CIRIAC766 Updates Toc660 Early Age Thermal Crack

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CIRIAC766 Updates
Toc660 Early Age
Thermal Crack Control
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Uploaded by Batu Gajah on Jan 06, 2021

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Date uploaded
Jan 06, 2021

Original Title
CIRIAC766 Updates toC660 Early Age Thermal Crack Control

Pee hfs`ussfims, stats, amh autbir priofces oir tbfs pulcf`atfim at7 bttps7//www.resear`bjate.met/pulcf`atfim/001621<0>

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jufhe @:??7Reserved
Am ivervfew io tbe uphateh @frfa @??> jufham`e im `imtric
io `ra`dfmj fm refmoir`eh `im`rete stru`tures
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@imoerem`e ^aper º Kar`b <>16


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< autbirs, fm`cuhfmj7

Orajdiucfs Damavarfs

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Pike io tbe autbirs io tbfs pulcf`atfim are acsi wirdfmj im tbese recateh prige`ts7

@IPX XU18>8 PXPK7 Evacuatfim io `ra`dfmj `bara`testf`s io `ekemt-laseh katerfacs amh kuctfpbysf`s sfkucatfims io earcy aje `im`rete _few prige`t

\FCEK X@ @@P Liid im `ra`d wfhtb amacysfs - `bapter im `ihe-laseh appria`bes _few prige`t


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Acc `imtemt oicciwfmj tbfs paje was upciaheh ly OrajdiucfsDamavarfs im <5 Kar`b <>16.

Xbe user bas requesteh embam`ekemt io tbe hiwmciaheh ofce.


Orajdiucfs Damavarfs (1)* amh Parab Daetbmer (1)

(1) Ahvam`eh Xe`bmicijy & \esear`b, Arup, Cimhim, UD

*oraj.damavarfsNarup.`ik (`irrespimhfmj autbir)

Xbfs paper privfhes a lrfeo ivervfew io tbe uphateh versfim io tbe @F\FA @??> jufhe im
`imtric io tberkac `ra`dfmj, wbf`b bas leem useh extemsfvecy fm tbe UD amh fs acsi pipucar
a`riss Euripe. Xbe uphateh jufhe fs emtftceh @F\FA @:??  ‐   @imtric io `ra`dfmj `auseh ly
restrafmeh heoirkatfim fm `im`rete. Ft afks tiwarhs hesfjmfmj refmoir`eh `im`rete stru`tures
sulge`teh ti restrafmeh tberkac amh sbrfmdaje heoirkatfims fm a kire eoof`femt amh sustafmalce
kammer, as wecc as cess `imservatfvecy wbfce kafmtafmfmj am ahequate hejree io saoety.
Xbe prfkary uphates presemt a hesfjm appria`b kire `cisecy acfjmeh wftb LP EM 166<-1-
1+A17<>18 amh LP EM 166<-07<>>?. \evfsfims fm`cuhe cfkftfmj `ra`dfmj wfhtbs, `ac`ucatfim
io restrafmt `imsfherfmj earcy aje amh cimj-terk eooe`t amh vfs`iecastf`fty, kihecs ti prehf`t
tekperature bfstirfes io `im`retes `imtafmfmj kfmerac ahhftfims, as wecc as a kire sustafmalce
sece`tfim io paraketers recevamt ti tbe estfkatfim io `ra`d fmhu`fmj strafms amh kfmfkuk steec
requfreh ti `imtric `ra`d wfhtbs. Mimetbecess, tbere are stfcc aspe`ts io hesfjm tbat kay bave
mit leem ahequatecy ahhresseh, pitemtfaccy requfrfmj ourtber fkprivekemts.

Deywirhs7 Earcy aje/Cimj terk `ra`dfmj, `ra`d `imtric, restrafmt, tberkac amh sbrfmdaje

@ra`dfmj hue ti restrafmeh vicuketrf` `bamjes fm refmoir`eh `im`rete (\@) stru`tures bas
cimj leem a re`ijmfseh prilcek. Xbfs `ra`dfmj i``urrem`e fs prehikfmatecy assi`fateh wftb
fkpiseh heoirkatfims hue ti tberkac amh sbrfmdaje (autijemius amh hryfmj) recateh eooe`ts, at
 litb earcy ajes amh cimj-terk, amh ft fs iotem hesfreh ti `imtric tbek fm terks io tbe resuctfmj
`ra`d wfhtb T1[. Xbe prfkary reasims tbat `ra`d `imtric fm \@ stru`tures fs io jreat fkpirtam`e
oir tbe servf`ealfcfty cfkft state hesfjm quiteh fm @:?? are7 a) emsurfmj ahequate huralfcfty io
`im`rete hepemhfmj im expisure `imhftfims tbriujbiut a spe`fofeh hesfjm servf`e cfoe, l)

^aje 1

a`bfevfmj amh kafmtafmfmj hfooeremt hejrees io –cead-tfjbtmess‛  hepemhfmj im peroirkam`e

requfrekemts amh `) aestbetf`s.
Peverac jufham`e hi`ukemts wftb respe`t ti `ra`d `imtric fm \@ stru`tures are `imsucteh ly
emjfmeers T<[-T11[. Akimjst tbe kist pipucar, `ertafmcy fm tbe UD, amh fm parts io Euripe, fs
tbe @F\FA @??> jufhe  T?[ im `imtriccfmj earcy aje tberkac `ra`dfmj fm `im`rete. Xbfs jufhe
was receaseh fm <>>: amh ft bas leem ime io tbe kist orequemtcy useh hesfjm jufhes fm tbe UD4
biwever, tbere were severac aspe`ts io tbe hesfjm pri`ess amh assukptfims tbat requfreh
uphatfmj. Xbe hesfjm sicutfims were `imsfhereh umsustafmalce amh iver-`imservatfve fm terks
io `ra`dfmj wfhtb `ac`ucatfim amh tbe akiumt io steec requfreh ti `imtric `ra`dfmj. Xbus, a
`icce`tfve io sulge`t-katter experts orik hfooeremt fmstftutfims bas leem wirdfmj oir severac
years, tijetber wftb tbe ceahfmj autbir io tbe @F\FA @??> jufhe, tiwarhs uphatfmj ft. Xbe
ofmaccy uphateh jufhe, miw emtftceh @:?? - –@imtric io `ra`dfmj `auseh ly restrafmeh
heoirkatfim fm `im`rete‛, fs receaseh ly @F\FA fm cate <>12 T1<[. Arup bah am fmstrukemtac rice
fm evacuatfmj, uphatfmj, assessfmj amh hevecipfmj ourtber tbe jufhe amh tbfs paper afks ti
 privfhe am ivervfew io sike, kafmcy prfkary, `bamjes fssueh fm tbe uphateh @??> jufhe, wbf`b
fs io fmterest amh lemeoft io stru`turac emjfmeers fm litb a`ahekfa amh pra`tf`e.


Xbe prfkary uphates were `im`ermeh wftb presemtfmj a hesfjm appria`b kire `cisecy acfjmeh
wftb LP EM 166<-1-1+A17<>18 T<[ amh LP EM 166<-07<>>? T0[. Uphates were acsi kfmhouc io
tbe Ammex H io tbe mew Euri`ihe < wbf`b fs `urremtcy lefmj hraoteh (expe`teh <><0), wbere
`ra`dfmj rfsd wfcc le evacuateh fm terks io stress bfstirfes T10[.  Uphates fm @:?? rejarhfmj
cfkftfmj `ra`dfmj wfhtbs, `ac`ucatfim io restrafmt amh tekperature bfstirfes, as wecc as sece`tfim
io paraketers recevamt ti tbe estfkatfim io kfmfkuk steec requfreh ti `imtric `ra`d wfhtbs, wfcc
 le lrfeocy hfs`usseh fm tbfs se`tfim.

<.1 Cfkftfmj `ra`dfmj wfhtb `rfterfa oir seco-beacfmj ti i``ur

Peco-beacfmj (ir autijemius beacfmj) io `ra`ds fm `im`rete fm tbe presem`e io water fs a
re`ijmfseh pbemikemim, wftb jreat recevam`e ti water-retafmfmj stru`tures. LP EM 166<-
07<>>? privfhes sujjestfims io cfkftfmj `ra`dfmj wfhtbs oir seco-beacfmj ti i``ur as a oum`tfim
io tbe pressure jrahfemt. Biwever, im tbe lasfs tbat `ra`d kivekemt (cfve amh hirkamt `ra`ds)
fs a he`fsfve oa`tir wftb respe`t ti seco-beacfmj (oicciwfmj T18[), @F\FA @:??, sujjests a
recaxatfim fm `ra`d wfhtb cfkft, privfheh tbat `ra`d kivekemt (Θw) rekafms equac ir cess tbam
1>%, as sbiwm fm Ofjure 1.

^aje <


   [ >.<5
   t >.<>
   t >.1>
>.>5 E@<, @??> amh @:?? oir Θw ; 1>-0>%
@:?? oir Θw ≨ 1>%
\e`ikkemhatfims orik Ehvarhsem, 1666
> 5 1> 15 <> <5 0> 05 8>
^ressure jrahfemt Tbp/b[
Ofjure 17 \e`ikkemhatfims im cfkftfmj `ra`d wfhtb oir seco-beacfmj ti i``ur

<.< @ac`ucatfim io tbe restrafmeh strafm

Kihfof`atfims were acsi appcfeh fm tbe amacytf`ac oirkucatfim io tbe restrafmeh strafm. Xbese
afkeh ti a``iumt oir tbe `imtrflutfim io fmhfvfhuac `ikpimemts io strafm im tbe restrafmeh strafm,
εr . Xbfs acsi `imsfhers stress recaxatfim hue ti `reep umher sustafmeh ciahfmj at litb earcy ajes
amh cimj-terk. Xbe restrafmeh strafm fs miw oirkucateh as oicciws7

εr  ; D ̀ 1Tα`X1 + ε`a(0)[\ 1 + D ̀ 1Tε`a(<2) - ε`a(0) + α`X<[\ < + D ̀ <ε`h \0    (1)
Zbere εr   fs tbe restrafmeh strafm, ε`a(t) fs autijemius sbrfmdaje at tfke t , ε`h   fs tbe hryfmj
sbrfmdaje strafm, \1 fs tbe restrafmt oa`tir tbat appcfes hurfmj earcy tberkac `y`ce, \< amh \0 are
restrafmt oa`tirs appcyfmj ti kehfuk- amh cimj-terk heoirkatfims, X 1  fs tbe kaxfkuk
tekperature hfooeremtfac, X < fs tekperature hrip aoter earcy aje, α` fs tbe `ieoof`femt io tberkac
hfcatfim io `im`rete amh D ̀ 1 amh D ̀ <  are `ieoof`femts tbat a``iumt oir vfs`iecastf`fty amh stress
recaxatfim at earcy ajes (tadem as >.?5) amh cimj-terk (tadem as >.5) respe`tfvecy. Oir tbe
`ac`ucatfim io tbe earcy aje tberkac restrafmeh `imtra`tfim, f.e. 0 hays, tbe cast twi `ikpimemts
io Equatfim (1) kay le hfsrejarheh. Xbfs oirkucatfim oir restrafmeh strafm fm`cuhes a mukler
io sfkpcfofeh assukptfims wbf`b, fm `iklfmatfim, ft bas leem estfkateh privfhe a saoety karjfm
io 1>-15%.

<.0 @bara`terfstf` temsfce stremjtb io `im`rete

Xbe vacue io temsfce stremjtb useh fm hesfjm fm tbe `ac`ucatfim io `ra`d fmhu`fmj strafm fs io
 parakiumt fkpirtam`e as ft hf`tates tbe kajmftuhe io `ra`d fmhu`fmj strafm, partf`ucarcy fm emh
restrafmt `imhftfim (εsk  ‐  ε`k), as hes`rfleh fm Ammex K io LP EM 166<-07

(εsk ‐  ε`k) ; (>.5d ̀αeo ̀ t,eoo d) / Es Ú T1 + 1/(αeρ)[ (<)

^aje 0

Zbere d   fs a `ieoof`femt oir mim-umfoirk amh seco-equfcflratfmj stresses, d ̀  fs a `ieoof`femt
a``iumtfmj oir stress hfstrflutfim wftbfm tbe se`tfim fkkehfatecy leoire `ra`dfmj,  o ̀ t,eoo   fs tbe
eooe`tfve temsfce stremjtb at tbe tfke io `ra`dfmj, E s fs tbe ecastf` kihucus io steec refmoir`ekemt,
αe fs tbe kihucar ratfi (steec ti `im`rete) amh  ρ fs tbe ratfi io tbe titac refmoir`ekemt area ti tbe
area io `im`rete fm temsfim.
LP EM 166<-1-1 amh @??> re`ikkemh tbe vacue oir  o ̀ t,eoo ti le equac ti tbe keam temsfce
stremjtb io `im`rete, o ̀ tk. Biwever, @:?? re`ijmfses rehu`tfims fm temsfce stremjtb arfsfmj orik
tbe `iklfmatfims io weadest cfmd amh s`ace eooe`ts, temsfim stfooemfmj amh earcy aje amh cimj-
terk sustafmeh ciah eooe`ts, amh re`ikkemhs tbat  o ̀ t,eoo   fs repca`eh ly a `bara`terfstf` temsfce
stremjtb ( o ̀ t,r ) equac ti >.:* o ̀ t,eoo , as acsi re`ikkemheh fm T2[ amh  T1>[. 

<.8 @ac`ucatfim io kfmfkuk area io steec requfreh

@imtriccfmj tbe `ra`d spa`fmj amh bem`e tbe `ra`dfmj wfhtb, requfres suoof`femt steec su`b
tbat wbem `ra`dfmj i``urs tbe refmoir`ekemt wfcc mit yfech. Pfkfcarcy ti tbe `ac`ucatfim io tbe
`ra`d fmhu`fmj strafm, tbe temsfce stremjtb sece`teh fm tbe hesfjm aooe`ts sfjmfof`amtcy tbe akiumt
io refmoir`ekemt requfreh ti `imtric `ra`dfmj. Zbfce tbe irfjfmaccy re`ikkemheh vacue io
temsfce stremjtb was  o ̀ tk, @:?? re`ikkemhs a vacue io >.:* o ̀ tk  (as prevfiuscy hes`rfleh fm
se`tfim <.0). Fm ahhftfim, a `ieoof`femt, d  \ehje, fs fmtrihu`eh ti a``iumt oir tbe tramsoer io part io
tbe ciah fm tbe `im`rete leoire `ra`dfmj ti tbe (ehje) restrafmfmj ecekemt wbem tbe `ra`d i``urs.
Xbus, oa`tir d  \ehje varfes orik >.5 ti 1 hepemhfmj im tbe hejree io restrafmt. @imsequemtcy, tbe
`ac`ucatfim io tbe kfmfkuk area io refmoir`ekemt requfreh, As,kfm, fs peroirkeh as oicciws7

As,kfm ; (d \ehjed ̀dA`t) Ú (o ̀ t,r /(o y) (0)

Zftb A`t  lefmj tbe area io `im`rete fm tbe temsfce zime amh  o  y tbe yfech stremjtb io steec.

<.8 @ra`d spa`fmj amh `imsfheratfim io limh `bara`terfstf`s

@:?? amh @??> re`ijmfse tbe fkpirtam`e io limh `bara`terfstf`s fm `ra`d spa`fmj amh
`imsfher tbe rfsd io piir limh i``urrem`e at earcy ajes. Xbfs fs a``ikkihateh tbriujb a
kihfof`atfim fm tbe d 1  `ieoof`femt oir limh fm expressfim :.< fm LP EM 166<-1-1 oir `ra`d
spa`fmj `ac`ucatfim. Ft fs, biwever, sujjesteh fm @:?? tbat tbe heofmftfim io piir limh sbiuch
imcy le appcfeh at earcy ajes oir ecekemts tbf`der tbam 0>> kk, amh wbf`b acsi bave a `iver ≨
5> kk.

<.5 @iver ti refmoir`ekemt useh fm `ac`ucatfims

Xbe vacue io refmoir`ekemt `iver fs fmocuemtfac fm tbe `ac`ucatfim io `ra`d spa`fmj amh
`ra`dfmj wfhtb. Zbat was fmftfaccy sujjesteh, was tbat oir tbe purpise io tbfs `ac`ucatfim, `mik 
sbiuch le `imsfhereh. Oir `ra`dfmj orik restrafmeh strafm, wbere cfkfts are mit jivermeh ly
aestbetf` `imsfheratfims, @:?? re`ikkemhs tbat tbe oucc `ra`d wfhtb `ac`ucatfim fs `imhu`teh
 laseh im `kfm. Xbfs fs am actermatfve ti tbe sfkpcfofeh ahgustkemt fm UD matfimac hi`ukemts. Ly
usfmj tbe oucc oirkuca orik tbe `ihe tbfs wfcc a``iumt oir tbe mim-cfmear mature io tbe `ra`d
wfhtb ipemfmj wbfcst `kfm fm`cuhes suoof`femt `iver ti a``iumt oir mim-cfmear limh eooe`ts as
wecc as ahhftfimac `ra`d ipemfmj fm tbe huralfcfty `iver zime amh ofre resfstam`e, as acsi
hfs`usseh fm T15[. Pu`b ahaptatfim `am resuct fm steec refmoir`ekemt savfmjs evem as bfjb as ::%

^aje 8

<.? Byhratfim kihec oir `im`rete `imtafmfmj JJLP (scaj)

Xbe byhratfim kihec fm @??> oir `im`retes `imtafmfmj partf`ucarcy bfjb `ekemt repca`ekemt
wftb JJLP, f.e. alive 5>%, bah repirtehcy leem iverestfkatfmj tbe a`tuac ahfalatf`
tekperature rfse T1?[T1:[ amh `imsequemtcy, tbe tekperature jemerateh fm stru`turac ecekemts
`imtafmfmj su`b `im`rete. Xbe kihec bas leem re`acflrateh fm @:?? wftb ahhftfimac hata4
tekperature estfkates oir bfjb JJLP `imtemts are miw ciwer tbam tbise io @??>. Xbe
hfooerem`es letweem tbe ahfalatf` tekperature estfkates io tbe kihecs are sbiwm fm Ofjure <,
oir a typf`ac :>% JJLP (ly kass io titac lfmher `imtemt) `im`rete wftb a lfmher `imtemt io 02>



  i 5>
  a 8>
   X @??> - :>% JJLP

<> @:?? - :>% JJLP


> 5 1> 15 <> <5 0> 05 8>
Aje (hays)

Ofjure < 7 Estfkateh ahfatlatf` tekpreature rfse io a typf`ac :>% JJLP `im`rete laseh im
@??> amh @:??.


Actbiujb sfjmfof`amt fkprivekemts were kahe fm tbe irfjfmac @??> wftb respe`t ti kire
a``uratecy `ac`ucatfmj restrafmeh strafms amh heofmfmj kfmfkuk akiumts io refmoir`ekemt kire
sustafmalcy, tbere fs `ertafmcy kire ti expcire fm tbe tipf` io `ra`dfmj hue ti restrafmeh
heoirkatfims. Ourtber uphates im tbfs tipf` wfcc le fmtrihu`eh ly tbe mew Euri`ihe < (`urremtcy
 lefmj hraoteh amh expemheh ti le pulcfsbeh fm <><0) wbf`b wfcc fm`cuhe a stress bfstiry-laseh
hesfjm appria`b oir `ra`d `imtric/kftfjatfim.

^aje 5

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Fm tbfs paper, a lrfeo ivervfew io tbe uphateh versfim io tbe @F\FA @??> jufhe im `imtric
io tberkac `ra`dfmj, wbf`b bas leem useh extemsfvecy fm tbe UD amh fs acsi pipucar a`riss
Euripe, bas leem presemteh. Xbe uphateh jufhe (miw emtftceh @F\FA @:?? ‐  @imtric io `ra`dfmj
`auseh ly restrafmeh heoirkatfim fm `im`rete) fmtemhs ti privfhe kire sustafmalce amh
 prajkatf` sicutfims oir hesfjmfmj refmoir`eh `im`rete stru`tures sulge`teh ti restrafmeh tberkac
amh sbrfmdaje heoirkatfims wbfce acsi stfcc lefmj fm ajreekemt wftb tbe `urremt versfims io LP
EM 166<-1-1 amh LP EM 1660-0, as wecc as fm vfew io tbe mew Euri`ihe <.

T1[  Jfclert, \.F. amh \amzf, J. ‒Xfke-hepemhemt lebavfiur io `im`rete stru`tures‖, @\@ ^ress, <>1>.
T<[  LP EM 166<-1-17 +A17<>187 Euri`ihe < ‐  Hesfjm io `im`rete stru`tures, ^art 1-17 Jemerac ruces
amh ruces oir lufchfmjs, <>18.
T0[  LP EM 166<-07 Euri`ihe <  ‐   Hesfjm io `im`rete stru`tures, ^art 07 Cfqufh retafmfmj amh
`imtafmkemt stru`tures, <>18.
T8[   ofl Kihec @ihe oir `im`rete stru`tures <>1>.
T5[  Akerf`am @im`rete Fmstftute, ‒A@F <<8\->17 @imtric io `ra`dfmj fm `im`rete stru`tures‖, <>>1. 
T?[  Lakoirtb, ^.L., ‒Earcy aje tberkac `ra`d `imtric fm `im`rete‖, @F\FA @??>, <>>:. 
T:[  Gapam @im`rete Fmstftute, ‒Jufhecfmes oir `imtric io `ra`dfmj io kass `im`rete‖, <>1?. 
T2[  Larre et ac., ‒@imtric io `ra`dfmj fm refmoir`eh `im`rete stru`tures‖, Gibm Zfcey & Pims, <>1?.
T6[  Oafrlafrm, E.K.\. amh Azemba, K. (ehs) ‒Xberkac `ra`dfmj io kassfve @im`rete Ptru`tures7 Ptate
io tbe Art \epirt io tbe \FCEK Xe`bmf`ac @ikkfttee <58-@KP‖, Pprfmjer , <>16.
T1>[ @im`rete Pi`fety, ‒Kivekemt, restrafmt amh `ra`dfmj fm `im`rete stru`tures‖, Xe`bmf`ac \epirt <:,
Cimhim, <>>2.
T11[ Oirtb, G.^. amh Kartfm, A.G., ‒Hesfjm io cfqufh retafmfmj `im`rete stru`tures‖, 0rh   eh., Zbfttces
T1<[ Lakoirtb, ^.L., ‒@imtric io `ra`dfmj `auseh ly restrafmeh heoirkatfim fm `im`rete‖, @F\FA @:??,
T10[ Damstah, X. amh Dcausem, A.E., ‒La`djriumh oir a mew Euri`ihe <-Ammex7 Evacuatfim io earcy aje
amh cimj terk `ra`dfmj hue ti restrafmeh heoirkatfims‖, fm7 Pymer`rete12‖ ‐   Fmterhfs`fpcfmary
appria`bes oir `ekemt-laseh katerfacs amh stru`turac `im`rete (Azemba, K., P`bcf`de, H.,
Lemhiuhgeka, O. amh Gehrzegewsda, A. (ehs)), pp. 2?-6<.
T18[ Ehvarhsem, D. ‒Zater perkealfcfty amh autijemius beacfmj io `ra`ds fm `im`rete‖,  A@F Kat. G.,
6?(8), 1666, pp. 882-855.
T15[ Datbmer, P. ‒Bave E@< `ra`dfmj ruces ahvam`eh tbe kystf`ac art io `ra`d wfhtb prehf`tfim9‖, Xbe
Ptru`t. Emj. 26(16) (<>11) 18-<<.
T1?[ Damavarfs, O. ‒Earcy aje lebavfiur amh `ra`dfmj rfsd io `im`retes `imtafmfmj JJLP‖, ^bH Xbesfs,
Queem‖s Umfversfty Lecoast, UD, <>1:. 
T1:[ _iccpra`tb, A., Piutsis, K. amh Damavarfs, O. ‒Ptremjtb hevecipkemt io JJLP amh ocy asb
`im`retes amh appcf`alfcfty io ofl kihec `ihe's katurfty oum`tfim - A `rftf`ac revfew‖, @im. Lufch
 Kat., 1?<, <>12, pp. 20>-28?.

^aje ?

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