Gnostica News 1974-03-21 Vol 3 Iss 8.edit
Gnostica News 1974-03-21 Vol 3 Iss 8.edit
Gnostica News 1974-03-21 Vol 3 Iss 8.edit
Volume 3, Number 8 50 Cents M_acch 21, 1974 Whole Number 20 A Llewellyn Publication
INTRODUCTION parts into one relative whole. This concept of
The use of plants as food and for medicinal totality has been forgotten by many of our
purposes dates back to the dawn of their evolu modern friends. Most modern methods of under
tion billions of years ago. Probably every plant standing the universe are actually reversed from
that has lived upon the Earth has at one time or the totality concept. The scientific approach is
another been utilized either for nourishment, that of dividing the whole into minute parts,
clothing, shelter, transportation, medicina_l pur then studying each isolated part microscopically.
poses, or in some way to bring about a harmoni The totality concept was universal among our
ous existence between man and the universe. ancient forefathers. In China it was most highly
Plants grown naturally without the assistance developed and widely applied. After 5000 years
of human beings are well balanced between the or more it remains alive and is the underlying
forces of Heaven and Earth. At one time all cul pasis of Chinese religion, medicine, art, philo
tivated plants were wild, but through cross sophy, and other importnat daily practices. It is
breeding, careful selection and artificual assis so simple that many who are unfamiliar with its
tance they have changed dramatically. Although use actually find it difficult to understand and
the basic structure remains similar, the size has accept. The following definition from Wallnofer
been increased in some cases to almost five times and Rottauscher's Chinese Folk Medicine is one
the original, whereas the adaptive, protective, of the best; "yin and yang are the primordial
and reproductive functions have been weakened. twin potencies that regulate the Universe, and
The unique adaptive qualities of wild plants most cases would either starve or drive a human they have. bestowed power unto all 'the ten
enable them to thrive during periods of drought, being mad if eaten over a long period of time. thousand things' within the universe. Yang
and harsh weather conditions. Hence when used The same would go for an animal being fed represents the male or positive energy, produc
as food or medicine their strength is imparted to totally on human food. The ancients were peo ing light, warmth and fullness. Yin is the female
our bodies. By using indigenous plants we natu ple_ who understood and applied the order of or negative, the force of darkness, of cold and
rally become harmonious with the environment. Nature· to their daily lives. Simple diets, pure emptiness. As Yin and Yang manipulate heaven
Our ignorance keeps us from knowing that environments, quiet, and constant activity gave and earth in the waxing and waning of seasons
many of the so-called weeds are actually impor them the sensitivity and strength to go with the and days so they exert their power over the
tant medicinal plants. Yet if only weeds were flow of the changes. This way of life produced human being." Unification results when Yin and
used as main foods without the thought of har receptive minds of high judgment, which played Yang are combined in harmonious proportions.
vesting and replanting of the seeds, the supply the major part in the discovery of medicinal uses One force, however, always dominates the other,
would not last long. Cultivation of food plants is of plants. and this force generally characterizes the nature
important unless we wish to live nomadic lives. Health is obtained from right daily eating and of each thing.
Therefore a combination of both cultivated and working habits. Alternative remedies are needed By applying the Yin/Yang concept we are
wild plants in our daily diets would be beneficial only by those who go against the natural order able to see the monistic nature of all phenomena.
as preventive medicine. of the universe. The purpose of this study is to in a simple manner. Thus in this study Yin/Yang
Ancient man's understanding of the world in bring together the most common practices asso will be our guide throughout.
its totality has been reflected in the way he ciated with medicinal plants in order to gain Viewing the World
chose and prepared his food and medicine. Origi more knowledge of medicinal plants as alterna Macroscopically
nally there was no distinction between the two. tive remedies. We sought only to use the most So that we may understand the function and
Nature was the sole· compouncler of medicines, common of the universal practices because of purpose of the relatively small world of vegeta
therefore simple decocti ns were prepared. T.he the many varied ones involved. tion it is necessary first to view the conditions
whole plant was utilized, ensuring complete The general design of this study begins with and forces which create and regulate it. TIius we
nutrition. an introduction to the intellectual dialectical will view our world macroscopically and apply
The common term "herb" originally includea fools of yin and yang which will clarify and sim· the outer world to the inner.
any plant used for culinary purposes. However, plify the whole discussion. A chapter on the art The number of planets in our galaxy as yet is
over the last 200 years the term has gone of gathering, drying and preparing medicinal unknown. Perhaps 9 or 10 can be SltBn in our
through many changes, being redefined several plants will follow. The last part will be a com solar system with the aid of modern telescopic
times and losing much of its original meaning. parison of the uses of medicinal plants as they devices. Yet our solar system is only a small part
We will concentrate primarily on those plants are traditionally used in the Western Hemisphere of our galaxy, and our galaxy only one of bil
which are not used mainly as foods but that are with their use in the Eastern Hemisphere, China lions. Why can we not assume that there are 9 ex
utilized for their strong medicinal properties to• and Japan in particular. 10 that are invisible, or 9 or 10 hundred? With
help restore the biochemical balance to impaired PART I our eyes we can only see a limited distance. The
internal systems of human beings. Therefore the DETERMINING PLANT POTENCY Americas existed for billions of years before
term "medicinal plants" will be the proper term "Man is a Sun and a Moon and a Heaven filled they were discovered by European explorers 400
to use in this discu&Sion. In many cases common with stars. The world is a Man, and the light of years ago, and most American Indians never
or domesticated plants may be just as good or the Sun and the stars is his body." Paracelsus knew of those continents to either side of their
better than wild ones. In order to understand the physical world we own.
It is a common belief that the art of natural must also be able to understand the invisible All planets are spiraling toward the center: the ·
medicine was learned by observing the natural world from which it was created. By seeing both sun. Soon after a planet collides with the sun,
instincts of animals. Although this may be true sides of all things and considering the conditions another planet becomes visible in our galaxy.
to some e!(tent, we must keep in mind the fact to which they are subject, we can completely There is a constant progression. As each planet
that a human organism and an animal organism understand. Our approach to understanding the Continued on page 3
are very different. The diet of any animal in phenomena of the univer• is that of uniting all
2 March 21, 1974 Gnostica News
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Gnostica News March 21, 1974 3 the center, the revolutions (equator) is the hottest poinc. Everything works on the
pick up speed aenerating more The zones on eilhet side of the yin /yang, antagonistic/comple•
heat and pressure. Invisible colli• equator arc cooler, and as we mentary law. It cannot be
sions are constantly t.tking place inove to the extremities (pclcs) denied for too long a time, or
within the universe. Bctwein the the Earth at these points is cold else disaster will come upon the
Sun (Yang) and the Earth (Yin) est. Thus the Earth is Yang (hot) offender. Imagine being on a hot
forces collide creating, as be- at the center and Yin (cold) on desert (Yang) for a long perfod
lieved by ancient E a stern the periphery. This holds true of time (Yang) without water
thinkers, the ghost body, or life with all phenomena. I (Yin)! Thus during the summer
energy of Man. This is an invi- The Earth is not exactly per- (Yang) we consume more liquid,
siblc shape of the human body pendicular to the aJignment of . fruit and vegetable quality food
formed by the life energy forces the Sun but tilted on a 23½ (Yin).
(Ch'i or Ki), and is the basis of degree angle. Therefore: every The following list will give
t he acupuncture meridian day the sun rises in a different you an idea of how the forces of
theory. Within the womb from part of the sky, creatina the vari• Yin and Yang act upon the indi·
single cell to birth this ghost o u s seasons. Thus when the g e nous (common-local) plants
body is recapitulated. summer is in the Northern Hemi· growing in opposite climatic
We know that without the sphere, winter is in the Southern conditions:
sun, rain, air and other forces Hemisphere (see diagram 3). The
created by the macrocosm the Earth revolves around the Sun South (Yin plants year round)
earth would not be flourishing once in 36S days. When the I .growth rate rapid
with life. Take away the rain equator is farthest north in the 2.&rowing season long
during a growing season and you , winter, the day is short and the 3.physical size is taU, expanded
will notice stunted growth a• night is long. In the summer the 4.high amounts of potas-
mong the plants. Hence we can equator is farthest south making sium/acid properties
see at different periods of Earth the day long and the night short. S.stimulate mind/calm body
evolution, as the Earth the Geographic, dimatic 6.medicinal properties most
Sun, that it begins to solidify. and other differences active in above ground pa.rts
We notice also the solidification For the sake of practicality 7.weaker, easily decays
of vegetable and aminal evolu• . and simplicity of comparison we 8.short cooking time
tion (see diagrams I and 2). will focus our attention primar• 9.taste is hot and sour
I '
;>; • • .'
,, _
, �-
,' . / ,,Alffs yuwts ,r
_-..;,;: >'� I I I Between the two outer pillars of
l I
'· .. the Quabalistic Tree of life,
�\CNt .. t •' ' •
I' ��
.. I' the extremes of Mercy and Severity,
• ••,'-.)·• .,;� stands
...... Ill. 1
I ea, h •, r-,,-
I I 1
I l._ lll},' ,.,,.�1
in11�- FISII-Al'IPNle,AHS-WTilff
., .:{-*:. ..i> •:"Ci,' ti'··. 2
i:.� '-'-�"���-
signifying one who has achieved
equilibrium in his own self.
Integration of the human personality is vital to the continu·
To find the herb which may tions. Waning would be consid·
SOcial Estate The. People The State A Prim.-e AV.:,.sul Wh�t is be helpful for a particular illness, ercd the lesser force (yin) since
J')rodUC'Cd the previously mentioned points its light and effects are mild and
should be well unde,stood. The decreasing. Just as the cold
Anim11 Chicken Dot c, Horse Pig following points will help you to forces plants to contract inwards
(domaUc:) determine (in general) the main to insure warmth, this phase has
Animal (wild) Ti,er StaJ Bt:u
-- -Dir.! Monk1:y I (active) ingredient for your con
similar characteristicJ. Thus the
below ground parts are more
The yana oraans are the liver. <..-oncentratcd with life eneray at
Onla Whut Millet Rye Rice Pc;u heart. spleen. lung. and kidney. this time. Both of the moon's
lltnia o,,..._ Over O"<r 0v<'r
The yin organs arc the gall
b l a d d e r , s m a l l intestine.
pha�s 111re 1u,alogous and corres
pond to the Spring (little yang-
olE)<t Watidna S1ui.,1 Lyifll
dowr. stomach. large intestine and
bladder. Continued on page 5
Gnostica !llews March 21, 1974 5
Flowers are picked at the
.. ,.
peak of blossoming, and berries
are allowed to sun dry partially
on t h e t r e e or bush, then
removed for further sun drying.
Extra juicy berries will have to
be pounded before sun drying
( s e e d rying sect;on). Always
keep individual sacks or bags for Now. you CMt IHm all
each variety of plant, so as not ,bout you and your future in the
to mix them. IV. Storina mo,t ,p«ific 1tudy 111,ilabl• to you tomy.
Ill. Dryina After plants arc thoroughly
A plant in its raw. fresh state dry (three days to three weeks YOU WI LL RECEIVE:
possesses great strength which depending upon the plant and ■ A PERSONAL 12 PAGE STUDY ■ ALL 11 OF YOUR ASTROLOGY
may be beneficial to one and weather conditions), they are PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR SIGNS. YOU HAVE A SIGN FOR:
harmful to another, depending ready to be cut and packaged for YOU. E O U I V ALE N T T O SUN• RISING• MOON. MERCU-
u p o n i ndividual constitution. future use. Leaves and small $15-$20 READING, FOR ONLY RY• VENUS• MARS• JUPITER•
Proper cooking methods will branches can be stripped off the $5.00. SATURN• URANUS• NEPTUNE•
alter the strong qualities to suit stem by hand. Stems are usually PLUTO. LEARN WHAT YOUR
individual needs. Proper drying discarded if too large or tough. SIGNS ARE ANO WHAT THEY
and storing of medicinal plants Place the leaves and branches MEAN TO YOU.
will neutralize through the aging together in a paper or muslin ■ AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF
p r o c e s s - c h a n ge the original sack which has been labeled with YOU. YOUR S T R E N G T H�
strong properties to a more neu plant name and date. Store in a WE AKNESSES; WHO YOU'RE
tral condition. This will take the warm, dry place. Viability is usu COMPATIBLE WITH, ETC. ..
strong taste of wild plants away ally about_ one year for above
to a degree, making them palat ground parts. Flowers and seeds THIS IS NOT A COMPUTERIZED OR GENERAL READING!
able and easier to assimilate. can be packaged in the same Nor is it a reading based merely on your Sun sign. (Astrology- books and
It is essential not to wet manner. Roots and barks will newspaper horoscopes give readings based only on your Sun sign.) It is 1
plants after they have begun to have to be cut with a heavy
comprehensive study of you based on "1II" your signs. Wouldn't you like to.
dry, or they will turn black and instrument such as a butcher
know your Moon sign, your Venus sign. your Ascendant? And precisely what
lose most of their healiOA prop knife or small axe. The_y are cut
erties. Before drying plants make in two-inch pieces or-if very effect these have on your life?· This is your chance to learn about you and your
sure thay are properly washed. thick-diced small. Pack in the future.
S mall, matted plants can be same way as above. Be careful Please fill out the coufX)n, enclose $5.00 (plus 50c for postage and handling),
swished around in a bowl of cold not to pack bags too full. Viabil a� we will send your Professional Astrology Reading withfn one week.
water, then set in a colander to ity of roots,and seeds is longer
If coupon is gone, please write tor additional coupons.
drip dry for about half an hour. than for above ground plant sec
Tall Plants need not be washed if tions. Some roots actually get PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGY CO. :i;.=��K".';,�-��s10
they are collected after a rainy more potept with age, and some
day. All roots should be thor seeds can last for ages if given
oughly scrubbed as we men the proper living conditions. PROS!'ESSIOnAl MAIL THIS CARD TODA.YI
tioned previously. Barks, flow
i'ART Ill
ers, and seeds are o.k. as they COMPARISON OF HERBALISM
Two drying rooms will be Our attempt to show the •j lfl"',I' I'
needed if the operation is large basic differences between the ------- UAH---'"---
scale: one for roots, seeds, ber use of medicinal herbs in both 0 I ENCLOSE SS.00 + SO,, POSTAGE A -----�"--•llAll--
ries, and barks; the other for the Eastern and Western worlds HANDLING FOR COMPLETE ASTROLOGY ______ ....,11: ___
flowers, leaves, stems, and bran h a s been made in order to READING WITH t MONTH HOROSCOl'E.
c hes. Both rooms should be expand our knowledge of nat
_clean, warm, and well-ventilated. ural medicine. Many of the O I ENCLOSE S1.IO + SO,, POSTAGE A
The average temperature should plants used for food and medi HANDLING FOR COMPL ETE ASTROLOGY ,., ..,.,,.,.., � ,,,..,, _.,, "'""""'' ,.,.,_ -
be around 70 degrees. No light is cine in the East were used in a READING WITH 1 YEAR HOROICOl'E. - ...-.• "'- ol---
6 March 21, 1974 Gnostica News
editor of Tbe New Broom. a journal of witchcraft published in Dal·
..Witchcraft: Fact or Fantasy" by P.E.I. Bonewics (GN, Nov. 21.
1973) has drawn 10 our offices many leuers of comment, nol only las, Texas. Mr. Robuts is a �ndicated future writer for the science
Crom members of the craft t>uc also from thost in the Christian division of the Scripps-Howard newspapers and is a member of The
ers tradition. This month, we print a letter from Mark Roberts, associate Witchcraft Research Auociation and The Prehistoric Society.
' ■ z
I can personally relate to
your present rather cynical and
1 sceptical attitude towards our re-
Paaans worshipped an earlier
deity. also a Virgin named Mary,
u�der the guise of paying hom
that I have more than sufficient
room within which to debate
your conclusions, using almost
once again not be backed by
C a m p b e l l . He s t a t e s that,
throughout the nomadic periods
ligion. Al an age just slightly age to Christ"s mother. Her wor- entirely the evidence you your of various pockets of humanity,
■ ■ younger than you. I too was on ship w a s r e s urrected. so-to self have presented. t h e G o d d e s s is the central
a quest for truth. ,I do not doubt s p e a k , to bring back those Quite frankly, I was rather symbol to be found in hunting
Dear Mr. Bonewits: that a very similar mood of cyni- Pagans who had left the church's stunned as I initially read your stations, in worship circles, and
In the past, I have found cism would have shown through fold for a more real ind reason article, since The Maski of God in the myth and lore of the cave
much more reason to applaud had I written on the subject of able religious practice. Whenever has long been one bf many refer· paintings, bas-reliefs, and car
you than to argue with you. any religion during the early I dug beneath the Christian path, ences I use in lectures ori Euro vings of the period. It also
Your book, Rm/ Magic, dis yean of that quest. I found a Goddess. I then t<>Qk a pean prehistory. As soon as I strikes one as highly chauvinistic
played in 1eneral • high lew:1 of Over twenty years ago, I was giant step backwards in time, could make available time, I re (in the dictionary meaning of
research. Your workings with a Methodist version of Marjoe. and retreated into the furthest read Campbell's book to dis the word) to assume that only
Pagans and Witches toward the effectively aiid naiviely evangeli- corners of prehistory. It was in cover your new-to-me informa the Neanderthal male was canni
formation of a legal aid system zing to all and sundry, until I that earliest dawn of religion tion. The task was tedious and balistic, or given to the ancient
p l aced you on the "up-and· "saved,. an elderly man whose that I found confirmation of the proved that one should warn practice of the Goddess of the
comin&" list of bright young last words, as he lay dying two reality of Diety, faith in after students that taking a few sen H e a rth and the Bear legend
men in the occult community. weeks later, were to me: "Where life, security that the old man's tences out of their context does telling and re�nactment, or even
Granted, I was disheartened by I am now going, you sent me." soul had found a place of love, not make a scholarly report. in Bull worship, long known to
the errors on the subject of He died happy, and my naivete and an awareness that the Diety For instance, in trying to archaeologists as a rite dedicated
Witchcraft in Real Magic, but I died with him. The responsibi· was the Goddess as worshipped trace your references to those to the Great Goddess and us
assumed that time alone would lily of his words wei&hed upon by the Witches of1oday. m a l e - d o m i nated c u l t s of ually dominated by women in
solve the problem: time fpent me until I retired my preacher's Throughout my studies, I was 4000,000 BCE to I 00,000 BCE, ritual action. Dualistic, perhaps;
expanding your awareness of our license. The next five years were cautious in my definitions: I did I found little to back up your male-dominated cultism, no.
religion, and by further research spent searching for where I had not mistake sham anism or statements. Even if we are to The cult of the Naked God
and extended contact within the sent the old rnan. Each day of s y m p a t h e tic magic or other draw from a contemporary d e s s coming up f r o m the
community of Wicca. the first year seemed to leave forms of magical play as ex primitive race to "reconstruct" Ukraine which you take with the
H o w e v er, your article. that clean path upon which I amples of male-deity worship. t h e position of European date of 30,000 ace must surely
"Witchcraft: Fact or Fancy," in had sent my convert cluttered This error is too close to that of humankind at that period (and be earlier than that. Campbell
the November 21st issue of with disconcerting facts. Gene- many scholars of the Victorian thereby use a fallacious method speaks of the site of the ancient
Gnostica New, showed that time sis. I learned, had been edited. period who announced the dis of comparison and reconstruc hunting station on the Oesna. in
alone was not sufficient as an an· Tal m u d ic legend stated that covery of every object that was tion), lcampbell states that these the Deiper region, where the old·
tidote for your problem. Your Lilith had been Adam's first longer than it was wide as proof w e r e not necessarily "mll)e est Goddess-circle is found: the
research into prehistory. fact or wife, and she was linked to of phallic worship. dominated" tribal groupings cir cle is made of mammolh
fancy. leaves much to be desired Lilitu, Goddess of the city-state In order to draw scholarly w h o s e s h a m a n istic practices skulls surrounding ar image of
f r o m a scholastic viewpoint. of Babylon, where male-diety conclusions based on recorded were also male-dominated. In the Goddess. One snould then
From myth thou came, and unto worshipping nomads would most evidence, it Mi necessary to be fact, he spe c i f i c a l ly states conclude that, within a period
" . the power of woman's
myth must thou returJ>. cer tainly have been rejected. certain of the recorded evidence y o u c a l l male-dominated
Before I venture further. it Then arose the question as to and to restrain any impulse to magic was recognized and accor (working, I gather. from the con
must be clearly stated that I do whether or not these progeny of stray from it with one's own fan ded so�ething of its due. And temporary supposition that all
not believe that I, nor anyone, Jehovah were truly monotheists c i f u l i n t e r p r e t ations, or to we know among the circumpolar h u nting is man's work), the
can speak for all of Witchcraft. of a male god. Rachel stole the incompletely research the avail hunters (the Bear Cults) to this Great Goddess of the Hunt is
T h i s is not an all-inclusive t era p hi m -the three Goddess able sources. day female shamans are numer She whom the nomadic, pre-his
wiccan response to your article: statuettes, hearth Goddesses In your article you dismissed ous and highly regarded." The t oric h umankind worshipped
I am responding solely from my which served as virtual deeds of such respected and renowned circumpolar hunters to which he and revered. This was not simply
capacities as a writer of the ownership for the house. Exca- scholars as Robert Graves as "in refers are those Campbell and with shamanistic practice and
Wicca community. bein& an asso vations showed that the sacred tellectually insulting," the late J. other experts term the oldest s y m p a t hetic magic, practices
ciate editor of The New Broom, precincts of Jehovah were often J. Bachofen as "conjecturing," living remnant of shamanism. utilized as sorcery and magic for
one of many journals written by linked to Temples of the God- and Or. Margaret Murray as •·un Your reference ot the fading the hunt and afterward in sated
and for Witches; as a High Priest dess Astoreth-God. in his early scholarly"-opinions that sorely "gradually into cults (all male revelry. but was the seed, per
within the Dianic Tradition (and days, had a wife. tempt inc, apao,from the' matter dominated) of ritual cannibal haps even the full flower, of
be it kno:..n that my thoughts As the search led closer to at hand. However, since you did ism, Bear of the Hearth worship neolithic worship.
are primarily of a Dianic na comtemporary times. even Chris- offer sources for your conclu and Bull wors hip"-and I must We are now speaking of
ture; and as an archaeoloaist tianity did not hold true. The sions, Joseph Campbell's The a s s u m e from your jump of scores of millenia wherein the
and historiosrapher of the pre worship of the Vir&in Mother Masks of God and Ros.sell Hope 100,000 BCE to 30,000 BCE Goddess is paramount. Male-
historic period of Northern Eu- Mary was outlawed in early Robbins' Encyclopedia of Witch· that we are discussing 70,000
church days because too many craft and Demonology, I find years of "gradual fading-can Continued on page 7
by Dr. Quantz Crawford
Psychic abilities - everyone has them, but not everyone knows how lo use them!
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Astral Projection • Using the Magnet • Psychic Healing •
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Psychic Photography • It's all here in rme book of actual exerci.'il'.'i
for de1•eloping your p.(1·chic pnwers
Letters land millenia before the arrival tion that Witchcraft as a religion
five thousand years where it I cannot argue. It ranges from one-to-one relationsh ip of man close by, and birds lay gele
would seem more valid to accept Zeus. folk-hero deified with ten friendship is the only real key. Findih, Ya..r Pl«:, ffl flMi A4Uffl9ft
tous-shelled eggs. Ac,e. Ad: ro now.
that the ultimate creation know• easy lessons to omnipotence: to From my experience. friendship,
___________ ,:,,;:,
This Witchcult of today
ledge that had reached the ear Taranis, Death Goddess to Male and involvement for nearly two knows, as did the Witchcult of ........... ,.,..,_(......, �GHM.0
liest human remained with her Thunderbolt Thrower in as decades, I can state that your ancient days, that sympathetic 1::;i�-..i.-Aw•
descendants. That the earliest many, or few, steps. GiVe a patri best estimate available of a magic cannot bring forth miracu W :
religious rites and the earliest re· arch an inch of antler and he will dozen heriditary clans of lous herds from nothing, or con• Astc\ra ,
ligious site to be found, SO·lO· take a square mile of religious Witches in Great Britain is vastly jure life from extinction. We : �i..� ::�� f'leu - ;-1 :
speak, with mammoth skulls site. But this does not mean that in error. I have also found that practice the Old Rel igion
surrounding a Goddess figure, the ultimate destruction of the within the Dianic tradition there wherein the Earth is a Great
and that Goddess statuettes set matriarchal Celtic Pagan system is much validity to a discernable Mother whose rape breeds only I-."�-------'
into altars in the center of stone of religion and social order can (not a perfect) line from the monstrous cataclysm. If human I<•--------- :
circles are scattered throughout be placed at the door of patriar• present practices and worship to kind does not return 4o the : !'.:',. "-'- I• ll'rff ll'ftlff !;.;:-;:;.. I
Europe must be taken as a direct
link between the oldest form of
chal Pagans. It took the com
bined wei&ht .or those groups
those of antiquity. This line, as
it is the coven I now
dawn 6f religious devotion, then
the black magic of man will con-
religion and that which is prac• and the Church Militant to do
ticed today amona Witches. The that. Even so, well into the
the psychology of
Successful Meditation
By Gavin and Yvonne Frost
In recent yean more and. still transmit thoughts and can goal is to allow the spiritual side,
more people have turn ed away c ontinue in al l its operations. So the "I", to control, and, if it
from th e hysterical world to far as we o urselves have experi wishes, to drift fr ee and in so
seek solace in meditation. The enced, this telepathic bond is the doing to gain both knowledge
maj ority of these mcditators o n l y c o n nection r e m aining and wisdom. It has been our
turn inw ard, believ ing that once between "I" and "Me" during exp erience that, contrary t o the
t�eir own house is in order they astr al travel. normal oriental Fakir path of
will be better able to face the Usin& t h e basic premises conquering the body, the most
day-to-day problems around above, then , we can r apidly sep imp ortan t first step to successfu l
them. This type of med itation is arate the two forms of medita meditati on is t o sat isfy "Me";
only the first step. True, it tion. Thinking first in terms of for unless "M e" is satisfied, it
allows the mcditator to cut off the inward-looking meditation : will constantly distract "I" from must hav e a hundred cases of n ow is the time when many peo
the outside world and to find a the consc ious mind is deliber g e ttin in c ontrol and from this very simp le ploy, which is ple, ignorant of the causes
few moments of calm in contem ately br ought to a state of rest, astrally traveling. "Mc" is ba si guaranteed to distract the wage behind their problems, giv e up
plating a ma ntra; but it does in which state it can begin to cally afraid to let "I" g o; for, earn er from meditation for a meditation although they are on
nothina to establish a b alance c ontact suppressed levels of the from all "Me's" best informa con siderable length of time. the v ery ve rge of success. And
be.tween the eg o and the id. In uncon scious mind. When these tion, it has learned that when As you proceed into y our now is the time for "I" to say to
most cases, moreover, it provides 1eve1s are contact ed, the experi "I" leaves ..Me" behind, death f irst meditation, you will be pay "Me", ..Dammit, I am going to
no help in getting answers to ences of youth which so affect rap idly f ollows-and "M e" does ing attention to your' surround· meditate ! Leave m e alo n e! I
questions that trouble the mcdi adult attitudes ca n be examined, not want t o die. Now "Me" i s a i n gs, a c c e pting and leaving have g iv en you my best atten
tat or, n or in facilitating the a nd the meditator can re�xa pretty tough customer, and a behind those things which your tion all your life; now I wan t a
more dramatic occult experien mine the validity of instruct ion clever on e as weU; typically the se n ses tell you are Common few minutes to myself. You will
ces such as astral travel and received in early years. Once this first time "I" tries to leave, occurren ces pr esenting no dan not die! And I will s ee to it that
obtaininl unknown information. initial phase of in ternal prob• "Me" makes a thousand and one ger. Once these arc sorted out, you arc protected against any
The first step i n understa nd• )em-solving has been completed, excuses a s to why "I" must not there are many other in terfering outside influenc es."
i n g the psy chol o gy of our he can als o learn to control all go. "Feed me!" "I'm cold!" sources of distraction to be dealt Here is the place for a little
method of medita ti on is to bodily functions, includin g such "I'm sexually starved!" "I hav e with, though most ar e not as un blushing showmanship. It is
rec opize the sepnateness of the things as the suppressing of pain, t o go and get the car fixed!" obvious t o you as Johnny's bro· often good to dr aw a salt circle
spirit t_nd the b ody: the "I" an d and reducin g the size of tumors, These arc but a few of the more ken arm. The most important of on the flo or around the site of
the "Me." The "I" of "I love" as well as the simple things like commo n excuses. So many peo these is the occurrenc e of low· your meditation and to say an
and the "Me" of "My body" are regulatin g body temperature and ple find that it is alm ost impos level el ectromagnetic interfer appropriate prayer. For a Chris
called in Kahuna terms the .. high blood pressure. There are many sible to settle down and s.tart ences. F or first meditations, if tian, the Lord's Prayer is both
self" and the ..low self"; Freud t e a chers who will show the meditating. Th e excus es they you are heterosexual , it is wis e simp le and straightforward. As
labeled them the "ego" a nd the seeker how to do thes e t!Jin gs, make (and really believe) are in to sit facing east, as of course you recite it, imagin e a wall of
"id." Note that this simple div i but the results obtained through fact "Me's" protect ive system. you would do if you were a bl ue-white prot ective light going
sion into "I" and ..Me" disre their methodology are not read- The name of the game, then, is Mohammedan facin g Mecca. If clockwise around yourself and
gards the Supereg o; for the pur ng to satisfy and to reassure ''Me". you lie down to m editat e, it is rising from its base oon the salt
If, rather than being satisfied,
pose of this discilssio n we will ��ta?�:� t r : :�:� :C1l��;';,n!:�} bett er to have your head to the circle. This little practical dem
lump the superego i n with the This inward-looking meditation "Me" is pushed aside and sensory north. For both mal� and fem�le onstration to "Me" usually does
ego as part of "I." is totally concern ed with "Me"; areas are suppressed, some of the hom osexual s, a 90 clockwise the tri ck, and "I" can then get
Each ..self." has its own char the spiritual "I" aspect is not possible commun ication chan rotation of these axes seems to away. We have been able to
acteristics and cap abilities. i nvolved. nels ar e cut off. Thus the .. Me" work best. Thes e positio ns align t each this m ethod of meditation
Under normal circumstances the It is for the relative few to body must be gotten to what is the body with the magnetic to a number of people who pre
"I" fills the body just as water realize that there is something c a l led a "homeoslatic" state fields of the earth. vious ly had been stuck within
mo re to meditation than this before you attempt any serious
fills a vessel full of sand. It is
There are, besides the planet ::!� ���/fdies and "Me"-style
separable 'fr om it, but the spirit inward-directed cleaning-out-th e induced fields, man-made fie lds t
separated fr om the body has lit• attic scheme. It is as though the In getting to this state, the which also shou ld be avoided. It Another important practice
tie or no ability t o take positive meditator lived in a beautiful eastern methods of meditat i on is a simp l e matter to find out to observe is meditati on at the
action. It has been sho wn over garden, and in order to protect can be of great help, for they which walls of the house contain same tim e each day-meditation
and over that a spirit duri ng that garden built a high wa ll teach you to still the mind. the heaviest electrical wiring and as a means or communication
astral travel has no abili ty to around it. Entering the garden is However, the eastern methods to sit against a wall that is free rather than as a refuge from the
affect the scene in which it finds easy; admiring it is natural for that involve the suppression or of induced electrical fields. A worl d. Tw en ty minutes a day is
itself. 1 It can, h owever, while there are no weeds to be seen . It the sen ses should be avoided; matter of perhaps more diffi adequate.
u is comfortable because it has a moreover. paying attention to culty is the obtaining of a cha ir Now we come fu ll circ le.
�e !e���:pe�ti� • sc:�S:s"!f T�:� controlled environ ment. The gar every sensory receptor is impor· with no magnetic material in it, Hopefully once you understand
when the meditator wants to den is in essence a withdrawal tant. Each receptor is ideally to and remembering to remove the psychology of the inher ent
obtain informa tion w ith a speci from the world, what Taoists have its sensitivity heightened, clos ed ri ngs and magnetic pins conflict betw een .. I" and "Me,"
fic end in view, astral pr ojection would call an "avoidance
.. of the and then to be attend ed to when and brooches from your body. you will be able to meditate
is often the best mode to ildo pt. dngon at the gate. But i n the it receives. Typically th e ticki ng When you have eliminated these more easily and with more con •
"Me," the body, has an auto outward act ion-style meditatio n, of the clock will get to be levels of interference, th e next s istent results. Ma nkin d kn ew
mated-type consciousness which where•·t" is in control. there is unconscionably loud; as soon as level that you will detect are well before Jesus was born that
makes sure that the mot or func no garden and no garden wall. you recognize that this is o ne or those distractions caused by ani if you asked you wouh;I recei ve.
tion s co ntinue; in addition, it The meditator faces and accepts "Me's" games. accept the both• mal fibres around you. Ma ny This is the key. perhaps, to the
ha s the capability for raising the world outside as part of h im crsome ticki ng and leave it people entering meditation have questi o n, .. Why meditat e?"
en ersy and transmitti ng it in self. A nd this fact leads to the behind; it wi l l fade from your heard that they must cross what Again returning to Dr. Howe
such a way as to influence peo key point: namely, "Why medi awareness. The next trick that t h e old occultists called the "Truth is truth, but only as you
ple and events. "Me" a lso hu tate? If there is no comfortuble "Me" plays is rather more ..abyss" and that they wil l experien ce it." We believe you
the ability to receive impression s safe. cozy. tidy gurden to with subl le, a nd yet the same pattern experie nce a time during medita cannot gain true insight or ne w
through its vari ous sense oraia ns. draw into, what is the point of appears so frequently that it is tion where they will feel the ter truth by always remai nin g inside
A p oint often over lo oked is that meditati ng?" If the motive is to' obvi ous what "Mc" is up to. The rors of- t h e damned. These your. own he:!d.
when the spirit is abse nt or the helter your lot or to keep up children get- sick or hurt them rumors are based on very real
consciousness hu left, "Me" can with the Jones es, y ou will be selves: your best friend calls on experien ces. They stem from
stuck fast in your pretty garden. t h e t elephone; the car goes t,hought forms which have been 5. Detailed tristrucOon on medila·
I. Ollwr Fox, "Altnl Proj•ctK>n,.. Instead of these drives, however, wron&; the paycheck arrives late. i mpressed in animal fibres tK>n i1 available in the author's
book, "Wilchcrafl the Way lo
Unlnnily Boob, N•w Hyd• our opinion is that the on ly Again, there are a tl)_o uu nd and because the maj ority of animals Sennlly," available through
Park, NY 1962. proper motiv e for medilation is one pl oys, all of which are being are killed in pain and terror. This Gno11ica Bookstore and the
Rob.-t Monroe, "Journey, Out or lhat proposed by Dr. Howe in set up by the telepathic 11bil it School or Wkca.
t... IIIDdY," OoYbkday, Garden is why it is good to exclude all
Clty,NY 1971. •·The Mind of the Druid," an d of "Me". "Me" signals to the animal materia ls (leather, wo ol,
s,-1... M»ldoo•, "CUii! for Altral ab child, "Mommy is going t o die," sild) from. for example, your
,__._,.,.. Aries Pfal, Chkaao, :�:� :�;:� is�� h ��l
o alize
tnd pr omplly the child bfeaks robe, in your initial medilation
IL lt)6. Wha t is required for this out an arm o r tur ns over a hot saui.."C·
_.,_ Mllldocwl •ad Hentwlllrd arrangement.
w ard-l ooki n1 meditation? The pan to obtain Mother's atten·
Casnllpoa, ..,.__,.._ o f A.Mral All of these dislrilctio ns are
............ ....... W...,NY
lion. The paycheck. doesn't get enthusiastic ally bro ught in by
J, L...u. UCm"- "Setf•HYPflOllk."
to the b1nk on time. or the telltr "Me" 11s further excuses for not
New � Ul,ra,y, NY 1910.
1.,..... ..............1...
4. Dr. Onllll• HDws, "M'-1 of UM i n a dv erlently credits it to meditatin&. Al abov.L this lime 0.0.....fW.N.E.
another -.:count. IA our files we
.,_ - ...D.. -
DNW.,.. Uct--. t.o--••
IHS. _..r is getting hustMat: and - - 7
and most accurately represents By James Nathan Post in this action being a random
Chinese thought. separation, and the of a
It has come to the West only set of three coins. The details of
in the last century, and an yarrow stalk divination ,are too
understanding translation has complex for a complete descrip
been widely published only in tion here, but the coin process, a
the last twenty-five yean, but it kind of short-hand, is very sim
is rapidly gaining a broad follow ple. If one side of a coin is
ing among members of many lev valued as TWO, the other
els of our society from acad THREE, then four sums of
emic philosophers to itinerant showing-side values are possible
hippies. There is also a resur natural changes of relationship broken line and a solid line, a interest in the combinations of for a toss of three coin1: 6,7,8,
gence of interest among Chinese in dualities. By understanding specific number of possibilities six, the hexagrams, of which or 9. These arc assigned to the
scholars. ln their attempt to free the significance of each of these for combinations of such lines there arc exactly sixty-four. The four kinds of lines in the follow
the Chinese peiple from the cardinal relationships in terms of exists. This could indicate that hexagrams are taken as represen in,: manner:
bonds of their ancient supenti human life, a person is able to the oumber of possible arche tative of the significant rela 6 Ol d y i n , a
tions, the Chinese communists recog nize his cycles and to typal relationships between cle tionships through which any -x- c h a n 1ing yin
have for a time suppressed the I locate himself within them, and ments of any duality is likewise cycle of change must naturally line
Ching on the basis of its age and is thereby able to act in har limited. This mathematical limi progress. Each hexagram, made Young yana, a
the blind reverence given it. mony with his true nature. (This tation serves to establish the up of an upper (outer) and a - constant yana
Today, however, even in Red is no more complex than a far number and location of the car• lower (inner) trigram thus line
China it is recognized that the mer who knows the cycle of sea dinal points on the cycle. describes several naturally occur - - Young y in, a
book is an objective study in the sons recognizing when it is time In order to determine the ring relationships and shows that constant yin line
use of symbol patterns to aid to plant.) symbolic relationships revealed they arc all structurally identical 9 ...,_ Ol d y a na, a
human understanding of the In the / Ching, these cardinal by the combinations, the basic In that they may be expressed chan gin1 yana
basis relationships of nature, points are described in terms of forms.!...the lines-are given the by a common symbol which line
much like such mathematical several duality cycles, including following meanings: itself manifests the relationship Sixes and eights arc identical
form.s as geometry, and aS such the cycle of seasons, the cycle of in its own structure. A thorough in their function in constructina
it is relevant even to tho5e for generations and the family rela - Yang, light, posi understanding of the relation a hexagram. Their difference lies
tive, m asculine,
whom a Maoist view of reality is tionships it imposes, the cycle of creative, heaven ships of these symbols enables a in the property of change. Like
imperative. plant growth, the cycle or revo - - Yin, dark, nega man to sec more clearly the rela wise sevens and nines are both
What then are the fundamen lution in the state, the cycle of tive, femin ine, tionships that exist in his own yang lines and serve the same
tal principles on which this mon clouds and rain, the cycle of r e c eptive, earthlife. function, but differ in that the
umental work is based? There thunderstorms, the diurnal There are eight possible com- I It is important to remember latter changes.
appears to exist in nature a set cycle, and the most basic and binations of three such lines, that these sixty-four situations Six toaes of the three coins
of relationships which exhibit abstract cycle, the symbol set of called trigrams, which are &ivcn depicted by the hexagrams are constructs a hexagram, begin
the property of cyclic change. It the hcxaarams themselves. cOClsiderable significance. In not fixed states, but transitory ning at the bottom. For example
is contended by adherents to the All situations containing time order to show the pattern fol states within a constantly chang if in consult in& the / ChinK, one
wjsdom of the / Chlnx that this and action progress naturaUy in lowed by all the cycles of nature ing flux. In fact the name / throws 7, 7, 8, 6, 8, 9, the hexa
cyclic behavior is the necessary this cyclic manner, so any situa and to show how the cycles Ching means literally The Book gram constructed ii:
result of the introductfon. of tion can be seen to exist some interact, certain symbolism is of Changes. To examine this
motion, that is, change, to any where on the cycle with its loca given to the trigrams, depending condition of change, each line is iiiii&i 41, Sun, Decrea1e
system manifesting polarity or tion determined by the relation on the relationships of the lines considered to have either the
duality. Basic to most Eastern ship of the elements of the dual forming them. property of change or of con This could be taken II repre-
thought is the concept of the ities which make up the situa stancy. This provides four pos sentative of conditions existina
implicit unity of all dualities, tion. If a person recognizes a sible kinds of lines: the youna at the time the actions to con
-- --
and the recognition that this is polar situation or duality in hi!i Chien, The Crea- yin, which does not change, the struct the hexaaram were per
possible only through the mech environment and understands t i v e , H e aven, old yin, which changes to the formed. By executing the
anism of the cycle. All things the circumstances of each point Father young yang, which is constant, changes indicated and leaving
occurring naturally and mani on the cycle of change resulfing and the old yang, which chan1es the other, unchan,ed, a aecond
festing change will operate in from the motion of that situa K'un, The Recep- to the youn1 yin. By beine con hexagram ii created which could
accordance with this cyclic pat tion through time, he is then t i V C, E a r t h, structed of these four kinds of be taken II representina the nat
tern, as it represents the most able to direct his actions toward Mother lines, each of the sixty-four hex ural outcome of the chan,es of
efficient course of action; that the attainment of that which he agrams can, through having or relationship occurring in the first
is, the line of least resistance-a Chen, The Arous- lackin& chanae lines, be per hexagram, thus:
knows must naturally occur,
course apparently taken quite thus insuring his survival. i n g , Thunder, muted into any of the others.
Thus each hexagram becomes
naturally by everything in the If it is true that it is natural Eldest Son 5....55 54, Kuei Mei, The
universe except perhaps man, for things in the universe to representative of not only a Ma!!I,in& Maiden
who appears to possess the abil K'an, The Abys- static present-time situation, but
always operate along the line of
ity to oppose nature if he least resistance, then any ran m a l , w It e r , a complete sheaf of potential For each hexaara.m and for
chooses. dom event-one whose outcome Second Son courses, and a concise descrip each change line, the / C1ti"I
Since it is implicit in either is not determined by man-must tion in symbols of what changes offers commentary on the
clement of a duality that both Ke n , Keeping of relat ionship will produce symbolism, meanina, and the
take place in accordance with
elements exist, that which actu the relationships happening in Still, Mountain. which resultin& situations. relationships described, and the
ally changes is only the relation the natural cycles of existence at Youngest Son Because a seemingly random person consultin1 the book is
ship between the elements. the time of action. Thus, pattern of events such as the thus able to relate the symbol
Regardless of the medium in Sun, The Gentle, tossin& of coins is used to select
through the observation of cer pattern to his present-time situa
which the cycles take place or tain apparently random actions W i n d , E Id e s t the hexagram relevant to present tion.
the symbols used tO measure in which a man is involved, an Daughter lime, and because the under This is not to say that there is
them, all cycles progress through indication may be obtained of standing of the symbols en.ables an ythina mystical, sacred, or
the same set of relationships in the nature of the course of least Li, The Clinging, a person to place himself in har supernatural about the coins or
the periodic waxina aod waning resistance inherent in his situa Flame, Second mony with the naturally occUr stalks, though many devotees
of the innuence of their ele tion at the time of the actions. Daughter rin& changes taking place. around would like to ,believe it so ( ..It
ments. And as in the nr.1mbcr of The device used to measure him, the book is often looked only works if your stalks are
possible directions one may take the natural line of least resis· � - Tui, The Joyous, upon as a mystical oracle or for really made from yarrow," or
from a point, the number of pos• lance existina at any given rime Like, Younaest lune-tellina device. However, the some such non,en,e). Any natu
1ible relationships is infini'te. In 1 in an undentandable form is the Dau1hter devices of hexagram 9Cledion raJly occurrina paUem in whicll
like manner °to the establishment symbol pattern of the hexa The combinations of two, are not considered to be e.ntircly paired elementa - dilceraible
of the 360 system of direc grams. When the basic idea of four, and five are not examined random. Becau,e they are per• wW manifest lM relationlh.ipt.
tional notation, so too ruay a duality, expressed in certain Eas by the / Chi"6, though the formed or observed by I pcnon The author ha■ "'d tome
number of cardinal points be tern Utcraturc u the principle of symbol theory lhould hold true who docs not control their out·
marted off along the cycle of yin and YUi, ii represented by a for thltm also,but take partk.-ular come, and because all such 1111-
Continued on ..... 10
10 March 21, 1974
�vet) C()r,tacts
This column continues the service we started earlier in helping inter•
ested people come into contact with a coven possibly interested in
them. Both covens and individuals so interested are encouraged to Continued from page 9
write to
American Order of the Brotherhood of the Wicca moments of interesting insight ancient works and studies collec- ries. In China each of the great
Att: Gnosticus by adapting the old system of lively referred to as •·the additions to the literary body of
watching bird flight to construct occult." This is an unfortunate the / Ching was kept tcparatc,
476 Summit Avenue the hexagrams. (An even number association, as many of the peo- likely because of the reverence
St. Paul, MN 55102 .of birds flying from the right z pie who might most appreciate in which each of the writers was
We ask covens to complete a registration questionaire, and send an 8: an even number from the left the I Ching as the distilled wis- held. Feeling such reverence,
applicatton questionaire to persons wanting contact with the Old = 6; an odd number from the dom of what may be the oldest though perhaps fully deserved,
right :: 7; an odd number from culture on the planet could pos- was not relevant to the subject
Religion. Your only obligation is sincerity and a stamped, ,etf. the left= 9.) sibly be put off by the faddish- matter itself, Dr. Wilhelm pro
addressed envelope. In Chinese literature four men ncss and cheap commcrcializa- duced an integra ted form,
New A�strations are cited as authors of the / lion which seems to accompany including various of the com
Coven Name General Location General Identity Ching: Fu Hsi, King Wen, the this occult association. More- mentarics with each hexagram as
(secret) North Los Angeles, CA Irish-Celtic and Greek Duke of Chou, and Confucius. over. there is nothing occult it appears in the text, rather
To complete this list for the about the / Ching. No attempt than in an appendix. By virtue of
pair-bonded couples Western reader, credit must be has been made to hide the signi- this, Lhe several viewpoints taken
generally works skyclad given with them to the greatest ficant data in myth or obtuse by the ancient writers can be
of the book's few Western trans symbol, either for preservation viewed as one unit, and an analy
Kentucky Louisville, KY Gardnerian lators and editors, the late through hostile times or to ere- tical understanding of the rea
prefers couples Richard Wilhelm. ate an esoteric inner circle of the sons why the / Ching is as it is
skyclad Fu Hsi is a legendary figure rare few who can figure it out. becomes much easier.
associated with the period of the In fact, it seems the originators Thus the/ Ching as it appears
du Sandia Grasail Boston, MA Alexandrian earliest t-ribes of hunters and of the book have all directed in the Western world today (The
fishermen, with the first use of their activity toward producing / Ching, Wilhelm/Baynes, Prince
To all those who have sent completed applications. and have yet to fire for cooking, and the inven the clearest possible symbol pat- ton University Press) is the result
hear from a nearby coven, please be patient. The number of in tion of weapons and tools. This tern to reveal the most basic of several thousand years of slow
is significant in that the book is archetypal relationships in the cultural evolution; carefully
quirers has become thousands and we are behind in our work, which psychophysical universe of man. shaped by great mer of widely
thus given its origin in a time far
is all volunteer-staffed. predating historical record. That such a pattern may be divergent times and disciplines.
Apparently in the earliest ver thought occult and unintelligible In this respect it is not unlike
sions only the trigrams-the pos by some could be the result of the ancient miniature trees so
sible forms of trinity-were exa their attempts to fit this product long beloved of the most highly
SPRING mined. Two early coUections of certain characteristically Ori- refined Orientals, and as the
using the hexagrams arc men ental modes of thought intc the bonsai tree retains its most basic
tioned in the writings of Confu limitations of the characteristic- nature despite all conditioning,
cius and others. according to the ally Western mode called loosely so too the / Ching retains its
traditions of those times dated "the scientific method." It is most basic and ancient form in
as early as 2200 BC. The same true that the / Ching docs not . the patterns of the hexagrams
April 11, 12, 13 and 14 general tradition indicates that lend itself well to empirical themselves. For regardless of
the presentcomplete groupof the proof in a lab. To a great extent, what may or may not be said
at Gnostica Study Canter in Minneapolis the only criterion for evaluation about the hexagrams by men
sixty-four hexagrams and their
,ponsored by order originated with King Wen is the observer's opinion that the learned or wise, the relationships
The First Wiccan Church of Minnesota of the Chou dynasty, circa 1150 text given correlates to his sub- existing in the interaction of sets
BC. He is said to have arranged jeetive understanding of his own of polarities are implicit in the
Initiated Witch�-this is your opportunity to discuss dif the hexagrams and written the situation. But even for such peo- patterns themselves, and thus
brief commentaries called The ple u must demand objective they graphically illustrate that
ferences in traditions and exchange ideu; to participate in Judgments while he was impris proof in order to agree upon the which they are used to symbol
work.shops for the fonnulation of policies. Join Isaac Bone oned by the tyrant Chou Hsin. reality of a thina, an examina- ize. In the final analysis, it is this
wits, Antonio Andruzzi, Ed Fitch, Tim Zell, Lady Sheba, His son, the Duke of Chou, tion of the / Ching could be of fact more than any other that
Gnosticus, Gavin and Yvonne Frost, Lady Cybele and many overthrew Chou Hsin, founded value if only in that it represents has kept the / Ching alive these
more this Spring in Minneapolis at the Gnostica Study Center. the Chou dynasty, which he both the creation and in many millenia-that at its center is a
declared to have oriainated with ways the creator of the thought pattern which is in accordance
Re,istration: fee $25.00. Includes on meal per day but does his father, and took up his forms used today by our sibling with the great laws of the per
not include lodging. We suggest you reserve at Holiday Inn father's work in developing a culture, the Oriental. Without feet order of the univene.
Central, 1313 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis. Toll free: (800) comprehensive form for the / discounc on the relative merits
Ching. It was he who wrote the of the systems themselves, an
823-90S0. To register write Vicki Zastrow, Gnostica School, understanding of both would
1414 Lau�I Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Or call: (612) commentaries on the meanings
of the individual lines, a work of seem likely to broaden one's
339-2420. great depth which led to the view of that reality which both
book's widespread use as an systems a r e attempting to
oracle. describe, as well as to provide
In this form the book was the superficial benefit of increas
studied intensively by Confu ing understanding between East
cius. The philosophy named for and West today.
him, recorded by history to have However, the primary reason
originated with him, and which.. why the / Ching is only now
in the eyes of the West typifies gaining a followin& in the West is
Eastern thought is based in great that until very recently there
part on Confucius' understand were no translations of merit
ing of the relationships revealed available outside of academic
by the / Ching. It is generally sinoloaical circles. Several trans
accepted that the parts of the lations appeared in German and
NATAL CHART BLANKS modern version known as the French during the late nine
Circle blank with numbered houses, destgnated spaces Commentaries on the Decision teenth century, and some of
• for name, birth data, etc. Measures 6" X 8½". these were further tnnslated t0 300 Nor1fl ZNb Ro.ct
and the Commentaries on the Ann Afbof, Mircfl,gan 41108
MECHANICAL ASPECTARIAN lmaaes are the works of this English, but these were done for lero• Uniffrtiity Microftlma
For natal and progressed charts, two wheels divided into great thinker. The modern inter the most part in the course of 3S Mobile Drive
pretalion and views of the / simply translating great bodies Toronto, On1arlo.
• 360 degrees each. MeaSJres 8½" X 11''. Canada M4A.1He
Ching arc greatly the result of of early Chinese Literature, and un1 ..,au, MicrofHms Limtted
ASPECT TABULATING BLANK the tea-.:hings about the book were not done by students of St Jot1n·1 Road.
Grid only for recording distance between planets. aspect spread by the students of Confu the/ Ching itself. Tyler", Gtffn. Penn.
8uc1tmgh11mshlre, Engl11MI
• symbol, nature, applying or separating. 8½" X 11". cius and their successors. During the years immediately
It is among the few of the before and after the turn of the PLEASE WRITE FOR
Chinese classics which escaped twentieth century, Dr. Richard
Three wheels with numbered houses. aspect grid for
the infamous burning of the Wilhelm, studying in China with
• natal, progressed and transiting planets. 8½" X 11", books under the tyrant Ch'in Lao Nai-hsuan, one of the fore
HOROSCOPE BLANK Shih Huang Ti in the year 213 most Chinese !!Cholars of the
9. lt�trology
Plain circle blank divided into twelve houses. Measures BC, but it was relegated to the time, undertook to translate the
e 8½" X 11". status of a book of divinal ion work into German in the light of
and magic until it was reintro
af homel
his many years of study on the
NOEL TYL BLANK duced as a book of wisd0m by significance of the contents. His
Decorative wheel divided into twelve numbered houses; Wana Pi in the third century AD. trans lation alone produces a
with .,.c::t grid. Men.Jres 8½" X 11 ".
That the / Chin� is fast monumental document, but his Famous Crews
becoming a popular work in the greatest contribution to the Simplified System
OIIDIJI av ....... FROM ONOSTICA 800KSTOflE, ,.o. West is often attributed to the growl h of this ancient system of Write
NX aa-GN, ST. ,AUL, MN N1 •. THEY ALL COME IN re,iuraence of interest takina u n d erstanding is his ammge- Temple of Li_,t
PADI Of' 100. EACH pla-.:e among a broad l.TOSS-�c mcnt of the various commen- 140 Edison
Hon of Westerners in several taries assembled over the ccntu- .. Detr oit, M l 48 202
_ ii,iiii,ii,..,,.,...,;_,iiiiia-l
Gnostica News �arch 21, 1974 11
Stral)ge Powers
V •, ',< I
In the March issue, G.ostiu New, published the first uf problems that strike you as infinitely boring and irrele great advantage to be carried away by anger; in peace
a /uur-part serie1 of Colin Wilson•, most recent book, vant. time, it could be a great disadvantage. A aclf-controUed
Smroge l'ov,er,. l+ntten by the author of Tbe Oco/r Robert Leftwich had faced the problem logically and man will be able to allow himself to be carried away by
and TH O.uider, Stna-,e l'oll1ffl examines the nature set out to solve it in a sensible, determined way: to save anger when it suits him, and to inhibit it when it
of the re�nt occult revival 1111d continue, to deffl! into enough money to retire while fairly young and be able doesn't: that is to say, he tcts up a system of control
the pow,n of the human psyche. to devote the last third of his life to self-actualisation... I even ow:r the ability to lolle control. Such complexities
In this i#ue, Wilson examines the ,uperconsdous began to economise very enthusiastically by depriving are bound to defeat their own purpose sometimes, par
mind, mop dowiing, and ,peen,, of the /Mnz, all my,olf of all unnecessary luxuries." I had had a shot al ticularly in modem civilised life; hence Rouue1u'1
throuzh hi1 ocqlUU/ltonce with Robm uftwkh. 11ril the same method. working for a few weeks to make a nostalgia for the life of the noble av,ge; hence the risi,.
ul1Vordinory man htu the '):Jo..,.,. to make thing, little spare money, then sleeping out in a sleeping bag to rate of newosis in our 10eiety. 1be sheer entanglement
h4ppen," • power which wa.,.,n my, may w,/1 be the save rent, and eating in cheap workmen's cafes. I also of inhibitory systems and anti-inhibitory systems and
turning point in human de11elopment, the nut step in had reason to sy mpathise with Leftwich's divagation, if systems for overruling anti-inhibitory systems is bound
man '1 ew,lution. Read JW/,on � conclwiom about Uft· that is the word: "Ultimately, the basic desire for female to produce •·certain energy wastage through tension.
wich � I/range pow,n and learn why he soy, that companionship superseded these good intentions, with Psy chologists have obtcrve:d that when I patient is
"psychic powen are a matter of choke, not of chance." ·,he result that .. . I e..:ntually found mytelf engaged." hypnotised and told that he cannot mow his arm, he
I had also found myself married and a parent. I fled the finds it impossible to mow it, no matter how hard he
dilemma, rather than solved it, by aeparating from my tries. On examining what is happening in more detail, it
I had been hoping to carry out 10me systematic wife after eighteen months. Leftwich had behaved more has been found that, for example, a patient who has
exploration of Robert Leftwich's strange powers when decently; he married, produced children, and continued been told to bend his arm is actually contracting his
he came to see us in Cornwall, but again, 1 was disap• to work towards the ideal of .. escape," while continuing flexor muscles. but is also contracting the extensor
pointed. This was not his fault. He seemed willing to to take fuU responsibility for his wife and children. He muscles to prevent him from bending it; his tclf-division
discuss any subject frankly; but his ideas about his had recognised after a while that marriage and parellt· (in this case, an artificial one caused by the hypnotist)
powers are bound up with ideas about vegetarianism, hood would not provide a substitute for what he really causes him to cancel out an action he is attempting to
health, marriage, morality, and so on. So a question wanted. When I first met him, he felt he had about perform. On the other hand, tests on patients under
about the first time he experienced astral projection another year before he could escape; at the time. of hypnosis have also shown that they can be made to exert
might produce a discourse on his diet, childhood fan- writing, two years later, he is somewhere in the south of far more strength than they are capable of exerting when
tasies. army experiences, or marriage. France with a caravan, while Patricia and the children awake-up to one-third more. Their mental performance
When I had been at the Beacon House, he had shown are in England. can also be improved in a similar ratio.
me the typescript of a book-actually a volume of The desire for escape has been Leftwich's lifelong pre We might say, then, that our natural powers are in
essays-called The Philosophy of an Escapist. I had been occupation. And it suggests a reason for the h'ibited by a self-consciousness that has the same basic
puzzled by the title until he explained that by •·escap- development of his unusual powers. He set himself a nature as embarrassment or stage fright. I can overcome
ist," he meant someone who wanted to escape from the long-distance aim-a very long-distance aim, since it has this .. cancelling" process in two ways: either by relaxing
rat race and retire to a place where he oould meditate. I taken him until he is fifty to achieve it. Now anybody completely (perhaps with the aid of drugs or alcohol, or
had wanted to borrow the typescript, but it was the o�ly who has ever set out determinedly to lose weight knows by meditation techniques), or by making such a steady
one and he was unwilling to let it out of his hands. Now about the curious effect of moral uplift that can come and determined effort that I launch my.elf onto a higher
he brought a photocopy to Cornwall, and I had a chance from self-discipline. Once you've embarked on the plane of energy in which the forward drive completely
10 study it in more detail. J fo und it an immensely inter- course and see your weight vanishing at a rate of five overrules the inhibitory mechanism.
esting document, which provided me with a great deal i,ounds a week, you become a kind of miSCr about every In his book, Leftwich says he isn't sure whether his
more insight into his character; but as far as explaining mouthful of bread. You begin to calculate-by Easter tireless energy is due to his .. self-imposcd restrictive way
his powers was concerned, it was again a disappointment. you'll have k>st twenty-five pounds. Being hungry be· of life," or whether he was "fortunate enough to inherit
All the same, it did provide certain insights. It was comes a kind of pleasure. It even becomes a kind of a very high basic metabolic rate." I would plump for the
clear from the opening paragraphs that Leftwich is a · 'addiction; doctors are familiar with cases of girls who first.
typical Outsider figure. "The idea of settling down diet to achieve "Twiggy figures," and then continue to I read a great deal of l'hUo.,.,phy of on Esa,plll that
away from the influences of modern civilisation and its starve until they are suffering from serious undernourish first night Leftwich stayed with us, and it WIS then that
appalling artificiality originated in my mind all110st ment and have to be force-fed. But even dieting is a I definitely decided that I would like to write about him,
immediately after I left .college." An "Outsider," in the fairly short-term discipline; at the end of three months whether or not I could satisfy my curiou&ity about his
terminology 1 developed, is a self-actualiser who wants you can go back to normal eating. Robeit Leftwich has powers. I have to admit that I had misgivinas about
to sidestep the demands of everyday life and get down been subjecting himself to a rigorous self �iscipline for having Robert actually around the prernioes. I usually
to creation. He or she wants to evolve, to move on. · twenty-five years or so. write all day� then, at six o'clock. I'm ready to pour a
Maslow's classic case was of a girl who had been a bril- Now what does discipline do? Basically it increases glass of wine and spend a long evening listening to mu.sic
liant sociology student at college and who was forced to one's ''vital reserves" or rather makes them more avail- or reading, or even watching 1V if there is some cultur
take a job as a personnel manager in a chewing gum able. It makes one more "free." Sartre said he had never ally rewarding programme such II Ma/,fret or �
factory during the Depression years; she became so de- felt so free as during the war, when he was in the Resis Av�ngen. l like to ..switch ofr' and become purely re
pressed she even ceased to menstruate. She was sick of tance and was likely to be arrested and shot at any ceptive, and I tend to resent it if I ha\11;, guests who want
marking time, staying in the same place. Maslow cured moment. Why? Because he had to maintain a higher level to discuss questions of philosophy or psychology-it
her by simply suggesting that she should continue her of alertness, of preparedness. Similarly, the disciplines may be relaxation for them, but for me, it is talkin&
studies at night school. W.B. Yeats had a fantasy of a evolved by Gurdjieff and practised at his Institute for shop.
�Castle on a Rock" where a community of poets and the Harmonious Development of Man at Fountainebleau But Robert wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. I WIS
artists could spend their lives growing vegetables and aimed at keeping his pupils in a state of constant alert- amused to watch Joy's reaction to him; I could see she
living the life of the mind. ness-they might be asked to leap out of bed in the didn't quite know what to m*e of him, bewildered by
What really destroyed Van Gogh was not the mental middle of the night and instantly assume some difflcult the impact of his schoolboy exuberance and completely
strain of being a visionary; it was the strain of never position. A young boy, Fritz Peters, was induced to non-offensive-because totally candid-egoism. He re•
knowing where his next meal was coming from, of make greater and greater efforts mowing the lawns, until pealed some of the things he had said to me before
always being poor, of having to live off his brother who, he could do vast areas in one day. The aim was to keep about dowsing or the ability to make things happen-and
unburdened by a powerful creative urge, was able to everyone bubbling with energy. "Compared to what we I noted that he repeated them in almost exactly the
bring himself to work for a living. Gauguin hoped to find ought to be, we are only half awake," said William same words. This reinforced my feeling of his basic:
his freedom in the South Seas, but poverty followed him James, who might almost have been quoting Gurdjieff. honesty; a man ·who is letting his imagination run away
there. This is Lhe basic problem of the Outsider; he just (Gurdjieff would have said that, compared to what we with him tends to change thingr slightly each tune, to
wants time to sort himself out, to be creative. \ ought to be, we are fast asleep.) "We are making use of embroider.
In my own teens, I dreamed of retiring to one of only a small part of our mental and physical resources."
Continued on page 12
those stone huts on the Aran Isles, formerly occupied by "We live subject to arrest by degrees of fatigue which we
religious ascetics. This problem-how to stay alive and have come only from habit to obey. Most of us may
develop my potentialities in a society that insisted that I learn to push the barrier further off, and to live in per
work forty-five hours a week for just enough money to feet comfort on much higher levels of power." And he
keep me alive-was solved by the success of The Outsider. adds, '"The transformation, moreover, is a chronic one;
It is true that if brought as many problems as it solved: the new level of energy becomes permanent." All these
but it certainly solved that basic problem of how to quotations are from his important essay "The Energies
avo.d working in a factory or office, doing somebody
else's business instead of my own. So I had solved the
of Man."
It is not only ignorance or laziness that keeps us by Colin Wilson
problem by the time I was twenty-four. The writer's life "below our proper selves." All aminals arc complicated Now in .,.,.,-t,ed<, $3.96
still has plenty of problems-The Author has conducted systems of drives and inhibitions. Different circum
Available from: Gnoltia Bookltorw, P.O. 3383-GN,
a survey that showed that less than a hundred writers in stances require different responses. In battle, it is of
St. Paul, MinMmi• 55165. U• ordH form in thi1 ;_,,_
Great can live wholly from their writing-but at 9. The ladr to whom he ls refn-,ina here ii nol P'atrlda Uden,
least they are problems you can feel strongly about, not whom he married; this earliu enpaemenl wH broken orr.
12 - March 21. f9'n
This ability to make things happen was, in effect, an even when he has no cause for complaint, he feels that Leftwich's power to ""fnake things happen is an
extension of his trick of making the schoolmaster ask gratitude would be premature; things might go wrong at extension of this. I am .inclined to believe that it involves
him to repeat the only lines he'd learned, and I found any moment; one can't really trust the world. Gambling no occult faculty (such as second sight): it is a power
one story particularly interesting. Robert said he'd been is one basic response to this passivity, revealing the that depends simply on calling upon vital reserves and
talking with a friend about the power of the mind. They obsession with luck, the desire to make things happen. abandoning the customary attitude or passivity.
were walking through central London, and Robert said, The absurdity about this attitude is that we fail to
..For examp�, we could walk into any shop and take recognise the active part we play in maki .ng life a pleas· Leftwich has visited me twice in Cornwall-the
anything without paying for it." When his friend showed ure. When my will is active. my whole mental and second time early in 1973. He had finally resigned from
scepticism, he offef'Cd to demonstrate. They walked into physical being 'WCJTks better, jwt as my digestion works his job, bought himself a motorised caravan. and was
a shop with two assistants. As they did so, one ;ssistant better if I take exercise between meals. I gain an in prepared to take up his life of freedom at last. He
said, 'Tm going to the storeroom,•· and went out. At creasing feeling of control over my life. instead of the showed us the unit and all ils gadgets. These included a
that moment. the telephone rang. and the other assistant feeling of helplessness (what Sartre calls "contingency") generator that. at the touch of a switch. would cause
said, .. Excuse me," and also went out leaving them that comes from long periods of paSS:vity. Yet even 600 volts to surge through the bodywork of the
aJone. people who are intelliger1t enough to recognise this find vehicle-a sensible precaution, perhaps. No doubt a man
''You see?'' Robert asked. the habit of passivity so deeply ingrained that they find who has slept in a house most or his life feels insecure if
"But thit's just coincidence," said his friend. themselves holding their breath when things go well. he parks at the side of the road in some remote part of
"Alright, we'll do it again." hoping fate will continue to be kind. Fran c e - perhaps remembering the fate of the
They went into another shop. Within a few minutes To actually believe, as Leftwich does7"that you con• Drummond family-but also typical of Robert Leftwich, ,
someone fainted or was ill suddenly so everyone in the trot your luck, could be a vital step in human evolution, with that schoolboy delight in gadgets.
�op converged to the other side. By this time, the a real turning point. And what is especially important is From my own experience of him, I can vouch that he
friend was looking worried ... It's still coincidence." that he rejects the idea that you can push your luck too never, seems to get tired, at least not noticably. At seven
.. Alright, we'll do it a third time." far. He believes that this power to make things go well is in the morning, as Joy was sleepily switching on the
And so they did. But on this occasion. an accident as straightforward as any other physical activity. When a kettle and preparing to get the childrens' breakfast,
took plJce outside, and the shop was vacated, indicating man sets out to drive to his office, he doesn't take a Robert would appear outside the kitchen window, as
that very dangerous forces were at work. deep breath and say, "WeU, here goes. Let's hope I make chirpy as if he'd been for a ten-mile walk, looking for
If this story sounded astonishing, his next statement it today." There is a chance that he may not make it. shredded wheat and eager to elaborate on sotrie point
was even more so. In order to establish beyond aU doubt especially in modem city traffic; but he also knows that about his ideas that he'd overlooked the night before.
that this was a power or the mind he was using, he if he drives carefully enough. he'll make it. He doesn't He also seems to possess the ability to prevent himselr
decided to employ these powers a thouJ/Illd times on a eYCn think, '"There's a ten thousand•to-one chance I from getting cold. I find I need a rairly even tempera•
much larger scale. And he did. He didn't say how long might meet with an accident." He simply takes it for ture; if the room gets cool, I begin to feel chilly around
this took him, but he did mention that he devoted his granted ihat he11 reach his office-a little late, perhaps, the neck and need a scarf; ff my workroom gets too
.. proc::eeds," such as they were, to charity. if the traffic is bad, but he'll get there. So Leftwich's warm, I have to change my woollen sweater for a cotton
No doubt this anecdote will arouse more scepticism assertion that he decided to repeat his performance a one. Robert always seemed to be dressed in the same
than any so rar. What interests me is that it is so com· thousand times, to prove that the mind can wntrol luck, clothes-a spons jacket, shirt and tie, flannel trou1ers
pletely consistent with Leftwich's other premises. There is of immense importance. He has laid down a basic and to be uniffected by temperature. He explained that
can be no doubt that the chief fault we have developed principle of the next step in human evolution. it had struck him a'ne - day. that when you are embar•
through the long course of human evolution is a certain In The Occult, I quote a remark Robert Graves made rassed, you go "hot all over," and that this power to in·
basic pauivity. When provoked by challenges, human to me: many young men use a form of witchcraft to crease one's body temperature must be natural to man.
beings are magnificent. When lire is quiet and even, we seduce young .women. I was instantly struck by the truth Ever since that time, he says he has been able to in·
take the path or least resistance and then wonder why of this. My own experience has not been wide or varied; crease his bodily temperature at will.
we reel bored. A man who is determined and active but I knew exactly what he meant. A man wants a girl,
doesn't pay much attention to .. luck." If things go and he begins to think about her in a particular way; not It was during that first visit to Cornwall that I set the
badly, he takes a deep breath and redoubles his effort. just daydreaming, but with a kind of calculating deter• tape recoi-der going and started asking hinf questions.
And he quickly discoven that his moments of deepest mination, like a hunter who is determined to get a What I wanted chiefly was a straightforward biographical
happiness orten come after such efforts. The man who certain animal if he has to track it for weeks. Some kind outline. The foUowing is a brier summary of what he
has become accustomed to a passive existence becomes or psychic force seems to come into operation told me.
preoccupied with luck; it may become an obsession. ronMcted with imagination, just like the trick of turning The Leftwich family is bas.icaUy French, originating
When things go well, he is delighted and good humoured; the paper roundabout-and he may feel certain that he'll in Saint-SauYCur in northern France; the ram.ily name
when they go badly, he becomes gloomy and petulant. achieve his object long before he has any concrete was originaUy de Leftwyche. Since his mother was al,o
He is unhappy or dissatisfied most or the time, for reasons for thinking so. Continued on page 13
The true story of a I ifatime of success and happiness
by Andrew Weihl
$2.95 from Gnostica Bookstore
P.O. Box 3383-GN
St. Paul, MN 55165
Gnostica News M 1, 1974 · 13
· Straf?te Pc,werS
Continued from page 12
French, Robert Leftwich may be regarded as more than ideas to himself. Children take these things much was posted abroad. On the boat to Dieppe, the tea was
SO% GaUic. The family moved to Northwich, where more for granted than adults; so this odd ability rough and the washrooms were full .of vomiting men.
there was, at one time, a Leftwich Hall. On the whole. never worried him. He was certainly not one of Robert wanted to use the toilet; so he marched around
then, the family '"came down in the world." Even so.his R e i c h e n b a c h's sick sensitives. In fact, his the deck until he came to a sign: .. Out of Bounds to All
father, a math�matician and member of the Royal account of himself as a child makes him sound Ranks," and unhesitatingly went past it. The crew
Society, had some distinguished friends including Sir more like Richmal Crompton's J�t William, with a allowed him to use their toilet, and then invited him to
James Jeans, Sir Arthur Eddington, and Sir Charles touch of Jefferies's Bevis. He played elaborate imagina join them in a game of cards; he had actually won 7/6d
. tive games with a close friend. and they encouraged one
Boys, the first man to . weigh the earth." Robert's rather when the boat arrived in France.
casual relationship with the latter ended when he was another in such dangerous feats as dropping off railway Then there was a long nil journey south. It suddenly
eleven or twelve; Sir Charles invited the Leftwich family bridges on to the moving goods carriages below. This struck Robert that he was approaching the country of
to his home near Andover. Wandering around the gar- adventurous Just William element continues to be a his ancestors, and that he had relatives in CaMes. In the
den, Robert found a pump. Even at this time, he was strong part of his"character; later on, he travelled thou transit camp, all was confusion. So he buried his kitbag
fascinated by hydraulic devices. He primed the pump sands of miles around Europe and North Africa on the and walked out. In Cannes. fortunately, there were no
with a bucket of water and worked the handle. A sludgy tops of trains, or occasi�nally clinging underneath the military police. He found his relatives. lived there for a
substance came out. He assumed the pump needed a lot carriages. couple of months, then finally made his way back to the
more working before clear water came through, ,o � In spite of his self-discipline and his attention to de camp. He dug up his kitbag and found himoelf a bed.
went on pumping. In fact, he emptied the liquid manure tail, Leftwich is basically an anarchist. "I can't bear any The next day on parade, n1J11es were called from a list.
tanks and flooded the lawn. Sir Charles wrote Leftwich form of regimentation." Listening to his anecdotes, I Robert reasoned that no one was checking on each indi
senior a letter, asking him not to bring his son to the was suddenly reminded of Gurdjieff. In his autobio vidual; so he picked up his kitbag and joined the group
house in future. graphical book, Meetings With Remarkable Men, Curd· who were due to leave. At the docks, they were counted
Fortunately, his father was a patient man-he needed jieff emerges as an amiable rogue. He spent the first half and found to be one too many. The last man on the list
to be with a son who was a born rebel and always into .of his life wandering from place to place-bumming was sent back. Robert went on to North Africa and
mischief. At this point, Robert made an interesting di- around, as we would say now-making a living as best hC found himself in the camp that contained the remaining
gression. He himself, he says, is not a particularly good or could; his methods were usually ingenious, sometimes men of his old unit-the rest had already been posted all
patient father. "I love my children, but I don't really downright crooked. And yet, beyond· all shadow of over the Middle East. A couple of days after that, his
like them at their particular stage of development. Be- doubt, he was no charlatan; he possessed knowledge and own name was called out on parade and he was posted.
cause, I suppose, they're too much like me-rebellious. he possessed power. No one had even noticed his absence.
Particularly Bobby. Which is largely my own fault. I In many ways, Robert's personality makeup resem Instead of thanking his stars that he'd avoided a court
decided I wanted to have a child with 1he same birthday bles Gurdjiefrs. It suddenly struck me that these martial, Robert continued to push his luck! He was
as myself. So my wife and I did calculations. In fact, anecdotes about his anti-authoritarianism, his obsession assigned to the job of driving the "shit wagon"; he didn't
Bobby arrived a few hours after my birthday, May 16, with travel, are not as irrelevant as I at first thought. He like it. On the second day, he refused. It should have
was over. But if there's anything in astrology, our was telling me a story about an RAF driving instructor resulted in being put on a charge; instead, after being
characters are almost identical.'" 10 who was Supposed to teach him to drive a truck. Robert interviewed by everyone from the MT officer to the
Robert may have inherited some of his ··psychic" could already drive, so when the man began to explain, Continued on page 14
faculties from his mother; she was the sort of person "This is the ignition key, this is the clutch," he became
who could say at breakfast,"l've got a feeling I'm going impatient. When he staned the truck, he went from first,
to hear from so and so today," and the postman would into second, then into third gear. At which the instruc•
then ar1ive with tht letter. But on the whole, there was tor stopped him with a roar of rage. ··tf you don't do as
nothing psychic about his family; it was a matter that you're told, we'll never get anywhere."
simply did not interest them. So when, at the age of four ''But I can drive."
or five, Robert found himself one evening looking down "As far as I'm concerned, you can't. Now, let's start
on his own body in the bed, there was no one in again. This is the ignition key. ..."
the family who could explain to him that he was One can understand his reaction in the face of
simply experiencing astral projection; so he kept such kind of unbelievable stupidity. On the other hand, it
reinforced the individualism, the determination to go hi�
10. I musl •dmil that I never ceue to be •mazed at the weird
own way and to stand alone. And this in turn en
•ccuracy of ucrolo1k•I character asseumentl. Accordln1 10 couraged the development of this odd power to make
Derek Parkn"s The Comp/eat Astrolo,u, lhe charac1er of the things happen. Witchcraft. of the kind we have been
Taurean-April 21 to May 21-is "practical, reliable, adept at
business, havin1 serons powers of endurance, a firm sense of discussing, depends on clearly wanting something and
valuH." Ne1a1ive traits m•Y include poueulveneu and an obsn• directing all psychic energies towards getting it. Robert's
lion with r0Jlines. "He wtll be likely to be succnsful in a career
10 do with finance, and he will look forward lo security (with clashes with authority in its most obtuse and bigoted
pen,ion) in retirement. Al the ume time, he hat a distinct artis· form led him to form a very clear idea that he wanted
lie �anina." As co Che relation with hia children: "11 lt very
difficull for the Taurean, with his very conlCl'valive lnatincu, 10 freedom, the first necessity for obtaining it.
bridae the 1enerallon sap with the youn1; and all too eaay for His RAF career offers some excellent examples of the
him, with his likin1 for discipline, lo lanore the f•ct that hll
children may not be in sympathy wUh his Ideas.'' working of "Leftwichcraft." The war was over when he
byCyril Fagan
••\H\\l.11'}\ IIQI.,.:!"
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beginnings of Hindu and Egyptian Astrology. ,....o,-,..,�. .... "- ,.....,,..........
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restoring the sdenre to its original accuracy, •••••••••••--••••• P'LUI MUCH•MOIE I •••••• •••••••u••••
by the Father of Sidereal Astrology. T• "- - ,..... IVll'f' I•-••
wing commander in charge of the station, he was tem 1957, when he was looking around in an antique shop Brian (.nglis as well as the Society of Dowsers, who had
porarily taken off duty. Then he wu offered the job or ne;ir Reigate. He got into conversation with the proprie• declined to have anything to do with the programme.
helping to reclaim and recondition vehicles that had tor, a woman, and when he left, shook her hand. She Having discovered that he could dowse for water,
broken down in the desert during the war, and a team of looked at him in an odd way and said, ..You're,a healer, Leftwich was curious to know what other hidden
engineers to help him do it. Once again, he had the aren't you?" Robert said not as far as he knew. She abilities he might possess. Experiment soon convinced
freedom he wanted. One day he was told to take a looked at his hand, and what she saw jn his palm appar him that he could find anything, provided he had an idea
Daimler to Cairo and to instruct the chauffeur of Sir ently confirmed her intuition; she told him that he had a or what he wu looking for. He can detect any liquid (for
Charles Medhurst, commander in chief in the Middle line on his palm that only one person in ten thousand example, oil), any solid object, and even empty space
East, in how to drive it. It struck Robert that this was pos,essed. (he has often been uked to dowse for tunnels). This
the kind or job he would enjoy. In this case, his Lert obviously suggests that he has some subconscious knowl
wichcraft was facilitated by the fact that Sir Charles had edge or the field he is looking for. Again, it is the
known his Aunt Vera. He became Medhunt's chauffeur 0
directionality" of the mind that seems to be important.
for awhile, and eventually, with a certain amount of Most of us lack these abilities because we never direct
string-pulling (involving Aunt Vera), he obtained his dis the mind in that direction.
charge from the forces. He also seems to possess strong telepathic abilities,
By this time, his direction was fixed, although he still although these depend to a large extent upon whether
had a long way to go before understanding what it was the other person involved is a good receiver or trans
he wanted out of life. He knew he wanted to travel; he mitter. He mentioned one friend who is an exceptionally
also experienced a more obscure need, a desire to under• good receiver. Robert hands him a pack of cards, tells
stand his own inner being, which took the form of him to shuffle them, and then place several cards face
intense curiousity about world religions. He went back downward on a table. He says, "Move your hand back
to the Middle East to study Mohammedanism firsthand; and forward over the cards. The one you finally decide
he also used his childhood knowledge of trains to travel to pick up will be the ten of diamonds."
long distances without paying. On one occasion, trav His friend moves his hand, hesitates, then says, "No, I
elling from Cairo to Haifa on the roof of a train, he won't have that one. 111 have this."
came close to being decapitated. He was standing up on And his second choice proves to be the ten of
the roof, stretching and yawning, when the friend with diamonds. The friend often asks, "How did you do
whom he was travelling dragged him down. The tele• that?" to which Robert replies, "l don't know."
graph wires had crossed from one side of the track to the 1 felt this "'" an area in which I could test him. (1
other, about five feet above the roof of the train. had contemplated getting him to accompany me round
Like Sir Richard Burton, he disguised himself as an the local shops, and getting him to demonstrate his
Arab and went into mosques. He saw nothing that con• powers of shoplifting; but it struck me that if he failed,
vinced him that his answer lay in Islam. The interest in we might both be in trouble.) We took a pack or cards
religion disposed his mind more favourably to Christian• it was ours, ...J10t his. He told me to shuffle them, and
ity (to which his attitude had always been lukewarm), then start placing them face down on the table while hr
although he found the middle-of-the-road doctrines of stood several feet away where he could not see the cards.
the Church of England uninteresting. The millenialism of u111 stop you when you get to the ace of c!ubs.'' After I
the Seventh Day Adventists appealed altogether more had thrown down twenty cards or so, he said, "Stop,
strongly: their conviction of the immanence of the Still, he was sceptical-or perhaps only uninterested. that's it." It was the ace of clubs. We did it several times
Second Coming, their absorption in the prophecies of Five more years went by. One mo ming on his way to more. He was not right every time-I think: there were
the Old Tesrament-even their Sabbatarian Fundamen- work, he noticed workmen digging a hole; on the pre three failures out of seven. He was apologetic and said
talism appealed to the ascetic side of him. vious two days he had noticed them digging holes in that it could be because this was the first time we'd tried
But after awhile, he found himself'unable to stomach other places nearby. He stopped the car and asked them it, but I found the performance impressive.
the dogmatism and turned to the study of religions of what they were doing; ..You know I'm extremely in On the other hand, I have to admit that in spite of his
the East-Hinduism and Buddhism. He was also unable • quisitive." They said they'd lost the water main, and at obvious . dowsing abilities, his demonstration in that
to accept the idea of Jesus as the God-Man and Saviour, that moment, a diviner arrived, took out his rods, and direction was not wholly successful either. When he
and declined to accept that the miracles proved his di· within a few minutes had located the main. Robert came to see us in 1972, I was having water trouble. To
vinity. He'" already had a suspicion that anyone can asked if he could try it, and the diviner handed him the begin with, I noticed that the walls of a new room we'd
perform miracles if he can tap his hidden resources. forked stick. Robert walked over the main and felt the just had built on to the house were getting damp at the
Nevertheless, the Seventh Day Adventists were an impor- stick twist violently in his hands. He was so excited that bottom. One day, I moved a bookcase and found the
tant influence, with their emphasis on the importance of he decided not to go to work. floor and carpet underneath it flooded. With the help or
physical health, their sparing use of meat, and intense Instead, he went to the Lewes Public Library and the local handyman who built the room, 1 knocked a
dislike of tobacco and alcohol. (I asked Robert if he had consulted all their books on dowsing. He discovered that hole in the outside wall just below ground level. As the
always been a nonsmoker. He said no, he had smoked as there was a British Society of Dowsers and that the chisel went through, there was a violent gush of water
a young man. One day in a cinema, he realised he was out president was a Colonel Bell who lived in Cuckfield. and a torrent came from under the house. When we
of cigarettes and felt such a strong desire for a smoke Robert contacted him and soon became an active dows• turned off the water at the main, the flood ceased; ob
that he went out to the foyer to buy some. Back in the er. At the same time, he discovered he also possessed viously, we had a burst pipe. The problem: to locate the
cinema, he began to brood on his dependence on ciga - certain healing gifts-someone told him that dowsing and burst and dig down to it. It had to be exactly located,
rettes-even then he believed that the mind should be healing go together. (He has never tried to develop these, unless I wanted to tear up several yards of concrete.
able to completely control the body. He got up, left the but he can cure his wife of a severe migraine in a few Robert walked around the room and got strong
cinema, presented the cigarettes to the first man he met minutes by laying his hands on her forehead and can water reactions from near th'e far wall. (Oddly enough,
in the street, and gave up smoking.) cure an ordinary headache in ten seconds.) so did Joy, who uked if" she could try his rods-she is
On the whole, Buddhism struck him as the religion When Brian Inglis came to lecture to the soci'!ty, he obviously another natural dowser.) He wandered around
that made the strongest appeal to his inner needs. He asked if any dowsers would be willing to demonstrate outside the house and got a very strong reaction outside
still regards himself as fundamentally a Buddhist (al· their powers on television. Everyone declined; the the wall. "I think your burst pipe's down here." I got
though in the PhiluJOphy of an Escapist. he states his general feeling was that these things depend on a certain out a steel chisel and a lump hammer and started
belief in a Creator of the universe and seems closer to a inner concentration and that TV cameras would spoil it. cutting down into the concrete. It took me most of a
mystical pantheism). During this stage when he was in• Robert said this was untrue. If dowsing depended on the morning, but when I was about six inches down, the
vesligating comparative religion-he had no particular power of the mind, then it shouldn't make any differ water began to well up through it. Then I reached the
interest in occultism. I asked him if he could say roughly ence where it was done. The result was the TV broadcast earth underneath, and the water began to ,eep into the
when It began to interest him. He said he had always of l 968 when, as already mentioned, he found the one
Continued on page 15
been in&erested in a way, but placed the date at about special can of fresh water and a knife, which satisfied
ship. Written especially for
per 1M1' women of each individual
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Gnostfc.l News March 2l 191'4 15
hole. I spent the rest of the day enlarging it, suddenly somehow willing the master to ask him only the some people are sensitive to it. Two, that we emit some
delighted al the prospect of finding the broken pipe and questions he knew. The result was that he always did form of radar signal and are able to pick up the reOected
being able to call in the local plUmber to repair it. badly in exams, but this was attributed to "exam signals which, when interpreted by our minds, tell us
But although I enlarged the hole to a foot or so and nerves." what we're looking for. But this doesn't explain how I
dug down nearly two feet, I could find no pipe. On the And in conversations with me, he mentioned several can use other people to dowse. I can see a man walking
housing estate below us, a bulldozer was in action. I times his lifelong ability to get his own way. For down the street and tune in to him. And as he passes
went down and asked him if he could come up and dig example, he decided one day that he would like a Kipps over, say, a water pipe, he emits a signaJ which I pick
through some concrete for me; he agreed to come the apparatus, a device for producing sulphuretted hydrogen up." This obviously cannot be accounted for by the
next day. By that time Robert had left to rejoin his in the laboratory. Within a few days, he saw one among radar theory. But then, as Leftwich went on to point
family near Penzance. The next morning, the bulldozer a pile of discarded glassware at a factory he was visiting out, neither of these theories accounts for map dowsing
arrived. It had a narrow digging shovel with long Steel on business; when he asked about the apparatus, the either.
teeth. Its method of breaking into the concrete was to manager said it was going to be thrown out and told This is certainly the most baffling form of divining;
poise the shovel, teeth downward, six feet above the him to take it home. He mentioned a dozen other the map dowser can sit at home, suspend his pen
ground, then allow it to drop; each time, the teeth bit in examples of similar "coincidences." He said wryly that dulum-or whatever he uses over a map, and say,
deeper. Finally, the surface was cracked enough to tear up this ability to get whatever he wants has probably been "There is water in the corner of this field." Although
the concrete in lumps. I looked on with satisfaction, bad for his character, and to some extent, this may be this sounds preposterous, it is as well attested to as the
waiting for the water to spurt from the leak; nothing true. I am not saying that people need adversity to im more common form of dowsing. It is in facl the projec
happened. When he'd reached a depth of six feet, it was prove their characters. Intelligence and self-criticism will tion of the superconscious mind, the same force utilised
obvious that nothing would happen. Baffled, I suggested serve just as well. But some problems may turn attention when using someone from a distance. In Rasputin, I de
that he dig in another place round the comer where the in a particular direction and produce important insights. scribed how a map dowser had taken a letter froin me
water was running in a steady stream from under the A man with too much power to control his own destiny and held it, unopened, in one hand while he allowed a
house. He tore up the concrete there. No pipe. Finally, I may be in danger of limiting his experience to what he pendulum to swing above a map of England with the
asked him to dig at a spot ten feet away where I knew thinks he wants. For example, it may be all very nice to other. The two intersecting lines of its swing pinpointed
the pipe ran. It was a lucky gtiess; the pipe made a right get a Kipp's apparatus within a day of deciding you'd the place where the sender, Margaret Lane, was at that
angle bend at that spot, and we could assume that it ran like to own one, but he admits it has been in his attic, moment-as I later confirmed.
from there straight into the house-several yards from unused, ever since. Leftwich believes that all dowsing depends on the
both spots where we'd been tearing up concrete. I cursed This breezy, willful aspect of his character may ex superconscious mind-a term invented, as far as I know,
Robert, and asked the bulldozer to fill in t,he holes again. plain why he is a good "transmitter" but a poor by Aldous Huxley, who asked why, if the mind has a
(We solved the water problem by having a new pipe laid ..receiver." He mentioned a friend, Walter Mellor, the Freudian "basement" which is hidden from conscious
from the right angle bend, around the outside of the chief engineer of a large firm, who is a superb receiver. ness, it should not also have a non-Freudian "attic."11
house.) Mellor can go out of the room, and Robert thinks of a This, Leftwich believes, is the basic source of the ability
When I wrote to him a week later, I mentioned number, "transmits" it, and writes it down on a piece of to dowse. The superconscious mind is certainly an ex
casually that he had been mistaken about the water, but paper. Mellor comes into the room and can announce tremely tempting hypothesis to all who are interested in
I didn't mention where the pipe was actually situated. the four-figure number corre�tly and without hesitation the theory of occultism. It explains, for example, the
He wrote back, commenting that he had found another before lifting the paper to verify it. But if Robert goes thousands of weU-attested cases of "spectres of the
water pipe under the deep freeze but hadn't bothered to out of the room, and Mellor tries to transmit, there is no living." Goethe relates, for example, how. when he was
mention it since I seemed so certain the one we were result. MeUor's forehead begins to perspire, and nothing out for a walk in the rain, he saw a friend wearing his
looking for ran outside the house. On the whole, I would comes into RQbert's head. Mellor is also a "sensitive": he own dressing gown and shpJ>t:rS walking in front of him.
count our water problem as one of his failures, although, can take an object-say, Patricia's watch-and tell her all When he arrived home, he found the friend seated in
since most of the space under the new room was flooded kinds of things about herself that he cannot possibly front of the fire in his dressing gown and slippers; he had
with water, perhaps this is unfair. have known. Leftwich cannot do this; his mind is got soaked on his way to Goethe's house. The friend was
What are my general impressions and conclusions attuned to doing, not receiving. Yet when I asked him completely unaware of having walked in front of Goethe
about Robert Leftwich? abo.ut this, he remarked, interestingly, that he felt he in the rain.
I must first state a general principle, which is known "didn't know where to start." "Perhaps if I knew where In many cases of spectres of the Jiving, the person
to every student of mysticism. "Strange powers" have to start, I could do it. But I just don't know at present." whose spectre is seen knows nothing about it, although
nothing to do with what the mystics would call "knowl• This led us on to the subject of dowsing; I asked him he may have been thinking about the person to whom it
edge of God." The Persian magi were, in fact, priests of how, in that case, he accounted for his ability to divine
Zoroaster, and we tend to associate the idea of the magi• almost anything. The answer was important. •Toere Continued on page 16
cian with spiritual power-an idea that has been fostered used to be two schoois of thought, and I made a third.
11.· Jnlroduction to HMm11n hr-,Mlity 1111d lt1 SMrvlwil of
by the Christian tradition of miracles. According to Sri One school believes all matter emits some radiation, and
Bodily by F.W,H. Myer,, Univenity Booka, New York,
Ramakrishna, the power to work miracles may be a 1961.
Madame Blavatsky's." And in my book on Rasputin, I
mide the same point: some saints acquire "power" in
the course of spiritual advancement, other men are born USE THIS FORM TO ORDER BOOKS ADVERTISED
with it-like Rasputin, and even Hitler (whose power IN THIS ISSUE OF GNOSTICA NEWS. ORDER FROM:
was, of course, of a different kind)-and may misuse it.
I say this because I am fully aware that if any Gnostica Bookstore When ordering, list author, title and price.
thoroughgoing sceptic with a logical-positivist tum of P.O. Box 3383-GN
mind read my account of Leftwich, he would say that it St. Paul, MN 55165
demonstrates nothing but Robert's desire for fame and
my gullibility. In fact, when I fust met Robert, I was People:
aware of this possibility. Not that he makes an impres I enclose $____
, for the items
sion of dishonesty; he doesn't. But a man so obviously listed here. Please send them to:
people-oriented might be deceiving himself. On the other
hand, his demonstrations with the divining rod made it
perfectly clear that he possesses the power of dowsing to
a high degree. The more I got to know him, the more I
felt that he is basically a solid and consistent character,
whose schoolboyish exterior only seems to be at
variance with the powers he possesses. city, state, zipcode sales tax _____
I tend to be naturaUy sympathetic to him because I MinMtOt• rffkfenu p..._ Mid 4" state •In tax; 2 �
POSTAGE: Add 10 cents per item on Ot"den undtr $10 po.ugo___�-�5
have always beer\ a rather cheerful and optimistic sort of
NO coo·, PLEASE. total encloted $____
person, and to some extent, my experience parallels his
own. His descriptions of his childhood make it clear that
he always had superabundant vitality and intense· cu NOTICE: Due to paper shortages and rising prtefl. the Llewellyn and Gnostic.a Bookstore ads
riosity. He mentions that at the age of f'ive he used to be placed here are only valid for a period of 6 months after publication date. We recommend that
you place your order from the most current issue of Gnostica News to tnsure raptd processing
up before anyone else in the household-at 6 A.M.-and and to prevent back ordering o1 items out of stock. A current inventory of Llewellyn stock is
out in the street, building dams in the gutter with the aid published monthly and availabte on request.
of a toy sweeping brush. (The odd affinity for water was All orders for items that are in stock will be shipped within 4 weekL This does no include
already appa,.nt.) At school, he developed the knack of handlinv by the U.S. Postal Ser'vtee.
concealing his laziness by the trick already mentioned-
16 March 21, 1974 Gnostica News
of Herbalism
Continued from page 5
a cosmological understanding. 8. Peculiarities, habits and
Instead or treating the afflicted past illnesses: body odor. color,
parts. the whole organism would and pulse ( I 2 pulses are noted in
be treated. Finding the cause of China, each relatina to a major
illness before prescribing treat• organ or funclion); urine, tex•
ment was a universal practice. ture of feces, tone of voice; size
Today modern science recog and shape of facial features
nizes the symptoms of disease as (physiognomy), and palmistry.
the disease itself, and the root Illness was constantly chang
cause is overlooked. ing so prescriptions for medi
The following points were cines were adjusted to each
most commonly used through change.
out the East and West, in order Unlike the Western herbalists,
to form an understanding of a the Eastern herbalists had the
patient before prescribing treat· concepl of lwo basic forces (yin
ment. and to find out the cause & yang) as their foundation for
of disease; determinin, the cause of illness.
The New Alchemy (Change Yourself) I. The season in which the ill
ness occurs: the winds, being
either hot or cold; atmosphere,
Traditionalist doctors believed
thal life is the result of a com
bination of the two twin forces,
Thi purpote of EAST WEST JOURNAL b to hetp � gain control Ind direction ov.- their lives; 1nd to bring being dry or moist. yin a. yana (male/female princi
about • pltneuriz,tlon of con1eious,.. in hopes of '"llzing ,,_,.ind'• deePNt ind most k>ng l•ting drHm....... .. 2. Environment of patient: ples), and that life is the refrac
One PNom,1 World, In our tharnatic, monthly iuua M explon the rtltt�ipa of: Eat tnd W•t, man ind wo• mountainous or plains; seaboard
men, work tnd pity, tr.sitioNI Ind tchnlcal society, Ind 1pirittal ind mtt•� worlds. tion of the vital force within the
or inland. body, which is itself a condensed
Atctnt � ._. includld ln_.,iewl with occuh ntrontut Edgar MltchlU, soul trlYelOI' OtrWin Gr051, author 3. Quality of water, which materialization of cosmic energy.
Tom Woth, Dr. Andraw Wiel (Th• Netw• Mindi, globll thlnlm Wlllitm Irwin Thomp10n , TV's Kung-Fu 1Ulr varies in each climate. Yana energy from the sun and
=-�-c:: ::•o1-:.
DMd Can-.._, and Orclleltr1'1 John Mclau,ghlln. Articles CO\l'9f a rtnge ofi:opics, from ESPiontg11 4. Astrological considera yin energy from the earth com
end ,..,.t �kft.. Acupunct:ure In America. and Altro'°9ic:al Birth Control, to penonalit� such" Wilhe D► tions: month of patient's birth; bine to regulate all thinas within
.. thl ludidhAlt in Centerfield. ,..,.., contributorl lndudl aeometric relationship stars, the universe. The two forces are
I _.... •--- •• iA&T WEIT JOU"NAl
"'!:,t:.-=.� ':r w 11 Pa,...wtll StrMt, 1..10", »-.. 02110 planels, have upon indiYidual.
S. Patient's physical constitu·
b o t h within each w.nd all
things-the dominating force
Prke f• e-.. y- 111 lei-I .. 11.00, fer
JOUfllNAL " an UC-� in Nlf�. "
twe f'Mtl, ff.N. Mtl 12.00 .,._. YNr ler lion: whether he be frail or chw.racterizes the basic nature,
........... ,..,i.•. strona; his activity and working either male or fem1le. All things
habits. an be divided and distinguished
6. Food: past and present eat as either being yin or yang,
ITlll■T----------------------- ing habits (quality and quan· depending upon the dominance
lily), of the prevailin& force.
CITY_______ ITATI _______ZIP____ _
7. Family: relationship to
parents and kin; nationality. Continued on page·17
Gnostica News March 21, 1974 17
disposition, each bein& created boiled longer, fifteen minute, to
by the former and destroyed by an hour. Longer time
its opposina clement. A study of requires more water. Metal ves
these correspondences is most sels are never used. Porcelain,
necessary. Illness was further glass, enamel, or clay pots are
classified in six sta1cs from yang preferred. Se.asalt can be added •-1'9'0l.ll.01'0UU..l 'JOU.UW>
•-T ""'"" 1'1Tllllll1' YOU•
(strona) to yin (weak). These toward the end to increase
stages arc b ased on Chang potency. Preparations are taken
The Voodoo
Ch un1-C h i n 1 ' s "Treati5c on twice a day; once m the morning TMIW'"HlS'°"!IIJIIM
Typhoid Fever." Before pres on empty stomach, and once at
Black Cat
Tiffi Ol'tl.Vl'AG,Uf fAILOIO ..lWIVA,1'(111
O(OICAHOl0l"4!""'-Cflct: AAIOS'lUO'fOfl'M;.MIISlil
cribing an herbal mixture, the night before retiring.
ori ental herbalist would fint
diagnose the patient by examina
Intensification can be made
by using 50% of the active herbs
Candle Spell •••• • IOltOtllllAt.1 • 1001 1111v11,n •
lllf ltlllll1'1110 ,1ATUtll AtlllTICLll 011 '"'c"c111a,,
tion of external symptoms, using (i.e., main ingredient) with a com• is ju1t one of many in the MAOIC I ,DIYIIIATIOII, , .... ltlll..... LlGl .. 01
traditional methods and proce bination of 25% aromatic herbs Book of l;egendary S.P"lls.
dures. These various diagnostic (to d is&uise taste and make Compiled by Elbce Wright are
• studies called "so" are primarily pleasurable) plus 25% demulcent spells from cve where from ClJU$1'/lOAOt1r1trlllltG AND OI-A,-AOS Alf _,.VOJAt. AIO fOtlllTl'lf •11101.a IT\IOI
based on the antagon.istic-com herbs (to assist in soothing the Druidic Englan7 to ancient M•LL Al Tttl tW1'11UfllO OM.00..lilll.
plenentary rclatiomhips that. system and help restore Jost Africa. SS.05 postpaid from l'fllfllfflDOJtfttlliGl"TtllTUA4.�0fl'�
exist between the head and body enzymes). Usually too many the Gnostica Boolcatore, 1-414 -...Clll"IONI •.• NJIII Tttl VI"" •.• fOtlll fOtlllliOIIII ._..I
while in the embryonic staic, ingredients in one mixture make Lau«l Ave., Mpl,. 339-2420
• A Graphology
when their opposition has under it chaotic.
gone the same processes and
celestial influence. Secondly, the Demulcents
rroper "sho" must be deter agar-agar
mined. The Chinese suffix sho arrowroot
means "proof of condition." almonds (crushed)
apricot kernel
Since symptoms and people dif
fer, one must know the specific borage
sho. Then an herbal mixture coltsfoot
which is appropriate for the sho comfrey (root or leaves)
could be prescribed. The mix· cornsilk
ture will contain ingredients that chickweed
will relieve the symptoms corres flax seed (crushed)
ponding to that particular sho. A hollyhock flowers
yin-sho p erson for example licorice root
would be frail, weak, and nega mallow/cheeses
tive in thought. Yin herbs would mullein
not be given as they would make
his condition more yin. A yang
sho person (aggreMive, strong.
rice (brown rice, roasted)
slippery elm bark
a basic guide to handwriting analysis
positive in thought, etc.) would sassafras
be able to take yin herbs, and
they would be especially good in
the case of fever, body heat, and
solomon seal root
thyme (garden)
vipers bugloss
tightness. Heat supplying herbs
(yang) would be necessary for a Aromatics There arc many books of resource material for
yin--sho constitution. This same avens graphologists, but very few like Ruth Gardner's
syslem of herbal mixtures is still anise seed that offer simple, beginning reference material
used today, having been only angelica seed which can be used by students to develop a
slightly modified since its origin apple (fruit) foundation on which to build - a book that
hundreds of yean qo. birch leaves
bugle can be u,cd as a personal reference and re
Preparations and administration caraway seed source, pe rmitting the student to add material
Wost (traditional and modem I cardamon seed as it is acquired.
As we have already men catnip In A GrapholorY Student 1 Workbook, Ruth
tioned, whole foods were recom• celery ,eed Gardner defines the science of Graphology and
mended for main diet and to calamint interprets the keys to analy�s:
prevent discuse. In. many cases cinnamon bark OZonesOLine and Letter Leani_rl,gsDsizeO
fasting for a day or two would
be enough to cure acute prob
coriander seed
cumin (fruit)
Pressure D Strokes □
Spacing [..J Margins
le ms. Dependin& upon the 0 Al phabetical Peculiarities 0
stren&th and age of the patient, fel'\Jlel ,eed Especially included are two transparent pages at
medicine was admin istered magnolia root or bark the center of the book with graphs for the
accordingly. Four divisK>ns of lovaae root scientific measurement of writing samples. And
food cateaories are clearly seen: mints (many varieties can be used) there's extra pages to add your own samples to
I) whole foods, 2) broken or lavender the ones Ruth has already inter preted. A book hom: U.-llyn PubHcatiom
cracked cereals (combined with nutmea • Post Olfloa Box 338S-GN
for students and teachers as well!
vegetables or alone), 3) veaetable meadowsweet 9t. Paul, -1511116
soups, and creamed cereals, 4) ;.,hite sweet clover flowers
broths and teas; the last with or
18 March 21, 1974 Gnostica News
If you are one of the many HHans fans and would like to s-·c him on the cover of
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Healthy living results in encr&)'. vitality, and youth.
The fountain of youth ia not just a myth. Anyone can
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Hoppin.ts. Low.
be perpetually youna, no matter what aae. Old aae or
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youth is not ·a matter of just chronolo&ical •&e but o
energy and vitality. How many of us know "youngsters" G] 1w... Weit• T•m O.d, fourtNnthuntury
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despondent� or ..old follcs" of 80 who arc bright, alert future for millions
and fuU of life and vitality?"Youth" can be extended and .. _le,
held throuah old aae to the end of life with a little time Ancl�t tarot
and effort. Proper food, proper activity, sufficient rest <ONk and their
and fresh air are a few of the which ·can contribute symbolic picturu
to perpetual youth and their lack can speed up the pro or. truly fmcinating.
cess of aging. S.i.ct the tarot dedc
Healthy eating plays a big part in the punuit of youth. which suits you Nit.
Old age isn't something that strikes people over sixty, or Tarot books by
fifty. or thirty. Old aae and the disease, normally asso Stuart I. Kapkffl,
Am.rica's leading l!.JTo_,,.,.._.._., UJT••.. o.c.•uoo
ciated with old age is merely the wearina out of those tarot authOfity.
[!11 Chi11t1 DM• UOO
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the world's foremotf
East the most healthy, whole10me food you can get. publisher of tarot
Stay away from 11 many preservatives, chemicals and ad• cards, off.,, you the
ditives as you can. Does this mean you have to be perfect? selection of
Not really, but if you keep trying to achieve that objec• authentic tarot d.0:s,
tive, you will be in farily good shape most of the time. books andgames
@To••I •I M••uill .. DK• fOf every purpoM.
Get away from white supr and develop a taste for raw ,.,.
honey. Eat fruit instead of candy. Make your sandwiches
from whole wheat bread instead of white. I
More health and outh will be ours. OGJiioo,--w..,.p..,
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fOIA&.,, _
·ThePsychic WorldQfAbrahamlincoln
c�c rnm1na or a
Medication for dealin1 with the Investigations should be made children throuah proper feeding
digestive tract is taken from into practices both modern and and care to develop physically
one hatr to one hour before ancient. a n d m e n t a l l y into healthy,
meals in order to help strenathen Yet dependina upon medicine happy men and women is of far
and prepare the arflicted parts. in any form 1ivc1 us free oppor areater importance to the wel
Depending upon the cause or t unity to further abuse ow fare of any nation than leading
disease, preparations may be selves-which goes against nat the world in business, manufac
administered either hot or cold. ural principles and contributes turing and finance.
At present time there is little to moral weakening. Above all,
c�c rnahlna or an
information on Chinese herbal- stress should be placed upon
ascro1oaer -SCHOON ID
Ths Principles and Practice of Astrology by Noel Tyl is a
modern syllabus of Astrology, up-to-date, easily read and
learned, fitted to the problems and challenges of modern life.
The twelve volumes (described in full on page 27) serve the
needs of beginning and practicing astrologers, formalizing
Astrology within modern times of psychological awareness and On this night, April 13, 1974, the Llewellyn·Gnostica
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plete time corrections in 20 seconds. Determining the posi small, square, famous-brand hamburgers for the Schooner "eat-off."
tions of the planets is achieved through one simple subtrac If you're mterested, write to the Art Off"ector of Gnosttca News.
tion, one look into the tables within the volume, and one WITCHES, Take Note I This fateful night occurs within the
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22 M•ch 21, 1974 Gnostica News
�J iutnlcti .. q- Carol J. Kbyalt the quadrature are needed to gest that Pluto conesponds to Moon's nodes ii written by Dane
... -- will be publimed ia Min.Deapolia. MN measure transition between the perspective of many different Rudhyar: Pk,netary ond Lunar
Gao•tcll Nn,, for all readers to powerful points already est•b spectra. The Moon in relation Nodes (Available from LleweUyn
Dear Ms. Khaytt lished. Further sectionin& ship with Pluto would certainly Publishin& Co., St. Paul, MN)
When we draw the horizon attempts to cover the &l'ldualism articulate this -delineation more Additionally, look at Marc
line within the horoscope, we of development and the many specificaUy in chang.ini experi Edmund Jones's Sabion Symbols
Dear Mr. Tyl: define man's base position departments of man's life-exper ences. -In the strict Astrological for modern, c o m prehensive
Thia question in particular within life awarene•: · how he ience that condition his Will. academic sense, I don't feel that delineation of each de&l'ee of the
hu puuled me for 10me time. I shows himself and how he inter Indeed, over the centuries, the Sun or Moon can have any Zodiac.
han been ulin1 the Placidu1 acts with othen. The horizon is many systems have been devised. other octave. They are as they Indeed, P l u t o is in its
method without really k.nowina the extent of his vision. -Im Theorists divided the quadrants are. 40's-and comina of age! Before
why. Equal Hou.Je u1en bne mediately, the chart pins a dual· in terms of ·1pace: into equal Your question ii very close to this aeneration, no astrologer
enn •id the Placidus method ism, a cell-division creating life. parts usually with reference to the debate of rulenhip of Scor ever saw a chart with Pluto
wu arbitral'Uy conatrucled, and The Free Will function of the Earth's Poles and/or the pio, i.e., Mars or Pluto. Person within it! 1 interpret Pluto -in
of cow1e there's the araument man is to decide between varia Sun's Ecliptic. The system used ally, I use both as the situation terms of perspective: from pro
about IM.n1 in the Arctic re9ion1 bles, between the bea,inning of most today divides the quad suggests. Similarly, we can con jection to the masses, personal
and h1tina half the si1ns inter• li&ht and the beginnin& of dark rants in terms of time: the jecture that there might be a perspective of self-application to
cepted and ao forth. Is there an ness. This is man's hi&hest func I7th-century Italian monk Placi reciprocal rulership' relationship the public, the perspective for
.tnlllnrtl,.dl,bl,e explanation for tion, his spine. We mark the dus de Tito trisected the time between Saturn and Uranus, not rejuvenation through self-revolu·
the Placidus method? Does ii Sun's highest position for man ta.ken by the Sun to pass from only of Aquarius but of Capri· tion, psychoanalysis, upheaval,
ban to do with the unequal and again divide our" chart: the one of the four Cardinal points com as well, especially in these etc. The question of orb is
ahape of the earlh? Abo, should mid -Heaven and lmum Coeli to an0ther . . . the Angles of the modern times: Jupiter and Nep always a moot point: I feel we
a correction be made for aeocen (IV). -Again we have a dualism chart. This movement in time tune as well. -The question is should not strive for mathema
trlc positions on the aiven aeo left and right, East and West. captures the development of academically intriguing but, as tical absolutism in measurement
araphical for planets? The four points we have created man in spirit. yet, function�ly elusive. in Astrology. Rather, we should
Lastly, is Pluto the hiaher on the Ecliptic circle are Cardi· The questions about geocen Decanate emphasis certainly grasp the overall structure, the
octave of Man or the Moon? At r,al points, points of special tric equivalation is extremely can be very important in enrich consolidation of the parts of the
thll point in my studies, the strong sensitivity within the complex. I might refer you to ing delineation. Just recently, I whole that becomes identity. In
Moon seems the more loaical Whole. The quadrature of the Johndro's The Earth in the Hea had a married couple who were the case of "classic" configura
amwer. Should more emphasis chart hangs upon these four vens. The book is extremely both Virgo and as similar in tions like the Grand Trine, the
be placed on decanates? Now I points. The life aains directions; hard reading except for the synastry as to appear almost T-Cross, etc., I find that we can
don't pay much attention to the life gains seasons. mathematically facile, but it will twins. The difference in decan extend the orbs of the partici·
them. I will be most arateful if Astrology refines the map possibly help you further. ate position and decanate ruler paling bo dies to fulfill the
ship was what dramatically sep potential of the formative struc
arated them in terms of their ture. This applies to Pluto and
,lNTERNATIONAL IMPORTS roles one to another. -I cover all the other bodies.
BOX 2010, Dopt. 3 • TOLUCA LAKE, CALIF. 11802 this subject with examples in
Volume IV of The Principle, Discuss Astrology
with Noel Tyl
LARGEST MAIL ORDER SOURCE and Practice of A,trology.
Thank you very much for G nostica News
your fine letter and your wel
FOR ALL OCCULT SUPPLIES! come to the Twin Cities. I hope P.O. Box 30159
this letter will be helpful.
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St. Paul, MN 55165
Magical / Metaphysical / Psychic / Spiritual
I Dear Mr. Tyl: Pleue keep your letter brief and
a,, .,,., Olllr•o-, , '"''"" cu,10,t
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As a practicina utroloau in
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...E I
O1e,,caa110,o,myUniloopeAetralPor1rait y01Jrtstral biograplily, from thedetlilaotyour be met in places of seclusion and
wilderness by those who ear
in,..,. feelinga to y01Jr outennost ambitions. When you are rea dy to begin,
Sun-Moon polarity. aathe connection betwNn nestly desire to know them, and sprinkle the ult on the floor and
conlCiouadr�and unconlCioua ,._.ings. ta it is for this reason that the stand on it, lighting the candle.
Ci'l---------- dtaeuaMCI at QfNt length.
The a-=-nc:t1ng sign and its rulerahip poaltion ia
Pagan does not allow his or her Let the warmth of the candle be
heart and mind to become clut absorbed into the body. Mix the
_______ z;p ___ interpreltld aayour peraonality, aayour approach tered by the useless trivia of a water into the wine, meditating
Blr1tldinl:Mo. __ 0oy__ v,. __ to hie. Each houN of the ZOdlac ia described in commercial-technical ,ociety. upon your reasons for perform
tenn1 of pi.neta, rulerahipa and aspects.
81'1tlplaoe: ________ Pagans know that there are ing the self blessing. Read the
Thia la not a vague report based on generalities. deep forces and tides which following aloud:
81r1htin.fwithin.,hour): ___ NNPM From your exact time. day, year and plaee of Bless me, Mother, for I am
birth our IBM 370-15510rta out 24,000,000 bits un derlie all things, and that
there exist infinitely complex your child.
of a11rologlcal information.The result Is a 12.000
word peraonail biography revealing NCrett 1h11 multidimensional matrices of liv
av., yourcloNlt trlend1would not dire talk ina power which are far b.eyond Dip the fingers of the right
lbouL the capability of a human to hand into the mixed water and
How la this poaaible? An astrologer don ba• understand. They accept that wine and anoiat the eyes,
.... ically thesame thlng,but it takes longer and there is intelligence here and tt.- Blea.d Be my eyes, that I
cootlmo... Thocompu10<�s,nply1memo,y
greatest of wisdom; for such has may see your path.
and onlyyou la drawn from the bank. always existed and always will.
.......... Pagans realize that mankind has Anoint the nose,
1• All tht119youralOfonlyS10.lf1thebestbuy
thetelainc:omputtrizedhOroecopn.Plu1a always known of the existence Blessed Be my nose, that 1
..... money t>Kk guarant• ifyourAstral Portrait or Supernal Intelligence, and may breathe your essence.
...• len'twhatyoue�. has called It by thousands of
p,.,,.redwitn Think of it .. a refef9nc:a book. to be studied names for tens of thousands of Anoint the mouth,
ollttezodiac '°"""'"'
anl8M310-1S5 from time to time. w.·.,. gotthe best avaitat..
anywhef9, at anytime ... and at any price
years; and that men and women Blessed Be my mouth, that I
of all eras have drawn strcnath may speak or you.
and power, warmth and security,
from this source, at times in Anoint the breast,
ways which would seem to trans Bleaaed Be my breut, that I
cend reality! may be faithful in my works.
Pa ganism teaches that the
Highest Source is both fc111ale Anoint the loins,
and m11le in its aspects, and that, Blessed Be my loins, which
though vastly beyond our capa brlna forth the lire Of man as
city to understand, we can per• you have brouaht forth �I crea
ceive It, or Them, as individuals; tion
as a Goddess and God to whom
we can speak, and from whom Anoint the feet,
we can reeeive answers. Bleued Be my feel, that I
Paaans know that over the may walk in your ways.
put two or three thousand yean
humankind hu stressed a narrow Remain and meditate for a
portion of the God in his reli• whiJe.
pons and ignored or denied the
role of the Goddea alto&Cther,
with the reatt that history hu
come to be a chronicle of disaJ-
March 21, 1974 25
ous modes of worship whi ch pre• which (according to the use and apologize to no one. Unfortu· NumerolOCY to Teacup Read
vailed in the Roman world were wisdom of the mathematicians) nately, many of the nouveou inp-who want to be told what
all considered by the people as it would be more prudent to witche1 are ritual robots, perfor• their future holds rather than
·-' equally true� by the philosophers begin, and so by means of defini·
as equally false; and by the maa• tions reduce t'!,em to order."
ming rites by rote, without a
firm foundation jn knowledae,
a n d em ulate the counterfeit
actively brin&ing it about. I've
never ,ou&ht my identity in my
istrates as equaUy useful." various interests and punuits. 1
Francis Bacon, in his Novum Pagan Gods Chri1tlaniztd: Christians who are the lut ones always knew Who I was; 1 wun't
O,ganum wrote the foUowina on W h e n Ch ristianity became a to know their own origins. To tryina to .. find myself." I w«1
idols: ..There four classes of state religion (theocracy) the know how to "cast a circle" looking for anything that could
idols which beset men's minds. r e i g n i n g clergy Christianized doesn't prevent one from "aoing enhance, expand or develop the
To these for distinction's sake I many Pagan Gods and God• around in circles" theologically self I had.Nor do I give a damn
have assilfled names, callina the desses. Dionysos, whose attri· and historically when confron• if othen wish to put a neptiYe
first class ldob of the Tribe: the butes were often given to St. ted by hostile Judeo-Ouistians. interpretation on this. I have to
second Idols of the Cave; the John the Baptist, became St. And this confidence that comes live with me, not them. Every
third, l<Ul/s of the Market·place; Denis of Paris.Castor and Pollux from knowledge is not contained true Witch should be a student
the fourth Idols of the Theatre." became St. Cosmo and St. Dam• in their Book of Shadow,. but it of Comparative Reliaion and try
Bacon shows his fine insight ien. Diana Illythia was canonized is available to those who want to to obtain firsthand knowled&e of
when he writes: "The Idols of St. Yllis of Dole.The statues of do research on their own. what others believe and practice,
the Tribe have their,foundation Jupiter and Apollo became those especiaUy since the Craft itself
in human nature itself, and in of St. Peter and St. Paul. The Spirituol gypsy me: Born into is made up of ..fraaments of a
Craft Publication1: By . the the tribe or race of men.For it is V i r g i n M a r y replaced Isis, a family of strege ancestry; bap• forgotten faith."
time this is published there will a false assertion that the sense of Astarte, etc. The Wies often tised and brought up as a Catho·
be two new Craft Publications man is the measure of things.On s h o w n in p i c t u r e s of the lie; ordained a Spiritual lndepcn· Owtn· Rachleff·Dr. Martello
on the scene. The first is Earth the contrary, all perceptions as Madonna are a transformation of dent Minister on Sept. 11, 1955; debate on the Barry Farber
Religion News, 300 Henry St; well of the sense as of the mind, t h e s a c r e d l o t u s•flowers of initiated into Subud and Tran show, WOR, heard in 38 states
Brooklyn, NY. 11201. It's $6 are according to the measures of ancient Goddesses, namely Isis scendental Meditation (when the on Dec. 18, 1973, and syndica•
for 8 issues in the form of a tab the individual and not according and A s t a r t e . S u n day-Sun's Maharishi Mahesh Yogi came to ted elsewllere throuahout the
loid newspaper. The Nite Owl is to the measure of the univene." Day- was worshipped by the New York); writer for the now country, is now available on a
being published by Joe Ferrante, .. But the Idol, of the Market· followers of Mithra and called defunct New Thought magazine, Cassette tape. It runs one full
P. 0. Box 371, Lawton, OK, place are the most troublesome "The Lord's Day." Christmas, Nautilus; Chimes; Psychic Obser· hour minus commercials. Her
73501. He formerly published of all idols which have crept into E a ster, the Resurrection, the ver; and the Rosicrucian Digest; man Slater had offered Farber
The Witche.r Broomllick, Nos. I the undentanding through the Epiphany, the Virgin Birth, the aU this and more would make it SI 00 to his favorite charity if be
and 2 (Sl .50/copy). For infor alliances of words and names. "changing of water into wine," seem as if I was one of those p r oduced RachJeff to debate
mation send him a self-addressed For men believe that their rea• the Holy Trinity, the eucharist, "spiritual Gypsies" I deplore in Martello. He did and the SI 00
stamped envelope. lntight Maga• son governs words; but it is also the Atonement, and many other my w r iting. I've investigated went to an organization called
is published by Deric James, true that words react on the f e a t u r e s of Christianity had many religions, cults and creeds Blind Radio. On this program I
t t 8 Windham Road, Bourne understanding "ilnd this it is that Pagan antecedents. For more on personally. always adding to my called Rachleff a "Judeo-Chris
mouth, Hants, England. It has had rendei-ed philosophy and the t h i s see the chapters "The knowledge, always on the look tian Establishment pimp ridina
articles on Witchcraft, Kabbala, sciences sophistical and inactive. Mother of Us All" and "Holy out for something new that was the occult bandwagon" and said
Mysticism, Golden Dawn, etc. Now words, being commonly Horns and Halos" in my book workable; but I've never had to that his course on"Witchcraft" at
Send him $1 in cash for current framed and applied according to Witchcraft: The Old Religion. c h a n g e my basic .premises. New York Uniyersity is a fraud;
issue (checks take too long to the capacity of the vulgar, fol· Witches and Pagans should edu· Through the years I've expanded that a tax-supported institution
clear). Special offJ:r to Gnostica low those lines of division which cate themselves as to their his my knowledge, acquired new can teach Comparative Reliaion
News readers: Vols. I and II of are most obvious to the vulgar tory. The facts are in their favor. insights, broadened my outlook. but not reli&ious bigotry. The
Wica Newsletter (20 issues) and und erstanding. And whenever They will discover for them• A Witch I was born, a Witch I sparks flew hot and heavy. For
a copy of Aradia, Gospel of the understanding of greater acute• selves who plagiarised and per• was initiated, and a Witch I'll your copy just remit $5.50 for
Witches may be had for SI 0 ness or a more diligent observa verted whose rites. Even the die. Which means: A constant each tape wanted to: Dr. Leo
(save $3). Limited offer; make tion would alter those lines to Basilica of St. Peter's, the Vati• and active quest for wisdom. Louis Mattello, J S3 West 80 St;
checks out to Dr. MarteUo, 153 suit the true divisions of nature, can, Rome, was built exactly on This I do not seek in others. It New York, NY, 10014
W. 80 St., New York, NY words stand in the way and the site where the ancient tem has nothing to do with what I've
10024. resist the change. Whence it ple to Cybele had been. Chris· termed "spiritual Gypsies"
comes to pass that the high and tianity, both physically and spir whose basic behavior pattern is
On Worship: Edward Gibbon, f ormal discussions of learned itually, was built upon the foun· one of passivity (if not of para•
in his Decline and Fall of the men end oftentimes in disputes dations of earlier Pagan rcliJions. sitism) in which they flit from
Romrm Empire, said: "The vari• about words and names; with Modern Witches and Pagans need A s t r o l o gy to Witchcraft to
Roll Away the Stone is a guide to the "psychedelic The Qabalistic system has been used since ancient The Philosopher's Stone presents text and analysis
experience" and to the mental and magical train· times as a set of symbols for undertaking a study of three major alchemical works, approached
ing necessary to make this a living and psychologi of the Universe. It is the most efficient plan ever symbolically, using the symbol systems and view
cally valid experience. devised for classifying and organizing the charac• points of magic and psychology: The Golden Trac•
Here is a collection of the most profound writ· teristics of the self; hence hundreds of books.have late of Hermes, The Six Keys of Eudoxus, and
ings on expanded consciousness through drugs. been published to explain its principles. Basil Valentine's Triumphant Chariot of Anti•
Contents include: The Herb Dangerous, excerpts A Garden of Pomegranates by Israel Aegardie is mony.
from The Equinox including "A Pharmaceutical one of the finest, and certainly the most lucid Students of the occult will have discovered how
Study" by E. Whineray, M.P.S .• "The Psychology study available. This unique textbook, written few studies of the art of Alchemy have been writ·
of Hashish" by Aleister Crowley, writing under the when Regardie was twenty-four years old, served ten in recent centuries. The original texts, often
p seudonym of Oliver Haddo, "The Poem of him as a yardstick against which he could measure set down in a cipher intelligible only to initiates of
Hashish" by Charles Baudelaire, transtated by his own progress. It is Comprised of his own notes, that age, or presented entirely in the form of
Aleister Crowley; the "Hashish Eater" by H.G. combining the works of Aleister Crowley, A.E. symbolic pictures, pose near-insoluble problems of
Ludlow., These essays form a system of instruc• Waite, Eliphas Levi and O.H. Lawrence. The vol interpretation even to medievalists. The Rosicru•
tions covering the various stages of meditation, the ume is studded with diagrams and tables of easily cian societies, forerunners of the Hermetic Order
projection of the astral body (which aids in the u n d e r s t o o d defrnitions and correspondences, of the Golden Dawn, were centered around
ability to distinguish the various elements of designed to simplify the student's grasp of so com Alchemy as the vessel for the Great Work, but the
consciousness); the "magical memory" (to bring plicated and abstruse a system. Here is an introduc• order itself concentrated rather on achieving that
into normal consciousness those subtle experiences tion to the Oabalistic foundation of the magical goal through the Oabalah and Magick. Thus a real
usually forgotten); plus alternatives to the "peak work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; need was felt for a guide toward tl'le Spagyric
experience" such as yoga and ceremonial magic are throWing considerable light on the often obscure Science, and that need called forth The Philoso
expjored, providing new vistas of consciousness writings of Aleist�r Crowley. A Garden of Pome pher's Stone.
within a system of training and discipline. granates is your guide and companion on the way This book is an invaluable find for anyone who
In explaining the relationships between mind . of understanding Oabalistic symbolism. has not yet discovered the symbolic approach, or
expanding drugs and occult traditions, Regardie who may have been daunted by the more difficult
includes a concise history of The Golden Dawn. The a u t h o r ' s hope: May everyone ... be works on Alchemy of C.G. Jung. Regardie's style,
Crowley's mastery of Eastern and Westerl" Occul-t encouraged and inspired to light his own candle of his precision and depth of thought reflected in his
ism is fully demonstrated in his competent classifi inner vision and begin his journey into the bound pro!II! make The Philosopher', StoM an important
cation of these mystical states of consciousness less space that lies within himself. .. becotntJ a meaningful experience for every P8f'son who
into a workable system of magical training. lamp unto his own path. aspires to personal development and wholeness.
The Publication of Isis Unveiled in 1877 was H.P. Blavatsky's first major
thrust into a dogma-ridden world. "No form of worship, no religious faitt,.
no scientific hypothesis" escaped her scrutiny. Truth alone was her con•
Volume I, Science, far from limiting itself to 19th Volume 11, Theology, covers a prodigious number
century theory. actually foreshadows the of themes: cosmogenies and pantheons of many
discovery of radioactivity and the tremendous peoples, ancient sources of Christian and Pagan
potential of the atom. The conjectures of the rites, mystics of Orient and Occident, alchemy,
scientific giants, such as Huxley, Mendeleeff and fire philosophers, as well as Egyptian. Hindu,
Crookes. are brilliantly analyzed in conjunction Chinese, Tibetan, Mexican, Hebrew. Greek and
with the Wisdom-science of antiquity. Also ex• early Rosicrucian Mystery-teachings-each add LIVING BY ZEN by D. T. Suzuki
plored is the vast domain of the paranormal, the depth and color to the· moving panoram:t that is When first published in 1950, l.Jvi'17J by Zen was accepted by many
motivating power behind man and the universe Isis Unveiled. as one of the most important works on Zen Buddhism by the
shown to be spiritual, not material. author. who regarded it as a fresh attempt to explain to the West this
unique approach to enli ghtenment. Or. Suzuki, who spent so many
years of his long life bringing Zen to the West, was a unique combin·
ation of a world·ranking authority on Mahayana Buddhism and a
THE THEORETIC ARITHMETIC OF THE PYTHAGOREANS deeply enlightened man. This book will rouse fresh interest in this
direct, profound and immensely practical way of life, which for
by Thomas Taylor
twelve hundred years has helped to mold the philosophy, culture
cloth, $10.00 and art of China and Japan. paper, $2.50
Theoretic Arithmetic contains the essential elements of atl that has been SERMONS OF A BUDDHIST ABBOT by Soyen Shaku
written on this subject by such men as lamblichus, Boetius and Nicomachus Translated into book form by D.T. Suzuki. In 1905 Rev. Soyen
together with some particulars respecting other numbers, which are not found Shaku, Lord Abbott of Engaku-ji and Kencho- ji, Kamakura, Japan
in the writings of any ancient or modern mathematicians. Also the book came to the U.S. to deliver lectures on the "Sutra of Forty-two
concerns itself with Pythagorean philosophy of numbers. and the develop· Chapters," the most important of Canonical books. Suzuki prepared
ment of their mystical and theologk:al arithmetic. The volume contains three the lectures into book form-a faithful presentation of the Abbot's
books: Book One opens on the basic principle that Arithmetic has priority views, as .....ell as the style of the preaching of the venerable teacher.
over other mathematical disciplines, and proves its theory by diagrams. This Book also records that the A careful reading of the text will reveal Shaku to be a truly modern
mottOn of the stars is accompanied with harmonic modulations. Book Two proceeds to show all
Japanese representative of Buddhism, and his lectures of 1905 and
inequality may be reduced to equality. Book Three shows clearly the manner in which Pythagoreans 1906 as vital today as then. pap«, $2.50
philosophized about the value of numbers.
tion, reincarnation and WOfking our of your very own Kenna. �. $1.00 clM1 for ragular UM by practicing Oabalistt and in their lncludal uplanatlons of each of Ctowtay's own Thorh
daily and pat""iodk: dawtiorw. It consists of a sepwata TMOt c.n,,,, with lllun,.tloM, eight of whk:h are In full
DREAMS: THEIR MYSTERIES REVEALED prayer taetion for the Ain 5oph and all ten IC)herfl, plus a cot<H". TM1 ;. 1ha only companion t,xt for the 0-0.,,
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Recounu of • nu� of actual dr..,,. with the author's anet'/'IK and the blalttftg formufft, quidc credo•. hymns and ,o forth. The
«•.,..,•• own COl'nfMntl in each inttance. doth,$3.00; ,..._.$1 .00 tin i1 7 1 /4 X 4",NlilY held in one hand. CROWLEY THOTH TAROT DECK
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Edmunds ¥191 the first practicing hypnotisi to wri• • book uclushlaly G LD N DAWN
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In h1, lu,:id. instruc1M' ,tylc, Butler prcliCntl tM my•I«·
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Much of the mat•iM contained In this book it hitherto
ordinery fMO and psychic powan demonstrated by subiecu undaf' hypnosis. wo,lt, he p�<1ent.11 a �cncr,1.I introduction md definition of
u�lshad and wUI tfvow .,,,.. fresh light on the
He lhowe how hypnotism works, dHCfibas thought trawl, psychometry, q... h:rm� W4..h a, the aJtral pbnc, modcrll ptychnklt&Y •od
dawlopmant of the Golden Dawn, The history of the
�thy, ralncarnet� and pNt-lifa memory. doth. $3.00; p..-,$1 .00 dim:! c,�ric:m�: wllh ;an nullioo or lhe a�cu of IM
Order •nd Its troubles are outlined with axptanadom of
the bHic tuching1 on which the Order WH founded with
0-.ihJl.ih. c,rlana1ion of the Tr'--c ururc, 1hi: ruur Worlds
nr tltc 0-.1b.llh1,. Adam Kadmon, 1hc sJt:111lr1t.-.n1,:c of lhc
a list of the memben and their mottos. The rrtual1 .,.
HOW TO MAKE AND USE TALISMANS 0y 1,HIR_d,. Vc1h. ;tnd 1hc �w Ol.•1,:ulti�m. lndudc� a b1bliopr.1phy for
fully $scribed with many illustrations. doth, S7 .50
Golden Dawn lnitlata, R19■rdle, tefls how to bring lt()Od fortune in 10ma area 1tu1h1:r •IUdy, doth,$5.0D
of your llfa, or how to achieve ,oma named pl by using talismans. Ha lhows
how to make 1hem, charge them, wprd1 of power to use, and how 10 overcome
unfawrable aspects. cloth. $3.00; pape,,$1.00
Guardian Angel, God and Self, llluision $10.00 It's a dynamite book for old Crowley
and Reality, talismans, lamens and pentacles, disciples. and for new students too. Just
certainty and doubt, Necromancy and reprinted and hanging around in our stock
Spiritism, the left-hand path, the Way of Ordtr From: room, waiting to be mailed to you. Do
the Tao, fear, progress, the two ways to Uewellyn Publications your.iclf a favor. Read a letter from
reality, prophecy and coincidence. P.O. Box 3383-GN Aleister tonight!
St. Paul, Minnesota 55165
Gnostica News March 21, 1974 29
!Occult &urces
Donation, are btlng 10ught for the Entertainer for club,, private parties, If the dictionary itself it not
intended foundation of ■ nondenomi c1eutl. Prince BokoYOy, 260 Xerxes ' corrected to modern usage, how can
national but naturalized monastic AYII. S., Mlnneapoli1, MN. Phone we hope to progres17 A copy of eny
community retrNt which will be 612-374-3744. Information submitted would be ap•
open to tho• lntantly tNklng tpk'lt· preciated at the Church of Wice■,
u■I e n l i g h t e n m e n t . Nffded 8f■ The Church of All Worlds 11 one of Route 2, Salem. MO 65560, 111 well,
money for/or: approx. 300 .crn, the oldest and largest of Neo-Pagan to help update our files.
spiritual and beck-to-the-land liter■• religions other than Witchcraft. As an
tur■, tools end equip. for building Aquwian Age Earth Religion, the Naturopathic Phyiician; stete your
end farming, end concerned people. CAW presents a total, holistic cul• health problem comptetely, definite.
Send donations end requests for tural alternative to the entire fabric dHrly. Enclo• love offe,ing. George
more inform11ion to The Truth of of West•n "civillzation." E•ntlally Parsons. PH.T., N.O. 414 South Se
Love Retrut, c/o Jerry Gomez, 5738 matritt rather than petrlst in value cond, Desoto. MO 63020
Wood Dr. S.W., Albuquerque. NM orientation, the CAW is dedicated to
87105. the celebretion of Life, the maximal Would you like to know who your
Anyone living In the Louisville ■rH actualization of Human potential, astrological twin is? Would you Ilka
lnternted in forming • Thelemic and the realization of ultimate indivi to correspond with him or her end
uudy group, plnse write Thelemic dual freedom and personal respon1i• NI how eY11nt1 and circumstances in
Order of Thoth {T.O.T .), 318 Prim bility in harmonious aco-psychlc rela• your lives are the same or similar?
rose Drive, Louisville, KY 40207. tionship with the total Biosph•• of R.,,l,rrarlon is frN. Send your name, Most of us work: some for physical survival, some for intellec·
Correspondence from other areas is Holy Mother Earth. We publi1h a llddress, yHr, month, dey land, ii tual stimulation and growth, others for the human companion•
also welcome. magazine called Gf'HIJ Egg which It known, exact timel of birth to: R.
ship nurtured by a healthy work environment. So why ignore
the most comprehensive publication Mierswa. Dept. G, 1092 Turk Hill
Tho• in New York City who are sin Rd., Fairport, NY 14450. We will
the happiness potential, the pleasure passibility of this dimen•
of Nao-Pagpnism in the U.S., feator•
cerely interHted in Paganism end the ing news and viewt: from many diffar• notify you as 100n as we have the sion of life when so much of :-vaking, active life is devoted to
Craft can contact Manhattan Pagan ent groups,• end an extensive forum registration of your astrological twin it!
Wey, P.O. Bo,c 1202, FDR Station. for reader1' rnponses. GrHn Egg Is lone bom the same year, month, and
New York City, NY 10022. • Vocational Success Equals Happiness•
publilhed eight til"MS • year and runt dey). Then •nd only $5 if you with
48-56 pages per INUe, offset. Single your twin's registry data. Vocational Guidance by Astrology by Charles Luntz provides
WBAI-FM, New York's noncommer copy price is $1-subtcriptlon 11 S6
Occult Soun:iet is I f,.. listing prov id· the techntQues for occupational success and its complement,
cial, listener-tpOmored r&dio now per yur 1$1.25 per copy or $8 e Y•r
ed far your oorwien�. If you happiness. All you need is a working knowledge of astrology;
offers a new program, "Pagan Press outside the U.S.). Make check1 PIIY · would Hk• you, name or that of your
Review," which they hope to ....n. able to Church of All Workb, P.O. Mr. Lunu furnishes the astrological tools and rules for explor·
orpnizll'lion listed, p..._ write care
tually nwke biweekly. If you have Box 2953, St. Louis, MO 63130. of QN, P.O. Box 3313, St. Paul, MN ing all aspects of vocational choice:
any wggestion1 or articles fpr reviaw, Thou art God-Deal 551815. Listinp will run in two faun.
pin• contact Ma,vot Adler, WBAI
• how to select an occupation appropriate to your individual
We would Hke to k-., thl oomffllf'·
FM, 359 East 62nd St •• New York, needs end desires
cill ...,.cts oA the occult to the cl••
NV 10021. A s t r o l o g i c e l Ne wslatter. Sample tied 111ction and � Occult • how to determine the most favorable time to start a new
copy, sand 25 cents for polte,ge to Souroes for .., events end ..-vicn enterprise
The newly formed El Reno CoY11n Attrologicat Newt:letter, P.O. Box calender. Thank you. • when to apply for a new position
wi1he1 to conY11ne with other coven,, 2055, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
• how to select a business partner
and axchange knowledge of the Arts Correspondence
of Wteca. Writ■ to Dennis Seamen EDGAR CAYCE Study groupt • how to approach and understand employer-employee rele·
•34766, Box No. 1500, El Reno, OK weekly in all 11r11111 of the Twin Cities The following .-,ople would like to tions
73036. and suburbs. Safe rout■ to toul corre1p0nd with anyone lnternted in By choosing the career most compatible with your personal
growth and psychic awaran... Di1Ci• • v11riou1 occult pursultL Name and
Psyche Aru Studio will sponsor plines. dream study, rMditatlon, chil· desires. inner motivations, and natural talents you can't help
add,.. •• listell f,.. end will be car•
psychic, who would lika to demon• dren's groups. Call or write Mn. Mary ried in two ...... We have no WIiy of but realize vocational success, career satisfaction, and per,onal
strati' and lecture their abilities in Trogan, 1812 IAlng Ave. S., Minni. checkil'II background information fulfillment.
P11n111cola, FL. Write Psyche Arts p o I i s , M N 5 5 4 0 3; p h o n e • and tMret'ONI take- no reapontibility For coun9Bling astrologers and tho,e frustrated by a job
Studio, P.O. Box 4162, Warrington, 612-377-4403. for ,..,,ltlng contact.
FL 32507.
that stifles personality and ignores natural aptitudes, Vaca•
I n n e r - S p a c e Interpreters S.rvicn tional Guidance by Astrology shows how to u• the per,onal
John Matthew WNkS, Jr .• P.O. 8011
L E T IT BE KNOWN TO ALL have issued e listing of 10me 70 m■(III· 8-42749 1-0-11, Tamai, CA 94964 astrological pattern for success and happiness.
PERSONS that the WICCA STUDY zines, new,papers, and newsJetten
GROUP of the FELLOWSHIP OF which cover every ph... of interest in Ropr D. Sexton •38316. Box No.
OSIRIS NO LONGER EXISTS. We the occult field in the U.S. and Eng• 1500, El Reno, Ok 73036 Vocational Guidance
111 former members would like to
inform all tho1■ thet have _.itten us
land. The 1913 Ditwctory of hychk
Sc;.,,c.• PwiodkMI may be had by Albert Loon •36749, Box No, 1500,
by Astrology ....,.
during the i.n four or fiw months sending $1.50 to Inner-Spece Inter· El Reno, OK 73036 Charles E. Luntz
thet this is the rHson for no emwer. preters Services, P.O. 8011 1133, Mag•
paperback, $3.95
THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITH. nolia Park Station, Burbank, CA Denni, Seamen •34766, Bo11 No.
91507. 1500.El Reno, OK 73036
The Ordo TempH Orientis is alive,
well.and trying to promoteand dewl The CoY1n of New Hope offer, frH Lucinda Davis, Route •1 Box 173,
Order from Gnostica Bookstore, P.O. Box 3383-GN, St. Paul,
op the CrowlMn occultism in the Wican information for Wicca studies Harrisburg, AR 72432 MN 55165
l n n a r and ut1bli1h the Law of and coven forming,. Write to Coven
Thelema In the Oute,. All wiou1 of New Hope, c/o w.e. Snodgress Nancy Klngsley, 143 Tenafly Rd.,
applicants that are deisrous of pertici• D.C.W .. 2238 Broadway, Toledo, Englewood, NJ 07631
patlon in ttie Great Work are urged to OH.
w,-ite David Smith, 1566 lxora Or., Mtehael G. Marr■, 775 Major Potter
N, Ft. Myer1, FL 33903. Starrcraft, an occult-craft jewelry and Rd., Warwick, �I 02818
metal llhop, hat recently opened up THE BROTHERHOOD MESSENGER
The Tha>mphical Society of St. Paul on Route 202, Lahnka, PA-in the Stella M.i11, P.O. Box 16745,"Jack· from International Headquaners
hold1 public fflfftings the MCOnd and flea market across from Pedc:Uer's 10nville, FL 32216 Published by HRH Sheba, Coven of Camelot
fourth Mondey of month in Village. They offer custom m&de
Room 201 of the Downtown YMCA, coven symbols and occult jewelry. Stan and Mary Hojensky, 4645 South
Ninth and Ceder StrH11, St. Paul. Send sketch to Starrcreft, P.O. 8011 Blvd. N.W.• A Apt. •7, Canton, OH $1, Jingle copy
MN. MNtings begin ■I 7:30 p.m. 2063, Union, NJ 07083. 44718
The Ouedesh Lodge of the Ordo A new occult newspaper, Earth RWI· Address: AM.O.B.O.W.
Ms. Burnell Davis, General OeliY11ry.
Templi Alhtart now Ml itl own P.O. gk,n New.. is now being publi1hed Porum. OK 74455 1575 Glen Haven Drive
Box. The addrlst it Ordo Templi m o n t h ly by H a r m e n Slater Merritt Island, Florida 32952
Alhtart-Ouadesh Lodga, 8011 7186, dedicated to the study and practice Frannie Martinez. 7 Welt StrNt, Ntw
Pittsburgh, PA 15213. The llddrea of of Paganism. For further informa Britein.CT 06051
the California remains P.O. 8011 tion, write to Earth R•Pglon Naw.,
1363, Spring Valley, CA 92077 tr t ITl,lg,l/ l't 1 ' •
•nd Mn
Yucce, Hollywood, CA 90028 �•• n,.c
=-�waa:i;.. ';'��� .,..__
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Send. your ad to Gnostica Classified, P.O. Box 3383, St. Paul, MN c w v
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