms of the The researchers will give justice to the participants,

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

especially in the transcription of the results. The Emergent Themes

researchers record and transcribe the results of the The lived experiences and perceptions of the
interview session according to the strict code of participants as 4P’s beneficiaries were featured in the
confidentiality. After the transcription, the researchers following major themes: Financial Instability,
will go back to the participants for us to have a Emphasis on Government Support, Compliance of
signature. Participation are free to delete or revise a Requirements, Difficulties as Motivating Factors,
copy of the transcript of the results for feedback. Proper Cash Management, Gratitude Amidst
These ethical principles will help promote the Challenges. These themes are encapsulated in Table 2.
trustworthiness of the process and will guide the
researcher’ subjective efforts throughout every aspect Table 2. Major Themes and Core Ideas
of the study.


This section presents and describes the data gathered

relative to the study. It consists of the demographic
profile of the participants and their lived experiences.

Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Participants


Table 1 shows that there were five (5) participants in Financial Instability and Inadequacy
this study. They were coded as P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5
respectively in order to protect their confidentiality. Financial instability was experienced by the
participants as part of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Participant 1 (P1) is a 23-year-old male who works as Program (4Ps). Having knowledge of personal
a private school teacher in the municipality of financial management and the marketplace is
Midsayap. She graduated as Bachelor of Secondary indicative of a greater ability to manage the family’s
Education Major in MAPEH. Participant 2 (P2) is a financial resources (Godwin, 1994). People are more
24-year-old female who works as a cashier in Sweet likely to achieve their financial goals with appropriate
knowledge. Lack of personal financial knowledge
Spell Haus. She graduated as Bachelor of Information
limits personal financial management and may cause
System. (P3) is a 23-year-old male who works as a
financial problems, resulting in lower financial well-
private school teacher in the municipality of Midsayap.
being. The following are the core ideas of this major
He graduated as Bachelor of Secondary Education
theme; the first core idea of this major theme is
Major in Mathematics. Participant 4 (P4) is a 25-year-
“Struggles brought by limited resources” According to
old female who works as a public-school teacher in the
the statement of P1, 4Ps was helpful especially those
municipality of Aleosan. She graduated as Bachelor of
times that his family cannot support them or cannot
Secondary Education Major in English. Participant 5
provide them immediately from the salary that they
(P5) is a 24-year-old male who is not currently earn. He mentioned that 4Ps help them to support
working. He graduated as Bachelor of Secondary financially especially in paying his tuition and other
Education Major in Mathematics. school fees. The statement implies that the 4Ps help
them through their difficult times. I will agree with her
statement as one of the 4Ps recipients because 4Ps also

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

supports our family during difficult times by paying Emphasis on Government Support
for our school fees and other essentials for school.
Although many claimed that the 4Ps money was Emphasis on Government support this major theme of
insufficient to fulfill all of their demands. I must agree emphasis on government support describes the subsidy
that while the money was given solely to assist provided by the government to help the indigent
individuals financially, which means that it couldn't Filipino people mitigate poverty as an issue
support all of your needs, it was still a tremendous encountered. The core idea emerged in this major
benefit to us. As a result, we should be aware of its theme which is government programs which provide
worth and use it appropriately. financial support as ways to mitigate poverty presents
the responses stated by the participants that most of
Struggles brought by limited resources is the act of them had given the chance to lessen the poverty that
facing difficulties because of limited resources. they experienced. The government program has made
Limited resources are a basic condition of nature a great contribution to the past studies of the
which means that the quantities of available labor, beneficiaries. The program helps to mitigate their
capital, land, and entrepreneurship used to produce finances, especially in educational purposes and other
goods and services are finite. It means that the finances. This program helps them in their trying
economy has only so many resources that can be used times, also this program contributes a big help in
at any given time to produce goods and services. The health-related purposes. 4Ps was launched in 2007 and
connection between environmental scarcity and civil focuses on helping families provide healthcare and
violence is indirect but important. Environmental education for the children. It has seen exceptionally
scarcity is never the sole cause of conflict, but it is good results, with children being given critical access
often an aggravating or contributing factor. Future to both education and health in accordance with the
efforts at conflict prevention and resolution should conditions agreed upon entering to the 4ps scholarship
take the role that environmental scarcity plays into program.
account, and appropriate interventions to prevent
Garson's Social Capital Theory discusses the resources
demand-, supply-, and structurally induced scarcity
that are integral in social relations and help facilitate
should be pursued (Bingham Kennedy, Jr.). The
cooperative and collaborative action within society.
second core idea of this theme is “Difficulty living
This theory correlates with the theme of emphasis on
within means “According to the statement of P1, the
government support because government programs
salary and income of his parents from farming and
provide financial support to mitigate poverty. This
vending in sari-sari store, such as vending candies is
theme was taken from the responses of the
not enough to support his studies. However, 4Ps has
respondents, which stated that "4Ps helps a lot in terms
really been helpful, he stated that 4Ps help him a lot in
of school and basic needs finances." In general,
his study that is why he is very grateful with 4Ps. The
Garson's theory is very important in this theme
statement implies that the 4Ps support them in their
because we use social capital theory as a foundation
studies when their family's needs are not met entirely
because the 4Ps is a type of social protection method
because of an insufficient budget. Being a part of an to alleviate poverty and vulnerability through cash
average family is difficult, and as one of the 4Ps transfers.
beneficiaries, I am experienced with the struggle my
parents go through to pay my school expenses because Compliance of Requirements
our sari-sari store doesn't generate enough income. We
are fortunate to have the 4Ps, and I'm very grateful of Compliance of requirements for 4ps program are the
that. guidelines for compliance with the regulations
applicable to the specific type of assistance used by the
Difficulty living within the means, to “live within your beneficiaries. This are the valid papers of information
means” means that what you spend each month is less coming from the beneficiaries and other conditions
or at least equal in each month. For many, people, it’s that the 4Ps beneficiaries needs to comply in order to
a lot easier said than done (Latoya Irby). Once you be one of its grantees of the said program. Their
start living within your means and are able to pay your compliance is checked and verified by the DSWD
bills with the money you have, you can start coming during the reporting period prior to the release of the
up with ways to live below your means. This means p ay m en t. N o n - co m p lia n ce to any of the
that you have money left at the end of the month, after conditionalities also mean non-inclusion on the list of
you pay all of your bills. You can accelerate your eligible beneficiaries for that month. Continued non-
savings and build wealth by living below your means. compliance (third offense) will result in termination

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of payments and suspension from the program finished her studies in college. So, by 4Ps, she focuses
(Fernandez and Olfindo, 2011). on her studies, and she strives harder until she reaches
her goal in life. Based on her statement, it simply
Some research participants, as former 4Ps means that 4Ps are part of her past endeavors. 4Ps are
beneficiaries, it can be deduced that they have part of her life as a key to her success. It enlightened
encountered challenges in securing requirements. First, us that if you are one of the 4Ps beneficiaries, you
they had a problem with finances in processing the need to give importance to this program, make this
requirements, such as getting their PSA birth program as one of your inspiration to succeed, never
certificate copy in Cotabato. Next, they needed to give up no matter how hard the situation is. As one of
submit a receipt for their expenses, even if they only the former 4Ps beneficiaries, I'm proud to say that this
spent a small amount of money. Then, they need to program has had a truly great impact on my studies
submit a new record every month or year to update and on my family. This program helped me a lot
their life status. In addition, some of our participants during my trying times and this program is the reason
mentioned that securing requirements is not easy of who I am today. That is why if you are one of those
especially during the withdrawal of the money. They beneficiaries, you are so blessed and grateful to have
mentioned that their mother was illiterate and did not it, so study hard and don't waste this opportunity given
know how to manipulate or use the ATM machine. To by our government. According to Kristen 2022,
be one of the beneficiaries of 4Ps program, the determination and perseverance are the ability to push
participants must comply all the requirements that are through challenges. The key to perseverance is
required in their application to be validated as motivation, positivity and the courage to see things
beneficiary of the said scholarship program. All the through to completion no matter the setbacks. It is
regulation and conditions of the program are needed to closely related to a range of other concepts including
comply by the applicant. Also, the valid information resilience, motivation, drive, determination, grit,
from the applicant are also part to the program's passion and conscientiousness. Our ability to stick
requirements. For the continuetion of being in the with our tasks, goals, and passions is vital. Persevering
program, the beneficiaries need to have a regular entails effort and practice. It also involves our ability
update of their school records, liquidate their expenses to learn from failure and try again until we get thrown
and submit other needed requirements. Though these off no more (Dweck, 2017).
things require much effort, the beneficiaries remained
compliant because 4Ps has given them many benefits. The next core idea of this major theme is "Thankful
for the opportunity to be chosen as one of the 4Ps
Difficulties as a Motivating Factors beneficiaries". According to the statement from P1, he
is so thankful and grateful for this 4Ps program
Motivation is one of the forces that lead to because it helped him a lot, especially in his past
performance. It is defined as the desire to achieve a studies in terms of his tuition fees, and he was able to
goal or a certain performance level, leading to goal- buy the basic needs for his family. It means that our
directed behavior. When we refer to someone as being participant is so happy for the opportunity that has
motivated, we mean that the person is trying hard to been given to him, which is to be chosen as one of the
accomplish a certain task. Motivation is clearly 4Ps beneficiaries. Based on his statement, this 4Ps
important if someone is to perform well. Thus, program was a great help in order to meet the basic
motivation is the way of achieving the desired goals in needs of his family, as well as help him graduate from
life and enhances our abilities to do what we want to elementary to high school. According to Mella, Osido,
do. According to Barkely (2010), argues that a & Suing (2011) conditional cash transfer (CCT) or
combination of motivation and active learning can Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in the
contribute to increased student engagements. Philippines is implemented by the government where
Moreover, for someone who is persistent, the problems money (cash grants) is given to eligible beneficiaries
act as encouragement. given that these beneficiaries comply with certain
conditions such as nutrition, education, family
The first core idea of this major theme is "The drive to development sessions, and other such services offered
strive harder and to persevere even better." According by the government. It is a means of helping the
to the statement from P4, 4Ps were one of the beneficiaries through provision of social and medical
motivating factors in her past studies because she assistance amd increasing the investment in human
realized that they were a great help not only for her capital for society by providing education to those who
studies but for her family's basic needs also. She cannot afford it. The program is seen more broadly as
mentioned that because of the 4Ps program, she a "vehicle for enhancing coordination within the

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Psych Educ, 2022, 6: 880-889, Document ID: PEMJ382, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7386874, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

government in assisting the poor and for increasing the implementation to this program such as securing their
effectiveness of social protection (Fernandez & requirements.
Olfindo ,2013).
Despite these challenges, the 4Ps as a government
This theme correlates to the human motivational initiative has truly been helpful to those beneficiaries
theory as cited in this theory, that people need one of who are struggling with their finances in school. It has
the three motivators, which include a need for saved the beneficiaries in their most trying times. It
achievement, a need for affiliation, and a need for further helped them mitigate their dire situation and
power. These kinds of motivators can be learned by a somehow mitigate their need for financial support.
person, a person motivated by achievement. Let us They were also able to survive their daily needs
conclude that a 4Ps beneficiary is motivated because because of this program. Moreover, these challenges
he/she wants to achieve something. This theory states taught them to use their finances wisely, to focus on
that a person is motivated with the help of the the needs rather than the wants. They have also learned
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) to study not to rely solely on the government subsidy but
hard because he/she wants to finish his/her schooling continue to hustle on their own. More importantly,
and become successful. participants have decided to turn the difficulties they
encountered into motivation to persevere and work
Proper Cash Management harder to complete their studies.

Proper cash management is the process of collecting In addition, the study revealed that participants
and managing cash flows. Cash management can be remained grateful to become one of the beneficiaries
important for both individuals and companies. In of 4Ps. They acknowledged the advantages they have
business, it is a key component of a company's gained from the program and the benefits they
financial stability. For individuals, cash is also experienced from it. They have learned further that
essential for financial stability while also usually valuing education is one important aspect that an
considered as part of a total wealth portfolio (Kenton, individual should not forego. No matter how hard the
2021). It is critical to manage finances wisely. One can situation is, one must not give up going to school.
achieve peace of mind by properly managing your Lastly, participants recognized that success comes to
finances because they were in a good financial those who work hard for it. One great manifestation of
situation. Money management helps protect future in this is their very own life experiences. Despite being in
addition to ensuring current existence. All the Former the middle of many adversaries when they were still
4Ps beneficiary participants shared their experiences studying, they were able to overcome all these and
on how they managed in prioritizing their basic daily completed their college education.
needs for their family and school materials especially
in tuition fees. This means that the former beneficiary References
participants were aware and capable of controlling
their financial support came from the 4Ps program and
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