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Strings Regular expressions


Regular expressions

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 1

Strings Regular expressions

Operations on strings

◮ In addition to strings allowing indexing, concatenation, slicing,

and repetition operations, string class also offers many
◮ Since strings in Python are immutable, these methods work by
returning a value. The methods leave the object pointed by
self intact
◮ In the following slides several of these methods are briefly
described. The methods are divided into five groups.

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 2

Strings Regular expressions

Classification of characters (and strings)

◮ All the following methods will take one string as parameter.

An empty string will always result a False return value.
isalnum True if all characters are letters or digits
isalpha True if all characters are letters
isdigit True if all characters are digits
islower True if contains letters, and all are lowercase
isupper True if contains letters, and all are uppercase
isspace True if all characters are whitespace
istitle True if uppercase in the beginning of word,
elsewhere lowercase

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 3

Strings Regular expressions

String transformations

◮ The following methods do conversions between lower- and

uppercase characters in the string. All these methods return a
new string.
lower Change all letters to lowercase
upper Change all letters to uppercase
capitalize Change to capitalcase
title Change to titlecase
swapcase Change all uppercase letters to lowercase, and vice versa
◮ The method translate(table, deletechars=’’) will
transform all characters using the string table that has length
256. All characters appearing in deletechars will be deleted.

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Strings Regular expressions

Searching for substrings

◮ All the following methods get the wanted substring as the

parameter, except the replace method, which also gets the
replacing string as a parameter
count Counts the number of occurences of a substring
find Finds index of the first occurence of a substring, or -1
rfind Finds index of the last occurence of a substring, or -1
index Like find, except ValueError is raised if not found
rindex Like rfind, except ValueError is raised if not found
startswith Returns True if string starts with a given substring
endswith Returns True if string ends with a given substring
replace Returns a string where occurences of one string
are replaced by another

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Strings Regular expressions

Trimming and adjusting

strip(x) Removes leading and trailing whitespace, or characters

found in string x
lstrip(x) Same as strip but only leading characters are removed
rstrip(x) Same as strip but only trailing characters are removed
ljust(n) Left justifies string inside a field of length n
rjust(n) Right justifies string inside a field of length n
center(n) Centers string inside a field of length n
expandtabs(tabsize) Expands all tab characters into spaces,
with tabstop at every tabsize characters

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Strings Regular expressions

Joining and splitting

◮ join(seq) joins a sequence seq of strings. The string itself is

used as a delimitter. An example:
"XY".join(["abc", "def", "ghi"]) results the string
◮ split(sep=None) divides a string into pieces that are
separated by the string sep. The pieces are returned in a list.
For instance, the call ’abcXYdefXYghi’.split(’XY’) will
result in [’abc’, ’def’, ’ghi’]
◮ splitlines is like split(’\n’)

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Strings Regular expressions

The string module 1

◮ The string module contains functions that duplicate the

methods listed on the previous few slides
◮ Sometimes the function form looks more natural than the
method form, and vice versa
◮ The string module also contains several data attributes:
◮ string.digits == ’0123456789’
◮ string.punctuation ==
◮ string.whitespace is a string with the following special
characters: space, tab, linefeed, and carriage return

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Strings Regular expressions

The string module 2

◮ String module data attributes continues:

◮ string.ascii lowercase ==
◮ string.ascii uppercase ==
◮ string.ascii letters == ascii lowercase +
ascii uppercase
◮ The following attributes are locale (local environment)
dependent: letters, lowercase, uppercase
◮ For example, in the Finnish locale setting the letters would
also include ä and ö

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 9

Strings Regular expressions

The textwrap module

◮ The textwrap module includes the following two functions

for text formatting, among others:
◮ The function wrap(s, width = 70) will return a list of
strings whose length is at most width. The catenation of
these strings would more or less be the original string s.
◮ The function fill(s, width=70) returns a string where it
has inserted newline characters (\n) so that there is a line
break after at least every width characters.
◮ Example:
>>> textwrap.wrap(string.lowercase, 10)
[’abcdefghij’, ’klmnopqrst’, ’uvwxyz’]
>>> textwrap.fill(string.lowercase, 10)

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 10

Strings Regular expressions

Examples of regular expressions 1

◮ We have already seen that we can ask from a string str

whether it begins with some substring as follows:
◮ If we would like to know whether it starts with ”Apple” or
”apple”, we would have to call startswith method twice
◮ Regular expressions offer a simpler solution:
re.match(r’[Aa]pple’, str)
◮ The bracket notation is one example of the special syntax of
regular expressions. In this case it says that any of the
characters inside brackets will do: either ’A’ or ’a’. The other
letters in ”pple” will act normally. The string r’[Aa]pple’ is
called a pattern.

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 11

Strings Regular expressions

Examples of regular expressions 2

◮ A more complicated example asks whether the string str

starts with either apple or banana (no matter if the first letter
is capital or not):
re.match(r’[Aa]pple|[Bb]anana’, str)
◮ In this example we saw a new special character | that denotes
an alternative. On either side of the bar character we have a

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 12

Strings Regular expressions

Examples of regular expressions 3

◮ A legal variable name in Python starts with a letter or an

underline character and the following characters can also be
◮ So legal names are, for instance: hidden, L value, A123 .
But the name 2abc is not a valid variable name.
◮ Let’s see what would be the regular expression pattern to
recognise valid variable names:

◮ Here we have used a shorthand for character ranges: A-Z.

This means all the characters from A to Z.

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 13

Strings Regular expressions

Examples of regular expressions 4

◮ The first character of the variable name is defined in the first

brackets. The subsequent characters are defined in the second
◮ The special character * means that we allow any number
(0,1,2, . . . ) of the previous subpattern. For example the
pattern r’ba*’ allows strings ’b’, ’ba’, ’baa’, ’baaa’, and
so on.
◮ The special syntax \Z denotes the end of the string
◮ Without it we would also accept abc$ as a valid name since
match normally checks only that a string starts with a pattern.

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Strings Regular expressions

Examples of regular expressions 5

◮ The special notations, like \Z, also cause problems with string
◮ Remember that normally in string literals we have some
special notation: \n stands for newline, \t stands for tab, and
so on.
◮ So, both string literals and regular expressions use similar
looking notations, which can create serious confusion.
◮ This can be solved by using the so-called raw strings. We
denote a raw string by having an r letter before the first
quotation mark, for example r’ab*\Z’
◮ When using raw strings, the newline (\n), tab (\t), and other
special string literal notations aren’t interpreted. One should
always use raw strings when defining regular expression
Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 15
Strings Regular expressions

What do patterns do?

◮ A pattern represents a set of strings. This set can even be

potentially infinite.
◮ They can be used to describe a set of strings that have some
commonality; some regular structure
◮ Regular expressions are a classical computer science topic
◮ They are very common in programming tasks. Scripting
languages, like Python, are very fluent in regular expressions.
◮ Very complex text processing can be achieved using regular

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 16

Strings Regular expressions

RE pattern syntax

◮ Normal characters (letters, numbers) just represent

themselves, unless preceded by a backslash, which may trigger
some special meaning
◮ Punctuation characters have special meaning, unless preceded
by backslash (\), which deprives their special meaning
◮ Use \\to represent a backslash character without any special
◮ In the following slides we will go through some of the more
common RE notations

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 17

Strings Regular expressions

Wildcards, anchors, and repetitions

. Matches any character

[...] Matches any character contained within the brackets
[^...] Matches any character not appearing after the hat (ˆ)
ˆ Matches the start of the string
$ Matches the end of the string
* Matches zero or more previous RE
+ Matches one or more previous RE
{m,n} Matches m to n occurences of previous RE
? Matches zero or one occurences of previous RE

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 18

Strings Regular expressions

Alternatives, groupings, and backreferences

◮ We have already seen that a | character denotes alternatives.

For example, the pattern r’Get (on|off|ready)’ matches
the following strings: ”Get on”, ”Get off”, ”Get ready”
◮ We can use parentheses to create groupings inside a pattern:
r’(ab)+’ will match the strings ”ab”, ”abab”, ”ababab”,
and so on
◮ These groups are also given a reference number starting from
1. We can refer to groups using backreferences: \number
◮ For example, we can find separated patterns that get
repeated: r’([a-z]{3,}) \1 \1’
◮ This will recognise, for example, the following strings: "aca
aca aca", "turn turn turn". But not the strings "aca
aba aca" or "ac ac ac".

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 19

Strings Regular expressions

Shorthands for character sets

◮ In the following, note that a hat (ˆ) as the first character

inside brackets will create a complement set of characters
\d same as [0-9], matches a digit
\D same as [ˆ0-9], matches anything but a digit
\s matches a whitespace character (newline, tab, . . . )
\S matches a nonwhitespace character
\w same as [a-zA-Z0-9 ], matches one alphanumeric character
\W matches one non-alphanumeric character
◮ Using the above notation we can now shorten our previous
variable name example to r’[a-zA-Z_]\w*\Z’

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 20

Strings Regular expressions


◮ The patterns \A, \b, \B, and \Z will all match an empty
string, but in specific places
◮ The patterns \A and \Z will recognise the beginning and end
of the string, respectively
◮ Note that the patterns ˆ and $ can in some cases match also
after a newline and before a newline, correspondingly.
◮ So, \A is distinct from ˆ, and \Z is distinct from $
◮ The pattern \b matches at the start or end of a word. The
pattern \B does the reverse.

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 21

Strings Regular expressions

match and search functions

◮ We have so far only used the re.match function which tries

to find a match at the beginning of a string
◮ The function re.search allows to match any substring of a
◮ Example: re.search(r’\bback\b’, str) will match
strings ”back”, ”a back, is a body part”, ”get back”. But it
will not match the strings ”backspace” or ”comeback”.

Jarkko Toivonen (CS Department) Programming in Python 22

Strings Regular expressions

Examples 1

◮ The function re.search finds only the first occurence.

◮ We can use the re.findall function to find all occurences.
◮ Let’s say we want to find all present participle words in a
string str. The present participle words have ending ’ing’
◮ The function call would look like this:
re.findall(r’\w+ing\b’, str)
◮ Let’s try running this:

>>> str = "Doing things, going home, staying awake,

sleeping later"
>>> re.findall(r’\w+ing\b’, str)
[’Doing’, ’going’, ’staying’, ’sleeping’]

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Strings Regular expressions

Examples 2

◮ Let’s say we want to pick up all the integers from a string.

◮ We can try that with the following function call:
re.findall(r’[+-]?\d+’, str)
◮ An example run:
>>> re.findall(r’[+-]?\d+’, "23 + -24 = -1")
[’23’, ’-24’, ’-1’]

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Strings Regular expressions

Examples 3

◮ Suppose we are given a string of if/then sentences, and we

would like to extract the conditions from these sentences.
◮ Let’s try the following function call:
re.findall(r’[Ii]f (.*), then’, str)
◮ An example run:

>>> str=("If I’m not in a hurry, then I should stay. " +

"On the other hand, if I leave, then I can sleep.")
>>> re.findall(r’[Ii]f (.*), then’, str)
["I’m not in a hurry, then I should stay.
On the other hand, if I leave"]

◮ But I wanted a result: [”I’m not in a hurry”, ’I leave’]. That

is, the condition from both sentences. How can this be fixed?

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