Cancer Revised)
Cancer Revised)
Cancer Revised)
the nationwide cancer pain survey was done from 9th april to 14th april 20
01 supported by janssen korea. the 7,507 cancer patients were surveyed i
n nationwide 72 hospitals by 138 clinicians. the patients were divided into
three groups, below 65 years-old, between 65 and 74 years-old, and abov
e 75 years-old. 5,266 (70.1%) was below 65 years-old, 1,723 (23.0%) was
between 65-74 years-old, and 518 (6.9%) was above 75 years-old. male
patients was 4,151 (55.3%) and female patients was 3,353 (44.7%). we ana
lysed cancer pain prevalence rate, pain management and satisfaction rate
of pain management, and side effects of analgesics between age groups.
result s
conclu sion