RQ Firearms
RQ Firearms
RQ Firearms
weaponry, they can fire around the target’s cover.
In most cases this will require something along
the lines of self guided ammunition. If used as a Offensive, Critical, Firearms Only
trick shot, for example bouncing a laser blast off If shooting at lineally positioned opponents or
a mirror or ricocheting a bullet off a wall, then into a densely packed group, this special effect
the special effect should be treated as a Critical allows the shot to travel completely through the
Success only with a commensurate reduction in first victim to strike a second behind them, as-
damage. suming that it overcomes the first target’s body
Pin Down
tated and unable to continue fighting. Recovery
from incapacitation can be performed with a
successful First Aid check or using some form of Offensive, Stackable, Firearms Only
technological or narcotic booster if such exists in Similar to Press Advantage, this special effect
the campaign. Otherwise the temporary incapaci- forces the target to make an Opposed Test of their
tation lasts for a period equal to one hour divided Willpower against the attacker’s hit roll. Failure
by the Healing Rate of the target. means that the target hunkers down behind what-
rutius archiripa (order #3920851)
cover, communicating with others, reloading a weapon Success only, unless the target is within close range
and so on. and is either stationary or unaware of the impending
attack. Telescopic scopes may extend this range (see
Special Effects tions however, the first being that a shield should,
by its very nature, be much easier to hit. The second
Depending on the type of ammunition or energy they concerns exotic weapons which fire a cone shaped
project, some Special Effects should be slightly modified, beam able to target hand held objects within its area
even restricted. It is impossible to cover all types of ranged of affect; for instance an induction gun that heats
weaponry as there will always be exceptions, but some metal objects.
general guidelines are provided for the most common • Disarm Opponent: As per Damage Weapon above.
effects. There’s nothing quite as satisfying than shooting an
enemy’s gun right out of their hands.
• : Since Bash relies more on catching an op- • Entangle: Although usually reserved for thrown
ponent off balance, rather than throwing them weapons such as nets or the bolas, entangling firearms
backwards by pure force, it is perfectly reasonable for are a staple for some golden and silver-age science fic-
projectile ammunition to cause a target to stagger if tion settings. Tanglers should be permitted access to
it strikes an extremity. Energy weapons are less likely this special effect.
to inflict such an effect unless the physics of the beam • Impale: The ammunition of most projectile-based
result in some sort of surface explosion. firearms will be able to impale. Game Masters may
• : Since most firearms produce very narrow wish to restrict or ban this effect for plasma or laser
wound paths, it is actually more difficult to nick or based energy weapons. Bullets, fléchettes and similar
sever a major blood vessel than it is with a slicing projectiles are clearly too small to impose any second-
or stabbing weapon. Due to this Bleed should be a ary impaling effects.
Critical Success only – unless the gun is some sort of • Kill Silently: Obviously this cannot be selected if
weird weaponry which fires shuriken, razor fléchettes, the weapon is inherently loud unless it possesses
flattened force fields or some such exotic ammunition. some sort of silencer. In general, any gun which fires
• Bypass Armour: Although Bypass Armour can os- ammunition travelling faster than the speed of sound
tensibly be used with any sort of attack, some types of will make significant noise, no matter what method
ammunition might either be prevented from access- it uses to accelerate the projectile. Sniping with some-
ing this effect (shot gun pellets due to their spread) thing like a Microwave Laser on the other hand will
or built into their base performance, granting it as be utterly inaudible.
a bonus special effect in addition to any others won • Maximise Damage: This special effect should be
(Teleportation rounds). Much depends on how the available for any firearm. Remember however, that
Game Master wishes to model the weapon. it only affects a single die. Something which should
• Choose Location: As per the default rules, Choose be taken into consideration by a Game Master when
Location should be restricted to being a Critical designing modern or futuristic weapons for their
rutius archiripa (order #3920851)
mans really shouldn’t inflict any more than 20 damage
Overcoming Armour
maximum, but averaging just over half that, enough to
regularly inflict Major Wounds. A top of the line M24 or
Dragunov sniper rifle might be rated at 2d8+4 damage for Some previous d100 settings using firearms have compen-
instance. sated for the protective value of armour by boosting the
base damage to very high levels. Although this enables
Anything larger is just wasted ammunition mass or shot injury of those wearing significant body armour, it has a
energy, and works against player character survivability detrimental effect of making such weapons near instantly
when facing equally well armed foes. lethal against unprotected foes, which is not necessarily
With no need to reload, every battle may well turn into • Ablating: Designed to directly attack the protective
a bloodbath, which is fine if you are merely expending armour of an object or person. Damage is done to Ar-
clones or droids, but will become extremely frustrating to mour Points first. Once the armour has been reduced
players when rolling up new characters for the umpteenth to zero, any remaining damage continues through to
time. the target. Most HE (High Explosive) ammunition
fits this trait.
Modern projectile weapons currently have magazines of • Armour Piercing: Ignores a specific number of
about 10-30 rounds, which should be sufficient capacity Armour Points equal to half the maximum damage
to enable a decent amount of shooting until needing to capability of the firing weapon. So Armour Piercing
change the clip. Heavier support weapons which have a rounds fired from a .45 pistol would ignore the first
much higher rate of fire, should possess larger magazines. four points of any protection, whereas those fired
rutius archiripa (order #3920851)