Religion, Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Religion, Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Religion, Conflict and Conflict Resolution
hope, comfort and deliverance. However, 2012). To resolve the election violence a
despite the high social relevance of religion in number of groups and institutions were
Africa and the averred intense religiosity of participated from local to international level.
Africans, a number of hypotheses still connect Among the groups involved in managing
religion to conflict in the continent. Religion conflicts are religious based organizations
appears to be associated with conflict in (Leremore, Kahara& Absalom, 2014).
many parts of the world including Africa Therefore, this paper focused on the positive
although concerns have heightened about role of religion in conflict which is its
the sustained violent conflicts in Africa resolution.
(Essien, 2014).
On the other hand, there are also
There are numerous definitions of religion
opportunities to employ the assets of
by different scholars. The most popular of
religious leaders and religious institutions to
these definitions is that ‘religion is the belief
promote peace (Smock. 2006). For
in a god or gods’ and ‘the belief in and
instance, the role of Christianity for the
worship of a superhuman controlling power,
enforcement of Truth and Reconciliation
especially a God or gods.’ However,
Council; peace processes in Mozambique,
scholars from different fields such as
Nigeria, south Sudan, Kenya and others can be
Durkheim, a sociologist, in his book The persuasive, and long-lasting moods and
Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, motivations by formulating conceptions of a
defined religion as a "unified system of beliefs general order of existence and clothing these
and practices relative to sacred things". By conceptions with such an aura of factuality
sacred things he meant things "set apart and that the moods and motivations seem uniquely
forbidden—beliefs and practices which unite realistic." A sociologist, Thomas F. O'Dea,
into one single moral community called a maintained in his work The Sociology of
Church, all those who adhere to them". Sacred Religion that "Religion, like culture, is a
things are not, however, limited to gods or symbolic transformation of experience."
spirits.On the contrary, a sacred thing can be According to Catherine L. Albanese,
"a rock, a tree, a spring, a pebble, a piece of "Religion is a system of symbols (creed,
wood, a house, in a word, anything can be code, cultus) by means of which people (a
sacred". Religious beliefs, myths, dogmas and community) orient themselves in the world
legends are the representations that express with reference to both ordinary and
the nature of these sacred things, and the extraordinary powers, meanings, and
virtues and powers which are attributed to values." For Frederick Streng "Religion is a
them. means to ultimate transformation." But for
Joseph Adler “Religion is a means of
In The Varieties of Religious Experience
things a tradition takes to be crucial to that, today, there are many different groups
defining the normative human place in the that follow the teachings of Jesus and fall
cosmos. Early layers of ritual epitomize the under the umbrella of Christianity. Major
hunt, nurturing of agricultural fertility, branches in Christianity are Roman
acknowledgment of political authority Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox and
(worship of gods as lords), acts of Protestantism. For Christians, Jesus is: the Son
commitment to other individuals, and so forth. of God and Messiah as prophesized in the
The third essential element is that traditions Hebrew scriptures; the savior of humanity;
have some conception and practical and is considered both fully human and fully
procedures for fundamental transformation divine. Christianity also teaches that Jesus’
aimed to relate persons harmoniously to the death and resurrection paved the way for
normative cosmological elements, a path of humans to overcome sin and be reconciled
spiritual perfection. In theisms this usually with God. The way Jesus lived his life
means salvation, a right relation to God. In serves as a model for Christians; together
Buddhism it means transformative with scripture, especially the New Testament
enlightenment about the truth of change and and the Ten Commandments, his life serves
suchness (Neville 2010). as the basis for Christian morality. The cross
is a symbol of the death of Jesus, and how
Forms of Religion
known as Muslims. The word Muslim means that can all be worshipped in many different
“One who submits to God” and Islam means ways. Therefore, Hinduism is considered by
“submission,” referring to the complete some to be monotheistic, and by others to be
surrender to God, Allah (Arabic). The holy polytheistic. Unlike many religions, Hinduism
text of Islam is called the Qur’an, which does not attribute its foundations to a single
Muslims believe was revealed to Muhammad individual or text, but rather acknowledges its
(who lived in the seventh century) as the variety of influences, possibly dating as far
direct words of God. Muhammad is back as prehistoric times in the Indian
considered the Messenger and the final subcontinent. Hinduism also does not have a
Prophet of God (others include Moses, Elijah single theology, or central religious
and Jesus). The Five Pillars of Islam are its organization or declaration of faith. It
most fundamental beliefs and practices: belief teaches that no particular religion has
in the Oneness of God and belief that exclusive rights to salvation; rather, it views
Muhammad is His last messenger; ritual all genuine religious paths as facets of God.
prayer five times a day; concern for and Hinduism is largely driven by a vast and rich
almsgiving to the needy; self-purification scriptural body which has been developed
through fasting during the holy month of throughout its history. Of these texts, the
Ramadan; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca Vedas, the Upanishads, and the Tantras hold
other religions like Buddhism or kirpa which means an act of kindness, and aan
Confucianism, making the number of its which means honor): Wear a steel sword, a
followers difficult to estimate. constant reminder of the duty to seek justice
and fight oppression; (4) Kara (iron bracelet):
Wear a bracelet that acts like a wedding ring,
Sikhism originated in Northern India in the indicating the bond between God and the
15th century. The teachings of Guru Nanak wearer; and (5) Kachera (long underpants):
(the religion’s founder) and of nine other Wear a specific undergarment signifying self-
gurus (enlightened leaders), as well as its holy discipline. Many Sikh men and women wear a
text, the Guru Granth Sahib, are central to the turban to cover their long hair. Sikh temples
tradition. The word “Sikh” originates from a are called gurdwaras.
Sanskrit root which translates into “disciple”
or “learning.” Thus, Sikhs focus on attaining
salvation through the continual learning of Judaism is the earliest of the three
God by way of personal meditation and monotheistic, Abrahamic religions.
rightful living. The central messages of Abrahamic religions trace their origin to
Sikhism are that there is one God (who is the Abraham, who is a figure in the Hebrew
same for all religions); that life should focus Bible (Tanakh), New Testament and the
refers to disagreement over the groups stressed that violent escalation of every
approach to a particular task conflict evolves from a non-violent phase of
the conflict. Nonviolent conflict has been
According to scholars, content conflict can be
termed by Sandole (1998) as “manifest
beneficial, increasing motivation and
conflict process (MCP)” and defined as a
stimulating discussion, whereas relational and
situation in which at least two parties, or their
process conflict decreases performance,
representatives, try to pursue their perceptions
loyalty satisfaction and commitment, and
of mutually incompatible goals by
causes individuals to be irritable, negative and
undermining, directly or indirectly, each
suspicious. An occasional conflict within a
other's goal-seeking capability. A conflict
group such as in a school (ALUTA) may keep
cannot be detected without existence of
its leaders alert and its policies up to date. As
some visible signs that show certain position
Sandole (1998) says, “Conflict is a
difference or interest opposition between
fundamental human and social trait. A
two states over certain commodity.
completely conflict free harmonious society is
Sometimes conditions for conflict exist, but
the parties are not pursuing an overt strategy
Forms of Conflict to achieve their goals. However, at least one
implemental needs (security, knowledge, and continuity between the clashes, in disputes
power) is the essential condition for one non- about power over government and territory.”
violent conflict to escalate into violent:
“Violence as a response is produced when
certain innate needs or demands are deeply WHAT IS CONFLICT RESOLUTION?
frustrated.” In political conflict analysis the
Conflict resolution is a way for two or more
use of force, physical damages and human
parties to find a peaceful solution to a
casualties are the characteristics of a violent
disagreement among them. Conflict
conflict. Battle-related human casualties
resolution can be defined as the informal or
thresholds are commonly used to define
formal process that two or more parties use
violent conflict, particularly in respect of war.
to find a peaceful solution to their dispute.
An “aggressive manifest conflict process
The conflict resolution approaches also point
(AMPC)” is the term that Sandole (1998) uses
out strategies that could be employed to find
to describe violent conflict, which, according
an exit from the conflict’s destroying
to his definition represents:
dynamic and that aim toward achieving
“… a situation in which at least two parties, or satisfying solution for all parties involved
end the dispute. The arbitrator listens to the resolving conflicts and building peace in the
arguments and evidence presented by each society. There are numerous examples to this.
side, then renders a binding and often A good example is the Kenya violence cited in
confidential decision. Although disputants the introduction. Some of these roles come in
typically cannot appeal an arbitrator’s form of dialogue between religions in a
decision, they can negotiate most aspects of particular place. From this it becomes
the arbitration process, including whether undeniable that even though religion is seen as
lawyers will be present and which standards of a source of conflict, religion is indeed a
evidence will be used. resource for peace.
• Litigation. In civil litigation, a defendant Religion plays its role in conflict resolution
and a plaintiff face off before either a judge or through the following ways:
a judge and jury, who weigh the evidence and
Encouragement for Mutual
make a ruling. Information presented in
hearings and trials usually enters the public
record. Lawyers typically dominate litigation,
which often ends in a negotiated settlement
Religious leaders are also uniquely positioned mosques, temples and other religious
to use their moral authority and influence to structures in virtually every village.
encourage mutual understanding within and Invariably, such communities and networks
between protagonists. Thus, serious are committed to collaborative work for
consideration should always be given to their justice and peace, and they are generally
inclusion in formal peace processes. Not only dedicated structures that allow for such
does their influence provide the necessary collaboration. It can be summed up that
moral authority that is sometimes missing and religious actors, communities and their
enhanced capacity for dealing with all kinds of institutions can play a significant role in the
religious issues that may arise in such resolution of intractable conflicts in the
negotiations, but their often-unrivalled contemporary world.
influence at grassroots level can be useful in
ensuring that any political settlement which
emerges will be lasting. Certainly the
irrepressible and influential role played by
Encouraging a Community-Based
Archbishop Desmond Tutu in his native South
Africa and the many conflicts around the
other individuals in the society despite their the chance for hands-on application. Similarly,
reservations. peace building resources and exercises are
given the participating individuals to give
This method thus calls the society and every
them the contextual information and building
individual to make efforts in agreeing with
blocks to challenge and provide a creative
one another on the past violent events,
learning environment for participants.
bringing some sense of justice, human rights,
According to Jekobsen (2012) strengthening
and security. Justice and peace can only be
local capacities for peace building in the
achieved through endorsing processes that are
society through peace building workshops
meant to gaining interethnic, intra ethnic and
has attained various real positive
intercommunity dialogues (Hertog 1996). This
accomplishments, mainly in the field of
will in turn build harmony in the clans and
political, cultural, institution building, and
ethnic communities that are in conflict. This
inter-ethnic discussion concentrating on
can only be achieved if efforts are put in place
gender, cultural and ethnic differences,
to promote reconciliation and peace so as to
based on the principle of ‘Do no Harm’.
avoid future happenings like previous
experiences. The ability to model good conflict resolution
4. Reconciling: the act of restoring the broken joint collaboration in addressing common
relationships between two conflicting parties problems.
or between an individual and God. In the
history, reconciliation has been based on two
factors; discipline and forgiveness. It is a highlighted in this paper that religion
can both encourage conflict and build peace,
5. Nurturing: allowing individuals to grow
reflecting growing evidence that religious
their potentialities, thorough out their lives
forces can play a constructive role in helping
regardless of the peaks, plateaus, and valleys.
to resolve conflicts. Scholars like John Paul
The main pastoral care functions are nurturing
Lederach has indicated that trying to assume
and guiding.
that conflict can be avoided is completely
fallacious. Rather, there is need to recognize
that conflict is a natural outgrowth of human
Adoption of a Faith-Based Approach
interaction, and there are relatively effective
Douglas Johnston, in his article ‘Faith-based ways of managing conflict. With respect to
Organisations: The Religious Dimension to our present interest, interfaith dialogue
Peacebuilding’, explores what he termed “the would seem an important, often proactive
Burton, John W. (1968), “Systems, states, Rasul, Amina. (2009). “The Role of