Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Abstract— This research paper is a day. It has been proven by a lot of surveys that the
comprehensive review of the current and emerging world has generated more than 90% of data in the last
aspects of big data analytics. The term "big data" 2 years . Even after having access to a plethora of
is used to describe data sets that are exceptionally information, people often feel less informed. This
large and complex, requiring more advanced abundance of data has had a significant impact on
processing methods than traditional techniques. businesses, as they must manage and analyze vast
The paper delves into the factors driving the amounts of online content, including social media
posts, videos, and mobile phone records. This type of
growth of big data, including the increased use of
data is commonly known as Big Data.
computerized devices and the popularity of social
media. It also discusses the characteristics of big
data, such as volume, velocity, variety, and veracity, The term "Big Data" refers to large and complex data
and the challenges involved in processing and sets that are generated from various sources such as
analyzing such vast amounts of data. The paper social media, e-commerce transactions, sensors, and
covers various tools and techniques used in big data other digital devices. One of the primary challenges
analytics, including machine learning, natural that we face with Big Data is how to manage and
language processing, and data visualization. analyze it effectively. Primitive data processing tools
Furthermore, it explores the role of big data and techniques are often not enough to handle such
platforms such as Hadoop, Spark, and Samza in massive amounts of data, and businesses need to adopt
enabling organizations to process and analyze these new and efficient technologies and methods to analyze
complex data sets. Additionally, the paper provides and manage it. This requires investment in powerful
an overview of the applications of big data analytics computing systems, data storage, and advanced
in healthcare, education, and sports. It highlights analytics tools that can process and extract valuable
how big data analytics is driving innovation, insights from the data.
improving decision-making, and enhancing
performance in these fields, and provides examples
of successful applications of big data analytics. B. WHAT IS BIG DATA?
Overall, this research paper provides a The concept of Big Data refers to datasets that have
comprehensive overview of big data analytics, grown to such an extent that they become challenging
covering a range of topics related to this rapidly to manage using traditional database management
evolving field. It highlights the importance of big concepts and tools. The complexity can arise from
data analytics in enabling organizations to gain various aspects, such as data capture, storage, search,
valuable insights from large and complex data sets, sharing, analytics, and visualization. Essentially, Big
and provides insights into the tools, techniques, and Data represents a large volume of structured and
platforms that are being used to achieve this goal. unstructured data that surpasses the capacity of
The objective of this review paper is to assist conventional data processing techniques to handle
individuals, such as students and researchers, who effectively.
may have little or no prior knowledge in the field of The three dimensions of Big Data are commonly
Big Data Analytics but are interested in exploring known as the 3Vs: volume, velocity, and variety.
this area of research. By addressing the challenges Recently, two additional dimensions have been added:
discussed in this paper, readers can gain a better veracity and value.
understanding of Big Data Analytics and progress
1. Volume: Refers to the massive amount of data
towards conducting their own research with ease.
generated and collected, which can be challenging to
store and process.
2. Velocity: Refers to the speed at which data is
generated and collected, often in real-time, requiring
According to IBM, an enormous amount of data,
real-time processing and analytics.
approximately 2.5 quintillion bytes, is produced every
3. Variety: Refers to the diverse nature of Big Data,
including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured
The utilization of Big Data analytics empowers
businesses to make better-informed decisions based on
real-time data, enabling them to swiftly respond to
changes in the market and improve their competitive
edge by monitoring customer behavior. In summary,
Big Data analytics has become crucial for businesses
to stay competitive in the present data-centric world.
● Citizen Services:
Big data analytics enables governments to improve
citizen services by analyzing data on citizen needs and
preferences. Fig 2. Applications of Big Data Analytics
It helps governments provide more personalized and
efficient services, such as healthcare, public safety, and IV. Big Data in Business Intelligence:
Big data has had a significant impact on the field of
● Emergency Management: business intelligence. It has enabled companies to
Big data analytics enables governments to respond to analyze large and complex data sets, including
emergency situations more efficiently and effectively. unstructured data sources such as social media and
It allows governments to analyze large amounts of data sensor data. Big data technologies like Hadoop and
in real-time to identify critical information and make Spark have allowed companies to store and process
data at scale, and real-time analytics have become Big data analytics enables sports teams to monitor
possible, enabling companies to respond to changes in player health and prevent injuries by analyzing data
the market quickly. from wearable devices and other health monitoring
● Data Integration: It helps coaches and team managers identify potential
Big data analytics enables businesses to integrate data injury risks and take preventative measures, such as
from multiple sources, including structured and adjusting training routines and rest schedules.
unstructured data.
It helps businesses create a unified view of their data ● Fan Engagement:
and gain insights that would be difficult to obtain Big data analytics enables sports teams to engage with
using traditional BI tools. their fans by analyzing data from social media, website
traffic, and other sources.
● Predictive Analytics: It helps teams create targeted marketing campaigns,
Big data analytics enables businesses to use predictive improve fan experiences, and optimize revenue
models to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities. streams by delivering personalized messaging and
It helps businesses use data analysis to make informed offerings.
predictions about future outcomes, such as customer
behavior, market trends, and sales. VI. Big Data Analytics in Healthcare:
In the realm of big data, Hadoop, Spark, and Samza ● Speed and Efficiency:
are three widely used platforms for data analysis. Big Spark is designed for speed and efficiency, with
data platforms are software frameworks designed to in-memory processing capabilities that can
process and analyze large and complex data sets. significantly improve the performance of data
processing tasks.
I. Hadoop Platform: It also supports parallel processing, which allows it to
distribute workloads across multiple nodes in a cluster.
Hadoop is an open-source, distributed data processing
system that enables distributed and parallel processing ● Scalability:
of large amounts of data across clusters of computers. Spark is highly scalable, meaning it can handle large
Overall, Hadoop provides low cost, high efficiency, datasets and can be easily scaled up or down as data
high scalability, and high fault tolerance for processing volumes change.
large datasets. It also integrates with other big data technologies such
as Hadoop, making it a versatile platform for
managing and processing big data.