Biology 8 SLM 4 March 22-25
Biology 8 SLM 4 March 22-25
Biology 8 SLM 4 March 22-25
Legazpi City
Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of;
1. *the species as being further classified into a hierarchical taxonomic system.
Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to:
1. *report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage in to protect
and conserve endangered and economically important species.
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs):
The learners shall be able to:
• explain the concept of a species;
• explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem; and
• classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system.
Specific Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
(A) 1. define biodiversity and taxonomy through a written activity;
(M) 2. show service and love for the environment by defending the importance of the various
life forms in an ecosystem through a reflection writing activity; and
(T) 3. create varied output on environmental awareness in preserving biodiversity based on
their special interests through an individual activity.
• Exploring Life Through Science (Biology) Textbook by: Ramos, pp. 378-415
• You and the Natural World (Biology) by Capco, pp. 356-367
Materials Needed:
• Exploring Life Through Science (Biology) Textbook by Ramos,
• You and the Natural World (Biology) Textbook by Capco.
• Biology Notebook
• Pen (blue or black)
• Internet/Laptop
• Coloring and art materials 1
It’s time to study more about the world around us. This
module will amaze you once again about the beauty of
nature and guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, you will
be able to accomplish the tasks individually and honestly.
Bio = Life
Diversity = Variety
-the term used to describe the number and variety of
life found on Earth.
- Sum of all the different species of animals, plants,
fungi and microbial organisms living on Earth and the
variety of habitats in which they live.
- as defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD) as the variability among living organisms from
all sources, including terrestrial, marine and other
aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part. This includes the diversity within
species, between species, and of ecosystems.
Species is a set of individuals having the same distinct characteristics that is able to mate and produce
fertile offspring. The number of different kinds of species in a particular area is called species richness,
while the abundance of the individual members within a particular species is called species evenness
(Ramos, 2019).
Scientists have identified more than 2 million species. Tens of millions, remain unknown. The
tremendous variety of life on Earth is made possible by complex interactions among all living things.
3 Types of Biodiversity
Should we be concerned about biodiversity?
The Earth is losing species at an alarming rate:
• Some scientists estimate that as many as 3 species per hour are going extinct and 20,000
extinctions occur each year.
• when species of plants and animals go extinct, many other species are affected.
To deepen your understanding about the diversity of species, READ your book (Exploring Life Through Science
Biology) on page 405-415. After reading your book, you may now answer the activities/exercises below.
TAXONOMY is the field of biology that deals with the process of identifying, naming and classifying
organisms. Derived from the Greek word “taxis” which means “arrangement” and “nomos” which
means “laws”.
Carolus Linneaus
▪ “father of taxonomy.”
▪ Swedish botanist, lived 1707-1778
▪ Invented binomial nomenclature, the 2-word naming system
we still use today to classify organisms also known as the
scientific names.
Why is there a need to classify organisms?
Classification puts organisms into groups by looking at the characteristics (traits) they share.
It is almost impossible to name different species without assigning them first into groups.
Taxonomists classify living things in a meaningful way by looking for physical characteristics that are
common or different among organisms. Modern taxonomy even uses DNA sequences and the types
of proteins produced by organisms to identify the
similarities and differences between species.
Classifying organisms will help explain the great
diversity of life on Earth and how they are related to
one another.
3. Dichotomous Key
Helps identify organisms. Questions with 2 answer choices lead you through
the key until you find the correct organism.
In writing the scientific names, the first name
representing the genus is called the generic name
and the second name representing the species is
called the specific or species epithet (Ramos, 2019).
With the given information below, what is the scientific name of the organism?
To deepen your understanding about taxonomy, READ your book (Exploring Life Through Science Biology) on
page 380-404. After reading your book, you may now answer the activities/exercises on the next page.