Perspectives of Public Secondary School Teachers On The Effectiveness of Performance Review, Training, and Development in A District
Perspectives of Public Secondary School Teachers On The Effectiveness of Performance Review, Training, and Development in A District
Perspectives of Public Secondary School Teachers On The Effectiveness of Performance Review, Training, and Development in A District
ABSTRACT : The purpose of the study was to examine the perspectives of public secondary school teachers
on the effectiveness of performance review, training, and development in the Candelaria District, Schools
Division Office of Zambales, during SY 2021-2022. The study will utilize the descriptive method of research.
The participants are the 113 public secondary school teachers that includes both junior and senior high school.
The data will be statistically treated using frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA),
Pearson r and Likert Scaling. The study revealed that most of the teacher-respondents are 31-40 years old,
female, Teacher I, 6-10 years in service, married and with Masteral Units and have an outstanding performance
in their IPCRF Rating. Teachers strongly agreed with the effectiveness of performance review and training and
development. The Effectiveness of Performance Review is insignificantly different when grouped according to
age, sex, years of service and civil status but significant to position and highest educational attainment.
Moreover, the Effectiveness of Training and Development is insignificantly different when grouped according
to age, sex, and civil status but significant to position, years in service, and highest educational attainment.
There is a significant positive moderate correlation between the performance rating of the public secondary
school teachers and their perspectives on the effectiveness of performance review and the effectiveness of
training and development. Lastly, the proposed Comprehensive Training Program towards the performance
review and training and development of teachers. The researcher recommends that School Heads provide real-
time mentoring and coaching and help get through problems and help teachers figure out what they need, what
they want, and what problems they face, and school heads are prepared with information from various sources.
School Heads must also create training and development that could help teachers reduce stress and boost-up
morale, increase motivation of teachers, create a positive and productive work culture, future leadership,
retention and increase the quality of their job, make fewer mistakes, advance toward more progressive
responsibilities, and serve their customers more efficiently.
All schools strive to be efficient and successful, and to achieve this, it is crucial to regularly assess or
monitor employee performance. Effective monitoring also entails providing prompt feedback, assessing
performance in accordance with predetermined criteria, and promptly recognizing successes in a way that
encourages the individual to work harder every day (Kumar, 2020). Flexibility in teacher performance
evaluation encourages innovation and individual teacher initiative. Monitoring, evaluating, and implementing
important data gathered within a framework of meaningful feedback will promote the continual growth and
development of each teacher (Jimenez, 2020). However, if there is no decrease in the effect of issues brought on
by potentially subjective rater judgments, this assessment may not be valid (Sánchez et al., 2019). Most firms'
performance assessments are so poor that they have the opposite effect (Wigert& Sutton, 2019). When
employers implement them properly, staff members frequently provide the firm with more insightful input,
become more motivated to advance their careers, and, most importantly, contribute to the achievement of
organizational objectives (Cambell, 2019). Recent discussions about whether formal Performance Management
(PM) is even necessary have arisen because of the lack of convincing evidence for the effectiveness of PM,
which is defined as "a continual process involves recognizing, developing, and assessing the performances of
both individuals and teams and matching performance with the organization's strategic goals" (Schleicher et al.,
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2019). Annual reviews are becoming less popular as businesses encourage open communication and regularly
provide employees feedback and mentoring (O'Connell, 2020). It is critical to create systematic approaches that
are consistent with best practices and to promote a supportive professional environment that allows for the
continuous improvement of effective teaching. (Elliott, 2015). The standards used to assess teachers' work
performance must be stringent and impartial. The assessment should be based on objective criteria to strengthen
the credibility of performance rating (Mohammed, 2020a). Participants perceived the evaluation as fostering
professional development, and considering this, it makes reasonable to conclude that performance reviews can
advance a teacher's professional and career growth and development (Onen&Sincar, 2019). The use of data
collection and presentation to record performance that is based on well-defined work objectives is made possible
by the universal performance criteria for instructors. They create shared goals and expectations, strike a balance
between structure and flexibility, and thereby direct effective instructional practice (Norfolk School District,
2015). For teachers to grasp teacher performance appraisal and have a favorable attitude toward it, Owuonda et
al. (2020) contend that instructors need to get training. They must also be considered while developing the
teacher performance assessment tool. A method of continual contemplation, self-monitoring, self-judgment, and
self-assessment examines a person's strengths and flaws and identifies areas that require development. By
assessing his personal, academic, and professional performance, it entails a person learning from his
experiences. Using this, the researcher will attempt to ascertain the opinions of teachers employed by public
secondary schools about the efficiency of performance reviews, training, and growth within a district. This will
be a manual for school administrators to use in assisting teachers with their professional development (Quddus
et al., 2019). It is beneficial for university professors to receive feedback from their direct superiors, colleagues,
and students to advance their professional growth (Mohammed, 2020). Performance review is an essential
management method of evaluating an employee's strengths and deficiencies. This is typically the primary
method of obtaining data for compensating and training personnel depending on their performance and is thus
essential to achieving corporate goals by creating a contented faculty (Dasanayaka et al., 2021). To prepare
teachers for the constantly changing curricula, teacher training and development plans for their professional
growth (Diane, H. &Cogling, 2017). By pursuing further education, career-minded individuals may continually
enhance their competencies and abilities and perform better at their jobs. According to a study conducted in
Algeria, a teacher's lack of professional development and training can be a major contributing factor to any
dissatisfaction with the effectiveness of their instruction in developing competent and proficient learners with
the essential skills and knowledge in a variety of subject areas (Boudersa, 2016). Redesigning thinking
curriculum necessitates professional development of teachers' knowledge and attitudes, which has far-reaching
effects (Wegerif, 2019). An employer's training and development program in Lebanon is a sincere endeavor to
give staff members the chance to get familiar with a variety of abilities, information, attitudes, and behaviors
(Khan & Abdullah, 2019). To provide high-quality education, instructors must maintain their professional
development. This involves picking up fresh classroom management strategies and techniques, adaptable
teaching methodologies for various student levels, and current subject knowledge (Shaaban, 2018). Teachers in
Mauritius must have a particular set of skills and competencies to fulfill their duties and obligations effectively
prior to being granted a professional license (Peerthy, 2018). Teachers spend hours a year participating in
professional development programs that are meant to better their careers and enhance the learning possibilities
for their students (Person, 2020). If teachers want to be genuine leaders in their local schools, they need an in-
service training program that emphasizes acting rather than just listening. These issues have been addressed by
instructors using distance learning, and this trend is expected to continue (Amadi, 2013). Professional
development provides educators with frequent opportunities to upgrade their skills, capabilities, and knowledge
to be able to better support student success. Students learn more when teachers are learning new ideas and
strategies (Mizell, 2021).
The Department of Schools Inspectorate was tasked by The National Education Delivery Unit
(PENGGERAK JPM) and the Ministry of Education (MOE) to champion one focus area of the initiative, which
is the "Accountability and Performance Management" (APM) focus, to establish whether or not teachers are
performing in accordance with the required standards. Greater accountability is sought for through the Brunei
Teacher Standards (BTS) (Department of Schools Inspectorate Champion for Accountability and Performance
Management (APM) Ministry of Education Brunei Darussalam, 2015). The Brunei Teacher Standards (BTS),
which employ a performance-based paradigm of teacher assessment, are seen as a step toward creating more
accountability (Andrew et al., 2020). Lesson observations are a requirement of the new Rabiatul (2016)
assessment tool for all teachers. To accomplish superior education and educational goals, performance
management is a concept that must be successfully managed and utilized for employee performance in
Cambodia (Sothy, 2019). The Teachers' Performance Appraisal (TPA) system, which is supervised by head
teachers, school administrators, and school supervisors, is used in Indonesia to evaluate the competence of
teachers (Shohib& Othman, 2019). As teacher performance metrics, Indonesia has created four primary
competencies: educational, personal, social, and professional abilities (Supadi et al., 2021). To establish
conducive learning environments for students, teacher evaluations are carried out in Indonesia to guide hiring
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choices and teacher professional development (Perez-Alvarez et al., 2020). Teaching requires instructors to use
their artistic abilities to oversee all aspects of their preparation, execution, and evaluation (Ramli &Afriansyah,
2019). If Indonesian teachers want to increase the quality of their instruction, they must rely on their own
initiative (Tursini, 2012). Competence is one of the characteristics that will enhance performance and is one of
the aspects that define how a teacher's performance develops (Amalia & Saraswati, 2018). According to Ong et
al. (2021), the success or failure of the organization's development in Malaysia is determined by the assessment
and evaluation of the employees' performance levels. Studies of China's teacher performance assessment
systems show that because of the diversity of local conditions, teacher performance evaluation procedures have
difficulty accomplishing their objectives (Hua, 2017). Finding an employee's main competencies and areas for
improvement through training and development to be able to enhance their abilities for improved competence
and performance is one of the primary responsibilities of human resource management. To enhance and increase
one's level of competence, a change must be made through training and development. Performance of
employees is correlated with productivity, which is defined as the quantity produced, the kind of yield, the
practicality of output, attendance or involvement at work, attitude at work, skill at work, and sufficiency of work
completed (Asmawiah& Mukhtar, 2020). The Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore adopts a system
where a teacher's performance is not only evaluated by his own supervisor but also cross-ranked with his peers
by a ranking panel made up of direct and indirect supervisors, drawing guidance from the Civil Service ranking
and promotion framework (Kwang, 2020). Teachers in Thailand deal with a variety of professional issues,
including ineffective teaching, truancy issues, a lack of incentive to work, an unacceptable level of
incompetence in the field of education, and a need to regularly switch professions (Pasathang et al., 2016). Since
training and education are recognized as the highest priority among domestic initiatives, the Vietnamese
educational system's emphasis on teacher accountability and evaluation could be more exceptional (Phan et al.,
2021). Workshops, on-the-job and off-the-job training, seminars, and conferences can all be used to accomplish
this (Sothy, 2019). According to Thomas (2015), policymakers and practitioners must pay urgent attention to
high quality professional learning to increase teacher effectiveness. The present educational programs and
strategies in Indonesia are aimed on enhancing the quality of education by boosting teachers' quality, following
decades of concentrated work on quantity metrics including greater access, enrollment, and extension of
education (Rahman, 2016). Providing teachers with suitable and effective types of ongoing professional
development (CPD) is crucial to raising educational standards (Yoon, 2016). By providing compensation
packages and future promotions, the Malaysian Ministry of Education regularly encourages its teachers to enroll
in courses in important and pertinent subjects (Jamil et al., 2012). The Malaysian Education Growth Plan
(PPPM) 2013–2025 lists empowering teachers' professional and personal development as the strategies done to
attain this aim (Yaakob et al., 2020). The MOE has been offering a variety of in-service programs and courses
with the goal of enhancing teachers' teaching knowledge, abilities, and competency to address the shortcomings
and limitations in their instruction (Chiew et al., 2016). To stay up with change and play a catalytic role in
preparing students with global skills, many dimensions of education must keep pace with rapid technological
advancements, globalization, and the changing of social settings (Seng, 2019). The three main responsibilities
that the Vietnamese educational system seeks to address are increasing peoples' knowledge, developing human
resources, and developing abilities (van Hien et al., 2020).
In schools, teachers are the only ones who disseminate knowledge. They must have the ability to
educate utilizing the proper procedures, tactics, and approaches while dealing with different learner types. To
realize its goal for the Filipino people, the Philippine Department of Education is committed to offering the
greatest professional development opportunities to teachers. To improve teachers' proficiency in the necessary
instructional abilities, localized teacher training programs are run at the school level (Alilio, 2020). Although
COVID-19 has established remote or distance learning as the standard in the Philippines, there are still
challenges, and teachers must continue their professional development (Chin et al., 2022). Performance reviews
determine an employee's advancement based on their responsibilities (Malacapay, 2018). To make sure that the
performance metrics for this academic year are adequate, flexible, and appropriate to obtain teacher educators'
overall performance, DepEd stated that with the implementation and development of the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), the abrupt switch from face-to-face classes to open and distance learning
and the subsequent implementation of the limited face-to-face classes required the development and
modification of the tools, forms, and protocols outlined herein (Hernando-Malipot, 2022). The redesign of this
assessment form prompted efforts to change the country's educational system, which aimed to create a wide
range of activities that supported teacher learning in addition to reframed concepts of teaching, learning, and
schooling. These procedures have firmly held beliefs about staff development, in-service training, and
professional that affected teachers' and the society's perceptions of teachers in connection to the style of
management that administrators have and use (Catalan, 2018). The tasks and obligations that each teacher is
required to perform as part of their job are really the objectives that are listed. This is a tool to assess if one is
carrying out their responsibilities with diligence, accuracy, and timeliness (Burgos & Meer, 2021). The most
effective teachers delve into the subject matter to such a degree that their pupils can apply, integrate, and
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American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023
evaluate the knowledge they have gained (Punongbayan&Bauyon, 2015). According to the seven categories of
the competency-based evaluation system for teachers, instructors exhibit a high level of performance-related
skills, abilities, initiative, and productivity, exceeding standards in many areas of teaching performance
(Kadtong, 2017). The evaluation and assessment of an educator’s performance is based on the evidence
gathered, observations made, conferences held, and dialogues that accompany each procedure. The goal of the
performance assessment and evaluation is to improve learning outcomes and achieve high levels of student
performance as part of the school's objectives (Junio-Sabio & Manalo, 2020). Due to elements that influence
their performance, their performance on the field might be either high or low (Abarro, 2018). Principals in the
Philippines urge teachers to take part in the conventional and widespread method of professional development,
which includes conferences, seminars, workshops, and training (Capili-Balbalin, 2017). Through the mediation
of the working environment's quality of life, high-performance work systems indirectly and directly influence
teachers' in-role performance and extracurricular behavior. The quality of working life mediates the relationship
between high-performance work systems and employees' work habits. (Baluyos et al., 2019). It has been
demonstrated that providing instructors with high-quality professional development opportunities is an efficient
strategy to boost their abilities and enhance student learning results in a variety of situations (World Bank Group
Website, 2016). One of the methods for enhancing teaching-learning is professional development, such as the
Department of Education's (DepEd) In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) (Tupas &Noderama, 2020).
Finally, teacher professional development (TPD) has a substantial influence on the context of how curriculum is
implemented at the classroom level while also improving tactics in regard to teaching methods and student
results (Ancho & Arrieta, 2021).
Teachers must display thorough knowledge of the subject and curriculum while igniting and sustaining
students' attention and clearing up any ambiguities. Plan and deliver courses that are well-structured,
transferring information and fostering comprehension via efficient use of class time to encourage a love of
learning. These are some of the attributes of teachers and this will be gauged through performance review.
Teachers will be productive if they also undergone training and development. As a public-school teacher, the
researcher prepared all documents for IPCRF evaluations and one of its objectives in the KRA is to undergo
training and development. With this, the researcher wants to know the perspective of public secondary school
teachers on the effectiveness of performance review, training, and development.
Figure 1
Paradigm of the research process
Effectiveness of Training
and Development
The conceptual framework of the study was shown in the paradigm in Figure 1. As reflected, the study
based its concept on perspectives of public secondary school teachers on the effectiveness of performance
review, training and development in Candelaria District, Schools Division of Zambales during the SY 2021-
2022. The instrument was administered to the teachers to identify the profile of teachers, performance
commitment rating, effectiveness of performance review and training and development.
The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model provides a simple but effective framework for research design.
The first frame is the Input which is the profile of the respondents, performance rating, effectiveness of
performance review and effectiveness of training and development. The second frame is the process, wherein
the data collection used printed survey questionnaire form and data presentation and analysis using statistical
tools like frequency, percentage, mean, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson r and Likert Scaling
Technique or using the scale of 1 - 4. The last frame is the output, wherein the determined effectiveness of
performance review and training and development of teachers.
For a deeper analysis of the study, the following hypotheses was tested at 5% alpha:
The result of the study will help school leaders to provide meaningful feedback to teachers on how they
can upgrade work performance within the holistic dimension of the institution. This may help them organize and
have a policy making in creating achievable and well-crafted indicators in evaluating work performance of
every teacher. This may also be a way of providing teachers with training and development to enhance and
upgrade their skills.
The result of the study will be helpful to every teacher to prepare the needed things to be done as part
of their responsibility in fostering and delivering excellent teaching practices and strategies.
The results of the study will act as the foundation for future studies about performance review, training,
and development. Future researchers will use this analysis in a broader context that can be more elaborated on in
the future.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were defined operationally to facilitate clarity and understanding.
District. It refers to a unit for administration of a public-school system often comprising several
Barangays within a country. In the present study, the District of Candelaria will be the locale of the study which
includes Candelaria School of Fisheries, Lauis National High School, Pamibian Integrated School and Uacon
Integrated School.
Performance Rating. It refers to the step in DepEd's work measurement process in which the School
Head evaluates the teacher's performance and documents a value representing that performance in relation to the
concept of standard performance.
Secondary School Teachers. It refers to teachers that instruct students in seventh through twelfth
grade in both public and private educational institutions.
The descriptive approach of research was utilized throughout the investigation. According to Bueno
and Matriano (2016), descriptive research is one in which data is gathered to determine whether two variables
are related and to derive predictions from this connection. Descriptive research methodology is a method that
involves observing and reporting on a subject's behavior while not influencing it in any way (Shuttleworth,
2021). McCombes (2020) descriptive research strives to characterize a scenario, population, or phenomena in a
systematic and precise manner. Bhat (2020) shared the word descriptive research pertains to the subject's
research questions, study design, and data analysis Because none of the variables in the research sample were
influenced in any way, it's termed observational research. In descriptive research, a straightforward and correct
research question/problem should be provided (Fluet 2020).
The current study determined the perspectives of public secondary school teaching personnel on the
effectiveness of performance review, training, and development. By using this method, the researcher analyzed,
interpreted, and reported the profile of teachers, performance rating, perspectives of public secondary school
teachers on the effectiveness of performance review and training and development.
The study was conducted in Candelaria District, Schools Division Office of Zambales. It is located in
the Province of Zambales, Region III, Philippines. It is composed of 4 Public Secondary Schools namely:
Candelaria School of Fisheries, Lauis National High School, Pamibian Integrated School, and Uacon Integrated
School. The study respondents were one hundred twelve (113) public secondary school teachers from both
senior and junior high schools. These are the teachers employed in the current school year 2021-2022. The
researcher included teachers with permission to participate in this study.
The survey questionnaire self-constructed by the researcher is the instrument used in the study. The
survey questionnaire was split into four sub-parts. The primary part is the Profile of the teacher-respondents
with regards to Profile of teachers was limited to age, years in service, sex, position, educational attainment, and
civil status. The second part is the performance rating of teachers during SY 2021-2022. The third part is the
perspectives of teachers in the effectiveness of performance review. The fourth and last part is the perspectives
of teachers in the effectiveness of training and development. The third and fourth parts are in the form of
statements to be assessed by the respondents with the following scale: 4 – Strongly Agree, 3- Agree, 2- Slightly
Agree and 1 –Disagree. The researcher asked the help of the Head Teachers and Master Teachers of English for
face validation to check the appropriateness of words. Following the proposal defense, the researcher requested
pre-approval from members of the panel committee to check the validity of the variables utilized in the study
due to minor changes to the instrument. All noted vague statements and discrepancies on the instrument were
incorporated and integrated into the instrument's finalization. After which, the researcher also selected twenty-
five teachers from his school to validate the questionnaire in terms of its appropriateness and qualities of
measurement and to review it for validity, clarity, and reliability. The researcher consulted a statistician to
examine the reliability and validity of the study using Cronbach’s alpha. This was the basis for an instrument to
apply to the present study.
The researcher sought approval from the Schools Division Superintendent through endorsement from
the District Supervisor and Principals to collect data from teachers. Upon approval of the Schools Division
Superintendent, the researcher administered the survey questionnaire in printed format. The researcher
personally visited School Heads and asked for their assistance to administer the survey questionnaire and allow
five (5) days and assured of the 100% retrieval rate. The data and information obtained from the questionnaire
was handled using descriptive methods. To fulfill the research, the researcher gathered data about the
perspectives of teachers in the effectiveness of performance review and training and development.
The researcher utilized the percentage and frequency to identify the frequency and proportions of the
respondents belonging to a specific category. The means was used to describe the perspectives of teachers in the
effectiveness of performance review and training and development. T-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
was applied to determine the significant difference in the perspectives of teacher-respondents in the
effectiveness of performance review when grouped according to their profile and the significant difference in
the perspectives of teacher-respondents in the effectiveness of training and development when grouped
according to their profile. Pearson r was used to determine the significant relationship between the perspectives
of teacher-respondents in the effectiveness of performance review and performance rating, significant
relationship between the perspectives of teacher-respondents in the effectiveness of training and development
and performance rating and significant relationship between the perspectives of teacher-respondents in the
Table 1
Profile of the participants
Profile of the Teacher-Respondents Percentage
(N = 113)
61 and above 1 0.88
51 – 60 13 11.50
41 – 50 29 25.66
31 – 40 44 38.94
21 – 30 26 23.01
Male 29 25.66
Female 84 74.34
Master Teacher I 2 1.77
Teacher III 27 23.89
Teacher II 35 30.97
Teacher I 49 43.36
Years in Service
31 years and above 4 3.54
26 – 30 2 1.77
21 – 25 7 6.19
16 – 20 10 8.85
10 – 15 19 16.81
6 – 10 44 38.94
5 years and below 27 23.89
Civil Status
Married 81 71.68
Single 32 28.32
Educational Attainment
Doctorate Graduate 3 2.65
With Doctorate Units 6 5.31
Master’s Graduate 37 32.74
With Master’s Units 53 46.90
College Graduate 14 12.39
1.1.Age. Most of the teacher-respondents are 31-40 years old with the highest frequency of 44 out of 113
or 38.94%. It was also found out that there are 61 years and above with the lowest frequency of 1 out of 113
or 0.88%. The finding is similar to the data gathered by National Center for Education Statistics (2018)
wherein there are more teachers in age 30-49 years old and Francisco (2020) wherein there are more
teachers under 31-40 years old. It shows that teachers are in the midst of their teaching career.
1.2.Sex. Majority of the teacher-respondents are female with the highest frequency of 84 out of 113 or
74.34%. It was also followed by male with the 29 out of 113 or 25.66%. The finding is similar to the data
gathered by National Center for Education Statistics (2018) and the study of Francisco (2020) and Abarro
(2018) wherein there are more female teachers. It shows that there are more female teachers pursuing
education and teaching in the secondary public schools.
1.3.Position. Most of the teacher-respondents are Teacher I with the highest frequency of 49 out of 113
or 43.36%. It was also found out that there are Master Teacher I with the lowest frequency of 2 out of 113
or 1.77%. The finding is similar to the data of Department of Education as cited by Dela Fuente (2020) that
there are 446,112 teachers who are Teacher I and the least number are those Master Teacher IV with the
lowest frequency of 12. In addition, Marzan (2021) also revealed that there are more teachers in Teacher I
position. It shows that there are more teachers having the lowest rank. From a random talk to some teachers
1.5.Civil Status. Most of the teacher-respondents are married with the highest frequency of 81 out of 113
or 71.68%. It was also found out that there are single teachers with the lowest frequency of 32 out of 113 or
28.32%. The finding is also similar to the study of Francisco (2020) there are more married teachers.
However, in the study of Abarro (2018), there are more single teachers.
1.6.Educational Attainment. Most of the teacher-respondents are With Master’s Units with the highest
frequency of 53 out of 113 or 46.90%. It was also found out that there are teachers who are Doctorate
Graduate with the lowest frequency of 3 out of 113 or 2.65%. The findings are consistent with statistics
from the National Center for Education Statistics (2018), which found that 61 percent of secondary school
teachers have postbaccalaureate degrees. It is also comparable to the study of Francisco (2020) and Abarro
(2018) wherein there are more teachers having Masteral Units. It demonstrates that some teachers place
high importance on professional development.
Table 2
Performance rating of teachers based on IPCRF of SY 2021-2022
IPCRF Rating Frequency Percentage
4.500 – 5.000 (Outstanding) 113 100.00
3.500 – 4.499 (Very Satisfactory) 0
2.500 – 3.499 (Satisfactory) 0
1.500 – 2.499 (Unsatisfactory) 0
Below 1.4999 (Poor) 0
Mean Rating = 4.760 (Outstanding)
The finding is similar to the study of Alvaro (2019) wherein majority of the teachers have an outstanding
performance in their IPCRF. However, the finding contradicts the study of Abarro (2018) and Francisco (2020)
that there are more teachers who have Very Satisfactory performance in their IPCRF rating.
All the items have a descriptive rating of Strongly Agree. Item number 1 has the highest score of 3.58
while item number 8 have the lowest score of 3.33. It shows that teachers are fully aware of their strengths and
areas for development. However, school heads provide real-time mentoring and coaching and help get through
problems, and help teachers figure out what they need, what they want, and what problems they face. In
summary, teachers strongly agreed with the effectiveness of performance review with an overall mean of 3.40.
Idowu (2017) demonstrates that when an organization employs performance assessment as a motivational tool,
considerable positive effects occur. One approach for enhancing teachers' performance is effective performance
appraisal (Senadheera, 2016) because it entails providing prompt feedback, assessing performance in
accordance with predetermined criteria, and promptly recognizing successes in a way that encourages the
individual to work harder every day (Kumar, 2020) and promote the continual growth and development of each
teacher (Jimenez, 2020), (Mohammed, 2020) and (Onen&Sincar, 2019). Performance Review assesses if one is
fulfilling their responsibilities with diligence, accuracy, and timeliness (Burgos & Meer, 2021).
All the items have a descriptive rating of Strongly Agree. Item numbers 2, 4 and 15 have the highest score
of 3.42 while item number 8 have the lowest score of 3.32. It shows that training and development can improve
teachers' performance by making them more proficient in their jobs and allowing them to do their tasks more
quickly, enables teachers to identify their weaknesses and strive to improve them, and allow employees to
discover new topics, improve their skills and knowledge, work together on new challenges, and learn from
colleagues with specific areas of expertise. Moreover, Training and development help teachers reduce stress
and boost-up morale. In summary, teachers strongly agreed with the effectiveness of training and development
with an overall mean of 3.36.
Principals in the Philippines urge teachers to take part in the conventional and widespread method of
professional development, which includes conferences, seminars, workshops, and training (Capili-Balbalin,
2017) and In-Service Training for Teachers (INSET) (Tupas &Noderama, 2020) that provides educators with
frequent opportunities to upgrade their knowledge and skills to better support student success (Mizell, 2021). A
Table 4
Perspectives on the effectiveness of training and development
Effectiveness of Training and Development Weighted Descriptive
Mean Rating
1 Through training programs, teachers can broaden their 3.37 1
knowledge base and improve their job productivity and
2 Training and development can improve teachers' 3.42 2
performance by making them more proficient in their
jobs and allowing them to do their tasks more quickly.
3 As a result of training and development, the teacher's 3.37 3
output is improved, and resources are used more
4 A training program enables teachers to identify their 3.42 4
weaknesses and strive to improve them.
5 Training and development increase teachers' work 3.36 5
satisfaction by making them feel more appreciated by
their schools.
6 Teachers may increase the quality of their job, make 3.34 6
fewer mistakes, advance toward more progressive
responsibilities, and serve their customers more
efficiently with the help of training and development.
7 Training and development efforts assist teachers in 3.36 7
generating a sense of worth inside the organization and
fostering loyalty, resulting in more excellent employee
promotion and retention.
8 Training and development help teachers reduce stress 3.32 8
and boost-up morale.
9 Training and development can assist educators in 3.35 9
learning more quickly, leaving minimal space for
10 Training and development may assist schools in 3.33 10
increasing teacher motivation and fostering a healthy
and productive work environment.
11 Training and development help the organization keep 3.34 11
its competitive edge by making it easier to find and
keep good teachers.
12 Targeting employees with future leadership qualities 3.34 12
might be critical in developing a school for
development and evolution.
13 Regular training and development programs reduce 3.37 13
workplace inactivity, which can help the organization
conduct systematic reviews of their workforce,
competencies, and operational procedures.
14 Training and development are genuine training needs of 3.35 14
the organization; teachers will be actively involved,
keen to learn about the new topic, and immediately
implement what they have learned in the classroom.
15 Training and development allow employees to discover 3.42 15
new topics, improve their skills and knowledge, work
together on new challenges, and learn from colleagues
with specific areas of expertise.
Overall 3.36 Strongly Agree
Table 5
ANOVA Results on the variations of responses when grouped according to profile-variables.
Profile-Variables Statistical P-Value Decision at 5% Alpha
Age F= 0.992 0.155 Accept Ho
(Not Significant)
Sex t = 0.873 0.211 Accept Ho
(Not Significant)
Position F = 5.082 0.000 Reject Ho
Effectiveness of (Significant)
Performance Years of Service F = 1.007 0.083 Accept Ho
Review (Not Significant)
Civil Status t = 0.805 0.234 Accept Ho
(Not Significant)
Highest F = 2.366 0.018 Reject Ho
Educational (Significant)
Age F= 1.101 0.0722 Accept Ho
(Not Significant)
Sex t = 0.659 0.319 Accept Ho
(Not Significant)
Position F = 6.134 0.000 Reject Ho
Effectiveness of (Significant)
Training and Years of Service F = 5.219 0.000 Reject Ho
Development (Significant)
Civil Status t = 1.078 0.0746 Accept Ho
(Not Significant)
Highest F = 6.137 0.000 Reject Ho
Educational (Significant)
The p-value corresponding to the F and t-statistic of one-way ANOVA and t-test is higher than 0.05,
suggesting that the Effectiveness of Performance Review is insignificantly different when grouped according to
Age (0.155), Sex (0.211), Years of Service (0.083) and Civil Status (0.234). It shows that the assessment did
not vary on these variables. However, it was found out that the Effectiveness of Performance Review is
significantly different when grouped according to Position (0.000) and Highest Educational Attainment
(0.018). This implies that the position and highest educational attainment of the participants are
determinants of their perspectives on the effectiveness of performance review. According to data from the
National Center for Education Statistics (2018), most educators indicated success after their most recent teacher
performance review. Their evaluation accurately depicted their teaching performance. This was deemed
adequate by 89 percent of teachers. Following their most recent teacher performance review, 63% of instructors
were given the option to create a professional development plan. The only significant difference between groups
of instructors was that teachers with postgraduate certifications were more likely than teachers with basic
qualifications to claim they were given the opportunity to construct such a strategy. Seventy-four percent of
instructors said their most recent evaluation helped them improve their teaching skills.
Moreover, the p-value corresponding to the F and t-statistic of one-way ANOVA and t-test is higher than
0.05, suggesting that the Effectiveness of Training and development is insignificantly different when grouped
according to Age (0.0722), Sex (0.319) and Civil Status (0.0746). It shows that the assessment did not vary on
these variables. However, it was found out that the Effectiveness of Performance Review is significantly
different when grouped according to Position (0.000), Years of Service (0.000) and Highest Educational
Attainment (0.000). This implies that the position, years in service, and highest educational attainment of the
participants are factors of their perspectives on the effectiveness of training and development. According to
Habon (2019), no significant difference was found, indicating that the replies were consistent across all
respondents' profiles. This suggests that the respondents have a common understanding of how training and
This proposed Comprehensive Training Program for teachers, based on the lowest scores of the
perspectives of teachers on the effectiveness of performance review, training, and development, is being
proposed to help teachers achieve outstanding performance. School Heads should provide real-time mentoring
and coaching and help get through problems, help teachers figure out what they need, what they want, and what
problems they face, and school heads are prepared with information from various sources, including recent
recognition, skills evaluation ratings, 360-degree feedback, one-on-one comments, and goal progress. School
Heads must also create training and development that could help teachers reduce stress and boost-up morale,
increase motivation of teachers, create a positive and productive work culture, future leadership, retention, and
increase the quality of their job, make fewer mistakes, advance toward more progressive responsibilities, and
serve their customers more efficiently.
This Comprehensive Training Program for teachers aims to:
1. help the teacher improve the relationship with the school head.
2. provide real-time mentoring and coaching and help get through problems.
3. help teachers figure out what they need, what they want, and what problems they face.
4. prepare with information from various sources, including recent recognition, skills evaluation ratings, 360-
degree feedback, one-on-one comments, and goal progress.
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5. increase the quality of their job, make fewer mistakes, advance toward more progressive responsibilities, and
serve their customers more efficiently.
6. help teachers reduce stress and boost-up morale.
7. assist schools in increasing teacher motivation and fostering a healthy and productive work environment.
8. help the organization keep its competitive edge by making it easier to find and keep good teachers.
9. target employees with future leadership qualities that might be critical in developing a school for development
and evolution.
People Funding
Key Result Areas Objectives Strategies Timeline/ Outputs
Involved Requirement
SLAC and
Performance provide real-time mentoring and coaching Updated Coaching Teachers and Year Round/
Review and help get through problems. and Mentoring School Head Attendance and ACR
Awarding of
Employee of the Year Round/ MOOE
prepared with information from various
Month Certificates and
sources, including recent recognition,
Teachers and Evaluation Tools
skills evaluation ratings, 360-degree
School Head
feedback, one-on-one comments, and goal
Accomplishment Attendance and ACR None
First, and importantly, I want to thank and honor God, the Almighty, for pouring His blessings onto
me, giving me knowledge and strength during my research study, and letting me finish it.
I want to convey my heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Lorelie E. Rafanan, my research adviser, and Dr.
David C. Bueno, dean of G-SPACE for enabling me to do a study and offering vital support during this process.
I am incredibly grateful to my parents, Braulio E. Elamparo and Narcisa R. Elamparo, and my siblings,
Mark Anthony, MeryAlona, and Mark Lee for their unconditional love, care, prayers, and sacrifices in educating
and training me for the future.
I want to thank my friends, especially John Paulo and my coworkers, for their unwavering support
during this research study.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who helped me complete the research work, whether directly or
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