Chapter ThermalCracksinConcreteStructure BasicIssuestobeUnderstood
Chapter ThermalCracksinConcreteStructure BasicIssuestobeUnderstood
Chapter ThermalCracksinConcreteStructure BasicIssuestobeUnderstood
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Trong Chuc Nguyen , Anh Kiet Bui, and Quoc Long Hoang
1 Introduction
T. C. Nguyen Q. L. Hoang
Institute of Special Construction Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University,
Hanoi, Vietnam
A. K. Bui (&)
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City Open University,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
e-mail: [email protected]
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021 229
T. Q. Bui et al. (eds.), Structural Health Monitoring and Engineering Structures,
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 148,
230 T. C. Nguyen et al.
elements in concrete blocks causes the formation of thermal cracks. In most cases in
construction, thermal cracks in mass concrete structures often occur at an early age
Effect of ambient temperature and solar radiation: when the elements of the
concrete block are exposed to a hot (or cold) ambient temperature, it leads to a
thermal contraction (or expansion) changing the volume of concrete blocks.
Thermal cracks may occur if the volume change is restraint [10–12].
Mass concrete: there are several different definitions of mass concrete based on the
standard of each country. However, the main factor for determining a mass concrete
block structure is depended on its minimum size. According to ACI 301, mass
concrete structures include mat foundations, dams, and other concrete structures
with a width or depth exceeding 4 feet (1.3 m) [13]. Besides, the ratio of surface
area to volume of concrete blocks is also given by many documents to define mass
concrete [14]. Besides, structures that are small in size but use large amounts of
cement or high-heat cement should also take measures to prevent the formation of
thermal cracks at an early age.
The main concern with mass concrete is the thermal gradient formed as dis-
cussed above. From the above reason, thermal cracks on the surface of concrete
blocks are formed at an early age (due to hydration of cement) and later (due to
changes in ambient temperature).
Other concrete structures: thermal cracks can occur not only for mass concrete
structures but also for structures, such as pavement, concrete slabs working in
high-temperature environments, etc.
For cement concrete pavement with a large surface area, it receives heat directly
from the sun and the heat is transmitted downward and heats up. The temperature of
cement concrete pavement is transmitted to the environment by convection form
(the surface). Part of the heat is transferred to the ground through the bottom of the
cement concrete pavement. The heat transfer from the sun to the surface of cement
concrete pavement is described as Fig. 1 [15].
Especially, during the exploitation process, the cement concrete pavements are
affected by the variation of environmental temperature. Thus, the change of ambient
temperature leads to the temperature difference between the surface and the bottom
of the cement concrete pavement. As a result, the temperature difference in the
cement concrete pavement causes contraction and expansion.
The deformation process of cement concrete pavement is prevented from
moving laterally due to friction between the concrete slab and its foundation.
Therefore, thermal stresses are formed on cement concrete pavement [16].
Thermal Cracks in Concrete Structure … 231
According to the CIRIA C600 standard (Great Britain) points out that the
maximum temperature difference between the inner zone of the mass concrete and
its outer surface DTmax is determined by the Eq. (1).
DTmax ¼ ð1Þ
where e—ultimate tensile strength of early age concrete; a—is the coefficient of
thermal expansion of concrete.
In Japan, the assessment of the formation of cracks in concrete mass can be made
using the cracking index, defined as described in Eq. (2).
f t ð sÞ
Icr ¼ ð2Þ
fsp ðsÞ
To solve the thermal problems including temperature field and thermal stress in
mass concrete structures, the finite element simulation has been used as an opti-
mized option.
The numerical solution of the problem is based on the solution of the differential
equation of the theory of thermal conductivity [14, 15].
@ @T @ @T @ @T @T
kx þ ky þ kz þ qv ¼ qc ð3Þ
@x @x @y @y @z @z @s
where kx, ky, and kz—coefficient of heat diffusion of the material in the directions of
the axis X, Y, and Z in the Cartesian coordinate system, respectively, m2/s; qv—
Table 1 Cracking index criteria for controlling thermal crack formation [25]
Crack control criteria Thermal crack index (Icr)
The prevention of cracks Icr 1.5
Possibility of limited cracks 1.2 Icr 1.5
Limiting the occurrence of dangerous cracks 0.7 Icr 1.2
Thermal Cracks in Concrete Structure … 233
internal heat source due to cement hydration (W/m3); c—specific heat of concrete,
kJ/kg.°C; q—density of concrete, kg/m3; T—temperature, (°C); s—time, (day).
When solving the temperature regime, the following boundary condition as
shown in Eq. (4) is used.
@T @T @T
kx n x þ k y n y þ k z n z þ q v þ h T s Tf ¼ 0 ð4Þ
@x @y @z
where nx, ny, and nz—vector normal to X, Y, and Z direction of heat transfer,
respectively; Ts and Tf —nodal temperature at the boundary points and air tem-
perature, respectively; h—convection coefficient.
replacing cement are 65.76 and 52.44 °C after 48 h of hardening, respectively. The
results of the temperature distribution in concrete blocks are shown in Fig. 2.
Hence, it is necessary to optimize the composition of the concrete mixture by
using cement replacement materials, such as fly ash, slag, or using low-heat cement.
Using chemical admixtures to delay the moment the temperature reaches its
maximum value in mass concrete block.
Lower the initial temperature of the concrete mixture: the initial temperature of
the concrete mixture greatly affects the maximum temperature value in mass con-
crete blocks. To reduce the initial temperature of the concrete mixture, there are
many measures, such as: reducing the temperature of the aggregate of concrete
mixture, using ice instead of a part of water, using liquid nitrogen to cool down the
concrete mixture. When using measures to reduce the initial temperature of the
concrete mixture, it is necessary to calculate in detail the economic feasibility of
the given measures [21–24].
According to the principle of conserving the heat before and after mixing the
concrete mixture, the temperature of the concrete mixture after mixing is deter-
mined by the formula (5) [25].
0:2ðma Ta þ mc Tc Þ þ mw Tw
Tmix ¼ ð5Þ
0:2ðma þ mc Þ þ mw
where ma, mc, and mw—mass (kg/m3) of aggregate, cement, and water, respec-
tively; Ta, Tc, and Tw,—temperature (°C) of aggregate, cement, and water,
respectively; specific heat capacity of aggregate (or cement) and water approximate
0.2 kJ/kg.°C and 1.0 kJ/kg.°C, respectively.
Guidelines for controlling cracked concrete mass 2016 [24] indicates that: to
decrease 1 °C of concrete mixture, it normally needs to reduce the temperature of
cement, aggregate, and water corresponding to 8 °C, 2 °C, and 4 °C, respectively.
When a part of ice water is used to replace concrete mixing water, the tem-
perature reduction of the concrete mixture compared to when not using ice water is
determined by the formula (6) [25].
Fig. 3 The temperature at the center of the concrete block changes over time [6]
burlap [30–33]. The change in insulation thickness affects the maximum temper-
ature and the temperature difference between the center and the surface of the
concrete block [32].
The results showed that it can reduce the risk of cracking occurring when the
temperature difference between the center and surface of the concrete block is
16.65 °C with using an insulation thickness of 1 cm while the temperature differ-
ence is 26.31 °C in the case without using insulation (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Temperature variation in the center and surface of the concrete block [33]
Thermal Cracks in Concrete Structure … 237
Fig. 5 Temperature distribution in the concrete block: case 1 (a); case 2 (b) [34]
Reduce the thickness of the concrete casting block: the thickness of the concrete
casting block greatly affects the maximum temperature in mass concrete structures.
As indicated in Aniskin et al. [34], the thickness of the concrete casting affects
the maximum temperature of the concrete block. Two concreting cases: (a) case
1—using the layer thickness of 2 m; (b) case 2—using the layer thickness of 4 m
were presented. The temperature distribution in concrete blocks in two cases above
are shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen, the maximum temperature in the concrete
block in case 1 is 36.66 °C while that in case 2 is 39.70 °C. Hence, pouring with a
smaller thickness of concrete block can reduce the maximum temperature in the
concrete block.
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