Thesis Mao Na Ni Ang Last
Thesis Mao Na Ni Ang Last
Thesis Mao Na Ni Ang Last
Chapter 1
problems (Estyn, 2013). In global setting, Malaysian pupils aged 14 -15 years old
as Trends in Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS, 2015). This low level of
in Zamboanga National High School, based on NAT (2015) results, students find
difficulties in analyzing, formulating and constructing their own ideas. They also
find it hard to solve problems involving words and numbers. This poses a
reasoning skills. Moreover, based on the ranking of all the Divisions in Region XI,
below from the average. It shows that students thrive at acquiring knowledge but
reasoning. The capacity to reason with numbers allows students in basic class to
this capacity, students will be unable to apply their mathematics knowledge in the
actual world.
educationally. If they are not specialists in the study of mathematics, they maybe
skills and the curriculum or instructional material (Gravois and Gickling, 2002).
performance. The ability to solve word problems is seen as a key strategic tool in
the development of fundamental literacy and numeracy skills. This means that
those students whose literacy skills are good also have better mathematical
The researcher has not come across a study simultaneously relating the
contribute to the wide range of body of knowledge about the said topic. Based on
this challenge, the researcher felt the urgency to pursue the study and contribute
Research Objective
education students. The related studies are national and international written
reports, articles or previous research studies that talk about the said variable.
Reading Comprehension
are important abilities that have gotten a lot of attention because of how
important they are for students' reading comprehension. Alyousef (2005), reading
reading fluency. Readers engage with texts to extract meaning, and there are
reading, according to Ahmadi (2011), is to obtain the correct message from a text
that the writer intended for the reader to acquire. On the other hand,
process involves both reader and text elements occur in the context of a larger
It helps students to develop their knowledge, skill, and memory to prepare for
Cordeur (2010), is the ability to recall key elements from a text and develop
comprehension is the ability to comprehend a text and form conclusions from it.
beginners do when they are learning to read and what good readers do when
they are involved in fluent reading. However, the two kinds of readers do different
things and therefore have very different needs as they struggle to become better
readers. Reading at these two extremes of skill, and at the various levels of
that what may be true about reading at some particular level of proficiency may
not be true at all of reading at much higher or much lower levels. Reading is a
activity that takes place in the brain and involves the formation of meaning
(Akyol, 2006).
Moreover, speed, word accuracy, and prosody are all factors in fluent
reading (Hudson, Pullen, Lane, & Torgesen, 2009). Reading fluency is a term
used to describe the ability to read quickly and accurately. The ability to read a
meaningful text out loud is examined. Reading is a simple task, yet most people
find it challenging to read with comprehension. The task is an action that is one
of the language abilities that must be mastered during the learning process of
skills make reading more enjoyable and successful. It is also necessary for
subject, but especially in English classes. Reading skills are best developed in
conjunction with writing, listening, and speaking activities. Reading is not about
only reading but also comprehending the text's substance. The reader must be
aware of the text's facts, message, or idea. Nunan, (2003), stated that reading is
a fluent reader process in which they combine information from a text with their
prior knowledge to construct meaning. Students must apply their past knowledge
it is a fact that reading in a foreign language is strongly linked with thinking in that
language. If you want to read well in English, you must think in English as you
read. If you think in another language and translate into English, you will usually
connections between the ideas and information in reading. Thus, they cannot
bring about the level of comprehension required to pass exams in their own
departments. For this reason, reading skills should be taught in universities for
Alderson (2007) notes that the readers’ knowledge affects what they understand.
students. When they read in English, they tend to attribute the comprehension
difficulties to the English language. They may also feel that the problem is their
own lack of ability. In fact, the problem is about their approach to a text. If the
students understand how the information is presented in English texts and are
On the other hand, in a study entitled “The Role of Reading Identities and
(NAEP, 2009) showed that 68% of the eighth graders tested were considered to
be reading at or below a basic level. Students who read at or below a basic level
often have difficulty doing more than extracting basic facts from texts and
struggle to critically evaluate and apply what they read to their lives. Therefore,
school students is critical to helping them succeed in school and in life. Although
reading. All middle school students, regardless of their reading abilities, need
continued reading instruction to meet the growing and complex reading demands
that are placed on them both in and outside of school (Caldwell & Leslie, 2004;
simple task. Doing so requires more than memorizing facts, defining vocabulary
words, and answering a set of questions at the end of a chapter. Students must
engage in a range of skills, including (a) identifying main ideas, (b) evaluating
evidence, and (c) assessing sources that arguments are based on (Ganske &
Fisher, 2010). Students must also learn how knowledge is created and
communicated and how reading and writing within one discipline is both similar
and different from reading and writing in others (Heller & Greenleaf, 2007). To
help all students improve their reading comprehension abilities, researchers have
comprehension strategies and how to use them with a variety of texts (Coiro &
Dobler, 2007).
attempts to control and modify the reader’s efforts to decode text, understand
words, and construct meanings of text” (Afflerbach, Pearson, & Paris, 2008, p.
368) and include making and checking predictions, rereading, and asking and
and apply strategies on their own, they can increase their comprehension of
what they read to their lives (Kintsch, 2005). Although comprehension strategies
have been extensively written about, they are just one aspect of helping students
comprehend academic texts. The sociocultural context students operate in, along
with their cognitive abilities, text difficulty, motivation to read, and purposes for
reading, also influence how they approach interacting with texts and
reading abilities is likely to have a limited impact (Hall, 2010). Students may
choose not to apply strategies during reading even when they understand how to
do so and want to improve their reading comprehension abilities (Dole & Brown,
from reading rather than publicly reveal their perceived weaknesses as readers
and may make such decisions with the full knowledge that their abilities to
comprehend texts and learn content will be compromised (Smith & Wilhelm,
2014). Students who self-identify as good readers may still have difficulty
themselves with a positive reading identity, may not believe they need to engage
differently with texts or would benefit from further strategy instruction (Ivey &
Broaddus, 2020).
There are many definitions and theories regarding what identity is and
how individuals’ identities form and change over time (Moje & Luke, 2009). In this
understandings of the norms of that environment, and how they view themselves
in relation to those norms. Individuals’ identities are formed, reinforced, and/or re-
formed based on their past and current experiences and how they situate
students define themselves, and what experiences have shaped their identities,
texts (Coffey & Street, 2008). Although teachers who utilize an ideological model
do help students develop reading skills and strategies, students are not expected
define and shape their identities. They may openly critique the models of identity
they have experienced in school, work to create their own definitions of reading
decisions they make about reading (Luttrell & Parker, 2001). When expected to
read and discuss texts in small groups or whole-class settings, students who
avoid being publicly identified as a poor reader. Students who identify as good or
above-average readers may be more likely to participate publicly since they likely
have experienced more success with reading in school, believe they can
accomplish the task at hand, and feel they have something to contribute.
Therefore, students’ interactions with texts and instruction are not necessarily
mediated by their cognitive reading abilities but rather their interpretation of what
written by Hall (2012). This study shows that students of varying reading abilities
may need more or less support when applying comprehension strategies and
discussing texts than teachers might assume. Students did not always engage
with texts and strategies in ways that aligned with their current grade-level
reading abilities. Some students engaged with texts and strategies in ways that
were more sophisticated than what might typically be expected based on their
current reading level, whereas others engaged in ways that were less
sophisticated than what we might expect. As a result, the findings challenge our
ideas about what it means to be classified as a particular type of reader and how
teachers think about reading instruction. As Conley and Wise (2011) state,
“Despite the romantic view that one year of schooling builds into another, school-
Although grade level reading scores might give a basic starting point of
what kinds of instruction some students might need, they give no indication of
not be too attached to labels and to examine and question the models of identity
that permeate reading instruction and are taken for granted within classrooms.
The findings from this study extend our knowledge about the role of identity and
how it mediates students’ interactions with texts. Prior research has shown that
students’ identities can shape their motivation and engagement when reading
texts (Hall, 2017). However, this study has found students’ identities can also
Also, discussions can provide students space to examine ideas and learn
new ways of thinking and speaking. They also provide a forum for students to
interact with others from diverse backgrounds and with differing perspectives. For
those students in HPR groups who began the study reading below grade level,
their experiences in the group may have helped them learn a new way of talking
about texts and strategies. Because they saw themselves as highly capable
readers, they may have been more willing to try out new ways of speaking. It
would be interesting to see how self-identified APR and LPR students of varying
reading abilities would have responded if they had regular opportunities to hear
positive change in their reading identities, we cannot assume that they will also
change the ways they talk about texts and use strategies. Presumably, students’
initial scores on the RSPS were grounded in their prior histories and experiences
in school. The identities they entered the study with were likely developed and
reinforced over time based on such things as how their teachers and peers
particular type of reader (Hall, 2012). Students whose identities are in the midst
of a shift may be more open to engaging with texts and instruction in new ways if
they see themselves in a more positive light. Although students’ identities were a
central focus for this study, students’ successes or failures to use comprehension
Little research has examined what literacy instruction that takes students’
identities into account looks like. Often teachers tell adolescents who they must
become and demand that they acquire the identity their teachers have crafted for
them to be successful (Moje, 2006). However, research has started to show that
understandings about what it means to be a reader and giving them the power
and space to take control over who they want to become as readers. Such work
reshape their reading identities, and help students take charge of their academic
and positioned, they become aware of how identity influences their decisions and
interactions with others around reading (Wortham, 2003). They can begin to
develop broader ideas about what it means to be a reader and start to see that it
is possible for themselves and their peers to improve their reading abilities
(Frankel, K. 2016). Students stand to gain greater control over shaping their
academic development without feeling they have to assimilate into the dominant
not only grasp what a word problem is asking in real-life circumstances, but they
must also be able to interact with the text of word problems in order to solve
is not always read from left to right (depending on whether students must also
(Barton et al. 2002). These tasks become extremely challenging for struggling
readers because they must meet additional cognitive demands that proficient
knowledge that enables us to deal everything with logic of shape, quantity and
mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain,
reasoning skills and decision making are required as a vital tool. It cannot be
mathematics can make sense and it can be understood in a simple and a critical
way. According to Estyn (2012), numerical reasoning skills are defined as the
capacity to apply basic mathematics numerical facts, skills and reasoning to real-
problem, as well as the ability to carry out numerical procedures that allow
perhaps less obscured than their remedies. Some researchers (Alio & Paters,
2000) have global identified numerous variables that affect the effective teaching
(2011) reported that there was no significant difference between male and female
students’ gender and course of study. Alio and Harbor Paters (2000) in their
(2005) and Ogunkola (2006) affirmed that boys performed better than girls in
numerical reasoning.
numerical reasoning skills has grown much more crucial in the workplace. The
ability to reason numerically is one of the most fundamental skills that exist in
young children before they are taught Mathematics in school. Numerical critical
reasoning tests involve evaluating situations and drawing conclusions from the
data provided in order to assess one or more of the following: critical thinking
their results.
with the ability to recall numerical information and procedures. The importance of
strategy to overcome it. The capacity to reason with numbers helps students
access and understand material such as sports, statistics, and reading in a range
of scenarios. Maps, scale modeling, and money management are just a few of
the topics covered. Pupils will be unable to use their mathematical knowledge in
vital part of mathematics education for centuries. With the shift towards more
et al. 2010, Word problems are considered mathematical tasks in which relevant
the solution, these abilities are typically not applied sequentially, but in parallel
(Daroczy et al. 2015). Therefore, it is assumed that they interact during word
However, the nature of this interaction has not yet been investigated to its full
general (e.g., Fuchs et al. 2010). A longitudinal study of English pupils aged
eleven to sixteen found that general thinking ability (i.e., g factor) was
ability had no effect on math achievement (Deary et al. 2007). Another study
of problems which differ with regard to the cognitive processes involved in their
arithmetic tasks. For word problems, the review by Daroczy et al. (2015) offers
an overview of the various factors that influence the solution process. Here, the
during word problem solving. This finding is supported by various studies that
solving (Abedi 2006; Boonen et al. 2013; 2016; Leiss et al. 2019).
latent correlation between those abilities is considerably high (OECD 2014). With
reading and modeling playing such an important part in CWP solving, cognitive
knowledge come into play. Successfully translating a CWP into a mental model
suitable for solution includes real-world knowledge, creativity, and the ability to
Fuchs et al. 2010). In a longitudinal study with English students from age eleven
to age 16, general reasoning ability (i.e., g factor) correlated highly with
and mathematics courses (Berkowitz and Stern 2018). A wide range of research
has already shown that verbal abilities are of great importance for mathematical
thinking and learning (Leung 2017, & Prediger et al. 2018). They may further gain
abilities are assumed to contribute to task performance (Leiss et al. 2019; &
ability to analyze and interpret various questions usually given in the form of
tables, graphs and data. The employers need to ensure that you are able to draw
reasonable and logical results out of the provided data for a certain job role. A
numerical reasoning test may give them an insight into the attention to details
that you may give in any given situation. These tests may not help them assess
your mathematical knowledge; however, these will help evaluate how logically
you will reach to a decision and how knowledgeable and well-versed you are.
You should know how numerical reasoning test scores help the recruiters decide
on the most competent candidate from many, for a certain job role.
usually made based on the data, figures and trends of the previous years. These
results driven from a business strategy, or elements that may have helped the
interpretations and analyses that will need to be effectively done as a part of the
job role to make better and informed future business decisions. These test
scores will give recruiters an idea about how the candidates will comprehend
these critical aspects of the business and whether or not they may add any value
have also been proposed. However, there exists a strong need for a benchmark
want to teach are not controlled by question formats, (ii) for numerical reasoning
language and reason in a way that is not exclusive to a single format, task,
dataset or domain.
reasoning tasks of eight diverse formats. We add four existing question types in
our compilation. Two of the new types we add are about questions that require
detecting question format directly from data (ii) finding intermediate common
knowledge (iv) handling data imbalance across formats (Saxton et al., 2019),
achieved human level performance across several NLP tasks. However, we still
require machines that understand the world well enough to perform reasoning.
This capability would give rise to new opportunities for real-world applications
such as education, medicine, and scientific discovery [Clark and Etzioni, 2016].
survey results, sports, climate change, and election. Since numbers make our
and independent of any particular format, there exists a strong need for a
long time. Small question answering datasets were proposed to understand the
subsequent datasets [Roy and Roth, 2016]. Later, larger datasets were created
to facilitate deep learning research [Ling et al., 2017]. One of our focused in
(Berkowitz and Stern 2018), their interplay was illustrated by our findings in a
novel way—with our results showing verbal abilities to have the largest impact,
spatial abilities and general reasoning being of equal importance, and numerical
abilities showing the least positive effect. Regarding this, it seems noteworthy
predictor. This finding is in line with studies supporting a strong relation between
mathematical and reading abilities in CWP solving (Leiss et al., 2019). Numerical
tests, involve evaluating situations and drawing conclusions from the data
provided to assess one or several of the following: Critical thinking ability; basic
Theoretical Framework
(2008), indicated that reading comprehension and numerical reasoning skills are
skills play a role in understanding the overall problem and helps being able to
effectively solve the problem. The suggestions of the authors are that teachers
include problems that require them to reflect on the ideas, formulating definitions,
thinking. Additionally, Barton & Jordan, (2002) states that in order to develop the
skills, certain reading skills must first be taught. They claim that the abilities
required for reading a mathematical text/problem are unique and may not be
applied in other curriculum areas, and that teaching these specific reading
mathematical issues. They also state that learning to read mathematics is critical
is the greatest way to assist pupils make sense of and learn from the
mathematical content. They also express the notion that teachers can use
Conceptual Framework
the ability to recall key elements from a text and develop conclusions based on
Reasoning Skills, refers as the ability to apply simple numerical facts, skills and
Definition of Terms
Mathematics), the students from senior high school who are exposed to complex
mathematical and science theories and concepts that will serve as their greatest
Chapter 2
Included in this chapter are the research design, research respondents, research
Research Design
interpreting, and reporting data in research studies (Creswell, 2012). It is the plan
research. In other words, the research design determines how the required data
will be collected and analyzed, as well as how all of this used to address the
manner. A descriptive research design may examine one or more variables using
a variety of research methods. Unlike laboratory studies, the researcher does not
influence or modify any of the variables; instead, they are observed and
and its characteristics. The study is more interested in what happened rather
are often used to collect data (Gall et al., 2007). Data was obtained quantitatively
Research Respondents
Inclusion criteria is defined as the key features of the target population that the
investigators used to answer their research question (Patino & Ferreira, 2018).
Inclusion criteria are based on the study's scientific goal and are essential to
achieve it. Effective inclusion criteria ensure the homogeneity of the sample
generalize from a random sample and avoid sampling errors or biases, a random
perplex people who are conducting surveys for the first time. This is because
what matters is the absolute size of the sample chosen in relation to the
manipulation that will be used in data analysis, not the proportion of the study
population sampled (Taherdoost, 2017). While it is true that the larger the
sample, the less likely the results will be skewed, as samples exceed a certain
size, diminishing returns will easily set in, which must be balanced against the
Research Locale
Davao City offering Senior High School Program and Baccalaureate Degree
Programs. This academic institution exists for about 22 years now capacitating
Figure 2 is the Map of the Republic of the Philippines showing the location of
Davao City.
Research Instrument
There are two sets of survey questionnaires that were used to gather
data from the respondents of the study. The survey questionnaire is about the
Reading Comprehension of STEM Students adopted from Phakiti, (2006) and the
Numerical Reasoning skills adopted from Kvedere, (2012) and Cesar Borja
Labayen, (2016). The researcher's readings are used to construct the statements
Data Collection
study. The researcher wrote a letter to the school. It was submitted to the
the study and passed to the school director with a note from the adviser asking
education students from one of the higher institutions in Davao City. The data
gathered will be analyze statistical tools and interpreted for further information
asked permission from the Principal of STEM department to conduct the present
explained to them the rationale behind the research problems. Hereafter, the
researcher retrieved the survey questionnaire after the respondents answered all
the items stipulated in the tool. Tabulation of the data was subjected for statistical
Statistical Tools
Mean and Standard Deviation – This was used to described the level of
Chapter 3
This chapter introduces the data and findings of the study based on the
comprehension gained a mean rating of 3.23 or high. This signifies that the
individual responses to the statements of this variable were clustered around the
Sorting out the details of the results, the item with the highest mean rating
is - using my prior knowledge to help understand the reading test with mean
rating of 4.47 or very high and standard deviation of .594. The rest of the sub-
equivalent are classified from highest to lowest mean ratings: 3.43 or very high
and with standard deviation of .714 for reading the texts and questions several
times to better understand them; 3.37 or very high and standard deviation of .630
for determining what is test tasks/questions required me to do; 3.32 or very high
understand the reading texts and answer the test questions; 3.30 or very high
and standard deviation of .704 for identifying main points of the given reading
text and tasks; 3.28 or very high and standard deviation of .668 for using my
Table 1
Level of Reading Comprehension of STEM Students
Item Standard Descriptive
Deviation Mean Level
1. understanding a text in just one reading. .763 2.94 High
2. translating the reading texts/tasks into .679 3.06 High
3. using pictures or titles of the texts to help
comprehend the reading tasks. .754 3.24 High
4. using my own English structure knowledge .668 3.28 Very High
comprehend the text.
5. reading the texts and questions several .714 3.43 Very High
to better understand them.
6. using my prior knowledge to help
understand .594 3.47 Very High
the reading tests.
7. identifying main points of the given reading .704 3.30 Very High
text and tasks.
8. determining what is test tasks/questions .630 3.37 Very High
required me to do.
9. understanding the text questions adequately .694 3.27 Very High
before attempting to find the answers.
10. selecting relevant information to help me .634 3.32 Very High
understand the reading texts and answer
the test questions.
11. interpreting and find meaning in all the .692 3.16 High
12. summarizing effectively through writing .742 3.07 High
13. decoding new vocabulary quickly while .696 3.02 High
14. making assumptions, form ideas and .730 3.15 High
generally better understand the texts.
15. connecting ideas and make inferences
while .706 3.13 High
reading a text.
Overall .485 3.23 High
knowledge to comprehend the text; 3.27 or very high and standard deviation
of .694 for understanding the text questions adequately before attempting to find
the answers.
and standard deviation .754 for using pictures or titles of the texts to help
comprehend the reading tasks; 3.16 or high and standard deviation of .692 for
interpreting and find meaning in all the texts; 3.15 or high with standard deviation
of .730 for making assumptions, forming ideas and generally better understand
the texts; 3.13 or high with standard deviation of .706 for connecting ideas and
make inferences while reading a text; 3.07 or high with standard deviation of .742
for summarizing effectively through writing after reading; 3.06 or high with
standard deviation of .679 for translating the reading texts/tasks into Filipino; 3.02
or high with standard deviation of .696 for decoding new vocabulary quickly while
reading; and 2.94 or high with standard deviation of .763 for understanding a text
described as high. This conveys that the numerical reasoning skills of STEM
is .536 signals that the responses of the respondents to all items of this variable
reasoning skills STEM students, the data are organized from highest to lowest.
Table 2
Level of Numerical Reasoning Skills of STEM Students
Standard Descriptive
Item Deviation Mean Level
1. working in numerical reasoning test. .662 2.84 High
equivalent of high are as follows: 3.09 or high with standard deviation of .740 for
excel more than addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; 2.90 or high
with standard deviation of .772 and .718 respectively for item handling clerical
tasks and flexibility at works and analyzing graphs and other data; 2.88 or high
with standard deviation of .868 and .756 for items applying detailed steps to solve
critical way; 2.85 or high with standard deviation of .730 for solving mathematical
of .662 for working in numerical reasoning test; . 2.83 or high with standard
deviation of .829 for doing the basic or general arithmetic operations; 2.80 or
high with standard deviation of .816 and .791 for items easily interpret numerical
charts, trends and relationships and can draw conclusions from the data
presented in tables or in charts; 2.78 or high with standard deviation of .799 for
dealing with numbers quickly and accurately; 2.76 or high with standard deviation
of .726 for processing numerical patterns logically and easily; 2.70 or high with
mathematical procedure; and 2.64 or high with standard deviation of .859 for
examined from the data that the computed r-value is .547 with p-value of .000
very much lower than .05 level of significance set in this study, hence, the
Table 3
reasoning skills (β=.605; t-value= 6.462; ρ < .05; significant). More explicitly, the
Table 4
Chapter 4
This segment of the study envelops the discussion of results based on the
and recommendation are likewise presented in this section to inform the readers
The high rating of the reading comprehension denotes that this variable is
is a self-discovery process. The item interpreting and finding meaning in all the
texts is high. Therefore, during this process, the readers interact with written
that takes place in the brain and involves the formation of meaning. Additionally,
the item understanding a text in just one reading is also high . Torgesen (2009),
ability to read quickly and accurately. So, the ability of a students to read a
meaningful text out loud is examined. Reading is a simple task, yet most people
reading test is high. Nunan, (2003) stated that in order to increase the reading
comprehension skills of a learners, they must put in their mind that reading is a
fluent reader process in which they combine information from a text with their
prior knowledge to construct meaning. Therefore, students must apply their past
knowledge to quickly interpret the text in order to receive the book’s information.
Lastly, the item translating the reading texts/tasks into Filipino is also
rated as high. According to Ebru Kaya (2015), it is a fact that reading in a foreign
language is strongly linked with thinking in that language. If you want to read well
in English, you must think in English as you read. If you think in another language
and translate it into Filipino, you will usually have difficulty with comprehension.
The learner needs to make logical connections between the ideas and
information in reading. Thus, they cannot bring about the level of comprehension
required to pass the exams in their own departments. For this reason, reading
skills should be taught in universities for the students to be able to cope with
comprehension problems.
authors that children are able to recognize how to utilize numbers to face a real-
life challenges and devise a strategy to overcome it. The item applying detailed
that the capacity to reason with numbers helps students to access and
scenarios. Maps, scale, modeling, and money management are just few of the
topics covered. Pupils will be unable to use their numerical reasoning skills in the
is also high. Assessment Training, (2022) stated that numerical reasoning test
will help provide recruiters to understand the ability to analyze and interpret
various questions usually given in the forms of tables, graphs, and data. The
employers need to ensure that you are able to draw reasonable and logical
results out of the provided data for a certain job role. A numerical reasoning test
may give them an insight into the attention to details that you may give in any
given situation. These tests may not help them to assess your mathematical
knowledge but these will help evaluate how logically you will reach to a decision
Lastly, the item handling clerical tasks and flexibility at work is rated as
high. Ball and Bass, (2003) stated that students’ early exposure to mathematics
mathematical and a real-life problem. Also, they must know how to evaluate it
reading skills play a role in understanding the overall problem and helps being
able to effectively solve the problem. The suggestions of the authors are that
teachers include problems that require them to reflect on the ideas, formulating
communicate their thinking. Additionally, Barton & Jordan, (2002) states that in
order to develop the ability to answer mathematical problems with logic and
numerical reasoning skills, certain reading skills must first be taught. They claim
that the abilities required for reading a mathematical text/problem are unique and
may not be applied in other curriculum areas, and that teaching these specific
solving mathematical issues. They also states that learning to read mathematics
comprehension skills is the greatest way to assist pupils make sense of and learn
2015). Students that are adept at solving numerical problems can use their
answers (Fayol, 2007). This suggests that solving numerical problems also calls
for cognitive skills like reading comprehension (Wang, 2015). According to the
correlated (Aunola & Nurmi, 2008). This means that reading comprehension has
word knowledge of problems to reach the correct results (Devidal, Barrouillet &
Wang, 2015). When the cognitive skills used by primary school students in
solving word and operational problems are examined, it is observed that students
with low reading comprehension skills can solve operational problems, but have
Established from the findings and results of the study, the following
conclusions are drawn: The high level of the reading comprehension of STEM
students prompted the idea that reading comprehension is an essential skill that
students need to master. It helps them to develop their knowledge, skill, and
memory to prepare for real life challenges. In addition, the high level of the
numerical reasoning skills of STEM students is apparent for they will be able to
better plan how to proceed in the mathematical part of the problem. In addition.
school must have a reading recovery program for students who are
teachers must conduct a remedial class for those students who are
various problems.
and mathematics.
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