Eco 202 Fall 2022 Outline
Eco 202 Fall 2022 Outline
Eco 202 Fall 2022 Outline
Section 3
Fall 2022
Instructor: Dr. Arefin Kamal (KMF)
Email: [email protected]
Office: UB40601
Meeting Time: Monday-Wednesday, 3:30-4:50 PM
Meeting Place: UB30103
Consultation Hours: MW 11:00AM-12:20PM or By Appointment
Course Overview: The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to statistical methods
and their applications in economics and business. The course also introduces statistical software
packages for practical applications.
Co-requisites: None
Learning Outcomes: The learning outcomes of this course and the corresponding program out-
comes are as follows:
The book will serve mainly as a useful reference tool and as a supplement to lectures, which are
the primary learning tool in this class. This is not a class where you can memorize the textbook
and expect to get a good grade at the end of the semester: regular attendance at lecture and effort
expended in doing problems will be essential ingredients for doing well.
Course Assessment Methods: The requirements for this course are quizzes, assignments, midterm
exam, final exam and attendance. The corresponding grade shares are outlined in the table below.
Classroom Policies: Since it is worth 5% of your overall grade, attendance is highly recom-
mended. Please note that the material we cover each week builds on the content of the previous
weeks. If you miss class, you are still responsible for the material that was covered. I recommend
you to try to catch up right away: if not, you will find yourself slipping farther and farther behind.
Late Work and Examinations: The dates and times for quizzes will be announced in class.
Late assignments will not be accepted, unless there is an acceptable reason. Students who know
Course Requirement Percentage
Quizzes 15
Assignments 15
Midterm Exam 25
Final Exam 40
Attendance 5
Total 100
that they are going to miss a class assessment, should make arrangements in advance.
Grading Policies:Student’s grades are assigned according to the grading scale of the BRAC Uni-
versity Undergraduate Study and Examinations Regulations. In addition, the faculty are allowed
to take into consideration the class average and standard deviation to reflect the actual class per-
formance for student grade assignment.
Course Contents and Schedules: The tentative list of topics to be covered are the following;
however, changes may be made based on pedagogical reasons.