CF Unit 4

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• System Software Languages

• System s/w Vs Application s/w Definition
• Type of system s/w Generations of computer languages
• Introduction & Types of OS Type of languages
• Boot loader Language processors : Assembler, Interpreter &
• Diagnostic programs
Linker & Loader
Program constructs
• Utility programs Algorithm & Flowchart
• Application Software
• Microcomputer s/w
• Interacting with the system
• Trends in PC s/w
• Type of Application s/w
• Differences between program & packages
Types of system software -
• Operating system – It takes care of effective and efficient utilization
of all hardware and software components of a computer system.
• Programming language translators – It transform the instructions
prepared by programmers in a programming language into a form
that can be interpreted and executed by a computer system.
Example- Assembler, Compiler & Interpreter
• Communication Software – In a network environment
communications software enables transfer of data and programs from
one computer system to another.
• Utility Programs- It is a set of programs that help user in system
maintenance tasks and in performing tasks of routine nature.
Example- Format, Backup, Restore, Zip, Unzip & Anti virus
Introduction & Types of OS
• An Operating System is the interface between the computer
hardware and the end-user. Processing of data, running applications,
file management and handling the memory is all managed by the
computer OS.
Types of OS –

1. Batch Operating System

• There is no direct communication between the computer and the OS.
• There is an intermediate, the Operator, which needs to distribute the work into batches
and sort similar jobs.
• Multiple users can use it.
• Can easily manager a large amount of work.
2. Real-Time Operating System
• It has a data processing system.
• The processing time is very small between the user’s command and the output.
• Used in fields where the response needs to be quick and rapid.
3. Time-Sharing Operating System
• Multiple people at various terminals can use a program at the same time.
• The main motive is to minimize the response time.
4. Distributed Operating System
• When two or more systems are connected to each other and one can open files which
are not present in their system but in other devices connected in the network.
• Its usage has now increased over the years.
• They use multiple central processors to serve real-time applications.
• Failure of one system does not affect the other systems connected in the network.
5. Embedded Operating System
• These special Operating systems are built into larger systems
• They generally are limited to single specific functions like an ATM.
6. Network Operating System
• They have one main server which is connected to other client servers
• All the management of files, processing of data, access to sharing files, etc. are
performed over this small network
• It is also a secure operating system for working with multiple users.
7. Mobile Operating System
• With the advancement in the field of technology, smart phones now are released with an
Operating system.
• They are designed in a manner that they can help a small device work efficiently.
8. Multi user operating systems
• It allows a number of users to work simultaneously on a single computer system. These
types of operating systems are specially designed for the multi user system.
• Examples of multi user operating systems includes Unix, Linux and Windows 2000.
9. Multitasking operating systems
• It allows a user to give multitask at a same time on a single computer system.
• multitasking operating system are also known as multiprocessing operating system and
multiprogramming operating system.
• The number of tasks processed simultaneously by this operating system is depending
upon speed of CPU, the capacity of memory and size of programs.
• Examples of multitasking operating systems includes Unix, Linux, Windows 2000,
windows XP and windows 10.
10. Multiprocessor operating system
• It allows the computer system to use more than one CPU in a single system for executing
more than one or multiple processes at a time.
• A computer system having multiple CPU process faster than a system which contains a
single CPU.
• Examples of multiprocessor operating systems are Linux, Unix, windows 2000 etc.
Boot loader

• A boot loader is a special operating system software that loads and

starts the boot time tasks and processes of an operating system.
• It enables loading the operating system within the computer memory
when a computer is started or booted up.
• A boot loader is also known as a boot manager or bootstrap loader.
Diagnostic programs

• A diagnostic program is a software tool used to diagnose problems

with a particular set of hardware devices. It can be used by a trained
technician or by the owner of the device, to identify and
resolve hardware issues.
• Diagnostic programs ideally provide the user with guidance regarding
any issues or problems found during its operation.

• BIOS (basic input/output system) is the program in a ROM chip found

on motherboards that uses to start the computer system after it is
powered on. It also manages data flow between the
computer's operating system (OS) and attached devices, such as the
hard disk, video adapter, keyboard, mouse and printer.
• The main use of BIOS is to act as a middleman between OS and the
hardware they run on.
Main functions of a BIOS are –

• POST - Test the computer hardware and make sure no errors exist before
loading the operating system.
• Bootstrap Loader - Locate the operating system. If a capable operating system
is located, the BIOS will pass control to it.
• BIOS drivers - Low-level drivers that give the computer basic operational
control over your computer's hardware.
• BIOS setup or CMOS setup - Configuration program that allows you to
configure hardware settings including system settings, such as computer
passwords, time, and date.
Application Software
Application software is a set of one or more programs designed to
solve a specific problem or task. Example Payroll processing system,
Exam result processing system, Ticket reservation Software, word
processor, a spreadsheet, an accounting application, a web browser,
an email client, a media player, a file viewer, a console game, or a
photo editor. etc.
Types of application software –
• Pre-written Application Software
• User specific Application Software
Differences between program & packages
1.Programs are set of instructions 1. Packages are set of software
to perform a task. programs.
2.These are one piece of software. 2. These are multiple pieces of
3.Programs are something that software.
provide instruction to computer 3. Packages are something that is
to perform particular task. packed.
4. Program is especially developed 4. It is a special method of distributing
by highly skilled programmer i.e. and installing software to computer.
single programmer. 5. Package is especially developed by
5. Programs are easy to develop group of programmers i.e. more than
and requires less time as one programmer and require more
compared to packages i.e. few time to develop than program i.e.
hours or minutes. weeks or months.
Differences between System Software &
Application Software
• The first generation languages, or 1GL, are low-level languages that
are machine language.
• The second-generation languages, or 2GL, are also low-
level assembly languages. They are sometimes used in kernels and
hardware drives, but more commonly used for video editing and
video games.
• The third-generation languages, or 3GL, are high-level languages,
such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, and Visual Basic.
• The fourth-generation languages, or 4GL, are languages that consist
of statements similar to statements in a human language. Fourth
generation languages are commonly used in database programming
and scripts examples include Perl, PHP, Python and SQL.
• The fifth-generation languages, or 5GL, are programming languages
that contain visual tools to help to develop a program. Examples
includes Mercury, OPS5, and Prolog.
Language processors
The language processor is a special translator program used to
translate the program written in high-level language (Source code)
into machine code (Object code).
• Assembler- The Assembler is used to translate the program written in
Assembly language into machine code.
• Interpreter - The translation of single statement of source program into
machine code is done by language processor and executes it immediately
before moving on to the next line is called an interpreter. If there is an error
in the statement, the interpreter terminates its translating process at that
statement and displays an error message. The interpreter moves on to the
next line for execution only after removal of the error.
• Compiler - The language processor that reads the complete source
program written in high level language as a whole in one go and translates
it into machine language is called as a Compiler.
Linker & Loader
In execution of the program, major role is played by two utility
programs known as Linker and Loader.
1. Linker :
A linker is special program that combines the object files, generated by
compiler/assembler, and other pieces of codes to originate an executable
file have. exe extension. In the object file, linker searches and append all
libraries needed for execution of file. It regulates memory space that code
from each module will hold. It also merges two or more separate object
programs and establishes link among them.
2. Loader :
The loader is special program that takes input of object code from linker,
loads it to main memory, and prepares this code for execution by
computer. Loader allocates memory space to program. Even it settles down
symbolic reference between objects. It in charge of loading programs and
libraries in operating system.
Program constructs
• Programs are designed using common building blocks. These building
blocks, known as programming constructs (or programming
concepts), form the basis for all programs.
• There are three basic building blocks to consider:-
• sequence is the order in which instructions occur and are processed
• selection determines which path a program takes when it is running
• iteration is the repeated execution of a section of code when a program is
• There are two types of iteration:
• definite iteration (also known as count-controlled iteration)
• indefinite iteration (also known as condition-controlled iteration)
• All programs use one or more of these constructs. The longer and
more complex the program, the more these constructs will be used
Algorithm & Flowchart
Algorithm refers to a set of rules/instructions that step-by-step define
how a work is to be executed upon inorder to get the expected
In programming, algorithm is a set of well defined instructions in
sequence to solve the problem.
Qualities of a algorithm
• Input and output should be defined precisely.
• Each steps in algorithm should be clear and unambiguous.
• Algorithm should be most effective among many different ways to solve
a problem.
• An algorithm shouldn’t have computer code. Instead, the algorithm
should be written in such a way that, it can be used in similar
programming languages.
Examples Of Algorithm
Write an algorithm to add two numbers entered by user.

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables num1, num2 and sum.
Step 3: Read values num1 and num2.
Step 4: Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to sum.
Step 5: Display sum
Step 6: Stop
• A flowchart is a type of diagram
that represents an algorithm,
workflow or process.
• The flowchart shows the steps as
boxes of various kinds, and their
order by connecting the boxes
with arrows.
• Flowcharts are used in analyzing,
designing, documenting or
managing a process or program
in various fields.
Algorithm Flowchart
1. Algorithm is step by step 1. Flowchart is a diagram created by
procedure to solve the problem. different shapes to show the flow
2. Algorithm is complex to of data.
understand. 2. Flowchart is easy to understand.
3. In algorithm plain text are used. 3. In flowchart, symbols/shapes are
4. Algorithm is easy to debug. used.
4. Flowchart it is hard to debug.
5. Algorithm is difficult to construct. 5. Flowchart is simple to construct.
6. Algorithm does not follow any 6. Flowchart follows rules to be
rules. constructed.
7. Algorithm is the pseudo code for 7. Flowchart is just graphical
the program. representation of that logic.

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