Mustard Seed 25 September 2011
Mustard Seed 25 September 2011
Mustard Seed 25 September 2011
We pray for the sick: Colleen, Ric, Damon, Bec, Rose, Lyn, Eigil, Noah, Ann, Keith, Anna In the Diocese we pray for: Archbishop Roger Herft; Bishop Tom Wilmot; Bishop Kay Goldsworthy; Parish of Wembley, Peter Ng and people. In the Province we pray for: Parish of Boyup Brook, Diocese of Bunbury: Parish of Shark Bay, Diocese of North West Australia. In the Anglican Church we pray for: Primate of Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall; Diocese of Sydney, Archbishop Peter Jensen, Bishop Robert Forsyth, Bishop Glenn Davies, Bishop Ivan Lee, Bishop Peter Hayward, clergy and people. In the Anglican Communion we pray for: Archbishop Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury; Southern Virginia (USA), Bishop Herman Hollerith.
LITURGICAL ASSISTANTS There are often misunderstandings about the nature and role of a Liturgical Assistant (LA). The Diocesan Pastoral Handbook defines an LA, saying: These persons will be authorised by the Rector of the Parish to assist in liturgical roles only, within a specific place of worship. A Liturgical Assistant is not only the person who serves in the sanctuary - scripture readers, intercessors, greeters, childrens ministry leaders and musicians may all be LAs. LAs are authorised by the Rector for one year and given a certificate of authority. The authority expires each year on July 1. There are currently no formally authorised LAs in our parish. We have been undertaking Hospitality Workshops and ChurchSafe training in order to establish basic standards and common understandings. LAs for 2012 will be discerned and screened over the next several months, then authorised in January 2012.
GIFT FOR CHERYLE MARTIN At the end of this month, Cheryle will be concluding her work as Administrative Assistant after many years of faithful service. Church Council has set aside some funds for a gift, and now invites parishioners to also contribute. Please place cash or a cheque in an envelope marked Cheryle gift and place it in the collection OR speak to a Church Councillor. CARE TEAM Thank you to all those who offered feedback about the Pastoral Care Guidelines. The newlyconfigured Care Team will provide formal, organised assistance on behalf of the Worshipping Community to people who are: a) ill, convalescing or have ongoing health concern or b) are dealing with an emergency or crisis in their life. Would you like to be part of this team? We anticipate that it will consist of around four-six people who meet monthly, and serve on the team for two years. The team will function best with a mix of age and gender. Please make contact with the Rector to discuss your possible involvement.
TEATOWELS AND HANDTOWELS A REMINDER All people who are rostered on Morning Tea at the 10am service please take home the used tea-towels from the kitchen and handtowels from the bathrooms, wash and return them. ONE-OFF GIFTS VIA CREDIT CARD From time to time, you may wish to give a one-off financial gift to support Gods mission, whether through our parish or an Anglican agency like St Barts or Parkerville Children and Youth Care. You can give easily by credit card at SPECIAL PURPOSE ENVELOPE From time to time you may need to give funds to the parish for a particular purpose. To assist in this process, the shelf at the rear of the church building contains special purpose envelopes. To use the envelope, first place cash or a cheque inside, or make a funds transfer. Then complete the details on the front of the envelope advising of the amount given and its purpose. You can do this anonymously if you choose.
HOSPITALITY WORKSHOP #3 - TODAY 25 September 12.30pm - 2.30pm An opportunity to refresh and renew our hospitality practices. IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY Thursdays: 29 Sept. and 6, 13, 20, 27 Oct, at 5.00pm for 5.15pm Facilitated by The Reverend Tess Milne, these sessions will explore the spiritual practices associated with St Ignatius of Antioch. Ignatian spirituality is for everyday life. It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. It is a pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions guided by keen discernment, and an active life of service to others. STUDY OF MYSTICS & Their Writings, Saturday 1st October 9am-11am Join us for tea and toast, reflection & discussion in the Parish Centre, St Cuthberts Anglican Church cnr Hillsden and Darlington Roads, Darlington. This month we are reading part three of: One River, Many Wells; Wisdom Springing From Global Faiths by Matthew Fox. MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID - Wednesday, 12 October from 7.00pm - 9.00pm Parish of Lockridge-Eden Hill (The Church of the Resurrection, 37 Woolgar Way, Lockridge) Mental Health First Aid for church leaders and those who wrap around them families, partners, parishioners. The two hour workshop will include information on mental health issues, light refreshments and an open forum on mental health/wellness strategies. Come along from 5.30pm for wood-fire pizza in the Community Garden attached to the church.
LA and Chalice Bible Reader Prayers Morning Tea Greeting And Offertory Childrens Liturgy Cleaning Counters Storyteller Karen Leader Heather B Helper Michelle A 8am Pat 8am Bernard 8am Mary 8am Brenda School Holidays Val Genevieve Martin Fred Rona & Brian Lynne Frances
25 SEPT Exodus 17: 1-7 Ps 78: 1-4,11-16 Phill: 2: 1-13 Matt. 21:23-32 2 OCT Exodus 20: 1-20 Psalm 19 Phill:3: 4b -14 Matt:21: 33-46 9 OCT Exodus 20:1-20 Ps 106: 1-6,20-24 Phill:3: 4b -14 Matt:21: 33-46
8am Britt Sheena 10am Cheryle Krys 8am Shirley Bernard 10am Rosie Fred 8am Trish Shirley 10am Charlotte David
8am Brenda
8am Pat
8am Brenda
8am Marea
10am David
10am Nancy
10am Nancy
10am Terry
10am Michelle A
10am Martin
10am Shereen
10am Krys
8am Bernard
8am Ian
8am Jill
8am Sue
School Holidays
10am Helen
Office: T: 9299 7274 E:[email protected] Mustard Seed: Rosie Zuiderduyn E: [email protected] Rector: Fr Chris Bedding T: 9299 7274 T: 0405 525 476 E: [email protected] Day off: Friday Wardens: Charlotte Blackley 9295 4241 Brenda Marissen 9299 6723 David Bryde
Hills Anglicans