An Efficient Itterative Method Based On 2 Stage Spliting Method To Solve Weakly Nonlinear Systems

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An Efficient Iterative Method Based on Two-Stage
Splitting Methods to Solve Weakly
Nonlinear Systems
Abdolreza Amiri 1 , Mohammad Taghi Darvishi 1, * , Alicia Cordero 2 and
Juan Ramón Torregrosa 2
1 Department of Mathematics, Razi University, Kermanshah 67149, Iran
2 Institute for Multidisciplinary Mathematics, Universitat Politècnica de València,
Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +98-83-3428-3929

Received: 17 July 2019; Accepted: 19 August 2019; Published: 3 September 2019 

Abstract: In this paper, an iterative method for solving large, sparse systems of weakly nonlinear
equations is presented. This method is based on Hermitian/skew-Hermitian splitting (HSS) scheme.
Under suitable assumptions, we establish the convergence theorem for this method. In addition,
it is shown that any faster and less time-consuming two-stage splitting method that satisfies the
convergence theorem can be replaced instead of the HSS inner iterations. Numerical results, such as
CPU time, show the robustness of our new method. This method is easy, fast and convenient with an
accurate solution.

Keywords: system of nonlinear equations; Newton method; Newton-HSS method; nonlinear

HSS-like method; Picard-HSS method

1. Introduction
For G : D ⊆ Cm −→ Cm , we consider the following system of nonlinear equations:

G ( x ) = 0. (1)

One may encounter equations like (1) in some areas of scientific computing. In particular,
when the technique of finite elements or finite differences are used to discretize nonlinear boundary
problems, integral equations and certain nonlinear partial differential equations. Finding the roots of
systems like (1) has widespread applications in numerical and applied mathematics. There are many
iterative schemes to solve (1). The most common one is the second order classical Newton’s scheme,
which solves (1) iteratively as

x ( n +1) = x ( n ) − G 0 ( x ( n ) ) −1 G ( x ( n ) ), n = 0, 1, . . . , (2)

where G 0 ( x (n) ) is the Jacobian matrix of G, evaluated in the nth iteration. To avoid computation of
inverse of the Jacobian matrix G 0 ( x ), Equation (2) is changed to

G 0 ( x (n) )( x (n+1) − x (n) ) = − G ( x (n) ). (3)

Equation (3) is a system of linear equations. Hence, by s(n) = x (n+1) − x (n) , we have to solve the
following system of equations:

G 0 ( x ( n ) ) s ( n ) = − G ( x ( n ) ), (4)

Mathematics 2019, 7, 815; doi:10.3390/math7090815

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whence x (n+1) = x (n) + s(n) . Thus, by using this approach, we have to solve a system of linear
equations such as

Ax = b, (5)

which we usually use an iterative scheme to solve it.

Furthermore, an inexact Newton method [1–4] is a generalization of Newton’s method for
solving (1), in which, at the nth iteration, the step-size s(n) from current approximate solution x (n)
must satisfy a condition such as

k G ( x (n) ) + G 0 ( x (n) )s(n) k≤ ηn k G ( x (n) ) k,

for a “forcing term” ηn ∈ [0, 1). Let us consider system (1) in which G ( x ) can be separated into linear
and nonlinear terms, Ax and ϕ( x ), respectively, that is

G ( x ) = ϕ( x ) − Ax or Ax = ϕ( x ). (6)

In (6), the m × m complex matrix A is a positive definite, large and sparse matrix. In addition,
vector-valued function ϕ : D ⊆ Cm −→ Cm is continuously differentiable. Furthermore, x is an
m-vector and D is an open set. When the norm of linear part Ax is strongly dominant over the norm
of nonlinear part ϕ( x ) in a specific norm, system (6) is called a weakly nonlinear system [5,6]. Bai [5]
used the separability and strong dominance between the linear and the nonlinear parts and introduced
the following iterative scheme

Ax (n+1) = ϕ( x (n) ). (7)

Equation (7) is a system of linear equations. When the matrix A is positive definite,
Axelsson et al. [7] solved it by a class of nested iteration methods. To solve linear positive definite
systems, Bai et al. [8] applied the Hermitian/skew-Hermitian splitting (HSS) iterative scheme.
For solving the large sparse, non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems, Li et al. [9] used
an asymmetric Hermitian/skew-Hermitian (AHSS) iterative scheme. Moreover, to improve the
robustness of the HSS method, some HSS-based iterative algorithms have been introduced. Bai and
Yang [10] presented Picard-HSS and HSS-like methods to solve (7), when matrix A is a positive definite
matrix. Based on the matrix multi-splitting technique, block and asynchronous two-stage methods are
introduced by Bai et al. [11]. The Picard circulant and skew-circulant splitting (Picard-CSCS) algorithm
and the nonlinear CSCS-like iterative algorithm are presented by Zhu and Zhang [12], when the
coefficient matrix A is a Teoplitz matrix. A class of lopsided Hermitian/skew-Hermitian splitting
(LHSS) algorithms and a class of nonlinear LHSS-like algorithms are used by Zhu [6] to solve the large
and sparse of weakly nonlinear systems.
It must be noted that system (6) is a special form of system (1). Generally, system (6) is nonlinear.
If we classify Picard-HSS and nonlinear HSS-like iterative methods as Jacobian-free schemes, in many
cases, they are not as successful as Jacobian dependent schemes such as the Newton method. Most of
the methods for solving nonlinear systems need to compute or approximate the Jacobian matrix in
the obtained points at each step of the iterative methods, which is a very time-consuming process,
especially when the Jacobian matrices ϕ0 ( x (n) ) are dense. Therefore, introducing any scheme that does
not need to compute the Jacobian matrix and can solve a wider range of problems than the existing
ones is welcome. In fact, Jacobian-free methods to solve nonlinear systems are very important and
form an attractive area of research.
In this paper, we present a new iterative method to solve weakly nonlinear systems. Even though
the new algorithm uses some notions of mentioned algorithms, but differs from all of them because it
has three important characteristics. At the first, the new algorithm is a fully Jacobian-free one. At the
second, it is easy to use, and, finally, it is very successful to solve weakly nonlinear systems. The new
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 3 of 17

iterative method is a synergistic combination of high order Newton-like methods and a special splitting
of the coefficient matrix A in (5).
The rest of this paper has organized as follows: in the following section, we present our new
algorithm. We prove convergence of our algorithm in Section 3. We apply our algorithm to solve some
problems in Section 4. In Section 5, we conclude our results and give some comments and discussions.

2. The New Algorithm

In linear system Ax = b, we suppose that A = H + S, where H = 12 ( A + A∗ ), S = 12 ( A − A∗ ),
and A∗ is the conjugate transpose of matrix A. Hence, H and S are, respectively, Hermitian and
skew-Hermitian parts of A. By an initial guess x0 ∈ Cn , and positive constants α and tol, in HSS
scheme [8], one computes xl for l = 1, 2, . . . as
(αI + H ) xl + 1 = (αI − S) xl + b,
2 (8)
(αI + S) xl +1 = (αI − H ) xl + 1 + b,

where I is the identity matrix. Stopping criterion for (8) is kb − Axl k ≤ tolkb − Ax0 k, for known x0
and tol.
Bai and Guo [13] used an HSS scheme as inner iterations to generate an inexact version of
Newton’s method as:

(1) Consider the initial guess x (0) , α, tol and the sequence {ln }∞
n=0 of positive integers.
(2) ( n ) ( 0 )
For n = 1, 2, ... until k G ( x )k ≤ tolk G ( x )k do:
(2.1) Set s0 = 0.
(2.2) For l = 1, 2, . . . , ln − 1, apply Algorithm HSS as

 (αI + H ( x (n) ))s(n)1 = (αI − S( x (n) ))s(l n) − G ( x (n) )

l+ 2
 (αI + S( x (n) ))s(n) = (αI − H ( x (n) ))s(n)1 − G ( x (n) ),
l +1 l+ 2

and obtain sln such that

k G ( x (n) ) + G 0 ( x (n) )sln k≤ ηn k G ( x (n) ) k, for some ηn ∈ [0, 1).

(2.3) Set x (n+1) = x (n) + sln .

In addition, to solve weakly nonlinear problems, one can use a Picard-HSS method as a simple
and Jacobian-free method, which is described as follows [10].

2.1. Picard-HSS Iteration Method

Suppose that ϕ : D ⊂ Cn → Cn is a continuous function and A ∈ Cn×n is a positive definite
matrix. For an initial guess x (0) and for a positive integer sequence {ln }∞ n=0 , Picard-HSS iterative
method computes x (n+1) for n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., by using the following iterative scheme, until the stopping
criterion is satisfied [10],
(1) Set xl := x (n) ;
(2) For l = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1, obtain x (n+1) from solving the following:

 (αI + H ) x (n)1 (n)

= (αI − S) xl + ϕ ( x ( n ) ),
l+ 2
(n) (n)
 (αI + S ) x l +1 = (αI − H ) x + ϕ ( x ( n ) ).
l + 12
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 4 of 17

(3) Set x (n+1) := xln .

The numbers ln , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . depend on the problem, so practically they are difficult to be

determined in real computations. A modified form of Picard-HSS iteration scheme, called the nonlinear
HSS-like method, has been presented [10] to avoid using inner iterations as follows.

2.2. Nonlinear HSS-Like Iteration Method

Obtain x (n+1) , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . from the following [10], for a given x (0) ∈ D ⊂ Cn , until the stopping
condition is satisfied
(αI + H ) x (n+ 2 ) = (αI − S) x (n) + ϕ( x (n) ),
1 1
(αI + S) x (n+1) = (αI − H ) x (n+ 2 ) + ϕ( x (n+ 2 ) ).

However, in this method, it is necessary to evaluate the nonlinear term ϕ( x ) at each step, which
for complicated nonlinear terms ϕ( x ) is too costly.

2.3. Our Proposal Iterative Scheme

For solving (6) without computing Jacobian matrices, we present a new algorithm. This algorithm
is a strong tool for solving weakly nonlinear problems, as Picard and nonlinear Picard algorithms,
but, in comparison with Picard and nonlinear Picard algorithms, it solves a wider range of nonlinear
systems. First, we change (7) as

Ax (n+1) = Ax (n) − Ax (n) + ϕ( x (n) ) (9)


Ax (n+1) − Ax (n) = − Ax (n) + ϕ( x (n) ). (10)

After computing x (n) , set b(n) = ϕ( x (n) ), Gn ( x ) = b(n) − Ax. Then, by intermediate iterations,
obtain x (n+1) as:
(n) (n) (n)
• Let x0 = x (n) and until k G ( xk ) k≤ toln k G ( x0 )k do:

(n) (n)
Ask = G ( x k ), (11)

(n) (n) (n)

where sk = xk+1 − xk (k is the counter of the number of iterations (11)).
• For solving (11), one may use any inner solver; here, we use an HSS scheme. Next, for initial value
x0 and k = 1, 2, . . . , k n − 1 until

(n) (n)
k Gn ( xk ) k≤ toln k Gn ( x0 )k, (12)

apply the HSS scheme as:

(1) Set sk,0 = 0.
(2) For l = 0, 1, 2, . . . , lkn − 1, apply algorithm HSS (l is the counter of the number of HSS iterations):

 (αI + H )s(n) (n) (n)

= (αI − S)sk,l + Gn ( xk ),
k,l + 12
(n) (n) (n) (13)
 (αI + S)sk,l +1 = (αI − H )s + Gn ( xk )
k,l + 12
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 5 of 17

and obtain sk,l such that

(n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

k Gn ( xk ) − Ask,l k≤ ηk k Gn ( xk )k, ηk ∈ [0, 1). (14)

(n) (n) (n)

(3) Set xk+1 = xk + sk,l (lkn is the required number of HSS inner iterations for satisfying (14)).

( n +1) (n)
• Finally, set x0 = xkn (k n is the required number of iterations (11) in the nth step, for
( n +1)
satisfying (12)), b(n+1) = ϕ( x0 ), Gn+1 ( x ) = b(n+1) − Ax and again apply steps 3–14 in
Algorithm 1 until to achieve the following stopping criterion:

k Ax (n) − ϕ( x (n) )k ≤ tol k Ax (0) − ϕ( x (0) ) k .

Algorithm 1: JFHSS Algorithm

Input: x (0) , tol, α, n ← 1
Output: The root of Ax − ϕ( x ) = 0
1 root ← x (0)
2 while k Ax (n) − ϕ( x (n) )k > tol k Ax (0) − ϕ( x (0) ) k do
Input: toln
Set: x0 = x (n) , b(n) = ϕ( x (n) ) and Gn ( x ) = b(n) − Ax, k = 1.
(n) (n)
3 while k Gn ( xk ) k> toln k Gn ( x0 )k do
4 Set: l = 0, sk,0 = 0.
(n) (n) (n) (n)
5 while k Gn ( xk ) − Ask,l k> ηk k Gn ( xk )k do

(the HSS algorithm)

(n) (n) (n)
(αI + H )s = (αI − S)sk,l + Gn ( xk ),
k,l + 21
(n) (n) (n)
(αI + S)sk,l +1 = (αI − H )s + Gn ( xk ),
k,l + 21

(n) (n) (n) (n)

7 if k Gn ( xk ) − Ask,l k≤ ηk k Gn ( xk )k then
(n) (n) (n)
8 l ← l k n , x k +1 = x k + sk,l
9 else
10 l ← l+1
(n) (n)
11 if k Gn ( xk ) k≤ toln k Gn ( x0 )k then
( n +1) (n)
12 k ← k n , x0 = xkn
13 else
14 k ← k+1

15 if k Ax (n) − ϕ( x (n) )k ≤ tol k Ax (0) − ϕ( x (0) ) k then

16 root ← x (n)
17 else
( n +1) ( n )
18 n ← n + 1, x (n) = x0 , b = ϕ( x (n) ), Gn ( x ) = b(n) − Ax
19 return root

We call this new method a JFHSS (Jacobian-free HSS) algorithm, and its steps are shown in
Algorithm 1.
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In addition, we call the intermediate iterations Newton-like iteration because this kind of iteration
uses the same procedure as an inexact Newton’s method, except, since the function we use here is
b(n) − Ax for n = 1, 2, · · · , we don’t need to compute any Jacobian and, in fact, the Jacobian is the
matrix A. For this reason, we also call this iterative method a "Jacobian-free method".
Since the JFHSS scheme uses many HSS inner iterations, one may use another splitting scheme
instead of the HSS method. In fact, if any faster and less time-consuming splitting method is available
that satisfies the convergence theorem, presented in the next section, then it can be used instead
of the HSS algorithm. One of these methods that is proposed in [14] is GPSS (generalized positive
definite and skew-Hermitian splitting) algorithm that uses a positive-definite and skew-Hermitian
splitting scheme instead of a Hermitian and skew-Hermitian one. Let H and S be the Hermitian and
skew-Hermitian parts of A; then, the GPSS algorithm splits A as A = P1 + P2 where P1 and P2 are,
respectively, positive definite and skew-Hermitian matrices. In fact, we have

P1 = D + 2LG , P2 = K + L∗G − LG + S, (15)


P1 = D + 2L∗G , P2 = K + LG − L∗G + S, (16)

where G and K are, respectively, Hermitian and Hermitian positive semidefinite matrices of H, that is,
H = G + K; in addition, D and LG are the diagonal matrix and the strictly lower triangular matrices of
G , respectively (see [14]).
Thus, to solve the system of linear Equation (5) for an initial guess x0 ∈ Cn , and positive
constants α and tol, the GPSS iteration scheme (until the stopping criterion is satisfied) computes xl for
l = 1, 2, . . . by
(αI + P1 ) xl + 1 = (αI − P2 ) xl + b,
2 (17)
(αI + P2 ) xl +1 = (αI − P1 ) xl + 1 + b,

where α is a given positive constant and I denotes the identity matrix. In addition, if, in Algorithm
1, we use a GPSS scheme instead of an HSS one, we denote the new method by JFGPSS (Jacobian
free GPSS).

3. Convergence of the New Method

As we mentioned in the first section, for solving a nonlinear system, if one can separate (1) into
linear and nonlinear terms, Ax and φ( x ), when Ax is strongly dominant over the nonlinear term,
Picard-HSS and nonlinear HSS-like methods can solve the problem. However, in many cases, even for
weakly nonlinear ones, they may fail to solve the problems. Thus, to obtain a more useful method for
solving (6), based on some splitting methods, we presented a new iterative method. Now, we prove
that Algorithm 1 converges to the solution of a weakly nonlinear problem (6). In the following theorem,
we prove the convergence of the JFHSS scheme.

Theorem 1. Let x (0) ∈ Cn and ϕ : D ⊂ Cn → Cn be a G-differentiable function on an open set N0 ⊂ D

on which ϕ0 ( x ) is continuous and max k A−1 ϕ0 ( x )k = L < 1. Let us suppose that H = 12 ( A + A∗ ) and
S = 12 ( A − A∗ ) are the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian parts of the positive definite matrix A and also that
M is an upper bound for k A−1 G ( x (0) )k, and lkn is the number of HSS inner iterations in which the stopping
criterion (14) is satisfied,
 
(1−η )(1−η k n−1 )

 
 ln ( L 1 ) 
l∗ >  , (18)
ln(θ )
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 7 of 17

with l∗n = lim inf lkn for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., η is the tolerance in Newton-like intermediate iterations with
kn → ∞
L < (1 − η )2 and θ = k T k, where T is the HSS inner iteration matrix that can be written as

T = (αI + S)−1 (αI − H )(αI + H )−1 (αI − S).

Then, the sequence of iteration { x (k) }∞k =0 , which is generated by a JFHSS scheme in Algorithm 1,
is well-defined and converges to x , satisfying G ( x ∗ ) = 0, and also

k x ( n +1) − x ( n ) k ≤ δ M ρ n , (19)
k x ( n +1) − x (0) k ≤ , (20)
n n
(1 + θ l∗ ) (1 + θ l∗ )
where δ = lim sup and ρ = lim supρn for ρn = L + η k n −1 .
n→∞ 1−η n→∞ 1 − η

α − λi
Proof. Note that k T k ≤ max < 1 (see [8]), where λ( H ) is the spectral radius of H and α is
λ ∈λ( H ) α + λ

i i
a positive constant in HSS inner iterations of JFHSS scheme. Based on Algorithm 1, we can express
x (n+1) as
(n) (n) (n) (n)
x ( n +1) = xkn = xkn −1 + ( I − T lkn ) Gn0 ( xkn −1 )−1 Gn ( xkn −1 )
(n) (n)
= xkn −1 + ( I − T lkn ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −1 )
(n) (n) (n)
= xkn −2 + ( I − T lkn −1 ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −2 ) + ( I − T lkn ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −1 )
(n) (n) (n)
= xkn −3 + ( I − T lkn −2 ) A−1 G(n) ( xkn −3 ) + ( I − T lkn −1 ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −2 )
(n) (21)
+( I − T lkn ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −1 )
(n) (n) (n)
= x0 + ( I − T l1 ) A−1 Gn ( x0 ) + ( I − T l2 ) A−1 Gn ( x1 ) + · · ·
(n) (n)
+( I − T lkn −2 ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −3 ) + ( I − T lkn −1 ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −2 )
(n) (n)
+( I − T lkn ) A−1 Gn ( xkn −1 ) = x (n) + ∑kj=n 1 ( I − T l j ) A−1 Gn ( x j−1 ).

(n) η
In the last equality, we used x0 = x (n) . If we set η 0 = in (14) instead of η, where
cond( A)
cond( A) = k Akk A−1 k, then η 0 ≤ 1. Because of (14), we have

(n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)

k Gn ( xkn )k ≤ k Gn ( xkn ) − Gn ( xkn −1 ) + Gn0 ( xkn −1 )( xkn − xkn −1 )k
(n) (n) (n) (n)
+k Gn ( xkn −1 ) − Gn0 ( xkn −1 )( xkn − xkn −1 )k
(n) (n) (n) (n)
= k Gn ( xkn −1 ) − A( xkn − xkn −1 )k ≤ η 0 k Gn ( xkn −1 )k,

(n) (n) (n)
k A−1 Gn ( xkn )k ≤ k A−1 kk Gn ( xkn )k ≤ η 0 k A−1 kk Gn ( xkn −1 )k
(n) (n)
≤ η 0 k A−1 kk Akk A−1 Gn ( xkn −1 )k = η k A−1 Gn ( xkn −1 )k.

Therefore, by mathematical induction, we can obtain

(n) (n)
k A−1 Gn ( xkn )k ≤ η kn k A−1 Gn ( x0 )k. (22)

Then, from (21), and since k I − T l j k < 1 + θ l j ≤ 1 + θ l∗ for j = 1, 2, . . . , k n , we have
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 8 of 17

k x (n+1) − x (n) k ≤ ∑kj=n 1 k I − T l j kk A−1 Gn ( x j−1 )k
≤ (k I − T l1 k + η k I − T l2 k + η 2 k I − T l3 k + · · ·
+η kn −2 k I − T lkn −1 k + η kn −1 k I − T lkn k)k A−1 Gn ( x0 )k (23)
n (n)
= (1 + η + η 2 + · · · + η kn −2 + η kn −1 )(1 + θ l∗ )k A−1 Gn ( x0 )k
1 − η kn n (n)
= (1 + θ l∗ )k A−1 Gn ( x0 )k.

Thus, from the last inequality, since Gn ( x ) = b(n) − Ax, b(n) = ϕ( x (n) ), we have

1 − η kn n
k x ( n +1) − x ( n ) k ≤ (1 + θ l∗ )k A−1 (b(n) − Ax (n) )k
1 − η kn n
= (1 + θ l∗ )(k A−1 ( ϕ( x (n) ) − ϕ( x (n−1) ))k + k A−1 ( ϕ( x (n−1) ) − Ax (n) )k).

Then, by using the multivariable Mean Value Theorem (see [15]), we can write

k A−1 ( ϕ( x (n) ) − ϕ( x (n−1) ))k ≤ maxk A−1 ϕ0 ( x )kk x (n) − x (n−1) k = Lk x (n) − x (n−1) k,
x ∈S

where S = { x : x = tx (n) + (1 − t) x (n−1) , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1}. Thus,

k A−1 ( ϕ( x (n) ) − ϕ( x (n−1) ))k ≤ Lk x (n) − x (n−1) k. (25)

From the right-hand side of (24), using (22) for n − 1, and (25), we have

k x ( n +1) − x ( n ) k ≤
1 − η kn n
= (1 + θ l∗ )( Lk x (n) − x (n−1) k + k A−1 Gn−1 ( x n )k) (26)
1 − η kn n ( n −1)
≤ (1 + θ l∗ )( Lk x (n) − x (n−1) k + η kn−1 k A−1 Gn−1 ( x0 )k).

1 − η k n −1
If in the last inequality of (26), from (23), we use k x (n) − x (n−1) k ≤ (1 +
n −1 ( n −1)
θ l∗ )k A−1 Gn ( x0 )k, then

k x ( n +1) − x ( n ) k ≤
1 − η kn n 1 − η k n −1 n −1 ( n −1) ( n −1)
(1 + θ l∗ )( L (1 + θ l∗ )k A−1 Gn−1 ( x0 )k + η kn−1 k A−1 Gn−1 ( x0 )k)
1−η 1−η
1 − η kn n 1 − η k n −1 n −1 ( n −1)
≤ (1 + θ l∗ )( L (1 + θ l∗ ) + η kn−1 )k A−1 Gn−1 ( x0 )k.
1−η 1−η

As 1 − η kn < 1, n = 1, 2, · · · and by the definition of ρ and δ, we have

( n −1)
k x (n+1) − x (n) k ≤ δρk A−1 Gn−1 ( x0 )k. (27)

By mathematical induction and since k A−1 G0 ( x0 )k ≤ M,

k x (n+1) − x (n) k ≤ δρn k A−1 G0 ( x0 )k ≤ δMρn , (28)

which yields (19). By the stopping criterion (18), we must have ρ < 1 and then, using (19), it is easy
to deduce
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 9 of 17

k x ( n +1) − x (0) k ≤ k x ( n +1) − x ( n ) k + k x ( n ) − x ( n −1) k + · · · + k x (1) − x (0) k ≤ ,

which is the relation (20).

Thus, the sequence { x (n) } is in a ball with center x (0) and radius r = . From (28),
sequence { x (n) } also converges to its limit point x ∗ . From the following iteration,

(n) (n) (n)

x1 = x0 + ( I − T l1 ) A−1 Gn ( x0 ),

(n) (n)
when n −→ ∞, k x0 − x ∗ k −→ 0, k x1 − x ∗ k −→ 0, l1 −→ ∞. Moreover, as k T k < 1, then T l1 → 0
and we have

G ( x ∗ ) = 0,

which completes the proof.

Note that, in some applications, the stopping criterion (18) may be obtained as negative; this shows
that, for all l∗ > 1, we must have ρ < 1.
In addition, it is easy to deduce from the above theorem that any iterative method that its iteration
matrix satisfies in k T k < 1 can be used instead of the HSS method. For a JFGPSS case, the proof is
similar, except, in the inner iteration, the iterative matrix is

T = (αI + P2 )−1 (αI − P1 )(αI + P1 )−1 (αI − P2 ).

The following result shows the convergence of a JFGPSS algorithm:

Theorem 2. Let x (0) ∈ Cn and ϕ : D ⊂ Cn → Cn be a G-differentiable function on an open set N0 ⊂ D,

on which ϕ0 ( x ) is continuous and max k A−1 ϕ0 ( x )k = L < 1. Let us suppose that P1 and P2 are generalized
positive-definite and skew-Hermitian splitting parts of the positive definite matrix A as (15) and (16) and also
that M is an upper bound for k A−1 G ( x (0) )k; lkn is the number of GPSS inner iterations in which the stopping
criterion (14) is satisfied,
 
(1−η )(1−η k n−1 )
− 1) 
 
 ln( L
l∗ >  ,
ln(θ )

with l∗n = lim inf lkn for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., η is the tolerance in Newton-like intermediate iterations with
kn → ∞
L < (1 − η )2 and θ = k T k, where T is the GPSS inner iteration matrix that can be written as

T = (αI + P2 )−1 (αI − P1 )(αI + P1 )−1 (αI − P2 ).

Then, the sequence of iteration { x (k) }∞ k =0 , generated by JFGPSS scheme in Algorithm 1, is well-defined
and converges to x ∗ , satisfying G ( x ∗ ) = 0, and also

k x ( n +1) − x ( n ) k 6 δ M ρ n ,
k x ( n +1) − x (0) k 6 ,
n n
(1 + θ l∗ ) (1 + θ l∗ )
where δ = lim sup and ρ = lim supρn for ρn = L + η k n −1 .
n→∞ 1−η n→∞ 1−η

Proof. Let us note that, in this theorem, we also have k T k < 1 (for more details, see [16]). The rest of
the proof is similar to Theorem 1.
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 10 of 17

In the next section, we apply our new iterative method on some weakly nonlinear systems
of equations.

4. Application
Now, we use JFHSS and JFGPSS algorithms for solving some nonlinear systems. These examples
show that JFHSS and JFGPSS methods perform better than nonlinear HSS-like and Picard-HSS methods.

Example 1. Consider the following two-dimensional nonlinear convection-diffusion equation

−(u xx + uyy ) + q(u x + uy ) = f ( x, y), ( x, y) ∈ Ω

u( x, y) = h( x, y), ( x, y) ∈ ∂Ω

where Ω = (0, 1) × (0, 1), ∂Ω is its boundary and q is a positive constant for measuring the magnitude of the
convection term. We solve this problem for each of the following cases:

Case 1 f ( x, y) = eu( x,y) , h( x, y) = 0.

Case 2 f ( x, y) = −eu( x,y) − sin(1 + u x ( x, y) + uy ( x, y)), h( x, y) = −e x+y .

To discretize this convection-diffusion equation, for the convective term, we use a central
difference method while, for the diffusion term, we use a five-point finite difference method. These
yield the following nonlinear system

H (u) = Mu + h2 ψ(u), (29)

where h = is the equidistance step-size with N as a known natural number and M = A N ⊗
IN + A N ⊗ IN , B = CN × CN with tridiagonal matrices A N = tridiag(−1 − qh/2, 2, 1 + qh/2), CN =
tridiag(−1/h, 0, 1/h) and IN is N × N identity matrix. For case 1, we have ψ(u) = − ϕ(u) and, for
case 2, ψ(u) = sin(1 + Bu) + ϕ(u), where ϕ(u) = (eu1 , eu2 , ..., eun ) T ; moreover, ⊗ is the Kronecker
product symbol, n = N × N and sin(u) means (sin(u1 ), sin(u2 ), · · · , sin(un )) T . To apply Picard-HSS,
nonlinear HSS-like, JFHSS and JFGPSS methods for solving (29), the stopping criterion for the outer
iteration in all methods is chosen as

k Mu(n) + h2 ψ(u(n) ) k
≤ 10−12 . (30)
k Mu(0) + h2 ψ(u(0) ) k

Meanwhile, the Newton-like iteration (in JFHSS and JFGPSS methods) is

k Gn (ukn ) k
≤ 10−1 , (31)
k Gn (u0 ) k

and also the stopping criterion for HSS and GPSS processes in each Newton-like inner iteration is

(n) (n) (n)

k Gn (uk ) − Ask,l k≤ η k Gn (uk )k, (32)

where {u(n) } is the sequence generated by the JFHSS method. kn and lkn are, respectively, the number
of Newton-like inner iterations and HSS and GPSS inner iterations, required for satisfying Relations (31)
and (32).
Moreover, to avoid computing the Jacobian in Picard-HSS method, we propose the following
stopping criterion for inner iterations

k G (u(n) ) + Asln k≤ η k G (u(n) )k. (33)
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 11 of 17

In order to use a JFGPSS method, we apply the following decomposition on matrix M in Equation (29),

P1 = D + 2LG , P2 = L∗G − LG + S. (34)

In addition, K = 0, so G = H is the Hermitian part of M and S = ( M − M∗ ) is the skew Hermitian
part of M.
Numerical results for q = 1000, q = 2000 and initial points u(0) = 1̄, u(0) = 4 × 1̄ for both cases
and u(0) = 12 × 1̄ for case 1 and u(0) = 13 × 1̄ for case 2 and different values of N for JFHSS, JFGPSS,
nonlinear HSS-like and Picard-HSS schemes are reported in Tables 1 and 2. Other numerical results
such as CPU-time (total CPU time), the number of outer and inner iteration steps (denoted as ITout
and ITinn , respectively), and the norm-2 of the function at the last step (denoted by k F (u(n) )k) are also
presented in these tables. For JFHSS and JFGPSS algorithms, the values of ITint and ITinn are reported.
The former is the obtained number when total inner HSS or GPSS iteration is used in Newton-like
iterations, divided by the sum of total Newton-like iterations, while the latter is the total number of
intermediate iterations of the Newton-like method.
Except for u(0) = 1̄, which is relatively close to the solution (in case 1, the real solution u is
near zero and, in case 2, almost for all coordinates of the solution, ui , i = 1, 2, · · · , n, 0 ≤ ui ≤ 1),
the nonlinear HSS-like method for other initial points of Tables 1 and 2 could not perform the iterations
at all, but JFHSS and JFGPSS methods for all points in both cases could easily solve the problem.
Picard-HSS for these three initial points could not solve the problem and, in all cases, fails to solve the
problem, especially for q > 500.
Numerical results show that the inner iterations for both JFHSS and nonlinear HSS-like are almost
the same but for JFGPSS is less than these two methods. For example, in Table 1, for u(0) = 1̄, q = 1000
and N = 40, the number of inner iterations for JFHSS and JFGPSS methods are, respectively, 133 and
96 and this number for total iterations in the nonlinear HSS-like method (consider that there is only one
kind of iteration in a nonlinear HSS-like method) is 127. However, the nonlinear HSS-like method needs
to evaluate a greater number of the nonlinear term ψ(u) than the JFHSS method (for the JFHSS method,
only 12 function evaluations are required compared to 254 function evaluations for the nonlinear
HSS-like method). Thus, JFHSS and JFGPSS methods can significantly reduce the computational
cost of evaluation of the nonlinear term, especially when the nonlinear part is so complicated, e.g.,
in Example 2, the difference between the computational cost of the nonlinear HSS-like method and the
JFHSS method has increased, since the problem has a more complicated nonlinear term.
It must be noted that, in the inner iteration, for solving the linear systems related to the Hermitian
part (in HSS scheme) and the skew-Hermitian part (in both HSS and GPSS schemes), we have employed
respectively the conjugate gradient (CG) method and the Lanczos method (for more details, see [17]).
In this example, η = tol was used for all steps; in most cases, we obtained equal Newton-like
and outer iterations at each step; however, in general, choosing equal η and tol does not always
lead to equal Newton-like and outer iterations. For example, in cases that nonlinearity increases
(e.g., when we choose initial value u(0) = 12 × 1̄, in the first steps, the nonlinear term h2 ψ(u) is so big)
result in a different number of Newton-like and outer iterations. In all tables of this paper, a, b denote
the number a · 10b .
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 12 of 17

Table 1. Results for JFHSS, JFGPSS, nonlinear HSS-like and Picard-HSS methods of Example 1, Case 1
(η = tol = 0.1).

N 30 40 60 70 80 100
q = 1000, JFHSS CPU 0.65 1.81 7.46 13.21 24.45 59.32
u(0) = 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 9 11.08 10.75 10.75 10.41 10.91
k F (u(n) )k 1.86, −11 3.35, −11 1.70, −11 3.41, −11 3.54, −11 2.43, −11
JFGPSS CPU 0.63 1.46 5.79 9.84 17.28 44.50
ITout 12 12 11 11 11 11
ITint 14 12 11 11 11 11
ITinn 8.78 8 7.64 7.45 7.90 8.73
k F (u(n) )k 5.45, −11 1.89, −11 7.69, −11 1.02, −10 9.63, −11 5.09, −11
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 0.82 2.03 8.26 14.60 24.65 61.35
IT 129 127 123 124 128 126
k F (u(n) )k 1.45, −10 1.53, −10 1.25, −10 1.10, −10 8.60, −11 8.91, −11
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 2000, JFHSS CPU 1.04 2.71 11.32 19.87 31.48 76.13
u(0) = 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 16.08 14.67 14.25 14.17 14 14.08
k F (u(n) )k 1.47, −10 9.30, −11 7.92, −11 8.80, −11 9.56, −11 6.56, −11
JFGPSS CPU 0.85 2.20 8.57 14.26 23.50 54.90
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 14.42 12.42 10.58 10 9.84 9.91
k F (u(n) )k 1.57, −10 8.49, −11 3.33, −11 2.80, −11 2.38, −11 4.23, −11
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 1.32 2.94 12.11 20.51 33.88 80.97
IT 188 172 167 166 165 165
k F (u(n) )k 3.24, −10 2.50, −10 2.07, −10 2.32, −10 2.037, −10 1.81, −10
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 1000, JFHSS CPU 0.80 2.24 9.34 14.56 23.77 60.21
u(0) = 4 × 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 11.08 11 10.67 10.75 10.50 11.25
k F (u(n) )k 1.94, −10 1.70, −10 9.33, −11 9.94, −11 1.15, −10 8.77, −11
JFGPSS CPU 0.56 1.51 6.55 12.47 21.03 55.50
ITout 12 12 11 12 11 11
ITint 12 12 11 12 11 11
ITinn 8.92 8.34 8.72 8.75 9.55 10.63
k F (u(n) )k 9.76, −11 7.68, −11 4.60, −10 6.35, −11 3.73, −10 3.78, −10
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 2000, JFHSS CPU 0.99 2.51 11.20 19.45 32.23 77.58
u(0) = 4 × 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 16.08 14.67 14.25 14.17 14 14.08
k F (u(n) )k 5.88, −10 3.71, −10 3.20, −10 3.57, −10 3.75, −10 2.69, −10
JFGPSS CPU 0.85 2.20 8.58 14.02 23.22 54.94
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 14.42 12.41 10.58 9.92 9.84 9.84
k F (u(n) )k 6.26, −10 3.44, −10 1.31, −10 1.63, −10 1.08, −10 2.08, −10
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 1000, JFHSS CPU 0.81 2.23 10.41 18.89 31.31 81.74
u(0) = 12 × 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 14
ITinn 10.85 12.83 11.28 11.71 11.64 12.93
k F (u(n) )k 1.47, −8 1.05, −8 7.50, −9 4.55, −9 3.08, −9 3.29, −9
JFGPSS CPU 0.66 1.70 7.95 14.30 25.44 63.80
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 14
ITinn 8.78 8 7.86 8.64 9.07 9.92
k F (u(n) )k 8.02, −9 3.11, −8 3.40, −9 2.32, −9 1.61, −9 6.16, −10
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 13 of 17

Table 1. Cont.

N 30 40 60 70 80 100
q = 2000, JFHSS CPU 1.06 2.90 13.55 21.72 38.94 87.18
u(0) = 12 × 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 13 14 13
ITinn 14.93 14.36 14.86 14.62 14.57 15
k F (u(n) )k 2.06, −8 1.48, −8 9.76, −9 6.96, −9 6.58, −9 5.72, −9
JFGPSS CPU 0.95 2.45 10.03 17.81 29.06 69.57
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 13
ITinn 13.71 11.64 10.71 10.85 10.64 11.31
k F (u(n) )k 1.91, −8 1.30, −8 6.08, −9 3.26, −9 6.35, −9 3.23, −9
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -

Table 2. Results for JFHSS, JFGPSS, nonlinear HSS-like and Picard-HSS methods of Example 1, Case 2
(η = tol = 0.1).

N 30 40 60 70 80 100
q = 1000, JFHSS CPU 0.73 2.03 9.54 16.99 27.27 65.47
u(0) = 1̄ ITout 11 11 11 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 13 13 13
ITinn 11.25 11.41 11.92 11.23 10.92 12
k F (u(n) )k 1.64, −10 1.18, −10 1.43, −11 1.32, −11 1.95, −11 1.56, −11
JFGPSS CPU 0.57 1.53 7.19 12.59 19.42 53.59
ITout 11 11 11 11 11 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 13
ITinn 9 8.25 8.75 8.92 8.25 9
k F (u(n) )k 5.45, −11 8.19, −11 8.56, −11 7.6, −11 5.27, −11 4.81, −12
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 0.82 2.30 9.86 14.38 29.31 59.91
IT 128 128 123 124 121 126
k F (u(n) )k 1.81, −10 1.43, −10 1.25, −10 1.10, −10 1.15, −10 1.06, −10
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 2000, JFHSS CPU 0.98 2.63 11.73 20.51 36.07 77.20
u(0) = 1̄ ITout 11 11 11 11 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 13 13
ITinn 16 15 14.50 14.67 14.30 14.62
k F (u(n) )k 2.49, −10 2.26, −10 2.03, −10 2.30, −10 2.61, −11 1.74, −11
JFGPSS CPU 0.88 2.26 8.61 15.08 25.83 60.7
ITout 11 11 11 11 12 11
ITint 12 12 12 12 13 12
ITinn 14.33 12.08 10.58 10.66 9.69 11
k F (u(n) )k 2.04, −10 2.91, −10 1.91, −10 1.09, −10 1.64, −11 1.72, −10
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 1.15 3.85 12.52 19.61 37.70 79.26
IT 187 171 166 166 164 164
k F (u(n) )k 3.68,-10 3.07, −10 2.48, −10 2.17, −10 2.42, −10 2.13, −10
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 1000, JFHSS CPU 0.72 2.28 9.39 16.62 28.53 67.23
u(0) = 4 × 1̄ ITout 11 11 11 12 11 11
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 11.41 11.33 11.41 11.75 12.08 12.34
k F (u(n) )k 1.62, −10 2.01, −10 1.64, −10 1.92, 10 2.89, −10 2.47, −10
JFGPSS CPU 0.69 1.97 8.85 16.53 26.53 70.80
ITout 11 11 11 11 12 11
ITint 12 12 12 12 13 12
ITinn 10.91 11.16 11 11.42 11.42 12.34
k F (u(n) )k 2.18, −10 1.22, −10 1.21, −10 8.35, −11 1.15, −10 1.17, −10
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 14 of 17

Table 2. Cont.

N 30 40 60 70 80 100
q = 2000, JFHSS CPU 0.97 2.59 11.06 20.24 33.75 79.80
u(0) = 4 × 1̄ ITout 11 11 11 11 11 11
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 15.92 15.08 14.50 14.58 14.66 14.92
k F (u(n) )k 9.65, −10 4.15, −10 4.31, −10 4.40, −10 3.82, −10 3.39, −10
JFGPSS CPU 0.88 2.18 8.75 14.60 25.05 64.79
ITout 11 11 11 11 11 11
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 14.50 12.42 10.66 10.42 10.58 11.08
k F (u(n) )k 5.06, −10 3.61, −10 2.53, −10 3.32, −10 2.95, −10 1.97, −10
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 1000, JFHSS CPU 0.77 2.33 10.82 19.56 32.13 85.32
u(0) = 13 × 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 14
ITinn 10.85 12.83 11.28 11.71 11.64 12.92
k F (u(n) )k 1.44, −8 1.36, −8 7.47, −9 4.56, −9 3.8, −9 3.54, −9
JFGPSS CPU 0.65 1.74 8.00 14.54 25.02 64.19
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 14
ITinn 8.78 8 8.28 8.64 9.07 9.86
k F (u(n) )k 8.03, −9 1.44, −8 3.35, −9 4.76, −9 1.69, −9 1.085, −9
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -
q = 2000, JFHSS CPU 1.08 2.97 11.27 22.45 39.98 89.15
u(0) = 13 × 1̄ ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 14
ITinn 14.93 14.35 14.43 14.62 14.57 15
k F (u(n) )k 2.01, −8 1.49, −8 8.73, −9 6.97, −9 6.57, −9 5.72, −9
JFGPSS CPU 0.99 2.41 10.15 17.98 29.33 67.45
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 14 14 14 14 14 13
ITinn 13.78 11.64 10.71 10.86 10.64 11.31
k F (u(n) )k 1.70, −8 1.30,−8 6.02, −9 3.23, −9 6.34, −9 3.21, −9
Nonlinear HSS-like - - - - - - -
Picard-HSS - - - - - - -

The optimal value for parameter α that minimizes the boundary of spectral radius of the
iteration matrices is important because it also improves the convergence speed of Picard-HSS,
nonlinear HSS-like, JFHSS and JFGPSS methods. There are no general results to determine the
optimal α and α, so we need to obtain the optimal values of parameters α and α experimentally.
However, Bai and Golub [8] proved that spectral radius of HSS iterative matrix that is obtained from
α − λi
the coefficient matrix M in (29) is bounded by k T k ≤ σ (α) ≡ max < 1, and the minimum
λi ∈ λ ( H ) α + λ i

of this bound is obtained when q
α = α∗ = λmin( H ) λmax( H ) ,

where λmin( H ) and λmax( H ) are, respectively, the smallest and the largest eigenvalues of Hermitian
matrix H. Usually, in an HSS scheme, αopt 6= α∗ ≡ argmin{σ (α)} < 1 and ρ( T (α∗ )) > ρ( T (αopt )).
α >0
When q or qh/2 is small, σ(α) is close to ρ( T (α)) and in this case α∗ is close to αopt and α∗ can be a
good estimation for αopt . However, when q or qh/2 is large (the skew-Hermitian part is dominant),
hence σ (α) deviates too much from ρ( T (α)), so using α∗ is not useful. In this case, ρ( T (α)) attains its
minimum at αopt that is far from α∗ , but close to qh/2 (see [8]).
In the GPSS case, a spectral radius of T (α) is bounded by kV (α)k, where V (α) = (αI − P1 )(αI +
P1 )−1 . Since kV (α)k2 6 1 (see [18]), GPSS inner iterations unconditionally converge to the exact
solution in each inner iteration of a JFGPSS scheme. However, when P1 ∈ Cn×n is a general
positive-definite matrix, we do not have any formula to compute α∗ ≡ argmin{kV (α)k} that is
α >0
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 15 of 17

the value that minimizes the boundary of iteration matrix T (α), nor do we have a formula for αopt , the
value that minimizes k T (α)k.
In Table 3, the optimal values of αopt and αopt have been written (tested and optimal α and αopt )
that are determined experimentally by using increments as 0.25. In addition, the corresponding
spectral radius of the iteration matrices T (α) and T (α) for HSS and GPSS algorithms that are used as
inner iterations to solve (29) are reported in this table. One can see that the spectral radius of GPSS
method in all cases is smaller than HSS scheme, which results in faster convergence.

Table 3. Optimal value of α for HSS and GPSS inner iterations for different values of N and q of
Example 1.

N 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
q = 1000 HSS αopt 18 15 10.5 9 8 6 5.75 5.75
ρ( T (αopt )) 0.7226 0.6930 0.6743 0.6613 0.6513 0.6485 0.6459 0.6467
α∗ 0.4047 0.3062 0.2462 0.2059 0.1769 0.1551 0.1381 0.1244
ρ( T (α∗ )) 0.8971 0.9211 0.9360 0.9461 0.9535 0.9590 0.9634 0.9669
16.1290 12.1951 9.8039 8.1967 7.0423 6.1728 5.4945 4.9505
ρ( T ( )) 0.7236 0.6974 0.6783 0.6674 0.6608 0.6574 0.6562 0.6569
GPSS αopt 11.25 9.5 8.5 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5
ρ( T (αopt )) 0.5428 0.5140 0.5076 0.4983 0.4959 0.4902 0.4982 0.4983
q = 2000 HSS αopt 26 22 16 13.5 12 10 8.75 8
ρ( T (αopt )) 0.7911 0.7663 0.6499 0.7399 0.0.7373 0.7302 0.7302 0.7242
α∗ 0.1638 0.0938 0.0606 0.0424 0.0313 0.0241 0.0191 0.0155
ρ( T (α∗ )) 0.9579 0.9757 0.9842 0.9889 0.9918 0.9937 0.9950 0.9959
32.2581 24.39 19.61 16.3934 14.0845 12.35 10.99 9.9010
ρ( T ( )) 0.7953 0.77 0.7512 0.7439 0.7343 0.728 0.7282 0.7270
GPSS αopt 15 13 11 10 9 8 7.5 7
ρ( T (αopt )) 0.6424 0.6212 0.6144 0.6063 0.6036 0.6028 0.6090 0.6033

Example 2 ([10]). We consider the two-dimensional nonlinear convection-diffusion equation

−(u xx + uyy ) + qe x+y ( xu x + yuy ) = ueu + sin( 1 + u2x + u2y ), ( x, y) ∈ Ω,
u( x, y) = 0, ( x, y) ∈ ∂Ω,

where Ω = (0, 1) × (0, 1), ∂Ω is its boundary and q is a positive constant for measuring magnitude of the
convection term. By applying the upwind finite difference scheme on the equidistance discretization grid (stepsize
h= ) with the central difference scheme to the convective term, we obtain a system of nonlinear equations
in the general form (for more details, see [10])

H ( x ) = Mx − h2 ψ( x ). (35)

We have selected zero vector u(0) = 0 = (0, 0, · · · , 0) T as the initial guess. In addition, again (31) and (32)
are used respectively as the stopping criteria for the inner iterations and Newton-like iterations in the JFHSS
method and (30) for outer iterations in JFHSS, Picard-HSS and nonlinear HSS-like methods. Moreover, to avoid
computing Jacobian in Picard-HSS and nonlinear HSS-like methods, we used (33). Similar to Example 1,
one can use other iterative methods instead of HSS in Algorithm 1, for which the spectral radius of its iteration
matrix is smaller and thus results in faster convergence.
Numerical results for N = 32, 48, 64, optimal α and different values of q for JFNHSS, Picard-HSS
and nonlinear HSS-like schemes are reported in Table 4. In addition, we adopted the experimentally optimal
parameters α to obtain the least CPU times for these iterative methods. One can see that JFHSS performs better
than nonlinear HSS-like and Picard-HSS methods in all cases.
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 16 of 17

Table 4. Results of JFHSS, nonlinear HSS-like and Picard-HSS methods for Example 2 (η = tol = 0.1).

q 50 100 200 400 1200 2000

N = 32 αopt 1.4 1.6 2.5 8 21.5 34
JFHSS CPU 1.23 1.42 1.29 1.53 1.71 1.86
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 11.34 11.67 12 12.75 16.25 20.34
k F (u(n) )k 1.54, −14 2.2, −14 1.47, −14 6.87, −15 8.22, −15 1.3, −14
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 2.03 2.39 2.25 2.31 2.42 2.45
IT 129 137 140 146 160 167
k F (u(n) )k 1.1, −14 2.25, −14 2.31, −14 2.23, −14 2.4, −14 2.3, −14
Picard-HSS CPU 7.96 8.31 7.76 8 8.60 8.86
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 121.1 131.91 126.75 145.34 146.34 147
k F (u(n) )k 1.1, −14 1.24, −14 1.57, −14 1.96, −14 1.84, −14 1.6, −14
N = 48 αopt 0.8 1.4 2.6 4.8 13 20.5
JFHSS CPU 5.25 5.31 5.5 5.93 6.21 6.28
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 13.66 14.58 15.083 16.08 17.34 17.58
k F (u(n) )k 2.42, −14 6.04, −15 6.36, −15 1.96, −14 6.15, −15 8.60, −15
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 8.87 11.828 10.02 10.31 11.28 11.85
IT 161 209 178 186 201 207
k F (u(n) )k 1.5, −14 1.59, −14 1.46, −14 1.57, −14 1.615, −14 1.46, −14
Picard-HSS CPU 50.81 50.01 51.85 53.34 56.32 59.95
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 177.16 179.1 183.50 189.34 202.75 213.25
k F (u(n) )k 7.7, −15 9.67, −15 1.11, −14 1.23, −14 1.22, −14 1.26, −14
N = 64 αopt 0.7 1 1.8 3.3 8.9 14.2
JFHSS CPU 21.68 18.23 18.65 19.156 20.53 21.39
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITint 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 21 17.39 18.17 18.75 19.91 20.84
k F (u(n) )k 1.61, −14 6.73, −15 9.15, −15 8.39, −15 7.7, −15 4.71, −15
Nonlinear HSS-like CPU 38.57 31.78 33.50 34.65 36.56 37.70
IT 246 206 213 221 235 242
k F (u(n) )k 1.17, −14 1.26, −14 1.26, −14 1.16, −14 1.19, −14 1.22, −14
Picard-HSS CPU 219.54 217.45 266.83 225.37 228.60 248.35
ITout 12 12 12 12 12 12
ITinn 219.54 248.58 230.75 252 258.75 264.50
k F (u(n) )k 6.12, −15 7.7, −15 8.9, −15 1.0, −14 1.1, −14 1.1, −14

5. Conclusions
In this paper, an iterative method based on two-stage splitting methods has been proposed to
solve weakly nonlinear systems and a convergence property of this method has been investigated.
This method is a combination of an inexact Newton method, Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting
(or generalized positive definite and skew-Hermitian splitting) scheme. The advantage of our new
method, Picard-HSS and nonlinear HSS-like over the methods like Newton method is that they don’t
need explicit construction and accurate computation of the Jacobian matrix. Hence, computation
works and computer memory may be saved in actual application; however, numerical results show
that JFHSS and JFGPSS methods perform better than the two other ones.
Numerical results show that JFHSS and JFGPSS iteration algorithms are effective, robust,
and feasible nonlinear solvers for a class of weakly nonlinear systems. Moreover, employing these
algorithms to solve nonlinear systems is found to be simple, accurate, fast, flexible, convenient and
have small computation cost. In addition, it must be noted that, even though our inner iteration
scheme in this paper are HSS and GPSS methods, another inner iteration solver can be used subject to
the condition that the iteration matrix satisfies in k T k < 1.
Mathematics 2019, 7, 815 17 of 17

Author Contributions: The contributions of authors are roughly equal.

Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The third and fourth authors have been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de
Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PGC2018-095896-B-C22 and Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO/2016/089.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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