Bsi MD Psur Webinar 210323 en GB
Bsi MD Psur Webinar 210323 en GB
Bsi MD Psur Webinar 210323 en GB
Report (PSUR)
March 2023
Richard Holborow/Maddalena Pinsi
Contents of Webinar
• Article 81 of the IVDR requires manufacturers of Class C & D devices to prepare a PSUR
• The PSUR is a summary of data coming from the post market surveillance plan activities for a given PSUR
time period.
• The PSUR is a point in time of the device(s) current safety and performance.
• This exercise allows the manufacturer to pull together all the outputs of the PMS activities and ensure
the benefit/risk is still favourable to the device(s) under evaluation.
• Class I devices are required to prepare a PMS report per article 85. The classification under the MDR
and not classification under the MDD is the deciding factor whether a PSUR is required.
• Legacy devices that are placed on the market under MDD/AIMDD after the date of application (26th
May 2021) during the transitional period are required to produce a PSUR based upon the timelines of its 4
classification under MDD/AIMDD.
Class IIa Class IIb Class III
Frequency of PSUR? Must be produced at a minimum Must be produced at a minimum 5
Must be produced at a minimum
(MDR/MDD/AIMDD) once every 2 years for all Class once a year for all Class IIb once a year for all Class III
IIa devices. devices. devices.
Upload to EUDAMED*? Only Class IIa Implantable Only Class IIb Implantable All Class III will have PSUR
(MDR) devices will have PSUR uploaded devices will have PSUR uploaded Uploaded to Eudamed.
*In the absence of EUDAMED the
PSUR must be sent directly to the
PSUR not publicly visible in PSUR not publicly visible in PSUR not publicly visible in
notified body. (MDCG 2021-1)
Notified Body PSUR
Evaluation? Class IIa non-implantable Class IIb non-implantable All Class III completed annually
completed as part of TF completed as part of TF and PSUR evaluation uploaded
surveillance activities. PSUR surveillance activities. PSUR to EUDAMED.
Evaluation will be reported in Evaluation will be reported in
Clinical Evaluation Assessment Clinical Evaluation Assessment PSUR evaluation report is not
Report (CEAR). Report (CEAR). publicly visible in EUDAMED.
Article 86 - Class III, IIb, IIa (MDR): Article 84 (MDR)– PMS Plan:
Article 81 - Class C&D (IVDR): Article 79 (IVDR)– PMS Plan:
— information,
records referring to
including feedbacks
non-serious incidents
and complaints,
and data on any
provided by users,
undesirable side-
distributors and
information concerning
serious incidents,
including information
PMS publicly available
information about
from PSURs, and field
similar medical devices
safety corrective
of the •
Post-Market Surveillance: information including
general/specific Post-Market Clinical/Performance
Follow-up (PMCF/PMPF) information
*It is expected that the IVDR guidance will follow the same requirements
of MDCG 2022-21
Copyright © 2022 BSI. All rights reserved
Per MDCG 2021-25 (MDD/AIMDD) The notified body will ensure the
manufacturer through QMS assessments is generating a PSUR.
The notified body will evaluate these PSURs but the process will be
MDR/IVDR based on classification.
• Provides information on
• PSUR Content
• Scope and Duration of PSUR
• Grouping of Devices
• PSUR preparation and issuance
• Templates
- Yes
- No
- It Depends
- Yes (Please!)
- No
- It Depends
The technical documentation on post-market surveillance to be drawn up by the manufacturer in accordance with Articles
83 to 86 (MDR)/Articles 78 to 81 (IVDR) shall be presented in a clear, organised, readily searchable and unambiguous
manner and shall include in particular the elements described in this Annex. (Annex III)
• Failure to follow the template and provide the information requested in the PSUR will result in
the PSUR being rejected for evaluation and your certificate may be at risk.
• It is critical that you adequately explain in detail within the PSUR any anomalies along with any
actions you may be taking to address these concerns.
It is essential that both notified bodies and manufacturers ensure that the PSUR is an efficient
process that allows resource to be used for MDR applications .
• Grouping Rationale
• Volume of Sales by region over time
• Estimated size of the patient population using the device over time.
• Characteristics of the population using the device over time
• Post-Market Surveillance : Vigilance and CAPA information
• Post-Market Surveillance: information including general Post-Market
Clinical/Performance Follow-up (PMCF) information
• Summary of Findings and conclusions
• Actions taken by the manufacturer (If any -this may include updates
Grouping of Devices
The notified body is always required to demonstrate appropriate technical and clinical expertise are applied to the
device under evaluation. Therefore from a practical perspective it is not feasible to include devices in a PSUR that
have an unrelated common intended purpose or are a different design technology as this will require multiple
reviewers to evaluate a single PSUR which will not allow us to meet the required timelines. Copyright © 2022 BSI. All rights reserved
Grouping Devices – Leading Device 21
Accessory Accessory
Copyright © 2022 BSI. All rights reserved
Sales/Usage Information
Volume of sales could be: • The method used should be • Volume of Sales should
consistent throughout the distinguish between:
• Actual Sales PSUR when evaluating
• Units Shipped PMS data. • Model numbers (UDI)
• Units Implanted • Sizes
• Or another Suitable Method • Data should be presented • Variants
on a year-by-year
• Approximate numbers is not comparison irrespective of
appropriate classification. This allows for
a comparative assessment
to be made. Copyright © 2022 BSI. All rights reserved
Usage Information 25
Data Split.
Worldwide data should
also include EU Data.
Characteristics of the
Population Using the Device
Considerations for Characteristics of the population using
the device.
Other devices not be for a specific population and may not hold
such detailed information about the use of the device. It is
accepted in these circumstances that a justification may be
Vigilance Data
• Individual detailed vigilance reports are not to
be provided within the PSUR although absolute
reporting rates should be reported against EU
& Worldwide Sales.
• Summary of reported vigilance should be
provided indicating
• Most reported vigilance episodes
• Justification of levels of reported vigilance
• Commonly frequent occurring Medical Device Problem
(Annex A IMDRF)
• Common Investigation Findings (Annex C IMDRF)
• Health Impacts (Annex F IMDRF)
• Investigation Conclusion (Annex D IMDRF)
When in the course of the post-market surveillance, a need for Corrective Actions or Preventive Actions (CAPAs)
as defined in Article 83(4) first sentence is identified, the manufacturer should implement the appropriate
measures and inform the Competent Authorities concerned and, when applicable, the Notified Body.
MDCG 2022-21
If, in the course of the post-market surveillance, a need for preventive or corrective action or both is identified, the
manufacturer shall implement the appropriate measures and inform the competent authorities concerned and, where
applicable, the notified body. Where a serious incident is identified or a field safety corrective action is implemented, it
shall be reported in accordance with Article 87/Article 82.
A summary of all the above Article 83(4) CAPAs can be made available on request to the Competent
Authorities either through the PSUR or through a specific report. However, all safety related CAPAs should
be part of the PSUR (see section 2.2). (MDCG 2022-21)
The PMCF/PMPF plan shall specify the methods and procedures for proactively collecting and evaluating clinical data with
(a) confirming the safety and performance of the device throughout its expected lifetime,
(b) identifying previously unknown side-effects and monitoring the identified side-effects and contraindications,
(c) identifying and analysing emergent risks on the basis of factual evidence,
(d) ensuring the continued acceptability of the benefit-risk ratio referred to in Sections 1 and 9 of Annex I, and (e)(MDR)
/Sections 1 and 8 of Chapter I of Annex I,(IVDR)
(e) identifying possible systematic misuse or off-label use of the device, with a view to verifying that the intended
purpose is correct. Annex XIV Part B 6.1 (MDR)
Annex XIII Part B 5.2 (IVDR)
- Subject Enrolment
- Site Enrolment
- Timepoints of Data Collection
- Adherence to PMCF Protocol
Overall Conclusions
The manufacturer should outline any new or emerging risks identified or when common occurrences of poor
performance or claimed benefits have not been achieved within the current reporting period. When there are
new or emerging risks that have been identified, the manufacturer should consider any specific patient groups,
device models, accessories used, geographical regions impacted, duration of risk etc. Specific information
should be provided on the seriousness and the full potential clinical impact of these risks.
o The manufacturer may also describe any new benefits that have been identified from the
reporting period.
o The manufacturer should formulate evidence-based conclusions to determine whether the
benefit-risk profile of the device has changed.
o Finally, within the conclusion, the manufacturer should declare whether there has been an
adverse impact on the benefit-risk profile of the device.
o The manufacturer should describe any specific actions that have been taken to address
any newly identified or emerging risks and occurrences of poor performance.
o The manufacturer should identify all actions initiated during the data collection period
as described in Article 83 (3) (MDR)/ Article 78 (3) (IVDR) .
Please ensure you describe fully any actions you are taking in
relation to any concerns identified within your PSUR.
- Yes
- No
- It Depends!
- Yes
- No
- It Depends!
Article 61 (11)
For class III devices and implantable devices, the PMCF evaluation report and, if indicated, the summary of safety and
clinical performance referred to in Article 32 shall be updated at least annually with such data.
• Remember the purpose of the SSCP – To inform the Health Care Professional (and Patient) of the
safety and clinical performance data held on the device.
• If new data suggests there is no change to the safety profile of the device or there is no impact to
the performance of the device, then an update may not necessarily be required as the information
within the SSCP still remains valid.
Examples of significant updates that should be Examples of non-significant updates that could
validated as part of PSUR evaluation. be deferred to next conformity assessment for
validation – e.g. Renewal, Design Change.
1. New Risk Identified. 1. New Clinical Data that does not impact the safety
or performance of the device e.g. Outputs of literature
data that does not impact the safety or performance
of the device
2. Negative Change in Performance 2. Update and clarification on the text
3. Emerging Trends/Increase in Risk. 3. Changes in risk that are lower than those reported
in the validated SSCP
If the benefit/risk profile of the device remains unchanged then what advantage is validating the
SSCP at the PSUR evaluation timepoint?
Remember the purpose of the SSCP – To inform the Health Care Professional (and Patient) of the
safety and clinical performance data held on the device.
The notified body is required to provide a copy of the PSUR evaluation report
Class III, to the manufacturer. In the absence of EUDAMED this will be sent at the end
Implantable of the evaluation.
and Class D
For these devices PSURs will be evaluated as part of technical file sampling
plans. As these PSUR evaluations do not need to be uploaded into Eudamed
a separate evaluation report is not required.
Class IIa/IIb
The manufacturer will receive the CEAR/PEAR - This will contain the
and Class C information on the PSUR.
generated after
timepoint of data
If the notified body does not agree through the contents of the
PSUR that the benefit/risk is not adversely impacted then the
PSUR evaluation concludes and a technical documentation
assessment shall begin to specifically additional
PSUR documentation and evaluate more widely the benefit/risk
12 months
To ensure efficiency in the PSUR evaluation process, and to ensure BSI can focus on MDR
application work, BSI is unlikely to allow rounds of questions during the PSUR Evaluation so it is
critical that you ensure that your PSUR is compliant to the template provided in MDCG 2022-21 and
contains adequate explanations for the data within the PSUR to avoid unnecessary technical
documentation assessments.
A client communication will follow in the coming weeks to confirm the evaluation process.
Add new
Certificate prefix
Download guidance on
document upload, if needed
Purpose of submission
• Unvalidated SS(C)P
• Translated SS(C)P
Certificate n.1
Certificate n.2
Add document(s)
Uploading SS(C)P
A Upload document
A Upload document
Provide information:
C • Manufacturer Name
• Manufacturer’s SRN number
• EU Representative, if applicable
Reference number
Revision number
F Save
G Submit
Uploading PSUR
A Upload document A
Provide information:
B • Manufacturer Name
• Manufacturer’s SRN number
• EU Representative, if applicable
C Provide information on
Manufacturer’s PSUR:
• Reference number
• Revision number
• Document date issued
• If it covers class D/III or
implantable devices
D Save
E Submit
One submission
• Ensure you adequately explain all actions taken to address any anomalies
within the PSUR.
• Only submit an SSCP for validation with your PSUR if the contents of the
SSCP need updating based on the data from the PSUR.
End slide