Xiao Fei Gao Zhi Mei Wang Feng Wang Yue Gu Zhen Ge Xiang Quan Kong Guang Feng Zuo Jun Jie Zhang Shao Liang Chen

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The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247



Intravascular ultrasound guidance reduces cardiac death and coronary

revascularization in patients undergoing drug-eluting stent
implantation: results from a meta-analysis of 9 randomized trials
and 4724 patients
Xiao‑Fei Gao1,2 · Zhi‑Mei Wang1 · Feng Wang1 · Yue Gu1 · Zhen Ge1 · Xiang‑Quan Kong1 · Guang‑Feng Zuo1 ·
Jun‑Jie Zhang1,2 · Shao‑Liang Chen1,2

Received: 27 November 2018 / Accepted: 5 February 2019 / Published online: 12 February 2019
© Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) guidance is not routinely performed in real-word clinical practice partly because the benefit
of IVUS guidance is not well established. This updated meta-analysis aims to compare IVUS-guided and angiography-guided
drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation, simultaneously stressing the value of an optimal IVUS-defined procedure. Medline,
Scopus, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Controlled Trials Registry were searched for the randomized trials comparing
IVUS-guided and angiography-guided DES implantation. Nine eligible randomized trials including 4,724 patients were
identified. At a mean follow-up of 16.7 months, IVUS guidance was associated with a significant lower risk of major adverse
cardiovascular events (MACE) [5.4% vs. 9.0%; relative risks (RR): 0.61, 95% confident interval (CI) 0.49–0.74, p < 0.001],
cardiac death (0.6% vs. 1.2%; RR: 0.49, 95% CI 0.26–0.92, p = 0.03), target vessel revascularization (3.5% vs .6.1%; RR:
0.58, 95% CI 0.42–0.80, p = 0.001), target lesion revascularization (3.1% vs. 5.2%; RR: 0.59, 95% CI 0.44–0.80, p = 0.001),
and definite/probable stent thrombosis (0.5% vs .1.1%; RR: 0.45, 95% CI 0.23–0.87, p = 0.02) compared with angiography
guidance. No significant differences in all cause death and myocardial infarction were noted between the two groups. Sub-
group analysis showed that patients who met the optimal criteria had a lower rate of MACE than those with IVUS-defined
suboptimal procedure (RR: 0.33, 95% CI 0.06–0.60, p = 0.02). The present meta-analysis with the largest sample size to
date demonstrates that IVUS-guided DES implantation significantly reduces cardiac death, coronary revascularization and
stent thrombosis, particularly for patients with IVUS-defined optimal procedures compared with angiography guidance.

Keywords  Intravascular ultrasound · Angiography · Drug-eluting stents · Optimal criteria · Meta-analysis

Xiao-Fei Gao and Zhi-Mei Wang contributed equally to this work. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) with a high spatial resolu-
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this
tion is a useful tool for evaluating lesion morphology and
article (https​://doi.org/10.1007/s1055​4-019-01555​-3) contains optimizing stent implantation. In the bare metal stent (BMS)
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. era, the clinical benefit of IVUS-guided percutaneous coro-
nary intervention (PCI) was largely driven by reductions in
* Jun‑Jie Zhang
restenosis and target vessel revascularization (TVR) without
[email protected]
significant benefits in death or myocardial infarction [1].
* Shao‑Liang Chen
Drug-eluting stents (DES) are superior to BMS in terms
[email protected]
of a reduced rate of stent restenosis less than 10% [2]. In
Department of Cardiology, Nanjing First Hospital, Nanjing the DES era, the common changes of IVUS-guided DES
Medical University, No. 68 Changle Road, Nanjing 210006, implantation include larger size stents/balloons, longer
stents, and more frequent postdilation, which could lead
Department of Cardiology, Nanjing Heart Centre, Nanjing, to a larger postprocedural minimal lumen diameter (MLD)


240 The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247

and subsequently reduced adverse cardiovascular events [3]. Data extraction and quality assessment
Several registries [4–8], randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
[9–14] and meta-analyses [3, 15–17] have confirmed these Two investigators (GXF and WZM) reviewed all selected
results and demonstrated that IVUS-guided DES implan- articles independently to assess the eligibility of each article
tation was associated with the reduction of major adverse with standardized data-abstraction forms, and discrepancies
cardiac events (MACE) and TVR in complex lesions (long were resolved by a third investigator (WF). The following
lesions, bifurcation lesions, chronic total occlusion, and data were extracted from the included studies: study design,
unprotected left main disease). Notably, the ULTIMATE baseline demographics, angiographic and procedural charac-
trial [18] (comparison of intravascular ultrasound-guided teristics, and clinical outcomes at follow-up. The Cochrane
vs. angiography-guided implantation of drug-eluting stent tool was used to assess the qualities of the retrieved studies.
in all-comers) recently demonstrated that IVUS-guided
DES implantation could significantly reduce target ves-
Study endpoints
sel failure (TVF) in all-comers, particularly patients with
IVUS-defined optimal procedure, compared with angiog-
The primary endpoint was the risk of MACE, as defined in
raphy guidance. However, IVUS-guided procedure is not
each study. Other clinical endpoints included cardiac death,
routinely performed in real-world clinical practice partly
all cause death, myocardial infarction, target lesion revascu-
due to the increased procedural time and expense as well
larization (TLR), TVR and definite/probable stent thrombo-
as a neutral effect on cardiac death. Therefore, the present
sis (according to the Academic Research Consortium criteria
updated meta-analysis including the latest ULTIMATE trial
[21]). The definitions of each endpoint varied slightly across
was designed to confirm the benefit of IVUS-guided over
studies, and we used the study-specific definitions.
angiography-guided DES implantation.

Statistical analysis

Materials and methods This meta-analysis was performed based on the Preferred

Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis
Literature search (PRISMA) statements (Supplemental Table 1) [22]. Dichot-
omous variables are expressed as relative risks (RR) and
Clinical studies comparing IVUS-guided and angiography- 95% confidence interval (CI). The heterogeneity among tri-
guided DES implantation were acquired by searching Med- als was evaluated with Cochrane’s Q test and I­ 2 statistic.
line, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Cochrane Controlled When the p-value was < 0.10 of Q test and/or I­ 2 was ≥ 50%,
Trials Registry from January 2005 to October 2018. The high heterogeneity was considered, and a random-effects
combinations of various keywords and Medical Subject model was selected. If not, the fixed-effects model with
Heading, “(randomized controlled trial or controlled clini- the Mantel–Haenszel method was performed. Publication
cal trial or randomized or randomly) and (angiography or bias of the included studies was estimated by Egger’s test
angiography-guided or angio-guided) and (IVUS or intra- (p < 0.1 for significant asymmetry) and funnel plots [23].
vascular ultrasound or IVUS-guided or ultrasound-guided) Treatment effects were also explored through sensitivity
and (percutaneous coronary intervention or PCI or stent- analysis and meta-regression. Moreover, subgroup analysis
ing or stent or coronary stenting)”, were used to search and was performed to assess the benefit of IVUS-defined optimal
enroll all relevant studies. References from reviews, selected procedure over suboptimal procedure. A two-tailed p value
articles and previous meta-analyses [3, 15–17, 19, 20] were less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All
also screened. analyses were conducted using STATA software 14.0 (Stata
Crop., College Station, TX, USA).

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) randomized com-
parison between IVUS guidance and angiography guid-
Eligible studies and patient characteristics
ance; (2) only DES implantation; (3) at least 1-year clinical
follow-up. The exclusion criteria were: (1) nonrandomized
Nine eligible studies [9–14, 18, 24, 25], including a total
studies; (2) bare mental stents implantation; (3) studies with
of 4,724 patients, were identified in the present meta-anal-
duplicate publication, or different follow-up periods from the
ysis, with 2,359 patients in the IVUS guidance group and
same sample origin.

The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247 241

2,365 in the angiography guidance group (Supplemental diabetes (p = 0.59), lesion length (p = 0.66) and follow-up
Fig. 1). The quality assessment using the Cochrane tool duration (p = 0.45).
was listed in Supplemental Table 2. In general, the bias
of all studies, except Tan et al. [13] and Zhang et al. [25], Other clinical outcomes
was low.
The detailed study design, clinical baseline, and pro- Eight studies [9–14, 18, 25] reported cardiac death rates.
cedural characteristics are presented in Tables 1, 2 and IVUS guidance was associated with a significant reduced
3. Six studies [9–12, 14, 18] were conducted in multiple risk of cardiac death (0.6% vs. 1.2%; RR: 0.49, 95% CI
centers, and the remaining studies were three single-center 0.26–0.92, p = 0.03; Fig. 3a) compared with angiography
studies [13, 24, 25]. Two studies [10, 12] enrolled patients guidance, and no significant heterogeneity or publication
with long coronary lesions. Two studies [11, 14] enrolled bias was found (­ I2 = 0%, p = 0.99; Egger’s test: p = 0.64; Sup-
patients with CTO. One study [25] enrolled patients with plemental Fig. 2B). No significant differences in the risk of
small vessel disease. One study [13] enrolled patients with all cause death (1.7% vs. 2.2%; RR: 0.78, 95% CI 0.46–1.31,
unprotected left main disease. The durations of dual anti- p = 0.34; ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.80; Fig. 3b) and myocardial infarc-
platelet therapy after PCI varied from 3 to 12 months, and tion (1.7% vs. 2.2%; RR: 0.79, 95% CI 0.54–1.17, p = 0.24;
clinical follow-up periods ranged from 12 to 24 months. ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.63; Fig. 3c) were noted between IVUS guid-
The optimal criteria of IVUS guidance were slightly dif- ance and angiography guidance with potential publication
ferent and summarized in Supplemental Table 3. bias (Egger’s test: p = 0.07 and p = 0.01; Supplemental
Fig. 2C, D). In addition, six studies [9, 11, 12, 14, 18, 25]
reported TVR data, and 7 studies [9–11, 13, 14, 18, 24]
MACE provided TLR rates. IVUS guidance was associated with a
significant lower incidence of TVR than angiography guid-
All included studies reported MACE rates. As shown in ance (3.5% vs. 6.1%; RR 0.58, 95% CI 0.42–0.80, p = 0.001;
Fig. 1, IVUS guidance has a lower risk of MACE com- ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.93; Fig. 3d) as well as TLR (3.1% vs. 5.2%;
pared with angiography guidance for DES implantation RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.44–0.80, p = 0.001; ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.87;
(5.4% vs. 9.0%; RR: 0.61, 95% CI 0.49–0.74, p < 0.001) Fig. 3e). No publication biases of TVR and TLR were found
without significant heterogeneity among studies (p = 0.53, (Egger’s test: p = 0.15 and p = 0.57; Supplemental Fig. 2E,
­I2 = 0%). No publication bias was found for MACE (Egg- F. IVUS guidance was also related to a low risk of definite/
er’s test: p = 0.21; Supplemental Fig. 2A). probable stent thrombosis (0.5% vs .1.1%; RR 0.45, 95%
The sensitivity analyses indicated that omission of CI 0.23–0.87, p = 0.02; Fig. 3F). No heterogeneity ­(I2 = 0%,
a single study from the overall analysis had no signifi- p = 0.66) and publication bias (Egger’s test: p = 0.47; Sup-
cant effect on the pooled results of MACE (Supplemen- plemental Fig. 2G) were found.
tal Fig.  3). We also performed the further sensitivity
analyses: (1) removal two potentially high-bias studies
by Tan et al. [13] and Zhang et al. [25] (RR: 0.63, 95% Discussion
CI 0.51–0.78, p < 0.001; ­I 2 = 0%, p = 0.49); (2) exclud-
ing studies with first generation DES (RR: 0.51, 95% CI The present meta-analysis with the largest sample size to
0.37–0.70, p < 0.001; ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.85); (3) limited to sin- date, including the latest ULTIMATE trial, demonstrated
gle-center studies (RR: 0.58, 95% CI 0.36–0.95, p = 0.03; that (1) IVUS guidance was associated with significant lower
­I 2 = 15.5%, p = 0.31) or multicenter studies (RR: 0.61, risks of MACE, cardiac death, TVR, TLR, and definite/prob-
95% CI 0.49–0.77, p < 0.001; ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.53); (4) lim- able stent thrombosis at a mean follow-up of 16.7 months
ited to studies with 12-month follow-up (RR: 0.50, 95% compared with angiography guidance; (2) no significant dif-
CI 0.37–0.67, p < 0.001; ­I2 = 0%, p = 0.87) or 24-month ferences in all cause death and myocardial infarction were
follow-up (RR: 0.72, 95% CI 0.53–0.98, p = 0.04; ­I2 = 0%, noted between IVUS guidance and angiography guidance;
p = 0.43). Notably, subgroup analysis [10, 18] demon- (3) subgroup analysis showed that patients who met the opti-
strated that patients who met the optimal criteria had a mal criteria had a lower rate of MACE than those undergo-
lower rate of MACE than those with IVUS-defined sub- ing an IVUS-defined suboptimal procedure.
optimal procedure (RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.06–0.60, p = 0.02; Coronary angiography is considered a gold standard for
­I 2  = 2%, p = 0.88; Fig.  2). Moreover, meta-regression evaluating coronary lesions over the past several decades.
analysis showed that the beneficial effect of IVUS guid- However, the major limitation of coronary angiography
ance over angiography guidance still existed and were is that it could not assess coronary anatomy accurately
not influenced by acute coronary syndrome (p = 0.63), because coronary angiography only produces two-dimen-
sional images of three-dimensional coronary lumen.With



Table 1  Study design of the included study
Year Sample size (n) Center Key inclusion criteria DES type FU (mo) Primary endpoint MACE

HOME DES IVUS 2010 105/105 Single center AHA defined lesion type First generation 18 MACE Death, MI, TLR
B2/C, proximal LAD, LM,
RVD < 2.5 mm, lesion
length > 20 mm, ISR, insulin
dependent DM and ACS
AVIO 2013 142/142 Multicenter Long lesions (> 28 mm), CTO, First generation 24 Post-PCI MLD Cardiac death, MI, or TVR
bifurcation lesions, small ves-
sels (≤ 2.5 mm), patients requir-
ing 4 or more stents
RESET 2013 269/274 Multicenter De novo lesion requiring Second generation 12 MACE Cardiac death, MI, TVR or ST
a stent length ≥ 28 mm
(RVD ≥ 2.5 mm)
AIR-CTO 2015 115/115 Multicenter CTO First/second generation 24 In-stent late lumen loss Death, MI
CTO-IVUS 2015 201/201 Multicenter CTO Second generation 12 Cardiac death Cardiac death
MI, or TVR
Tan et al. 2015 61/62 Single center Unprotected LM First generation 24 MACE Cardiac death
MI, or TLR
IVUS-XPL 2015 700/700 Multicenter Long lesions requiring stent Second generation 12 MACE Cardiac death, target lesion MI, or
length ≥ 28 mm(RVD TLR
2.5–4 mm)
Zhang et al. 2016 42/42 Single center De novo lesion in a small vessel NR 12 Post-PCI MLD Cardiac death
(diameter 2.25–2.75 mm) MI, or TVR
ULTIMATE 2018 724/724 Multicenter All comers Second generation 12 TVF (cardiac death, Cardiac death, TVMI or TVR

AHA American Heart Association, ACS acute coronary syndrome, CTO chronic total occlusion, DES drug-eluting stent, DM diabetes mellitus, FU follow-up, ISR in-stent restenosis, LAD left
anterior descending artery, LM left main disease, MACE major adverse cardiac events, MI myocardial infarction, MLD minimum lumen diameter, NR not reported, RVD reference vessel diam-
eter, ST stent thrombosis, TVF target vessel failure, TVMI target vessel myocardial infarction, TVR target vessel revascularization
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247 243

Table 2  Baseline clinical characteristics of the included studies

Age (years) Male (%) Hypertension (%) Dyslipidemia (%) DM (%) Current Previous MI (%) ACS (%) LVEF (%)

HOME DES 59/60 73/71 67/71 63/66 42/45 40/35 37/32 72/60 NR
AVIO 64/64 82/77 70/67 70/77 24/27 35/31 NR 30/26 55/56
RESET 63/64 66/55 61/66 61/62 32/30 22/17 1/3 47/49 NR
AIR-CTO 67/66 89/80 75/70 22/28 30/27 39/39 21/30 29/24 55/56
CTO-IVUS 61/61 81/81 63/64 NR 35/34 35/34 8/8 NR 57/57
Tan et al. 77/76 62/69 41/47 NR 34/30 44/47 16/21 70/66 55/53
IVUS-XPL 64/64 69/69 65/63 67/65 36/37 22/26 5/4 49/49 63/62
Zhang et al. 63/60 50/60 64/60 48/60 NR 52/52 NR NR 58/57
ULTIMATE 65/66 74/73 71/72 54/55 30/31 35/32 9/12 79/78 61/60

Data are presented as intravascular ultrasound guidance/angiography guidance

ACS Acute coronary syndrome, DM diabetes, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, MI myocardial infarction, NR not reported

Table 3  Angiographic and procedural characteristics of the included studies


Lesion specificities (%)

 LM 3/4 NR 0/0 0/3 0/0 100/100 0/0 0/0 10/9
 LAD 56/54 53/49 50/58 44/37 42/47 NR 65/60 48/52 48/47
 LCX 11/15 NR 21/18 21/15 14/16 NR 14/15 49/51 17/17
 RCA​ 29/24 NR 29/24 35/46 44/37 NR 21/25 56/44 25/28
Multi-vessel disease 60/54 NR 41/38 49/57 72/63 66/63 67/70 NR 53/57
Post-dilation (%) 24/0 88/68 48/43 NR 51/41 23/9 76/57 NR 97/95
Stent number 1.3/1.3 NR NR 1.6/1.5 1.7/1.6 NR 1.3/1.3 NR 1.8/1.8
Stent diameter (mm) NR 3.0/2.9 NR 3.1/2.9 2.9/2.9 3.4/3.4 NR 2.6/2.5 3.1/3.0
Stent length (mm) 23.6/22.1 23.9/23.2 30/30 55/52 43.6/41.5 21.5/18.2 39.3/39.2 26.1/23.3 50.0/47.4
Max balloon diameter 3.3/3.1 3.4/3.2 NR NR NR NR 3.1/3.0 2.9/2.6 3.7/3.5
Max post-dilation pres- 16.4/15.2 20.3/19.6 13.4/13.5 NR 14.6/13.8 NR 16.5/15.9 15.9/14.1 19.7/19.0
sure (atm)
Contrast volume (ml) 133/113 NR NR 293/293 299/295 NR NR NR 178/162
Lesion length (mm) 18.1/17.6 27.4/25.5 25.2/26.1 29.0/30.6 36.3/35.5 NR 34.7/35.2 17.0/15.1 35.1/34.1
Reference vessel diam- 3.2/3.0 2.7/2.6 2.9/2.8 2.7/2.6 2.7/2.6 NR 2.9/2.9 2.4/2.4 2.7/2.8
eter (mm)
Pre-procedural MLD 1.1/1.0 0.8/0.7 1.0/1.0 NR NR 1.9/1.9 0.8/0.8 0.9/0.90 0.9/0.9
Pre-procedural DS (%) 82.3/79.2 71.6/75.5 NR 100/100 100/100 NR 71.1/71.4 77.8/77.8 68.1/66.1
Post-procedural MLD 2.9/2.9 2.6/2.4 2.6/2.6 2.6/2.4 2.6/2.6 3.4/3.4 2.6/2.6 2.8/2.5 2.5/2.5
Post-procedural DS 14.6/15.3 13.9/15.5 NR 11.0/13.8 9.0/10.2 NR 12.8/13.7 6.7/7.9 12.2/12.0

Data are presented as intravascular ultrasound guidance/angiography guidance

CTO Chronic total occlusion, DS diameter stenosis, LAD left anterior descending artery, LCX left circumflex artery, LM left main, MLD mini-
mum luminal diameter, NR not reported, RCA​right coronary artery

a high spatial resolution, IVUS overcomes several limita- In addition, IVUS is also helpful to select the optimal
tions of coronary angiography by providing more accu- stent and balloon size and increase the additional use of
rate information about vessel wall and lesion severity. postdilation with larger balloons and at higher pressures,


244 The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247

Fig. 1  Forest plots for major adverse cardiovascular events. Relative risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) associated with intra-
vascular ultrasound (IVUS)-guided compared with angiography-guided drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation

Fig. 2  Forest plot for major

adverse cardiovascular events
associated with intravascular
ultrasound (IVUS)-defined opti-
mal procedure compared with
suboptimal procedure

resulting in larger postprocedural MLD, whichis poten- myocardial infarction during a follow-up period of 6 months
tially associated with the improved clinical outcomes of to 2.5 years.
PCI. Given the encouraging results of IVUS guidance in the
In the BMS era, IVUS-guided BMS implantation was BMS era and the advantage of DES [2], IVUS-guided DES
associated with reductions in restenosis and TVR with- implantation is widely accepted in complex lesion and high-
out significant benefit in mortality or MI. The meta-anal- risk patient subsets. Of note, the risks of stent underexpan-
ysis [1], including 7 randomized trials, demonstrated that sion, stent malapposition, and stent edge dissections appear
IVUS-guided BMS implantation improved the acute pro- high in patients with complex lesions, which consequently
cedural results (MLD) and thereby reduced restenosis and lead to adverse events. IVUS guidance has a beneficial
repeat revascularization with a neutral effect on death and effect on optimizing stent apposition and results in larger

The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247 245

Fig. 3  Forest plots for other clinical outcomes. Relative risks of car- (TLR) (e), and definite/probable stent thrombosis (f) associated with
diac death (a), all cause death (b), myocardial infarction (c), target intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)-guided compared with angiography-
vessel revascularization (TVR) (d), target lesion revascularization guided drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation

MLD, which were thought to be more useful for the complex showed the superiority of IVUS guidance over angiogra-
lesions. Indeed, several RCTs [9–12, 14] and meta-analy- phy. The American National Cardiovascular Data Registry
ses [3, 15–17, 19] have confirmed that IVUS-guided DES [26] showed that IVUS was used in 20.3% of total cases,
implantation is associated with better clinical outcomes in while 73.6% patients had lesions assessed by angiography
complex lesion subsets (long lesions, bifurcation lesions, only. The potential explanation of this phenomenon is that a
chronic total occlusion, and unprotected left main disease). number of operators might think that angiographic assess-
Overall, the benefit of IVUS guidance is evident in patients ment only is sufficient for a majority of coronary lesions,
with acute coronary syndromes and complex lesions. especially at the cost of increased procedural time and
However, routine use of IVUS in guiding DES implan- expense. Indeed, several observational studies [27, 28] had
tation was controversial until the ULTIMATE trial [18] conflicting results regarding the routine use of IVUS, which


246 The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (2019) 35:239–247

might be due to the study design, especially the low rate Conclusions
of optimal stent deployment in the IVUS guidance group.
The ULTIMATE trial [18], which is the largest RCT in the The present meta-analysis, including 9 RCTs and 4724
IVUS guidance field, including 1,448 all-comer patients patients, demonstrates that IVUS-guided DES implantation
who required DES implantation, showed that IVUS guid- is associated with a significant lower risk of MACE, car-
ance could reduce the 12-month TVF by 47% compared with diac death, TVR, TLR, and stent thrombosis, especially for
angiography guidance in all-comers. Hence, ULTIMATE patients with IVUS-defined optimal procedure, compared
trial has provided evidence to address the role of IVUS guid- with angiography guidance.
ance in all-comer patients with DES implantation, which
also contribute to the significant reduction of cardiac death
and stent thrombosis in this meta-analysis with the largest Funding  The present study was supported by the National Natural Sci-
sample size to date in contrast to previous studies [3, 15]. ence Foundation of China (NSFC 81270191, NSFC 91439118, and
NSFC 91639303) and was jointly supported by Six Talent Peaks Pro-
The benefit of IVUS guidance over angiography guid- ject in Jiangsu Province (2014-WSN-058), Nanjing Health and Fam-
ance in both complex lesions and simple lesions has been ily Planning Commission (YKK16124), Nanjing Health Youth Talent
well established according to previous data and the present Training project (QRX17017), and Nanjing Municipal Commission of
meta-analysis. Next, we should focus on how many proce- Science & Technology (201715026).
dural strategies are changed by IVUS guidance, which could
reflect the real value of IVUS guidance, rather than only Compliance with ethical standards 
IVUS use during PCI. Notably, the optimal IVUS criteria of
Conflict of interest  The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
DES implantation were slightly different in previous studies
[9–11, 13, 14, 18]. The IVUS-defined criteria for the optimal
stent deployment in ULTIMATE trial [18] included the fol-
lowing: (1) MLA in stented segment > 5.0 m ­ m2 or 90% of
the MLA at the distal reference segments; (2) plaque burden
at the 5 mm proximal or distal to the stent edge less than 1. Parise H, Maehara A, Stone GW, Leon MB, Mintz GS (2011)
50%; (3) no edge dissection involving media with length Meta-analysis of randomized studies comparing intravascular
longer than 3 mm. At 12 months after PCI, patients who ultrasound versus angiographic guidance of percutaneous coro-
met all three optimal criteria had a lower risk of TVF com- nary intervention in pre-drug-eluting stent era. Am J Cardiol
pared with that in patients with IVUS-defined suboptimal 2. Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O’Shaughnessy C,
procedure (1.6% vs. 4.4%, p = 0.03). Therefore, optimal Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo R, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ,
IVUS-defined DES implantation could provide more benefit Russell ME, Investigators T-I (2004) A polymer-based, paclitaxel-
thanexclusive IVUS use during PCI. The further RCTs are eluting stent in patients with coronary artery disease. N Engl J
Med 350(3):221–231
needed to explore the most optimal criteria of IVUS guid- 3. Elgendy IY, Mahmoud AN, Elgendy AY, Bavry AA (2016) Out-
ance and how to achieve these IVUS criteria. comes with intravascular ultrasound-guided stent implantation:
a meta-analysis of randomized trials in the era of drug-eluting
stents. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 9(4):e003700
4. Park SJ, Kim YH, Park DW, Lee SW, Kim WJ, Suh J, Yun SC,
Limitations Lee CW, Hong MK, Lee JH, Park SW, Investigators M-C (2009)
Impact of intravascular ultrasound guidance on long-term mortal-
Our study has several limitations. First, the present meta- ity in stenting for unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis.
analysis is not based on individual patient data, so we could Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2(3):167–177
5. Witzenbichler B, Maehara A, Weisz G, Neumann FJ, Rinaldi MJ,
not perform more subgroup analyses. Second, clinical and Metzger DC, Henry TD, Cox DA, Duffy PL, Brodie BR, Stuckey
procedural characteristics, crossover rate, optimal IVUS cri- TD, Mazzaferri EL Jr, Xu K, Parise H, Mehran R, Mintz GS,
teria, and follow-up duration were slightly different among Stone GW (2014) Relationship between intravascular ultrasound
trials. However, the heterogeneity was quite low according guidance and clinical outcomes after drug-eluting stents: the
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