CurriculumT - Madel
CurriculumT - Madel
CurriculumT - Madel
Topics Pages References Remarks
I. First Quarter
July- August (1st Monthly)
Talking About Yourself 2-13 Ladders to Learning Language
Saying Greetings 14-18 Ladders to Learning Language
-Good morning
-Good afternoon
-Good evening
Saying Leave-taking Expression 19-22 Ladders to Learning Language
-Good bye
Daily Routine
Pre – School Level
I. Prayer:
“Lord, we thank you for this wonderful day, we asked you to
bless us in our studies these we asked through Christ our Lord, Amen”
II. Greetings:
teacher and students: Song: Hello 3x How are you today?
Hello 3x We are fine.
Tra la la la la la la la la la la la la (2x)
teacher: Good morning kinder (1 or 2)
students: Good morning teacher/s,
Good morning classmates,
Good morning everybody!
teacher: How are you today?
students: We are fine!
III. Weather:
teacher: What is our weather for today?
students: (telling the weather)
teacher and students: (sing together)
Song: Sunny day
When the sun is shining bright, it is sunny day. (2x)
When the sun is shining bright and the sky is full of light,
When the sun is shining bright, it is sunny day.
Cloudy day
When the sky is dark and gray, it is cloudy day (2x)
When the sky is dark and gray and the sun has gone away.
When the sky is dark and gray, it is cloudy day.
Rainy day
When water droplets touch the ground, it is rainy day. (2x)
When water droplets touch the ground, and an umbrella you have found.
When water droplets touch the ground, it is rainy day.
Windy day
When the leaves blow from the trees, it is windy day. (2x)
When the leaves blow from the trees and you feel a strong breeze,
When the leaves blow from the trees, it is windy day.
V. Attendance:
Song: Attendance Song
teacher: “Where are the boys/girls? (2x)
students: Here we are! (2x)
Counting (3x)
Let us count now. (2x)
boys/girls: (standing position and counting the boys/girls)
VIII. Motivation
XIII. Clean –up Time ( wiping the messy on the mouth, putting powder and cologne)
XV.Closing Prayer:
“Lord, we thank you for this wonderful day,
We asked you to guide us in our way home.
This we asked through Christ our Lord, Amen”
XVII. Dismissal
Students: (preparing to go home and getting their things)
Kindergarten 1 – Adviser