Motion Along A Straight Line: Motion With Constant Acceleration: Equations of Motion
Motion Along A Straight Line: Motion With Constant Acceleration: Equations of Motion
Motion Along A Straight Line: Motion With Constant Acceleration: Equations of Motion
(i) v=u+at Important points about graphical
1 at2 analysis of motion
(ii) S =ut+-
Instantaneous velocity is the slope of [ [
A Person travels from A to B covers unequal distances in equal
[∆ x=∫vdt[
Distance = Length of actual path position-time curve
interval of time with constant acceleration a
Displacement = Length of then Area of v-t curve gives displacement.
shortest path 3S1-S2
[a = dt [ LINE
S1 S2
initial velocity U= dv
Slope of velocity-time curve = instantaneous
Distance > |displacement| 2t t t acceleration
[ ∆ v =∫adt[
Acceleration a = 0
t2 Area of a-t curve gives change in velocity.
( θ
Distance=AB Rθ Displacement=AB= 2RSin
( u2
2 N= 2 2 A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate α for some time, after which it decelerates at
u -v
( θ2
( a constant rate β, to come to rest. If the total time elapsed is t, then
Ratio of Displacement to Distance = Sin
Time t =Rθ θ
The two ends of a train moving with constant acceleration pass a certain Vmax =
α+β Total Distance = 1
( vmax A
( θ2 2 α+β
U 2USin
( 2
point with velocities u and v. The velocity with which the middle point of
Average Velocity = the train passes the same point is B
θ u v O
t1 t2 t
2 = u 2+v2
( Mid
Average Acceleration = U 2Sin θ 2
θ u2 u 0
R Calculation of stopping distance s= s MOTION UNDER GRAVITY
2 2a .........
Sign Convention
For uniform motion (iv) sn =u+ _
a (2n-1) a
2 (i) initial velocity
Displacement = velocity x time Ratio of distance travelled in equal interval of time in a uniformly +ve = upward motion
Average speed = |average velocity|=|instantaneous velocity| accelerated motion from rest -ve = downward motion
S1 S1 S2 S3
If t1 = t2 =t3 = .....= t n
v + v2 + v 3 +.....+V n Different Cases v-t graph s-t graph Object is dropped from top of a tower
v av = 1 h
n (i) Ratio of displacement in equal interval of time S1:S2:S3....=1:3:5....
for v1 & v2, v v=constant s
v +v vt
1. Uniform motion s= (ii) Ratio of time of covering equal distance
Vavg= 1 2 (Arithmetic mean of speeds)
2 t t t1:(t2-t1):(t3-t2):.......:(tn-tn-1)= 1: ( 2- 1):( 3- 2):...:( n- n-1
Distance average speed
Total distance covered s1 + s2 + s3 +.....+ sn v s =½ at (iii) Ratio of total distance covered at the end of time t:2t:3t:....=12:22:32....