ADI 900 158 - Insert
ADI 900 158 - Insert
ADI 900 158 - Insert
Table of Contents
2 Introduction
2 Principle
3 Materials Supplied
3 Storage
3 Materials Needed but Not Supplied
4 Reagent Preparation
5 Sample Handling
7 Assay Procedure
8 Calculation of Results
9 Trouble Shooting
10 References
12 Limited Warranty
The Glutathione peroxidase activity kit is a complete kit for measuring the activity of glu‐
tathione‐dependent peroxidases in cells, tissues, erythrocytes and plasma.
Glutathione Peroxidase is a tetramer of four identical subunits, with a molecular weight
of 84,000 daltons. It requires selenium as a cofactor and contains a selenocysteine amino
acid residue in the active site of each monomer that participates in the actual mecha‐
nism of the enzyme. Glutathione peroxidase (GP) is found in mammalian cells and helps
to prevent lipid peroxidation of cell membranes by consuming free peroxide in the cell.
The enzyme catalyzes the following reaction:
2GSH + H2O2 -------> GSSG + 2H2O
Glutathione Reductase (GR) then reduces the oxidized glutathione to complete the cycle:
+ +
GSSG + NADPH + H -------> 2GSH + NADP
Where GSH represents reduced monomeric glutathione, and GSSG represents oxidized
glutathione. The oxidation of NADPH to NADP+ is accompanied by a decrease in
absorbance at 340 nm (A340). The rate of decrease in the A340 s directly proportional
to the Glutathione Peroxidase activity in the sample.
1. Reaction mix, Glutathione Peroxidase, and samples are added to the appropriate
wells of a 96‐well plate.
2. Cumene Hydroperoxide is added to the wells to initiate the reaction.
3. The plate is transferred to a plate reader and absorbance readings are taken at
340 nm every 30 seconds or 1 minute for 10 to 15 minutes.
1. PBS pH 7.4
2. Distilled water
3. Protease inhibitors such as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), Sigma P7626 or
4. Peroxide free Triton X‐100 or Nonidet P‐40 for cell extract preparation.
5. Microtubes, 0.5 and 1.5 mL
6. 15 mL conical tubes (adherent and suspension cell preparation)
7. 50 mL conical tubes (tissue preparation)
8. Precision pipettes for volumes between 1‐200 µL and 100 to 1000μL
9. Multichannel pipettor for volumes between 1 ‐ 50 µL and 50 µL – 200 µL
10. Microplate reader or spectrophotometer capable of reading at 340 nm and taking
readings every 30 seconds or 1 minute for ten to 15 minutes and exporting data to
an Excel spreadsheet.
11. Microcentrifuge for processing samples
12. Sonicator or Homogenizer
Assay Procedure
1. Set up your plate reader to measure absorbance at 340 nm every 30 seconds or
1 minute. Include a 10 second orbital shake prior to the initial read. Accuracy and
consistency of results is dependent on maintaining a constant temperature. Set the
plate chamber of your instrument to 25°C if possible. Blank your readings with
respect to 200 µL of 1X Assay Buffer in one well.
2. Plan your experiment to measure each sample in triplicate and at different dilutions
or amounts of protein. Some samples, particularly erythrocyte lysates, may have to
be diluted significantly with 1X Assay Buffer to achieve a reasonable rate of decrease
in absorbance at 340 nm. Note that the final volume of the reaction is 200 µL.
3. Set up the following reactions in a 96 well plate (per well):
1X Assay Buffer: 140 µL
10X Reaction Mix: 20 µL
Glutathione Peroxidase, sample, or control 20 µL
Note: The Glutathione Peroxide is provided to serve as a positive control to ensure
the assay is working. It should not be used to construct a calibration curve to
measure Glutathione Peroxidase concentration in samples.
4. Initiate the reactions by quickly adding 20 µL of Cumene Hydroperoxide to each well
using a mutichannel pipettor.
5. Immediately begin measuring absorbance at 340 nm every 30 seconds or 1 minute
over a 10‐15 minute period.
6. Controls: Include a background set of wells where 20 µL of 1X Assay Buffer is
added instead of sample or Glutathione Peroxidase. The rate of decrease of
absorbance at 340 nm in the background is subtracted from that of the samples or
standard to obtain the net rate of decrease of absorbance at 340 nm for the
calculation of Glutathione Peroxidase activity in your samples.
= nmole/min/mL = Units/mL
Bubbles in well Avoid making bubbles
Initial absorbance is less Failure to add GSH + Add GSH + NADPH to 10X
than 0.1 and there is no NADPH to 10X Reaction Reaction Mix
decrease in absorbance Mix
Use of Product
This product contains research chemicals. As such, they should be used and
handled only by or under the supervision of technically qualified individuals. This
product is not intended for diagnostic or human use.
Enzo Life Sciences International, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind, expressed
or implied, which extends beyond the description of the product in this brochure,
except that the material will meet our specifications at the time of delivery. Enzo
Life Sciences International, Inc. makes no guarantee of results and assumes no
liability for injuries, damages or penalties resulting from product use, since the
conditions of handling and use are beyond our control.
Enabling Discovery in Life Science®
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tact information.