Body Image
Body Image
Body Image
715 27,308
3 authors, including:
Adrian Furnham
University of London
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Adrian Furnham on 12 March 2014.
582 The Journal of Psychology
studies, for example, in Hong Kong (Davis & Katzman, 1997; Lee, Leung, Lee,
Yu, & Leung, 1996), Norway (Wichstrom, 1995), and Poland (Wlodarczyk-Bis-
aga & Dolan, 1996), as well as among minority groups in Western countries
(Ahmad, Waller, & Verduyn, 1994).
Dissatisfaction with one’s body image is often seen as a correlate of eating
disorders. This has been demonstrated by the high prevalence of eating disorders
in groups in which there is an increased emphasis on maintaining a thin, “ideal”
body (e.g., ballet dancers and models; Garner & Garfinkel, 1980) as well as ath-
letes (Sundgot-Borgen, 1993).
The link between body image dissatisfaction and eating disorders is not
clearly apparent in men. However, there is tentative evidence to suggest that the
incidence of eating disorders in men may be increasing and that current preva-
lence rates for men may be underestimated (Carlot & Camargo, 1991). The con-
siderable amount of research and popular writing focusing on women and eating
disorders may discourage men from admitting to what they classify as a female
disorder. There have also been gender differences noted in the labeling of behav-
ior; for example, men do not label the ingestion of a large quantity of food as
bingeing (Franco, Tamburrino, Carroll, & Bernal, 1988). Men appear to be more
interested in shape than weight, although the two are clearly related (Anderson
& Di Domenico, 1992).
This difference between the desire for a shape change in men, as opposed to
weight loss through dieting in women, may be a function of the different male
and female ideals. The male ideal is a V-shaped figure with an emphasis placed
on large biceps, chest, and shoulders, whereas the female ideal is to be extreme-
ly thin, with the emphasis placed on slim hips, bottom, and thighs. Men’s desire
for weight gain would fit with the desire to achieve the male ideal V-shaped fig-
ure and to gain additional muscle.
Women are more likely than men to describe themselves as fat, to weigh
themselves often, and to diet frequently. They are also generally more dissatis-
fied with their physical appearance than are men (Cooper & Fairburn, 1983;
Furnham & Calnan, 1998). The most marked difference in body-image percep-
tions between the sexes is dissatisfaction with weight and, to a lesser extent, with
shape, particularly the hips (Berscheid, Walster, & Bohrnstedt, 1973). Franco et
al. (1988), and Miller, Coffman, and Linke (1980) have shown that many men are
dissatisfied with their weight and shape, although somewhat less so than women;
yet some researchers have indicated that men are as dissatisfied as women with
their body shape and weight (Drewnowski & Yee, 1987; Silberstein, Striegel-
Moore, Timko, & Rodin, 1988).
The nature of body weight dissatisfaction is, however, slightly different in
men and women. Women are more likely to judge themselves overweight when
by objective standards they are not, whereas men are more likely to perceive
themselves as underweight with respect to objective standards (Furnham & Cal-
nan, 1998). These perceptions suggest that both genders misperceive their weight
Furnham, Badmin, & Sneade 583
in comparison with others of their gender, or they make judgments about their
weight using an unhealthy standard. “Underweight” appears to have a different
meaning for men and women. Men see being underweight as bad; women see it
as good (Cash, Winstead, & Janda, 1986).
Researchers comparing men’s and women’s dissatisfaction with their weight
need to take into account the direction of the dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction with
body image in women is normally shown by their desire to lose weight, whereas
as many men want to gain weight as lose it. Silberstein et al. (1988) found that
only 4.4% of the women they studied wanted to become bigger compared with
46.8% of the men. In fact, men seemed to be approximately equally divided
between those desiring weight gain and those desiring weight loss. Drewnowski
and Yee (1987) agreed with these findings; they showed that 18-year-old boys
were more or less evenly split between those who wished to lose and those who
wished to gain body weight.
The greater body dissatisfaction (discrepancy between current and ideal fig-
ures) displayed by adult females has since been replicated in adolescents (Tigge-
man & Pennington, 1990) and in women who displayed particular eating abnor-
malities (Zellner, Harner, & Adler, 1989) such as bulimia (Williamson, Davis,
Goreczny, & Blouin, 1989). These measures of weight dissatisfaction—includ-
ing desired versus perceived body size (Fallon & Rozin, 1985) and desired ver-
sus actual weight (Silberstein et al., 1988)—showed no difference between men
and women on the absolute values of their weight dissatisfaction scores but
revealed gender differences in the direction of weight dissatisfaction. Twice as
many women as men desired to be thinner, whereas only two women, as opposed
to half of the men, wanted to be heavier. In the present study, we examined the
relationships among these different measures of weight dissatisfaction and self-
esteem in young adolescent boys and girls.
Research on the relationship between body satisfaction and self-esteem in
both genders has produced conflicting results, although a relationship between
body satisfaction and self-esteem has been documented for both (Lerner,
Karabenick, & Stuart, 1973; Lerner, Orlos, & Knapp, 1976). Research on the
relationship between self-esteem and the weight concern factor of the Body
Esteem Scale ((BES) in women has produced inconsistent results (Franzoi &
Herzog, 1986; Franzoi & Shields, 1984). Silberstein et al. (1988) found that
men’s self-esteem was also affected by the degree of body dissatisfaction, regard-
less of the direction of the dissatisfaction (i.e., under- or overweight).
When perceived ideal discrepancies exist concerning bodily aspects that are
perceived as malleable (e.g., weight), dissatisfaction often provokes efforts to
close the perceived ideal gap. In Western society, dieting and exercise are the
primary strategies for altering one’s body. There is evidence that dieting is a nor-
mative behavior for young women but not for young men (Garner, Rockert, Olm-
sted, Johnson, & Coscina, 1985; Rodin, Silberstein, & Striegel-Moore, 1985) and
that in general, men and women diet for different reasons and that these reasons
584 The Journal of Psychology
tend to change with age (Davis & Cowles, 1991). Some researchers have sug-
gested that it is actually the dieting behavior that is an important factor in the
development and perpetuation of eating disorders (Polivy & Herman, 1985).
Alternatively, exercise has been thought of as merely a means of quickening
weight loss or as a way of denying the unpleasant effects of dieting.
Sundgot-Borgen (1993) found growing evidence of a link between exercise
and eating disorders. Katz (1986) hypothesized that there may be a number of
reasons for this relationship, including the idea that exercise creates the initial
weight loss through a truly diminished appetite, an increased narcissistic invest-
ment in the body, or an elevated production of endorphins. Franco et al. (1988)
found that weight trainers and body builders are a subpopulation at increased risk
for developing eating disorders. Garner et al. (1985) found that women, in con-
trast to men, exercise primarily in order to lose weight. Silberstein et al. (1988)
found that exercising for weight control reasons was associated with disordered
eating and that those who exercise for appearance rather than for health reasons
may also be more at risk for the development of eating disorders.
In this sense one may talk about positive and negative reasons for exercise,
only the latter of which are associated with disordered eating patterns. McDonald
and Thompson (1992) replicated the Silberstein et al. findings, although they used
minimum exercise criteria. They found that exercising for weight, tone, and to a
lesser degree for attractiveness is positively connected with eating disturbance and
body image dissatisfaction for both men and women, whereas exercising for fit-
ness reasons for men is negatively connected with eating disturbances. Therefore,
there are strong indications that certain motivations for exercise are accompanied
by increases in disturbances, particularly body dissatisfaction. Alternatively, there
are also other motivations such as health and fitness that are associated with less
disturbance and greater self-esteem, especially for men.
In the present study we investigated the following hypotheses: (a) Women
wish to be thinner, but men are equally divided between those who wish to be
thinner and those who wish to be heavier; (b) those who are dissatisfied with
their bodies have lower self-esteem, regardless of the direction of body image
dissatisfaction; (c) negative reasons for exercise (weight control, attractiveness,
and tone) are associated with disordered eating and low self-esteem, whereas
other reasons for exercise (mood, health, enjoyment, and fitness) are not related
to disordered eating and are, in fact, related to high self-esteem.
The participants (N = 235; 111 boys, 124 girls) in the present study attended
the sixth form (years 12 and 13) of four different schools in England—two gram-
mar schools and two comprehensive schools. All were native Britons, although
Furnham, Badmin, & Sneade 585
We used the Contour Drawing Rating Scale (CDRS; Thompson & Gray,
1991) to assess body dissatisfaction. The CDRS consists of nine drawings of a
female figure (for female participants) or a male figure (for male participants).
Each drawing increases in size from extremely thin (1) to very obese (9). Partic-
ipants are asked to rate their ideal figure (what they ideally wanted to look like)
and their current size (perceived figure). The discrepancy between the ideal and
current size scores is an index of body size dissatisfaction.
We gathered background information on a confidential information sheet
that included sex, age, height, present weight, ideal weight, highest past weight,
lowest past weight, parents’ occupation, and current school. The information
given on weight provided another measure of body dissatisfaction: the difference
between the students’ current weight and ideal weight indicated the number of
kilograms they desired to lose or gain. Thus weight dissatisfaction was a second
measure of body image dissatisfaction.
We requested and obtained permission from the four schools before distrib-
uting the questionnaires to the students. This involved having senior leaders
examine the questionnaire for its appropriateness and acceptability. We sent the
sixth form head teachers a cover letter that explained the reasons for the study
and its aims as well as details of the measures we used. We asked the teachers to
introduce the details of the experiment to the participating students, who were
then asked to complete the questionnaire during school time. All of the partici-
pants were sixth form pupils (12th grade). We also asked the teachers to remind
the participants that all responses would be strictly confidential and could not be
identified with an individual in any way. We did this to encourage the students to
be honest when answering the questions, but it also fulfilled the informed con-
sent requirements. All participants were told that participation was not mandato-
ry, but fewer than 2% withdrew, leaving a 98% response rate.
Table 1 shows the means and standard deviation values for all the variables
used in the analysis. We first performed a between-gender multivariate analysis
of variance (MANOVA) over the four scales, the results of which were signifi-
cant, F(3, 188) = 4.41, p < .01; we subsequently calculated various t tests. We
next performed a between-gender MANOVA over the eight Reasons for Exercise
subscales, the results of which were also significant, F(7, 205) = 14.21, p < .01,
and we then subsequently calculated eight t tests on the subscale score.
These results showed clear patterns, with seven significant differences,
although when corrected for reliability (Bonferroni) the differences were not
extremely significant (p < .01). Compared with the boys, the girls expressed a
Gender Differences on All Measures
Boys Girls
Variable (or scale) N α reliability M SD M SD t
Note. CDRS = Contour Drawing Rating Scale. EAT = Eating Attitudes Test.
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Furnham, Badmin, & Sneade
588 The Journal of Psychology
greater discrepancy between ideal and actual body shape, expressed greater
weight dissatisfaction, and had higher rates of abnormal eating attitudes and
behaviors. The girls also tended to exercise more often for weight loss than the
boys, whose reasons for exercising were for body fitness. Thus there was an over-
all difference; girls exercised for negative reasons more often than the boys did,
as we had predicted.
We examined the figures that the participants selected from the CDRS as
their current and their ideal figures. Boys and girls did differ in their selected cur-
rent and ideal figures. The percentages of boys and girls choosing each figure as
their current and ideal are contained in Table 2. The differing percentages of boys
(21.1%) and girls (18.3%) indicate how closely the current figure matched their
ideal figure. The results show that the girls were more dissatisfied with their body
image than were their male counterparts. The majority of both male (79.9%) and
female (81.7%) participants selected an ideal figure different from their current
figure. When the direction of the current ideal discrepancy was examined, a strik-
ing gender difference was shown. The boys were as likely to want to be heavier
(36.1%) as to be thinner (42.8%), whereas only 9 girls expressed a desire to be
heavier (8.1%) and a very large portion (74.6%) chose an ideal figure that was
thinner than their current figure.
To see the extent of body image dissatisfaction, we calculated the percent-
ages for those who selected an ideal that was two or more figures apart from their
current figure on the CDRS continuum. Our calculation showed that three times
as many girls (14.5%) as boys (4.4%) had a large discrepancy of two or more fig-
ures apart, a gender difference that was statistically significant, t = 2.68, p = .001.
Gender Differences in Contour Drawing Rating Scale (CDRS) Scores
Note. Negative values in the first column represent a desire to be heavier (i.e., that the ideal figure
was bigger/heavier than the judged current figure).
Furnham, Badmin, & Sneade 589
The discrepancy between current and ideal figure for the boys was not signifi-
cant, t = 1.23, p = .221 (the difference between means for current and ideal fig-
ure choice was a very small 0.17), but the discrepancy between current and ideal
figures for the girls was very significant, t = 7.94, p = .001 (the difference
between means for current and ideal figure choice was a big difference of 1.2).
As Table 1 indicates, boys and girls did differ significantly in weight dissat-
isfaction scores, which represent the discrepancy between actual and desired
weight, t = 4.14, p = .001; 29.4% of the boys wanted to gain weight compared
with 10.2% of the girls, whereas 35% of the boys wanted to lose weight com-
pared with a vast 69.0% of the girls. Those who were satisfied with their current
weight constituted 35.2% of the boys and 21.7% of the girls. Thus, combining
the CDRS discrepancy and weight dissatisfaction results, our hypotheses that
boys and girls are dissatisfied with their bodies and that girls wish to be thinner
and boys are equally divided between those who wish to be lighter and those who
wish to be heavier were supported.
Girls obtained significantly higher EAT scores than boys. Two girls, but no
boys, scored above the clinical cut-off of 30. The scores on the Self-Esteem Scale
showed a marginally significant difference between boys and girls, t = 1.72, p =
.08. The girls had lower mean scores.
There were significant gender differences on exercising for weight control,
body fitness, mood, and tone. Girls exercised for weight control, mood, and tone
reasons significantly more than boys, who reported that they exercised more for fit-
ness reasons. There was no significant gender difference in those who chose exer-
cising for health, attractiveness, and enjoyment (all positive reasons for exercising).
We calculated correlations (Pearson’s) for both genders separately and per-
formed a partial correlation matrix (partialing out gender) on the total group. In
considering the relationship between the CDRS (discrepancy between the current
and ideal figure) and the weight dissatisfaction measure (discrepancy between
present and ideal weight), we used the absolute values of the scores to account
for direction as well as degree of body dissatisfaction. Overall, there were few
significant correlations separately between the EAT and self-esteem and the
seven reasons for exercising among the girls. EAT scores were significantly cor-
related with attractiveness, indicating that disordered eating was associated with
girls who exercised primarily to be more attractive. Self-esteem was correlated
with weight control, indicating that those with lower self-esteem exercised main-
ly to control their weight.
On the other hand, many of the correlations between the EAT and self-
esteem were significant for boys. Exercise for weight control and body tone was
highly correlated with the EAT, as was exercising for body fitness, health, and
attractiveness. Thus, for the boys, exercise for both positive and negative reasons
was associated with disordered eating attitudes. Self-esteem was also signifi-
cantly correlated with exercising for body fitness and tone. We investigated the
relationship between the CDRS scores and self-esteem using separate correla-
Correlations Between the Variables
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1. EAT –.31 .04 .02 –.05 –.07 .21 –.09 .13 –.19 .26 .05 –.09
The Journal of Psychology
2. Self-esteem –.63 .19 .04 .03 –.02 .03 –.04 .04 –.17 .10 –.03 –.11
3. Weight .29 –.06 .06 .02 .08 .50 .12 .56 –.5.2 .25 .09 .03
4. Body fitness .23 –.24 .30 .50 .55 .14 .25 .14 .04 .02 –.14 –.14
5. Mood .10 –.04 .23 .26 .04 .33 .07 .40 –.09 .23 .11 .01
6. Health .22 –.17 .33 .70 .39 .08 .28 .18 .00 .04 –.14 –.16
7. Attractiveness .28 –.18 .50 .58 .17 .54 .11 .69 –.40 .33 .08 –.06
8. Enjoyment –.09 .10 .11 .19 .39 .27 .26 .40 .04 .07 .09 .11
9. Body tone .33 –.19 .57 .55 .25 .49 .59 .16 –.48 .40 .22 .05
10. CDRS –.17 .04 –.29 –.10 .04 –.03 –.12 –.07 .20 –.63 .50 .03
11. Weight distribution .10 .01 .45 –.01 .00 –.09 .09 .07 .18 –.55 –.25 .03
12. Body mass –.10 .07 .20 .01 .21 .01 .15 .13 .11 –.12 .26 .87
13. Ideal body mass –.16 .09 .01 .01 .21 .07 .12 .17 .00 .14 –.15 .90
Note. The upper triangle is for girls (n = 124); the lower triangle is for boys (n = 108). Because of missing data, the ns for correlations vary as, therefore, do
significance levels. Generally where correlations differ .30 or more between boys and girls that difference is most often significant. CDRS = Contour Drawing
Rating Scale. EAT = Eating Attitudes Test.
Furnham, Badmin, & Sneade 591
Regression Analysis
EAT with figure
Predictor variable β t β t
Note. For the EAT, R 2 = .41, F(7, 158) = 17.59, p < .01. For Dissatisfaction with figure, R 2 = .43, F(7,
158) = 18.94, p < .001.
**p < .01. ***p < .001.
tions for boys and girls. We found a nonsignificant result for the boys (r = .04),
whereas the correlation for females was significant (r = –.17, p = .01).
The correlations between the weight dissatisfaction measure and self-esteem
showed no significant correlation for the boys (r = .01) but a modest positive cor-
relation for the girls (r = .10, p < .05). This result supports the CDRS discrepan-
cy and self-esteem correlation results. We also examined the relationship
between the self-esteem scores and the EAT separately for the two genders.
Boys’ self-esteem scores were significantly correlated with their EAT scores (r =
.63, p = .001). Girls’ scores also showed a positive significant correlation with
their EAT scores (r = .31, p = .001). Table 3 contains the statistical details. Final-
ly, we calculated a number of multiple regressions to determine the relative
power of predictor variables. The dependent variables were scores on the Total
EAT and the CDRS (Table 4).
The results for the two regression analyses were fairly similar. Self-esteem,
negative reasons for exercise, ideal body mass, actual body mass, and gender
were significant predictors of EAT scores. There were three significant predictors
of dissatisfaction with body/figure/shape, which accounted for over 40% of the
variance: negative reasons for exercise, actual body mass, and ideal body mass.
Overall, these results confirm the results of previous studies as well as our
hypotheses for this study.
These results were in agreement with previous research results (e.g., Fallon
& Rozin, 1985; Furnham & Calnan, 1998; Silberstein et al., 1988), all of which
592 The Journal of Psychology
should remember that our participants came from the socioeconomic middle
class, which means that our results may not generalize to working-class adoles-
cents. Furthermore, the girls, more than the boys, reported that they exercised for
weight control, mood, health, and tone reasons, and for the girls these reasons for
exercise were highly correlated with scores from the EAT. According to Rodin et
al. (1985), the pervasive incidence of dieting and weight concerns among women
can be considered normative discontent.
The findings suggest that, for many women, exercising may be part of the
complex of attitudes and behaviors that make up normative discontent, although
it could be argued that some of these reasons for exercise (e.g., weight control,
mood regulation) are strongly advocated by the medical profession. There is lit-
tle doubt that Western societies encourage and reward the pursuit of the perfect
body because it is an ideal that symbolizes the attainment of numerous personal
virtues and achievements. Unfortunately, the body image standards to which
women currently aspire are far beyond what can be achieved with healthy or sen-
sible levels of dieting or exercise (Brownell, 1991).
In the current study we found that dissatisfaction with body image and
weight was not significantly correlated with self-esteem for boys but was signif-
icant for the girls. The hypothesis that those who are dissatisfied with their bod-
ies have lower self-esteem, regardless of the direction of body image dissatisfac-
tion, was supported; we found that body image dissatisfaction is more closely
related to low self-esteem for girls than for boys. This result confirms research
on the relationship between body satisfaction and self-esteem showing that
female body image satisfaction is highly correlated with self-esteem (Lerner et
al., 1973). However, it does not replicate the findings of Silberstein et al. (1988)
who found that there was no relationship between female body dissatisfaction
and self-esteem, which Silberstein et al. reasoned was because of the normative
discontent mechanism described earlier.
However, as reported by Davis and Cowles (1991), dieting is a more com-
mon behavior among women who report that the way they feel about their bod-
ies is important to the way they feel about themselves in general; this relation-
ship was not found for the men in their study. Results of our present study would
support this view. There is considerable evidence that men are more visually
interested in the bodies of the opposite sex than are women (see Mazur, 1986, for
a review). As a result, women have traditionally displayed a greater commitment
to the pursuit of cultural standards of beauty than have men. In an era that cher-
ishes a very slender body for women, those for whom body satisfaction is a cen-
tral aspect for self-esteem are more likely to be preoccupied with weight and
prone to negative eating attitudes.
It could also be that rather than body dissatisfaction causing low self-esteem
in women the reverse could be true (low self-esteem may cause individuals to be
dissatisfied with their bodies). Individuals with a negative sense of self, situated
in a culture obsessed with the pursuit of physical perfection at almost any cost,
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