The 11 Principles For Top Achievers
The 11 Principles For Top Achievers
The 11 Principles For Top Achievers
I remain indebted to all those who heard me express these concepts, when I
first shared them in my sermons and urged me to turn them into a book.
Most of all, to my partner and wife – Nancy Awino - who became my
sounding board throughout the period of writing. And to my little precious
angel– Nanzannatte Winfrey and the passion for young people - whose
future and destiny continue to challenge me to think.
I love this book! It is an inspiration on fire! I need people like these Top
Achievers in my life to show me what is possible by their lives and to equip
my head, heart and hands with the hidden secrets of success. This book
does that for me.
—Dr. Terry Koskei
Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Psychology, School of Arts
and Social Sciences, Moi University.
Few people I know have the history and experience in the moving
successful ministries as does Dr Myles Munroe and Joel Oesteen. Whose
personal stories are one of my favorites in modern day church history. “The
11 Principles for Top Achievers” is an invaluable book in this regard: to learn
how to recognize and cooperate with the moving of the spirit of success as
the Top Achievers did. I believe that God will use this to equip hungry
believers to live in a realm of the success similar to what God has given to
those whose lives are recorded in the Bible. I am so happy to see this book
finally written. It is an answer to the cry of my own heart for more.
These are simple keys, which carry the potential to transform your life
forever, hence the book's title: The 11 Principles for Top Achievers. I want
to assure you of one thing: if you diligently apply these principles in your
life, you will achieve outstanding success and fulfillment.
Here is a simple tip on how you can get the best out of this book: Carefully
observe all the failures and mistakes made by people you know and also the
ones in this book and avoid them. Thomas Edison rightly observed that "the
successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person does not
like to do." George Washington was convinced that, "ninety -nine percent
of all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."
In my walk of life over the years, I have seen many people make terrible
mistakes simply because they haven't cultivated the habit of learning from
the mistakes of others. There is absolutely no need to wait until you make
your own mistakes before you can learn life's lessons. Only fools do that.
Wise people learn from both the mistakes and wise choices of others.
Whatever you may want to do, it has been done before. Learn from those
who have already walked that path. The purpose of this book is to provide
you with what others have already learnt.
The Greek Aristotle said this: "Excellence is an art won by training and
habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,
but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we
repeatedly do, Excellence, then, are not an act but a habit."
I am confident that the sleeping champion in you will be vigorously
awakened as you carefully study and reflect upon the simple keys in this
book. In the words of Allan Armstrong, I would like you to know that,
"champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in
the minutes, hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it.
The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their
championship character" I so persuaded that your life will change
tremendously even as you appropriately and activate these inspired secrets
into your life.
I wish to remind you that Almighty God has never changed his mind. He still
expects you His child to be the head and not the tail to lend to nations and
borrow from none, to be above and beneath, blessed in the city and in the
countryside. Besides, He always wants to turn all your pains into gains,
scares into stars, tragedies into triumphs, obstacles into opportunities,
disappointment into appointments, setbacks into comebacks, misery into
ministry, miserable moments into memorable moments and your lowest
moments into your highest moments.
I trust that by the time you read the last page of this book you will have no
choice but to become like the proverbial eagle who on discovering her true
identity, she rose up with a smile on her face and told her friends the
chickens: "my friends though we both have two eyes, our vision is not the
same; though we both have two wings each, our power is not the same;
though we both have two feet each, our strength is not the same. We
have nothing in common... I have discovered who I really am and now I
am going to where I belong!"
In his book, The Battle of Mind, Tim La Haye argues that the human brain is
no only the most complex mechanism that God ever created, but it is also
the most influential organ in the whole body. But unfortunately few people
experience the full impact of its influence.
One of the most pervasive myths in the American culture today is that
people are entitled to a great life—that somehow, somewhere, someone
(certainly not us) is responsible for filling our lives with continual happiness,
exciting career options, nurturing family time, and blissful personal
relationships simply because we exist. But the real truth—and the one
lesson this whole book is based on—is that there is only one person
responsible for the quality of the life you live. That person is you.
Did you know that your mind has phenomenal capacities that almost defy
belief? According to scientists, the average person only manages to tap into
maximum of 10 percent of their brain's potential in an entire lifetime. If that
claim is true, then most people die with 10 to 11 billion of their brain cells
still unused! This is because an average human being brain is believed to be
made up of approximately 12 billion cells.
May I pause here and ask you a vital question, and I want you to keep it in
mind as you read through this book.
If your answer is yes, then you need to bear some things in mind. The
power to hang your life will not come from outside but from within
yourself. To tap into this power, it will be necessary for you to develop
certain habits that guarantee success. As Aristotle, the famous Greek
philosopher observed: "we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is
not an act but a habit." Success is only for people with success habits.
You cannot develop good habits if your thoughts are wrong. Your thoughts
eventually become your words and your words become you. With that in
mind, you must, "watch your words, for they become your actions. Watch
your actions, for they become your habits. Watch your habits for they
become your character. Watch your character for it become your destiny."
Someone has observed that the difference between high achievers and low
achievers is that the latter discover early the secret of developing good
habits such as goal getting, action planning and continuous improvement.
As Thos Edison once observed, nothing can stop the person with the right
mental attitude from achieving their goal. Conversely, nothing on earth
can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. So it is possible that the
greatest impediment to your progress is none other than yourself.
Robert H Schuler once said that "high achievers sot rich opportunities
swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately." I
am often saddened whenever I meet young people with very inspirational
songs in their hearts but who hesitate to write them down or sing them.
Others that I have met have great dreams which have been put on hold for
years. Some of you reading this book have incredible business ideas, project
proposals and concept papers that have remained on the back burner as
you wait for the 'right time' to put them into action.
Dr Munroe is not alone in his observation. Col. Harland Sunders was a very
successful and highly respected businessman. One day, while addressing a
group of businessmen, he passionately challenged them saying, "there is no
reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You can't do any business
from there." I believe he was echoing the very words of the wisest man who
ever lived King Solomon that, "whatever your hands get to do you should
do it with the whole of your heart as there is no working in the grave
where you are headed."
I totally agree with him because, there in the cemetery lie many dreams
that were never attained, life changing and motivating songs that were
never sang, Olympic world records that were never set, Nobel Prize
winners that were never known, best authors that never wrote a piece,
life-changing sermons that were never preached, the best business ideas
that were never implemented. And the list is endless!
I didn't believe we need to make the cemeteries richer than they already
are. Determine right now that you will not add to its riches. Take a piece of
paper and write down the following commitment:
"Grave, I don't want your motivation now! Until I fulfill my purpose here
on earth I am not coming, I refuse to die full, I want to die empty. I want to
live rich and die poor."
In the pages ahead, I want to help you to bring this to a reality. However,
it's only fair that I warn you upfront. Any success that happens without God
is a recipe of disaster. Our thoughts can only lead to fulfillment if they
conform to God's thoughts. To know God is to know success. Without God
there is no meaningful success.
As you aspire to become a top achiever in God's Kingdom, keep in mind the
Apostle Paul's words as recorded in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any
longer to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of
your minds so that you may be able to test and approve what God's will
is-His good pleasing and perfect will for your life."
Those five minutes revealed two different monkeys with different reactions
to the same situation. The monkey that was used to a good supply of food
quickly settled down and in a dignified manner ate one banana after
another. The other did not manage to eat a single banana. It spent the
entire five minutes anxiously scampering around the cage trying to find a
safe hiding place to stash away as many of the bananas as possible!
The abundance mentality allows us to believe that there is enough for all;
enough time, enough jobs,, enough resources and enough opportunities.
The scarcity mentality on the other hand causes people to believe that
there isn't enough of anything to go round: that there are too many people
fighting over limited resources. It assumes that one can only have if another
misses out.
Stephen Covey, author of the famous book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People," argues that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for
everybody which results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits,
of decision making. He strongly believes that this opens possibilities,
options, alternatives, and creativity in all people. According to Covey, and I
agree with him, "Individuals with an abundance mentality are able to
celebrate the success of others rather than feel threatened by it."
Are you an abundance thinker? Do you believe there is more than enough
of everything to go around for everyone? If you know and believe this, you
are completely liberated. Budha was persuaded that for a person to live a
pure, unselfish life, then he must learn the habit of counting nothing as his
own in the midst of abundance.
1. They are never anxious; instead they have a habit of rejoicing at all
times regardless of their circumstances. Instead of being anxious
they make their requests known to God who has promised to hear
them (Phil 4:6)
2. They highly value and consider others better than themselves. They
are completely selfless. They are happier when giving than when
receiving (Phil 2:3)
3. They are naturally contented whether they have plenty or little (Phil
5. They joyfully treat others the way they themselves would want to be
treated (Luke 6:31)
6. They are never afraid of anything no matter where they are or what
they have or do not have. They lean on the Word of God which
exhorts us not to fear over 365 times throughout the Bible.
7. They are always optimistic and full of enthusiasm because they have
an extra-ordinary ability to see possibilities and endless
opportunities around them. Caleb and David are perfect examples
(Num 13:30; 1Sam 17:45-47)
10. They always prefer to thank God for what they have to complaining
about what they don't have. (1Thess 5:18)
11. They know that they can be all that God says they can be and will
have all that He says they will have (Phil 4:13; Ps 118:17-18)
12. They never allow money to become their master; instead money
only serves them. They have total control of their money (1Tim 6:6-
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms
Most people read the Bible for information, which is not a bad thing. But
those who have benefited from the Bible most are those who have gone
beyond the search for information and instead sought to find inspiration in
the Scriptures to turn their lives around.
The Bible is the single most inspirational publication ever. All the truly
inspirational figures who ever lived drew their own inspiration from the
Bible. Nothing can meaningfully inspire others if it doesn't have its source
in the Bible which apparently is the oldest book and also the only God-
inspired book that was ever written.
There is absolutely no book that is greater than the Bible. In 2Timothy 3:16,
it is recorded that, "all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness, that the man of God may be complete thoroughly equipped
or every good work."
It is true; the Bible is full of inspiration. It is the only book with the breath of
God. In it are numerous inspiration stories and verses that talk about the
greatness of our God. His divine protection and His marvelous plans to
prosper His people and give them a great future.
Sadly, the majority of God's people go on with their lives without realizing
that the Bile is God's Holy book and must therefore be revered and not
taken lightly. They never go beyond seeing the Bible as a library of sixty six
books, thirty nine in the OT and twenty seven in the NT. They religiously
treat it as sacred, and sometimes giving it greater reverence than they do to
God himself, the author of the book.
But I would like you to know that the Bible is of greater spiritual
significance. God intended much more than we can humanly imagine
when He gave us His word. The least of those intentions was that it would
be a Sunday book-a mere source of memory verse or reference book for
I personally believe the Bible is the best gift God ever gave to man as
Abraham Lincoln once noted. I agree with Patrick Henry's assertion that
"the Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed."
What makes the Bible more inspirational to me than any other book is the
fact that it contains accounts on ordinary men and women who achieved
extra-ordinary after having an encounter with God? We read of people who
came from very despised, humble and ordinary backgrounds yet left lasting
legacies in their generations.
Paul confirms that fact in 1 Corinthians 1:27-28 where he says: "God chose
the foolish things of the world to a shame the wise, the weak things to a
shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of the world and the despised
things and the things that are not to nullify the things that are." This is
good news indeed to the ordinary people like you and me. If you are always
being referred to as an ordinary citizen, then you will find great inspiration
in this chapter. You qualify as a candidate for God's grace and power.
One day the Apostle Paul learned a great lesson when he tried to plead with
God to remove and impediment in his life referred to as "a thorn in the
flesh." God simply told him, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power
is made perfect in weakness."
The purpose of this chapter is not to preach or even take you through a
study of the Bible. I simply want to inspire you. For now I only want you to
capture the inspiration rather the information. Top Achievers value
inspiration more than information.
The Bible has key men and women who were ordinary people but whose
stories have impacted many generations. I call them Bible High Achievers
of their generations. Here is a list of twenty one of men and what made
them rise above their peers.
Sir Newton was persuaded that, "an essential aspect of creativity is not
being afraid to fail." The 17th Century renowned scientist is famously
remembered for his humble statement. "If I have seen further than others,
it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."
1. Naturally creative people are so curious: They are wonderstruck and are
excited by the newness of every moment. They have lots of questions about
life's encounters. An inquisitive mind is always an open mind; it is a knowing
mind. Only open minds can be creative. When a mind assumes that it
knows, it can never be creative. Instead it is filled with presumptiveness
and complacency. An inquisitive attitude however sensitizes the mind in a
very special way and it is able to sense what may have been missed
2. Most of the time creative people are problem friendly: When faced with
a problem, some people coil their tails, bury their heads in the sand and
throw up their hands in frustration. Usually their first reaction is to look for
someone to blame. Being faced with a problem becomes a problem. Such
people are called "problem averse."
Creative people, don't throw in the towel, instead they welcome the
problem. They roll up their sleeves ready to face the problem. They see
problems as opportunities to improve the quality of life. It is important to
understand that being faced with a problem is never a problem in itself.
Problems come into your life to convey some message and to challenge
your mental elasticity. If you run away from them, you miss the message
and the opportunity.
3. Creative people value their ideas: Top Achievers appreciate the value of
an idea. They do not play about with something so important. They carry
about a small notepad to note down any new ideas or thoughts they may
come across. Many times, just because they have a notebook and are
anticipating ideas to jot down, they can spot ideas which they would
otherwise have missed.
4. Creative people embrace challenges: Did you know that creative people
actually thrive on challenges? Their eyes brighten up whenever they catch
scent of one. Because challenges bring the best out of them, they actually
look forward to them.
The ability to know when and how to judge or critique an idea is important
in the process of creativity. Often great ideas start as crazy notions-if
critique is applied too early and too strongly, the idea will be killed and fail
to develop into something useful or useable.
10. Creative people don't settle for small things but go for the big kill:
Creative people realize that the first idea is just the starting point. It is in the
process of fleshing it out that some magical cross-connections happen and
the original ‘normal’ ideas turns into a "killer" idea.
11. Creative people are prepared to stick to their idea: Creative people
who eventually see their ideas come to fruition have the ability to stick with
their ideas and see them through. When the going gets tough they get
tougher. This is what distinguishes them from others. Stick-ability is one of
the greatest keys of Top Achievers. That is what made David a giant-killer.
12. Creative people do not fall in love with one particular idea. Creative
people recognize their danger of falling in love with one particular idea.
They understand that falling in love with an idea means shutting the door to
any other ideas. They love the process of coming up with ideas, not
necessarily the idea.
13. Creative minds recognize the environment in which they are most
creative. Creative people do most of their thinking in an environment which
is most conducive to their creativity. If they are unable to influence their
physical environment, they recreate their 'favorite' creative environment in
their minds.
14. Creative minds are good at reframing any situation: To reframe means
to have a different way of looking at things. Being able to reframe
experience and situations is a very powerful skill employed by Top
Achievers. Reframing allows you to look at a situation from a different
perspective. It is like another camera angle in a football match. And a
different view has the power to change your entire perception of the
situation. Top Achievers understand that reframing always breathes new
life into dead situations. It can even motivate demoralized teams. It helps
them to spot opportunities that they would otherwise have missed.
15. Creative people are friends with the unexpected: Creative minds have
the capacity of expecting the unexpected and finding connections between
unrelated things. It is this special quality of mind that evokes the
unanticipated events in their lives. Having perfected the art of making
happy discoveries, they are able to evoke serendipity more often than
16. Creative people are never afraid of failure: They recognize that the
energy that creates great ideas also creates errors. They know that failure is
not really the opposite of success. As Winston Churchill advised, they
enthusiastically move on from failure to failure without giving up.
"Only as much as I can dream and follow those dreams can I be."-
Anybody can dream. All people dream. Others dream big while others
dream small. Some people dream of success while some dream of failure.
What makes the difference though is not how big or how much you
dream, but how earnestly and passionately you follow your dreams
One of the most pervasive myths in the American culture today is that we
are entitled to a great life—that somehow, somewhere, someone (certainly
not us) is responsible for filling our lives with continual happiness, exciting
career options, nurturing family time, and blissful personal relationships
simply because we exist. But the real truth—and the one lesson this whole
book is based on—is that there is only one person responsible for the
quality of the life you live. That person is you.
In life I have seen three kinds of people. The first group is made up of those
who only dream; those who spend their entire lives in dreamland. The
second lot spends its entire life in "reality". This group challenges every
dream they encounter. The third kind not only dreams but it also turns its
dreams into reality. The people in this group follow their dreams and not
their feelings. These are ordinary folk with some extraordinary confidence
that whatever they dream can actually be turned to reality.
During the last ten years, I have served as a pastor in a couple of churches. I
have also been involved in life coaching, personal development, counseling
and entrepreneurship. In the course of all these I have encountered many
people who admit that what they find themselves doing is not really what
they wanted to do with their lives. When I listen to them I easily understand
what they are saying. They are simply saying that they have certain dreams
but they don’t know what to do to make them happen. Some have acquired
good degrees, even Master Degrees, but still they continue to move from
job to job without a hint of fulfillment in their hearts. They have settled for
mediocrity yet they have what it takes to achieve more. I call that surviving
instead of thriving.
Top Achievers have a dream for their life and a consuming goal that openly
overrides all other goals in life. They have something that drives them. They
have a burning passion in all they get involved in.
I have noticed that people who follow their dreams no matter the risk are
usually highly:
Do you know what you really want in your life; the thing that really brings
excitement to your soul? Do you have a goal so close to your heart that the
thought of not achieving it leaves you disoriented? Do you understand what
your heart really wants in life and especially that which is in line with your
core values, ability and purpose of life?
Top Achievers have dreams that not only excite them but also energize
them. Unless ypou have, and are involved in, something that makes you
look forward to another day, you will remain a miserable person the rest of
your life. It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they
grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.
Walt Disney once observed that, "All your dreams can come true if you
have the courage to pursue them."
In my meetings. I often tell people that the easiest way to know that you
are alive only for the purpose of winding up is when you have no dream
worthy of your pursuit.
I have one question for you. Do you really have a dream you want to
pursue no matter what? I believe the following ten insightful questions
should help you get started. Take time to answer them after attentive
1. Do you have a dream? What is your dream? Can you say you know it as
you know your name? Joseph of the Bible knew his dream perfectly well.
Nehemiah too knew his dream. This is where all Top Achiever start their
2. How seriously are you taking your dream? Unless you treat your dream
with the seriousness it deserves, it will never come to pass. Seriousness
operates enthusiasm and strength. Top Achievers can play with anything
else but not their dreams.
Let's face it. If America didn't believe that they could put a man on the
moon, they would not have even tried. But yes they did. They believed they
could and they did. If you believe in your dream you can achieve it. Oh yes
you can! The Bible in Mark 9:23 and Matthews 17:21 say that everything is
possible for those who believe.
5. Do you have an action plan in place to help you achieve your dream?
Non-planners are non-achievers. With a proper action plan in place you are
already hald-way there. Top Achievers testify that this is the hardest part of
any dream yet the most essential of all. If you have a dream and you are
unable to put down a plan please find help to do it.
6. How persistent are you in the pursuit of your dream? Are you the type
that gives up at first failure? Top Achievers are not quitters nut winners. If
one way doesn't work they know that God still has seven others open that
need to be explored.
Thomas Edison tried close to 1000 different materials in his dream to create
the incandescent light. He never gave up in spite of discouragements from
people until he succeeded.
Abraham Lincoln tried several times in his pursuit to become great in the
politics of the USA before he finally made it to the White House
7. Who are friends or people in your life that are related to your dreams?
Beware, some friends are not true friends; they are dream killers. Top
Achievers seek and invite like-minded friends into their inner circle.
You must know people well enough before you involve them in your
dreams. I know of people whose dreams have been sabotaged by people
they thought were close friends. Don't share important details with just
anybody who happens to smile at you or purports to be your friend. Beware
lest your dream aborts before fruition. Strategically select your friends and
try to determine how each may contribute towards the fulfillment of your
dream. Don't be self-centered though, as you look out for friends.
It is true as the old saying goes, "show me your friends and I will tell you
your character and I will predict your destiny."
8. How will your dream change and improve your own life and the people
around you? Dreaming about owning a big car, buying land or a property in
a prime area and going for honeymoon in Las Vegas is not bad it is a
commonplace and selfish dream.
I have no interest in any dream that is only for me, I and myself. That is a
short-sighted dream that usually has little inspiration for anyone. I
encourage you to go for a dream that will impact your generation when it
comes to pass. Do you see thousands of people benefitting from the
attainment of that dream/ If not, take it from m; it's not worth pursuing.
The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were not dreaming selfishly when
they invented the aircraft; instead they were thinking about the millions
who use it to fly around the world today.
Nelson Mandela's dream was to emancipate the entire Africans people, not
just his family. Thankfully, he has lived to see it come to pass. Wangari
Mathai was always thinking about the forty million Kenyans plus visitors
when she founded the Green Belt Movement in Kenya.
Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a race-free America where none would
be judged by color of their skin.
10. To whose glory do you think the attainment of your dream is? The
answer to this question is very important. Mother Teresa was a Top
Achiever who many people, and more so the Catholics, really celebrate and
emulate today. In the face of the overwhelming needs of the poor and
downtrodden in Calcutta's streets and slums, she rose to the occasion and
happily served those people with great compassion. I was greatly touched
by a statement she once made: "I see God in every human being. When I
was the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord Himself. It is not a
beautiful experience?"
Venie IVaitey said, Take this from me: Unless you follow your passion,
8uccess wilt never follow you. lf you really want to turn our life around or
must do only one thing and your passion once you find your passion pursue
it with the whole of jour heart
1. Find what you naturally enjoy doing. All other jobs may bring you
money but only when you do that which you enjoy most will you
find inner fulfillment. Fulfillment is by far greater than money.
2. Find out what you love spending time reading about. It is impossible
to read what you don't enjoy except for exams where you have no
option. Do you get attracted to books on business leadership,
literature, poetry and politics or international relations etc? Think
about what you love most and try to find out why.
4. Find time and look out for possibilities. Don't shy from asking for
ideas. Remember that whatever you are out to discover may have
already been discovered by someone else. Go to the internet and
check websites of your interest. Follow your heart in this you will
soon come across something that strikes you unusually.
6. Once you are convinced of what your passion is, start honing your
skills. Develop the skills necessary for your passion. If you love public
speaking for instance start practicing how to speak before people.
When I discovered my calling as a preacher and a motivational
speaker twelve years ago, I began speaking to myself in front of a
mirror and while walking alone. Remember practice makes perfect.
7. Get your own definition of success. Come up with your own meaning
of success. I tell people that success is one of those words that have
lost its original meaning just like love and leadership. So never allow
anyone to define success for you. Leave people s views aside and
follow your passion. You must understand that your success has only
to be defined against your set values, purpose, dreams and goals.
8. Ask yourself questions like "Who, what, where am 1?" This will help
you discover your identity. It will also help you avoid imitation. In
addition it will bring you to the place where you really belong. Take
time to discover your identity
10. Don't fear to fail, just be determined to try again if necessary. I have
learned over and over again that it is better to try and fail than fail
to try at all. Finding your passion may take you a while though. What
you must realize is that in finding your passion it is not about seeking
what you want but avoiding what you know you don't want.
Remember the path to success through failure. I admire the man
who said that in life there nothing like failure but only lessons. Those
who fear to fail actually end up failing while those who don't fear to
fail don't end up failing.
Key note: People who love what they do never work a single day of their
This anointed servant of God is celebrated for many things but one of the
major hallmarks of his ministry has always been his scandal-free ministry.
Whenever ministers discuss the need for integrity in ministry, Graham's
name naturally comes up as a key role model.
Francis Bacon the English statesman and jurist used to say that, "It's not
what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong; not what we gain
but what we save that makes us rich; not what we read but what we
remember that makes us learned; and not what we profess but what we
practice that gives us integrity." But what exactly is integrity and why do
we need it so much if we are to lead successful and fulfilled lives? According
to Barbara De Angelis, "Living with integrity means: Not settling for less
than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what
you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might
create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your
personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what
others believe,"
Alan Simpson simply put it this way, "If you have integrity, nothing else
matters. If you don't have integrity, everything else matters." I totally
concur with famous African author Chinua Achebe when he says that, "One
of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised."
I write this book at a time when Kenyans have all of a sudden woken up to
the fact that it is important to vet potential key public officials before they
take office. It has been really fascinating to watch the vetting processes as
they take place in the full glare of TV cameras. Each one of those people
being vetted do their best to distance themselves from whatever allegations
that are being made against them. It is obvious that what the vetting
committees are trying to establish is basically the character of the people
who are being nominated.
Phillip Baker in his book, Secrets of Super Achievers said this: "True
character is not too worried about being popular, Character is about doing
what is right and not necessarily what is convenient or well received."
However, despite all this I must encourage Christ's followers to stay above
the fray. If you are to be a believer of integrity, the simple act of keeping
your word is a good place to start.
I would like you to know that your broken word indicates you cannot be
trusted. It suggests you are unreliable and a person without integrity. The
best example of integrity is our own Lord Jesus Christ. He was a man of
honor who kept his word and was above reproach. The same character is
consistently seen in God Himself who delights in honoring His own word. He
says that He has lifted His word above His name.
2. Avoid making commitments you know you can't keep. This will
prevent you from unnecessary frustrations and stress.
3. Never seek to be a men-pleaser but a God-pleaser. Don't be hasty to
please people by making hollow promises.
8. Train yourself to speak the truth in love. Remember that truth alone
without love is brutality but love alone without truth is hypocrisy.
Don't try to spare people's feeling by being dishonest.
10. Start learning to say "no" when you need to. Don't feel obligated to
say “yes” to everything. Better to disappoint up front than to agree
to a task and fail to follow through.
11. Value yourself and your time. You can't be all things to all people.
Don't give place to guilt because you can't keep your word.
Key note: If you lose your Integrity you have lost everything
Top Achievers take care of their health and let wealth take care of itself.
Most people, and especially young people, don't care much about their
health. I speak from experience. When I was younger and more energetic
than I am today. I never imagined a day when I would be woken up in the
middle of the night by pain caused by an illness.
Today you may be full of energy, but that does not guarantee that you will
be in good health tomorrow. No people that take their lives seriously can
ignore their health.
Have you noticed that the more the world advances the more complicated
healthy issues are becoming Incurable diseases are popping up by the day.
Health related businesses, conventional and the so called alternative
remedies, are raking in millions
The truth though, is that with the current changes in environment caused
by severe pollution and increasingly unhealthy lifestyles, persona health is a
cause for concern for one and all. We have no option but to consciously and
seriously decide to take care of our health. While it is impossible to keep all
diseases at bay, it is important that we do whatever is necessary to prevent
whatever is preventable; this includes a regular exercise regime, eating a
balanced diet, having enough rest, taking enough water and having regular
medical checkups. Health though is not limited only to the physical well-
being. The World Health Organization defines health as, "the state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity."
I encourage you to take care for yourself because good health is everyone's
major source of wealth and without it happiness is impossible. Without
good health you cannot enjoy your success. My favorite teacher and mentor
Mike Murdock says that, "Many people spend their lives chasing after
wealth and when they get it they begin using that wealth chasing after
their health." What a paradox!
I believe strongly in the words of Sidney Mad when he says: "The finest and
the most valuable gift you can give anyone is encouragement. Yet, almost
no one gets the encouragement they need to grow to their fullest
potential. If everyone received the encouragement they needed to grow,
the genius in everyone would blossom and the world would be a better
A while ago a friend of mine emailed me the following story, which I found
very inspiring:
Gone was the piped music in the corridors; now he had to endure blaring
radios. Any girl who walked by was subjected to rude remarks and whistles.
Profanity constantly shot through the air, especially from the foreman,
whose primary tactics were whining and intimidation.
Towards the end of the third week, the new employee felt he could take it
no more. "I'll work till break time this morning," he told himself, "and then
that's it. I'm going home." He'd already been the butt of more than one joke
when his lack of experience had caused him to do something foolish. The
stories were retold constantly thereafter. "I just can't handle any more of
this," he thought to himself.
A while later, he decided to finish out the morning and then leave at
lunchtime. Shortly before noon, the foreman came around with the pay
checks. As he handed the man his envelope, he made his first civil comment
to him in three weeks. "Hey, there's a woman working in the front office
who knows you. She says, she takes care of your kids sometimes."
"Who?" the man asked
The foreman gave him the name of the woman, the payroll clerk who
sometimes helped in the nursery of the church where the man and his
family worshipped. The foreman then went on with his rounds. When the
brick cartiet opened his envelope, he found, along with his check, a
handwritten note from the payroll clerk: "When one part of the Body of
Christ suffers, we all suffer with it. Just wanted you to know that I'm
praying for you..."
He stared at the note, astonished at God's timing. He had' even known the
woman worked for this company. Here at his lowest hour, she had given
him the encouragement to go on, to push another wheelbarrow of mortar
up that ramp.
That story left me thinking and wondering how different the world would
be if all Christians were like that woman. But unfortunately the world seems
to have more discouragers than encouragers. The same is true even in the
body of Christ.
There is no doubt that we give away a piece of ourselves when we give love,
compassion and kindness to others. However, whatever we give always
comes back to bless us. Helping others fills the lonely places in us and builds
character. The Bible is so clear on this. Whatever we give is also given to us
in equal measure if not more.
As a pastor, I have observed that most people are only too happy to follow
a leader who is a natural encourager. Wise pastors know that when you
inspire your congregation to go past their comfort zone. they feel
empowered and you end up having great influence in their lives. Besides
you end up leading an empowered congregation. People who are
empowered are full of energy and passion to serve God as well as support
the vision of their church.
I have come to realize that many people who come to me for help don't
even need money. They just need someone to spend some time with them
and speak words of encouragement into their lives. As a young pastor
learning the ropes, what I have often needed most is encouragement, and
more often than not I have not found it.
Top Achievers are encouragers. They always see the potential and the
Divine spark of genius inside others. They have a heartfelt conviction that
everything one needs to create whatever life they desire is already within
them waiting to be discovered.
They always encourage others to follow their dreams and go where their
hearts lead. However, although they may offer suggestions, they do not set
goals for others or provide a plan for them. They leave that to those they
The following are 8 tips that will provoke you to become an encourager to
people around you.
i. Take some time and find out the things that really encourage you. It
is important thatyou become self-aware and determines what
encourages you. Once you identify what encourages you, begin to
give the same encouragement to others.
ii. Do not be deceived, for God is not mocked. A man will harvest what
he plants. Be prepared to get back from life what you have put into
iii. Develop a habit of offering specific and earnest compliments and
praise to people. Start to recognize other people's abilities. Get used
to saying such things as "Thank you". Well done". "I am happy for
you". "That's great". "That's the way to go. Don't give up." and any
other encouraging phrases that lift up people's spirits.
iv. Start utilizing non-verbal expressions like nods of the head, winks
and warm smiles to encourage others. Always show that you are
happy to see somebody and you recognize their presence even
without saying anything.
vi. Learn that it is important to sacrifice your own time for the sake of
the people around you. Make time to be with others at times that
are convenient to them. Spend the time wisely and invest in the
relationship. Make them the center of attention. Think less about
yourself. Bring the best out of them
I would like to share with you two insights as I conclude this chapter. You
must realize that encouragement is not the responsibility of a gifted few,
but the responsibility of the entire family of God. Whenever I hear people
say, "As for me I am not gifted in encouraging others," I know they haven't
understood what encouragement involves. Secondly and most importantly
encouragement is not something that is needed less in the body of Christ;
rather it's needed more. Do you know why? "In the last days perilous times
shall come" (2 Tim 3:1). Did you know that the only good news now left in
the world is the news about Jesus and His love for humanity?
Each day, the only news that comes to people is largely discouraging and
depressing: start with international terrorism, incurable diseases, high
unemployment, broken marriages, collapsing economies, bad governance,
blatant corruption and impunity, civil wars, high rates of divorce, child
abuse, drug trafficking effects of erratic climate change and so on. Then
there are the confusing and misleading doctrines taught by false Bible
teachers not to mention false promises from selfish preachers and
It's for this reason that the church needs more encouragement than ever.
Encouragement gives hope. But sadly in churches all over you more likely to
find verbal putdowns jabs, insensitive critical comments and harsh
judgments in the house of God. It has been correctly observed that the
church is the only army that shoots it's wounded.
If people can't find hope in the church then they won't find it anywhere
else. They remain hopeless. But, blessed are they that recognize the church
as the only place where those who have been tossed back and forth and
condemned by the world can come and find encouragement even as they
are taken through discipleship to help them grow towards becoming more
and more Christ-like.
Key note: People don't care how much you know until they know how much
you care.
No matter how brilliant and extra-ordinarily talented you may be, you
cannot succeed on your own. No one can succeed alone. For lasting success
to be achieved, you will need many ingredients.
One of the most important of all is to know how to connect and get along
with others. That is what networking is all about. I have discovered that
effective networking is what makes the biggest difference between High
Achievers and Common Achievers.
Whether it is in social networks like Facebook, Twitter the likes, your friends
significantly contribute to your success pace and along with others yet it is a
very important pillar of success. I believe that people are the greatest
resource and asset that there js
Show me someone who knows how to easily connect or get along with
people and I will show you someone who is on his way to uncommon
achievements. But what really is networking?
There are as many networks as there are interests. Successful people build
networks for different reasons. People network for the purposes of sharing
knowledge, different experiences and resources to help one another in the
growth of their enterprises or interests. This is achieved by either drawing
from one another or by partnering with one another and working on the
same project.
b. You must be in a position to articulate what you are looking for and
of course how others may help you.
Networking has countless benefits but let me share with you the ten most
significant ones.
1. It will connect you with new prospects especially through the use of
business cards.
6. It will help you connect with the right people who in turn will help
you grow tremendously in your business or career:
7. It will open the door for new opportunities and bring new ideas,
insights and fresh wisdom into your life.
8. It will enable you receive more invitations to the right events - either
as a participant, facilitator, key-note speaker or even master of
10. It will enable you to meet people you would otherwise have never
had opportunity to meet on your own.
Key note: On your own, you will never go beyond ordinary success no
matter who you are.
I once came across a Bulgarian proverb about opportunity that blew away
my mind. It went like this, "Seize the opportunity by the beard, for it is
bald at the back." Benjamin Disraeli once said: "The secret of success in life
is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
As motivational philosopher Jim Rohn so aptly put it, “You can’t hire
someone else to do your push-ups for you.” You must do them yourself if
you are to get any value out of them. Whether it is exercising, meditating,
reading, studying, learning a new language, creating a mastermind group,
setting measurable goals, visualizing success, repeating affirmations, or
practicing a new skill, you are going to have to do it. No one else can do
these things for you. I will give you the road map, but you will have to drive
the car.
I will teach you the principles, but you will have to apply them. If you
choose to put in the effort, I promise you the rewards will be well worth it.
According to JIM ROHN, America’s foremost business philosopher, “You
must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.”
One old man lamented saying, "When I now look back over my life and
recall what I had simply for the taking but did not, my heart breaks."
HENRY JAMES, American-born author of 20 novels, 112 stories, and 12 plays
once said, “It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined.”
“Learn the fundamentals of the game and stick to them. Band-Aid
remedies never last,” says Jack Nicklaus, Legendary professional golfer.
Advise young people not to wait until they find extra-ordinary opportunities
but instead learn to seize common occasions and make them great.
Common achievers wait for opportunities but uncommon achievers create
During more than ten years of Christian ministry. I have talked to and given
counsel to many career people from all over the country and from other
countries. One thing has always amazed me. Many people have literary
squandered their God given opportunities due to procrastination and fear.
But I have also had the privilege of interacting with and talking to some
successful people. And here is what I have learnt from them. H you want
new successes, seize new opportunities. You cannot expect new
experiences unless you learn to do new things. I want especially to
challenge those who work in big organizations but still find no fulfillment
sometimes leaving them feeling limited. Unless you change the way you
think nothing much is going to change in your life.
1. You must start thinking of yourself as being more significant than your
organization thinks you are. As a matter of fact your organization may not
see anything bigger in you beyond your curriculum vitae. Don't allow your
organization's vision to dwarf your vision. Unleash your brilliance and be
open to new possibilities and opportunities.
2. You must start pursuing your passion. You don't have to necessarily wait
to see the bigger picture. I want to remind you once more that nothing
much has ever been accomplished without passion. It is absurd that many
people continue doing what is not in their hearts just to make money. They
chase after jobs instead of their true passion. But if you ask some of the
richest people like Bill Gates he will tell you he discovered his passion and
started chasing it. It is impossible to do the thing you love with passion and
remain where you are. Try these simple steps;
d. Remember that all the great institutions you know are nothing but
lengthened shadows of individuals' ideas.
3. You must start looking at your organization objectively and make your
own fair analysis of it. It is rather sad that many people believe in, "Better a
devil you know than the angel you do not know." This faulty and
complacent view of things is the reason why millions of people continue
wallowing in the same unfulfilling assignments for decades, just because
they are afraid of losing what they already can see. They live by sight and
not by faith. But watch their lives closely. They are characterized by
averageness and pettiness. An average mentality equals to an average life
and average success. Top achievers examine everything critically. Their
personal vision, and not their organizational chart or vision, is their
compass. Pause and ask yourself the following questions:
And Geena Davis says, "If you risk nothing, then you risk everything."
French writer and politician André Malraux was generally regarded as one
of the most distinguished novelists of the 20th century. His wartime
activities and adventures were legendary and well-documented. Once while
giving a speech he declared that "often the difference between a
successful person and a failure is not that one has better abilities or ideas,
but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a calculated
risk - and to act." Anyone who wants to make progress or to be a Top
Achiever must first and foremost be aware of the fact that "progress always
involves risks."
Thomas Stearns Eliot was a poet, dramatist, literary critic and a Nobel Prize
winner for his exceptional work in the world literature He inspires me
because he was one of the few poets who had earned a master's degree
from Harvard by 1910 before studying further in Paris and Germany. The
First World War I broke out in 1914, he took a risk and moved to England to
study at Oxford where he also taught. He also worked in a bank. He was
very prosperous in spite of the inconveniences caused by the war,
According to him, "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find
out how far one can go." Recently I read a bumper sticker in a matatu that
said. "You never know how much you can do until you try."
They all came very excited and thoroughly prepared for the test.
Immediately they arrived in his home, the billionaire came out and
addressed the young men. "Whoever will pass my test will have any one of
the following three things," he said. "I promise you one billion dollars, one
of my best real estates in an up market suburb or the hand of my
daughter, who is my only child and heir of all my wealth, in marriage. Are
you ready for my test? The billionaire asked and the answer was an
enthusiastic thunderous "yes".
He asked the eager young men to follow him to the backyard of his palatial
home. "Very good!" the old man said once they got there. Before them was
a huge swimming pool that looked more like a Small lake. "Whoever will be
the first one to jump into this Swimming pool and come out first is free to
ask for any one of the three things I have promised. But before you jump
in, I would like to inform you that in there are hungry alligators and
crocodiles, and venomous snakes." He said.
The moment he said that, the young men who had by now undressed ready
to dive in, were shaking with fear written all over their faces, they just stood
there, dumb-founded, trying to figure out what was going on. Some thought
they were dreaming or even watching a movie
During the process, one of them, a young man, who was also an orphan,
closed his eyes and dived into the dangerous pool his clothes on. Within a
fraction of a second he was on ground. As his colleagues watched in horror
and expecting the woman, the crazy young man came out of the pool on
the other side, panting heaving Amazed and tongue-tied, the ninety nine
gentlemen stared at one of them who had passed a very dangerous and
unusual test. So the old man softly chuckling looked at this courageous but
shaken young man and told him, "Young man that was risky, now you may
name your prize." Before the young and courageous risk-taker named his
prize he turned to his learned friends and told them this, "I discovered a
very but alive strange thing in the water: that even the alligators,
venomous snakes and crocodiles ran for their lives." I concluded that when
you take risks, even what you thought to be your greatest obstacle cannot
withstand your courage and energy.
The billionaire gave these University graduates some two more nuggets. He
told them. "The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear
and get a record of successful experiences behind you. Destiny is not a
matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved." He also reminded them of a Latin Proverb that
says, "Danger can never be overcome without taking risks."
Dear friends, success is for the risk takers. Theodore H. White once said that
"to go against the dominant thinking of your friends; of most of the people
you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can
“Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of
making excuses,” says George Washington Carver, Chemist who discovered
over 325 uses for the peanut. According to Wayne Dyer, Coauthor of How
to Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want, “All blame is a waste of
time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of
how much you blame him, it will not change you.”
Mark Twain once said "Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So
throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, and catch the
trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
The four friends risked their lives and being accused of destroying
someone’s property for Jesus to heal their paralyzed man.
Paul the apostle was the greatest risk taker I probably know of. He took the
gospel to the most dangerous parts of the world. Sometimes he was stoned,
jailed and beaten up but got up again and never gave up. Whoever does
nothing may feel like he never makes any mistakes. But what he doesn't
realize is that doing nothing is his biggest mistaken. Risk takers don't fear
making mistakes.
Many people have been completely crippled by the fear of the unknown. A
story is told of a young boy who asked a farmer if he had planted wheat for
the season. The farmer replied, "No I feared it would not rain. Then the boy
asked, "Did you plant corn? The farmer said. "No I feared insects may eat
the corn." Then what did you plant? The boy asked. "Nothing, I played it
safe because I didn't want to make a mistake," the farmer said.
Many people like the farmer fear to make mistakes. But the truth is that
mistakes are bound to happen. They are inevitable. You can choose to
ignore them, deny them or you can learn from them. In any case when
people fail, only two things happen. They either become more foolish or
I will ask you to reflect upon this insightful quote by one risk- taker. "Of all
the people I have ever known, those who have pursued their dreams and
failed have lived a much more fulfilling life than those who have put their
dreams on a shelf for fear of failure"
"You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life
will never make sense.". Rick Warren
The happiest day of your life will be the day you discover your purpose.
There is certainly no greater discovery in life than this. Don't expect to learn
from someone else what your life purpose is. It is up to you to discover your
purpose or discover nothing.
It is no secret that you are unique and so is your purpose. Your search for
your life is distinct from anyone else's. And only you can make that
discovery. 1his is something you must be aware of. It is your sole business
to discover what God created you for.
The Bible declares that, "Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the
purpose of God that prevails" (Pro 16). Your parents, teachers and leaders
may guess and try to have a plan and possibly a path for you. As a person,
you may assume you have it figured out. But I want you to know this. God
has a purpose for you. He designed you for that specific purpose. Your
fulfillment and happiness in life depend on the discovery and pursuit of that
very purpose.
Dame Rebecca West, Bestselling author once said, “It is the soul’s duty to
be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion.”
You were born with an inner guidance system that tells you when you are
on or off purpose by the amount of joy you are experiencing. The things
that bring you the greatest joy are in alignment with your purpose. To begin
to home in on your purpose, here are a couple of exercises. The first is to
make a list of the times you have felt most joyful and alive. What are the
common elements of these experiences? Can you figure out a way to make
a living doing these things?
Pat Williams is the senior vice president of the NBA’s Orlando Magic
basketball team. He has also written more than 70 books and is a
professional speaker. When I asked him what he felt the greatest secret to
success was, he replied, “Figure out what you love to do as young as you
can, and then organize your life around figuring out how to make a living at
it.” For young Pat, it was sports—more specifically, baseball. When his
father took him to his first baseball game in Philadelphia, he fell in love with
the game.
He learned to read by reading the sports section of the New York Times. He
knew he wanted to grow up and have a career in sports. He devoted almost
every waking moment to it. He collected baseball cards, played sports, and
wrote a sports column for the school newspaper. Pat went on to have a
career in the front office of the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team, then
with the Philadelphia 76ers basketball team. When the NBA considered
granting an expansion team franchise to Orlando, Pat was there to lead the
fight. Now in his seventies, Pat has enjoyed 50-plus years doing what he
loves, and he has enjoyed every minute of it. Once you are clear about what
brings you the greatest joy, you will have a major insight into your purpose.
One of the uncommon American super achievers was Helen Kelle. This
prodigious woman is celebrated as the first deaf and blind person to attain
a Bachelor's- degree from Radcliffe College USA where she graduated with
honors in 1901. She later became a noted and author, a political activist and
a lecturer. She once made a very prolific remark saying: "Many folks have a
wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. They think it is attained
through ratification. But the truth is, it is only achieved through fidelity to
a worthy life purpose,"
Ricky Warren the famous author of The Purpose-Driven Life which has sold
over s0 million copies worldwide believes that the dreamiest question in life
is, "Why on earth am I here?" Until this is answered, all other questions will
remain unanswered.
Over the years, as I have watched and listened to successful leaders and
other High Achievers in their fields, I have discovered a common thread in
all of them: They know perfectly well why they're here.
According to Ricky Warren, "the greatest tragedy of life is not death but a
life without a purpose." You have most likely heard of Dr. Myles Munroe.
This servant of God is an internationally-renowned author, lecturer,
teacher, life coach, and government consultant and leadership mentor.
Munroe has literary spent the last thirty years of his life travelling the world,
training leaders in business, education, government and religion. He
delivers his message on personal and professional development to more
than 600,000 people yearly and millions through his Media program. This is
how he defines purpose. He says, "Purpose is the original intent cause for
the creation or existence of a thing, the end or which the means exists, the
desired result that initiates coaction, the need that makes the manufacturer
produce lC product, the destination that prompts the journey, potation of
the source, the objective of the subject, the ration for the inspiration, and
the object one wills or immediately after graduating from the Pentecostal
Bible College international in Mombasa Pentecostal Church. I was privileged
to resolves to have."
Ricky Warren impacted my life forever through that book. It has since
become one of my reference books when I teach about purpose. Let me
share with you some insightful and unforgettable lessons I have picked from
that book, lessons which I have also observed in many uncommon achievers
that I know.
1. Top Achievers are more concerned with why they are on this earth
more than why they are not successful.
2. Top achievers recognize that Life is not about them but about God.
3. Top achievers realize that all things God created have a special
4. Top achievers discover that they are not born by accident but of
God's purpose.
8. Top achievers know that lite on earth is just but a preparation for
9. Top achievers realize that everything on earth should be for the
glory of God and for their good.
10. Top achievers know that they can only be effective by being
selective. They discover that they are not born for everything but for
I am persuaded that purpose gives direction to one's life. Only Purpose will
inform you when a particular assignment is over and when 1o move on to
another. Over the years I have seen people insist on doing things God has
not called them to do just for survival.
I guarantee you nothing can be more frustrating and draining. Paul the
apostle understood this principle pretty well. One time he sharply disagreed
with Peter who was trying to interfere with God's purpose for his life.
Uncommon achievers are uncompromising when it comes to protecting
God's purpose for their lives. Has it ever occurred to you that without
purpose there is no destiny and without destiny there is no purpose? I have
observed one great blunder that most Christian organizations make. They
mean well at the beginning but over time they fail to recognize that God's
purpose is greater than their organization's vision, mission or strategic plan.
In their preoccupation with achieving their goals and observing their
policies, they shut out God's Spirit and the needs around them. In the end
they, without even being aware of it, depart from the path of God's
purposes for them.
One of the most sought after inspirational speaker in the world is Brian
Tracy This Canadian born high achiever was born in a financially struggling
family. This made him drop out of high school and become a laborer. Today
he is a leading self-development author and coach in the United States of
America. Tracy is also a best-selling author with more than 40 books to his
name and more than 300 video and audio presentations. He also ministers
to a live audience of more than 250,000 each year. He once said that "all
successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what
their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day
toward that distant vision, that goal or clear purpose. “Discovering your life
purpose comes with many benefits. Here are some of them.
4. Discovering your purpose will make things a lot easier your life.
10. Discovering your purpose helps you prepare adequately for the next
Steve Goodlier, the founder and publisher of Your Life Support System, a
widely-read e-zine in existence since 1999, wrote in his ok Follow Your Bliss
that "Not everybody can identify a purpose in life. But when you do, and
when you pursue it, you will be finf the kind of life you feel you were meant
to live. And what's more, you will be happy. Robert Byrne a top real estate
professional correctly stated that "the purpose of life is a life of purpose,"
Let me conclude with the words of Mary Kay Ash who has been a trusted
leader in beauty for nearly fifty years. She is behind the creation of
innovative products that are available through Independent Beauty
Consultants worldwide. She powerfully concluded one of her talks to 2
groups of entrepreneurs in the United States by saying: "We must have a
theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don't know
Where you're aiming, you don't have a goal. My goal is to live the in such a
way that when I die, someone can say, she cared"
"Tf you can see it, you can have it.”- Kong Hee
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft at only fifty three years is the youngest
but the richest and the top of the first fifteen Billionaires in the world today.
One day he was asked by Fortune Magazine to give the secret behind the
massive achievements of Microsoft. His quick reply was: "It's our vision
which hasn't changed since the day the company was founded". This
Billionaire's story is amazingly inspirational. In 1975, he owned one of the
oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, Harvard. But while
studying there, the young teenager developed a slogan of the programming
language "basic for the first microcomputer
Second year, he couldn't control the passion to see it come to pass his
Microsoft, together with his boyhood buddy Paul Allen. 5 he dropped out of
Harvard to devote his energies full-time teenagers, these two uncommon
dreamers Gates and Allen were persuaded of a future where every
household and business would have a computer. They literary saw a
computer in every office if is not household. Henry David Thoreau said that,
"the question is not what you look at but what you see," that makes the
Top Achievers only need to see a clear picture of the future and they will
move into action. They always begin with the end in mind. Joel Barker
taught that "Vision without action is merely a daydream. Action without
vision merely a nightmare. Vision with action can change the world."
Jack Canfield co-creator of chicken soup for the soul with Janet Switzer,
said in his book titled ‘Success Principles,’ a few years after he met Mr.
Stone, Dr. Robert Resnick, a psychotherapist in Los Angeles, taught him a
very simple but very important formula that made this idea of 100%
responsibility even clearer to me. The formula is:
(Event + Response = Outcome)
The basic idea is that every outcome you experience in life (whether it is
success or failure, wealth or poverty, health or illness, intimacy or
estrangement, joy or frustration) is the result of how you have responded
to an earlier event or events in your life.
If you don’t like the outcomes you are currently getting, you can blame the
event (E) for your lack of results (O). In other words, you can blame the
economy, the weather, the lack of money, your lack of education, racism,
gender bias, the current administration in Washington, your parents, your
wife or husband, your boss’s attitude, your employees, the system or lack of
systems, and so on. If you’re a golfer, you’ve probably even blamed your
clubs and the course you played on. No doubt all these factors do exist, but
if they were the deciding factor, nobody would ever succeed.
Jackie Robinson would never have played major league baseball, Barack
Obama would never have become president of the United States, Sidney
Poitier and Denzel Washington would never have become movie stars,
Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer would never have become U.S.
senators, Bill Gates would never have founded Microsoft, and Steve Jobs
would never have started Apple Computers. For every reason why it’s not
possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same
circumstances and succeeded.
The two Wright brothers Wilber and Orville from the heartland of America
were men of vision. After observing the birds of the air flying high above the
sky, they imagined of an aircraft. They saw people flying to their
destinations in the airplanes. They passionately threw themselves into
action to see it happen. A century later people easily fly across oceans and
huge mountains within hours around the world. Their vision has made the
world a small village just like Gates has made it a global village.
Following his death, Writer Metaxas described him as the greatest social
reformer in the history of the world. He further stated that, "The world that
Wilberforce was born into in 1759 and the world he departed in 1833 was
as different as lead and gold. Wilberforce presided over a social earthquake
that rearranged the continents and whose magnitude we are now
beginning to fully appreciate"
Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible. John Scully once
rightly declared that, "the future belongs to those who see possibilities
before they become obvious." Pastor Paul Yong Cho. the senior pastor of
the largest church in the world, once made me understand that, "man
doesn't make the vision; the vision makes the man."
Recently I read a statement that really challenged me. It went something
like this: "Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the
absence of things but the absence of vision." How true!
The most famous American deaf blind author, Helen Keller, was absolutely
correct when she said that, "the most pathetic person in the world is
someone who has sight, but has no vision." The Bible simply declares that:
"Where there is no vision people perish." All the things that we see today
were formed in people's minds first. You will never go beyond what you
see. Mahatma Karamchand Gandhi who is revered in India as "The Father of
the Nation," saw a reformed nation before he strategically employed the
famous philosophy of non-violent political resistance against the mighty
British Empire. Following his footsteps was the African-American clergyman,
Martin Luther King Jr who also saw a non-racist America before he started
advocating for social change through the same non-violent means. Equally
inspired by Gandhi, our very own Nelson Mandela - who is also the world's
most famous ex-prisoner saw a non-racist South Africans before he began
to actively campaign against the policies of apartheid using non-violent
Joseph of the Bible saw all his brothers and even his parents bowing before
him and it surely happened just as he had seen it. Nehemiah saw the
Jerusalem walls rebuilt in spite of the opposition and sure enough it came
to pass. Isaiah saw Jesus the Savior and Prince of Peace thousands of years
before the prophecy came to pass.
Jesus having become of age saw millions of lost sinners getting saved and
being reconciled back to God way before he went to the cross and today it
is surely happening.
If you are going to be a High Achiever then you must not underestimate the
importance of vision in your life. Do you have a vision for your life?
Having a vision for your life is the greatest and most powerful way to
maintain focus on what it is you really want in life and what keeps you
motivated to achieve your dreams, Taking the time to visualize the end
result can yield a certain clarity, inspiration, and direction that elude many
people who often experience anxiety and frustration as a result of having
no real vision for themselves.
A vision that is clear will open your mind to the endless possibilities of the
future. No wonder Jonathan Swift de fines vision as the art of seeing the
invisible. What do you see?
Your vision will help you to triumph over all obstacles. It will give you the
power to hang on during tough times. Vision reminds you that tough times
don't last but tough people do.
When your vision is very well defined it will help you to focus and create a
purpose that will become the measurement for your success. Obviously, if
you do not have a vision of who you want to be., how you want to succeed
or what you want out of life, you begin to lack drive and soon your life
becomes just a chain of meaningless and unsatisfying events.
If you develop a strong, current and relevant vision, it will connect you with
your deepest passions and greatest potential. Winston Churchill was right
when he said, "The empires of the future are empires of the mind." What
you see in your mind is what you will have.
Your vision will help you know what and why you are doing the things you
are doing. Vision gives you purpose for life and reason to forge ahead
regardless of what may be going on in the world or the challenges that
present themselves.
Your vision will help you feel much more valuable as a person when you set
and achieve your goals. Having a vision is the most important thing in the
path of your success in life.
"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going... It's
as simple as that." Zig Ziglar.
Did your parents and teachers ever tell you to work very hard in order to
succeed in life? Mine told me the same. But I have discovered that they
were not absolutely right. I know people who have worked very hard over
the years yet they still have nothing to show for it.
I have come to agree totally with Elbert Hubbard that many people fail in
life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they
have never organized their energies around a goal.
Anthony Robbins the author of "Awakening the Giant Within" believes that
setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. I would
like you to pause and answer these questions:
What are some of your goals in life? Are you able to write down at three?
The most important thing about goals is having one. And could there be a
difference between goals and dreams? Yes there big one. Harvey Mackay
describes the difference. He says, "A dream is just a dream. A goal is a
dream with a plan and a deadline." There are so many people who never
move beyond dreams, and there are also some who never move beyond
realities. But only people with goals are able to turn dreams into realities.
Why are goals so important? Goals are the road maps that guide you and
show you what is possible for your life. Besides then a goal matters enough
to a person, that person will find a way to accomplish it even though at first
it seemed impossible.
Brain Tracy once declared that "the most important key to achieving great
success is to decide upon your goal and launch, get started, take action,
a. When you have clear goals it helps you to significantly clarify your
intentions and also gives form to your energy.
e. Goals will help you attract the support of others. Most people want
to support clear-minded, passionate goal-oriented individuals.
Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude towards us. " Earl
William James, the founder of American Psychology once said this The most
important discovery or our time is that we can alter our lives if we alter our
Zig Ziglar one of the world's top motivational speakers teaches that, "our
attitude determines our altitude in life." That is to say that your attitude
ultimately dictates how far you will go and how much you will accomplish.
"Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude
The good news is that the bad news can be turned into good news if you are
willing to change your attitude. I am an ardent sports lover. Whenever I
watch any sport I am keen to observe the attitude of the participating
teams; how they talk and behave prior to starting and how they practice,
and what they believe about the sport.