Dressing Checklists For Schools of Nursing NCJ (24219)
Dressing Checklists For Schools of Nursing NCJ (24219)
Dressing Checklists For Schools of Nursing NCJ (24219)
Explain the procedure, to gain consent and co-operation.
Ensures privacy/prepare bed area (draw screen around bed, ensure adequate
lighting, clear bed area, position bed to working height, close window, turn off
Adjust bedclothes/patient’s clothing to permit easy access to the wound but
maintain warmth and dignity (prior to commencement of wound cleaning)
Assess the wound/dressing (do not leave uncovered during initially
assessment), check patient’s comfort
Make patient comfortable (Position, convenience, need for toilet and so on)
Administer analgesics as appropriate and allow time to take effect
Dressing trolleys or other suitable surfaces (upper and lower shelves)
Dressing packs, syringe (for irrigating the wound/pulling up solutions), gloves,
masks, cleansing solution, kidney dish, waste bin, topical drugs and new
dressing sets according to the care plan/local policy
Location of appropriate hand washing facilities
Clean surfaces and edges of dressing trolleys/or other suitable surfaces, remove
old tapes; place new tapes at an appropriate area of trolley.
Position trolley/s and waste bin/s appropriately for easy access
Check for sterility, sediments and expiry date of solutions, place at bottom of
trolley or other convenient area
Open outer wrapper, then remove dressing set from inner wrapper, ensuring
inner portion which is sterile is not touched (1/4 - 1 inch is allowed) (may also
open sterile glove, wash hand don gloves then open inner wrapper and
arrange equipment in dressing tray)
Open inner wrapper on sterile field ( touching 1/4-1inch only) arrange forceps,
gauze, swaps, tray/dishes (using a sterile arranging forceps or sterile gloves,
ensure hands do not touch sterile area), pour solutions, open sterile syringe,
dressing packs, gloves onto field (or on trolley), prepare tape, bandage (do not
place in sterile field) after arranging sterile field. Hands must always be
washed prior to donning sterile gloves or holding sterile forceps
Position patient, remove dressing using forceps if available or gloved hand ,
(unsterile or the now soiled glove that was sterile) then dispose in waste bin,
inspect wound, if not done before for colour, size, healing, type & amount of
Wash hands, don sterile gloves or pick up forceps ensuring hands do not touch
sterile field, identify clean and dirty hands ensuring they do not cross each other
(hands should not go below waist or above breast once you commence
Transfer dressing material from clean to dirty hand; clean wound furthest way
first, clean from inner to outer for acute/surgical wound. For chronic wound
clean outer to inner. Ensure dirty hand does not touch sterile field
Ensure that hands remain between breast and navel; a hand that goes above the
breast or below the navel is considered unsterile
Use each gauze/cotton swab once in circular or vertical motions, pat dry around
wound if wet; apply topical medication if indicated
Apply dressing/bandage as indicated (dry to dry or wet to dry or as prescribed)
secure firmly with tape
Note patient’s response to procedure
Proper disposal of equipment and waste items; wash hands
Document that wound was dressed; also document findings