Smoke Sensor in AHU
Smoke Sensor in AHU
Smoke Sensor in AHU
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Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Glossary of Terms Introduction Characteristics of Smoke in HVAC Systems Duct Smoke Detection Equipment Typical Air Handling Systems 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 11 - 13
How Duct Detection Systems are Used to Control Smoke 14, 15 Procedure for Duct Smoke Detector Application and Installation Maintenance and Service of Detectors for Use in Ducts Duct Smoke Detector Test Log 16 - 21 22 23
The purpose of this guide is to provide much needed information concerning the proper use of smoke detectors in duct applications. Duct mounted smoke detectors are designed to provide a specific type of protection that cannot be duplicated by any other type of system. However, there has been a tendency to misapply these devices in the past attempting to use them as a substitute for an early warning smoke detection system. This fact, coupled with new methods of detecting smoke in ducts, has prompted the writing of this industry guide. Fire Protection Engineers, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Fire Alarm System designers and installers should find the contents both educational and informative. This information is intended as a technical guide, as distinct from mandatory requirements.
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Glossary of Terms
Section #1
1.1. 1.1.1. Glossary of Terms Air Sampling Detector: An extremely sensitive smoke detection device that can sample, test and evaluate the amount of particle concentration within an air sample. Area Smoke Detector: A device that will detect visible or invisible particles of combustion. Also called a spot type detector. Coil: A cooling or heating element made of pipe or tubing. Coil, direct expansion: Coil using the direct refrigeration method. CFM: Unit volume of flow cubic feet per minute. FPM: Feet per minute unit velocity of air flow. Damper: A valve or plate regulating the flow of air or other fluid. Damper, multiple louver: A damper having a number of adjustable blades, used to vary the volume of air passing through a confined section by varying the cross sectional area. Duct: A passageway made of sheet metal or other suitable material not necessarily leak-tight, used for conveying air or other gas at low pressures. Duct Smoke Detector A device located within the duct, protruding into the duct, or located outside the duct that detects visible or invisible particles of combustion flowing within the duct. Actuation of the device may allow operation of certain control functions. Exhaust Tube: Usually a round tube that provides a path for sampled air to return from the detection device to the duct. Fan: An air moving device comprising a wheel or blade and a housing or orifice plate. Humidifier: A device to add moisture to the air. Inch of Water: A unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted by a column of water at a temperature of 4.0C (39.2F). Inlet Sampling Tube: Usually a round tube with holes that collects air from the duct and brings it to the detection device. Ionization Detector: A smoke detector using the principle of ion flow within a chamber to detect visible and invisible particles of combustion (within a size range normally encountered as a result of fire). Light Beam Detector:
A smoke detection device that operates on the smoke obscuration principle.
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Glossary of Terms
Section #1
1.1. 1.1.18. 1.1.19. Glossary of Terms (continued) Magnehelic Gauge: Gauge for reading static pressures in air systems. Photoelectric Detector: A smoke detector using the principle of optical detection of visible particles of combustion. Pitot Tube: A device used to measure the total pressure of a fluid stream. It is essentially a tube attached to a manometer at one end and pointed upstream at the other. Pressure: The normal force exerted by a homogenous liquid or gas per unit of area on the wall of a container. Pressure Differential: A pressure difference (usually specified in inches of water) between two points in a duct. Return Exhaust: The duct which is used to return the air to the HVAC processing center for conditioning. Sampling Tube: Usually a round tube with holes that collects air from the duct and brings it to the detection device. Smoke Detectors: A device used to automatically sense the presence of particles of combustion. Stratification: A phenomenon where smoke or other gases travel in layers at different levels within the duct, rather than being evenly distributed throughout the duct. Supply Duct: The duct which distributes conditioned air, i.e., cooled, heated, cleaned, humidified, etc. Thermo-anemometer: A device used to measure air velocity. Venturi Principle: A tube with a narrow throat (a constriction) that increases the velocity and lowers the pressure of the liquid or gas passing through it, creating a partial vacuum immediately after the constriction in the tube. The vacuum created has a sucking effect (eduction), and a venturi is commonly used to introduce a liquid (such as a regenerant) or gas (such as air) into a flowing water stream.
1.1.25. 1.1.26.
1.1.28. 1.1.29.
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Section #2
2.1. 2.1.1. Purpose of Duct Smoke Detection National and local safety standards and codes recognize the ability of air duct systems to transfer smoke, toxic gases, and flame from area to area. Sometimes smoke can be of such quantity as to be a serious hazard to life safety unless blowers are shut down and dampers are actuated. The primary purpose of duct smoke detection, then, is to prevent injury, panic, and property damage by reducing the spread (recirculation) of smoke. Duct smoke detection can also serve to protect the air conditioning system itself from fire and smoke damage, and can be used to assist in equipment protection applications, for example, in the ventilation/exhaust duct work of mainframe computers and tape drives. Perhaps more important is the identification of what duct smoke detection is not intended for rather than what it is. It is not a substitute for an area smoke detector. It is not a substitute for early warning detection. It is not a replacement for a buildings regular fire detection system. NFPA 90A supports this by stating: Protection provided by the installation of smoke detectors and other related requirements is intended to prevent the distribution of smoke through the supply air duct system and, preferably, to exhaust a significant quantity of smoke to the outside. Neither function, however, will guarantee either early detection of fire or the detection of smoke concentrations prior to dangerous smoke conditions if smoke movement is other than through the supply air system.1 NFPA 72 States: Detectors that are installed in the air duct system, shall not be used as a substitute for open area protection. Dilution of smoke-laden air by clean air from other parts of the building, or dilution by outside air intakes, may allow high densities of smoke in a single room with no appreciable smoke in the air duct at the detector location. Smoke may not be drawn from open areas when air conditioning or ventilating systems are shut down. 2 Area smoke detectors are the preferred means of controlling smoke spread since: Duct smoke detectors can only detect smoke when smoke laden air is circulating in the ductwork. Fans may not be running at all times, such as during cyclical operation or during temporary power failure. Duct smoke detectors sample great volumes of air from large areas of coverage. They cannot be expected to match the detection ability of area detectors. Dirt contaminated air filters can restrict air flow causing a reduction in the operating effectiveness of the duct smoke detectors.
1 2
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Section #2
2.2. 2.2.1. Applications NFPA 90A1, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, specifies that Smoke Detectors listed for use in air distribution systems shall be located: (a) Downstream of the air filters and ahead of any branch connections in air supply systems having a capacity greater than 2,000 cfm (944 L/sec). (b) At each story prior to the connection to a common return and prior to any recirculation or fresh air inlet connection in air return systems having a capacity greater than 15,000 cfm (7080 L/sec), and serving more than one story. Exception No. 1: Return system smoke detectors are not required when the entire space served by the air distribution system is protected by a system of area smoke detectors. Exception No. 2: Fan units whose sole function is to remove air from inside the building to outside the building. Application Documents There are several important documents that provide guidance concerning the performance, application and installation of duct smoke detectors: U.L. Standard 268A, Standard for Smoke Detectors for Duct Applications NFPA Standard 90A, Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems NFPA 92A, Recommended Practice for Smoke Control Systems NFPA Standard 72, National Fire Alarm Code NFPA Standard 101, Life Safety Code ASHRAE Handbook and Product Directory, Fire and Smoke Control Typical Scenarios Duct smoke detection may be useful in preventing injury and property damage in instances such as the following: A heating, ventilating, or air conditioning (HVAC) fan motor overheats and resulting smoke is sensed by the duct smoke detector installed in the main supply duct. The duct smoke detector is equipped with an auxiliary relay that immediately cuts power to the fan motor before significant amounts of smoke can be distributed to the occupied areas. A fire starts on the second floor of a building. The HVAC system serving the second floor also serves floors one through four; therefore, smoke is being spread to these floors as well. If area smoke detectors are not provided, the only means of automatic detection are the duct smoke detectors located in the return air ducts on each floor ahead of the main return plenum. The quantity of smoke in the duct eventually reaches proportions sufficient to alarm the second floor duct smoke detector which transmits a signal to the building fire alarm system. Evacuation signaling and HVAC shutdown functions are then provided by the fire alarm control unit. Refer to Chapter 11 of NFPA 72, and NFPA 92A for control of smoke spread.
2.3. 2.3.1.
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3.2. 3.2.1.
2 1 0.5 A Scattered light principle (according to Bol) 0.2 0.1 0.05 C Ionization chamber principle (according to Hosemann) B Extinction principle (according to Hosemann)
Particle Diameter
Figure 3-1 Relative Sensitivities of Three Technologies as a Function of Particle Diameter (Source: NBS IR78-1502,Smoke Measurements In Large and Small Scale Fire Testing, by Richard W. Bukowski)
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3.3. 3.3.1.
Foam Gaskets
Conduit Holes
Power Board
Detector Board
Detector Cover
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Duct Width
Insert Plug this end of Inlet Tube Inlet Tube Holes Face into Air Flow Exhaust Tube
Electrical Box
An area smoke detector, listed for the application, may be mounted on an outlet box totally within the duct or they may be mounted on the exterior of the duct, with the sensing area of the detector protruding into the air stream. (Figure 4-3) Another duct detection device may be the light beam type detector. This unit performs best when utilizing long beam paths, e.g., in the large plenums rather than small ducts. Air sampling detection units are extremely sensitive and can detect minute changes in air particle concentration. (Figure 4-4) An air sampling detection tube or head is inserted in the air stream of the duct. Air is drawn out and through the detection device. The detection unit typically is set at an operating level of normal background particle concentration. An alarm will sound when the concentration exceeds a preset alarm threshold value. Figure 4-4 Typical Air Sampling Detector Installation
Exhausted Air Detector Sampling Point
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Return Air
Cooling Coil
Heating Coil
Supply Fan
Outside Air Mixed Air Section Conditioning Section Fan Section Terminal Section
5.2. 5.2.1.
Mixed Air Section This section consists of a plenum where recirculated (return) air and fresh (outside) air are introduced and mixed. A filter removes dirt, dust and other airborne particles from the air before it enters the conditioning section. Conditioning Section The conditioning section generally consists of a heating coil, a cooling coil, a humidifier or any combination thereof. These coils may be arranged in series, in parallel or in a combination of series and parallel. The cooling coil lowers the temperature of the air passing through either by using chilled water or direct expansion of a refrigerant gas supplied from a remote refrigeration compressor. The heating coil raises the temperature of the air passing through it by means of steam, hot water, or electric heaters. Humidifiers add moisture in the form of dry steam directly into the air stream. A humidifier is shut off whenever the system supply fan is not running to avoid moisture damage to the duct system.
5.3. 5.3.1.
5.3.3. 5.3.4.
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5.5. 5.5.1.
5.6. 5.6.1.
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System Type
Can be very large, 12 x 12 (4.18 m x 4.18 m) or more Can be very large, 12 x 12 (4.18 m x 4.18 m) or more
The air pressure inside a duct with respect to the air pressure outside the duct is positive on the supply side of the fan and is negative on the return side.
+5 (1.24) +2 (.50)
2 (.50) 2 (.50)
1 (.25) 1 (.25)
The temperature inside the duct of an operating air handling system is between 42F and 180F (5.6C and 82.2C). Cooling applications have the lowest temperatures. For heating applications, the typical temperature is about 100F (37.8C). The 180F (82.2C) temperature is unusual and is encountered only in areas near a steam coil. When the fan is off, temperatures in the vicinity of a steam coil may reach 240F (115.6C). A device located here may be even warmer due to radiation from the steam coil. The temperature of the air in the mixed air and outside air sections are affected by the outdoor temperature. In very cold climates, the temperature in these sections can be as low as 40F (40C). The expected temperature range surrounding the duct system is: Indoor areas: 45F to 120F (7.2C to 48.9C) Outdoor areas: 40F to 160F (40C to 71.1C)
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6.2. 6.2.1.
Exhaust Air
Return Air
Conditioned Air Space Outside Air Filter Humidifier Cooling Coil Supply Fan Duct Smoke Detector
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6.4. 6.4.1.
L3 Contactor
H On Off Coil
Overload Safety Controls Contactor Contactor Auxiliary Contact Duct Smoke Control Detector Contact (Opens When Smoke is Detected)
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7.1.3. 7.1.4.
7.1.7. 7.1.8.
See NFPA 90A for details of where duct smoke detectors can be eliminated in systems of less than 2,000 cfm capacity or in buildings equipped with a system of smoke detectors providing total area coverage.
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Electrical Box
Figure 7-1 Pendant Mounted Air Duct Installation 7.2.4. Following are procedures that aid in properly installing smoke detectors that mount to the side of the duct and sample smoke by means of tubes that project into the duct. A well placed duct smoke detector monitors representative samples of air flowing through a duct. While any air sample may seem sufficient, there can be several problems: Dilution: If outside air mixes with circulated air, it can dilute combustion particle concentration and prevent a detector from sensing a fire. Remember that detectors alarm only when combustion particles constitute a specified percentage of air being sampled. To avoid dilution, detectors should be located before fresh air intakes and before the exhaust air output.
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Air Flow
Figure 7-2 Typical Duct Smoke Detector Placement Stratification: Detector placement should be such that there is uniform air flow in the cross section area. In practice, this ideal condition may not always be achievable. The distance from a bend or vent is usually given as a multiple of duct width or diameter. Within a duct, air and combustion particles may stratify in such a way that proper sampling cannot take place. The wider the duct, the greater the possibility of stratification taking place. A method of getting a representative air sample is to locate a duct smoke detector directly after a bend in the duct after an air inlet which creates turbulence (See Figure 7-2). A distance of 6 duct widths should separate the duct housing from the bend or inlet. (See for exception.) Excess Humidity: As with open area detectors, high levels of humidity or condensation within the duct can cause false alarm problems. Duct smoke detectors should be located at a minimum of ten feet downstream from humidifiers. Air Filters: Air filters within ducts tend to collect paper, lint and trash all flammable materials. For this reason, duct smoke detectors should be located on the downstream side of filters. Air Velocity: Duct smoke detectors are usually designed to be used in air handling systems having a certain range of air velocities. Be sure to check engineering specifications to make sure duct air velocity falls within these parameters. Placement: Duct smoke detector assemblies mounted within the duct should be located on the sides or top of a duct. Detectors listed for use in open air applications should not be used inside a duct in place of a duct smoke detector. Duct smoke detectors mounted in an enclosure with sampling tubes can be installed onto any wall of the duct unless otherwise restricted by the manufacturers instructions. Select the proper sampling tube length for duct enclosure installation. If duct is more than three feet wide drill an appropriate diameter hole directly opposite but 23 in. lower to support the sampling tube of lengths longer than three feet. Exhaust tube length is not usually a critical dimension. It may vary from a stub to the full width of the duct. Be sure to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer regarding the exhaust tube.
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Tube Support Hole only for Ducts More than 3 Feet Wide
Duct Width
Insert Plug this End of Inlet Tube Inlet Tube Holes Face into Air Flow Exhaust Tube
Figure 7-3 Inlet Tube Orientation Plug sampling tube end with an air stopper. The duct smoke detector enclosure and sampling tubes should be mounted rigidly to prevent noise chatter and mechanical fatigue. Avoid air leaks. Air leaks in or out of the duct or detector dilute or redirect smoke within the duct. Gaskets and duct seal can be used to avoid or seal any leaks. If duct sampling tube protrudes through opposite side of duct, seal the opening around the tube on the outside of the duct with duct sealant. After mounting the duct enclosure to the duct and installing the sampling and exhaust tubes, verify that there is air flow through the duct smoke detector. This is accomplished by measuring the static pressure difference between the inlet and outlet tubes using a manometer as illustrated in the instrument section of this manual. If pressure differential cannot be attained, check for leaks, proper orientation of hole placement on sample tube, air velocity, and stratification of airflow in the duct. Relocate the duct smoke detector if the pressure differential specified by the manufacturer cannot be attained after checking all possible fault causing problems. Prior to completing the installation, clean the duct enclosure, and check indicators for hole orientation.
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Static Pressure Zero Pitot Tube Traverse RA Total Suction Pressure Static Pressure Readings Across Filters and Coils
Figure 7-4 After electrical and fpm readings are taken, the total volume of air, fan pressure and pressure drops are read.
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Leveling Bolt
Figure 7-5 115-AV inclined manometer for velocity pressure readings in low velocity ducts, 400 to 2000 fpm.
Figure 7-6 Magnehelic gauge for reading static pressures in air systems
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8.2.4. 8.2.5.
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Description of Detector Location: Example: 3rd floor of west wing in elevator lobby.
Test Results and Maintenance Data Date Tested Example: Test Mode detector test button Test Results passed Maintenance Performed and Comments none
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