Glutathione Peroxidase Cellular Activity Assay Kit
Glutathione Peroxidase Cellular Activity Assay Kit
Glutathione Peroxidase Cellular Activity Assay Kit
Tissue extracts may contain enzymes that utilize 2. Add 50 µl of the NADPH Assay Reagent and
NADPH and skew the results. A blank without 10–50 µl of sample or 20–50 µl of enzyme to the
t-Bu-OOH can be used as a control for these cuvette and mix by inversion. The total volume in
endogenous activities. When liver samples are the cuvette should be 1.00 ml.
analyzed, H2O2 should be used to start the reaction 3. Start the reaction by addition of 10 µl of the 30 mM
(0.15–0.30 mM solution) since t-Bu-OOH is also a tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide Solution. Mix by inversion.
substrate for glutathione S-transferase. In this case, 4. Follow the decrease in absorbance at 340 nm using
catalase must be blocked by addition of 1 mM NaN3 in a kinetic program. The following program is
the reaction mixture. In addition, when using H2O2 recommended:
instead of t-Bu-OOH, the pH of the Glutathione Wavelength: 340 nm
Peroxidase Assay Buffer should be adjusted to pH 7.0 Initial delay: 15 seconds
with HCl. At a pH greater than 7.0 there will be a Interval: 10 seconds
spontaneous reaction of hydrogen peroxide with Number of readings: 6
reduced glutathione. 5. Calculate the amount of enzyme in the sample.
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