Trending Motivational Activities and Mathematics Performance of Grade 7 Students
Trending Motivational Activities and Mathematics Performance of Grade 7 Students
Trending Motivational Activities and Mathematics Performance of Grade 7 Students
Gretchen D. Abañera*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This quasi-experimental study aimed at determining whether or not Trending Motivational Activities had
an effect on the mathematics performance of the students. Fifty-three Grade 7 students from each of two
intact sections of Sara National High School were matched based on their pretest results. One group
was exposed to Trending Motivational Activities while the other group was exposed to traditional
motivational activities. The assignment of the groups to trending or traditional motivational activities was
made through toss coin. The intervention period lasted for eight (8) weeks. An observation- checklist was
provided to the teacher- observers as guide in assessing students’ reactions or performance during the
conduct of classes. The sources of data were the 30- item multiple choice researcher- made pretest and
posttest. The topics included were: Basic Concepts and Terms in Geometry, Angle, Basic Constructions,
Polygons, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Circles. After the intervention, the students were asked about
their reaction to the given motivational activities. Mean and standard deviation were used for descriptive
data analysis, and t-test for independent samples at 0.05 alpha were used for inferential analysis. The
results revealed that the levels of mathematics performance of the Grade 7 students before exposure to
Trending Motivational Activities and Traditional Activities were “low”. After the intervention, the
students exposed to Trending Motivational Activities improved from “low” to “high”; likewise, the
students exposed to Traditional Motivational Activities. The students’ mathematics performance in the
two groups was comparable prior to the intervention. There was no significant difference in their pretest
score. After exposure to different motivational activities, both groups showed a significant difference in
their performance. Nevertheless, there was no significant difference in the mean gain scores of the
students in the two groups; students exposed to Trending Motivational Activities became more active and
participative, and maintained their enthusiasm and interest in mathematics throughout the conduct of the
Gretchen D. Abañera
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6994920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Gretchen D. Abañera
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6994920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
Gretchen D. Abañera
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6994920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
The result of the present study is in agreement with The table shows that there is no significant difference
that in the study of Broussard & Garrison, (2004) in the pre-treatment mathematics performance between
which revealed that motivation is related to the students exposed to trending motivational activities
achievement and IQ. Further, the study disclosed that and those exposed to traditional motivational activities
there is a relatively consistent relationship between as shown by t (52) = .510 at p =.612. This indicates
motivation and achievement in reading and that both groups had more or less the same
mathematics. mathematics performance at the start of the
experimental period and were therefore comparable in
Table 4. T-test for Paired Samples to Show Significant terms of mathematics performance. Both groups had a
Difference between the Pretest and Posttest Scores in pretest mean score of 9.960 and 9.962, respectively,
Mathematics Performance of Students Exposed to Traditional somewhat in favor of the traditional motivational
Motivational Activities group.
Gretchen D. Abañera
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6994920, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article
mean gain difference may be attributed to the trending to trending motivational were more active,
activities that elicit students’ interest in the lesson and participative, and enthusiastic and interested in
improved more their performance, although the eight mathematics throughout the conduct of the study. This
week experimental period mean gain is not significant implies that the use of trending motivational activities
at 0.05 level. Perhaps, the eight week actual teaching needs to be improved in the future or that students
might not have been enough to cause big difference in need longer immersion in this type of activities.
the students’ mathematics performance. The researcher believes that the teacher has a great
influence on students’ motivation. Aside from the
Another reason may be attributed to the disruption of activities teacher prepares, she/he has to be lively and
classes during experiment period. The experiment humorous in dealing with the students to sustain their
process was not done continuously because of some eagerness to learn. Furthermore, careful planning of
school activities. Furthermore, class size is quite big the motivational activities and teacher’s creativity
enough to manage. Students are interested in the must be given due attention.
activities yet, not all are given the chance to perform
the task due to the number of members in the groups.
The Grade 7 students had “low” mathematics Gamutea,M. ( 2012). The use of worksheets on the students’
performance prior to the intervention. Their poor performance in geometry.
background on the topics included in the pretest was
Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Iloilo, Iloilo City,
probably due to their limited knowledge they had Philippines.
about geometry.
Halat, E. (2007). Reform –based curriculum and motivation in
After exposure to trending motivational activities, the geometry.
students’ mathematics performance greatly improved
Sobrevega, L.(2014). Emotional quotient, mental toughness,
to “high” level. This implies that since the trending mathematics anxiety, and performance: Bases for enhanced general
motivational activities introduced were new and education mathematics curriculum. Unpublished Doctoral
appealing to students, these activities caught their Dissertation. West Visayas State University, Iloilo City, Philippines.
curiosity and concentration and helped open their
minds and thus improved their performance. Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Gretchen D. Abañera