2012 Adessi & de Philippis 2012-Ricg
2012 Adessi & de Philippis 2012-Ricg
2012 Adessi & de Philippis 2012-Ricg
In this chapter, the production of hydrogen with purple nonsulfur (PNS) bacteria is
presented, describing the main physiological features of PNS bacteria, the enzymes
involved in H2 production and the technological aspects related to the process of
photofermentation. In particular, the conversion yields of the substrates, both synthetic
and derived from waste products, utilized for H2 production are presented, together
with some considerations on the efficiency of the conversion of the light energy into
hydrogen energy. The problems related with the scaling up of the process and with
the use of solar light are finally discussed, presenting some of the open problems
still to be solved in order to make this process economically feasible.
4.1 Introduction
One of the possible ways for biological hydrogen production is connected with a
process referred to as photofermentation. In this process, anoxygenic photosynthetic
bacteria, and in particular, purple nonsulfur (PNS) bacteria, are able to reduce H+
ions to gaseous H2, using both the reducing power deriving from the oxidation of
organic compounds, such as low-molecular weight fatty acids, and the energy deriv-
ing from light. This process is generally considered very promising, due to the high
substrate conversion yields that can be achieved, the possibility to use a wide spec-
trum of the sunlight, the absence of O2 evolving reactions (that would inhibit the
Purple nonsulfur (PNS) bacteria are anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria that contain
photosynthetic pigments and are able to perform anoxygenic photosynthesis under
anoxic conditions; they mainly belong to the taxonomic group Alphaproteobacteria,
even if many species belong to the Betaproteobacteria (respectively, 18 and 3 genera
have been recognized for each group, as described by Madigan and Jung 2009). The
Alphaproteobacteria are divided into three subgroups: a-1 for Rhodospirillum and
relatives, a-2 for Rhodopseudomonas and relatives, and a-3 for Rhodobacter and
relatives (Imhoff 2006). Indeed, it is a very diverse group as regards morphology,
internal membrane structure, carotenoid composition, utilization of carbon sources
and electron donors, cytochrome c structures, lipid composition, quinone composition,
lipopolysaccharide structure, and fatty acid composition (Imhoff 1995). However,
sequence analysis of the proteins composing the reaction center (Nagashima et al.
1997) showed a similarity that suggests a lateral gene transfer for the acquisition of
their phototrophic capacity, even corroborated by the close relation with strictly
chemotrophic relatives (Imhoff 2006).
PNS bacteria can be found in aquatic environments rich in organic soluble matter
as lakes, waste water ponds, and costal lagoons. Some representatives can also be
found in sediments and moist soils, and some even in marine and hyper saline envi-
ronments. They usually occur in temperate habitats, but some PNS bacteria reside
in thermal springs and in cold polar waters (Imhoff 2006). However, eutrophic
ponds are the most common habitat where, only occasionally, PNS bacteria can
form dense blooms; more frequently they inhabit the anoxic or low-oxygen tension
layers of water bodies. At the same time, a suitable light irradiation is preferred even
if not strictly necessary.
The publication of the first complete genome sequence of a PNS bacterium,
Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Larimer et al. 2004), pointed out the metabolic
versatility of these bacteria. Such a complexity of metabolic pathways requires
further discussion. The unique characteristic of purple bacteria is their ability to
form their energy carrier (ATP) in the absence of oxygen by using sunlight as a
source of energy. All PNS bacteria can grow photoheterotrophically using reduced
4 Hydrogen Production: Photofermentation 55
Fig. 4.1 Main processes related to hydrogen production, under photoheterotrophic growth in
nonnitrogen fixing conditions: anoxygenic photosynthesis, ATP synthesis, TCA cycle, hydroge-
nase, and nitrogenase activities. The straight black arrows indicate the electron flow. The lightning
symbol indicates light excitation. Abbreviations: Cyt bc1 = cytochrome bc1 complex; Cyt c2 = cyto-
chrome c2; Fd = ferredoxin; RC = Reaction Center; Succinate – DH = succinate dehydrogenase;
NADH-DH = NADH dehydrogenase
carbon compounds as electron donors and carbon source; some species can also
grow photolithoautotrophically using S2−, H2, or Fe2+ as electron donors and CO2 as
the sole carbon source (Larimer et al. 2004).
The cycle of anoxygenic photosynthesis is presented schematically in Fig. 4.1: a
photon stimulates the excitation of bacteriochlorophylls in the reaction center and
this energy is used for the release of an electron which reduces the quinone Q. Once
the quinone is doubly reduced (i.e., after a second photon is captured), it picks up
protons from the cytoplasmic space and translocates through the membrane to reach
the cytochrome bc1 complex: here electrons are addressed to the cytochrome c2 (Cyt c2)
while protons are released in the periplasmic space. Cyt c2 is then able to reduce the
oxidized primary electron donors in the RC, thus closing the cycle. The protons
accumulated in the periplasm form an electrochemical gradient which is used by the
ATP-synthase to generate ATP.
The reduced quinones can open the cycle making the NADH dehydrogenase
working in the “reversed” way to reduce NAD+ to NADH, and the succinate dehy-
drogenase can also work “backwards” reducing fumarate to succinate (processes not
shown in Fig. 4.1). The reversed NADH dehydrogenase reaction is also the way to
refurnish the cell with NADH reducing equivalents (Adessi and De Philippis 2012).
56 A. Adessi and R. De Philippis
H 2 ↔ 2H + + 2e − (4.2)
High hydrogenase activities have been observed in cells possessing an active nitrogenase;
the hydrogen produced by nitrogenase stimulates the synthesis of hydrogenase in
growing cells, even though the synthesis of hydrogenase is not closely linked geneti-
cally to the synthesis of nitrogenase (Coulbeau 1980).
4.3.1 Nitrogenase
This is the reaction used for hydrogen production processes; as shown in Fig. 4.1,
nitrogenase under nonnitrogen fixing conditions uses ATP and electrons deriving
from the cyclic photosynthesis: the electrons are transferred to nitrogenase by ferre-
doxins that have been previously reduced in an ATP-consuming reaction.
4.3.2 Hydrogenase
The hydrogenases are iron–sulfur proteins distributed into two main phylogenetically
distinct classes, the [NiFe]-hydrogenases and the [FeFe]-hydrogenases, which contain,
respectively, a Ni and a Fe atom or two Fe atoms at their active site.
The [NiFe]-hydrogenases are the most studied and the kind most frequently
found in photosynthetic bacteria. The synthesis of these enzymes occurs under
anaerobic conditions, and is usually negatively regulated by O2. [NiFe]-hydrogenases
are divided into four groups, according to Vignais (2008), based on their function:
1. Uptake hydrogenases: Respiratory enzymes, which recover electrons from H2,
reducing the membrane-soluble quinones; they are involved in anaerobic
2. Cytoplasmic H2 sensors: Regulatory enzymes, able to activate the cascade regu-
lating the respiratory hydrogenases in the presence of H2.
3. Bidirectional heteromultimeric cytoplasmic [NiFe]-hydrogenases: Enzymes able
to bind NAD and NADP and to work in both directions, either to generate reduced
nucleotides, or to dispose of exceeding electrons.
4. H2 evolving, energy-conserving, membrane-associated hydrogenases: These
multimeric enzymes appear to couple anaerobic oxidation of one-carbon-atom
organic compounds to the production of H2.
[FeFe]-Hydrogenases are very uncommon in PNS bacteria, yet its presence in
Rp. palustris is confirmed by the genome sequence (Larimer et al. 2004). This could
be a result of horizontal gene transfer, as it is an enzyme usually found in anaerobic
prokaryotes as clostridia and sulfate-reducing bacteria. In H2 production processes,
active uptake hydrogenases are undesirable, as they affect the gas production: in
particular, an inactivation of such enzymes usually leads to an enhanced hydrogen
production (Ooshima et al. 1998; Franchi et al. 2004; Kim et al. 2006; Öztürk et al.
2006; Kars et al. 2008).
4 Hydrogen Production: Photofermentation 59
Glucose Fructose
Glucose 6 P Fructose 1 P
Entner Embden
Doudoroff Meyerhof
Pathway Pathway
3−PGA CO2 + H2
Calvin cycle
Pyruvate D−Malate
Acetyl−CoA Acetate
2 − Oxoglutarate Glutamate
Fig. 4.2 Carbon metabolism in PNS bacteria. Frames highlight some of the most common
substrates metabolized by PNS bacteria. Abbreviations: 3-PGAL = glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate;
DHAP = di-hydroxy-aceton-phosphate; 3-PGA = 3-phospho-glyceric acid; PEP = phospho-
60 A. Adessi and R. De Philippis
It has to be stressed that these reactions are theoretical, because they are neither
considering the utilization of the substrate for the growth nor the limiting factors
occurring in a culture. On the basis of these reactions, the gas should be expected to
be composed of 66.7% H2 and 33.3% CO2 when growing on lactate and acetate; 60%
H2 and 40% CO2 when growing on malate. Actually the gas phase above the culture
is much richer in H2 than in CO2, due to a partial solubilization of CO2 in the culture
medium and also to a partial fixation to CO2 for anabolic reactions. A 100% conver-
sion efficiency was reported by Sasikala et al. (1990), but in a limited culture volume
(2 ml); substrate conversion yields (reported in Table 4.1) mainly range for acetate
between 69 and 75%; for lactate between 50 and 85%; for malate from 25 to 88%.
Table 4.1 Substrate conversion yields, light conversion efficiencies, mean H2 production rates, and maximum H2 production rates of PNS bacteria growing on
synthetic media
Substrate Light Mean rate Maximum rate
Carbon source Organism conversion (%)a conversion (%)b (ml l−1 h−1) (ml l−1 h−1) References
Acetate Rhodopseudomonas sp. 72.80 0.90 n.a. 25.20 Barbosa et al. (2001)
Rhodopseudomonas palustris 14.80 0.10 n.a. 2.20 Barbosa et al. (2001)
Rhodobacter capsulatus 75 0.68 16.78c n.a. Özgür et al. (2009)
Rhodobacter sphaeroides ZX-5 69 14.04c 90 Tao et al. (2008)
Lactate Rhodopseudomonas sp. 9.60 0.40 n.a. 10.70 Barbosa et al. (2001)
Rp. palustris 12.60 0.50 n.a. 9.10 Barbosa et al. (2001)
Rb. sphaeroides RV 50–80 n.a. n.a. 36.60 Fascetti and Todini (1995)
Rb. capsulatus JP91 52.70 n.a. 21.50 38.50 He et al. (2006)
Hydrogen Production: Photofermentation
The conversion efficiency is strongly affected by the C/N ratio in the culture.
Indeed, a high C/N ratio in the culture medium usually leads to higher hydrogen pro-
duction compared with a low C/N ratio, where a higher cell growth occurs (Redwood
et al. 2009). In the latter case, the conversion efficiency decreases due to the con-
sumption of the organic acids for cell growth instead of for hydrogen production.
This problem becomes a very relevant matter when wastewaters or liquors
derived from other fermentation processes are utilized for the production of H2 by
means of photofermentation. This matter will be treated in the following section of
this chapter.
Hydrogen production using PNS bacteria is an attractive process due to the oppor-
tunity of producing a nonpolluting energy vector through a nonpolluting biological
process that can also be combined with the disposal of various kinds of wastes. It is
also possible to couple the production of H2 with the production of other valuable
products, as vitamins or biological plastic materials (PHB), or with the use of the
spent biomass itself as a fertilizer. These opportunities are the lights that drive the research
along an uneven path. The hurdles along this path are constituted by the costs and
by the low efficiencies of conversion of substrate and of light into H2. Costs are
related to the type of substrate used for the photofermentation, to the light source
and, mainly, to the construction of photobioreactors. The complex issues regarding
photobioreactors are discussed in Sect. 4.6. There are also energetic costs related
the light sources as well as culture mixing.
The aim of the research in this field is to find the best balance between costs and
yields: if the yield is not very high the costs have to be very limited, but if a very
high yield is reached a higher cost can be tolerated. It is possible to individuate two
different lines in the current research: on the one hand there are groups working with
very low-cost systems, using complex low-cost substrates and natural light sources;
on the other hand there are groups working on the optimization of hydrogen produc-
tion, aiming at obtaining the best production rates with the best technology avail-
able. Regardless of the approach chosen, the goal is a cost-effective process.
The use of synthetic media for hydrogen production process has a very high relevance,
as it describes the behavior of the microorganisms in a controlled system, where the
culture medium is completely defined. Culture conditions are usually very homogeneous
4 Hydrogen Production: Photofermentation 63
with regard to temperature and pH, respectively, around 30°C and around 7.0. Based
on the two reviews recently published by Koku et al. (2002) and Kapdan and Kargi
(2006), it is possible to say that acetate, lactate, and malate are the most commonly
used organic acids for hydrogen production; only a little data is available for
butyrate, and some data refer to the use of sugars, such as glucose or fructose.
The C/N ratio is quite variable among the studies reported, as it has to be optimized
according to the microorganism and the carbon substrate used.
Considering the three most frequently utilized substrates, it appears that their
conversion yield is highly dependent on the PNS bacterial strain and on the condi-
tions utilized (Table 4.1), showing a high variability even within the data obtained
with the same substrate. In any case, the best conversion yields are in the range
75–88% (Table 4.1). In all the studies, the maximum rate of H2 production was
reported, but quite frequently the mean production rate, which is a parameter of
great interest for practical applications, is not available. The maximum rates reported
range from very low values (about 1–2 ml l−1 h−1) to very high values (103 and
165 ml l−1 h−1). In particular, the highest maximum production rate so far obtained
was achieved by using high light intensity with stacked cultures of Rhodobacter
sphaeroides ZX-5 (Li et al. 2009).
However, the little data that is available on light conversion efficiency shows
very low values, thus pointing out that one of the main critical points to be solved is
the efficiency of light utilization by the PNS bacteria. Indeed, it has been reported
that a light conversion efficiency of about 10% should be achieved in order to make
this process economically feasible (Basak and Das 2007; Akkerman et al. 2002).
As mentioned above, one of the most interesting features of PNS bacteria is their
capability to use, for the production of H2, waste residues derived from industrial or
agricultural processes. This characteristic gives two potential economic advantages
to this process (1) the substrate is free or very cheap, being a waste derived from other
processes; (2) the use of these substrates for H2 production processes reduces or
eliminates the cost of their treatment and/or disposal. Moreover, these substrates are,
in many cases, available in large amounts. However, it has to be considered that the
H2 production plant must be located close to the site or area of production of wastes,
in order to maintain at the lowest level the expenses for transporting this material.
According to Koku et al. (2002), wastes deriving from sugar refineries (Yetis
et al. 2000), tofu factories (Zhu et al. 1999a), olive mills (Eroğlu et al. 2002), municipal
solid wastes (Fascetti et al. 1998), dairy plants (Türkaslan et al. 1998), and lactate
fermentation plants (Sasikala and Ramana 1991) have been used, at proper dilutions
and with proper additions, with Rb. sphaeroides. In particular, as they report, the best
waste used with this species was tofu wastewater, considering the high gas production
rates and the fact that the wastewater was not diluted and no addition of other nutrients
was necessary; they obtained a gas production rate of 15.9 ml l−1 h−1.
64 A. Adessi and R. De Philippis
As mentioned above, light irradiance is very important factor when using photosynthetic
bacteria and it has to be stressed that in a cost-effective system the best solution
4 Hydrogen Production: Photofermentation 65
would appear to be the use of natural solar light. However, there are a number of
problems arising from the use of natural irradiation. They are presented below
together with some new possibilities for enhancing light conversion efficiency.
Even if purple bacteria are able to use a wide range of the solar light spectrum
(400–950 nm), in fact this PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) for purple bacteria
is only 65.8% of total solar radiation (Akkerman et al. 2002). Another problem
comes from the light saturation of PNS bacterial cultures: Miyake et al. (1999)
showed how, in an outdoor experiment, the maximum rates (3.4 l m−2 h−1) were
obtained 2–3 h after the maximum light intensity at noon, while during the period
of the day with the highest irradiation (about 1.0 kW m−2) hydrogen production rates
were significantly lower, thus indicating probable photoinhibition. The same study
points out how the intrinsic variability of solar light makes the rates vary along with
light intensity during the day: this means that the process is continuously varying
and the rates cannot be constant. It is anyway interesting to observe how after the
night period, when gas production ceases, photoevolution of gas starts again after a
lag period of 2–4 h.
Özgür et al. (2009) showed how when passing from indoor experiments to
outdoors, temperature fluctuation becomes a very relevant concern, as temperature
fluctuation decreases H2 production by 50%, and being subject to light/dark cycles
further decreases it. In another photobioreactor irradiated by solar light (Eroğlu
et al. 2008), but bigger in volume (8.0 l instead of the 0.550 l of the previous article
cited), an average production rate 10 ml l−1 h−1 was obtained when using malate as a
In any case, it is evident that absent or insufficient light irradiation stops hydrogen
production, and this has an effect on the total gas production, that is surely lower
than the amount that can be produced by continuous illumination. In this regard, it
is worth considering integrated artificial and solar light systems; as an example a
system has been proposed (Ogbonna et al. 1999) to overcome the solar light variations
during the day, bad weather periods, and the night periods: solar light was collected
by Fresnel lenses equipped with a light-tracking sensor; the solar light collection
device was connected to optical fibers that brought light into light radiators which
homogeneously diffused light into the photobioreactor. This system was equipped
with a light intensity sensor that in the case of insufficient solar light intensity switched
on an artificial light to supply the culture’s light needs. This ingenious system may
have opened up a path aiming to create an homogeneous and continuous hydrogen
production process. However, a careful evaluation of the costs of the use of artificial
light and benefits in terms of increased hydrogen production must be done before
proposing these technologically complex systems.
McKinlay and Harwood (2010) stressed the relevance of the energetic yield of
hydrogen production rates compared with crop-based biofuels if only it was possible
66 A. Adessi and R. De Philippis
also observed that, when the light intensity was below 90 W m−2, hydrogen production
ceased and the substrate was only used for cell growth. However, also considering
that the producing system operated under not yet optimized conditions, the results
seem promising. Indeed, they have shown the feasibility of the scaling up of the
system, and the possibility to maintain a culture of PNS bacteria for a long time (about
1 month) under natural irradiation with a significant production of hydrogen.
One of the most relevant issues to be considered for the optimization of the production
of H2 via photofermentation is the photochemical efficiency of the system.
Considering the absorption spectrum of purple bacteria (Fig. 4.3), Miyake (1998)
calculated that for the production of a single molecule of H2, 11 photons are required
at 860 nm; Akkerman et al. (2002) calculated that 14–15.8 photons are required for
a molecule of H2 at 522 nm. Even though there are no data available on the quantum
yields at the other wavelengths utilizable by purple bacteria, it has been estimated
that the overall theoretical photosynthetic efficiency (PE) (4.9) is at least 10%. The
details of these calculations can be found in Akkerman et al. (2002).
One of the problems in comparing the data of light efficiency of different H2-
producing systems is due to the lack of homogeneity in the way light intensities are
measured and reported in different papers. Indeed, a first cause of unhomogeneity
68 A. Adessi and R. De Philippis
Fig. 4.3 Absorption spectrum typical for PNS bacteria. Absorption maxima at 805 and 875 are
due to bacteriochlorophyll a
comes from different ways of measuring light, based on different theoretical assump-
tions, which makes it difficult to convert one unit of measurement to another.
Anyway, to give an order of magnitude of the light intensities more frequently used,
they range in the thousands of lux, usually around 10 klux, and in hundreds of both
mmol (photons) m−2 s−1 and W m−2.
Another cause of unhomogeneity in the data reported in the literature is related
to the different light requirements of the organisms utilized, and with the character-
istics of the light source used (incandescent lamp, LEDs, solar light), which have
different spectra of emission as well as different intensities and angle of incidence.
It has also to be stressed that in many cases, if not all, the value of the light energy
used for calculating the light efficiency with (4.9) is that impinging on the photobio-
reactor, and not the one actually absorbed by the culture. As an example, Uyar et al.
(2007) indicate, for Rb. sphaeroides, a minimum light intensity of 270 W m−2 to obtain
high hydrogen production rates; they state that this value is equivalent to 4,000 lux
and 1,370 mmol (photons) m−2 s−1.
When using artificial light, the most used light sources are tungsten lamps as their
emission spectrum covers the absorption spectrum of PNS bacteria (see Figs. 4.3
and 4.4). Particularly important is the near infrared emission, the absorption maximum
of bacteriochlorophylls.
4 Hydrogen Production: Photofermentation 69
Fig. 4.4 Emission spectrum of a tungsten lamp at an equivalent color temperature of 3,053°K
Photobioreactors for biohydrogen production with PNS bacteria are closed systems
that allow the maintenance of anaerobic conditions, and prevent H2 gas leakage;
they are characterized by a high illuminated surface to volume ratio, and need for a
mixing system to keep the cells as much uniformly illuminated as possible. A very
large part of literature regarding photobioreactors is dedicated to microalgal cultures,
and mainly for biomass production processes (Ugwu et al. 2007). Even if some light
distribution characteristics can be common, those processes differ significantly from
hydrogen production processes using purple bacteria.
Two main types of photobioreactors are suitable for hydrogen production
processes with PNS bacteria: flat panel bioreactors and tubular reactors; air lift pho-
tobioreactors are not appropriate for this kind of process as it would be necessary to
70 A. Adessi and R. De Philippis
bubble argon gas inside the reactor, instead of air, in order to maintain anaerobic and
not-nitrogen-fixing conditions, and this would drastically increase the costs.
Flat panel reactors are rectangular transparent boxes that can be either vertical or
inclined in sun direction. They are only a few centimeters thick (1–5 cm, according
to Akkerman et al. 2002) and this exposes cells to only very short mixing-induced
light/dark cycles, which otherwise decrease hydrogen productivity. The advantage
in using flat panel photobioreactors is the possibility to arrange a set of reactors one
behind the other, at a proper distance, to increase the ground area productivity
(Gebicki et al. 2009).
Tubular photobioreactors consist of transparent tubes placed either horizontally
or with an inclination of 10°–30°, south oriented (Gebicki et al. 2009); mixing is
mechanical and gas is collected at the top of the bioreactor. In these systems, the gas
is collected on one side of the tube and this imposes a limit in length; indeed, the
longer the tube, the longer the time the gas bubble stays inside the reactor where H2
could be taken up by cells, thus decreasing hydrogen productivity.
A relevant aspect when using outdoor cultures is the management of light inten-
sities, not only when they are not sufficient, but also when they are too high, as
mentioned above (Sect. 4.5.2). Wakayama and Miyake (2002) developed a light-shade
bands photobioreactor system and were able to obtain a light conversion efficiency
of 3.5% at 800 W m−2 of solar light intensity, while photoinhibition was observed at
400 W m−2 without the shading system.
Some very promising results have been obtained by Nath and Das (2005) and by
Asada et al. (2006) that reached, respectively, a global yield of 5.3 and 7.1 mol (H2)
mol (glucose)−1 with such integrated processes. The details of the two-stage processes
are discussed in Chap. 7.
At the present time, increases in energy demands makes it necessary to find new
energy sources, which at the same time reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
Photofermentative H2 production appears promising because of the possibility of
providing renewable and sustainable energy while using free solar light and managing
waste disposal. However, large-scale production is still far from being practical, as
some obstacles remain to be overcome. Several of these challenges were discussed in
specific topics in this chapter; the most pressing open issues are detailed below:
• Light delivery is a very complex problem, involving both light sources and the
design of efficient photobioreactors.
• There are several points concerning substrates. Substrates need to be found that
have the right C/N ratio and are readily available. Large-scale production requires
industrial, retail, and agricultural wastes suitable for photofermentation that are
produced throughout the year, and with a stable composition. Moreover, BioH2
plants will need to be placed near the waste production sites. Therefore, future
factories of this type should be built in locations with large surface areas available,
in order to provide sufficient area for photobioreactors.
• Multiple-organism systems appear to be a promising method for efficient energy
generation (Redwood et al. 2009; McKinlay and Harwood 2010), and, although
scaling up requires solving an number of economic problems, current laboratory
scale data are encouraging.
Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the Italian Ministry of University and
Research (MIUR) (FISR, “IDROBIO” Project), Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forest
Politics (MIPAAF) (“IMERA” Project), and Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (“Firenze
Hydrolab” Project) that partially supported the research carried out in their laboratory and men-
tioned in this chapter.
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