2078-79 (2021-22)
Protecting the Life of Citizens from the COVID –
19 Pandemic
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10
Uplifting the Social security Investment in Balanced Provision of
economic activities and protection Infrastructure or development responsible
through relief based on life the Skillful and through governance,
packages to cycle to all Practical coordination assurance of
affected families Nepalese Citizens Education and peace and
from COVID-19 cooperation security,
and providing between corruption
incentive, subsidies Federal, control,
and reviving Provincial and effectiveness
packages to Local level on
private sectors structure governance
and services
SUMMARY OF BUDGET Allocation of Budget Source of Revenue
# Amount in Billions
Current Expenditure 678.62 41.2% Tax Revenue 1024.90
• Budget has prioritized Education Sector in a big way. • NPR 10.03 billions has been allocated for Railways.
Highest Amount of Budget NPR 180.04 billion has been
allocated to Education Sector. • The government will contribute the amount to be paid by
organizations and workers to the Social Security Fund for the
• Health Sector has received the highest so far amount of months of mid- May to mid-June (Jestha) and mid- June to mid-
Budget. NPR 122.77 billion has been allocated for July (Ashad).
Health Sector.
• To encourage entrepreneurship, the government has announced
• Allocated the budget of NPR 12.46 Billion for health a 100 per cent rebate on income tax for start-ups for up to five
infrastructure development and NPR 14.27 Billion to build years from the date of commencement of operation, a one-stop
new hospitals. Ministry of Health & Population budget system to facilitate the establishment and operation of such
increased to NPR 90.69 Billion. start-ups, among other provisions. NPR 2.5 million loan without
collateral to start ups with only 1 percent interest rate. NPR 2.5
• Government has increased social security allowance by million loan keeping Certificate as the collateral.
33 per cent and raised the monthly old-age allowance
for senior citizens by Rs 1,000 to Rs 4,000. • Government to initiate Made in Nepal and Make in Nepal
• The government has announced 100 per cent waiver for
consumers consuming only 20 units of electricity per month • To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the government has
during the lockdown/prohibitory period and 100 per decided to waive the renewal fee and road tax on EVs for the
cent waiver on the drinking water bill for consumers next five years, while also setting the target to replace light
consuming only 20,000 liters per month during the same vehicles running on fossil fuel by EVs by 2088.. Excise Duty
period. removed on purchase of EVs and Customs reduced.
• License and renewal fee waiver for sectors such as films, • Government Employee's Salary increased by NPR 2,000, 10
handicraft, aviation, media, advertising, health clubs, days paid holidays given to Govt. Employees.
among others.
foreign currency
Cigar Stick
by the students
Khaini, Surti, going abroad
40 Rupee Per
Pan Masala, for studies.
*Same as Previous Year
Import of Petrol
and Diesel at
NPR 10
customs point Per Liter
Casino Royalty
• Road Maintenance and Improvement Fee shall be • Telephone Ownership Fee of NPR 500 will be charged
levied at the customs point for road maintenance and from every customer for every telephone connection. In case
improvement at the rate of NPR 4 per Litre for Petrol of change of ownership of telephone, the same fee will be
and NPR 2 per Litre for diesel imported respectively. charged from the person claiming ownership of telephone.
However, in the case of mobile telephones, Telephone
• Pollution Control Fee will be levied at the rate of NPR Ownership Fee will be charged at the rate of 2% of each
1.50 per Liter for the purchase and distribution of petrol SIM card and recharge fee.
and diesel in Nepal.
• The government has abolished the 15% Forest Production
• Cinema Development Fee shall be charged to cinema Fee levied on sale of Sal and Khayar Timber to person
houses and halls as follows: other than to Timber Consumer Groups from the date of
budget. In order to protect the Domestic Furniture Industry,
• 15% on entry fee for all categories of foreign excise duty has been imposed on the import of all types of
films furniture.
• 20% on entry fee for all categories of foreign
films shown from cabins.
Ø If any tax dues under Excise Act, 2015, Income Tax Act, 2031 and
taxes replaced by Value Added Tax Act, 2052 such as Hotel Tax,
Entertainment Tax, Contract Tax, Sales Tax which is unpaid till the
Ø and is discharged up to 75% of such tax or duty by Poush end,
Ø then balance 25% of such tax or duty, fees, penalty and interest
shall be waived off.
Withdrawal of Cases • Special relief in case of fees related Trekking and Tour Package
Ø Persons involved in the business of Travelling and Trekking Agency
• Withdrawal of cases pending under Administrative Review at who have treated the sales as exempt sales and have not collected
Inland Revenue Department or appeal under consideration at and deposited VAT amount or where IRD has assessed VAT payable
Revenue Tribunal or Courts on such sales or where appeal has been filed for review against the
assessment order at revenue tribunal or revenue department
Ø Where the assessment or re-assessment made upto Ashadh Ø and such person self declares the transactions upto Jestha 14, 2078
end, 2077 under the Income Tax Act, 2058, Value Added and deposit VAT on such transactions or as per assessment within
Tax Act, 2052 and Excise Act, 2058 is withdrawn Poush end, 2078 and withdraws the appeal if filed as mentioned
Ø and an application is filed for opting such amnesty/relief by above,
Mangsir end, 2078 by fully discharging the 100% applicable Ø then any interest, penalty and additional fee on such amount shall be
taxes, duties and 50% of interest calculated up-to the date of waived off.
such application,
Ø then any fees, additional fees, penalty and balance 50% • Special relief in case of Health Service Providers
interest shall be waived off. Ø Where the Health Service Provider Organizations have balance input
VAT after adjusting with output VAT,
Ø However, cases relating to false and fake invoices are not Ø and deposits the balance payable after debit adjustment of such
allowed for such amnesty/relief. Input VAT on account of the health service being VAT exempt within
Ashad end, 2079.
Other Relief Ø then any additional fee and interest on such payables shall be
• Special provision of relief in case of issuance of
certificate of origin • Special provision in case of Transportation of Goods Service
Ø Transportation of Goods Service Providers, who has received the
Ø Where the entity issuing certificate of origin for the
rental income from the natural persons not registered under PAN in
purpose of export the FY 2076/77,
Ø has issued such certificates up to Jestha 14, 2078 Ø withholds and pays the TDS as per proviso 8 of Section 88(1) of
Ø then VAT dues on such issued certificates or VAT payable Income Tax Act, 2058
as assessed by IRO along with interest, penalty and Ø then such expenses shall be deductible while computing taxable
additional fee shall be waived off. income of FY 2076-77, even when no invoice of such transaction is
Amendment in Some Definition & it’s Impact
Some relief on taxpayer against paying the Capital Gain tax on the
resident building along with the land attached thereto.
Amendment in Some Definition & it’s Impact
A person who makes an appeal pursuant to sub-section (1) No Income Tax for Mutual Fund
of section 116, total amount of undisputed tax and 50
percent of disputed tax amount, fee and penalty, out of the Section 10 has been amended and made Exemption from
assessed tax amount to be paid as a deposit or bank Income tax of the Earning of the Mutual Fund Licensed
guarantee. from SEBON.
1. Natural person working at remote areas are entitled to get deduction from taxable income to a maximum of Rs. 50000.
2. Social Security Tax shall not be applicable for natural person having pension income.
3. Incapacitated natural person shall be entitled to get deduction from taxable income an additional 50% of amount prescribed under first
tax slab.
4. A Resident natural person who has procured life insurance and paid premium amount thereon shall be entitled to a deduction of actual
annual insurance premium or Rs. 25000 whichever is less from gross taxable income.
5. A Resident natural person who has procured Health Insurance and paid premium amount thereon shall be entitled to a deduction of
actual annual insurance premium or Rs. 20000 whichever is less from gross taxable income.
6. A Resident natural person who has procured Insurance Policy for his house and premium thereon shall be entitle to a deduction
of actual annual insurance premium of NPR 5000 whichever is lower from his gross taxable income.
7. In case of the employee employed at the foreign diplomatic mission of Nepal only 25% of the foreign allowances are to be included in
the income from salary.
8. In case of the employee posted outside Nepal is getting foreign allowance will get 75% rebate of such allowance.
9. In case of the female employee whose taxable income is only from employment than 10% rebate is allowed on tax liability.
10. Any resident natural person having pension income will get additional deduction from taxable income of the amount equivalent to 25% of
the amount of first slab from the taxable income.
(Reintroduced from Finance Ordinance, 2078)
11. In case of gain on disposal of listed securities owned by resident natural person, the concerned stock exchange at the time of settlement of
transaction shall levy tax at the rate of:
- 5% of profit if held for more than 365 days and
- 7.5% of profit if held for a period of 365 days
(Till Last FY, it was 5% for irrespective of holding period of securities)
12 (Ga) The maximum limit is NPR 100,000 per start up and upto Added by finance bill 2077
Maximum 5 Start up.
INCOME TAX Time Extension to take Merger Benefits for Bank/FI & Insurance Industries
Entity under Same Categories intending to be disposed by An Entity intending to be disposed by merger/acquition pursuant to
47 Ka (6) merger/acquisition pursuant to 47ka(1) need to give LOI 47ka(1) need to give LOI to Inland Revenue Department within Ashad
to Inland Revenue Department within Ashad End 2079. End 2078.
Domestic income
Normal Rate (NR) 25%
Providing direct employment to Nepalese citizens by special industries
and information technology industries for whole year:
For 100 Nepalese including 33% women, dalit & disabled by Special
Additional 10% rebate
Special industry and tourism industry (excluding casino) 100% income tax exemption for five years from the date of
11(3)(Ga) established with capital investment exceeding Rs. 1 billion commencement of business and
and providing direct employment to more than 500 50% exemption for three years thereafter.
individuals throughout the year shall be eligible for
Industry established in 'Special Economic Zone' recognized in Up to 10 years 100% exempt and 50% rebate in subsequent
11 (3Ka)
mountain areas or hill areas by the GON years
Industry established in 'Special Economic Zone' other than 100% exempt up to first five years and 50% rebate in
11 (3Ka)
above locations subsequent years
Dividend distributed by the industry established in the Dividend Tax is 100% exempt up to first five years and 50%
11 (3Ka)
special economic zone rebate in subsequent 3 years
11 (3Yna) Income from sale by intellectual asset by a person through transfer 50% of applicable tax rate
Tourism Industry or International Airlines established with more than NPR 2 100% Tax Exemption for first 5 Years and 50%
11 (3Ta)
Billion Tax Exemption for next 3 years
11 (3Tha) Dividend Distribution Tax in case Special Industry, Industry based in 100% exempt of Dividend Tax
Agriculture and Tourism sector capitalizing its profit for the purpose of
expansion of capacity of industry.
11 (3Da) Private Company having Paid up Capital NPR 500 Million or More 10% Rebate in Income Tax for 3 Years
converted into Public Company
11 (3Dha) Domestic Tea Production & Processing Industries, Dairy Industries & Textile
Industries 50% of applicable tax rate
11 (3Ana)
Health Services Provided by the Community 20% Reduction of Income Tax Act
Income generated by micro industries for Seven years from the date of
commencement of business or transaction. Where such industry is owned by
11(3ta) 100% exemption of income tax
woman, there shall be tax exemption for another three years thereafter.
Person or entity who has obtained license for commercial production, transmission, -100% of applicable tax for the first 10 years
and distribution of electricity by Chaitra end 2080 shall be eligible for a from the date of commercial production of
concession of electricity
11(3Gha) -50% of the applicable tax for the next 5
Such facility shall also be provided to electricity produced from solar, bio or
wind energy.
ka. Operation of Trolley or Tram - 40 %
Entities carrying out the following transactions shall be provided following Kha. Construction and operation of Ropeway,
11(3Cha) concession for 10 years from the date of commencement of commercial Cable Car, Sky Bridge – 40% Concession
transactions/operations on the income tax levied: Ga. Construction & Operation of Roads, Bridge,
Tunnel Way, Tunnel, Railway, Airport - 50
Income manufacturing industry, tourism service industry hydropower generation,
11(3Chha) distribution and transmission industry listed in the security exchange (i.e. capital 85% of applicable tax rate
11 (3Jha) Royalty from export of Intellectual Asset by a person 75% of applicable tax rate
Insurance business
Entity engaged in Petroleum business under Nepal Petroleum Act , 2010 30%
AB Commercial Import of Buffalo, Goat, Sheep, Fresh & Frozen Fish, Fruits, 5% of Custom Value 5% of custom value
On Import of Meat, Milk Product, Egg, Honey, Millet, Buckwheat, Junelo, Rice, Wheat
AC 2.5% 2.5%
Flour, Meslin Flour, Other Flours, Herbs, Sugarcane, Herbal products
Foreign Currency Exchange service by resident bank for students going abroad for
AD 15% (TCS) 15% (TCS)
study making payment for language exam and standardized test
Interest paid by resident bank and financial institution to foreign bank or financial
AE 10% 15%
In case of the encouragement amount received by consumer of good and services for
the payment made through payment cards, E-Money (Wallet), Mobile Banking and
electronic payment during purchases as per the prevailing laws, no tax shall be
1% (TCS)
Payment received by a person in foreign currency for providing software or other
AG To be Collected by No TCS
electronic services of similar nature outside Nepal.
Bank/FI/Money T/F
Change in
Tax Rate
VAT Threshold
5 Million NPR
- Existing Value Added Tax rate of 13 percent for the VAT Exemption – Addition to Schedule 1
fiscal year 2078/79 remains unchanged except stated in - Service charge of E-Library
Schedule 1 and Schedule 2.
- Silo and service related to stock of farm produce in Silo
- List of specific businesses specified under section 10(2) Group 11 8479.89.60
that require mandatory registration has been deleted.
- Money Exchange, Swift Service, Hire purchase transaction,
- VAT credit on Diesel, Petrol (Other than used in Vehicle) Deposit and Credit Guarantee Service
and LP gas consumed for production of taxable goods
can now be availed. - Service relating to issuing Certificate of origin for export
- Mandatory Electronic Billing for all VAT Registered Tax - Service relating to Trekking and Tour Packages
Payer gradually.
- Rent on transportation of goods, transportation services
- Instant Refund of 10% of VAT paid through Debit Card, (other than related to supply) and cargo service.
Credit Card, QR code, Scan to Pay or other electronic
medium on purchase of goods or services. - VAT Exemption on import of Medical Equipment's, Oxygen
cylinders up to 2078 Poush End
- While Making Payment to concerned contractor or
supplier in respect of supply of goods services or both - New Format of Purchase Register & Sales Register has
under any agreement or contract, the Government entity, been Prescribed. (Quantity, Name of Goods/ Service). In
institution or Organization, Govt Authorities shall directly case of Export ‘Country of Export’
withhold and deposit 30% of the VAT amount (Previously
it was 50%).
Removed: List of specified business that requires b. Where a person conducts business of hardware, sanitary, furniture,
mandatory registration in VAT has been deleted. fixture, furnishing, automobiles, electronics, marble, Educational
consultancy, Account and Audit related services., catering service,
party palace, parking service, dry cleaners using machinery,
restaurant with bar, ice cream industry, colour lab, boutique, uniform
supplier for educational, health or other entities inside Metropolitan
City, Sub Metropolitan City, or areas as prescribed by department.
Registered person requires to update the information Registered person requires to update the information relating to
10 (ga) relating to registration in the biometric of record registration in the biometric of record department within the time limit
department within the time limit prescribed. prescribed.
Any person whether registered or not involving in
transaction in relation to goods or service which is
A registered person shall use the purchase and sales registered duly
16 (3) subject to tax shall prepare and maintain the self
attested from tax officer for the purpose of accounts.
attested sales and purchase register. Such register may
be demanded and checked by Tax officer at any time.
Tax paid on goods damaged as a result of fire, theft, Tax paid on goods damaged as a result of fire, theft, accident,
16 (kha) accident, breakage or terrorist activities or on expired breakage or terrorist activities shall be allowed as credit as
goods shall be allowed as credit as prescribed. prescribed.
Collection of VAT:
Section 21 by publication or transmission or enlisting on the website
New Provision added by Finance Bill 2078
(1)(jha) of department the name of taxpayer who has not
submitted tax within the limit prescribed.
Any person involved in following offences will be
penalized by the tax officer as prescribed: Any person involved in following offences will be penalized by the
Section 29(1)
Rs. 1000/- for per violation of Section 16(3ka). tax officer as prescribed:
(cha 1)
Rs. 1000/- for per violation of Section 16(3ka).
This provision has been deleted by Finance Bill 2078
Public Circular:
The department shall make available the circulars issued The department shall make available the circulars issued pursuant to
Section 32kha
pursuant to section 32 kha(1) for the public information section 32 kha(1) for the public information through publishing at its
through publishing at its own website or at national level own website or at national level newspaper.
newspaper or through other electronic medium.
Deposits to be kept:
1. While filing an appeal in the revenue tribunal under
this Act, the undisputed amount out of the assessed
tax shall be paid and a deposit equal to fifty percent
While filing an appeal in the revenue tribunal under this Act, the
of the disputed amount of assessed tax and penalties
undisputed amount out of the assessed tax shall be paid and a
thereto shall be made in cash or by producing a bank
Section 33 deposit equal to fifty percent of the disputed amount of assessed tax
and penalties thereto shall be made in cash or by producing a bank
2. While calculating the deposit or bank guarantee
pursuant to subsection 1, amount equal deposited (25
% of Tax) in the IRD for the administrative review
shall also be taken in account.
If 75 % of Tax Outstanding under different Tax Act like Hotel Tax, Entertainment Tax,
21(1) Waiver of Fees, Penalties and Interest Contract Tax and Sales Tax Act established under VAT 2052 is paid by the end of
Poush 2078
If the assessed/reassessed tax amount under VAT act 2052 up to Ashad End 2076
21(2) Waiver of Fees and Penalties except in relation to falsified or duplicate bills, is paid along with the interest up to the
date of application of availing the benefit provided by the end of Poush 2078
In case of issue of the certificate of origin for the purpose of export till Jestha 14,
22 Waiver of VAT, Interest and Penalty
If the VAT on transaction entered by Travel and Trekking Agency is not collected or
Waiver of Additional Fees, Interest and
23(1) submitted in VAT Exempt section of VAT return and VAT on such transaction up to
Jestha 14, 2078 is self declared and paid by the end of Poush 2078.
Waiver of Additional Fees, Interest and If the assessed VAT amount out of outstanding VAT amount pursuant to transaction
Penalty submitted in VAT return as per subsection 1is paid by the end of Poush 2078.
If the legal cases pending in the court or administrative review for the assessed VAT
Waiver of Additional Fees, Interest and
23(3) amount pursuant to subsection 2 is taken back and the assessed amount is paid by the
end of Poush 2078.
If the Health Institution requiring to pay the VAT amount after set off of VAT paid on
24 Waiver of Additional Fees and Interest purchase of goods or service with the VAT collected on vatable sales is paid by the
end of Ashad 2079.
Major Highlights
• Excise Duty on removed on Electric Vehicles. Excise Duty • Section 19(6Ka) – The person applying to Revenue Tribunal
has been reduced in case of Hybrid Vehicles. according to Sub-section (6) shall pay the entire of the
undisputed amount of excise duty out of the amount of excise
• Section 4Gha (2) – A businessperson, other than hotel, duty assessed and deposit or provide a Bank Guarantee for
restaurants and party palace, carrying on the transaction 50% of the disputed amount of excise duty and fine.
of liquor shall only transact liquor and tobacco.
• Section (6Kha) – For the computation of deposit or Bank
• Section 16 (2) (Ga1) – In case licensee engages in Guarantee to be provided according to 6Ka, one-fourth of
production, removal, storage or sale distribution of beer, the excise amount deposited while making an application for
cigarette or tobacco products commits in others brand administrative review should also be considered.
name or without any brand name to conceal, hide or
evade excise duty, such a person shall be punished with a • (Except Bogus/False Bills) Assessed/Reassessed till Ashad End
fine in a sum equivalent to two hundred percent of the 2077 under Excise Act, 2058 and pending in Revenue
claimed amount or One Lakh Rupees, whichever is higher Tribunal/Court if withdrawn and paid Excise Duty & 50% of
or with imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year Interest, Fine, Penalties & 50% interest shall be waived. Due
or with both punishments. Date is 2078 Mansir End.
• Section 16 (3) – The claimed amount pursuant to Clause • Dues pending under Excise Act, 2015 shall be waived if
(e) of Sub-section (1) and Sub-section (2) shall be fixed taxpayer pays 75% of the Duty within Paush 2078. In that
by adding the value of the excisable goods determined case 25% of the duty, interest, fine, penalties will be waived.
based on the strength, quantity and shape of goods or in Dues pending under Excise Act, 2058 and Assessment
case of liquor without brand considering strength of 70 completed within Ashad 2076 and if the tax payer pays the
U.P. wherein the excise duty sticker has been used or duty and interest upto the date of application within Paush
may be used and the excise duty charged on such 2078, the fine & penalties will be waived.
excisable goods. If the goods and services whose claimed
amount is to be fixed has already been sold, their • Taxpayers having expired Excise License willing to renew &
claimed amount shall be fixed based on the selling price continue Business can renew the license within Shrawan 2078
of such goods and services. without paying penalty otherwise License will be Cancelled.
• Export industry having bonded warehouse facility and • Customs duty on import of industrial raw material must be
importing raw materials on Bank Guarantee, if has not less than the custom on finished goods by at least 1 level.
exported finished goods within the time limit due to covid-
19 pandemic then, the deadline for exporting the finished • Community and private hospitals will be provided the
goods and release of Bank Guarantee has been extended subsidy of 50% on the cost of installation of oxygen plant.
to Chaitra, 2078 end.
• Customs duty on import of baby feeding milk has been
• Export industry producing ready palm oil having bonded reduced by 50%.
warehouse facility and importing raw materials on Bank
Guarantee, if has not exported finished goods within the • Custom duty reduced by 50% on import of single cargo
time limit due to various reasons then, the deadline for vehicle by Agriculture Cooperative Institutions doing farming
exporting the finished goods and release of Bank on group.
Guarantee has been extended to Asoj, 2078 end.
• Industry can obtain renewal of EXIM code for 5 years at a
• Export industry having bonded warehouse facility and time.
importing raw materials on condition to export such finished
goods within 1 year on cash security or Bank Guarantee, if • New custom office shall be established and operated in
has not exported finished goods within the time limit due to Gautam Buddha International Airport, Pokhara International
covid-19 pandemic then, the deadline for exporting the Airport and Janakpur Railways.
finished goods and release of cash security or Bank
Guarantee has been extended to Chaitra, 2078 end.
85.04 Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors.
-Static converters:
8504.40.20 ---Mobile Phone Charger Nos 15 -
Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor, other
than vacuum cleaners of heading 85.08.
8509.40.00 -Food grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable juice extractors Nos 10 15
8509.80.00 -Other appliances Nos 10 15
8509.90.00 -Parts Nos/kg 10 15
Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces and ovens (including those functioning
85.14 by induction or dielectric loss); other industrial or laboratory equipment for the
heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss.
-Other furnaces and ovens
8514.30.10 ---Cremation machine Free -
8514.30.90 ---Other Free -