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Nanchang Institute of Technology
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The purpose of study was to find out the difference in the level of test anxiety among students of pure science
and social science. Purposive sampling strategy was used to collect data. Sample size was 200 (100 from social
science and 100 from pure science subjects) and data was collected from student of 8th semester, Government
College University Lahore. Age range was 21 – 24. The result of this study supported the idea that students of
pure science encounters significantly higher level of test anxiety than students of social science. Females face
more test anxiety than males. The study will help to explore the degree of test anxiety experienced by students of
different subjects and it will help clinical psychologists to develop better treatment to treat test anxiety. Further
results have been discussed in the light of Pakistani context.
Keywords: Test Anxiety, Pure science, Social science, sleep duration, CGPA
1. Introduction
Test anxiety is one of the major problems among students and it is also thought to be one of the biggest hurdles
in achieving good grades. Whenever students take some test, they encounter some level of anxiety, which
decreases their performance. Students of Pure science subjects have to deal more with numerical values than the
students of social science subjects. Hence former may suffer from high anxiety than later. The purpose of study
was to find out the difference in level of test anxiety among students of pure science and social science.
Anxiety is a state of mood, concerned with future, in which individual prepares itself to deal with forthcoming
problems (Barlow, 2000). Broadly speaking, anxiety is a sensation of fused fear and trepidation about upcoming
events while there is no particular reason for this fear (Chaplin, 1989). Word anxiety means to annoy or problem,
it doesn’t matter that any psychological problem is present or not, anxiety makes one to feel agonize, bothered
and stressed (Bouras & Holt, 2007). It is a psychosomatic state in which somatic, behavioral, emotional and
cognitive factors are involved (Seligman, Walker & Rosenhan, 2001).
Test anxiety is the Psychological condition of brain of a contestant as articulated by the degree of concern, dread,
ambiguity, distress and vulnerability shown before taking an exam, during taking an exam or even after an exam
(Olatoye and Afuwape, 2003). Test anxiety is a trepidation that comes about when subject comes across exam at
any stage in any shape (Spielberger, 1980). Test anxiety is a particular state of affairs related to individual and it
has two components: emotion and worriness (Sarason & Sarason, 1990). Furthermore, test anxiety is a precise
occurrence in which objective is a quantitative sort of examination and in which matter of concern is a dread of
giving poor performance (Chaplin, 1989).
Test anxiety is comprised of three main factors: cognitive, affective and behavioral. Students who suffer with test
anxiety due to cognition component are deficient in self confidence (Sarason & Sarason, 1990). In addition, they
conceptualize themselves as helpless individual while taking a test (Zeidner, 1998). Students who encounter test
anxiety due to affective component suffer somatic reactions for instance increased heart beat, feeling disgusted,
recurrent urination, augmented perspiration, icy hands and muscle contraction (Zeidner, 1998). There are also
students who suffer test anxiety due to behavioral component. A fraction of students have inadequate study skills
and in adequate exam taking skills Zeidner (1998). .
A good number of researches explore different methods to cope with test anxiety and they tell about methods to
reduce level of test anxiety (Ergene, 2003).There are four methods to cope with test anxiety, Behavioral
approach, Cognitive approach, Cognitive behavioral approach and Skill deficit approach (Beck, Emery &
Greenberg, 1996; Jones and Petruzzi, 1995; Kondo & Gifu, 1997)
2. Literature Review
Test anxiety decreases academic performance. There is negative relationship between test anxiety and academic
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
performance (DordiNejad, 2011). High achievers experience lower levels of test anxiety and low achievers
experience high levels of test anxiety (Khalid & Hasan, 2009). There is a significant relationship between
increased test anxiety and lower performance (Gaudry & Spielberger, 1971). A fraction of researches also
explored that there is no relation in test anxiety and academic performance (Rouxel, 2000).
Students perform poor in public examinations in science subjects (Salim, 2000). When students are suppose to
indulge in numerical sort of questions, they encounter test anxiety. In science subjects numerical answers are
more likely to be required hence can be a cause of poor performance in public examinations in science subjects.
(Dew, Galassi & Galassi, 1984).
Generally students in meticulous academic subjects feel more anxiousness than in humanities. Physical science
students have highest level of test anxiety when compared with Mathematics, English and other humanities
(Evarson, 1993).
There are highly significant gender differences in test anxiety (D’Ailly & Bergering, 1991). Female students
have high level of test anxiety than male students. Females suffer more test anxiety than males (di Maria & di
Nuovo, 1990). One of the reasons of this gender difference is different social roles and expectations of male and
female students (Silvestri, 1986).
Other researches indicate that there is no gender difference in test anxiety (Everson & Millsap, 1991;
Mwamwenda, 1993; Payne, Smith & Payne, 1984; Rhone, 1986; Sowa & LaFleur, 1986; Zoller & Ben-Chaim,
1990). Long duration of sleep decreases level of test anxiety and short sleep duration increases level of test
anxiety (Hicks, Pellegrini & Hawkins, 1979). Socio-economic status is a strong predictor of test anxiety
(Putwain, 2007). Another psychologist claims the opposite; socio-economic status has nothing to do with test
anxiety (von der Embse, 2008).
3. Objectives
x To investigate difference of test anxiety in pure science and social science students
x To investigate gender differences in test anxiety
x To investigate effect of study habits (daily study hours, sleep duration) on level of test anxiety
x To investigate effect of sleep on level of test anxiety
x To investigate effect of socio-economic status of students on level of test anxiety
4. Hypotheses
x Students of pure science and social science will differ significantly in term of their level of test anxiety.
x There will be significant gender differences in test anxiety level.
x Study habits like daily study hours and study duration in exams will be strong predictor of test anxiety.
x Sleep duration during exams and normal sleep cycle will be strong predictor of test anxiety.
x Socio-economic status of students will be a predictor of test anxiety.
5. Methodology
5.1 Sample
Sample was selected through purposive sampling technique and was consisted of 100 students of social science
(25 from statistics, 25 from English literature, 25 from Psychology, 13 from Arabic and 12 from Persian) and
100 students of pure science (25 from Chemistry, 25 from Physics, 25 from Mathematics and 25 from
Biotechnology) of 8th semester of GCU Lahore. The age range of students was between 21-24 years.
5.2 Instrument
Test Anxiety Inventory was used in the research to assess the level of test anxiety in social science and pure
science students. Test Anxiety Inventory is used to assess two components of test anxiety: emotionality and
worry. It consists of 20 items which are further divided into two subscales by using method of factor analysis. 4
point likert scale is used for scoring. The two subscales include:
A – Worry
B – Emotionality
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
5.3 Procedure
The data was collected from Government College University Lahore. Questionnaires were distributed to students
in classes of social science i.e. Psychology, Islamic Studies, Statistics, Persian and English Literature and in
classes of pure science i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biotechnology. Purposive sampling technique
was used for the selection of sample. The students were requested to fill all the items carefully. After collection
of data it was statistically analyzed.
6. Empirical Results
Results has presented empirically and graphically using statistical software. Mainly, t-test and regression has
applied. Bar Chart has utilized to show results of this study graphically.
Chart no. 1: Gender Differences in Test Anxiety of Pure Science and Social Science Students
Test Anxiety
20 Male
15 Female
Pure Science Social Science
Chart no.1 shows that there is a significant gender differences in the level of test anxiety among social science
and pure science students. Females have a higher level of test anxiety than males.
Table no. 1: t-value of Test Anxiety for Social Science and Pure Science Students
Variable N M SD T
Pure Science 100 43.37 11.153
Social Science 100 39.54 11.940
df= 198, p<.05
Table no. 1 shows that there is a significant difference (t=2.366, p<.05) in the level of test anxiety among social
science and pure science students.
Table no. 2: t-value of test anxiety for male and female students
Variable N M SD T
male 56 35.57 11.403
female 144 43.74 10.260
df= 198, p<.05
Table 3.2 shows that there is a significant gender difference (t=-4.866, p<.05) in the level of test anxiety.
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
Table no. 3 indicates that there is a significant negative correlation between Test Anxiety and CGPA. There is no
significant relation of daily study hours, study hours during exams, casual sleep duration and socio-economic
status with test anxiety. Sleep duration during exams has a significant negative relationship with test anxiety.
Table no. 4: Regression for student’s test anxiety level and CGPA
df Mean Sq. F Sig.
Regression 1 1128.689 9.402 ͲǤͲͲʹ
Residual 198 120.045
Total 199
a. Predictors: (constant), CGPA
b. Dependent variable, Test Anxiety
Table no. 4 shows that CGPA is a strong predictor (p<.05) of test anxiety.
Table no. 5: Regression for student’s test anxiety level and sleep duration during exams
df Mean Sq. F Sig.
Regression 1 1061.001 8.813 ͲǤͲͲ͵
Total 199
a. Predictors: (constant), sleep duration during exams
b. Dependent variable test anxiety
Table no. 5 shows that sleep duration during exams is a strong predictor (p<.05) of test anxiety.
7. Discussions
The present study aimed to explore differences of test anxiety in social science and pure science students.
Moreover, relation of test anxiety with different demographic information was also found. Results indicated that
there was significant difference of test anxiety in social science and pure science students. Results also revealed
some gender differences in test anxiety. It is also concluded that high achievers encounter less test anxiety and
low achievers suffers more test anxiety. Correlation showed that there was no relation of test anxiety and study
habits. Sleep duration is found to be a strong predictor of test anxiety.
First objective was to compare anxiety level of pure science and social science students. The result of
independent t-test showed that there is a significant difference among students of social science and pure science
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
students. Pure science students experience higher level of test anxiety than students of social science. It is more
likely that in pure science, students deal more with numerical sort of tests than in social science and this can be
one of the reasons of this high level of test anxiety. As Rouxel revealed that it is not degree of preparation for the
test but category of subject which accounts for different levels of test anxiety (Rouxel, 2000).
Another study conducted by Everson and his fellows in 1993 provides more empirical support for the claim and
supports the findings of current research that the students from science back ground suffer more due to test
anxiety than students from humanities back ground. They compared levels of test anxiety in students of English,
mathematics, physical science and social science. Test anxiety scores and perceptions of subject matter difficulty
correlated, independently of the particular subject and the test demands. Analysis of covariance indicated that
physical sciences elicited the highest levels of self reported evaluative anxiety, after controlling for perceptions
of difficulty and test demands (Everson, Tobias, Hartman, & Gourgey, 1993).
Second objective was to find out gender differences in test anxiety. The result of independent t-test showed that
there is a significant difference in test anxiety among male and female students. Though my sample was not
uniform in term of gender (female= 149, male=51), because in GCU they have less ratio of males than females,
but results revealed highly significant gender differences in test anxiety. Females suffer more test anxiety than
males. Silvestri found an interesting logic for this low level of test anxiety in females. He says that society
demands different roles from males and females. And it is the expectations of society from females which cause
high level of anxiety in them (Silvestri, 1986).
Finding of di Maria and di Nuovo also supports the results. They conducted a research, gender differences in
social and test anxiety, and found that females suffer more test anxiety than male students and they also
correlated emotion and worry component with gender and concluded that emotion component is responsible for
high level of test anxiety in female students (di Maria & di Nuovo, 1990). Added to this, there are number of
other researches which indicate that females have significantly high level of test anxiety (Everson & Millsap,
1991; Turner, 1985; Williams, 1994).
Third hypothesis says that Study habits like daily study hours and study duration in exams will be a strong
predictor of test anxiety. Bruice C. Matier, by using Alpert-Hyber Anxiety Test (+AAT) found out that students
with effective study habits encounter low levels of test anxiety and students with un-effective study habits suffer
with high levels of test anxiety (Bruice et al, 1972). The results of Bivariate Correlation showed that there is no
relation of study habits and test anxiety. It does not matter for test anxiety that whether a student studies with a
regular schedule the whole year or studies all 12 hours during exams. Test anxiety has nothing to do with study
schedule of a student.
Most of the previous researches do not support this finding. Majority of them claims that study habits have a
significant effect on level of test anxiety. Donna and Timothy gave so importance to study habits that they
categorized test anxious students on the basis of their study habits (Mealey & Host, 1992). One of the reasons of
these contradictory results might be a significantly different study culture of GCU Lahore. As data was only
collected from GCU students of BSc Honors 4th year, and here in GCU students go through a testing situation
around the clock. Especially in 4th year students are supposed to conduct a research and submit a thesis along
with their course work. Of course quizzes, assignments and different reports comprised of practical work of
weeks are always here. So it is assumed that the whole year, round the clock students are in testing situation,
hence having no particular effect of exams.
Fourth hypothesis says that sleep duration during exams and normal sleep cycle would be predictor of test
anxiety. The results of Bivariate Correlation showed that there is a significant relation of test anxiety and sleep
duration during exams and there is no significant relation of test anxiety and normal sleep cycle. No matter one
sleeps 6 hours a day or 12 hours a day in casual routine. But during exams, it matters. One with less sleep during
examination will suffer with high level of test anxiety and one with more sleep will encounter with low level of
test anxiety. Previous researches support this claim. Hicks and his fellows researched test anxiety of long and
short sleeping college students and found that short sleeping college students were more test anxious than long
sleeping college students. However their research was not specified to sleep duration during exams or in casual
routine (Hicks et al., 1979).
Fifth hypothesis says that socio-economic status of students will be a predictor of test anxiety. The results of
Bivariate Correlation showed that there was no significant relation of socio-economic status and test anxiety. It
does not matter in terms of levels of test anxiety that a student belongs to higher socio-economic class, middle
socio-economic class or low socio-economic class. Some of the recent researches support this finding.
Nathaniel Paul von der Embse explored that there is no relation of Social Economic Status (SES) with test
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
anxiety (von der Embse, 2008). However a plethora of researches are contradictory to this finding. Putwain
found socio-economic status as a strong predictor of test anxiety in a large sample of students drawn from UK
(Putwain, 2007). This contradiction might be due to non-uniformity of this research sample (higher socio
economic class = 48, middle socio economic class = 137, low socio economic class = 15). It seems that sample
was not representative in case of economic class. One of the reasons of this non-uniformity of sample might be a
special class of our society which seeks admission in GCU Lahore. Most of the students are from higher class or
middle class and less students are from lower class.
Last hypothesis says that there will be a significant correlation among test anxiety and low achievers and high
achievers. The results of Bivariate Correlation showed that there is a significant relation of test anxiety and high
achievers and low achievers. A good number of recent researches support my findings. Ruhi Khalid and Syeda
Salma Hassan found that high achievers experience lower levels of test anxiety and low achievers experience
high levels of test anxiety (Ruhi Khalid & Salma Hassan, 2009). Gaudry and Spielberger also came out with the
same results. They say that there is a correlation between low performance and high level of test anxiety. There
seems to be a correlation between increased test anxiety and lower performance (Gaudry & Spielberger, 1971).
Mwamwenda’s findings also support these results. He carried out his research on students of South African
University. He concluded that there is no significant effect of preparation of a test on level of anxiety of an
individual. Performance of highly anxious students was poor and less anxious students show good performance
(Mwamwenda, 1994). Hurren has also investigated the same. He says that individuals who score high on test
anxiety scales, scores low on examinations and vice versa (Hurren, 2006).
However, there are also some contradictory findings as well. Rouxel explored that test anxiety has no significant
effect on level of achievement of a student. (Rouxel, 2000). Another research claims that there is a weak relation
of test anxiety and students’ grades (Horwitz, 1986).
Keeping in view all these complex and controversial findings of different researchers and psychologists, we need
more exploration in the field of test anxiety. We need to know actual cause of test anxiety and the contribution of
other factors like gender, age and other study habits in it, so that we may help students to cope their test anxiety.
8. Conclusion
It is concluded that Test anxiety is one of the major problems among students and it is also thought to be one of
the biggest hurdles in achieving good grades. Test anxiety is the focus of many researchers, who worked a lot in
this field. The results of this study discussed that students of pure science and social science differ significantly
in term of their level of test anxiety. There are significant gender differences in test anxiety level. Moreover,
Study habits like daily study hours and study duration in exams have no relation with test anxiety. Sleep duration
during exams and normal sleep cycle have a significant relation with test anxiety. Lastly, Socio-economic status
of students has no relationship with of test anxiety.
9. Limitations
Some limitations did not permit the investigation of many aspects that could be of great value.
x The sample size was comparatively small (N = 200). Size of sample for some subjects was too small to
be representative like for Islamic Studies n = 13 and for Persian n = 12. Reason for this small size was
less number of students in these subjects.
x The sample was restricted to the students of GCU only. So it is not possible to generalize these findings.
The data may be collected from the whole country for the sake of generalize the results.
x As all data is from GCU Lahore, and only a specific socio-economic class is able to seek admission in
GCU Lahore. Most of the students belong to higher class and middle class. Results may differ if we
conduct this test on lower socio-economic class.
x A reason for no significant result in study habits and test anxiety may be culture of GCU Lahore. Here
students have to study whole year on regular basis due to semester system and due to assessment of
students after regular intervals.
10. Suggestions
x An increment in sample size will be helpful to rule out many limitations.
x Collection of data from different universities and colleges will help to generalize the findings.
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
11. Implications
x Study suggests that pure science is one of the root causes of test anxiety. Students can be facilitated by
altering the test pattern from highly numerical and technical to descriptive and subjective.
x Females have high test anxiety than males. Research indicated that they can help themselves by keeping
themselves emotionally stable.
x Sleep duration in exams is a strong predictor of test anxiety. Hence students can help themselves by
increasing their sleep duration in exams.
x Low achievement level is another cause of test anxiety. Students can be helped by lowering the pressure
of low achievement.
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Research on Humanities and Social Sciences www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.3, No.3, 2013
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