DLL - English 5 - Q4 - W6

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: JUNE 5 – 9 , 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A. Content Standards LC Listening Comprehension G Grammar F Oral Reading Fluency/RC WC Writing/ Composition/SS VC
RC Reading Comprehension OL Oral Language/ A Attitude Reading Comprehension/V Study Strategy/A Viewing
Vocabulary Development Attitude

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning a.Summarize information from a.Use complex sentences to a.Read grade level text with 128 .a. Compose a three-paragraph Determine images/ideas that
Competencies/Objectives various text types show cause and effect words correct per minute. descriptive essay on self- are explicitly used to
Write the LC code for each b. Respond appropriately to b. Use verbal and non-verbal b. Respond appropriately to selected topic influence viewers,
messages of different authentic text cues in a TV broadcast different authentic texts. b. List primary and secondary stereotypes, points of view,
EN5LC-IVf-3.13; EN5RC-IVf-5.5/Page c. Show tactfulness when c. Identify different meaning of sources of information and propaganda
77 of 164 communicating with others content specific words c. Observe politeness at all EN5VC-IVf-7; EN5VC-IVf-
EN5G-IVf-1.9.1; EN5OL-IVf-4; (denotation and connotation) times 7.1; EN5VC-IVf-7.2
EN5A-IVf-17/ Page 77 of 164 TLE. EN5SS-IVf-5; EN5WC-IIIf-2.2.8; EN5VC-IVf-7.3;
EN5F-IVf-1.13; EN5RC-IVf-5.5;
EN5Vf-20.1 EN5V-IVf-20.2
II. CONTENT Summarizing information from 1.Using complex sentences to Reading grade level text with Compose a three-paragraph Determining images/ideas
various text types show cause and effect 128 words correct per minute. descriptive essay on self- that are explicitly used to
Responding appropriately to 2.Using verbal and non-verbal Responding appropriately to selected topic. influence viewers,
messages of different authentic text cues in a TV broadcast different authentic texts. List primary and secondary stereotypes, points of view,
3.Showing tactfulness when Identifying different meaning of sources of information. and propaganda
communicating with others content specific words Observing politeness at all
(denotation and connotation) times
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide p. 82 Curriculum Guide p. 82 Curriculum Guide p. 82 Curriculum Guide p. 82 Curriculum Guide p. 82
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Boxes with reading materials, Perception charts, visual aids, Kitchen utensils and ingredients Library holdings, paper, ballpen Television, worksheet,
different text types TV, news clip as specified by the cook book, and LM advertisement video clips
cook book excerpt
A. Reviewing previous lesson or 1.Review the text types. 1.Review the use of verbal and Review 1.Visit the library. Review Primary & Secondary
presenting the new lesson 2.Ask the students to differentiate non-verbal cues. Complex Sentence 2.Let students find books with sources of information
the following text types. 2.Review complex sentences. Verbal and Non Verbal cues topics that would fit their
3.Review cause and effect interest and ask them to list it
relationship as primary or secondary
3.Observe politeness inside the

B. Establishing a purpose for the 1.Present to the students a

lesson recipe. Ask the students to read
2.Call another student to read
the recipe.
3.Call the students to read the
recipe in group in two’s three’s
Organize texts according to the etc.
categories and let them choose Look at the cues below. Write a
what to read. cause and effect complex
sentence describing each

C. Presenting examples/instances of Read your chosen selection . : I have here cues in daily At the end of the lesson you will 1.Say:today we are going to 1.Present an advertisement
the new lesson silently. Philippine news. Write a complex be able to restate the library. clip to students.
Take note of the message of the sentence stating the cause and sentences heard in your own Original File Submitted and 2.Remind students on the
selection you have chosen. effect on each topic words correctly with 128 words Formatted by DepEd Club guidelines on how to
per minute. Member - visit depedclub.com watch/view the TV as a
for more group.
D. Discussing new concepts and B.Explaining the students what to B.Explaining the students what to B.Explaining the students what 2.Say: List all the books were B.Explaining the students
practicing new skills #1 do do to do you can find the topics you are what to do
1.Say: Choose from the boxes the .Say: Then you will go to your 1.Say:Do you know how to interested in. 1.Say: Have you ever watched
text types you wish to read. After groups and simulate a cook? Have you ever read a 3.Write three paragraph advertisements? Have you
reading, summarize what you have broadcasting using the complex cook book? Read the recipe in descriptive essay on the self- ever been persuaded by
read in a space provided in the LM. sentences you made out of the the cook book aloud. selected topic. advertisements to buy their
2.Let the students choose a cause and effect topic you have 2. Let the students find out the 4.Say: Observe politeness at all products? Let us watch some
preferred text type and summarize written. denotation and connotation of times of the TV commercial/
afterwards. .Say: Use verbal and non-verbal the emphasized words using a advertisements we are
3.Let the students share to the class cues during the duration of your dictionary. familiar with.
the summary of one of their Broadcasting 3.Answer the questions that 2.Ask the students to
preferred text type and ask about follow orally. determine the images or
their reaction to the messages ideas that are explicitly used
underlying the text. to influence the viewers.
E. Discussing new concepts and C.Modeling fthe pupils C.Modeling for students
practicing new skills #2 1.Show the students what to do by 1.Show the students a video
setting an example. example of what is expected as
2.Emphasize the process and an output.
guidelines in summarizing texts. 2.Emphasize the rules and
3.Remind how to appropriately regulations in simulation and the
respond to messages of authentic grading for their group work.
text types
F. Developing mastery D.Guided Practice D.Guided Practice C.Guided Practice C.Guided Practice C.Guided Practice
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1.Select a preferred text type and 1.Ask the students to group 1.Let the students apply what 1.Present a chart of the polite 1.Give students worksheets
3) distribute to the class for guided themselves and practice what they have read with the help of expressions to be used in the (LM) as a pattern/guide on
practice. they are to present. the teacher. library. how to determine the
2.Read Aloud the text to the 2.Remind the students of the 2.Prepare the materials and 2.Practice the expressions in a advertisement kinds
students. verbal and non-verbal cues and ingredients as instructed in the conversation form (stereotypes, point of view,
3.Ask what text type the text is. complex sentences they are to cook-book recipe. propaganda).
4.Ask the students to summarize make while broadcasting cause 3.Let the students do what the 2.Explain to the students the
what they have heard. and effect. instructions tell. Let the teacher different kinds of
5.Ask the students to respond/react observe if the students advertisements as stated
to the message of the summary of understand and can apply what above.
the text. they have read. 3.Give examples of each
advertisement and the
images/ideas they have that
influence viewers.
G. Finding practical applications of E.Independent Practice E.Independent Practice D.Independent Practice D.Independent Practice D.Independent Practice
concepts and skills in daily living 1.Provide enough time for the Provide enough time for the Provide enough time for the 1.Let the students choose their Watch the advertisements
students to read and summarize students to perform per group. students to apply what they topics freely from the books in together and ask the students
different text types they prefer. have read. the library. to list down the images or
2.Provide r time for the students to 2.Let them list their primary ideas that were explicitly
react to their own work and to and secondary sources. used to influence the viewers.
other’s work. 3.Let them write three-
paragraph descriptive essay on
the self-selected topic
H. Making generalizations and F.Closure/Assessment: F.Closure/Assessment: E.Closure/Assessment: E.Closure/Assessment: E.Closure/Assessment:
abstractions about the lesson What have you learned from What have you learned What have you What have you What have you
today’s lesson? from today’s lesson? learned from today’s lesson? learned from today’s lesson? learned from today’s lesson?

I. Evaluating learning G.Evaluation: Conclusion Is the G.Evaluation: F.Evaluation: F.Evaluation: F.Evaluation:

response of each members of the Rate the group presentation Rate the group activity based Compose a three-paragraph Classify the Advertisements
class to the message of the based on standards as agreed on the results or output of the descriptive essay about a topic as whether stereotypes, point
summarized texts appropriate upon. students. you are interested in. of view or propagandas.
Rate the group activity based
on the results or output of
the students.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on
80% in the evaluation next objective. the next objective. the next objective. the next objective. to the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got
mastery mastery mastery mastery 80% mastery
B. No. of learners who require ___Pupils did not find difficulties in ___Pupils did not find difficulties ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
additional activities for answering their lesson. in answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering their
remediation who scored below ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in lesson. lesson. lesson.
80% answering their lesson. answering their lesson. ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in ___Pupils found difficulties in
___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson ___Pupils did not enjoy the answering their lesson. answering their lesson. answering their lesson.
because of lack of knowledge, skills lesson because of lack of ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the ___Pupils did not enjoy the
and interest about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of lesson because of lack of
___Pupils were interested on the about the lesson. knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and interest knowledge, skills and interest
lesson, despite of some difficulties ___Pupils were interested on about the lesson. about the lesson. about the lesson.
encountered in answering the the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested on ___Pupils were interested
questions asked by the teacher. difficulties encountered in the lesson, despite of some the lesson, despite of some on the lesson, despite of
___Pupils mastered the lesson answering the questions asked difficulties encountered in difficulties encountered in some difficulties encountered
despite of limited resources used by by the teacher. answering the questions asked answering the questions asked in answering the questions
the teacher. ___Pupils mastered the lesson by the teacher. by the teacher. asked by the teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished despite of limited resources used ___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the lesson ___Pupils mastered the
their work on time. by the teacher. despite of limited resources despite of limited resources lesson despite of limited
___Some pupils did not finish their ___Majority of the pupils used by the teacher. used by the teacher. resources used by the
work on time due to unnecessary finished their work on time. ___Majority of the pupils ___Majority of the pupils teacher.
behavior. ___Some pupils did not finish finished their work on time. finished their work on time. ___Majority of the pupils
their work on time due to ___Some pupils did not finish ___Some pupils did not finish finished their work on time.
unnecessary behavior. their work on time due to their work on time due to ___Some pupils did not finish
unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. their work on time due to
unnecessary behavior.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
No. of learners who have caught above above 80% above 80% above 80% above
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
require remediation additional activities for remediation additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
worked well? Why did these ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught
work? lesson the lesson the lesson up the lesson up the lesson
F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who
which my principal or supervisor require remediation require remediation to require remediation to require remediation continue to require
can help me solve? remediation
G. What innovation or localized Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work
materials did I use/discover ___Metacognitive Development: ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive well:
which I wish to share with other Examples: Self assessments, note Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self ___Metacognitive
teachers? taking and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and Development: Examples: Self
vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and studying techniques, and studying techniques, and assessments, note taking and
___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair- vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. studying techniques, and
share, quick-writes, and anticipatory ___Bridging: Examples: Think- ___Bridging: Examples: Think- ___Bridging: Examples: Think- vocabulary assignments.
charts. pair-share, quick-writes, and pair-share, quick-writes, and pair-share, quick-writes, and ___Bridging: Examples:
anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts. Think-pair-share, quick-
writes, and anticipatory
___Schema-Building: Examples:
Compare and contrast, jigsaw ___Schema-Building: Examples: ___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building:
learning, peer teaching, and projects. Compare and contrast, jigsaw Examples: Compare and Examples: Compare and
learning, peer teaching, and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer contrast, jigsaw learning, peer ___Schema-Building:
projects. teaching, and projects. teaching, and projects. Examples: Compare and
contrast, jigsaw learning,
Examples: Demonstrations, media, peer teaching, and projects.
manipulatives, repetition, and local ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization: ___Contextualization:
opportunities. Examples: Demonstrations, Examples: Demonstrations, Examples: Demonstrations,
media, manipulatives, repetition, media, manipulatives, media, manipulatives, ___Contextualization:
and local opportunities. repetition, and local repetition, and local Examples: Demonstrations,
___Text Representation:
opportunities. opportunities. media, manipulatives,
Examples: Student created drawings, repetition, and local
videos, and games. ___Text Representation:
Examples: Student created ___Text Representation: ___Text Representation:
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking ___Text Representation:
slowly and clearly, modeling the drawings, videos, and games. Examples: Student created Examples: Student created
drawings, videos, and games. drawings, videos, and games. Examples: Student created
language you want students to use, ___Modeling: Examples:
drawings, videos, and games.
and providing samples of student Speaking slowly and clearly, ___Modeling: Examples: ___Modeling: Examples:
work. modeling the language you want Speaking slowly and clearly, Speaking slowly and clearly, ___Modeling: Examples:
students to use, and providing modeling the language you modeling the language you Speaking slowly and clearly,
samples of student work. want students to use, and want students to use, and modeling the language you
Other Techniques and Strategies
providing samples of student providing samples of student want students to use, and
___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and Strategies work. work. providing samples of student
___ Group collaboration used: work.
___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Explicit Teaching Other Techniques and Other Techniques and Other Techniques and
play ___ Group collaboration Strategies used: Strategies used: Strategies used:
___ Answering preliminary ___Gamification/Learning ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching
activities/exercises throuh play ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary ___Gamification/Learning ___Gamification/Learning ___Gamification/Learning
___ Diads activities/exercises throuh play throuh play throuh play
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Lecture Method ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture Method ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Availability of Materials Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
___ Group member’s ___ Availability of Materials Why? Why? Why?
collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
of the lesson in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation
of the lesson in doing their tasks in doing their tasks in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___AudioVisual Presentation
of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson

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