Crimping Technology Pre
Crimping Technology Pre
Crimping Technology Pre
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Crimping Technology
(unabridged version)
The use of crimp connections can be found wherever electronics or electrics find their
application. That is to say, pretty much everywhere.
systems that directly serve to protect and ensure the safety of people
(like ABS anti-lock braking system, airbag, emergency call systems,
aviation, medical equipment, etc.).
However, crimp and press connections are only adequate if they com-
ply with the required standards and can only function if they are well
Burned closed end connector
This documentation and the seminar film "Principles of crimp and press
connections" are intended to give you the opportunity to train and fur-
ther educate employees within the framework of in-house training
courses, or simply to serve as a reference book.
Faulty crimp
Important: When processing copper strands, good contacting and the low-
est possible contact resistance is directly dependent on an optimal crimping
Right after the stripping procedure, the process of oxidation begins on the surface
of the copper wires. And this affects all individual wires within a stranded wire con-
ductor. Within a very short period of time, a firmly adhering and durable oxide layer
of about 2 to 4µm is formed. Depending on the humidity and temperature, this in-
sulating oxide layer is formed more or less quickly.
The color changes from a shiny orange-reddish shade to a matt dark brown surface, depending on the degree of oxidation
(also called: passivating effect). This surface serves as a protective layer and prevents the penetration of oxygen or oxygen
compounds such as water, thus stopping further corrosion and making copper very resistant to weathering.
Conversely, this means that the more cavities and undeformed individual strands are
visible in the micrograph, the worse the electrical and, of course, the mechanical prop-
erties of the crimp connection. Moisture can penetrate into existing cavities, which in-
itially, in a normal environment, does not cause any further deterioration in the prop-
erties of the crimp connection. However, if the ambient conditions change, copper may
also be attacked and destroyed ("pitting corrosion").
Of course, it is important that a created crimp also maintains its form. It’s generally not
a problem with the closed crimp barrel. But for the open crimp barrel the crimp form is key. When sheet metal is deformed,
the material tends to spring back into its original shape after the bending process. This effect also occurs after the crimp
flanks have been rolled in. To counteract this, the crimp flanks must touch and support each other (picture below: position
The assessment of the results of the individual work steps required for an ideal crimp connection is the bread and butter
of wire processing. What is good, what is tolerable and what is bad? What consequences can faulty crimp connection
have for the function of the wire harness? How can these faults be detected or avoided to begin with?
These are the questions that need to be answered. This documentation is intended to help with the search for answers.
(1) Critical error: Missing rear bellmouth (flare). Crimp connection is bad and must
not be used!
Solid wire
(Main use: electrical installations in buildings)
Stranded wire
The more individual wire strands there are in a cable, the more flexible
the cable. The sum of the cross sections of all individual wire strands
equals the cross section of the cable.
Shielded cables
(Coax - Triax)
Making a good, working crimp connection starts with properly stripping the wire. During the stripping
process, the stripping blades cut the insulation, but must not damage or cut the strands in the process.
Important: According to the official standards, all individual wire strands must be undamaged and complete!
In the field, there are wires that have a large number of individual wires in relation to the nominal cross-section (finest-
stranded wires). These conductors can often NOT be stripped without loss. Then, in deviation from the standard, the
values defined in the customer's processing instructions or delivery specifications apply.
Example: Specification in % depending on the cross-section whereby the result is rounded down:
Up to 0.5 mm² = 5%; up to 0.75 mm² = 8%; above 0.75 mm² = 8%.
Effective control in manufacturing:
When you find single, cut-off wire strands on the workstation or in the
If the cutting edge of the stripping blade hits the insulation
(1), the cable is deformed (2). I.e. the insulation is
compressed. Then the insulation "flows" around the cutting
edge (3) and is cut (4).
the longer this dwell time of the knife. If the dwell time is too
short, the insulation is only partially cut.
Important: Optimizing the dwell times increases the production speed. Regular controls of the stripping results
give conclusions about the sharpness of the stripping blades. OVERVIEW
*Attention: The specifications may change, depending on customer specs & requirements!
Individual wires damaged and / Single wire pulled Surface of single conductor strands
or cut off scratched on one side
1 Contact area
IE 8 Bellmouth (rear)
2 Wire crimp (conductor crimp) 9 Cutoff tab at the front
3 Insulation crimp 10 Cutoff tab at rear
4 Transition to contact area 11 Stripping length
5 Transition to insulation crimp 12 Conductor end
6 Conductor protrusion 13 Conductor
7 Bellmouth (front) 14 Seal
The areas of application for this contact variant include cable harnesses for the
automotive, household appliance and aircraft industries. This contact variant is
suitable for processing in large quantities. Wherever crimp connections have to
be produced in large quantities, this contact variant is used. Processing is car-
ried out on special production equipment which ensures almost 100% repro-
ducibility of the processing quality, while at the same time producing large
O-Crimp up to 6 mm²
Wire end ferrule in open claw form for fixing the individual
wires of a stripped cable.
OV-Crimp (for insulation crimps)
1. fixation of single wire seals
2. for wires with reduced insulation thickness
1. fixation of single wire seals
Roll crimp
Used for uninsulated flag terminals
+ Crimp contact
+ wire (structure and cross section)
+ Crimp tool = Crimp connection
+ Crimp tool setting
Crimp contacts can be designed for several cross sections or cross section ranges ("Ranges"). This occasionally leads to
poor crimp connections, even if the official data and crimp specifications from the product description (catalog) are adhered
Explicit notice: This problem can principally occur with all crimp contact manufacturers. The following example
has nothing to do with the qualification of a certain manufacturer.
(1) cross section 0,75 mm² (2) cross section 0,5 mm²
If the crimp flanks roll in unevenly, the permissible tolerances are quickly exceeded despite approval for this cross-section
and the crimp connection is judged to be poor!
Important: Even official data sheets do not automatically guarantee good crimp connections.
Always check crimp connections via micrographs!
Crimp terminals are provided on reels, bound to carrier strips. This connection is
separated shortly before the crimp flanks are rolled in during the crimping process.
The remnants of these cut connections are referred to as cut-off tabs, which are
of particular importance in the visual inspection of crimp connections.
Neither the insulation crimp flanks nor the functional area of a crimp contact may
be deformed or damaged! A visible cut-off tab means that the insulation crimp flanks or the functional area of the crimp
contact did not come into contact with the cutter during the separation process. Consequently, damage or deformation of
both areas can be excluded.
Undetectable cut-off tabs do not automatically mean that damage or deformation must be present. However, in such cases
it is very time-consuming to check for these possible defects. It is easier if the tab can be recognized during the visual
inspection. For this reason, it is important that tabs are visible or at least 0.1 mm long.
IE material. The length must not exceed 0.5 mm. The tabs
must not be bent or deformed.
The cut-off tabs (10 + 12) and the burr (11 + 13) on these tabs must neither hinder nor
influence the assembly of the contact in the connector housing or in corresponding mat-
ing contacts.
An example of calculation:
Important: The basic test procedures in crimping technology are described in this chapter using the example of the open
crimp barrel. In principle, the sequence of these test procedures is the same for all crimp contact variants. The require-
ments for the different contact variants of the closed crimp barrel (ferrule, turned contacts, etc.) can be found in the corre-
sponding chapters.
Quality standards in crimping and pressing technology are becoming ever more stringent.
Especially in the case of connections that are integrated into systems that directly serve the
protection and safety of people (ABS anti-lock braking system, airbag, emergency call sys-
tems, aviation, medical equipment, etc.), the quality requirements are constantly being in-
If a harness maker wants to be approved as a supplier, he must meet these high standards Micrograph
with his processing equipment and testing methods. And if the prospective electrician wants
to take his skilled worker's examination or obtain the master craftsman's certificate, he must
prove that he can meet the required quality.
tion. IE
The days when crimp and press connections were made with "flat nose pliers" or "hammer
and chisel" are long gone. Today, even in the prototyping phase, care is taken to ensure
that samples are produced with the processing equipment that will later be used in produc-
Everyone is familiar with the reports of recall actions in the automotive industry, house fires
due to short circuits, etc., or control cabinet wiring manufactured in Europe that arrives de-
fective in the Far East and therefore a machine or entire production facilities fail to operate. Crimp height-
Quality control in production costs money! But it is necessary, because the follow-up costs measurement
in case of a failure of e.g. a crimp connection may be many times higher. The buzzword:
"certification" is known today in every modern, quality-oriented company and the certificates
are today a MUST for every expanding company.
A prerequisite for this is, in addition to the high-quality processing equipment, of course also
an optimal, cost-effective quality management. A good quality system not only shows your
prospective customers that your company values quality, but also demonstrates your ex-
pertise and can help you win new contracts.
Pull-out tester
In the world of crimping and pressing technology, there are five basic test methods:
1. visual inspection
2. measurement of crimp dimensions
3. pull-out test
4. micrograph + micrograph evaluation
5. crimp force monitoring (only in crimping technology)
Piezo position
for crimp force
Important: These test methods complement each other and are the backbone of any qual-
ity assurance in crimping technology. Each test method on its own is NOT sufficient! Only
the combination of these test methods enables a production of consistently high and repro-
ducible quality of crimp connections!
Visual inspection of crimp connections is one of the most important tests in wire processing and crimping technology.
The basic principles for a visual inspection are specified by the customer or the quality guidelines of the production.
Many areas of a crimp connection can only be inspected with considerable technical effort. This in turn depends on
the equipment used for production and, of course, on the quantities produced.
The requirements for a crimp connection and the corresponding background are described in detail in the topics
"Crimping - Open Crimp Sleeve" and "The Closed Crimp Sleeve".
The most important aids for the employees in the production are appropriate visual boards, posters and, of course,
instruction and training. Because only if the inspecting person knows where to look and how to look correctly, there
will be a correct result of the inspection.
Of course, this result can also be recorded in a corresponding protocol. The visual inspection record can also be
helpful for practicing and learning, especially for new examiners. Until a corresponding qualification is achieved, the
visual inspection protocol ensures that nothing is forgotten.
(1) Rear bellmouth present / bellmouth correctly executed
(2) Front bellmouth present / bellmouth correctly executed
(3) Strands and insulation/seal visible
(3) Stripping clean and good / all strands present
(4) Strand protrusion visible (max.0.5 mm)
(5) Contact area undamaged and straight
(6) Wire crimp symmetrical and closed
(7) Burr formation
(8) Insulation crimp correctly executed. Position and design of the crimp flanks
(9) Cut-off tabs present and visible (max. 0.5 mm)
(10) No damage to the insulation (pressure marks allowed)
(11) Seal correctly positioned and undamaged
(12) Crimp contact overall straight and not bent
(13) Uneven breakage of strands after pull-out test
The extent of the tolerance depends on the crimp height range in which the
mechanical and electrical properties of a crimp connection are still OK with
certainty. The tolerances specified by the customer are always decisive. These tolerances can also deviate from the
actual specification of the manufacturer. This happens if the crimp connection is to be used for safety-relevant con-
nections, for example.
If no tolerances are defined for the crimp height, the following table provides a means of orientation. The crimp height
tolerance is defined according to the cross-section ranges.
When measuring the crimp height, the anvil (3) must always be positioned above the
rolled crimp flanks and the measuring tip (4) on the crimp base.
When measuring with a caliper, the measuring pressure is built up by hand. This means that the measuring result
depends on the sensitivity of the operator. This measuring device may only be used by skilled and trained workers.
Furthermore, this measuring device is unsuitable for small crimp contacts.
of the receptacle. The geometry of the receptacle prevents
kinking. This means that it is not necessary to fix the ferrule by
hand. An optimum measuring result is achieved.
The pulling direction (3) must be made along the longitudinal axis of the
contact and conductor! If the conductor would bend in one direction (4)
directly after the wire crimping area, this would inevitably have an effect
on the measuring result!
In order that the crimp contact and the wire can align themselves ac-
cordingly, the holder is mounted movably. When the pull-out test is
started, the fixture rotates so that the crimp contact forms a line with
the wire.
The micrograph shows the inner structure of the crimp connection in a
cross-section through the crimp connection.
When you purchase a new crimping tool, you will receive comprehensive Crimp connection OK
documentation from your supplier. This includes, in addition to sample
crimps, a micrograph of the crimp connection made with this tool.
This micrograph documents the crimping result with optimum tool setting
and is your reference for all further micrographs of crimp connections made
with this crimping tool.
The crimping area is overfilled! Wrong
Of course, this micrograph also shows you whether there were any errors
assignment of crimp contact to con-
in the crimp connection beforehand. The most common error is an incorrect
ductor cross-section. The crimp
assignment of the nominal cross-section of the wire to the wire crimping
For example: You have a crimp contact that is supposed to cover a cross-
contact is too small!
section range in the wire crimp of 0.5 to 1.5 mm². Then the crimping in the
wire crimp is optimal for a conductor cross-section of (e.g.) 1.0 mm².
With a conductor cross-section of 0.5 or 1.5 mm², the crimping in the wire
crimp can still be just within the tolerances. In any case, it will not be opti-
mal. The larger this cross-section range of the crimp contact is designed The crimp flanks are rolled in too far!
(e.g.: 0.75 to 2.5), the greater the risk that the crimping in the wire crimp Wrong assignment of crimp contact to
area will be outside the permissible tolerances. conductor cross-section.
The crimp contact is too large!
Important: Already during the assignment of the nominal cross-section of the wire to the crimp contact, within
the scope of development, the quality of the compression of the conductor in the wire crimp of the crimp
connection should be checked via a micrograph. And this applies in general to all crimp contact types!
If the development is completed and it is found during the production of crimp connections that the crimping is not
optimal, the necessary changes (alternative crimp contacts) are usually no longer carried out. This is often due to the
fact that there are no alternative crimp contacts available for the connector housing used that enable optimum crimping
of the stranded compound. Consequently, suboptimal or poor crimp connections are produced. The tolerances are
adjusted accordingly or the crimp connection is approved via a special approval.
If your customer submits such a combination to you in an order where the crimping result is poor according to the
micrograph, you should point this out to your customer in any case! As a "crimp pro", offer your customer alternatives
with which you can achieve an optimum crimping result. If your customer does not accept your alternatives, have your
customer sign off on this "bad crimp connection" as intentional. This way you show professional competence and if
the crimp connection fails you are exempt from all recourse claims!
Process monitoring of the crimping process ensures prompt detection of faults in crimp
connections. Already during the production process the decision about good / not good of
each individual crimp connection should be made and these should be immediately sorted
A quality certificate should be available for each batch size, which is necessary as a pre-
caution in the context of product liability and is required by many customers today as part
of the certification process.
The following crimping errors should be detected:
• Missing individual strands in the conductor (cross-section changes).
• Insulation crimped in the wire crimp.
• Broken wear parts.
Crimp forces are rapidly changing force variables in the millisecond range with a typical range of a few 100N to about
40kN. Piezoelectric force sensors are used to measure these force characteristics. They are excellently suited for
measuring dynamic and quasi-static loads.
The most common methods in crimp quality monitoring are pure force control or a combination of force/time control
taking into account the working stroke of the crimping machine.
Important when using a crimp force monitoring system: crimping machine and crimping tool must be 100%
Crimping tools that are rough-running or worn, or have too much play in the guide areas, are not suitable for use with
a crimp force monitoring system. Of course, the same also applies to crimping machines. A check is only meaningful
if the GOOD/BAD tolerance window can be set small enough, for example, to detect missing individual wire strands
via the force measurement.
Conclusion: The use of crimp force monitoring systems is ALWAYS associated with additional maintenance!
Top tool fixture of a RAM crimp force monitoring system (by Komax)
Alpha series
Fully automatic crimping machine - transfer lines
(by Komax)
Zeta series
As with all modern fully automatic crimping machines, individual modifications and changes to the wire harness can be
implemented by replacing individual modules. In this way, even wire harnesses with a customer-specific variety of
versions can be manufactured effortlessly.
Important: The bottom tool fixture (6) of the crimping machine and the
base plate (C) of the crimping tool must be flat and undamaged. When
inserting the crimping tool into the crimping machine, it is essential to
ensure that there are no residues from cut-off tabs, wires strands or insulation
materials between the surfaces of the bottom tool holder (6) and the tool base
plate (C).
Especially when using crimp force monitoring, damage to the bottom tool fixture
(6) and the tool base plate (C) lead to incorrect measurements. As a result,
higher tolerances must be set, which makes the detection of errors (e.g. missing
individual strands) only possible to a more limited extent.
Stripper-Crimper KM3011
Manufacturer: AAC / KMI
(A) Crimping tool
(B) Stripping unit
nated by using stripper crimpers. Of course, an optimal adjust-
ment of the individual components of the machine is important for
this purpose.
The surface (A) on the ram (1) is the reference sur-
face for all assemblies in the crimping tool.
Step 2
The anvil (4) with the shear unit for separating the
crimp contacts from the carrier strip.
The disadvantage:
A large part of the insulation must be torn off when pulling off
the insulation residue after cutting (red hatched area). This re-
sults in an unclean cut edge of the stripped insulation.
This can lead to the insulation in the wire crimp area being crimped during the subse-
quent crimping process or to the insulation crimp not being able to fully capture the in-
I Cutting in the
Error: (1) No
clean cut due to
straight and worn
straight cutting
blades in a wire
The crimping result decides whether your hand crimping pliers are suitable for your application!
Every new hand crimping tool can be verified by checking the crimp connections made with it.
Important: If the crimp connections are OK, then the hand crimping pliers are also OK.
By constantly checking the crimp quality, the quality and condition of the hand crimper are checked at the same
time with each crimp. With a brand product, many thousands of good crimp connections can be made. Of course,
it is important that the tool is handled with care, which should really be a self-evident fact.
A correctly mounted positioning aid matched to the crimp contact is abso-
lutely essential for creating a good crimp connection with hand crimping
long. The size of the bellmouth de- 0.03 - 0.56 mm² AWG 32-20 0.25 mm +/- 0.15
pends on how the crimp contact is po- 0.30 - 0.81 mm² AWG 22-18 0.25 mm +/- 0.15
sitioned in the die of the hand crimping 0.50 - 2.50 mm² 0.40 mm +/- 0.20
tool. 2.50 - 6.00 mm² 0.60 mm +/- 0.30
The stripping length is included in the specification of the crimp contact. If the stripping length is not specified, the correct
stripping length must be determined.
Stripping length: = 6.2 mm
The stripping length (1) is correct if:
(A) Insulation and conductor are visible between the insulation crimp (4) and the
wire crimp (5).
(B) A conductor protrusion is visible behind the wire crimp. (0.1 to max. 0.5 mm)
Note: Minimum requirement for hand strippers is the use of V-shaped blades!
stripper completely.
Insert the stripped wire into the crimp contact. Check the po-
sitions according to the crimp contact type. If necessary, correct the stop (a1).
• Wire crimp completely filled?
• Position end of stripped conductor = ok?
• Position cut edge of insulation = ok?
-Tubular cable lugs + connectors for fine-stranded conductors
-Compression cable lugs + connectors, AL compression cable lug
The standard for the processing of ferrules is IEC 46228 (= DIN 46228).
Wire end ferrules are used as a joining aid when assembling the ends of the wire
(in screw terminals), to protect the individual wire of the conductor and for good
contacting in the spring terminal strip.
A question that is always an issue in everyday practice.
Standards & clamp connections: As in many areas of crimping technology, you can only find statements for the use of
ferrules that leave some room for interpretation. Standards should essentially be there to provide a clear statement about
the "how to"! Statements around clamping technology like: "The connection must be durable and safe" are not really
helpful. So, connections are made because "it has always been done that way" or according to the principle "hope: it
should work".
Turned (or machined) contacts are used in power and control lines in multi-pole
plug connections. A classic turned contact is found, for example, in mains plugs
via which a toaster or a coffee machine draws its current.
Turned contacts are machined from solid rod and are always the “closed barrel”
type, meaning that the area where the wire will be inserted forms an unbroken,
360 degree cylinder.
Fig.: Turned contacts. Left: socket. Right: contact pin. (Source: Amphenol-Tuchel
They come in different shapes and sizes and are primarily used where quality requirements are very high, such as in the
military, aerospace and medical markets. Applications for the machined contacts range from computer interface connec-
tions to flexible production lines in the automotive industry.
(A) The insulation fixation serves as relief for the wire crimp area.
Turned crimp contacts are available with and without insulation fix-
(B) The heart of the crimp connection, the wire crimping area.
(C) The contact area is designed according to the application. Basi-
cally, in a connection of crimp contacts, one is designed as a (male)
Crimped partially insulated crimp cable
Contour of the crimp die in the area of the insulation crimp for
insulated crimp contacts with insulation fixation.
Fig. right:
Crimp applicator for taped pre-insulated crimp terminals for use with
standard crimping machines or fully automatic crimping machines.
facturing specifications. Depending on the application and field of use of the splice connection, quality requirements
may change or suboptimal connections may be tolerated via special approvals.
The main differences compared to conventional processing of open crimp barrels:
• The crimp contact is cut out of a material strip without waste, preformed and then crimped.
• A splice connection does not have an insulation crimp.
• The width of the spliceband determines the length of the wire crimp area.
• The cross-section range is typically between 0.05 and 6 mm².
Due to the design of the splice machine, it is possible to process very short connections (wire lengths).
The design of the splice machine offers a operating range (A) in which very short
connections can be processed. This is the great advantage of the splice technology
with which electrical components can be connected with stranded conductors.
Fig. left: The very short connection of this coil can be optimally connected to the
stripped stranded conductor with a splice machine. With classic crimping applicators
and the use of open crimp barrels, such short connections simply couldn’t be realized.
Today's standards are defined by the very detailed factory standards of the major industrial sectors. The specifications are
described down to the smallest detail in accordance with the subsequent area of application of the crimp connection. Ad-
vantage: Behind all these additional specifications to the DIN EN standard, there is always a technical justification. Resulting
from experience and failures from the past. The quality and therefore also the durability of the crimp connection is thus
constantly increased and improved many times over in comparison to the "DIN EN standard".
The present processing information forms the basis for the evaluation of crimp connections by Kabelforum and can also be
the basis for an internal company standard or a supplier specification. This processing information can also be used as a
validation procedure for crimping tools.
Please note that the processing specifications of your customer are primarily decisive for your production and testing. In
case of doubt, you should have a discussion with your customer and clarify the corresponding quality specifications.
In addition to the standards, you can expand your quality specifications as you wish within the framework described here.
This depends on your company's understanding of quality and, of course, on your willingness to invest. Fully automatic
machines, with the appropriate monitoring modules, deliver the best quality, but also at a considerable price. Ultimately, the
application decides which quality specifications are mandatory.
Important: A factory standard or supplier specification always covers 2 basic areas:
• General quality specifications for cable processing and crimping technology.
This defines the basic specifications around wire processing and crimp connections.
• Application-specific quality specifications.
Depending on the crimp connection, specifications deviating from the standard are defined. In most cases,
this concerns the micrograph evaluation and can lead to a special release in the case of suboptimal crimp
Important: Depending on the application of the crimp connection, quality specifications may change. This is espe-
cially true if the assignments of the nominal cross-section of the wire to the crimp contact do not fit. In this case, the
possible mechanical and electrical load on the crimp connection in use determines which compromises in quality
are possible.
Important: The procedures and rules of this documentation also apply to the use of hand tools. Even if suboptimal
quality is to be expected as a result of the use of these tools.
If the work steps performed with hand tools do not meet the required quality specifications, they must not
be used!
These processing guidelines are a collection of information from standards (including factory standards), processing
specifications or the result of practical tests and empirical values and do not claim to be complete. All information is
without guarantee and does not relieve the user of his own responsibility and duty of care with regard to his appli-
cations! The technical background for the individual specifications can be found in the corresponding chapters in
the reference book: "Fundamentals of Crimping Technology".